Basic Statistics Session 1

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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Basic StatisticsIntroductory Workshop MSBAPM

    John R Wilson that !uch o" the !aterial and de#nitions are "ro! A $irst %ourse in Statistics& Mc%la'e and Sinci

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Section *ne + *'er'ie, o" ter!

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    So!e de#nitions

    escripti'e Statistics - Methods "or describin a as it is.

    In"erential Statistics + Reach conclusions beyondthe i!!ediate data

    Sa!ple data insiht -----In"ers population insiht

    Para!eter + su!!ary !easure "or population Statistic + su!!ary !easure "or a sa!ple

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    More de#nitions//

    Population + A unit that ,e are interested in stud(ie& reistered 'oters& collee students& !lb playetc.)

    Sa!ple + subset o" the population 0ariables + %haracteristics o" the population or sa!pl

    Measures + Assin!ent o" a 'alue "or each character

    %ould be continuous (ie ae& ,eiht) or cateorical (A&B&% et

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Why in"erential statistics1

    Population 's Sa!ple Population !ay not be practical or is too e2pensi'e

    32. We ,ant to !easure likely 'oter outco!es4polli'oter is not practical so ,e poll a rando! sa!ple o" 'and then in"er ,hat ,e ,ould et i" ,e had polled A6

    7here is a potential "or error

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise *ne

    A sur'ey sho,s that the a'erae ae o" 70 'ie,8. $o2 belie'es the a'erae ae o" their 'ie,eless than 8. 7o test this& they sa!ple 9:: 'ie,

    escribe the population

    escribe the 'ariable o" interest

    escribe the sa!ple escribe the in"erence

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise *ne Ans,ers

    A sur'ey sho,s that the a'erae ae o" 70 'ie,8. $o2 belie'es the a'erae ae o" their 'ie,eless than 8. 7o test this& they sa!ple 9:: 'ie,

    escribe the population (All $o2 'ie,ers)

    escribe the 'ariable o" interest (Ae)

    escribe the sa!ple (9:: o" the $o2 'ie,ers) escribe the in"erence (7he in"erence is that the a'er

    o" the SAMP63 appro2i!ates the a'erae ae o" the epopulation)

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    As noted earlier& there could be error in a sa!plestatistic correctly appro2i!atin a population pa(ie $o2 sa!ple ae correctly appro2i!ates ae o$o2 'ie,ers)

    We use !easures o" reliability to re;ect the der

    uncertainty about statistical in"erence7his is o"ten re"erred to as the !arin o" error or

    con#dence inter'al We ,ill discuss these in !ore detail later

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    ata types

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise 7,o

    7he Ar!y %orps o" 3nineers is !easurin to2ic#sh. 7he captured a total o" #sh and noted "ollo,in 'ariables

    Ri'erCcreek ,here #sh ,as captured


    6enth Weiht

    7o2ic concentration in pp!

    Which are =uantitati'eC=ualitati'e

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise 7,o

    7he Ar!y %orps o" 3nineers is !easurin to2ic#sh. 7he captured a total o" #sh and noted "ollo,in 'ariables

    Ri'erCcreek ,here #sh ,as captured (

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Section 7,o + escripti'e Statis

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise 7hreePatient # Insured (1), Medicare/Medicaid (2),

    Uninsured (3)







    What is the "re=ueach o" the ins


    What type o" 'arKPatient L

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    6ets assu!e the "ollo,in colu!n o" 'alues459




    What is n1

    What 'alue ,ould correspond to 21

    What is the 'alue o" 1

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    6ets assu!e the "ollo,in colu!n o" 'alues459




    What is n1 n is

    What 'alue ,ould correspond to 21 8G

    What is the 'alue o" 1 989

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise $our

    Assu!e a dataset o" &&&8&&&G


    $ind 9


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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise $i'e5









    What is the !ean1Median1


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    32cel "or central !easures

    *pen up ne, e2cel ,orkbook 3nter nu!bers in "ro! 32ercise 8

    Qse e2cel "unctions to calculate !ean& !edian a!ode

    SA03 this ,orkbook..,e ,ill use this later

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Sa!ple !ean

    $or!ula "or sa!ple !ean ,hich is denoted as

    (Cn ,here n is the nu!ber o" obser'ations

    is usually re"erred to as K2 bar (Population !eK!u)

    7he roundin o" is subect to the deree o" accnecessary

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    When n is odd& the !edian is si!ply the !iddle a"ter arranin all obser'ations either in ascenddescendin order

    When n is e'en& then ,e use the a'erae o" the t,o nu!bers

    32D &8&G&&& 7he !edian ,ould be H (A'erae o" G&)

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Mean or Median1

    I" the !ean and !edian or close& ,e typically us!ean

    To,e'er& the !ean is sensiti'e to e2tre!e 'alue(outliers) ,hereas the !edian is not. In that cas!edian is o"ten used.

    *"ten& the !edian is used ,hen considerin househoinco!es& ,hich can ha'e e2tre!e outliers (0irinia s!aors)

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    Sy!!etric 's Ske,ed

    When the !ean is to the riht o" !edian& it is riske,ed (Ske,ness nu!ber ,ould be neati'e)

    When the !ean is to the le"t o" !edian& it is le"t (Ske,ness nu!ber ,ould be posti'e)

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    So!e other !easures o"=uantitati'e 'alues

    Ma2 and Min + the hihest and lo,est 'alue Rane - the diNerence "ro! the hihest 'alue an

    lo,est 'alue

    6o,er hal"-all 'alues to le"t o" !edian

    Qpper hal"- all 'alues to the riht o" the !edian

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    32ercise Si2

    %onsider U&H&&8&9&&9&&&V %alculateD





    =uartile rd=uartile

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Section + 0ariance and Standae'iation

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    %entral !easures are only part o" the story We are also interested in the Kspread o" the dis

    We earlier considered rane

    o, ,e ,ant to consider the 'ariance and standard d

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    7he distance "ro! an obser'ation to the !ean oobser'ations is called a de'iation

    3ach obser'ation ,ould be noted as 2- (ote thcould be positi'e or neati'e


    I!aine a plot ,ith three points U&&8V7he !ean is & so the de'iation "or is neati'e one

    de'iation "or 8 is plus one (7he de'iation "or is :)

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32a!ple o" 'ariance

    o, consider these t,o data sets U&9&&&8V and U9&&&&V

    To, ,ould you describe these datasets1

    What are the ra, de'iations "or each nu!ber in each

    Why can>t ,e si!ply Ka'erae out the de'iations1

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32a!ple o" 'ariance solution

    U&9&&&8V and U9&&&&V

    To, ,ould you describe these datasets1 7hey both ha'e a !ean o"

    7he ranes are and 9& respecti'ely

    7hey both ha'e 8 !e!bers& but there is reater 'ariance inset

    What are the ra, de'iations "or each nu!ber in each U-9&-&:&&9V and U-&:&:&:&V

    Why can>t ,e si!ply Ka'erae out the de'iations to a sinle !easure o" 'ariablility1

    It ,ould al,ays e=ual ero

    7here are t,o ,ays to handle this4use absolute 'alues (,h

    cause proble!s) or s=uare each de'iation

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    %alculatin 'ariance

    Re!e!ber our last set U&&8V We had de'iations o" -&:& I" ,e su!!ed the! up& they ,ould e=ual ero& but th

    clearly not the case as there is a distribution

    7o resol'e that& ,e s=uare each o" the de'iations& su!up and then di'ide by - (In this case& 9)

    7here"ore our 'ariance is E:EC9

    *ur "or!ula looks like thisD

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Standard de'iation o" sa!ple

    *ur standard de'iation is the s=uare root o" our'ariance

    In our last case& our 'ariance ,as & so the s=uare roo

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    Si2 si!a

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Si2 si!a

    St d d i ti d 0 i

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Standard e'iation and 0arianc32cel Reopen our pre'ious ,orkbook

    We can use the stde' and 'ar "unctions

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    32ercise se'en

    Qsin e2cel

    3nter the "ollo,in nu!bers into a colu!n


    Qsin e2cel "unctions& return the !ean& !edian&

    'ariance and standard de'iation

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    7he need to 'isualie

    7he !easures discussed (!ean& std de'iation& edon>t al,ays tell the ,hole story

    Ansco!be>s =uartet

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    6unch Break

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    Why do pro"essional poker players al,ays see! t


    So!e& but they also ha'e a reat understandin oprobability and odds

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Si!ple probability + the coin tos

    I!aine tossin a coin

    What is the probability o" the toss resultin in KT

    7he ans,erD .8 or 8:F

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Si!ple probability

    6et>s take our last e2a!ple4,e ;ipped a coin anca!e up heads

    We no, ,ant to ;ip the coin aain What is the probability that it ,ill co!e up heads aa

    I" ,e ;ip it : ti!es and it is heads all ten ti!es& ,haprobability that it ,ill co!e up heads the thti!e.

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    7hese coin tosses are acts or obser'ations that lsinle outco!e& but that cannot be predicted wicertainty.

    3ach obser'ation is called a sa!ple point or si!e'ent

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Sa!ple points

    In the case o" the coin& there ,ere t,o sa!ple pheads and tails

    What are the sa!ple points on a sinle die (ice

    We ha'e to be care"ul ,hen considerin the sa!

    points that are possible (See ne2t slide)

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Sa!ple points

    Proble!D 6ist all o" the sa!ple points i" ,e ;ip 7W

    We !iht think there are three sa!ple points ,he;ippin these coins





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    Sa!ple points ---sa!ple spac

    But there are really sa!ple points





    7he set o" sa!ple points is re"erred to as a sa!pspace and& as obser'ed abo'e& is denoted as SD

    77& T7& 7TV

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise eiht

    enote the sa!ple space o" a sinle dice

    enote the sa!ple space o" the "ace cards (J&

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Probability de#ned

    7he probability o" an e'ent is the likelihood that outco!e ,ill occur ,hen the e2peri!ent is per"o

    Probability is usually denoted as KP

    What is the likelihood that ,hen ,e roll a standathe roll ,ill result in a K1

    It is in G& or appro2. G.HF

    b bili d d

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Probability e2panded

    Re!e!ber the : consecuti'e coin ;ips that res


    I" ,e ,ere to conduct that e2peri!ent ($lippin thone !illion ti!es& ,e ,ould 'ery likely see a resusuests rouhly hal" the ;ips ,ere heads and ha;ips ,ere tails.

    7his is the la, o" lare nu!bers ,hich states threlati'e "re=uency o" an outco!e approaches its ttheoretical probability the !ore ti!es you repeat

    Q l l

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Qnclear sa!ple spaces

    5ou are startin a business. What is the probability th

    succeed1 We could si!ply state ,ill either succeed or "a

    To,e'er& ,e kno, that is not true& so ho, ,ould ,e aprobability1

    We could consider e2perience in runnin a si!ilar business

    We could look at success rates o" si!ilar businesses We could apply statistical techni=ues usin 'ariables such a

    location& etc.

    Whiche'er techni=ues ,e use& the #nal assess!ent o"probability is still subecti'e

    P b bilit l

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Probability rules

    A66 probabilities& ,hether subecti'e or not& !us

    9 basic rules.7he probability o" a sa!ple point MQS7 lie bet,een :

    7he probabilities o" all sa!ple points ,ithin a sa!ple!ust e=ual

    3 i i %l di i

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise nine + %lass discussion

    Suppose you are tra'elin to *rane county %al

    and are interested in stayin at a hotel that has conser'ation prora!.

    What are the sa!ple points "or this e2peri!ent1

    To, ,ould you o about assinin the probabiliyour sa!ple points1

    3 t

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    $irst& ,hat are the sa!ple points "or a sinle die

    SD U&9&&&8&GV

    Suppose that instead o" the probability o" a sinsa!ple point& ,e ,ere interested in so!ethin l

    probability that the nu!ber ,ill be e'en (or oddcalled an event

    An e'ent is typically noted as A.

    3'ent A (Ke'en in this case)contains sa!ple pall ,ith probabilities o" CG4,e si!ply add the!

    et P o" A o" C9

    St " l l ti P " t

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Steps "or calculatin P o" e'ent

    e#ne the e2perie!ent..that is& describe the pro

    used to !ake an obser'ation and the type o"obser'ation that ,ill be recorded

    6ist the sa!ple points

    Assin probabilities to the sa!ple points

    eter!ine the collection o" sa!ple points contathe e'ent

    Su! the sa!ple point probabilities to et the pro" the e'ent

    32ercise ten

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise ten7his is a study o" di'orced peop

    Group Description Proportion

    PP Joint custody and et alon ,ell .9%% *ccasional con;ict .

    AA %ooperate on children& con;ict other,ise .98

    $$ Tostile to each other& in con;ict on e'ery issue .98

    Suppose that :: couples are selected at rando!D 6ist the sa!ple points Assin probabilities to the sa!ple points What is the probability that the spouses "all into the $$ cateory1 What is the probability o" at least so!e con;ict1

    Identi"yin sa!ple points "ro!

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    de y sa p e po s oroups So "ar& ,e ha'e seen s!all co!binations& so ide

    the sa!ple points ,as easy But let>s assu!e ,e ,anted to select any sa!pl

    ite!s "ro! a ar o" :: ite!s. 7o understand theprobability o" any *3 roup o" 8 ite!s& ,e needkno, ho, !any diNerent roups o" 8 there are.

    We could try and list the! all& but that ,ould be tediodoesn>t scale ,ell

    So ,hat do ,e do1

    %o!binatorial !ath

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    %o!binatorial !ath

    We utilie a co!bination "or!ula

    $ro! our last scenario& lets assin :: (7otal nu!ite!s in the ar) and n8 (7otal nu!ber o" ite!s ,e select)

    7he "or!ula ,e use isYD

    / C n/(-n)/

    7he e2cla!ation point is called a K"actorial (see ne

    Y7his assu!es once an ite! is selected it is *7 replaced). I" it ,as replaced& the "or!ula ,::8& but it ,ouldn>t !ake sense in this conte2t because ,e need 8 I$$3R37 ite!s


  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    $actorial si!ply !eans that ,e !ultiply a nu!b

    each nu!ber be"ore it

    32 8/7his !eans 8 2 2 2 9 2 (:/ is by de#nition)

    So 8/ 9:

    Back to co!binations

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    Back to co!binations

    So in our e2a!ple& :: and n8

    So ,e ,ould ha'e ::/C8/(:: + 8)/

    7his e=uals a R3A665 bi nu!ber4let>s open up and use the K"act "unction to calculate it

    5ou should et H89H89:7hat !eans there are o'er H8 !illion co!binatio

    7he probability o" selectin any *3 o" theco!binations is CH89H89:

    32ercise ele'en

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise ele'en

    %alculate ho, !any sa!ples o" 8 ite!s out o" a

    possible 9: there are. (Ans,er is 8&8:)

    6et>s calculate 6*77*//

    Assu!e 8 nu!bers and you need the rihtco!bination o" G to ,in. What is the probability

    Multiplicati'e probability o"

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    p p yindependent e'ents What i" ,e ha'e !ultiple e'ents occurrin1

    $or e2a!ple& the P o" sur'in heart surery is .the p o" sur'i'in the reco'ery is .. What is thprobability that i" you ha'e heart surery& you ,actually o ho!e1

    We si!ply !ultiply the probabilities& so the p o" ho!e is . Y ..G (So the hospital ,ould saprocedures ha'e an 8F success rate)

    32ercise (6otto)

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise (6otto)


    7his e=uals 99&8H&:

    7he probability is C99&8H&:

    7he ticket ,ould state that the odds o" ,innin arouhly in 9!illion

    iscrete probability distribution

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    In our sa!ple point proble!s& ,e ,ere able to li

    either !anually or usin co!binatorial !ath& thesa!ple points.

    7he "act that ,e can Klist these !akes the! ,hre"er to as discrete rando! 'ariables. 7his ter!that there is a fnite nu!ber o" distinct possible

    (or sa!ple points)7his diNers "ro! continuous 'alues that are in#n

    lead to the continuous probability distribution todiscussed shortly

    iscrete probability distribution

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    iscrete probability distributionQsin our e2a!ple o" t,o coins

    TT T& 7 77:





    7oss o" t,o coins

    7oss o" t,o coins

    iscrete Probability istribution

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    iscrete Probability istribution

    TT T& 7 77-:.98




    7oss o" t,o coins

    7oss o" t,o coins

    Re!e!ber "ro! our earlier e2a!ple that there ,ere sa!ple points UTT& T7& 7T& 77V

    I" ,e treat T7 and 7T as a sinle 'alue& ,e cancalculate the p o" that 'alue as Z E Z or [

    7he raph abo'e depicts our discrete probabilitydistribution

    We can also depict this ,ith a "or!ula

    iscrete Probability istribution

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    7he probability distribution o" a discrete rando! 'ariable is a or "or!ula that speci#es the PR*BABI6I75 associated ,ith each'alue that the rando! 'ariable can assu!e

    7here are t,o conditions that !ust be !et P(2) \ or to : "or A66 'alues o" 2.

    Su! o" p(2)

    iscrete Probability istribution

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    iscrete Probability istribution

    So!eti!es& the distribution is disco'ered a"ter !any obser'at

    is not kno,n a priori $or e2a!ple& Q o" A] researchers used historical records o" dro7e2as to sho, that the distribution o" 2& ,here 2 nu!ber o" !ust be sa!pled until a dry year is obser'ed& could be sho,n"or!ulaD p(2) (.)(.H)(2-) 2 &9&4

    What is the p that a"ter any consecuti'e years& a drouht ,o

    P() (.)(.H)(-) (.)(.H)9 (.)(.) .H

    7hus there is a 8F chance that "or any years& a drouht !i

    Mean and std de'iation o" discrd i bl

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    rando! 'ariable

    TT (:) T& 7 () 77 (9)-:.98




    7oss o" t,o coins

    7oss o" t,o coins

    6ets assin 'alues o" :& & 9 to the

    possible outco!es. While ,e canlook at the raph to see that the!ean appears to be & ,e cancon#r! that by !ultiplyin our'alues by their respecti'e p

    So :(C) E (.8) E 9(.98) 7hus the !ean is one.

    7his !ean is o"ten re"erred to as theKe2pected 'alue and denoted 3(2)-- 5ou ,ill see this later in the BAPMprora!

    32ercise t,el'e

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise t,el'e

    6et>s say you ,ork "or an insurance co!pany an

    sell a one year ^:&::: policy ,ith a pre!iu! o7he policy pays out i" the custo!er dies& but thethat happenin is .::. What is the e2pected athis transaction1

    32ercise t,el'e

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise t,el'e

    6et>s say you ,ork "or an insurance co!pany an

    sell a one year ^:&::: policy ,ith a pre!iu! o7he policy pays out i" the custo!er dies& but thethat happenin is .::. What is the e2pected athis transaction1Gain x Sap!e point p

    9: %usto!er li'es .

    -&H: (9: +


    %usto!er dies .::

    7he e2pected ain is 9:(.) E (-H:)(.::) ^9:

    I" the co!pany ,ere to sell a 'ery lare nu!ber o" policies it ,ould neon a'erae& 9: per sale.

    7he 'ariance (and std de'iationd i bl

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    a rando! 'ariable7he 'ariance o" a rando! 'ariable 2 isD

    _9 3` (2-)9 (2-)9)Y(p(2))

    7his is re"erred to as the expected value o the sq

    distance rom the mean

    7he std de'iation is si!ply the s=uare root o" _9

    32ercise thirteen

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    32ercise thirteen

    A certain type o" che!otherapy is success"ul H:

    ti!e. 6et 2 e=ual the nu!ber o" success"ul cure8.

    So this !eans that "or any #'e treated patients& 9sur'i'e .9F o" ti!e& ,ill sur'i'e GF o" ti!e&

    $ind the !ean& 'ariance and standard de'iation distribution

    " 1 2 3 4 5

    P(2) .::9 .:9 .9 .: .G: .G

    32ercise thirteen

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1


    e c se ee

    3(2) :(.::9) E (.:9) E 9(.9) E (.:) E (.G:) E 8(.G) .87his !eans that the nu!ber o" success"ul cures& on a'erae& "or #'e patien,ill be .8 (H:F success rate)

    0ariance _9 3` (2-)9 (2-)9)Y(p(2)) (:-.8)9 Y(.::9) E (-.8)9 Y (.:9) 4(8-.8)9 Y (.G) .:8

    Std de'iation is s=uare root o" .:8 .:9

    %onclusion o" Session

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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



    Website ,ith statistical sy!bols


    reek letters

    ] score table

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1



  • 7/25/2019 Basic Statistics Session 1
