Basicas 2012

Post on 28-May-2015

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BásicasLembre-se que nosso foco é a INTERPRETAÇÃO de texto.

to write a word, sentence etc in the alphabet of a different language or writing system and maintain, as faithfully as possible, the original connotational, denotational, semantical, pragmatical, intentional, deferential and social characteristics; which can be strenuous and hard. Thus TRANSLITERATION WORKS WITH PROXIMITY.



e NÃO o estudo detalhado de cada um deles.

"The United Nations recommends that a city of this size have 4,000 officers," he says. "But I only have 1,000."


Present Simple/Present Continuous

Americans are well aware of Mexico's drug war and the horrific violence that takes place a stone's throw away from the United States.

Present Simple/Present Continuous

Almost every murder in these Central American countries goes unsolved. The impunity rate -- the rate of serious crimes that go unsolved -- is extremely high, estimated by the United Nations to be 98% in Guatemala.


Present Simple/Present Continuous

The laws are there because of Brazilian football’s bloody record. One report in 2009 put Brazil at the top of the league for deaths as a result of violence in football - with 42 in a decade. Lawmakers are doing what they can to drop down that particular scoreboard.

Present Simple/Present Continuous

The twisted tale of Zuckerberg vs. Zuckerberg started after Zuckerberg, formerly Guez, launched a Like Store that sold Facebook "likes" to companies, a transaction that violates the social networking site's policies.

Past Simple

First, Zuckerberg, formerly Guez, sued Facebook over its failure to return his "hacked" profile. Next, a lawyer from Perkins Coie representing Facebook wrote a letter to Zuckerberg, then Guez, in September, warning him to "immediately stop your activities." The lawyer asked Zuckerberg to confirm before Sept. 5, 2011 that he had "stopped and will not in the future access Facebook's site, services, platform, or network for any reason whatsoever," among other stipulations.

Past Simple

In early December, Guez claimed he officially changed his name to Mark Zuckerberg and has posted pictures of his ID card and passport to prove it. He also recorded a video that he says documents his visit to the Ministry of Home Affairs to change his name.

Past Simple

(CNN) -- The breaking of plates may be a popular tradition practiced in his homeland, but Cypriot tennis player Marcos Baghdatis has just taken the pastime to a whole new level.


Present Perfect

Baghdatis' antics have drawn analysis from sporting commentators and fellow tennis players alike, including five-time Australian Open women's champion Serena Williams.

Present Perfect

"I've never done that. That's impressive, wow," she said in an interview on the Australian Open Website.

Present Perfect

"Considering the fact that I lost two games the whole match, I think I've played really, really well," Djokovic said, reported.

Present Perfect

CNN's "Narco Wars" focuses on Honduras and Guatemala because these two countries have become the key corridor for cocaine coming to the United States from South America. This has coincided with a dramatic spike in homicide rates, according to the United Nations. In Honduras, homicides have more than doubled between 2005 and 2010, the United Nations reports. As a result, the U.S. Peace Corps last weekend pulled more than 150 of its volunteers out of Honduras while it reviews the security situation there.

Present Perfect

Oprah Winfrey has made a career, and a fortune, plugging self-awareness on her talk show and her new TV network. Her interview style is deeply personal, confessional even. She likes to share, open up, and be frank about her own life in the course of speaking to others.

Present Perfect

The Senate had been scheduled to hold a proceedural vote next week on whether to take up the Protect IP Act (PIPA) -- a bill that once had widespread, bipartisan support. But on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he was postponing the vote "in light of recent events."

Past Perfect


e NÃO o estudo detalhado de cada um deles.



Os mais comuns...

They're one of the most important parts of our body when it comes to day-to-day activities; without them we couldn't cut vegetables, grip pliers, or text our friends. They're revealing, too: Not only do scars and age spots recount our personal history but mystics all the way back to prehistory have "read" our futures in their lines and whorls.

Texto (1)

But what if your hands could say more about you than that? What if, looking down at your palms and the five digits attached to them, you could discover early signs of dangerous diseases you didn't yet know you had? "It used to be common for doctors to look at the hands for important clues to overall health," says endocrinologist Kenneth Blanchard of Newton, Massachusetts. "We need to get back to that, because hands can tell you a great deal about circulation, hormones, and thyroid function.“

Texto (1)

Here are seven important clues your hands can reveal about your overall health.

1. Blotchy red palms: In the short term, red palms might mean you gripped the shovel too hard when you planted tomatoes, hand-washed a few too many delicates, or grabbed the teakettle a few moments too soon. But if your palms remain reddened over a long period of time, this may be a condition called palmar erythema, which is a sign of liver disease, particularly of cirrhosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver. (One exception: If you're pregnant, red palms are normal, because increased blood flow causes redness in more than half of expecting women.)

Texto (1)

Why? Inflammation of the liver gradually begins to impair its function, so it's no longer able to flush waste products out of the body as efficiently, Blanchard says. The result is an excess of circulating hormones, which in turn cause the blood vessels in the hands and feet to dilate, making them visible through the skin.

Texto (1)

What to do: Get evaluated for other symptoms of liver disease, which include swollen legs and abdomen, prominent veins on the upper torso and abdomen, and fatigue. Show your doctor your hands and feet and ask for liver function tests. The most common tests for liver function are a bilirubin count and a liver enzyme count.

Texto (1)


e NÃO o estudo detalhado de cada um deles.




Os mais comuns...

They're one of the most important parts of our body when it comes to day-to-day activities; without them we couldn't cut vegetables, grip pliers, or text our friends. They're revealing, too: Not only do scars and age spots recount our personal history but mystics all the way back to prehistory have "read" our futures in their lines and whorls.

Texto (1)

But what if your hands could say more about you than that? What if, looking down at your palms and the five digits attached to them, you could discover early signs of dangerous diseases you didn't yet know you had? "It used to be common for doctors to look at the hands for important clues to overall health," says endocrinologist Kenneth Blanchard of Newton, Massachusetts. "We need to get back to that, because hands can tell you a great deal about circulation, hormones, and thyroid function.“

Texto (1)

Here are seven important clues your hands can reveal about your overall health.

1. Blotchy red palms: In the short term, red palms might mean you gripped the shovel too hard when you planted tomatoes, hand-washed a few too many delicates, or grabbed the teakettle a few moments too soon. But if your palms remain reddened over a long period of time, this may be a condition called palmar erythema, which is a sign of liver disease, particularly of cirrhosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver. (One exception: If you're pregnant, red palms are normal, because increased blood flow causes redness in more than half of expecting women.)

Texto (1)

Why? Inflammation of the liver gradually begins to impair its function, so it's no longer able to flush waste products out of the body as efficiently, Blanchard says. The result is an excess of circulating hormones, which in turn cause the blood vessels in the hands and feet to dilate, making them visible through the skin.

Texto (1)

What to do: Get evaluated for other symptoms of liver disease, which include swollen legs and abdomen, prominent veins on the upper torso and abdomen, and fatigue. Show your doctor your hands and feet and ask for liver function tests. The most common tests for liver function are a bilirubin count and a liver enzyme count.

Texto (1)


e NÃO o estudo detalhado de cada um deles.

work out Put off Take off Get up Run into Stand out

Alguns exemplos...

A: Oh hello. Nice to see you again. Did you have a good holiday? I was planning to ring you up to ask you about it.

B: Yes, it was lovely. We had to set off really early because the plane took off at 6 a.m. But then we were on the beach in the sun by lunchtime.

A: Great! And what did you do most days? B: Well, we usually slept in. It was very nice

not having to get up early. And then we stayed up late at night, going out to discos and nightclubs. During the day, we usually lay on the beach or looked round the town.


e NÃO o estudo detalhado de cada um deles.

angrily, happily, sadly, wrongly, madly happier, sadder, better, nicer happiest, best, nicest, finest sadness, weakness, darkness strength, length, depth, width darken, broaden, deepen, fatten, shorten, strengthen,

lengthen beautiful, helpful, useful, wonderful endless, hopeless, meaningless responsible, adaptable, reachable, educable, accessible undo, unlucky, incorrect, dishonest, illegal, irregular misunderstand, misjudge, miscommunicate neighborhood, brotherhood, parenthood

Os mais comuns...

They're one of the most important parts of our body when it comes to day-to-day activities; without them we couldn't cut vegetables, grip pliers, or text our friends. They're revealing, too: Not only do scars and age spots recount our personal history but mystics all the way back to prehistory have "read" our futures in their lines and whorls.

Texto (1)

But what if your hands could say more about you than that? What if, looking down at your palms and the five digits attached to them, you could discover early signs of dangerous diseases you didn't yet know you had? "It used to be common for doctors to look at the hands for important clues to overall health," says endocrinologist Kenneth Blanchard of Newton, Massachusetts. "We need to get back to that, because hands can tell you a great deal about circulation, hormones, and thyroid function.“

Texto (1)

Here are seven important clues your hands can reveal about your overall health.

1. Blotchy red palms: In the short term, red palms might mean you gripped the shovel too hard when you planted tomatoes, hand-washed a few too many delicates, or grabbed the teakettle a few moments too soon. But if your palms remain reddened over a long period of time, this may be a condition called palmar erythema, which is a sign of liver disease, particularly of cirrhosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver. (One exception: If you're pregnant, red palms are normal, because increased blood flow causes redness in more than half of expecting women.)

Texto (1)

Why? Inflammation of the liver gradually begins to impair its function, so it's no longer able to flush waste products out of the body as efficiently, Blanchard says. The result is an excess of circulating hormones, which in turn cause the blood vessels in the hands and feet to dilate, making them visible through the skin.

Texto (1)

What to do: Get evaluated for other symptoms of liver disease, which include swollen legs and abdomen, prominent veins on the upper torso and abdomen, and fatigue. Show your doctor your hands and feet and ask for liver function tests. The most common tests for liver function are a bilirubin count and a liver enzyme count.

Texto (1)


(COESÃO)e NÃO o estudo detalhado de cada um deles.

but, however, although, though, despite, in spite of, conversely, nevertheless, yet

in addition, on top of that, furthermore, moreover, additionally, also

if, whether, as long as, in case, provided that

so, all in all, by and large, to sum up, in short

because, since, as, due to

Os mais comuns...

Rarely have a company, its products, and its top executive -- the late Steve Jobs -- been so thoroughly examined. And yet, for a corporation so frequently discussed, Apple is poorly understood

  Quite likely you have no idea what is going on,

and it's not like you're going to ask. If it hasn't been disclosed to you, then it's literally none of your business. What's more, your badge, which got you into particular areas before the new construction, no longer works in those places. All you can surmise is that a new, highly secretive project is under way, and you are not in the know. End of story.

The appearance is collegiate, but good luck auditing a class. Unlike Google's famously and ridiculously named "Googleplex,"

The call also revealed that netbooks -- essentially small, low-powered laptops -- now represent just 2% of the PC market. A year ago, they comprised 8%.

The Microsoft unit with the strongest sales remains the business software division, which includes Microsoft Office and other software. The sector accounted for $6.28 billion of the company's revenue, though it gained only 3% over the year.

So the United States deported many of these gang members back to Central America. As a result, Mara Salvatrucha and 18th Street, originally from Los Angeles, became Central American gangs.