Bats Nnamadi

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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An Amazing Species


INTELLIGENCE Bats know to wrap themselves up in their wings to keep warm. In order to get around at night, the bats use their keen senses of smell and hearing to find their way. During the cold season, bats hibernate to save energy until food is available in the spring.

A newborn bat is about the same size as the tip of your thumb.


Bats use echo- location to sense other bats from far away. Some bats can send out echolocation with its' nose and then direct it with its' wing.


A mother bat wraps its' wings around its' young becausethe young doesn't know how to keep itself safe and warm.

PEOPLE AND BATSAll bats need a place to rest, like we need a bed. Many people are disturbing bat roosting sites. When the bats are woken up in the winter, they awake to find that there is no food for them to eat.

Since people are disrupting the sleeping bats, they are starving to death! People are also destroying their homes leaving them with no place to live.


If a bat is afraid of something or someone it will open its' mouth wide and try to scare the creature away.

The End