Bats Qld News · PDF fileBats Qld News 01/08/12 In This Issue Tribute to Jeannette Bats Qld...

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Bats Qld News


In This Issue Tribute to Jeannette

Bats Qld AGM

Sausage Sizzle

Thanks from Qld Health

Environmental Law

Matilda’s Rescue

Batty Book Launch

For Sale

What’s Going On?

Grr! – LVRC

Batty News in Brief

Thanks for Donations

New Members

Bats of the World

Did You Know?

Proxy Voting Form

Contact Us Lockyer Valley 605 Spinach Creek Rd, Fordsdale via Gatton, Qld 4343 Email: Phone: 07 4697 5177

Welcome to Bats Qld Winter Newsletter * Or should that be Spring? Apologies for the late arrival of this Newsletter! September is already fast approaching, which means our tireless carers will soon be gearing up for orphan season.

* There are a few new articles in this newsletter that we hope will become regular features. These are: Batty News in Brief, Member Profile, Bats of the World and Did You Know? Please send in any ideas for future issues!

* Hopefully, all of you have renewed your memberships by now – if not, please get onto it soon. Active carers should have received a pathology form so that your titre levels can be measured. It's a FREE service, supported by Dr. Deb of the Travel Doctor in Brisbane, so if you need vaccinations for a trip, please support Dr. Deb in turn. If you haven't got your form, contact Gabi and let her know.

* The Bats Qld AGM takes place at Batavia in Woodford on the 25th of August. See this newsletter for details. * Training sessions for this year start soon: Hand Rearing a Baby Bat Woodford - 29th September 10am - 3pm, venue: The Yoga Shed, George St. Gold Coast - 7th October 10am- 3pm, venue to be advised. Please email Gabi on to reserve your space asap.

* In the last few months, bats have continued to feature in the news, with many politicians still stirring up bat hysteria as a way to win support. However, a few of the better journalists have lately written balanced articles citing scientific evidence to combat the rhetoric. Hopefully as we all continue to sign petitions, vote online and write well-reasoned letters to editors, the message will start to sink in – Bats are an ESSENTIAL part of the ecosystem. Keep fighting the good fight, folks!

* Finally, this winter we have had to say goodbye to a very special person, Jeannette Langan-Miles. A lovely, caring soul, she will be deeply missed. This newsletter opens with a tribute written by her husband Gavin.

A Batty Tribute to my Beautiful Wife Jeannette 2/1/1974 - 17/6/2012

Jeannette first fell in love with bats in the 90's when we were on holiday in Cairns. We visited the Bat House in Cape Tribulation where she met a flying fox called Annie. Jeannette was captivated, and spent a good part of the day there learning about these wonderful critters.

On returning home from our holiday she set about finding how she could become a bat carer. This proved difficult where we lived as there were no groups servicing the area and flying fox sightings where rare. So this desire laid dormant for many years until we moved to the Gold coast, when one morning while walking our dogs Allie and Sam, she notice a bat struggling in fruit netting and as they say 'the rest is history'.

Jeannette was now a bat carer, doing what she could to rehab and raise bats. That was until she learned how poorly these animals were treated by the media, the public, and bottom feeding politicians. She had now changed focus and had become in her own words a 'bat evangelist'. It was very rare to find hate in Jeannette but she had a special spot reserved for injustice (and bagpipes). She had found her calling and woe betide anyone that stood in her way.

Her background as journalist for Murdoch Press, public relations, and a knowledge communicator for Griffith University and the National Climate Change Facility gave her a good grounding in the skills required to educate, lobby, and when required, retaliate in the defence of bats.

Jeannette was a founding member of BatsQLD and loved working with our group but felt we all needed to work with other groups if we were to make a difference. So, practicing what she preached, she teamed up with Trish from the Australian Bat Clinic to get a regular education slot at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. She also worked with Carol Booth and the rest of the Don't Shoot Bats team providing web content, graphic design work and strategy support.

Jeannette was very strong in will and support for her friends, as our dear friend Anja Rockstroh pertained to in her tribute to Jeannette:

" She has taught me so much and there are still some many things I could have learned from her. She would be the one I would call in the middle of the night, if I had a problem. She would be there for me, calm me down, give me good advice and say that everything was going to be alright. She was the one who would feel with me when one of my furry friends passed away and give me a big hug. She was such a strong person. And during the last couple of days I have heard someone say, that they had never seen her sad. And it is her wonderful smile that brightened up everyone’s mind that we will miss most."

I think Jeannette's boss Jean Palutikof summed up what she means to us and our organisation just as it does theirs:

"We will miss her strength, her good sense, her enthusiasm, her commitment, her humour. The world is a poorer place without her. She stood up, and she made a difference. How many of us can say that?"

Bats Qld AGM

Don't forget our AGM on the 25th. If you are coming and haven't let Gabi know please do. Staying overnight is a great option - either bring mattress and bedding or a tent or both - up to you. We have undercover sleeping places so no need for tents, really. The formalities will be quick, and then the party will start! This is a great opportunity to get to know other bat-minded people, so let Gabi know if you can make it. If you can't come and are a financial member please don't forget to pass your proxy onto Gabi, Gavin or whoever you like. Emailing the proxies to someone is fine as well. There is a copy of the form at the end of this newsletter. There will be Wombaroo Flying Fox milk available for purchase at the AGM. The shop also offers scales, baskets, bottles, high protein powder, wire cutters and callipers. If you need any of these articles please email Gabi on to make sure they will be at the right place at the right time for you.

Sausage Sizzle

Our big fundraising event – a Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings, Toowoomba – takes place on the 17th of December this year. Are you able to come along and help out?

Queensland Government Appreciates Our Work! The following is a Queensland Health Public Health Communique dated 3rd August.

Information for Bat Carers and Bat Care Organisations

Current situation An organisation in Cape Tribulation in north Queensland has allegedly allowed unvaccinated workers, volunteers and visitors to handle flying foxes. A number of people have indicated they have been bitten and scratched by the bats, placing them at risk of infection with Australian bat lyssavirus. To prevent further exposures the Queensland Government has asked the owner of the facility to secure the bats and ensure non-vaccinated people no longer have access to them. Media alerts, including social media, have asked anyone who may have been bitten or scratched by bats at the facility since it opened in 1988 to seek medical attention for post exposure vaccination. Media generated by the Queensland Government in relation to this issue has been very clear that the issues of concern relate to a single organisation. Supporting legitimate bat carer services The Queensland Government appreciates the important work that licensed bat carers and bat carer organisations do to care for these protected species. The Queensland Government is particularly appreciative that licensed bat carers and bat carer organisations comply with licensing requirements to ensure all volunteers are vaccinated with rabies vaccine and ensure when they handle bats they do so in a manner that protects them and others from bites or scratches, including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment. There is also recognition of the very important work that many bat carers do to help ensure that the risk to anyone who is bitten or scratched by a bat is adequately assessed. We acknowledge this is a particularly difficult role for bat carers in ensuring the health and safety of people and that bats that have bitten or scratched someone are handled in a gentle and humane way. The Queensland Government remains committed to working with bat carers and bat carer organisations for the continued protection of the species and of the people who come in contact with them.

Brad McCall, A/ Senior Director, Communicable Diseases Unit

Cute Photo Interlude

Peblo the spectacled flying fox, born June 28th, 2012.

National Environmental Law - Reminder Flying Foxes are nationally protected. It is important to know the legal ramifications of this, so that we can inform the public and prevent harm to our flying friends. The following comes from the Environment Government website.

“Activities likely to have a significant impact on the grey-headed or spectacled flying-fox must be referred to the Australian Government. Substantial penalties of up to $5.5 million or up to seven years imprisonment apply for undertaking an activity, to which the EPBC Act applies, without approval

At some state government levels it is an offence to kill or injure flying-foxes, or to interfere with their camps. If you are proposing the above you are advised to check your obligations under state legislation before undertaking any activities that may kill or injure flying-foxes or interfere with camps.”

More info:

Matilda's Rescue On the way back from a work field trip in Gayndah we travelled via Esk where we noticed a gentleman peering up at the powerline on the main street looking distressed.

A tiny black flying fox pup was hanging on for life up there. We stood for quite a while trying to discern whether the little one was alive or dead. After about 10 minutes, a pair of binoculars and some reassuring chatter we saw a pair of little ears prick up. She was alive!

I contacted Energex and in their always helpful way they organised a team to be on the scene as soon as possible. Just then we noticed an Energex truck arriving back at base but unfortunately they were clocking off for the day, however the after hours team was clocking on and kitted up and arrived at the powerline awaiting the go ahead from base.

These three awesome guys lined up the cherry picker, geared up in all their safety gear finery ready to rescue the little girl hanging alone on the powerline. I am always in awe of the way Energex and their staff are ready with the helping hands and major equipment necessary for these types of rescues. Wildlife carers are in your debt.

With some deftly manoeuvring they “bagged the baby” and brought her down to my waiting arms. As Matt passed her over to me, we christened her Matilda.

Matilda, after a few days of rehydration and close, warm cuddles with her new human mum, went into care with other Bats Qld orphan pups and then to bat crèche in January to learn how to live in a colony before hitting the big wild world.

May blossoms and berries be bountiful and your life long and happy Matilda.

Lee McMichael

Batty Book Launch The 30th of June saw the launching of a fabulous new bat resource at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast. Written by bat experts Dr. Les Hall and Dr. Greg Richards, “A Natural History of Australian Bats – Working the Night Shift” features beautiful photographs by Steve Parish and is published by CSIRO.

From the Publisher:

“A Natural History of Australian Bats uncovers the unique biology and ecology of these wonderful creatures. It features a description of each bat species found in Australia, as well as a section on bat myths. The book is enhanced by stunning colour photographs from Steve Parish, most of which have never been seen before.”

For Sale

Want a set of three vinyl batty decals to make your room just amazing? $30 for the set (plus postage). Contact Gabi.

What's Going On?

It seems our regimented bat birthing seasons are a thing of the past! Bats Qld have recently rescued a mother off barbed wire who aborted a 2 week premmie baby. We have had rescues of juvenile bats doing poorly and this is not surprising as they were born in April 2012 and are flying when there is nothing much to eat.

This little cutie "Crystal" from the Flying Fox Forum, at 2 days old, was born on the 4th of August. There are many stories of other orphans being rescued. Why? We may well ask... We don't know, but just having a look at the state of our world right now may provide some answers. The friction between Flying Foxes and humans has got to have an effect as well. It also brings to mind the red kangaroo who bears joeys all year round (other kangaroo species do not). The reds don't know when there will be a good season and so always have a joey in pouch. Most don't survive, but when there is a good season they do. Perhaps bearing young out of season could also be a supreme effort of flying foxes to preserve their species? We all know about the decline in our batty numbers even though the media says otherwise. It is food for thought anyway.

Gabrielle Friebe


In their typical short-sightedness the Lockyer Valley Regional Council enacted a Damage Mitigation Permit on the 9th of August and started to clear Celtis chinensis (Chinese Elm) the pest trees the Gatton Colony bats are roosting on in a bid to disperse them - even though they are not allowed to disperse the colony… Yes go figure. (There are an estimated 1000 black and 700 grey-headed flying foxes.)

The 'pest' trees are severely degraded and in no way at risk of spreading seeds, however this was one angle the council could pursue. In all reality the colony here affects almost no-one. The houses close to the colony were sold with the colony in place. The Aged Care home on the premises advised Pete and me when we did a Biodiversity presentation there that they liked looking at the bats. So why, you ask? Oh, I forgot to mention that the Aged Care home want to develop the piece of land next to the colony adjoining their current building even though the whole place came close to being washed away in the last flood. The residents were evacuated. No, it makes no sense at all.

It was not a pleasant job, but Naomi Bonnell and Steven Crawford, two of our wonderful batty carers, agreed to be present to ensure the council adhere to the strict guidelines on the Damage Mitigation Permit. They reported that the activities were pretty poorly controlled. No bats were injured or died, however workers disturbed pregnant mums and chainsawed all around the main roost from 9am til 3:30pm! Thanks also to Carol Booth for assisting us with information as well. This was what Carol said Council has been advised by the EHP officer regarding the conditions last week :

"As you would note, condition PB13 states the department must notify you in writing that all flying-foxes have attained independent flight and that no visibly pregnant females are present using the roost.

I can advise that staff conducted a site assessment this week in which all flying-foxes present had independent flight, however pregnant females of both black and grey-headed flying-foxes were present.

I have discussed this with the delegate of the permit and it has been determined that works can commence at this time in the action zone and the proposed buffer zone on the premise that no pregnant females were observed in that area. However, it will be necessary to ensure that the works are carried out in a manner that does result in disturbance of any flying-foxes presently roosting in the core roost area (as defined on the map attached to the permit) to the extent that they lift in the air for periods greater than a minute without landing.

Another site visit will need to be conducted the day prior to the works beginning to ensure no females have given birth and to determine if pregnant females are still present, and if so that they are not in the two zones where works will be carried out.

Staff will be on site the first day of works commencing to ensure that animals in the core roost area (including any pregnant females, if present) are not disturbed or dispersed. If this is observed by EHP staff, as condition PB3 states, EHP staff will direct work to cease and the delegate will be consulted to determine if works cannot re-commence until all young become independent.” Gabrielle Friebe

Batty News in Brief Cool to Be Kind A new project called “Cool to be Kind” aims to educate children about care of animals and generate empathy for the living world. Funded by the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy, this government initiative aims to reduce future incidences of animal abuse by targeting children aged 9-14 using social media.

Indecision leads to Extinction The last echolocation call of the Christmas Island Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus murrayi), was recorded on August 26th 2009. Since then, silence has confirmed that the species is extinct. A new paper published in Conservation Letters concludes that following a warning from scientists, a delay in the response by the Australian government meant that the species was not able to be saved.

Christmas Island Pipistrelle - Photo:

Wind Turbines Danger to Bats A study in the UK has shown a halving of bat numbers in areas with small wind turbines. The study will lead to improved guidelines about situating turbines to minimise bat losses.

It's Better in the Suburbs A three year study of microbats in the Sydney region has concluded that the greatest bat diversity occurs in the suburban landscape rather than the National Parks surrounding the city. It's thought that this is due to richer soils supporting greater numbers of insects.

A Double Helping Scientists studying a population of flies and bats in a cowshed in Germany have discovered that flies in the act of mating were six times more likely to be eaten by bats than solitary flies just sitting there. It seems that the bats can hone in on fly sex sounds to get a super-sized meal!

Welcome to Queensland Beginning on June 4th, a colony of 5000 grey-headed and black flying foxes were flushed out of Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens by being blasted with recordings of industrial noise. About 6% of tagged animals have settled in South East Queensland.

New Virus may be Good News A new virus - “Cedar” virus, has been discovered in the urine of SE Queensland black bats. Related to Hendra, this virus does not cause disease or death in lab animals. Cedar virus could help scientists discover what genetic component of Hendra causes disease and death. Research could lead to the development of vaccines and anti-virals.

A huge thank you for donations from the following members: Gitie and Ron House $300 Monique Rameau $30 Mark Sala $50 Joerg & Anja Rokstroh Hoffmann $200 (Crèche for Anja’s bats) Richard McKellar $50 Sirko Schroeder $50 Jan Anderson $50 Gloeta Massie $100 Rick & Elsie Hoare $200 (for Jeannette - her Parents) R & S Thomas $482 (for Jeannette – her Auntie and Uncle) Jeannette’s work raised $300 and her boss doubled it to $600

Please welcome our new members Since the Summer edition of the newsletter we have the following new members: Will Miles Ali Sammel Hamish and Yvonne Morrin Harley Waddell Liese Coulter Mic and Sharon Walsh Susan Ivison

Bats of the World Masked Flying Fox - Pteropus personatus

Found only in Indonesia, these fruit bats are classified least concern, despite being hunted for food.

Aren’t they stunning?

Are you crafty as well as batty?

There are some amazingly well designed bat crafts to be found on the internet. Would any talented people out there like to make some batty craftwork for use in creating atmosphere at displays and training sessions?

Did you know...

* In the US Civil War, bat droppings were used to make gunpowder.

* Research into the echolocation of bats contributed to the design of cochlear implants. * Bats make up nearly a quarter of all mammal species. * Anticoagulants from the saliva of vampire bats have been used to treat cardiac patients.

Copy of proxy for the AGM PROXY FORM - Bats Qld (Flying Foxes & Microbats) Inc.

I, ..................... of ................

Being a member of the above named Association, hereby appoint .......................

Of ..................or failing him/her ...................Of my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting, to be held on 25th August 2012 and at any adjournment thereof.

I wish to nominate ............................... for ......................

I wish to nominate ................................for .......................

Signed ........................this of August 2012.