Battery Pack Temperature Distribution Simulation ... - COMSOL

Post on 02-Oct-2021

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Battery Pack Temperature Distribution Simulation with COMSOL and



, C.Schaeper1, W.Zhou

1 and D. U. Sauer


1Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Group, Institute for Power Electronics and

Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University, Germany 2 Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany 3 Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), E.ON ERC, RWTH Aachen University,

Germany 4 National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), National Science and Technology

Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand

*Corresponding author: Jaegerstr. 17/19, 52066 Aachen,

Abstract: This work is to present combined

application of COMSOL with MATLAB® [1]

and to test it for the liquid cooling system of a

battery pack based on physical principles in

COMSOL. The m.file of Battery Module from

COMSOL 4.2 is exported and modified to run in

MATLAB®, as well as is managed by using

m.file for Running Management. The advantage

of running the model of COMSOL in

MATLAB® is that each part of the system built

in COMSOL 4.2 or MATLAB® can be

combined together and simulated at the same

time in MATLAB®. Moreover, thanks to

MATLAB® functionality, the results are also

easy to monitor and collect [2].

Keywords: COMSOL with MATLAB®, liquid

Cooling System, Battery Cell, Battery Module,

Battery Pack

1. Introduction

Nowadays, the batteries find their application

in mobile devices, electric vehicles and so forth.

While scientists have been trying to develop

low-cost materials in order to increase the power

density of battery cells, engineers have been

trying to design and investigate battery packs for

various strategies of Battery Management

System (BMS). The aim of this paper is to

present a technique where COMSOL is used in

combination with MATLAB® to investigate the

effect of liquid cooling system of a battery pack.

The source code of the heat conjugate model

via COMSOL is generated in format of m.file

that can be run in MATLAB® (the computer is

installed with COMSOL 4.2 with MATLAB®

module). There are several main reasons why

COMSOL is used in this work. First of all,

building geometries, setting boundary conditions

and generating meshes in COMSOL are easier

than making the same in MATLAB®. Moreover,

if the geometries are very complicated,

COMSOL is capable of importing the geometries

from CAD software. Secondly, COMSOL

includes many physical principles in term of

Finite Element Method and Computation Fluid

Dynamics. The physical principle used in this

work includes heat transfer and fluid mechanics,

collectively referred to heat conjugate. Lastly,

m.file generated from COMSOL can be also

modified for further works in MATLAB®/

SIMULINK for large system designs [3].

2. Cooling System

One of the limitations in assembling battery

packs in an electric car is space. Consequently,

the liquid cooling system has been chosen

because it is compacted side and is more

effective than air cooling system in term of space


There are eighty battery modules in the

battery pack. Twenty battery modules are

assembled on each floor in the battery pack and

each battery module has twenty six cells, as

shown in Figure 1. Battery Module

Battery Pack Battery Cell

Figure 1. Three – dimensional model of battery pack,

battery module and battery cell.

z y


Figure 2 shows the diagram for the liquid

cooling system assembled with the battery pack.

The coolant flows through the main inlet

channel, and then forks out equally onto two

channels, A-side and B-side. In each side,

coolant is again separated to four channels.

According to flow direction onto each channel,

12.5 percent of the whole coolant flows through

each battery module. Moreover, the heat

generation removed of each floor and each side

is assumed equal. Consequently, the cooling

system analyzed in this work is simplified

because of the symmetric flow direction, as

shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. The diagram of the cooling system.

Figure 3. Ten battery modules connected in series.

Temperature sensors are installed in 1st, 4



and 10th

battery modules; the signals will be

sent to BMS.

3. Simulation Process

The CAD file in this work, built in

SolidWorks® 2011 and exported to COMSOL

4.2 as shown on the top of Figure 4, is a 3D

CAD file including solid and fluid parts. The

heat conjugate module in laminar flow and the

transient solver are used in this work because

heat generation varies over time of each battery

cell. After material properties, principles,

boundary conditions, meshes and the solver are

set up properly, the model in COMSOL will be

run in transient mode from 0 to 2 seconds using

0.1 seconds time step to prove that the model can

be run in COMSOL. Thereafter, the model in

COMSOL is exported in format of m.file, which

has then to be modified so that it can be called

from another m.file. Although, there is only one

m.file of the Battery Module from COMSOL, it

can also be applied to other battery module

models because of the same CAD geometry,

running time, time step, principles and solver.

Only the inlet temperature of each battery

module is changed.

Figure 4. The flow chart for simulation process.

The m.file for Running Management block,

as shown on the left hand side of Figure 4, is

built to control parameter input of the m.file of

each Battery Module such as running time, mesh

quality, heat generation of each battery cell, flow

rate of coolant, inlet temperature and m.file of

Battery Module number running in serial.

Moreover, it is also used to collect the results

from each of the m.file battery modules in form

of txt.file. When the m.file for Running

Management is run, it will send all parameters in

form of txt.file and values. In the same time, the

m.file of 1st Battery Module is also started by the

m.file for Running Management. When the m.file

of 1st Battery Module finishes running, the results

will be sent back to the m.file for Running

Management to collect and send new parameters

to the m.file of 2nd

Battery Module. The

procedure will continue until the m.file of 10th

Battery Module. The advantage of saving the

data in txt.file during run time is that we can

examine the results of a battery module running

to completion while another m.file of Battery

Module is running. Moreover, the results of the

battery module have already been saved even in

the case of a power failure.



First Floor

Second Floor Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Inlet Outlet


BM 2nd








Coolant inlet


T = f(x)

Series Cooling Coolant outlet

3D CAD from



Heat Conjugate


m.file of 1st

Battery Module

m.file for



m.file of 2nd

Battery Module

m.file of 10th

Battery Module

Input & Output

txt. file

Input & Output

txt. file

Input & Output

txt. file


txt. file

m. file MATLAB® Modify

Table 1: Properties of Materials

Material Phase Thermal Conductivity


Heat Capacity








Battery Cell Solid {1.01,1.01,30.22} 2690 750 - -

TIM* Solid 5 500 3100 - -

Copper Solid 400 385 8700 - -

Aluminium Solid 155 893 2730 - -

Coolant Liquid 0.405 3300 1078 1 0.00429

4. Battery Module Model

The model was made in both SolidWorks®

for CAD file and COMSOL for CAD import,

physical setting, boundary condition setting,

mesh generation and solver setting. After that,

the model was exported and modified to run in


4.1 Geometry and Materials

The CAD file in this work, made in

SolidWorks®, is a 3D model including solid and

fluid parts. The solid parts in this work consist of

twenty six battery cells, one thermal interface

material (TIM) plate, two copper plates and one

aluminium plate. Some solid parts such as

battery module housing, insulator, positive

common plate and aluminum wiring are not

considered in the model because of their low

heat transfer.

Figure 5. The cross section area of the battery module.

Figure 5 shows the cross section area of the

battery module. Each of the battery cells is

assumed to be single property. Copper plate is

used as the negative common plate for

conducting electricity and fixing every single

cell. Before the heat from every single cell is

removed by a coolant, it has to pass through

copper, TIM and aluminum plates, respectively.

The aluminum plate is a cooling plate which is

directly in contact with the coolant. TIM is

assembled between the aluminum cooling plate

and the negative common plate to avoid electric

currents passing through the coolant, but the

allowing heat transfer. The fluid part is the

coolant, a mixture of water and GLYKOSOL N


Figure 6. The geometry of the flow channel.

Figure 6 shows the geometry of the flow

channel of the coolant. There is one liquid flow

channel under the cooling plate designed to

remove the heat from every single battery cell.

Table 1 shows the properties of each

material. The properties are set by using

constant values independent of temperature

change. However, thermal conductivity of the

battery cell is only set for the three canonical

directions. The thermal conductivity of the

battery in z-axis cell is higher than in x-axis and

y-axis cells. The heat ratio and the viscosity

value are set only for the coolant due to the fact

that is liquid phase.

4.2 Physical Principle

The conjugate heat transfer model for

laminar flow pattern is used in this work. The

heat generation as a function of time is used for

each of the twenty six battery cells; it is

transferred through the copper plate, TIM and

z y




the aluminum plate in the form of heat

conduction before it is moved out from the

aluminum plate by the coolant through heat

convection. According to heat generation as a

function of time, the model used in this work is

also a transient model, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Equations used in the mode based on heat

conjugate heat module in COMSOL 4.2.

4.3 Assumption

There are several assumptions used in this

work to reduce many complications of the

simulation. First of all, a few parts in the battery

module are not considered such as the insulator

between battery cells, small aluminium

conducting wires (fuse) as well as the positive

common plate, and the battery module housing

because little heat can be transferred to these

parts. Secondly, the heat generation both as the

results of heat losses from Joule effect heating

and from electrochemical reactions of the battery

is combined into only one term in a function of

time [6]. Thirdly, each battery cell is treated as a

homogenous model. Finally, the coolant hoses

connected between the battery modules are not


4.4 Boundary Condition

The main boundary conditions are stated as


Heat generated from each single battery

cell as a function of time.

The inlet temperature of the 1st battery

module is kept constant at 20oC.

The inlet temperature of the other battery

modules as function of time.

The flow rate of the coolant is 1 L/min.

4.5 Mesh and Calibration

The precision of the results depends on the

number of elements. Lengthy runtime and high

memory usage are required if the number of

elements is increased. In this work, although a

number of elements is generated at the computer

performance limit, the results are not sufficient

in accuracy. Therefore, the calibration is used to

find coefficient values for adjusting the result of

simulation adjacent to be as exact as possible.

For the method of calibration, the temperatures,

290, 295, 300, 305, 310, 315 and 320K, are set

up at the cooling inlet of the battery module and

heat generation in each battery cell is neglected.

Therefore, the temperature at outlet channel

should have the same value as the temperature at

inlet channel; in contrast, the results after

running showed that the outlet temperature from

simulation is a little bit lower than the inlet

temperature as shown in Figure 8. Therefore,

calibration is very important before the

temperature at outlet channel will be set at the

inlet channel of the next battery module. The

temperature at outlet channel has to be calibrated

in the m.file for Running Management using a

coefficient value, slope in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Comparison between outlet temperature

from simulation and exact temperature.

The command for generating meshes in

MATLAB®, FreeTet is Triangular Elements.

MESHQ which describes the mesh resolution is

set to 5 (Extremely fine, 1 – Extremely coarse, 9)

because of the limit of the computer used in the

simulation. The number of elements in this work

is 856824 elements:


et1', 'FreeTet');




t('table', 'cfd');


y = 1.002x - 8E-07










280 290 300 310 320 330






re (K


Outlet Temperature from Simulation (K)

T_Simulation VS T_Set

Linear (T_Simulation VS T_Set)

4.7 Solver

The heat conjugate for laminar flow module

is considered to build the model of battery

module. The running time is set from 0 to 2

seconds only and the time step is 0.1 seconds. A

few parameters in Fully Coupled block are set

such as Automatic for damping method and 20

iterations for maximum number of iterations, as

shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Setting some parameters in Fully Coupled

block in COMSOL.

4.8 m. file of Battery Module modify

After exporting m.file from COMSOL, the

m.file of the Battery Module is modified in order

to support the commands from m.file for

Running Management.

For example, the command for importing a

parameter as a function of time in form of

txt.file, the name of “Heat’’ represents the total

heat generation from every battery cell and

“Heat_Loss.txt” is the txt.file of the heat

generation values over time:










'Heat', 0, 0);


The code using the parameter from txt.file in

source code of COMSOL looks as follows,


.set('T', 1, '293');


hs1', 'HeatSource', 3);


election.set([6 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25

27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53

55 57]);


et('heatSourceType', 1, 'TotalPower');


et('Ptot', 1, 'Heat(t)');

In case, the parameters are constant value

(Flow and Area), the variable can be inserted

directly in source code of COMSOL:


inl1', 'Inlet', 2);




set('U0in', 1, 'Flow/Area');

5. m. file for running management

The m.file for Running Management includes

three main loops. The first loop is used for 1st

Battery Module simulation. It can input the

parameters, start running the m.file of 1st Battery

Module and collect to save the result when the

m.file of 1st battery module finishes. The second

loop is used to represent that the simulation is

finished. The main reason why the second loop

has to be between first and third loops because in

case the last battery module is finished, the m.file

for Running Management can stop the

procedure. The third loop is used for simulating

the m.files of other Battery Modules apart from

1st battery module because the inlet temperature

of 2nd

to 10th

battery module is not constant, it

needs some command to retrieve the outlet

temperature from the previous battery module.

Moreover, when each of the m.files of the

battery modules is finished, each loop will show

its runtime.

The new running time for transient from 0 to

1200 sec, the inlet temperature of first battery

module and the number of elements are set in the

m.file for running management before running.

In addition, the m.file for Running

Management is used for calibration before the

results will be saved and used in the next battery


[Tout unit_Tout] =mphint(model,'T/Area



6. Results and Discussions

Figure 10 shows the inlet and outlet

temperatures from the simulation in each battery

module. The outlet temperature of the 1st battery

module is lower than other battery modules

because of its lower inlet temperature. The out

temperature of each battery module increases

quickly when the heat generation shoots up to

80W. On the contrary, the temperature will

decline if the heat generation from battery pack

goes down. After 600 seconds, the temperature

has a continually downward trend because of

small heat generation.

Figure 10. Inlet and outlet temperatures of each

battery module.

Figure 11. Temperature on the top of 15th battery

cell in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10thbattery modules.

The average of the runtime of m.file of each

Battery Module is 34-37 hours that depends on

workloads of other applications running.

However, the runtime will be large if the

turbulent module is used in this work and the

number of meshes is increased.

Figure 11 shows the temperature at the top of


battery cell in1st, 4

th, 7

th and 10

th battery

modules which are next to the temperature

sensor. These temperatures are very important

because they are data for BMS for controlling

the flow rate of the coolant in order to save

energy consumption of the cooling pump.

7. Conclusions

The COMSOL m.file of the battery modules

is able to run with the m.file for Running

Management in order to investigate the

temperature distribution of the cooling system in

the battery pack. Even though the results of the

simulation still are not accurate, it is not

significant if the number of elements is increased

and performance of computer is higher. In

addition, if the flow rate of the coolant is higher,

the turbulent model will be used instead of

laminar model; the runtime and high

performance computer are required to simulate

this work due to the complexity of the turbulent

physical phenomenons

8. References

1. COMSOL Version 4.2, Reference Manual

2. MATLAB® Version R2011b, Reference


3. Jos van Schijndel, Integrated Modeling using

MatLab, Simulink and COMSOL with heat, air

and moisture applications for building physics

and systems

4. Ahmad A. Pesaran, Battery thermal models

for hybrid vehicle simulations, Journal of Power

Sources 110 (2002) 377–382

5. The properties of GLYkosol_N_20,


6. Heat generation combination for the battery

pack, Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen


9. Acknowledgement

This work was kindly financed by the

German Federal Ministry for Education and

Research within the project ePerformance.


















0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200


t G









le (





re (


Running Time (s)

Flow Rate 1L/min

T_Inlet_BM1 T_Outlet_BM1 T_Outlet_BM2

T_Outlet_BM3 T_Outlet_BM4 T_Outlet_BM5

T_Outlet_BM6 T_Outlet_BM7 T_Outlet_BM8

T_Outlet_BM9 T_Outlet_BM10 Q_Gen.




















0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200


t G









le (





re (


Running Time (s)

Flow Rate 1L/min

1st Battery Module4th Battery Module7th Battery Module10th Battery ModuleQ_Generation

15th BatteryCell