battle of warhammer 40k

Post on 28-Apr-2015

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40k fan made rules


THE Battle of


An Escalation Campaign

Comm ID: 7652s14

Date: 5303997.m41

Security clearance: Theta omega

Telepathic Duct: Astropath-Terminus anzion

author: inquisitor Pietre Aronnax

To: Enlightened Staff,Generals, Rogue Traders

+++ Tranmission Begins +++

Commanders, magos, and, esteemed colleagues

By inquisitorial decree on behalf of the immortal

emperor of mankind requests your attendance by

penalty of death to investigate of planet of

______________ and its refusal to pay it’s planetary

tithe of Decuma Secundus level. Should the reason

be due to the threat of chaos you are approved to

reclaim ________________ in the name of the imperium of


Commander, you have the authority to now

requisition troops needed upon landing. Defeat Any

and all opposition that you may face, you are now

Doing the duty of the Emperor Bring Glory to Grand Imperium of man.

Emporeror protects,

Inquisitor Pietre Arannax

+++ Tranmission end+++

The world of ___________ has gone done dark,___________

Located in the Segmentus Pacificus. For Unknown

Reasons the planet has ceased any and all contact with the

Imperiums of Man.You now take on the role a scouting party

Sent to investigate the planet, tread lightly as other ships and

Xenos, and unknown ships are appearing in the Segmentum.

The Escalation League begins with a few 400-point games

fought using the rules found here and in the main rule book and

of course your Codex. You get a few weeks to play games,

familiarize yourself with how the army works, and build up your army to the next level. Then, you play 400-point

games under the Warhammer 40,000 5th edition rules for a few more weeks and further refine your army as you go.

After that, the games shift up another level to with an additional 400 points creating larger games. The last part of the

Escalation League includes a 2,000-point championship where participants in the League take the army that they have

painstakingly constructed over the last few months and prove just how much they’ve learned!

-Stand Strong, and may your Dice always Roll 6's

Planet Name

Planet Function: Natural Resources

Government: Theocracy

Planet Type Temperate

Terrain Terrestrial

Gravity Moderate

Planetary Tithe: Decuma Secundus

Atmosphere Type II (rebreather suggested)

Length of Day 20 Terran Hours

Length of Year 270 Terran Days

Population 6,000,000,000

Captain Nemo Game and Comics Warhammer 40,000 Escalation League

I, _____________________ hereby ordain to play as;

a. I will An Honest Player to will follow the Rules of Engagement b. Members are responsible for the safety of their belongings – do not leave valuables Unattended,

Captain Nemo is not responsible for any models or

c. I will carry to the best of my ability in the highest forms of Sportsmanship

d. I will pay the due amount of ________

e. Members are expected to treat other club members, observers, and other attendee’s model with the

utmost respect and anyone else present with the utmost respect and dignity

f. I will bring all necessary materials to participate in the

i. Dice

ii. Rulebooks/Codices

iii. Army(ies)

iv. A Positive Attitude To Game

Army Selected ____________________________

Participant’s Signature X_________________________________Date__________________________

Participant’s Name X________________________________Cell # _________________________

Particpant’s Email X_________________________________________________________________

As you may know your son or daughter is requesting participation in the Captain Nemo Game and Comics Escalation League, he or

she may establish a ranking in the local system of their favorite game. They will be ranked in a variety of ways following but in other

ways also; sportsmanship, strategy, and painting ability. Players that achieve high rank and or placing will be recognized on our

website for accomplishing these challenging benchmarks. In order for children under the age of 13 years old to be listed on the

website, however we will need to have parent/guardian’s consent.

Parent Guardian Signature X__________________________________________________

CAMPIGN RULES_____________________________________________

The following rules are used for the entirety of the campaign set during the Invasion of Noctum Sceana . These rules

override any conflicting text found in other codices.

Seasoned Warriors

Troops have an uncanny ability learning how to deal with

the planet of Noctum Sceana. As creatures, daemons, and

troops learn to cope with battlescapes of the planet their abilities

and reliability increases. Seasoned Warriors learn even from

defeat, but victory leads to sharp, alert, and fierce soldiers. To

represent this, the following will be used to show their


After the final turn of each game, each player may nominate a

unit(s) you believe performed well, this unit will receive a

medal, biomorph, additional gear or whatever may be used to

upgrade your troops. Choose an appropriate table for Unit type.

This unit must not have fled nor may it have been wiped out. It

is entirely possible for a unit to gain multiple veteran abilities

however it may not take duplicates of the same ability or skill.

You may re roll a duplicate or your troop choice already has the

ability reroll on the table.

Victorious Player: May nominate 2 Units

Defeated Player: May nominate 1 Unit

Tatical Draw: Both nominate 1 Unit

D6 Infantry Fieldcraft Veteran Ability_______ D6 HQ Heroic Veteran Ability_____________

1 Marksmanship, May re-roll failed To Hit rolls 1 Inspiring Presence, Friendly Units within 12”

2 Medicae Supplies, May re-roll failed Armor Save of HQ model may re-roll LD checks

3 Heartiness, May re-roll to Run Rolls 2 Quick reflexes, 4 Forward Sentries, Gains the Scouts USR 3 Sixth Sense, model may re-roll failed Armour Saves

5 Natural Survivors, Gains the Stubborn USR 4 Determination, May re-roll failed LD checks

6 Grizzled Veterans, 5+ Invulnerable Save or Fearless 5 6 Artillery Bombardment*

D6 Infantry Close Quarters Veteran Ability ____ D6 Vehicle Crew Veteran Ability_____________

1 Adrenaline,Gains the Feel No Pain USR 1 Ace Gunner, +1 BS (Max Upgrade of 2)

2 Fury, Furious Charge 2 Ace Driver, May Re-Roll Dangerous Terrain Test

3 Steadfast, Counter-Attack 3 Field Repair, May roll to Negate a weapon destroyed on

4 Swift, Gains the Hit & Run USR 4 Crew Restraints, May Ignore Crew Shaken Results.

5 Hatred, Preferred Enemy (Current Oppenent) 5 Tank Ace, May Re-roll Armour Penetration

6 Grizzled Veterans, 5+ Invulnerable Save or Fearless 6 Ad-Hoc Armour, +1 AV all facings (Max 14)

No matter how much veterans learn they may meet an untimely end, this is represented by said unit

falling to half strength or being wiped out. Should this happen it will lose one of its abilities, should it be

entirely wiped then it loses two of the above abilities.

*Artillery Bombardment: This is treated as a shooting attack with the following Profile:

Range Strength AP Type

Unlimited 9 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast,

One Shot

Artillery Bombardment : The HQ may forgo its regular shooting and use the above

profile instead. Artillery Bombardment will always scatter 2D6” in the direction shown,

Should the “Hit” symbol be rolled then the Template shall scatter the direction of the

arrow marker, if the HQ has line of sight it may subtract the distance scattered by its

Balistic Skill.

Show Pride In Your Colors!

An army participating in the Battle of________________ Campaign can be fielded

unpainted; however unpainted units will be worth double killpoints.

A Paint scheme does that have to be detailed as that every person’s skill level is different. To be a painted unit means that it has had at least three colors applied to it. A simple task but a great reward not only to the owner but to your opponent as well!

Don’t worry if you’re not the best painter around your ability will grow as you paint more models! The escalation league is meant to grow not only your gaming ability and understanding but also the hobby aspect of the Miniature War Gaming Hobby

With Victory Comes the Spoils of War!

Escalation Mission 1 Battle Briefing A strange signal has been emitting from an area on the planet of Noctum Sceana, investigate and retrieve any reconnaissance that is available. It is unknown if any hostiles are in the area. Investigate and return any strange occurrences,

Objective Elimanate the opposing Reconnaissance force and/or secure the beacon.

Deployment and Rules Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result may choose which of game table corners will be his deployment zone.. Units may be deployed up to 12" onto the board from any edge. His opponent gets the opposite table corner.The player who chooses his Deployment Zone deploys one of his units first. The players then alternate deploying their units until both forces are entirely on the table. Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result may choose to go first or second. 400 pts or Predetermined point value. Notes & Strategy

Escalation activity 1

Assemble The Troops!

Any Commander Knows that they must have the troops to command into battle this is meant to get them to purchase the troops needed. In this case quite literally assembling the troops.

Purpose: Get Customers to purchase models in preparation for League and generate talk of

gaming at Captain Nemo Game and Comics. Materials: Table Space Sound? Time Snacks? 1 Employee Prize? Posters (GW) Rules: 1. Games Workshop Models Purchased from Capt. Nemo 2. Must Bring own Hobby tools or purchase. 3. May be plastic or Metal Models Event Running: 1. Have the customers put out all the models they intend to use in front of them. All

models must be out when they start. The only way to add additional Models is to purchase them from the store.

2. They Will have two hours to put together as many models as possible. 3. At the end of the 2 hours, all tools must be put down and completed models left out. 4. Vote for the models that seem to have the best appearance.(Quantity, Cleanliness,

based) Let everyone cast there vote.

Escalation Supplies

__ Posters __ Facebook? __ Prizes? __ Fee? __ Terrain __ Storage __ Prize Support? __Calendar __ Campaign Map? __ Resources Available? __ GW Magizine
