Be A Scout Video Brief...Scene Backyard Shot 7 Dialogue Scout in Video, voiceover: "Yours is the...

Post on 04-Jun-2020

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#beascout A 30 second video about a Scout staying positive and getting the most out of Scouting- even when they can’t be with their friends in person.

Scene Bedroom/Study Shot 1 Dialogue

Scout in Video, voiceover:"If you can go on working when you're tired,"


Scout doing homework at desk. Clearly not Scouting- school work, maths tables etc. Looks tired, takes deep breath, then gets back to writing.

Scene Bedroom or Lounge Shot 2 Dialogue

Scout in Video, voiceover:"And go on singing till your throat is dry;"


Scout is dancing in PJs, preferably with mum or dad, and singing

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Be A ScoutVideo Short - Storyboards

The idea: Scouts Victoria is looking for you to create a video to help promote our new Be A Scout campaign. We’ve created the concept for the video- now all you need to do is cast it, film it and edit it together! The best versions of the video will be shown on our social channels and might even find their way onto TV. The stock photos we’ve used in the storyboards are just suggestions - you can frame your shots however works for you.

This video will be the first of many concepts that we’ll create to support Be A Scout. Look out for videos that feature opportunities to show off outdoor activities in the future.

The video short should aim to be under 30 seconds in length. If your video is selected for use, you may be asked to provide the raw source media, so please hang on to it! Some technical stuff: the video should be in 4K MPEG-4, Video Codec H.264, Audio Codec AAC at a bitrate of 128 kbps or better. When you’ve completed your masterpiece, upload the video into this Google Drive folder: and then email to let us know you’ve made a submission (don’t forget to tell us the filename).

We hope you have lots of fun with this challenge!

Scene Lounge Room Shot 3 Dialogue

Scout in Video, voiceover:"If you can meet with sadness, and be inspired, And when you fail, just have another try; "


Scout is watching TV with family, COVID Coverage

Scene Bedroom/Study Desk Shot 4 Dialogue

Scout in Video, voiceover:“If when you suffer badly, and never heed it, Until you have done the best that you can do;”


Close shot- Scout blankly staring out of a window towards the outside world. Scout’s face changes to show determination and resolve.

Scene Bedroom Shot 5 Dialogue

Scout in Video, voiceover:“If you can give first aid to those who need it, And treat for shock when you are shaken too,"


Scout is on a Video Call with a friend, and they’re looking through photos of their last Scout Camp. They look sad until they see a particular photo, and then both burst into uncontrollable laughter

Scene Bedroom/Study Desk Shot 6 Dialogue

Scout in Video, voiceover:"If you can see the aim, and help to win it, And never falter till the end:”


Scout is in uniform, in a video call, holding up something to the camera and we can see the Mob/Pack/Troop/Unit applauding her presentation with wild enthusiasm

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Scene Backyard Shot 7 Dialogue

Scout in Video, voiceover:"Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - what’s more - you'll be a Scout, my friend!"


Close shot- Scout is seen clearly proud, happy, fulfilled, and nods head to his/herself. Camera lingers on this shot till we fade to-

Scene Title block Shot 8 Dialogue



Title flashes between various “Be…” statements before settling on Be A Scout. Hashtag then central to the shot, Logo below, website address underneath. Fades to black. Leave placeholder for this shot- Scouts Victoria to add.

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Inspired by: Rudyard Kipling’s Poem ‘If’