Bearded dragon

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Bearded Dragons

By: Maegan

Bearded DragonA bearded dragon is a reptile. The bearded dragon can be

brown and dark earth tones, with patches of

white. It has small scales with rows of spikes.

Where Does a Bearded Dragon Live?Some bearded dragons live in Australia, in woodlands and savannas. They usually like it to be warm/ hot.

What Does a Bearded Dragon Eat?A bearded dragon is an omnivore. A bearded dragon eats insects and plants. When they are a hatchling they just eat insects.

How do they protect themselves?Usually the spikes on their body will scare off a predator but, if they feel threatened their chest puffs out.

Cool Facts1. They are born in an egg

2. They often lose their teeth in the wild but, they grow back

3. When in the wild some often run on two legs

4. Some have the ability to stand while sleeping

5. They hibernate

Does a Bearded Dragon Face Problems?A bearded dragon is not endangered, nor do they face any problems as of right now.

What I Like/Dislike About a Bearded Dragon1. I like that they aren’t that squirmy

2. I like how they only bite if their threatened

3. I don’t like that they have scaly skin

4. I think the spikes are cool

5. I like that you can put them down without them moving

Bearded Dragons By: Maegan

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