Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio

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  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    Beau BelnapPortfolio

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    ContactBeau Belnap6061 South 45th EastIdaho Falls, ID. 83406208-521-6397

    Table of ContactsFlier

    Event Ad

    Photo Design





    Web Page

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    FlierDescription: This is a black and white graduateier to promote a graduate leadership confer-ence.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I rst had tocreate some sketches on what I wanted it to looklike. After that was done I picked the sketch I felt

    would best work and made the layout using Ado-be InDesign. I made the word "graduate" the big-gest one you notice so that you know for whomthis ier is meant to attract. I used a differentfont for contrast to "graduate." I decided to keepmy body copy small for simplistic reading. Thepicture, information, and logo was given to me bymy communications teacher to make this ier.

    Message: This ier is intended for recent collegegraduates who want to learn leadership skills that

    will help them land better jobs.

    Audience:College graduates between the ages of21-30.Top Thing Learned: I learned the importance ofusing font to create a professional look.

    Title Font Name & Category: Lucida Fax Demib-old-ModernCopy Font Name & Category: Orator STD- SansSeriff

    Links to images used in this project:

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    Event AdDescription: This was what I created for my Event Adproject. This is an ad that was designed to promote asponsored fundraiser. I could only use Microsoft Wordand a picture scanner.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I took an image that

    I found from Motor Trend magazine and made a digitalcopy using the school scanners. I cropped the photo inhalf since it was a large picture. From there I used Wordto add it as the background for my event ad. I adjustedthe photo so that the front half of the car is shown. ThenI added grey boxes on the top and the bottom to matchthe color of the car as closely as possible. I used white textabove and below the car, and kept the middle text black.This helped to give contrast as well as make it easier forthe reader to nd the ow. The grey boxes have black textto give contrast as well.

    Message: Three major car companies are holding an eventin Idaho Falls only to show off their new line of fancy cars.

    Audience: This ads audience is centered around thosewho love fancy cars.

    Color scheme and color names: My color scheme focusaround black and white. I kept the blue and red colors onthe car only because I felt that it would show too muchcontrast and end up ruining the ow of the ad as well.Top Thing Learned: The biggest thing I have learned ishow to use Microsoft Word to make an effective ad. As anEnglish major, Ive only known Word as a way to get myessay papers and stories written.

    Title Font Name & Category: FranklinGothic No. 2-Mod-ernCopy Font Name & Category: Baskerville SemiBold- Slab


    Scanned images used, sources, original sizes, location ofscanner used: The picture that I used can be found on Mo-tor Trend Magazine, September 2011. The scanner I used

    was Epson V600 Photo, by computer 17.

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    Photo DesignDescription: The purpose of this assignment wasto teach good photography and also how to usePhotoshop to create a poster layout.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I had to rsttake 6 pictures that demonstrated the basic skillsof photography. I then picked the best photo to

    use for my layout. I decided to use an analogouscolor scheme to match the slight blue hue of thestatue. I used Photoshop to make the picture look

    better by adjusting its hue, brightness, etc, byusing the eye dropper and other techniques thatI have learned. I then made color swatches todemonstrate what colors I have used.

    Message: The message is that that reading is likedreaming with open eyes. Pretty straightforward.

    Audience: My audience is those who like to read.

    Top Thing Learned: I learned how to take photosusing rule of thirds, focus, and using light to youradvantage. Im still not very good at it, but I feel

    that with practice I will get better.

    Color scheme and color names: The color schemewas analogous, and the color names are blue,teal, and violet.

    Title Font Name & Category: Baskerville Old FaceCopy Font Name & Category: Baskerville OldFace

    Date and location you took the photo(s): I tookthis photo on May 19, by the McKay Library.

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    MontageDescription: This is a montage that was made by blending threeimages into a forest background.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): Icropped the background image to 8.5 x 11. Then I selected theimages that I wanted to use from the internet. I moved Slender-man, the Slender title, the blood smear, and the piece of paper

    to their respected places and added masks to each one. With blackpaint and 100% opacity, I removed the hard edges from each im-age. Then I used about 30% opacity on Slenderman to give him theghostly look. I added a decorative font to the title that matched it asclose as possible, and a script font and blood smear to the paper tomake it look like it was hastily written before the writers demise. Igave the blood smear a darker color. I then added a sharp lter tothe front tree because the assignment asked that we use a lter forour project and also because I felt that it gave the tree a more fore-

    boding look. I used Adobe Photoshop to do all of this.

    Message: The message was to serve as a movie poster to announceSlender: The Movie to the world.

    Audience: Those who loved the indie video game and also those

    who love scary movies.

    Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned was, of course, how tomask and blend an image into a background.

    Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: As mentionedabove, I used a sharp lter on the front tree to give a more forebod-ing look.

    Color scheme and color names: I used mostly black, white, andgrey because of the images. I made the blood smear a brick color togive the image a ash of color and make it more interesting to the


    Title Font Name & Category: Sand-Decorative

    Copy Font Name & Category: Brush Script MT-Script (I know weare never supposed to use script for body copy, but I did it becauseif I used a serif or sans serif font it wouldnt give the feel that some-one wrote something down on it)

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    LogosDescription: Three logos for the ctional compa-ny Monkey Cee 3D Animations

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I learned howto use the Direct Selection and Ellipsis tool to getthe shapes that I wanted for the tail on the y forthe rst logo and the monkeys head and speech

    bubble on the bottom logo. I just used the rectan-gle tool for the middle logo. Then I used topogra-phy to enhance the message.

    Message: Monkey Cee 3D Animations is theplace to go for your animation needs.

    Audience: Anyone who is in the animation busi-ness.

    Top Thing Learned: How to use shapes to createdifferent shapes.

    Three Color Scheme and Color Names: Top Logo:Monologous (but with two different colors), red

    and blue. Middle Logo: Triadic, red, blue, andyellow. Bottom Logo: Big Split Complementary,red, blue, yellow, and orange.

    Three sets of Title / Body Font Names & Catego-ries: Top Logo: Text, top text: Hobo STD Me-dium-Seriff, bottom text: Lucida Bright-seriff.Middle Logo: Text, whole text: Lucida Bright-ser-iff. Bottom Logo: Symbol, whole text: Stencil STDBold-decorative.

    Votes on favorite logo: 10 peopleTop Logo = _10__; Middle Logo = _0__; Bot-tom Logo = __0_;My favorite logo is ___the third logo____.

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    StationaryDescription: This is a matching letterhead and

    business card that both have matching logosrecently created.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I did every-thing on Adobe Illustrator. My original design

    was a skull, but then someone mentioned itlooked like General Grievous from Star WarsEpisode 3, so I went with that. I used a picture ofhis face and symbol from the internet and madeshapes that were similar to them. I purposelymade the symbol a little different to show thatI didnt just copy and paste it to my template.I then made my text and placed them to theirappropriate spots. For the letterhead I made thesymbol as a water mark by enlarging it onto thepage and then lowering the opacity to 5%.

    Message: This is the guy to talk to if you wantsome Jedi taken care of.

    Audience: Those who dont like Jedi and wantthem gone.

    Top Thing Learned: How to make letterheadsand business cards using self-made logos.

    Color scheme and color names: Split complemen-tary-Green and Red; Orange and blue.

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    BrochureDescription: A two-sided folding brochure

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I found the im-ages I wanted on Google (links near the bottom).I used Indesign to place the images where I want-ed them. I made a little logo on Adobe Illustratorand inserted that into the Indesign. I made it a

    tooth since this was a brochure about dentistry. Ithen added my heading and body text.

    Message: The message is a joke about how peopleuse Photoshop to make themselves look better(or worse) then they really are.

    Audience: Anyone looking for a good laugh.

    Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned ishow to design a brochure to where I wanted itfolded.

    Color scheme and color names: Unfortunately,there is no color scheme.

    Title Font Name & Category: Brush Script STD,Decorative.Copy Font Name & Category: Cambria, seriff.

    Word Count of copy: 193 words

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio


    Web Page

  • 8/12/2019 Beau Belnap's Comm 130 Portfolio
