Becoming marriageable

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Genesis 24:62-67

… Let's begin with our INTRODUCTION…

Becoming marriageable is part attitude and part strategy.

The best thing you can offer your spouse or the institution of marriage is yourself and not your assets, your body, your money, your properties


The greatest challenge in relationship is not "relationship" nor

"marriage" but someone not marriageable.

Several people say or belief that there are no people to marry or to go into relationship with. But experience

and knowledge has taught us that the problem is with people that are

not marriageable.

…The concept of Becoming marriageable obeys the

following LAWS…

The law of attraction (power of imagination)

The law of reciprocity (golden rule)

The law of correspondence (your outer world experience

harmonizing with your inner world of goals)


1. Spiritual success: There is nothing more vital to the life-line of a healthy person than being rooted in relationship with Jesus. Through this, we learn what it means to really love,

and are enabled to pour that same kind of love into our romantic

relationships as well. I

2. Destiny-oriented disposition: marriage is about

two covenant partners that are matured coming together to fulfill a

common destiny.

3. Finding purpose; who you are or the sense of significance:

4. Strive to Become the best version of yourself: this entails understanding who you are,

your distinctiveness and exploring it..

5. Personal security: It is said that a person’s level of security is

actually more attractive to the opposite sex than their physical

appearance. A person of confidence knows that their value is not rooted

in their relationship status, but rather, their identity in Christ.

6. Accepting responsibility for your outcomes: this means been responsible for your failures or

successes. It entails discipline against excuses, complaining and


7. Emotional intelligence

8. Life-long learning attitude: it has been said that, the

day you stop learning, you start dying and losing relevance. Learners don't see themselves as perfect but

as a project in progress.

9. Enterprising spirit: An enterprising person is one who comes across a pile of scrap metal and sees the making of a wonderful sculpture.

An enterprising person is one who drives through an old decrepit part of

town and sees a new housing development. An enterprising

10. Understanding that singleness is for life:

singleness means, to be complete, unique and whole.

… as we CONCLUDE…

What you know is what you believe and what you believe is what you become. Thank you for listening.