Beer mecanica de_materiales_5e_manual_de_soluciones_c01_y_c02 (2)

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Problem Solutions

By e n Dean Updlk

Chapter 1

„P . bl. .. 1. 1 . . . . „Ll Two solid cylindrical rods Alìand [Klare .weided together at B and loaded as ro em Shown. Deîermine the magnitude of the farce P for which the lensife stress in md AB

75 mm

the midsection ofw) rod AB, (b) rod BC.

Lì Two cylindrical rods AH and BC are weided together at B and loaded as shown, Determine ille magnitude oflhe force P for which the tensiie stress in md Ab’ is twice the magnitude of the compressive Stress in rod HC'.



Proprleiary M ateriai. Q 2909 The McGraw-HRI Companies, Ine. Ali rights reserved. No part of Khis Manual may be displayed, reprlmncod, or distributed in any form ur by any means, without prior written psi-,mission ofthe piibîisher, or used beyond the limited distribution io teacheïs and educamrs by for their course pmpmtinn. A student using this manuali is using it without permission,

. . Probíem 1,3

Probiem 1.4

1.4 Two cylindrical rods AB and HC are welded together at B and loaded as

Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hin Companies, Inc. All righis reservch No peut ofthis Manuali may be displayed, repruduced, or distributed in any farm or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the äimitcd distribution tu teachers and educators permitted by for their individua! conm@ preparation. A aluden! using îhis manual is using it wiîhout permission

p . 5 ' ' " ' ' ' "-1.5 A strain gagelocated at C 0n the surface of bone AB indicates that the average ro em ' normal stress in the bone is 3.80 MPa when the bone is subjected to two VIRSG-N

knowing that its outer diameter is 25 mm, deturmìne the inner diameter ofthe bonds |200 cross section at


{Dromen-1 1.6 Two Steel plates are to be heid by means of 16»mm«dia1neter high

strength steel bolts {itling snugly inside cylindricaf brass spacers. Knowing that the average marinai stress must noi exceed 26() MPa in thc bolts and 130 MPa in the spacers, determine the outer diameter of the spacers thaï yields the most economical and safe design.



Proprietary Material. @D 2.069 The McGraw~lli11 Companies, Inc. Mi rights reserveë. No pan ofthis Manual may be dispîayed, reproduced, or distn'buled in any form nr by any means, without the pn'or written permission of ihm: pubìishcr, or used beyond the limítcd'ójstribuüon to teachers and educaîors permiîtcd by McGraw-Hill for individuali course preparniíon. A sludent using lhis manual is using it without permission.

1.3 Knowing that 1h@ ceilïrai portion of link has a uniform cross-sectional

Pbelem .. '_ _1.10 Link AChas a uniform rectangular cross section 3 mm lhick and 1.2 mmwide.

- Determine the normal stress 'm the centa'aì portion ofthe Iink,

Proprietary Material. © 2909 'Ille McGraw-Hill Companies, ine. All rights reserved, No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior wriîten permission' of thc publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators permitted by McGraw-[lili for their individual course preparation. A student using this manual is using it without permission.

Probl . . . .. . . . Hf?. The rigid barEFG is supported by the truss syslfzm shown. Kncnww .

em 1 '1 1 ing that the member CG is a circular rmi of 18 mm diameîßr, (femmine

Nourva Säureas. im CG.

problem 1 2 1, L?? The .rigid hat EFG is supported by the truss Syslem Shown. Deter

mine the cross»seci.ional area of member AE fÜr which the normal stress in the

member is 105 MPa,

Proprietary Maierisl, 2069 The McGraw-Híii Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No para ofthis Manual may be dispiaycd, reproduced, or dislribulcd in any form or by any means, without the prior wrilten permission ofthe pubìisher, or used beyond the 1imited disîribulion io teachers and educators permitted by McGrawI-liìl for their individual course {tu'eparmion` A student using this manual is using it without pennission.