Before They Enter the Classroom: Positive Classroom Management Strategies

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Before They Enter the Classroom & What to Do When They Get There

Positive Classroom Management StrategiesJulie Connor, Ed.D.TED Speaker | Educator | Collaborative Leadership

OVERVIEWThis presentation outlines: Examine organizational practices Develop common procedures & norms Provide resources & activities Engage students in dialogue & build positive relationships

The Second Grade Homework Assignment:

Draw a picture of what you would like to be when you grow up.

Write a sentence about your career choice.

For discussion … How would you address this issue?What questions would you ask?What is Mommy’s career?

Mommy works as a sales clerk at Home Depot. She sells shovels.

How do our assumptions affect our relationships? Our teaching? Our expectations?

How would our classroom experiences be different if we believed …

All students wanted to learn?All students wanted to be smart?All students wanted to work hard?All students wanted to be successful?All students wanted the teacher to

feel proud of them?

“Every kid needs a champion.” - Dr. Rita Pierson

Recorded at TED Talks EDUCATION(YouTube, 2013)

The Beloit College Mindset List for the Class of 2020

The Beloit College Mindset ListReflects cultural touchstones

shaping students’ livesRepresents rapidly changing worldview of each new generation

What we know about U.S. students50% White ↓, 15% Black, 25% Hispanic

↑, 6% Asian/Pacific Islander, 4% Other21% of students live below the poverty

threshold 40.2% of U.S. babies born to unwed

mothers22% of students eligible for free &

reduced lunchesApproximately 1 in 10 children attend

private schoolsNational Center for Education Statistics (2016)

Curriculum Design (Eisner, 1994)

INTENDED curriculum - official or planned curriculum

EXTRA-curriculum – outside-of-class experiences

HIDDEN curriculum - values & norms conveyed in the classroom & by the school

NULL curriculum - information intentionally or unintentionally excluded from instruction“What schools do not teach may be as important as what they do teach” (Eisner, 1994).

What is it we expect students to know and be able to do?

• What do we want students to know and be able to do?

• How will we know when they know it?

• What will we do when students are not learning?

• What will we do when students already know it?

(adapted from Eaker, DuFour, & DuFour, 1998)

Successful Classroom Management includes CLEAR NORMS & CONSISTENT PROCEDURES

Clear expectations & rules Clear procedures & routines Strategies that outline appropriate behaviors Strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior Multiple opportunities to respond Active supervision Clear activity instruction Consistent activity sequence

Classroom Management PlanWHAT ARE STUDENTS EXPECTED TO DO WHEN: They enter the classroom? During lecture / instruction? During guided / independent practice? Before dismissal?

WHAT ARE: Classroom procedures?

HOW DO YOU INFORM OTHERS? Students? Parents/primary caregivers? Administrators? Substitute teacher?

Things to Consider When Developing a Classroom Management Plan

 What are students expected to know and be

able to do?

Where is the information & resources to meet


Where do I post lesson objectives?

Where are assignments posted?


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Category 25 – 20 19 – 13 12 – 6 5 – 0

Content Student answers all parts of the questions and fully explains responses in complete sentences.

Student answers almost all of parts of the questions and explains responses in complete sentences.

Student answers some of the parts of the question. Some of the responses are not written in complete sentences.

Student does not answer the questions. Most responses are not written in complete sentences or answer part of the question.

Neatness & Organization

Work is very neat and easy to read.

Work is generally neat; less than 3 words are difficult to read or understand.

Work lacks neatness in much of the responses. 4-5 words are difficult to read or understand.

Work lacks neatness. Writing is difficult to read or incomplete.

Grammar, Spelling, Capitalization, & Spelling

Writer makes noerrors ingrammar, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.

Writer makes 1-2 grammar, spelling, or capitalization, or punctuation errors.

Writer makes 3-4 grammar, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.

Writer makesmore than 5grammar, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.

On-Task Behavior

Student stays on task throughout the entire assessment writing period.

Student stays on task throughout most of the assessment writing period.

Student needs 3 or more reminders to stay on-task during assessment writing period.

Student is not on-task during the assessment writing period.

Establishing NORMS

Listen attentively Encourage participation Ask questions Respect other’s points of view Need to stay focused

PBIS School-Wide Behavior Matrix



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Inform Parents / Caregivers

Recovery Room Procedures

Recovery Room Procedures

Team / Administration Interventions

Passes & Coupons


Job force requires people who can work in teams

90 – 95% of those who lose their jobs: They can’t get along with others

Cooperative Learning provides students with opportunities to:

Communicate & resolve conflict Follow rules Develop personal growth skills (patience,

respect, listening, etc.) Increase individual & collective accountability

Kagan cooperative learning strategies


Agreed upon goals Members encourage & support each other Open communication Clear roles Mutual respect Members speak as “we” instead of “I” or “them” Team pride Individual contributions recognitionEach member considers him/herself a “team player”

Evidence of Successful Teamwork

Teaching Cooperative Group Skills

Track Group “On-Task” Points

“No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.”

-Dr. James Comer

Teddy and Miss Thompson Which teachers inspired you? What influence has your role models had

on the type of teacher you strive to be? How do you want to be remembered as a


12 Norms of aHealthy School Culture

1. Collegiality2. Experimentation3. High Expectations4. Trust & Confidence5. Tangible Support6. Reaching out to the

Knowledge Base7. Appreciation &


8. Caring, Celebration, & Humor

9. Involvement in Decision-making

10. Protection of What’s Important

11. Traditions12. Honest & Open


“Good Seeds Grow In Strong Cultures ” Educational Leadership (March, 1985)



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Implement Methods to Deliver Outcomes

& Methods to Gather Data

Gather Data

Interpret Evidence

• Make decisions to improve programs• Enhance student learning

• Inform institutional decision-making• Planning

• Budgeting• Policy

• Public accountability

For Discussion ...

How can we work more effectively as teams?

What can we do to promote understanding and collaboration as a staff?

Where do we go from here?

Julie Connor, Ed.D.Speaker, Educator, Collaborative Leadership

Dreams to Action Trailblazer’s GuideTransform your DREAM into ACTION & attainable


Available on

• Visioning & Missioning• Goal-Setting Strategies• Collaboration & Teamwork• Leadership Training (youth & adults)• Diversity & Inclusion Dialogue• Motivate Students to DREAM