Beginner's Guide to Keyword Research - How to Find Keywords in a Niche

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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• To find an exhaustive list of keywords in our niche

• Shortlist keywords having a substantial search volume per month

• And eventually end up with keywords that have low competition

Let us suppose that our site is about ‘dog training’

To find all the keywords related to this niche, the first place we’ll begin with will be the ‘Google Adwords: Keyword Tool’


As you see in the accompanying diagram, put your primary keyword in the space provided.

Complete the captcha and hit ‘Search’

You will get a huge list of keywords that are related to your primary keyword.

There’s also a space provided where you can insert your website URL.

Google will go through your site content and on the basis of it, it will suggest you all the related keywords.

At the time of creating this presentation, Google suggests 100 keyword ideas as shown below:

If you observe in the previous image, Google provides 2 search volume stats.

1.Global Search Volume2.Local Search Volume, the search volume coming from any country you specify.

Also, did you note that in the left sidebar, the box for ‘Broad Match’was ticked?

Broad Match gives you the search volume for all the phrases thathad your keywords. It’s usually much much higher than what it isin reality.

“Phrase Match” gives you the a much better accuracy and the[Exact Match] type will give you the best accurate data.

Now that you have a list of all the keywords, it’s time to sort them out.

The keywords having a low search volume will be ignored and the rest will be retained.

The best way to accomplish this is by sorting the keyword data by ‘Global Search Volume’ or the ‘Local Search Volume’, whichever you prefer.

If you’re using [Exact Match] to sort out your keywords, shortlist all the phrases that have a search volume of more than 100 queries per month.

And if you’re “Phrase Match”, shortlist all the phrases that get more than 500 queries per month.

These are not hard and fast rules, but these are generally practiced by almost everyone in the industry.

Tick the box opposite every keyword you want to shortlist and it will be highlighted in yellow.

After you have shortlisted all the relevant keywords, click on the download tab (as circled in image below) and download them in a .csv file.

Now that you have figured out what keywords are the best for you, it’s time for you to assess your competition for each of those keywords.

How to Evaluate the Competition:How to Evaluate the Competition:

From the .csv file that you have downloaded, search for each and every single keyword on Google and Bing.

See what sites are ranking in the top 20 positions. If you want to get good SEO traffic, you need to beat these 20 sites.

To asses their competitiveness, you need to measure their Google Page Rank, No. of Incoming Links to that page and also to the entire site, domain age, the sites which are linking to it etc.

Measuring the Google Page Rank:Measuring the Google Page Rank:

Page rank gives an idea about the strength of a page. A higher page rank means higher authority and will be usually much difficult to beat.

To evaluate the PR of a web page, you need take the help of a site such as:

It will give you the PR of the competing web page.

If your competitor has a PR of 5/10 or less, you have a good chance of beating.

Measuring the Link Strength:Measuring the Link Strength:

To measure the number of incoming links to the page, to the entire site and pages that link to it; I would suggest you to use BacklinkWatch.


All you need to do is to enter the URL of the page in the top 20 position and hit ‘Check Backlinks’ to check the number and sources of the backlinks.

Now do the same with just the domain name of the site.

The more the links, the tougher they are to beat. Also, if big sites link to your competitors, it will be much more tougher to ebat them.

Check the Domain Age:Check the Domain Age:

The older a domain, the more authority it has in Google’s eyes.

To check the domain age, make use of any Whois checker website.

Such as:

After assessing the competition of all the keywords in your .csv file, remove those which are tough to beat and retain those which you believe you can beat.

These keywords are your lifeblood now.

Now target these keywords in your articles, build links using them as anchor text and pray for Google to be kind to you.

Yes, sometimes you do need Google’s kindness. ;-)
