Behind the Curse and the Twins

Post on 03-Apr-2016

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Children's Story









At14 years of age people in the town call her clever, but she was actually a genius. She had brown hair with hazel eyes like ice. The only

word to describe her personality was cold – behind the ice in her staring eyes. In the past she was a nice and friendly girl, but after the


Behind The Curse

incident occurred, everything had changed. Her name:Stella.

One day, she wondered about her life. Where was she born? Where did she came from? Who actually was her father? She couldn’t remember wearing black. She never visited a gravestone. Why did no one care about her? She worried that her mother was always upset because she didn’t love her enough.

That night there was a visitor at her house. Her mum told her to leave the living room and go to bed, but it was too early. She tried

to sleep but she couldn’t, so she came downstairs to find her mum but unfortunately she heard something that she never knew about herself before. She decided to listen quietly.

“Lisa I think it’s the time to tell stella about her home.”

“No it’s not the time yet, she is not grown enough. If we tell her right now I’m scared that she will be upset.”

“But if she knows about the town by herself I bet she will go there. It is dangerous for a young girl to go there by herself. If she really goes there she will know all about her life and about the curse and especially about her father.”


“It’s now an abandoned town, no one likes to visit. Do not tell her until she deserves to know the truth”

Stella knew that her mum was going to be mad if she caught her listening. But it was the only way that she could find her truth.

She found she came from an old town in the middle of the east forest. After she knew the truth, she planned her trip for several weeks. She read some books about the town to find some more information, but it didn’t help much. So she decided the next morning she would go

to the town near the forest to interview some people for more information. Then she’d come back home before dark so her mom wouldn’t know where she had been.

After two month of planning she went to the forest. On the way there she met a boy called Ryan. He has a black hair and pale white skin. He said that he want to go there too because in the past he

lived there too. So they travel to the forest together. The most important information about the abandon town was it has only one way in which is the bridge and the wall which is broken down. It would be very hard to find the town if they don’t look for the bridge or the broken pieces of the wall.

The abandoned town was settled far behind the forbidden forest. Stella and a boy who lived in the abandoned town had to get through the forest first even though they didn’t want to go through it at all. There was an old broken bridge which was the only way to get


across and the only way to get out. Stella recognized the bridge as the place her father had died. She was frightened and hesitated to walk across. The boy suddenly walked across and left Stella behind. They looked at each other for a while and then she followed him. They stepped into the dark forest slowly.

It was very dark. So dark that they could not see each other clearly. All they saw was a little light from the town. A strange sound rang out in their ears as if someone was crying. It didn’t seem to be a human sound. As they were walking deeper and deeper, the horrible sound of crying started to get louder and louder. Suddenly, the boy stepped on something and fell down. It was like a brick. He managed to get back on his feet and he noticed there was a very high wall blocking their way. Stella remembered, it as the wall surrounding the town and she started to walk along the wall. Instantly, Stella found the broken part of the wall which she can walk through. The boy then followed her. They walked into the town. The first thing they saw was the bright light coming toward them with the following sound of the crying earlier. The light stopped in front of them and appeared a fading man with a pale skin. He was wailing horribly.


“Who are you?” the boy asked frighteningly.

“Let me show you who I really am” said the fading man.

The light shined brightly again and took them to the past. The picture in front of them was the boy who was cooking in the kitchen with his parents. They were having a great time but momentary the boy accidently caught up the fire while he was cooking. The fire burned out the things very fast and his parents were killed. Only the boy survived. He rushed into the forbidden forest behind

the town. It was already dark. He looked back in the burnt town sorrowfully. It was all his fault, he knew it.

He sat under a huge tree and cried. Suddenly, someone showed up in front of him. It was liked a shiny person and he came from above him. The boy looked up and screamed loudly. He thought that it was a ghost.

“I’m not a thing you supposed to be scared of but instead, I’m a GOD!” said the shiny person.

The boy face was bewildered but he didn’t say a word. It was silence.

“I know what you have done,” the god broke the silence. “I know what you have done to all the town and killed so many people!!!” he said madly.

The boy still kept quiet with an upset face.


“You will deserve what you should deserve, ’’ said the god. Once he finished his words, he

cursed the boy into a ghost. He laughed angrily.

“No longer being alive, no more making trouble. You will be here, in the forbidden forest forever.” He disappeared instantly.

It is all about her cleverness that haven’t been decrease over 5 years, after all Stella and the boy that travel with her, Ryan , knew what happened. Stella sees strange black shadow pointing to an old house when she reached there. After she went in that old house, the wind blows hardly toward Anne and Ryan.

Then a piece of paper blew and falls down on the floor in front of Stella.

She picked it up and read, it’s says the curse boy is half spirit cause of the gods. Stella and Ryan tried to help the curse boy, they went in the house that was burned last 5 years ago. They saw a body of the curse boy that is fetid, the spirit shocked about his rotten body but he also feel delightful. The curse boy really wants to go in his body but he can’t. So then Anne thinks that it must have something wrong. She had some ideas. Which god cursed him?

She asked the curse boy quietly but Ryan can’t hear or even see him, Ryan was afraid a little bit. Stella had an answer of the name of the god, his named was Zeus. Ryan said that Zeus was the biggest gods after that he tried to think a way to call the god to uncurse the boy. Finally Stella found a book behind the


picture of one god, that book was very old and almost rotten. They first didn’t recognised that it was the picture of Zeus but they still picked and read it. The language was a bit strange because it was Greek, Luckily, Stella able to read it.

Above the cloud The god of sky, The biggest god, APPEAR ON EARTH.


This is what Stella translate to themSuddenly, Zeus came down and ask them what you need from him. Then Stella said please uncursed the boy, he didn’t mean to cause those problems in the past.

Zeus said “Ohhhh I forget it”

Zeus felt guilty and immediately he uncursed the boy by his thunder stick.

The boy body now turned alive, he ran around happily, he said thanks to Stella and Ryan. Stella agree with Ryan and the boy to ask Zeus to renew the town. Zeus was pleased to do it for them. END...

Janila is a 15 years old girl. She has a twin called Katherine. One day they both met a


The Twins

boy, Edward. Edward is the most popular boy in the school.

1 year later, Katherine and Edward fell in love with each other and they made a promise that “no matter what happens I’ll love you forever until the infinity runs out, if one of us break the promise, that person will stay unhappy until they died”. Janila heard the news that Edward and Katherine are couples. Janila felt very angry. So Janila asked her twin “are you Edward’s girlfriend?” Katherine didn’t answer.

She noticed something wrong about Janila. On the next day, Katherine followed Janila and then she saw Janila with Edward “are you and Katherine are in a relationship?” said Janila “yes I am” said Edward. Janila felt very angry and sad so she decided to tell

Edward how she feel about him. Edward was shocked about how Janila feel about him… Katherine heard it and she ran away.

The next day at school, Katherine went to talk with Janila and they had a fight. Janila pushed katherine and her head accidentally hit the wall….. Katherine died! Janila was


shocked. At that time, she didn’t know what to do. She was scared of guilt so she decided buried Katherine’s body in the school yard. She disguise herself to look like Katherine, so nobody knows what have happen.

Janila went home, and her mom asked her “where’s Katherine?”

“And why are you so dirty?”

“Katherine went to her friend’s house” lied Janila “today I fell down into the mud” said Janila and then she quickly went to her room. Then she went to the toilet and have a bath, she saw a figure of someone on the mirror. She realised that it’s Katherine her TWIN! Janila was so scared that she fainted. When she woke up she found herself in the hospital. “You’ve fainted in the toilet and you have knock yourself in the toilet”.

