Beijing, China - Knowledge Grid · 2016. 12. 16. · methods Collaborative innovation Web, Web...

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General Co-Chairs:

Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA. Hai Zhuge, Chinese Academy of Sciences,




Program Co-Chairs:

Xiaoping Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences,China.

The International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG) is a cross-area international forum on semantic computing, knowledge networking, and grids (Grid, Cloud, Web X.0, CPS, Internet of Things, complex interconnection environment, etc). SKG is to promote cross-area research and accelerate the development of relevant areas. SKG has built its reputation through twelve-year's professional organization. The conference invites well-known experts in diverse areas to present keynotes every year. Submissions come from all over the world. SKG 2017 will be held in Beijing, China.

The 13th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids On Big Data

Important dates:

Proceedings will be published by the Conference Publishing Services after conference. All Previous proceedings have been indexed in EI. The conference will recommend selected papers to SCI-Indexed international journals after extension.

Beijing, China


Notification:May 10, 2017

June 10, 2017

Registration: May 10 - Aug 17, 2017

Conference: Aug 14 - 15, 2017

Keynote Speaker:To be announced

Alfredo Cuzzocrea, University of Trieste, Italy

Walid Gaaloul, Institut Mines Télécom, France

Jason J. Jung, Chung-Ang University, Korea

Themes (include but not limited to): Semantic Knowledge PortalsWeb Knowledge DiscoveryKnowledge DiscoveryTheory and Model of Knowledge GridsLarge-Scale Distributed KnowledgeManagementOntology Information/ Knowledge/ServiceIntegrationKnowledge Flow Network

Semantic and Knowledge Computing:

BigData and Semantics:

Foundations, Analysis, Model, Management,Searching, Mining and SimulationHuman & Social-level IntelligenceSocial Computing and Social IntelligenceCognition and SemanticsEmotion, Learning and BrainMultimodal information fusionInteractive SemanticsHuman & Social-level AI systems andmethodsCollaborative innovationWeb, Web Semantics, Semantic Web, andServicesWeb SemanticsSemantic WebWeb ScienceSemantic Search and QuerySemantic Link NetworkService InteractionSemantic InteroperabilitySemantic Visualization and ModelingSemantic Web Mining

Internet of Things:

Internet-based Knowledge Engineering andSoftware EngineeringComputing InfrastructureCloud ComputingGrid ComputingCluster ComputingDistributed ComputingCyber-Physical SystemsCyber-Physical SocietySoftware as a ServiceGrid/Web EcologySmart GridsAdvanced applicationsAdvanced Networking ModelResource Management ModelsInternet-based Multi-agent SystemsNature-Inspired ComputingAutonomous ComputingInternet-based Intelligent ApplicationsP2P ComputingSelf-Organized IntelligenceService ComputingMobile Web and CloudSocial NetworksSystems, Tools and ApplicationsSemantics-based Virtual Organizatione-Culture, e-Science, e-Businesse-Learning, e-Government, e-HealthMobile Web, SecuritySensor networksEnergy-Sensitive Mobile Computing

Semantic BrokeringSemantic-based InterfaceAutomatic Semantic AnnotationSemantic Web ServicesTheory and Model of Semantic GridsOntology and LearningWeb2.0 and Collaborative TaggingSemantic P2PRich Media SemanticsInternet/Web of ThingsSemantic Data ModelsKnowledge Web, Discovery and KnowledgeGridsWeb knowledge representation andReasoning