Bell Ringers...Bell Ringers -will be displayed on the board daily -should begin working on them as...

Post on 08-Oct-2020

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Bell Ringers -will be displayed on the board daily

-should begin working on them as soon as the bell rings. Once the bell rings phones & earbuds are put away

-You will do 15 bell ringers before turning them in for a grade.

Bell Ringer

Set A

Bell Ringer #1

What is the biggest thing you feel that you struggle with when it comes to English class/ reading/ writing? What about it is difficult to


Bell Ringer #2

What do you think is the MOST important part of a book or movie - the beginning, middle, or

end? Explain why:

Bell Ringer #3

If your life was a book or movie, what would the

exposition look like?

Bell Ringer #4

What is the most suspenseful climax you have read or seen? What made it so suspenseful?

Bell Ringer #5

Do you believe that you should make sacrifices for those you

love? Why or why not? What are some examples?

Bell Ringer #6

If for 24 hours you had an unlimited amount of money what would you do with it?

Bell Ringer #7

What has been the best gift you have ever received? What was the worst? Explain

your reasoning.

Bell Ringer #8

What is your most prized possession? It can NOT be a person, make sure you pick

an object. Why is it so special to you?

Bell Ringer #9

In your opinion, does money make the world go round? Explain in detail why or

why not.

Bell Ringer #10

Bell Ringer #11

What kind of news interests you? Entertainment/celebrities? Sports? Technology? Pick

AT LEAST one and explain why you prefer it over others.

Write a story centered around this picture

Bell Ringer #12

Bell Ringer #13

Give 4 examples of verbal irony

1. NWEA Tomorrow in lab 183

2. Magi test next Tuesday3. Turn in extra credit

Article of the week “Future class clown”

The Gift of the Magi testnext

TUESDAY!Study guide will be handed out later this week