Bell Task: Write down three differences between these two paintings

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Learning Habit: Noticing. Bell Task: Write down three differences between these two paintings. Think about what you can SEE. Think about what you can INTERPRET. Lesson Focus: Cause and Consequence. Lesson Outcomes. To know the two sides of the Civil War (L4) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Bell Task: Write down three differences between

these two paintings

Think about what you can SEE

Think about what you


Learning Habit: Noticing

Lesson Outcomes

• To know the two sides of the Civil War (L4)

• To understand the events of the Civil War (L5)

• To analyse a painting in order to explain the events (L5/6)

Lesson Focus: Cause and Consequence

The English Civil War



I believe I should have all power


We want someone

else in charge

What's the difference?

Cavaliers• Supported the King• Church of England, but like

some Catholics practices such as decorated churches

• Usually rich

Roundheads• Supported parliament• Church of England,

but quite strict, many puritans

• Ordinary working men

Input: Fact File

Who? RoundheadsSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

Who? CavaliersSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

The KingParliament

Oliver Cromwell King Charles I

Ordinary working men Rich men

Strict Church of England Church of England, but with Catholic sympathies

The King


Oliver Cromwell King Charles I

Ordinary working men

Rich men

Strict Church of England

Church of England, but with Catholic sympathies

Lesson Outcomes

• To know the two sides of the Civil War (L4)

Lesson Focus: Cause and Consequence

Activity: Watch the video and try to fill in the gaps on your worksheet

Civil War EventsCivil War was declared in 1642, at ______________________.The first major battle was at ___________________, however it was a draw and the fighting continued.After a defeat at London, the _________________________ won at Roundaway Down, and also went on to take Bolton, Preston, Wigan and Liverpool.However, the _______________________________ fought back with wins at Marston Moor, Newbury and Naseby.Charles tried to make a truce with the _____________________, but they handed him over to the Roundheads.The Scots eventually formed an alliance with Charles I in hopes of defeating __________________ ______________________. However, the plan failed and he became in charge of the country.The Civil War ended and Charles lost his ____________.





Oliver Cromwell


Lesson Outcomes

• To know the two sides of the Civil War (L4)

• To understand the events of the Civil War (L5)

Lesson Focus: Cause and Consequence

Lets look again at the painting from last lesson:Demonstrate: Go back to your sheet and add more

information to what you could see.

‘The execution of Charles I’, painted in 1649, artist unknown, based on eyewitness accounts.

Learning Habit: Reasoning

Lesson Outcomes

• To know the two sides of the Civil War (L4)

• To understand the events of the Civil War (L5)

• To analyse a painting in order to explain the events (L5/6)

Lesson Focus: Cause and Consequence

Plenary: Game of Taboo!

Can you explain what it is without saying the word?

Who? RoundheadsSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

Who? CavaliersSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

Who? RoundheadsSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

Who? CavaliersSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

Who? RoundheadsSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

Who? CavaliersSupported?_________Leader?____________Members?__________Religion?___________

Who? Roundheads




Who? Cavaliers




Fact Files

Fact Files

Fact Files

Fact Files