Belrose Public School...The girls played amazingly last Friday with big hits and beautiful catches....

Post on 26-Jan-2021

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  • Ralston Avenue Belrose NSW 2085

    Phone: 9451 6203


    NEWSLETTER DATE: 14 March 2019 TERM 1, WEEK 7

    Belrose Public School

    Principal’s Message

    Belrose OSHC Centre

    Phone: 0430 247 493


    2020 KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION EVENINGS The 2020 Kindergarten Information Evening will be held in the school hall on Thursday 2 May at 9:30am and 6:30pm. The School captains, parents and the Executive staff will be addressing prospective 2020 parents. Additional school tours may be arranged by calling the office. Year 5 students, Mrs Jones and I will continue our successful transition program by visiting local preschools from Term 2. ‘EARLY READING SUCCESS’ INFORMATION SESSION I will be hosting an information night in the library on ‘Early Reading Success’ on Tuesday 26 March from 6:00-7:00pm. Mrs Louise Green and Mrs Michelle Kabalan will be presenting the information. Although the session is targeted for parents of students from the younger years, all parents are invited. Please complete this google form with names of participants and numbers so that we can cater for the evening. Register here: PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS These will occur in Weeks 10 and/or 11 and may be booked through a booking site. Parents will use an Event code to book a 10 minute inter-view with each child’s teacher with a return email from as confirmation. Bookings will begin once the newsletter is emailed home next Thursday. BULLYING NO WAY Each child will be receiving a wristband today. The band represents our school’s stance against bullying. Our school has a No Bullying policy of which the main message is that it will not be tolerated at any time and in any form. Although students may refer to the word ‘bullying’ it is of-ten used loosely today. Students disagreeing or bickering over an event or during a discussion are then accused of bullying. Teachers from time to time may present a lesson or have ‘circle time’ which fo-cuses on this area. The message is that students need to speak out if bullying occurs, especially if it is witnessed by peers. The bands may be worn each day until the end of term to school

    Term 1 2019

    Friday 15 March P&C Man Night 5.30pm

    Thursday 21 March Booking for Parent/Teacher Interviews open from 2:00pm

    Saturday 23 March NSW Election Day

    Monday 25 & 26 March Leadership Camp

    Wednesday 27 March Blue for Stewart House Day

    Thursday 28 March Sydney North Swimming Carnival

    Friday 29 March Kindergarten Parents 2019 Welcome Night 7pm Belrose Hotel Sports Field Closed-PSSA training at school

    Monday 1 April School Interviews begin Assembly 2.25pm

    Thursday 4 April School Cross Country

    Friday 5 April Possum Magic K-2 Excursion 1.30pm P&C Disco

    Monday 8 April Awards Day 9.30am

    Tuesday 9 April P&C Meeting 7.15pm

    Thursday 11 April Easter Hat Parade 2.30pm

    Friday 12 April Last Day of Term 1

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYS FOR TEACHERS We have outstanding teachers at Belrose Public School who are always evaluating their practices and striving to be the best teachers that they can be. At times, your child’s teacher may be involved in a professional development day during the year and will not be teaching the class. Professionally trained relief teachers who are known to the school are then employed and follow the teaching program left by the classroom teacher. We hope that the students display their best manners and welcome our visi-tors to the school. Within the next week: Thursday 14 March—Mr Warren, Mrs Killick, Mrs Meteyard and I are at Arncliffe Head Office for the beginning of our Mathemati-cal Thinking Project with Stage 2 students Monday 18 March—Mr Davidson, Mr Warren and I will be at an External Validation course all day to learn about the process of this year’s validation. Tuesday 19 March—Mr Davidson, Mrs Stephens and Mrs Meikle will be at a Quality Teaching Community of School’s course at Wakehurst Public School

    CLEAR MINDED FOR LIFE Vicky will be continuing to run a parent session from 8:50am to 9:15am each Tuesday morning until the end of term.

    BANKING CLASSROOM We have decided to move the Banking to the Library as it has additional access to the computers for processing. Please refer to the insert in the newsletter

    Belinda Zorian Principal

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    Students of the Week

    KG Samantha N Harley E Charlotte V Sam J

    1S Riley K Zoe R-N

    1/2K Chelsea T Isaac A Oscar K

    2J Ella B Jack B

    3/4W Gaby P Noah D Amy F

    KID Xavier L Ellie G

    3K Holly J Hamish W

    5S James K Marissa M

    5/6M Daniel Q Ellie G

    6D Ben J Ariell M

    4M Skye B Angus R



    In support of Stewart House, students are asked to wear blue or a touch of

    blue to school with a $2.00 gold coin donation.

    School hats or your own hat may be worn.

    Thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause.

    Expression of Interest - Year 6 to Year 7 2020

    Forms have been sent home with all Year 6 students. These forms must be filled out and returned to the school

    office by Tuesday 19 March regardless if your child is going to a Government or Private school.

  • SCHOOL BANKING IS MOVING AGAIN From Friday March 15 the banking room will be relocating to bigger premises inside the school library. This year approximately 30 students are banking each week and watching their savings grow. Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow in the Library!

    Can you help? We would dearly love two more helpers to join our school banking team. You are only required 8.30-9.00am on a Friday morning once, twice or more a term - perhaps an early start to your Canteen duty? Training to be a Teller takes 5 minutes. If you can help please email Mel on


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    When: Thursday 11 April

    Time: 2.30pm

    Students are asked to design an Easter hat of

    non-perishable objects. As the students move

    through the grades, many are able to reuse

    their hats from previous years.

    Hop along and come and see our amazing Hat


    All Welcome

  • Sport News PSSA SUMMER COMPETITION THIS WEEK Cricket Belrose vs Terrey Hills @ Wyatt Oval Softball & T-Ball Belrose vs Terrey Hills @ Belrose PS SENIOR CRICKET Last Friday we played against Allambie Heights and won 66/39. We played an excellent game. Player of the match was Thom-as for hitting four sixes and great fielding. Great job boys.

    By Caelan B JUNIOR CRICKET Last Friday Belrose won with a score of 59/23. The player of the match was Daniel as he smashed six fours and bowled people out and also caught people out. The team were very supportive of each other.

    By Ben T-BALL A The girls played amazingly last Friday with big hits and beautiful catches. We ended up winning, WHOOO!!. The score was 27 to 8. The team truly was amazing. Kate did such big hits, Ruby was on fire, Chloe ran so fast and Lilah was fantastic. My play-er of the match is Ruby, because of her sensational catches, her throws and cheering everyone on.

    By Sahraa T-BALL B Allambie won 19/14. The players of the match were Amber R and Ellie G because they always cheered on our team, did amaz-ing batting and they never gave up.

    By Olivia SOFTBALL A Last Friday Belrose had a spectacular game. We were one player short and didn’t have a Centre Field. Charli M, Milli H, Olivia D, Elita C and myself all got home runs. We were playing Allambie in an away game. The score was 17 to 3 to Belrose. I chose 2 people for player of the match, Charli M and Olivia D. Charli was very encouraging and supportive towards her team mates, she cheered everyone on every time. Olivia had an amazing home run and pushed the bases well. Go Belrose!

    By Olivia P SOFTBALL B It truly started of with a bang. Belrose was on fire! This was a very rapid beginning. I was first to bat and the pressure was on to kick us of to a great start. Boom! Three balls from the pitcher and if I hit it far and got to 2nd we would get some points. I did. Off to 2nd and I hit the ball outside the diamond. “Yes” I screamed. My team were cheering so loud. Phew! I got there. I was catcher for the whole game when we were fielding. My foot was stuck to that plate and Boom! I got another one out and another one, again and again and another one bits the dust. I proudly award my two players of the match to Bridget and Ella L. Great job everyone. Our team just would not be complete without Mrs Meikle. I look forward to our next game.

    By Elise S ZONE SWIMMING CARNIVAL Well done to our Belrose swimming team who attended the Zone carnival on Monday. It was pleasing to see so many students compete in finals on the day. I’d like to thank Mrs Hall for organising the children as team manager. Thank you to Mr Hall and Mrs Marks for timekeeping. Congratulations to the following students who will be competing at the Sydney North Swimming Car-nival on Thursday 28 March. Thomas J – 2nd Snr 50m Backstroke & 3rd Snr 50m Butterfly Millika H – 2nd Snr 50m Butterfly & 50m Senior Freestyle Will K – 3rd 10 Yrs 50m Freestyle & 3rd – Jnr Medley Emma C – 3rd 8 Yrs 50m Freestyle Ben G – 3rd 8 Yrs 50m Freestyle

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  • P & C News

    CANTEEN NEWS Friday 15 March Monday 18 March Wednesday 20 March Jo Stracey Julie Cincinnato Julie Cincinnato Julie Cincinnato Lee Purser Lee Purser Jeanette Baptista (9-11am) P&C We are very excited to announce the appointment of our new Canteen Manager Lee, please encourage the children to pop down and say hi. Lee officially started yesterday and is settling in well. Lee is very experienced and we welcome her on board. Still looking for help with Friday afternoon snacks , please contact Julie Cincinnato on 0418782651. The Belrose Fair meeting is Thursday 28 March at 7.30pm at the Belrose Hotel. ALL Welcome. Attached to this newsletter is the note for the Kids Disco. Please note tickets are to be purchased via the trybooking link The link for volunteers to help for the night is Please note if your child has an allergy please call Rebecca and have a chat about the food that will be served on the night on 0425304235.

    Jo Stracey CANTEEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR TERM 2 We are now calling for canteen volunteers for Term 2. Our system for requesting volunteers has changed. Previously you filled out a form which would commit you to the whole year. Effective Term 2, we are moving to online volunteering where you select the dates that are convenient for you. Your commitment is only for the term and dates you select. Each term a new volunteer roster will commence. Fridays are days where we require two volunteers, so if you would like to do this with a friend, please sign up for them (all you need is their name, email and mobile number). This will ensure you get the same slot. The canteen can not operate without the help of our wonderful volunteers so a huge thanks to our regulars. Unfortunately, with volun-teer numbers declining, we really need a lot more parents to step up. If you can help out, please click on the link to sign up: Any questions in relation to the Canteen volunteer roster, please contact Julie Cincinnato on 0418 782 651. SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB The next issue of Scholastic book club for 2019 has been sent home. Orders will close on Friday 22 March. If you are new to Book Club then it is a great way to purchase books to encourage your children to read with lots of great titles to choose from. Each order earns 'Scholastic Rewards' for the school which the teachers can spend on valuable books and resources for our children. All orders are delivered to the school to be sent home with the children. If they are a surprise or you wish to collect them yourselves then items purchased by you can be held at the office for discreet collection by marking the item as a 'gift order' when purchasing online or by letting the office staff know. Purchasing via LOOP (Linked Online Ordering & Payment) is easy, just go

    Heather Nichols Book Club Co-ordinator

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  • SCHOOL DISCO Friday 5th April

    There will be two sessions:

    Years K - 2 5.15pm – 6.30pm

    Years 3 - 6 6.45pm – 8.00pm

    Ticket Price - $12 per child

    Ticket Includes: Entry, sausage sandwich, juice popper, chips & entertainment

    Lots of fun glow products will be available for purchase on the night!!

    Additional sausage sandwiches can be pre-ordered online for $2.50 each

    The canteen will be open all night selling slushies and all your favourite over the counter canteen items (including tea and coffee for the adults)

    Contact Rebecca Keiller if you have any questions about the disco or would like to help out on the night – or 0425 304 235

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    For the safety and enjoyment of all our K-6 children:

    * Only students of the school are to attend the disco

    * Only parent volunteers rostered on for hall supervision duty will be allowed

    into the school hall

    * NO CHILD will be allowed to leave unattended!

    At the conclusion of each session children need to be collected from the school hall -

    it is essential that every child has their name marked off prior to leaving

    Tickets available online:


    Tickets on sale until Friday 29th March.

    We also need parent help on the night! There are lots of fun duties to sign-up for


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