Benchmarking Top Facebook Advertising Campaigns in 2016

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Facebook AdsSwipe File

Your FB Ads Swipe FileYour time is valuable, so we’ve designed this swipe file to be quick points to consume rather than some big thing you have to read.

Please use these ads as inspiration only, don’t copy someone else's ad 100% as that is not cool or ethical.

Ad formats change all the time - some of these ads have older ad formats, but we’ve included them anyway as there are good design elements in them that are will still work great today

Your Next Steps: Consume this Swipe File and take note of design elements and sales copy that you can then use to split test new more effective ads for your business.

Great AttentionWe live in a time where there are literally millions of things competing for our attention. The following Facebook ads all have elements that are designed to grab visual attention so that the user will then go on

to read the sales copy and take the desired course of action

The use of animation in this ad is excellent for capturing attention either on the right hand side or in the newsfeed. From our tests animation out performs stock images for click through rate and lower cost per click

The guys at Ear Hero Sports here are using compelling imagery with the bike and the storm to capture attention. The visual design element with the arrow draws your eyes to the product image and then back to their wording

This is one of our ads that did very well because of its use of animation with the $ signs that caught users eyes. This ad spread quickly virally. The shortened URL link is effective for increasing the clicks to the landing page based on the curiosity factor

The Digital Marketer team have done a great job with this ad. It has 3 components that capture attention - Ryan Deiss’ image, the post-it note on his head (well worth a test) and the diagram in the background for building curiosity

This was an ad we did for a client in the property space that captured more attention than anything else tested by far. The blackboard with the house shape communicates ‘property’ and the use of the ladies eyes points the visitor to the sales copy on the ad

In this ad Sam Ovens has a clever use of colour. He is using his photo for brand building, but rather than just having the photo as the background of the ad he has placed it on a red background to draw attention and allow for the white sales copy on the image

Awesome Call To ActionIt’s one thing to get attention for your ad, but really it’s

pointless if the user doesn’t go on to do what you really wanted them to do (to click). The following ads all have

excellent ‘Calls to Action’

This ad of ours does very well. We use eye catching imagery of a woman in a bikini fishing and then tie this in to the product image with the fish on it. The offer mentions that I’ve driven 1.8m leads as social proof and then we are very direct with our call to action button of ‘Download’

Lewis Howes very cleverly uses arrows in his ad images to draw attention to the call to acton of his ads. He promises you will receive a ‘7 step webinar selling seqence model’. His call to action button is very direct with ‘Sign Up’. Promising a free bonus on signup is great and maybe it works with the curiosity factor but I believe it could be more effective with stating what the bonus is provided its very appealing to the target market

Dominos remarketing here is very effective. It’s a specific offer that is popular to their target market. It’s shown directly after you leave their site and has a coupon code on it to drive sales

This is a very clever use of the image area by cropping the image vertically less high and putting a headline in the bottom of the image. This is very powerful because it effectively gives the ad 2 headlines. The call to action is then very direct on what to do to get the result mentioned in the headline above

This ad of ours did very well. It has the ‘Download’ button to increase conversion; the picture of the lead magnet; personal branding with my picture on stage; calling out the exact target market of ‘marketers’ on the image; and also the name of the fan page is a benefit ridden statement for the target market

Great Sales CopyOften its the image that captures the attention, but with

many Facebook Ads its the headline. The sales copy of the ad is also crucial for compelling the user to take our desired call to action. The following ads have excellent sales copy

Frank Kern is promising results in advance here with the ‘successful customer getting campaign that worked like crazy’. He’s not just asking you to click, he is providing 3 compelling reasons why you should click to go back to his site

Keith Kranc & Perry Marshall have excellent sales copy here. The use of the word ‘Gold Rush’ is excellent as no one wants to miss out on a Gold Rush. The use of curiosity is strong with the ‘Wanna find how and why?’. The use of ‘FB Stupidity Tax’ is excellent as no one wants to be considered stupid or be paying a tax/fee that they don’t need to

Ari Galper is calling out to his perfect target audience here so that they can identify themselves with ‘For Business Owners & Consultants in Sydney’. His offer is compelling with ‘Free Tickets’ and the benefit ridden sales copy is excellent with ‘Discover the ultimate sales formula for creating an endless stream of clients’

This is an ad we did for a Collective member that went on to do approx $200k of business for a $3,500 ad spend. We used a government grant as a tripwire offer. The sales copy is simple but compelling with its offer of ’95% Off’ and ‘Horse Industry Qualification from just $50’. We also created scarcity with the’Offer Ends 30th June’

Reach Own AudienceMarketing to your own list and audience via re-marketing or custom audiences

can be the most cost effective adversing on Facebook. You also have the opportunity for a more personal conversation in your sales copy based on the fact that there has been a prior interaction leading up to this one. The following

ads have excellent messaging for communicating with your own audience

This is a very effective Ad that we did with a Collective member recently. The ad wasn’t working as well as we would like to cold traffic, but as soon as we switched the targeting to be the custom audience of the clients own prospects the event filled up in as little as a day or two - it was then the right message for the right person at the right time

NH Strategic Marketing advise ‘Thanks for visiting NH Strategic Marketing’ to set the context of the prior interaction with their brand. The ad then goes on to offer the free marketing consultation which must be the primary course of action of their site that wasn’t taken when the user was on the site

This is my most effective remarketing lead generation Ad that I have ever done on Facebook. It is a very clever use of the product image combined with the muscles image in the background and the headline ties in with the visual messaging. There is also a social proof element with the statement of ‘join thousands of others’

This is not something you see every day, but it’s very clever. Here Ezra Firestone is thanking site visitors for visiting his site and asking them to ‘like’ his page so that they can stay in touch

Drive eCommerce SalesGetting eCommerce sales is easy from Google because

they are actively searching for your product or service, but with Social it can be a lot harder to get an ROI. See some

clever ads in this section that drive sales online

This strategy of driving traffic to a landing page for them to opt-in for a coupon code is very smart. It acquires a prospect onto the database and hopefully also acquires the customer at cost. Even if the prospect does not opt-in you can remarket to them again if you have remarketing pixels on your landing page. The idea behind this coupon code will be to drive quick sales and reviews for the Amazon product

Multi-product carousel ads are great for showing multiple products within one ad. This is useful when you want to show off multiple products or display different variations of your product. We find an effective way to use these is with remarketing for a category and show your best sellers for that category on the ad

The Harvey Norman team here use compelling sales copy and catchy imagery to draw attention and urgency for their current sale that is about to end

Image quality counts - look at Bombfell here with the way they present their products. They are future pacing their prospective clients with how nice the product is going to look and the quality and presentation of the packaging that they will receive

Amazing Video ViewsOne of the biggest changes in Facebook Ads in recent times is the new Video

View Ad format. These video views are dirt cheap at around 3c a view and also automatically add people to an audience (meaning that you can do remarketing to anyone who watches your video for just a few seconds). This format of Ad is

perfect for cold traffic.

Perry Marshall uses the video view ads here well to drive tripwire product sales of his book. The call to action is very direct with ‘Get it Here’ . The imagery of Perry is effective at gaining attention for people who know him, and the product image of the book is smart for conversions as the page it links to also has that image on it for consistency and the site visitor knows what they are getting in advance.

As soon as this Ad format came out we took existing videos we had and put them on blog posts and started advertising to our exact perfect target audience. In this example we have the short link where they can click through to the blog post, but it does not matter if they don’t click through as we are pixelling them if they watch at least 3 seconds of the video. From there the video viewer is added to the remarketing list and see ads for all our offers. This is the main ad format we now do for cold traffic. You can see the ad costs of just 3c a video view. This has remained constant now even once scaling the traffic up.

Betty Rocker uses 3rd party social proof with videos of her customer base sharing their testimonial stories. It’s targeting previous visitors of the sales page and is using a testimonial video as the ad. The main quote from the video is on the text of the ad so that the content is quickly consumed without even having to watch the video

This video view ad is one that Keith Kranc did for a client of his by re-purposing a TV Ad that they had as a Facebook video view ad. The imagery of the motor bike and rider is excellent for getting the attention of the exact target audience. The call to action of the coupon is very compelling and a great deal that spread virally using this medium

Facebook OffersEveryone loves a great deal. Just like daily deals sites Facebook allows you to create deals for your target market in the form of an ‘Offer’. The standard format is a reduction in price. The ads often

spread naturally because of the viral nature of Facebook’s ecosystem

This is a very compelling offer from Ryan Deiss and the Digital Marketer team. The offer does well partially because of Frank Kern’s celebrity in the market place but also because the offer is very compelling with a Free book (and all that is required to be paid is the shipping)

Hungry Jacks are using this offer to bring Facebook users into store with a ‘2 for 1’ deal. They are trying to bring more than one customer into the store based on the fact that they know their maths and statistically these consumers are likely to purchase multiple complimentary items when in the store

Excellent Building TrustFacebook Ads can be a strong medium for ‘moving the free line’ with high value complimentary content and also constant personal and brand positioning for top

of consciousness awareness. This all helps with building trust so that the consumers know you, like you, trust you and then want to do business with you

Your Next StepsImplement with speed and precision by creating new Facebook ads based off of design elements and sales copy that you liked. Use this to Split test new more effective ads for your business. Visit for more Facebook Advertising information and training.

If you have a good business doing between $500k and $100m /yr and you want to take it to the next level of growth then sing out and I’ll spend 1/2 hr with you at a strategic level to identify opportunities for more traffic, leads & Sales. See more at ->

Run your Winners Long, Cut Your Losers Short

& Have Fun on the Journey





Greg CassarDigital Marketing Profit Strategist