Benediction and Words at the Declaration of the Realm of ...

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AUGUST 9, 1997(LUNAR JULY 7) 07:07:07 AM





Beloved Father! Today , 1997, J111 Y

7th, at 7 o'clock, 7 minutes and 7

seconds, centering on the 3.6 Million

Couples Blessing,

We have accomplished this year's

motto, "Let Us be Proud of True

Parents and Love True Parents by

Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples


How hard You have struggled and

borne the heart of grief! As Your

children, True Parents, we are hen:

with Your other children not knowing

Your heart in this historical age. In

the meantime, you sent True Parents to the earth so we could build

the foundation where mankind could speak out Your heart and be

educated about Your internal situation. Through that foundation, we

came to know the sad history that since Adam and Eve fell as

teenagers and their family was broken down by Satan's scheme,

humankind has been linked to fallen Adam's family and Satan's

lineage instead of to God's lineage.

Therefore, until now, history has kept the lineage of the rcaJ m of

the archangel and the lineage of Satan. When we think about

founding the realm of religion in order to establish the history of

the new archangel's position in the Kingdom of Heaven, we know

that the providence of individual restoration is the history of

regaining the elder .son ship from the realm of the archangel.

- 1 -


We thank you for this great time when we are facing the age of the Second Advent, the center of the worldwide salvation through the Old Testament~ New Testament, and Coznplotcd 'I'cstam.c.ul ~n


Now we can fix the problems of family breakdown and corrupted

juvenile ethics originally caused by Adam's fall.

In 1945, at the end of World War Il, Christianity and the allied

nations, which had the mission of a bride to welcome the Lord of

the Second Advent, failed their responsibility as the bride. This

loss of the world-level nations, the Abel nation and the Eve nation

of Adam's family, which carried the victorious hegemony in the

world - level providence, created greater pain and suffering than the

loss of a family in the Garden of Eden.

If Christianity had received the Second Advent of Christ centering

on the allied nations, we could have held a historic worldwide Mass

Blessing Ceremony so that humankind could have been liberated

through the Blessing by linking with the lineage of True Parents

after uniting the grief of Jesus, (whose mind and body were

separated by Satan) and could have prepared a united world

centered on Christian culture. At that time, by working with 800

million Christians, God's desire to establish the Kingdom of Heaven

on earth would have been completed within seven years, by 1952.

Christian culture, however, rejected its responsibility as a bride to

receive the Lord of the Second Advent. As Adam's family turned

over the fallen world to Satan during the fruitful growth period,

Christianity and the Eve nation in the role of the bride failed their

responsibility and gave the victorious foundation at the worldwide

level over to Satan all at once. As a result, fallen grief exists on

the earth once again.


We are reminded of the sad history in which True Father had to

walk the path in the wilderness alone. The grief that Adam's

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family left in heaven and on earth could not be compared to True

Father's path. True Father's path was a time of deeper sadness

than the course of Jesus, who could not unite people on the foundation of his family.

Yet, I realized that it was Your desire to end Satan's lineage by

liberating humankind centered on the ideology of a world family

which would indemnify all of history. Also, I realized Your will

which was to look for a place of rest and freedom in heaven and

on earth.

Father, You have been yearning for a millennial world during the

seven millennia of history. I know how hard and significant that is!

You tried to maintain the standard of Your wish by having

Christianity observe the Sabbath on the seventh day.

Because all these tasks were not completed, I know that You

have been sitting alone on Your throne in heaven and enduring the

unbearable history of the realm of Satan like a prisoner. I found

Your Fatherly heart that no one ever knew. You had to forget the

situation that You could not forget, You had to re-create the

condition into which You could not pour out Yourself, and You had

to love those people whom You could not love. In spite of sadness

and even death, I pioneered the path in which I could console Your

heart, and I endured persecution to prevail and go over the peak of

forty years with the determination to face any kind of deadly path,



The fatherland, which should be the central nation of all nations

centered on the unified world of North and South, and the wbok

culture of East and West were lost. Even the clan which You

prepared to complete the Blessing was lost, too. Unification Church

members understand that I have had to walk the path of restoration

for forty years. There has been fighting between the democratic

world and the communist world because all the descendants of the

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clan which was to become the clan of heaven faced a divided

situation. I understand that these forty years represent the 4,000 years of

providential history. Yet no one has known your painful sadness

that for forty years True Parents have been persecuted by the

sovereign nations of the Satanic world once useu t() n~t~P:r\1\~

Christianity and Christians, as well as other religions and their

people. These forces opposed Your will to cover the world.

All alone, all alone, all by Yourself. According to the directions

given by You, who pioneered the path, I have fought and

conquered the peaks of persecution for forty years. This has been

the battleground to declare Your individual resting place as well as

the resting place for a couple, a family, a tribe a nation the world,

and the cosmos. This place has been the ideal free environment of

creation that You can call Your domain of freedom. Now it is

completed, Father. Now, centering on True Parents, we are making

the amazing declaration of the realm of the cosmic Sabbath.

Your son, Sun Myung Moon, who has lost the dream of his

youth, of his 20's and 30's, while inheriting and tolerating your big

heart, Heavenly Father, has conquered the peaks of 40 years of

agonizing history, while overcoming numerous failures that were

filled with insults and bitterness.

As a result, the 3.6 million couples Blessing has been successfully

completed. In place of Adam's family, these families on the world

level can receive instantly the Blessing that Adam's family failed

to get. The realm of the Sabbath, where billions of people enter the

realm of liberation, can evolve to both the Kingdom of Heaven in

heaven and on earth; I thank You for that. The elder sonship had to be restored first, then parentship and

kingship had to be restored. Father, I thank You for the

completion of the 3.6 million couples Blessing that breaks beyond

the limit of three stages.

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The elder sonship on a family level can be sustained on earth.

The right of a family on a national level and a cosmic level can be

sustained on earth as well. Therefore, because this is the time for

receiving the age of kingship centering on a family, from today the

real liberation can be declared. This is the Sabbath for God, who

has not been able to rest in a family. Again, I sincerely thank You

for that.

Today, it is 1997, July 7th, at 7 o'clock, 7 minutes, and 7 seconds.

Also, Your son, Sun Myung Moon, is at the age of 77. These eight

occurrences of the number seven signify that the number seven can

connect to the number eight, becoming the Sabbath and the day of

a new start, transcending the numbers seven and eight. All this is

connected with the number seven. Now all Unification members,

centering on a family which inherits the tradition, heart, and

authority of heaven, can attend God. Now God can rest in a nation,

in the world, and in the cosmos. We are facing the victorious time

when the kingship of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in

heaven are established at the same time. The foundation of th<~

Sabbath where God and True Parents can travel freely expands

from the family level to the cosmic level.

For this great work to be done, Mother, who can represent Eve's

nation, had to come to the United States of America, which is the

Archangel's nation, and to the United Nations to promote the

fortune of unification, so that she can spread this fortune over the

divided Korea, where the base camp for the liberation of the family

can be founded to represent the liberation of people. Thanks to

your guidance and protection, True Mother could make three

speaking tours during which she poured out the words of True

Parents. True Mother has opened up the Blessing for high ranking

officials by giving speeches in 16 places. Transcending the number

16, the Blessing that occurred vertically has become holier than


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True Mother has been welcomed in all her speaking tours by

guests who represent women of all nations centering on women of

the North and South. Today is a day of declaration based on these

speeches. Tomorrow we will have another Blessing to declare the

victorious realm of heaven in front of high-ranking Korean officials

who represent the essential central figures and representatives of

sovereign nations of the world. It means that we are entering the

age of kingship on a family level. We attribute this Blessing, which

the Unification Church received as the number one family Blessing

team, to Your hard working path. If it was not for You, Korea

would have no place to exist. But as you and True Mother are

working together, we are having this great opportunity, and I am

very grateful, Father.

A thousand thanks to You, Father, for having been able to

complete both the f01,mdation of the victorious 40 years and the

Declaration of the Realm of Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven

and Earth at the same time.

As the Foundation of the Sabbath of the age of kingship on a

family level, national level, worldwide level, and cosmic level ar

established on earth, Your will is facing the time when this country

is called as the center of God's providence of salvation, liberating

the world, and bringing the world of love. Please gladly remember


Now I am offering the path that Your son has walked on with

tears and then declaring this to be an anniversary date. Please

allow me to do so. From this moment on, I am declaring the age of

ij_heration As You have wished to act on the whole body in its

totality, with all authority and everything, please fulfill Your

wishes. Please claim the realm of liberation of mankind. I sincerely

wish and ask for Your Blessing to move on to the liberating

Kingdom of Heaven.

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Now, it is the day and the time to stop the tears of sadness and

to remove all the tears which were shed and all the tear stains

from True Parents' family. I sincerely hope that You will receive

[hjs declaration of liberation in the name of True Parents. May

You realize Your wish to have the prestige of traveling freely

among Your beloved children, countries, world, and the cosmos.

May the f arnilies of True Parents who work for Your liberation be

able to travel around the world freely and come back home without

any trouble.

So please accept this time of the Declaration of the Realm of the

cosrmc Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven arn;l Earth! Please

declare it over heaven and earth! Raise high and wave the

victorious flag of world unification in heaven and earth! I declare

this day in True Parents' name! Amen! Amen! Amen!

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Let me take a look at

your faces. Did anyone

good looking come?

Raise your hands if

you were blessed by me.

It looks like everyone.

Put your - hands down.

What is this thing called

the blessing? What

happens to you if you

are blessed?

Originally the blessing 1s that the father bequeaths everything, of

his own loving couple, his own loving sons and daughters, the

family, the nation and the world to his sons and daughters.

If there had been sons and daughters of Adam and Eve who had

not fallen, then being blessed would have been God and Adam and

Eve having been the vertical and horizontal parents, and then they

would have just inherited the right to possess everything of the

cosmos. You must understand that. Families who are blessed in

the world must not think with a secular concept that it is just

bringing a man and a woman together and getting married. (If you

touch me like that, it makes me forget what I'm going to say.)

You must know how awesome/frightening the blessing is, this

blessing. From before the creation of the world, from before God

created, the center of creation was the concept of the perfection of

the True Parents, that is the thought of True Parents.

In order . to make the True Parents, heaven and earth and all the

things of creation as well.... and the mineral world as well, all are

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m pairs. If it is a molecule, molecules, too, consist of subject

partners and object partners, the plant world, too, has subject

partners and object partners, and next in the animal world as well

there are male and female animals, and in th._e hwn_an world there

are men and women; consists of pa.ITS,

The reason everything consists of pairs is that everything must become one centered on true love. Becoming one can not be done

by one alone. In order for something to become one, it must be

level, horizontal. In the end through love a man and a woman ....

isn't that what a man and a woman do? When one enters puberty

a young man meets a young woman, and a young woman meets a

young man horizontally.

Where they meet is when they have come to the exact center; if

the young man goes ten steps, the young woman goes ten steps,

too, c;1nd at the exact center .... that center is the verticctl line of the

tradition of love through which God is able to come down.

He come:;; down following that. They come here and meet.

When getting married, the Lord of love is not humankind. It is

God. God who is called the root of love is at the center of that

marriage. Adam is the internal nature., and Eve is the external

form, and the invisible God 2:oes into and dwells in Adam who 1s

the internal nature. And the invisible God goes into Eve who 1s

the external form, and therefore heaven and earth become one. Through this.

The wedding ceremony 1s the uniting of the heavenly parent and

the earthly parents centered on love . There's a saying that on the

first day the man and woman form a union by uniting, isn't there?

At the place where they become one body, centered on God, God

who is the inner internal nature and external form goes into Adam

and Eve, centered on the outer internal nature and external form , and becomes one because of love. The internal nature and

external form of the spirit world which can not be seen are the

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plus, and the internal nature and external fonn of the world which

is seeo, these are the m.ious. The large minus and the large plus

become one for the first time.

They become one, but the _place where thev become one is not at

the foi:.ehead. It's at the organ of love. Only if they become one

that way is the baby who is born through the bodies of Adam and

Eve, the son of God at the same time that he is the son of the True Parents.

We also did not know that the True Parents were two persons.

We didn't know that parents are two persons. If the faU had not

occurred, centered on the love of God, which is absolute love;

centered on absolute, eternal love; and centered on unchanging,

unique love, because Adam and Eve become one body through true

love, they could have become the lords of unchanging love, and

they would have become the lords of unique love and unchanging,

eternal love. Through that this world would have been the

Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven eternally.

Through the parents having become one, this is expanded to a

world where thousands of generations of descendents can become

one. As for the word "parents; without a blood connection, one

can not be connected to the word "oarents." Do you understand?

[Yes.) An ancestor connected to the true lineage appears and the

family of a true child appears through inheriting the entire lineage

of the family connected through that ancestor.

The True Parents were the central model in the middle of God's

ideal from before the creation of the world. They were the

nucleus. When God was creating even the mineral world was in

pairs. The plant world is in pairs; the animal world is in pairs,

too, and the world of humankind is in pairs, and the invisible God whom we can not see is in pairs, too. So in the Unification

Church there is the tenn the ".incorporeal world" for the world we

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can not see. As for the internal nature and external form of God

whom we can not see, the internal nature is like the mind, and the

external form is like the body, but although within God himself

whom we can not see, there are both internal nature and external

form, he can not feel stimulation alone. Both men and women

have love. All have love, and women have life, too. Isn't that

right? Women have the blood lineage of the woman.

But however many women there are, even if there are 2.5 billion

women, and if there is not one single man, what would happen?

Could they feel, "Oh, my love!"? If we look at the melodies of

songs these days, all of them are about ''my loves" or about lovmg

someone, all of them are like that, but can the 2.5 billion women of

humanity say, "Oh, my love," about one man? That's a lie, a lie.

The word love, even if you open your eyes, what do you open

them to see? You don't need your eyes. You don't need to smell,

and you don't need your mouth. If God is mumbling all alone, how

could the flavor of whispering come about? He thinks in his mind

and says everything, but he can't feel it. The issue is that a

companion is needed which can give rise to excitement and

stimulation and relative JOY. If there is wind, the high and the

lows of the water come about. Through that there is stimul~1 ion

there. Everything is made like that. Everything that is

stimulating, the creation of heaven and earth for the sake of f~eling

joy, is possible for the first time through the object partner being

in front of the subject partner.

Even if God is the mighty Lord of heaven and earth, since J:;ie

doesn't have an object partner, he is frustrated. With what shall

he look? Would God have eyes or not? No? Would God have had

eyes before the creation of the world or not? [He would have.] Did

you see that? [laughter] A person who says he didn't have eyes,

isn't he crazy? He had eyes; he had ears; he had a nose; he had

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hands, and he had all of the five organs of sense. But however

great he was, and even though he was the God who created heaven

and earth, if he just laughs "Ha, ha, ha," all alone, he is crazy. If

without a companion I said, "Oh my beloved," and laughed, "Ho,

ho," and danced around, I'd be crazy. It's the same for God. Do

you understand?

What does God need? God need~ a compan10n, too. The

established churches today don't know this. They say, "God is the

absolute, holy creator. People are secular beings." There is no

concept of love and no concept of the ideal in that. And then they

talk loudly saying the world is such and such, but that will all be

ruined and disappear. Only by knowing all that clearly are you

God's sons and daughters. Because God knows everything, no

matter how much they talk or dance on that footing which has

fall~n behind, bec;ause they could not become his companions,

everything will be ruined.

What is the difference between Christian and secular society?

Can you find true love there? Far from it. Well, then, if God is

alone, would he be lonely, or not? [He would be lonely.] Just as

God sought for a companion he could love, isn't this how he would

choose a son?

This time for my second to the last son, although there were so

many girls, I was considering which girl to choose as a

daughter-in-law; then would that be something I did playfully or

seriously? It's serious whether she respects her family and

whether the family is an exemplary family of the Unification

Church. This can not be done playfully. No matter how many

loving companions there might be, he can not love them.

Are there two companions or is there one? [There is one.] Who

taught you that? Why is there one? [That's because God is one.]

Because God is one person. God does not have two eyes; and he

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does not have two noses. What these five organs of sense follow

as much as God is the direction of love. Because they were born

for love, the five organs of sense must be concentrated on th<'

direction which can unite with the purpose of love. It will not do

for the five organs of sense to divide in to five.

Because of that, when a young woman or a young man reach the

age of puberty.... even if the young woman is the most beautiful

under heaven, would she say, "Oh, I don't need a young man.

Amen." How about it? Wouldn't she say, "I rn~ed a young man.

Amen,"? Is that an Amen? [Yes.] You know it after all.

The conclusion 1s that this animal called a woman mQst go and.

die in the embrace of a man; she must live for a man, and she

must die because of a man. And this monster called a man, no

matter how handsome he may be, he must go and die in the

embrace of a woman, and must live in the eml;>race of a woman.

Why is this gentleman looking at me strangely? He must be one

of the people on the advisory board {of the Segye Times

newspaper.} [No, I'm not.] Since you 're not used to my words,

and 1 'm saying things like this it sounds like sounds coming from

the first cousins, second cousins and fourth cousins from Satan's


Do you understand the content of what I'm saying? People who

think that "God doesn't need a companion," raise your hands.

Those are crazy people and dolls. Speaking even in this kind of

vulgar slang will make people wonder how there could be this kind

of minister. There can't, so what does it matter how much I say?

There can't, so I can't be accused. (laughter)

Well, people who say that God needs an object partner, raise your

hands. Because you're not God, you don't know, do you? If we

ask people, even if we ask a hundred persons, because all one

hundred of them say that he needs a companion, if we ask God,

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"God, do you need a compamon, too?" and He answers, "No, I

don't," then if we say, "When I asked one hundred of your sons

and daughters, all of them said it was good, but while using the

name of Father, why do you ~ay it's bad?" God will give up and

say, "Did they say · that? Then I think so, too." Do you

understand what I'm saying? [Yes.] Did you get it? [Yes.} If

you get it, you may die. You must get it and get over it. {This

was a play on the words "to understand" and "to be ill" which

sound similar.}

Well, then the word "True Parents" existed from before the

creation of the world. How many years do you think it took when

God was creating? Well in the Bible it says, six days, but God

doesn't use those kinds of goblin games, There are laws. There

is a time for all the things of the world of creation to be able to

grow, a time to sow seeds, a time for buds to sprout, a time to

grow, a time to blossom into flower, a time to bear fruit, and a

time to harvest the frtJit. So after going through one cycle, one

goes back to the original homeland. The fruit bears seeds and

after going through one season, one must return. Without

returning, the fruit does not come.

Well, when looked at like that, the name of True Parents has

appeared for the first time in the world of creation, in the universe.

[Amen.] You say "Amen" very well. If you would like to say

"Amen", you should have the kind of qualification to say, "That's

right. I will become the substantiation of that," but who has

become like that? You're saying "Amen" out of habit. If one

speaks as a chestnut, one should say, "Amen" as a fully ripened

chestnut, but if you say, "Amen," without even being like ripe

chestnuts and have rotten centers, the "Amen" becomes "Nomen,"

and everything goes into the pillar of fire. Do you know that?

May the name of True Parents be praised. [Amen.] Did you

understand again? We must not praise the Lord, the Lord of the

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Second Advent, we must praise the True Parents. And we don't · h D d ta d? [Yes.] As for the True o_raise Jesus, e1t er. o you un ers n .

Parents their church is one with a goal to save the families, but '

the established church people are all the sons and daughters of the

archangel who have the goal of individual salvation. The position

as sons and daughters of the archangel will be destroyed. It must

go beyond that to the providence of salvation of the family. The

age of world Christianity is a replrn of angelic religions. They

couldn't marry. Jesus was not able to marry, either. He can only

do the mission of the archangel. He can not carry out the mission

of the son. Do you understand? If he comes on the clouds, will

he be able to carry out the role of the son or not?

He will come on the clouds? If Adam and Eve were lost on the

earth, then they must be found on the earth; they w~re lost and

are being sought, then can that be done on a cloud? Bre~

through that false illusion, and go forward. The old and the new

churches are in ruins World Christianity, and all the Protestants

together could not throw out this one founder of the Unification

Church. They did all sorts of things, but did they lose to me or

wm over me? Why did they lose? All the families were taken


The mother and father of the Pope, the mother and father of the

Presidents of the Synods, all of them .... they are in a situation such

that they can't help having to be cast out even if they deny it

saying that they don't have a mother or father. Until now the

religions have carried out the providence of individual salvation 7

they did not include the salvation of the family. Individual salvation

is the realm of the Archangel 2 but the archangel did not have a

relative ideology, and did not have property rights. llecaust· of

that, today on the earth all the families, or systems, or nations, or

the property rights must go forward to the age of the property

rights of the world.

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According to the determination of the U .N ., the affairs of a nation

can be decided as they wish. A nation can be destroyed. If they

say, "This nation and that nation, unite," then they have to do that.

National property rights, human rights, other rights, even if all are

denied, that can be affirmed..... It can not be communicated through

conversation. From that kind of meaning, communism is like that.

The laborers and the farmers are at the tail end. In the center of

God's Will, the smart people got ahead in life. Then next, using

power, in this age of imperialism, the people got ahead through

power more than by being smart, and we came into the age of


What this is, is an age of self confidence, qudacity. Without

anything else, with just self confidence, if people wrestle, or

whatever they do, the people who are strong use their fists. If we

go down from there, there is the age of laborers and farmers. We

come down to the feet. Whether a brain, or strength or self

confidence, none of them are needed. All pf the head~ which are

exploiting the laborers and the farmers are told to get out. What

this is is that the 1,1pper part is heaven, but the lower part is cast

out by Satan, and because there is no foundation to live on, until

now through all nations Satan has been attended, but since

everything will be taken away by God, since his foundation was

taken away, in order to make it so that God has no foundation on

which he can land, Satan is insisting on atheism which says there

is no God. Those jerks. Who beat them? The True Parents came

and beat them all. What is atheism? What is imperialism?

What is the world ideology? There can not be a world ideology

which denies heaven. There can be no utopia.

So the Unification Church swept them all away, and what

ideology is it advocating? Did it advocate the ideology of Marx?

Did it insist on the ideology of Reverend Moon? What ideology is

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that? It's the ideology of Reverend Moon. Is it the ideology of

God? [God.] That is Reverend Moon's wisdom. An ideology

which advocates people finishes in the first generation.

One generation, it can't go for three generations. It is not

eternal. Therefore, the Unification Church is not right-wing or

left-wing, it advocates God's ideology centered on head-wing

thought. Isn't that Reverend Moon's ideology? Even if it's love

ideology, it's Reverend Moon's ideology. I mean that at the same

time that it is God's ideology, the ideology of God's love is

head-wing thought.

The head, head-wing, all of these are areas which manage love.

If we look 4t heads, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, all of

their going back and forth, is going back and forth to e~ money.

Did they go back and forth looking for the way of love? Which

one? Have you thought about it? It's not for money. They go

back and forth for their children. Money changes, and knowledge

changes. Because of power, all of them, the presidents try to take

it and die. They go into an age where the family can be

destroyed. God does not allow that.

From the time of Park Chung Hee, the person most indebted to

me is Park Chung Hee. That party opposed me, and threw

Reverend Moon out. The New Village Movement was ordered by

Reverend Moon. He changed the movement of the Unification

Church entirely into his New Village Movement, and if he revealed

the name of Reverend Mooni since it would all be taken away, he

just put it aside. What happened to that couple?

Chun Doo H wan was someone I had selected as president. He's

up in the mountains.... Go and ask. These days if he hears those

things, he'll be surprised. In this way, I even made him president,

but when he took over the administration, the Christians in the

party were opposed, and he didn't even know the name of Reverend

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Moon. They betrayed me, and when they sought to orgamze

centered on the anti -communism federation, they found out that our

International Federation for Victory over Communism was ahead.

At that time if the Federation for Victory over Communism had

been put in the forefront, unification would have come to the earth.

Since his head was a stonehead, Chun Doo Hwan was a real

stonehead, he ordered that the Federation for Victory over

Communism be disbanded. So, "Go ahead and try to disband it,

you jerk. I'll reveal all my secrets." I still have all the documents

showing that. Go to that party and talk to them, say Reverend

Moon says this. Those dirty remnants will still be in the Party.

I'm saying this to make them feel bad.

I'm saymg this to make the Park Chung Hee people feel bad.

And what about after the New Village Movement? I'm the person

who advocated the New Village Movement, the New Spirit

Movement~ and even the New Person Movement. I had organized

the youth of the nation and laid a foundation, and educated them,

and did many various things, but that doesn't go for ten thousand

years. Reverend Moon who was thrown out is still alive, but the

people who threw him out have all gone to the mountain

graveyards. Look at it. Chun Doo Hwan's going to prison is not

Kim Young Sam's will, it's heaven's punishment.

And next there's Roh Tae Woo, that jerk named Roh Tae Woo.

Saying he wanted to be president, he came to my house three

times. But I told him not to do it. There are no secrets in this

world. I even have a written statement. If I revealed that, the

world would be thrown up in arms. "No matter what it is, I will

do what you say." Having written that, he did what he pleased.

He didn't have a single person from the Unification Church at the

inauguration. (He bought persimmons and came and bowed and

said he would do it this way... Report it to him, go ahead and eat

it up. Let's see, you guys, you Unification Church.)

- 18 -

If our Unification Church had penetrated down into the district

and neighborhood levels, Kim Young Sam would not have become

president. I insisted so much on penetrating down to the district

and neighborhood levels, but the Unification Church members didn't

know the time. If it were I, in that kind of position, I would have

done everything and become a person who could save the nation,

but all this just flowed by. Kim Young Sam became the president,

and centered on Christianity, the president did many strange things.

I have so many different kinds of negative information. I have all

the reports of th~ media organizations. I know all the secrets of

how he got everything.

In that way, if a Christian elder becomes the president, they said

that for sure the Unification Church would disappear, but is the

Unification Church that easy to deal with? Throughout the world,

centered on mother, from the government of the United States,

from the Hall of the General Assembly of the United Nations, from

the Kremlin, from the Great Hall of the People, at the congres~es

of eight nations of the world, mother spoke, and they are

surrounding us. Japan itself is opening all its doors. The Japanese

Diet. the Korean Assembly, all are seeking to open their doors.

Facing such an amazing flight, without their knowini it, all of the

complaints of the assemblies were thrown aside. That is to say,

heaven set up all the central framework, and all the ideological

systems that could be established. Yeah, go ahead and try to

oppose us; let's see who breaks. Do you understand? [Yes.]

Where is the place where True Parents will stay and live?

Where is the place where True Parents can live? It is the center

of the universe. So at the same time that it is the center of the

universe, it is the place of the king of the sovereignty where god

can settle down. Do you understand? The place of the king of

heaven, and the olace of the king of the earth, how can th<"y be

connected centered on the qualification of the two parents? It's

not by money. People who like money, raise your hands. Those who have come to the Unification Church and raise your hands, cut

those hands off with a sword. If I liked money, I would have

become one of the rich people of Korea. If I liked knowledge, I

would have become the president of Seoul National University first.

I'm a person who has the presidents of universities as my disciples. Isn't that true? I q}so make more money than anyone

else. And I am a person who can move a lot of money around, and

I am a person who thinks of people with many skills as my

disciples and kick them, and send people who have been kings on errands.

And n~xt kings, if you look at just South America, there is no

president who does not know me. If I ask them to come, they

come. All of the Cain type kings are a problem. If three former

ministers decide to do something, and if they tell current ministers

to come or go, they go. I'm a person who has laid that kind of


So what? I'm a person with power who doesn't need knowledge,

who doesn't need money, and next who doesn't peed authority.

What kind of power? [The power of love.] What kind of love?

There's puppy love, and all sorts of love. People who know God's

love and true love, raise both hands. What's true love? Try to

answer. [It's giving and forgetting you gave.] How can giving

and forgetting you gave be true love? If you give and forget it,

there is no compamon. Without a companion, how can there be

true love?

To be true love, it must have the power of love which can exceed

the love of the satanic world. As for Satan's world, if we look at

the course of history, it develops from the formation and the Old

Testament Age, the New Testament Age, to the Completed

Testament Age.

- 20 -

The love of the Satanic world became one with a woman and

killed her husband, the first Adam. ls that right or not? (It's

right.] In order to resolve Eve's grief of having lost Adam in her

family, the grief of women, and the grief of mothers, Jesus, who

was the second Adam, comes as the bridegroom.

The nation of Israel, the family which had been lost entirely,

could not help but be sought on the national level. It can't be

found on the family level. The nations, because many families are

in them, on the family level foundation, if many nations are made

into one, the ideologies which Satan has won will all disappear. It

was in order to restore in the nation the things which could not he

done in the family. The second Adam came with the Will to make

them like one household centered on those sons and the nation's

entire Cain realm of the fallen blood lineage, by becoming the king

of the nation, by becoming the queen of the nation, by becoming

the royalty of the nation. With the name of True Parents, I have

been completing the national level domain for the restoration of th~

Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Do you understand? [Yes.]

The True Parents are family level True Parents. If one becomes

family level True Parents, and connects to children's level true

families, then it becomes a family where God can dwell. He can

dwell in individual families, of course, but he can also dwell in

national families, too. Because Jesus could not become the True

Parent and could not have true sons and daughters united in the

form of a nation, he lost everything by dying on the cross. He

established only the promise of coming again to realize it. He said,

"I will come on the clouds. I will hold the banquet of the lamb,"

but do you know what the banquet of the lamb is? It 1s

prophesying the marriage ceremony of the True Parents. None of

the Christians know these kinds of things, and they are foolish, and

they think everything will be as they wish. They're crazy. The

\in.Qrant '\)eovle will become servants or be ruined. As for the

- 21 -

Unification Church, because they are members of the smart

Unification Church, they can become kings or lords. It can't be

helped. It can't be helped even if you're sad. Wait and see.

Does it seem as though all the families of Christianity will be

taken away by Reverend Moon or won't be taken away? [They'll

be taken away.] I '11 put all the elders and deacons in the back,

and they'll go to a place where the minister can't see and be

blessed, and then if the whole group goes and _says, "We have all

been blessed; Reverend, give us a blessing which can be a greater

blessing," then would he run away or not? Oh, they 're false.

These <;lays in America, thousands of ministers are getting

blessed. Because of that, all the stubborn groups which have

opposed me until now, all the people who have oppqsed me, ;tll the

people who h;;ive prayed for Reverend Moon to di~. all of their eyes

are popping open..... All their sons have been blessed in the

Unification Church, but how can they stand that? They say, "Our

God is different, and Reverend Moon's God is different." They

didn't know that Reverend Moon's God is seeking to find the

family. Don't even try to talk about dreapi-like stories of saving

jerks like that and bringing them into heaven and setting up the

family of the Kingdom of Heaven. Since they're like this, won't

they be ruined? If they're like that and are not ruined, it's false.

Were you right or not to believe in Unification Church? [We

were right.] Were you right to believe? [Yes.] Reverend Moon is

reviled, so did you think you would be reviled more than Reverend

Moon or did you think you would not be reviled? [laughter] If the

mother and father are being reviled, and the sons and daughters

are not reviled, then they are not filial children; they are a group

of robbers. You must understand the holiness of True Parents.

They existed even before the creation of the world. The realm of

the ideal of True Parents must be realized by connecting all the

. things of creation which were made with the substantial realm of

- 22 -

True Parents, by absorbing all of them, by sacrificing all of the

things of creation. The things of creation are for the sake of this.

Do all of you know that every day you are killing the things of

creation? You are thieves who can not be forgiven. You catch

and eat everything. You like vegetables, don't you? Do you take

them arn;l eat them or not? You are thieves who are taking and

eating the vegetables, the plants. You eat the plants, and then you

eat everything, the animals, the insects, everything, don't you? If

that's not being a thief, what is it? They're not your own things,

but you run around saying you '11 eat them as though they were

yours. Those are God's things; are they yours? You even eat

cows, and any kind of animals: you even eat tigers, and even eat

bears. Is there anything you can't eat? The thieving Koreans put

snakes in th~ freezer and then boil and eat the snakes, and there's

a rumor that they even eat dogs.

People have said, "Those Koreans who eat well the things that

can't be eaten are the worst," but the people who respect rpore

than life the things that God has made and who eat them well are

the Koreans. And one thing was left out there. One must say to

God, "Thank you for having given us everything to make us

healthy." We are made so that we can eat everything. A special

privilege was given to humans to be able to eat everything.

There's a special privilege, but the privilege does not extend to

eating people. These days Satan has come and is having people

catch people. All of the disorderly things like this must be brought

into order.

Today if I just talk about the introduction, and have lunch

without even getting into the main body, it's a little difficult, so,

the name of True Parents existed from before the creation of the

world, but how long has it been since the world was created usmg

that concept? Humankind were born more than 25 million years

- 23 -

ago. The Bible says 6,000 ye;;rrs? Their minds may be spmnmg,

but they're really spinning. It's been tens of millions of years.

No one has known the tragic situation of God having lost Adam

and Eve, and not being able to make them again, and not being

able to restore them for tens of millions of years.

We don't know the lonely and angry historical truth of that long

history. God was treated contemptuously by the individuals,

treated contemptuomsly by the families, treated contemptuously by

the tribes, treated contemptuously by the peoples, and treated

contemptuously by the nations and the world of the satanic world,

and then later they said, "God is dead. There is no God." Where

could there be people more evil, more lacking filial piety than that?

There is not one person who knows the situation of God who is

being treated so contemptuously. The ministers of the established

churches, the Vatican ....

(Don't sit down; just stand. Later it will be very crowded, why

would people like ~uch jerks sit down. Ther~'s nothing that can be

done for those who come later. (laughter) Why are you laughing?

What I'm saying is right. Do you understand?)

The name of True Parents, we have not .lwown how deep were

the valleys of tears where God toiled since the fall for tens of

millions of years or that if a tower were built of his grief of

lamentations, it would be so high that no one could go over it.

The problem is who will go over the deep valleys and the peaks of

deep grief. Do you understand? Therefore God is standing in that

kind of lamentable position. Hasn't it been God who has been

looking for the form of a nation and a people in order to find a

family which can leave that content on this earth?

Then which nation is able to stand as the representative nation

which is able to represent all of that grief from that position? It is

the nation of Israel. It is the nation of Israel which worships

- 24 -

absolutely the one God, and then it 1s Korea. Korea. Do you underst~nd? [Yes.]

. ht say "What? Are you saymg that Korea 1s the country V ou. mtQ' ' · th midst of the

which can be the most. c~n.t.ral mainstream m e

situation of God? Reverend Moon, you're wrong." But on the. contrary, listen to what I'm saying. Our people are such an

outstanding people. Korea is the only nation in the world which

has its ancestral records, it has the most detailed content. In other

nations, the names of the women are recorded. but it is only Korea

which keeps the ancestral records with just the men and without

the women. That makes you women feel bad, doesn't it? The

women should feel bad about that. (laughter)

This means that among women1 the women who have _suffered are

only the Korean women. When invaded at least 932 times, . groups

of robbers using all kinds of strength from all directions came and

took things to eat and took the women, too. Then next they took

the intelligent sons. That was in order to keep the lineage of the

Kingdom of Heav.mi from being continued. God needs intelligent

sons, intelligent women, and intelligent object partners. Do you know that? [Yes.]

If we look at Korea from that position, Korea has everything that

the families of any nation in the world don't have. Even if you

look at the folk songs, they have universal content which goes

beyond history. "Oh, moon, oh, moon, oh, bright, shining moon, oh

moon under which Lee Tae- Baek has played, there, over there, in

the moon a cinnamon tree was placed, cut it down with a gold ax,

trim it with a jade ax, build a thatched house with three rooms '

and while attending both parents, live for a thousand or ten

thousand years, live for a thousand or ten thousand years." Isn't

that beautiful? Who are your parents? There is no country which

honors the parents one longs for in the midst of that kind of

- 25 -

dream, and praises them through a folk song like this. understand?

Do you

And then what's that? The Blue Sky, "The blue sky, the Milky

Way, in a small white boat, one cinnamon tree and one rabbit 7

without a sail and without an oar, are going, and going very well

to the western country." The age of satellites has come, and it

tells us about all the universe going starting from the east and

going to the west, the western nations. How beautiful! The

satellites have gone up, and we have flown into a age of wandering

throughout the world. Do you understand? Do you like that spng? [Yes.]

And then if you look at it from the earth, there's a filial son

among filial sons. Who's the most filial daughter of all? It's

Shim Chung. And there's a wife who's representative, who was

that? It's Choon Hyang. And there's a loyal subject who was

representative of loyal subjects, Lee Soon Shin. All of them

demonstrate that.

Look at that. The word 'SABBATH' is very interesting. The chinese letter

:tc means comfortab~ and house. A woman is occupying the house. Anq the situation is comfortable. Korean people have not known the king of a

house was a woman, and it has caused families to collapse. The letter !Ji. in

rest means woman is the king of a family. Nomen or Amen? [Amen]

Next, the second letter in rest is ,~. The letter means a free mind. The

rest place is where a queen serves her husband in order for him to rest all

day with a free mind. &ren. Do you understand? Nan Young Moon! That

ugly No Hi Park(her husband), he is very short and is getting bald these

days. Well, No Hi Park! Would have you been happy or unhappy without

Nan Young Moon? [Unhappy] Why? [I could not live without her] 'Just 1ike

Father says, I can serve my wife as a queen of the family, and I can rest

with such a natural mind, and therefore I am happy.' You had better

interpret your situation like that.

- 26 -

fulfill th meaning of this Do you understand? You have to completely e

adjective "rest". Then everything will be okay. Amen. it will be an eternal

Amen a unique Amen. An absolute Amen and an unchanging Amen and the

kingdom of Heaven will spread. A three dimensional Amen. This Amen must

be eternal. Whether it is moning or evening, fall or spring, ten years, a

hundred years or a thousand years you must be able to say Amen. It is only

then that this becomes uniqe, and it becomes absolute. Do you understand?

Then the unchanging eternal ideal kingdome of Heaven on earth and in the

spirit world will be realized.

The husband who serves his queen, enjoys freedom in his mind, and

receives the aueen's love is happy. In the middle of a dream, the feature of a

queen will emerge like a flower or like a lighthouse in the garden of world

unification. Mother has appeared as the queen of queens and a ma$ter of

heaven and earth. In the family, a woman is like a queen. A queen of queen

is one's own wife in that she controls all things happening in the family and

she also takes care of the children. Next, what is man? Man goes out to the

world, addresses complex things and stands on the top of victory, .Axren.

When True Parents ideal realm of rest is completed, such an world wilJ

emerge. You may be happy, if you just think about it or just dr~ about

it. So you should always be grateful and determine to give forever. Can you

give forever? The true master of the heavenly kingdom is somebody who

struggles to give himself forever living a life in tears if he is unable to do so.

The true teacher is the person who cries for his students and cries because he

did not teach them more. Do you understand that? In the family, centered on

love, crying and crying for love is the true parents, Amen. Therefore, we

should be proud of the 3 great subject love, Amen. What are the 3 great

subjects of love? First is the True Parents, and second is the True Teacher,

and third is the True Master. That is the 3 great subjects tholll!ht. That is

going forever since it is centered on God.

Kim, II Sung's subject though was centered on humans, and it comprises a

consciousness of unity, independence, and creativity. It denies human$ itself.

- 27 -

People who believe it can not help falling into hell. But the 3 great subjects

thought by Rev. Moon is immortal, do you understand that? [Yes] Which

subject thought are you going to follow? Rev. Moon's or Kim il sung's false

one? The subject thought centered on humans cannot go beyond three

generations at best.

However, The subject thought centered on God is amazing. It is immortal.

To make one united world with that kind of pride is the mission of the

unification church and a ideal era of the realni of King ship. Is your heart

beating for the hope. Let's march around the world with that hope. Even if

we die on the road, we should go since we have the next generation. If first

generation fails, then there is second generation, and if the second generation

also fails, then the third generation is waiting. We should detennine

ourselves to complete our mission of our 7th generation. With that kind of

determination, our family can be the resting place for the incjividual, family,

nation, world, and God.

Do I look like a con man? Look at me. My eye~ are small, and my nose

shows how strong my character is, and my lips are able to s~ very well,

and my big body has much power, so I am equiped for a violent act. I have

many talents as a boss con man or mafia. Even though I have 100%, 120%,

and over 200 % possibilities to be false parents, how can you believe me?

rwe can feel it though our heartJ To complete 3.6 million couple Blessing, I

ran and ran crazily all day and night. Finally, that craziness brought the

result that no one not- believed could come true.

accomplished by God or Satan? rGodJ

Therefore, was it

1bis is a testing time. Whether the unification church is true or false is up

to the victory of the 36 million couple Blessing. If it is accomplished, 3.6

billion can be completed in a short time. Such a hope is wai~~ before

us, so are you going to rest or just eat and sleep, or go to ~e ~<:._~?/ You

should forget about it and run and run with the heart of offering your body.

If you go over the top of the IOOuntain, you will be led to the hospital in

God's palace even though you are almost dead.

- 28 -

Which is it, .Amen or Nomen? (Arnenl Do know what today is? The

day o1 the Declaration of the Realm of Cosmic Sabbath For Parents Of

Heaven ano. Barth..1 Th.e oosmic varents are the parents of heaven and earth.

Heaven which is symbolized by the father. The hands of the fa\:bef is

infinite. Toe Father is infinite and solemn. Women don't nnderstand the

father well, do they? Toe sons and daughters fear the father when he comes

home. When he gives an order everybcxly listens. The Father should be

respected by his children. So, if the mother and sons and daughters make a

house in the heart of the father, a father should have room in there. Have you

become that kind of father?

Now, let's move to the rest place. Only true love can pas~ freely. You

should know that. Only what can pass freely? [true love] There are many

toll gates on a highway. Just like that, there are lots of toll gates on the

way to the heavenly kingdom, but the ticket of true love can pass freely. Do

you need that ticket? [Yes} Are you going to buy, seize or borrow it? [buy]

You should earn it. You should pay for it.

God is the master of individuals, the master of couples, the master of

families, the master of countries, the master of the world, and the master of

the universe. God wants to be the master of the person who occupies His

heart. God wants a peaceful world centered on His object. According to t.he

established faith, God is solemn, and humans are secular. But it is wrong.

God's first purpose for creation is to have His real body or real form. God

needs what? [body] Why does He need it? With that real body, He wants to

go down to the earth, and become a real father of a family, a real father of

country, and a real father of the world. Toe purpose of creation is for Him to

have a body. To be a real father, God started the creation. What is the first

purpose of creation? To have a real body. Do you understand that?

Next, I '11 explain about the second ouroose of creation. Since God is the

male subject, He needed a female object body. Man should prepare to be a

master in the future, and woman should prepare to be a mother and a quc :en

of the family. In this context, all the mineral world, the plant world, and the

- 29 -

animal world in the garden of Eden need a subject and object, so they exist

in pairs. In the animal world, male and female love each other and bear their

babies. They protect them from the world and feed them through their own

breast. What a lovely scene this is! Therefore, when Adam, Eve, and even

the Archangel saw a scene like that, they may surely live such a life. In the

garden of Eden, everybcxly lives naked, right? There was no clothes factory,

so they couldn't help living naked.

However, Adam is supposed to become a master of the external world in the

future, so he went out all day for hunting and learning about the external

world. If you were Eve, would you be okay when your only one brotherdoes

not play with you and goes out everyday? Do you think Eve cried all day or

not? She cried all day. As the servant, the archangel has the mission to

take care of the crying baby. His position was to serve and raise Adam and

Eve, have them married, and wish them a blessing to go to the heavenly

Kingdom and live forever happily. After that, the mature Adam and Eve was

supposed to call the servant and say " let's live tog~ther in our home", then,

create the spouse for the archangel. Do you understand that? li th~

archangel had waited for the moment, he could have got an eternal partner

and lived well together with Adam's family. But before the time, some

accident happened, and history of mankind went wrong.

When Eve was crying while Adam went out, what do you think the

archangel did? He could have soothed the crying Eve) carrying her on his

back, singing a lullaby. He should have taken her down on his lap in order

to soothe her. But, he may have been carried her on his back, and some~s

on his belly when he was tired. While doing this the archangel's and the

woman's genitals happened to get close sometimes. from that moment, the

archangel thought about making love with Eve, bearing his own baby, and

enjoying a happy life just like he saw in the animal world. While he was

carrying Eve on the belly, the accident happened. Do you think it is possible

or it is just a story made by Rev. Moon? This is a simple conclusion. There

was a free environment in the Fall. In the environment, the archangel did not

abide by the heavenly law, and made Eve also fall, so there was only one

- 30 -

-w-ay {~{i-_ tn restore them~ wmch was Adam. But Adam also was captured

by false love and expelled into hell.

It was made impossible to restore. So weren't they expelled? Why

were they expelled; you must understand why. In Korean ethics, if

a daughter children out of marriage, would you keep in her in

the house or kick her out? [Kick her out] (You haven't been to

America. If you were placed there you would have fallen. You

wouldn't fall if you know all these things.)

So after Adam and Eve fell, did God kick them out or not? He

expelled them, didn't he? The free ideal realm which can he united

centering on the ideal of love in the realm of subject and object

centering on the ideal of object was lost in heaven and earth.

There can not b~ such a thing on the stage. None of these existing

beings were welcomed so everything had to be cleared up. All were

expelled ...

Did Adam and Eve have children after they were expelled or did

they have children in garden of Eden and then were expelled? Tell

me. [They were expelled and then they had children] No, they had

sons and daughters and then they were expelled. [No] Even if I

threaten to kill you, you tell me the truth so I raise both bands up

and taste the sorrow of the looser and retreat, do you understand?

It is the same with God and Satan. You must understand that. It is

possible since there is the law of heaven which can distinguish

before, behind, left and right everything with the rational law.

Is there someone in the back falling asleep? I can see someone

falling asleep, when I see it with my eyes.[There is no one falling

asleep] It was so hot that he was fanning himself while falling

asleep.[Laughter] But he wouldn't sweat as much as I do. Let us

return to the main subject. Where did we loose True Love? Did we

loose it in the world or from myself? [From myself] What? We

- 31 -

didn't loose it from myself but we lost it from the wor]<l. fNo] You

peasants! We lost it from the world. In this case, you can say,

'You, peasant Rev. Moon! We lo~t it from ourselves,' you should

say that. [Laughter] In this case speaking in such a manner will

keep the rhythm. It is the same as conducting. If the indemnity is

restored you can c:;tll me, 'You peasant Rev . Moon, 't:ry ;t.[Lau15hlt;;.l]

If I teach you bad things then I will be called by a bad name.

When I see it from this view point, our Unification church

members are gentle and when I teach them something they

und~rstand it well, they know too well about the contents of the

Satanic world and I am grieving about how to melt it. How can I

make you work? I have taught you a way to find an argument to

be able to say, 'I am such a person, so why have you come to me

Rev. Moon? I c;lill like this 'and be stately when I say something to

you, you act like this with an answer prepared, therefore I think

there is a basis on which a deep resentment can be l~ft. Do you

understand? If I do something wrong, should you advise me or not?

If I declare the sabbath of God today and c.onnect ~ pipe from

wine or beer factory, drinking from it 24 hours a day, pissing and

if I say 'All Unification church leaders in the world, come, I am

going to give directions,'will you come? Tell me clearly, will you

come or not? [We will come] Even though there is no such content

in 'the principle. You should not listen to Rev. Moon who behaves

like that. [ Father is not a person who would do that] It is a

problem since a person who usually does not act like that behaves

in such a way. If I was that kind of person I wouldn't say such a

thing. Is there anything I am not able to do? I can do whatever I

want to do, isn't that so? I have lots of money, power, and as an

old man I am included in the handsome category. [Laughter]

See. I told you to sell your houses and you have made a success.

Who is the richest man in Korea? Uong Joo Yong] Forget Jong Joo

Yong. Can he do what I am doing? He just manufactures cars and

- 32 -

says 'Just let me borrow, please save me' clinging on to the sign

. b h . z·ke that I am not like him. He wants my board. He 1::, e avmg 1 ·

help but he doesn't realize who I am. I scold him and he only says

'Is that so?' Who is the son of Jong Joo Yong? Jong Mong Joon, can Jong Mong Joon do so? Humanistically he is a person who

can't do such a thing, that is how I see it. Say 'Go away' to him.

If there are any spies from Jong Mong Joon's group here, tell him

I talked about him this way. An author is someone who creates a

masterpiece out of all authors, isn't that so?

Who is next? Samsung.(Samsung means three stars in Korean.

Samsung is the name of one of huge enterprise in Korea) they

can not win against the Great Bear. Samsung is only a servant

which follows the North Pole that goes around. Or else they must

add a name the Great Bear. The Great Bear never changes. It goes

into all of the universe and turns around the center, but can

Samsung do that? Who is it, Lee Gun Hee of Samsung, can he do

what I am doing? All he does is sell el~ctronic products. He does

not have any talent to restructure man. Isn't that so? Does he have

a right to bless families? He doesn't. Only Rev. Moon can do that.

If that person dies and is buried in a public cemetery, only the

Korean conglomerates will come, but if Rev. Moon dies,

conglomerates, politicians, educators, cultural peogle of the world, a

few thousands of them will gather. .. . People here today, if I die will

you follow me to that public cemetery in line or not? [We will

follow] No, I don't like that. Now get away from me here. Even if

you don't follow me, people of the world are meant to follow. Even

if you do not bring flowers, people of the outside world are meant

to even climb over the North Pole covered in snow with flowers and come and meet me with flowers.

So what kind of person will be able to become the disciples of

love and in who's house do you want to live in ? Is it the house of

Rev. Moon, or Korean conglomerate Jong something's house or

- 33 -

who's house? {Father's house) I am not satisfiea, WlLh you oeoole. You are a group of beggars. A beggar who sells his father's name

and asks his father for money until the day be OlQ~. .. Tl:wrc aH.­

people who are not able to obtain the qualifications as father and

son and there are many who always ask for something. You second

generation, I will get hold of you and put you on the test stage and

will see how much you can endure ...

Now God is liberated, True ~arents are liberated, so what more is

there that I should do? I am now a grandfather ... The authority of

grandfathers in Korea is sybolized by what kind of pipe? How do

you call it in dialect of Kyong san do? A long pipe, and with the

pipe when you hit the floor, the metal part of it makes a loud noise

and it shakes the whole district. When the grandfather hits the

floor with it to call the grandson, the grandson will come. It is a

signal. That's what a grandfather does.

When you think of grandfather playing hi~ role until you grow

up, is Rev. Moon acting as a grandfather with a useless pipe which

scares the grandson? Or acting as a father? I am gambling with a

stick of truth in a position which the devil and God fought for

thousands and millions of years. On the day you think positively

about this and ~dmit it, you must practice it exactly the same. Do

you understand it or not? The reason is because it is the Divine

Principle. Even God bows down before that prirn;:iple. All the fallen

children of the world should bow down before it for thousands and

millions of years.

There is no doctrine m Unification church It is HSA -UWC. an

association. It is not a church. Since it is not a church, it is the

Divine Principle. It is not a doctrine. Since it is a way of truth

which all men must go, now it is the principle of FFWPU. We are

talking about a truth which God can follow and so can we. You

must understand when we draw a line with this truth, no one can

- 34 -

- · · art of an art erase it and when we draw a picture with it is an

which no one can erase, and has a content which can become the

champion of all art.

I became the chief of the world. Also I am the champion of the

world of Karate. Then I am the chief of world of economics, and

the champion of world of scholars and University Federation. I am

the champion of everything. I have so many of these titles

therefore I will give you one of them, so are you confident or not

of keeping loosing that qualification and authority? Are you

confident Dr. Yoon? Don't say anything. How can a person be the

president of the university when he does not know how to attend

the President of foundation for HSA -UWC. Come to your senses.

Kim Yong Hee, [Yes] you were kicked out. Next Kwak Chung

Hwang [Yes] you would have been kicked out if it wasn't for me.

You must know who in the world is the master and which way to

go. You must know clearly, do you understand? Chairman

Kwak'[Yes] do you know that if you don't create a president who

you can order about freely, the history of making a university of

the Unification church will be at stake? That order wasn't from

Chung Hwang Kwak. It was from me. Dr. Yoon, have you got it

or haven't you? [I understand] In this case, answer casually. Dont'

say 'I understand' wanting to be recognized. You should answer "I

got it!" and in that case it wouldn't ruin the rhythm.

If so, the only thing which can pass through anything anywhere

is True Love. You can enter it,. go down, go horizontal, and where

ever you go all becomes one. So the reason God can not find a

dwelling place in this world is because he has no house to rest in.

God has no house of sabbath, do you understand? Since men fell

everything is tom apart. Mind and body, husband and wife, mother

and children, tribe, nation, world, heaven and earth, and God and

Satan were tom apart. The question is how to unite this. Where

should we start, from the original start, from myself.

Do you think your mind and body is united even if the conflict

between the democratic world and communism, United States and

Soviet umon has concluded and world peace has been

accomplished? The divided husbands and wives, do you think that

they will unite? Do you think the nation will unite? The realm of

elder son, second son, Cain, Abel has nothing to do with curing the

decayed root. You must understand there is no standard of peaceful

unification going above the foundation of which our ancestors made

a mistake in the garden of Eden, and the standard is from myself.

The thing that corrects it is the principle of the Unification church.

Do you understand?

Therefore we need True Love. What is True Love? What did I

say True Love is? You should understand the amazing fact about

God. You must forget things which you can never for get about,

How can God forget the fact that when Adam and Eve fell, Satan

has destroyed all the beloved sons and daughters, ruined the family

and all the world. You must be able to forget what you can not

forget then you will be able to understand the heart of God and

attend him.

That is why when the last days comes, that Satan has retreated.

Just like forgetting the fact that Satan took away our husbands and

wives, we are creating an environment to forget it in order to make

it ordinary. How far does it go? What relationship? The relation of

incest. Incest with relatives and close members of the family. Who

is a close member of the family? Confusion starts from the closest

point of love, such as father and son, husband and wife. Where?

There is no place in this evil world of Satan where traces of love

can be made. That is why God is leaving. A grandfather has a

relationship with his granddaughter. A father has a relationship

with his daughter even though there is the mother. How on earth

can that happen? A brother and sister have a relationship, they are

- 36 -

even rQlationshios between brothers. Therefore, the most precious

things in the world which God treasures is the object of these

jncest relationship, and that is why Satan who is against God has

taken them. Sa\.a:n m.ade the ideal ;Jbsolute subject object

relationship of close family members into incest relationships. Sat~n acted in this way to completely destroy a foot plate which God can

stand on.

Therefore love does not leave traces. There is no one in the world who '

can bring love to God. None. All are broken apart. Do you understand?

Why did God make such conditions? Because Adam fell when he was 16.

Our time and environment is set up as it was for Adam when he was 16, the

mind and body of 16 years of age. What if he waited just a little longer. If

Awun had waited one and a half years, passed the age sevent.een and turned

eigh~n, God could have blessed him. Satan lmew that. So he made them

fall before the time. So what happened due to the fall? People in the world

many between men and women. But you should not marry. Because the

master of the world changed.

The fallen Eve who inherited Satan's false blood lineage ruined Adam. If

Adam did not fall, it would not have been so difficult to restore Eve. Since

Adam himself fell, there was no foundation to save humans. There was

nothing God could do. Therefore God had to restore evezything from the zero

point while bearing deep grudges against Satan. That was the recreation.

Providential history for salvation is the history of restoration. Restorational

history had to be made through the process of recreation. Without the

recreation process, that perfection can never be achieved becomes the ultimate

reality of mankind. How miserable the situation would be? God could not

forget the children who turned against Him and became Satan's children.

How difficult it must have been for Heavenly Father! God has given ,md

given Himself for those who never deserved Him. What did He want by

investing for us? He wanted to find love. Who ever understood the lonely

position of God who can give so much love to the unlovables? Do you?

- 37 -

Your life lasts for one generation and in one world. It is like a speck of

cloud. Where the entire heaven and earth fell down to the destruction of hell, where one cannot forget the unforgettables. . . God could have destroyed

them all but He has invested all Himself throughout the entire histozy. And

moreover, God had to love Adam .and Eve even more than he ever did before

the fall. How profound His love is! Do you understand?

Who ever understood God through the entire history? He is the

loneliest Being who could not forget the unforgettables; who

forgot everything He gave after He invested Himself for thousands

of years; who has loved the unlovables who hurt Him so much.

Who would understand such a heart of God? Since I knew the

history and tradition, I had to forget the unforgettable things. How

many enemies I have had!

God want~ to save the offsprings of th~ enemy who deserve to be

kicked down to eternal hell even by sacrificing the lives of His

own children. You should understand that the hi~torical path of

True Parents has been loving the children of the enemy by

sacrificing their own children. One has to love others more than

one's own children. You must remember this. Do you understand?

No ocean can fill up the valley of tears caused by such path.

Nothing can be higher and nothing can be deeper than God's mind

with so much undescribable pain. You should never forget the

history of Heavenly Father and True Parents.

From this point of view, thP. on lv oath that is reliable is the path

of True Love. Do you understand? LYesJ You must 1eaa me pam

where you ought to forget unforgettable, give to the unworthy, and love the

unlovable. Even if you have to die once, twice or ~ven three times and

resurrect again, you still to have the conviction to carry on. People in the

Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age and the Complet.ed Testament

Age all failed. Forty years of my life in the wilderness bas been a history of

- 38 -

grief All because the first generation of Adam failed. Who ever understood

God's heart when he looked at His empty Garden after expelling His children

and yearned to free the entire universe and wanting to face the moment of

victory over evil.

There have been enormous heartbreaking, sad, painful, tearful and

suffering stories behind this historical path. After enduring all the

hardships of fifty years, True Parents have finally opened up the

gate of liberation for all people as if Moses led the oppressed

Israelites out of Egypt. We should forever give glory to God for

we have met the day of proclamation of liberating heaven and earth

that frees entire families in this world, the prisoners under Satan's

dominion, and enables them to be part of the heavenly lineage of


This moment can be explained as the Universal Settlement of

Heavenly Parents. What do I mean by settlement? Because of the

fall, each particle of atoms grieves in lamentation. We were created

by dynamic; reactions between the plus and minus elements in the universe,

which is called love. Since we lost true love, the world fell into darkness.

Not only minerals but also plants. A stamen and a pistil, the con- of

_reproduction system lost its originally God-planned meaning. Relationships

between male and female animals in the animal world and between men and

women in human society all sank down to hell. The whole world was under

Satan. To cast out the darkness of evil, God sent Messiah but people

crucified him. After Adam eternally scared human history, God set up the

foundation of chosen people over 4 thousand years in order to send the

Messiah. But he was killed in vain.

God lost the victory in the national level and the Messiah had to

leave the earth with a promise of returning again. God tried to

find the one family !le lost at the Garden of Eden and restore the

direction of the entire world. God's plan was behind and He

waited for the right moment passing the first War and the second

- 39 -

m Korea regarding the world Christian cultural domain. England,

U.S., France. England is an island representing the Eve nation,

U.S.A. representing Abel, France as an enemy nation against

England became under one in the name of U .N.

European Christian culture which is mainly spiritual does not hold

a substantial ground. The East represents the substantiality which

the West lacks. That is why they struggle with each other. Who

attacked first? Satan did. It is like that. Satan always trys to

dominate our conscience first. Satan always pulls down the

conscie:[lce into the world of death. With the victory over the

worldwide level of enemy in the World War II, the world had to

receive the Second Coming as its master, the unified world of ideal.

England, U.S.A. and France were right at the center of the

Christian culture which could unify the entire world into one.

Due to the benefit of time, Kor~ could cheer over its newly earned

independence. However, I could not cheer even until now. Do you

under~tcmd? To ease the broken heart unable to show the cheers, the

unification church ~ to have such a tradition of cheering Manseis.

We should proudly show our excitement when the time comes, looking

straight at the soo rise with the joyful heart of God, serve the king and queen . '-'

of the creation, and love the water and all life forms as if they are all in the

new air and new oceans .

Do you understand?

1bat love. God never experienced s1,1ch love.

God could not love the sun, the king of the entire ecosystem, the

water, the air or the land. God could not love all things, minerals,

plans and animals. God has to find a way to love them all.

Therefore, persons in True Parents position should go to and love

the ocean at the most humble fishing town, streams at the poorest

villages. They should visit all sorts of mountains and oceans, rivers

in order to make bridges of heart which God never experienced

- 40 -

t.hrough those creatures. True Parents should feel the feelings of

joy God must have felt when He first created even the offsprinR

of the smallest fish in the world. To qualify as a master and to

realize the internal relationship of love, the very reason of our

survivals, I had to visit all comers of the earth and the ocean.

When we have the day of celebration, the age of the ocean 1s

over. I have enough foundation to complete all the plans I have

had in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and so forth. I have been busy

for the last ten days for that. Mother begged me not to go and

told me she would not go. Mother does not understand. Fath<·r

does not do things just by listening to Mother. I sent three people

to each country. That makes a special condition, making the four

position foundations . I didn't die yet.

Bv tracing back to the tradition I made throughout my life-long

activities, you should educate your children to make the true

connection. The settlement does not only apply to the oceans. It

relates to the settlement of the lands. From now, I will visit

mountains known for their beauty. I will not simply make visits.

I will also create a hunting place. I will not kill the wild animal~,

though. I will raise my own animals.

It will be a new leisure industry.

Even if you don't understand the reason, originally, you ought to

raise your own animals for your meat. You eat animals, right?

You eat all the plants? You take all the minerals? You are

sinning before the natura. It is stealing. Stealing.

Originally nature is supposed to be part of the flesh and blood of

God's begotten son. But they are taken by thieves. They become

the flesh and blood of the thieves. In order to nullify the sin, we

should create the leisure industry to actualize the original love at

the utmost changing point of history, centered on the 3.6 billion

blessing that we have prepared until now. Do you understand? Do

- 41 -

you know what l mean? l'les1 Whenever I go places, I never thought that I would want to own

my own land. I thought of how to make the land belong to God

and help resurrect all people by cultivating the land. When I saw

the sights of remote villages, I thou~ht of the way to make the

places the number one ~ightseeing place so that people could come

and praise the scenary.

Making money is not my concern. What matters is how to

promote the thoughts of caring for the natural beauty on the

original foundation of the ideal of creation. No nation?l boundari~s

were my limits. Whenever I need ...

I went to Europe without a visa. I am such a man.

You ought to understand that all things grieve in deep lamentation q.ue to

the fall. Do you understand? In chapter 8 Romans,. it says that all things

are m gnevance. All things which were supvosed to proudly showup its

appearances in the sunny light cannot but grieve in this world of dqrlme{is,

where there is no need of bright colors. So we have to change the current

situation. We have to tum this world into a world of light and love, the

sunlight of love, before God so that all things can glorify God as their sole

source of life. We have to make that center.

Because all things were made by love, they will all be absorbed

in and become one with the king of love and the master of love,

Heavenly Parents. The law of the jumde should no more apply in

this world. The lower level of love is to be absorbed in by the

higher level of love. Where is the final destination? The final

destination, the highest possible ideal is to experience God's love.

Men and women can produce God's sons and daughters through reproductive

organs. All things should give their lives; the higher form of minerals to

plants, plants to lower form of animals to higher form of animals and animals

to humans. Humans should love all things and take them in their bodies.

- 42 -

Did you love all tirings? Wh~n you take all things which willingly sacrifice

themselves to complete the original ideal bond of God's love, you should sec

them as offerings to God as if you were the master of love of subjectivity

and freedom. If you have such attitudes, the lives of all tirings you take will

never die.

You should be able to reach the point where you become a single cell of

God's love and to truly be intoxicated by His love as God's original sons and

daughters experiencing the truth with all your souls so that your very

existence is the highest purpose of God's creation. Everything in you is

mobilized at this one place.

Where is that one place? It is your sexual organ. It can kill life.

But also it is true temple of love. Without it no one can

experience love women, men? Can you or can't you? [No, we

cannot] Can a man and a woman write without it? [No] Can you, you

peasants? [No] Why your voices are so small? Yours should be thousand

times bigger than mine. Can you or can't you? [No!] Even if the whole

universe breaks into pieces, when you know its absolute value, even the dead

will open their eyes wide and say 'Yes, that's true. Now we understand.'

You have to understand that this truth can even make the dead respond.

Now you answer me. Can you or can't you? [No!] Think that even the dead

would resurrect. Since such resurrection is possible things can find their own

right courses.

As true love finds its place in the world of animals, plants and minerals, the

Heavenly Fortune is supports the Unification Church. No matter how many

wish destruction of the Unification Church, there is no way it will perish. It

is following the law of the universe. No matter who or how many wish for

the disappearance of the Unification Church, it cannot) because the Church is

connected to the very final end of God's love. It is the inevitable conclusion.

Amen. [Amen]

Say 'there is only love' . [There is only love] I need love absolutely. Even if

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I have to die ten times over and over again, I have no attachment to anything

but walking the path to be God's child. I am not ashamed to say this. Amen. [Amen]

Since we understand that where there is bones; flesh can be

added, we have to remember that we should follow wherever there

is true love. Amen. [Amen] Let me go back to my point now .... We

have a simple conclusion. Your mind and body should be a comfortable

dwelling place for God. You should unite your mind and body. That's it.

Where is the point of unity? It is where you make 100 percent of love to

your spouse whom you have been longing to meet for thousands of years, the

embodiment of loving God you have been dying to embrace for thousands of

years. The first one is in the position of Satqn and the second indicates that

we should find the original path of love. Therefore, restoration i~ not possible

in the love of elder son ship. It is only possible in the younger son ship of

love ....

Restoration providence does not work in the lineage of the first

wives. It works in the lineage of concubines and ille!!itimate

children. Why? They are two kinds of mot.hers and their children;

fallen mother and her children and restored mother and her

children. Two mothers cannot go into the kingdom of heqven

together side by side.

Only one kind of mother and her children can go in. You just

have to overturn the original order. An elder son becomes a

younger son and the younger son becomes the elder. This explains

the struggle between two sisters, Leah and Rachel in Jacob's

family. Even if Leah was treated as if she were a slave in her

sister's household, she had to unite with Rachel. She had to be

her sister's slave if need be. This will create the model of

Heaven. Here all of Leah's sons representing the whole humanity

should have bowed down to Joseph and Benjamin as their slaves.

- 44 -

They could not go to the kingdom of Heaven, the original world}

without the absolul:.e faith, absolute love and absolute obedience to

their two younger brothers. That was the commandment.

When God createo the universe, He bad absolute faith. God made the world

as His object of absolute love on the foundation of His absolute faitb.

Therefore, He invested everything and then He Qbeyed absolutely. He gave everything he had. Yow love partner also asks you to give everything of

yourself to her/him. Isn't it true? When you have your first night in the

honeymoon or when you are out on date, if your woman asks ''How much do

you love me?" She will be satisfied only when you say, '1 can die for you. I

am not afraid of reaching the point zero just to follow yoµ." Everything will

be okay then. It applies to all forms of reciprocal relationships. One should

never change in the loyalty of love even at the risk of one's life. Only then

the separate two become one. Only then they can be sons and daughwrs of


When we look at the history, we should all repent our sms.

Historically, who sinned first? Adam did or Eve did? rEveJ Eve

did. Adam was like a licking wall. And he was supposed to win over Eve's

temptation. Madam Eve, that's right. If you eat wrong, you shall die. If

you cannot preserve your chastity, you will ruin yourself. The Korean

language is so prophetic. Do you understand? ryes J The walls are blocked.

Adam turned upside down and made those personal, familial, tribal and

national walls in his wi11 he can only go to Heaven by breaking up all of


Eve should absolutely obey him supporting Adam up until the point of

giving her own flesh and blood to be melted to water and help to build

whatever Adam wants to build. Eve should walk the path of a woman who

sacrifices everything for Adam in order to return to the original place.

Otherwise, there is no other way for her. is why women had to

sacrifice themselves for thousands of years since the fall, to find the loving

husband. Their men have been archangels, they are holding onto false

- 45 -

husbands. . . They are the thieve$ of love. Their whole lives, they

bit . their loving wives, scanng them from head to toe, stanl\i their hearts, scaring not on\-y tb.eir faces but afoo c.netr minds. Women had to lead such a tearful histo-nr W h .. , . omen ave been sacrificial offerings.

What is such women's wish? Finding the original husband with

all their selves. You should understand that for the last thousands

and millions of years, women walked the path of tears and death • they wished at the last moment of their lives at least their

daughters or descendents would be able to find the original true

husband. God heard their dying wishes. While listening to their

heartbroken stories, God must have felt ever frustrated, sad and

lonely. It was so much more harder on God than any of those

women. Do you understand? [Yes]

Don't speak about your own family problems._ You women and

your husbands as well. No matter how difficult obstacles come in

your way, nationally and worldwide, you should determine that you

will overcome all even if you have to crawl over them. If you die

while crawling over, God will send a successor who can overcome

all the obstacles at once. Don't you understand such God's plan?

Understand or not undeFstand? [Understand]

As God loves Korea, .Arirang hill . . . . '.Arirang .Arirang Arariyo. We are walking over the .Arirang hill.' No

matter how sad, difficult and bard the situations are you have to walk over

them. It is quite principled. "A.1 sounds like love in Korean,M ri ,, sounds like

village. It is the journey to find the village of your love. On the way to the

village, there are many bills; there are 12 of them. When we carefully study

our traditional folk songs and family traditions we can easily find that the

heavenly ideals were all there such as loyalty to the nation and filial piety.

Toe journey to find the village manifests our journeys to find true Adam and

true Eve. The road separating the bride and groom are twelve No matter

- 46 -

sho··'d overcome those obstacles to complete the ideal of how difficult, one ,w

creation of God.

The first Adam failed and even the second Adam failed. as the

Arirang song says that the third Adam will tum things around and

arrive in the original hometown and we shall serve True Parents

for the next thousands of years. So who is responsible for

overcoming the hills of Arirang? Eve cannot. Do you understand?

Eve know~ nothing.

The true bridegroom will climb up all the hills and find the

village of <;lreams. That is the meaning of twelve hills. So how do

you p4ss through the twelve hills in your own life? The world

blessing marriage. It overcomes the national differences. Do you

un9erstand? We should make the road of tradition where all

families of different nationalities can go. We should build up the

highway. So you must know that the Unification Church has

overcome the twelve hills of the blessing.

Look. How many couples in the first blessing? Three couples,

and next? thirty six couples, then next? seventy two couples, and

then next? 124 couples and next? 456r vbnmb horizontal foundation

in the worldwide level in August 25, 1992 based on the 6500 couple

blessing foundation which symbolized number ten, the number of

completing one circle. 3.2 million couple blessing was the

formation stage, 36 million couple blessing as the growth stage, and

3.6 billion couple blessing will be the completion stage.

When I announced about the thirty thousand couple blessing as

the leader of the Unification Church, everyone thought of me crazy.

I am a smart man. 'Crazy thirty thousand couples? 6000 couple?

It took several years to bless the 6000 couples. How could they

make thirty thousand couples in such a short period of time?' I

am a frightening man. Did we do it or not? [We did it.] Worldwide,

transcending races, nationalities and religions, I blessed thirty thousand

couples. I blessed them beyond the differences of their beliefs. Do you

remember you made big eyes when I told you about blessing Moslems,

Buddhists, Hindis? [Yes] You tried to run from the responsibility but soon

your eyes were wide open. I still could not forget your changed face.

Under God's protection it went well without any troubles. The

36 million couple blessing was a mere dream. Who sided with me

then? No one trusted me. Did you Chung Hwan Kwak believe

me? Not believing and believing a little is just the same. You

could not trust me fully. What difference does it make when your

score is 50 or 65 when you fail anyway. It is same as zero points.

The only man who has the absolute faith is Reverend Moon.

Reverend Moon is the only one with absolute love, absolute


Even if I am thrown into a pnson, my mind does not change ev€n for a

minute. One should win over every minute, ev~ry day, every month, and

every year. I have a mission of winning the victory of the world history.

Nothing can break me. Even if I have to be executed by hanging, my spirit

should be able to move God's heart. I have believed that such a

determination is the only way that God can send someone much better than

me after I am gone.

With God's protection, for anyone who has faith as strong as

Rev. Moon there are no impossibilities. As yo1,1 know the 36

million couple blessing was held without any problems. You have

to say 'Amen' or clap your hands when I say such things.

[Clapping] You have to say 'Amen' first and then clap. You

Unification Church members should be struck by lightening if you

are embarrassed to clap for me. [Laughter] If you are young and

naive you will clap hard but you are so old. You wonder 'why the

Teacher is so excited?' and you clap like this. That should go.

If that doesn't go away, I will kick it away with a bat. Let's do it

- 48 -

again. [Amen] [Clapping] You should not forget today. You blocked my way, you

peasants? I should give you some discplinary punishments to the

back stage people. Do you hear me well in the back? [Yes] I

thought you didn't listen . . . I think that you can understand my point by


Don't you see me as a poor man? I have no friends, no father,

no brothers. I have been lonely, lonely, . . . Only God and me.

That's why I never shared my situation fully with anyone in the

Unification Church, no Chung Hwan Kwak, no Young Hwi Kim not

even Mother. I am alone . . .

My wish is for everyone in the world find the nest of love

centered on True Family ideal and the whole world finally find the

true freedom I want to lead everyone in the worl<;l to realize the

original ideal of God's creation intoxicated by true love. I never

ever forget the path of restoration. So I stood over nights to find

the right way. When others took their days off and visits resorts,

I gave them all up although I knew I could enjoy myself more than

anyone if I wanted to.

I did not celebrate Christmas nor the New Year's day. In order

to build up the foundation that God can truly resolve His pain and

walk towards the hopeful future, I abandoned such things. Is it a

crime? If you are such parents all your children will return to the

Unification Church before the last day.

What do you think? Am I great or worthless? [Great] I am the

number one worthless among the worthless. [No] I lost my country, my

kingdom and the whole universe. I am just a vagrant. All my life, I have

been trying to pioneer the way of filial sons, loyal servants, saints

and holy men with the heart of repentance as I lost the kingdom of

the original ideal of God and lost the foundation to serve God.

- 49 -

Who can sympathize a grieving son who is so far way. God cannot sympathize. Instead, he had to whip His leaving son. I

understood God's situation.

Look. After you receive your blessing, you cannot overcome such

situations. You have no idea how much I could grieve about.

Even this morning I fell to the ground while praying. I am a very

lonely man. If anyone says one word touching my heart, I would

cry my heart out. I have lived a life of a man who writhes in the

agony of pain. Korea this nation has tried to drive out a man like

me for the last 40 years.

I went through the three ages of kingship. Even the son of Young Sam

Kim went? Do you think that they will have a easy life? Now Korean

women unify into one transcending political wrties and create the dominion of

family liberation. All the archangelic political leaders will kneel down before

them and beg for their lives. Such a day will come. [Amen]

You watch if that is going to happen or not. [Clapping] All the evil

thieves who tempted women throughout history ·· ·. They will have to beg

before women for the next thousands and millions of years. The day will

come. I have been working for such a liberation for women. ' is why I

made s~n places for women of the South and North. One has to complete

the satanic number beyond sixteen. Sixteen in the U.N. Korea is the 161st

country. It went beyond the number sixteen. There we have tQ restore the

number eighteen of the South and North and prepare the day of liberation,


To make that possible we should olant the seed of the mainstream thoughts

of the South and North Americas. . . We held these campaigns centered on

Mother. Ths is the third time. I am trying to change Korea's defeated

position. I am trying to make ways for elder sons, younger sons and

stepsons to receive blessings. . . . No one knows how hard I have been

working to save Korea while being persecuted in this country. Only God

- 50 -

knows. 1bis poor Rev. Moon did not want Korea to be blessed in second place. So

here we are as Mother and Father to help the families and people. We have

been preparing to bring the foundations of North and South Americas, the

Christian culture. They are Cain and Abel before Mother. Therefore, Mother

in the position of Eve has to sew the seed. This was the third time. . .

Now all the top leaders of the country cannot but follow Mother. All the

conditions have been made.

Therefore, there should be dialogues between South and North

Korean women. If we held the South and North Women Campaign

at 516 Square in Pyongyang, the new politi<;al era will begin. The

elder sonship of the satanic side will go and Abie's heavenly side

will take over. The world of liberation centered on True Parents

and True Children will begin. [Amen]

Tiris year, I bought my fworite airnlane. I don't need a big one. So in

Canada we bought the plane and make a technological tie up in the future.

We have to be the master in the land, sea and air. Since we are not the

master in the air, we need to make a technological tie up with the Bembedere

company which has the best technology. We will buy planes one by one from

there and then we will have newspaper companies in 18.5 nations. . .

Newspaper companies need planes. One, two, three are needed. I want to

develop all the potential places as tourist sights and bring people to those

places with the planes. I am preparing all of that. After that I want to build

a ship and go to the South and North poles. (We are reaching the North Pole

centered on Kodiak and we are also trying to go to the South Pole as well.)

I took all the 7 thousand boats which enabled the Soviet in the past to be the

leading fishery industry nation. They were cheap since they were in auction.

Experts examined the boats to make some repairs. I asked the best experts

in the US. fishing boat industry. They said that 'buying those boats will

bring 6 million dollars benefits. How in the world did Rev. Moon know that?'

- 51 -

You can clap when say such a tiring. [clapping]

So I would like to make the number one company all over the

world. No one else can do this. l am. tt'j1ni \.() bnni \11e to peop\e, 1 wou}(} like to develop the food industry by using

inexhaustible resources . . . You have to make me in charge. I

want to build a joint stock company. . .

This is the breadbasket area. You ean cultivate the land. Do

you understand? I would like to buy all the land. It will be about

2 million ha. I would like to buy the whole land and create the

cooperation. Then I want to bring North Korean~ and Africans

who are starving to death and give them jobs in fisheries and

farming. That way I want to liberate those who are in severe

poverty. In ten years from now there will be ten billion Unification

Church members. No men or Amen? [Amen] [Clapping]

Christianity collected trash of the waste companies. But Rev.

Moon has made ways to bring several times more of people to the

Church. That time will come. [Amen] Those who opposed to me,

cannot drive the Unification Church out away. Japan, US., Germany and

Soviet Union could not do it. Rev. Moon is not a fool. Young Sam Kim

claimed that 'the Unification Church .will perish in my hands' but he couldn't

do it. The present government wants to pull us out but they found

themselves unable to. Japan gave up and the U.S. gave up. I have such

powers. I have enough power to win over the Japanese Embassy. I

investigated after all the prominent Christians in Korea. I will break them all

apart if they attack. Since I have the newspaper, I get to know world best

top information . . . I can find out about certain informations even two weeks

before the CIA.

You thought that I was nobody. Now you know I can be quite

scary. Right? [Yes] You worthless, some of you went to Seoul University,

the shitty university and all go astray. They will all be thrown into shit

holes someday. I can fight like a man. Am I not a real man. right? [Yes,

- 52 -

you are.]

The Family Federation for World Peace has made its place all over the

world. Now we need to build the Clan Federation for World Peace and

Kindred Federation. Do you understand? We need to create the new

movement to mobilize people through their clan organizations not only Moons

and Hans but others clan as well starting from April 10. The newly flamed

''blessing movement" has begun. They are making new resolutions this time

centered on Moons and Hans.

What is the biggest river, Han river? Ap-rok river? Look at the

Ap- rok river from up side down at the end of the river. Since we

made the worldwide foundation, it is time to work centered on clan

organizations. All the fallen branch streams should be taken in to

the main heavenly stream even the smallest waters. Do you


Wherever I go, there should not be any blocks. I should be free

so that God can go anywhere He desires to go with me. Liberc;1tion

of True Parents and liberation of God molds into one. Do you

understand? There will be no one opposing me. Everyone will

welcome me. They will sell the most precious things in their

household and make a great feast for me. Everywhere I go, there

will be feasts day after day. Do you understand?

When I go to your house, will you have a feast or not? [ I will ]

Families should make feasts and there should be feasts in clan level and

national level. Family Federation can work hand in hand with the Clan

Federation, National Federation and World Federation. The time has come

now that there weren't be any obstacles. Do you understand? So it is the

realm of freedom and liberation. No matter how prominent and no matter

how proud a heritage ones has, they cannot oppose us. No one will say) no

men. They will absolutely say Amen. Such a free world has come; liberation

of individuals, families, nations, the world, and the universe. When God

ffilbraces ire in ffis bosom, He will say 'Have you come Moon so and so?'

When I return to God and say 'Heavenly Father' God would not say, 'You

came. Go away. ' He will jump from his royal chair, hold my neck and cry

His heart out. That is why I feel so responsible in serving God. That is

what Rev. Moon is. To deserve such a day, I truly want to make no

mistakes and bring only vi<;tories to Heavenly Father. And we are groups of

people to reach such goals. 3.6 billion is not a problem. 36 billion is not a

real problem, either. If you are so determine and have the fiery will to take

care of 3 hundred billion or even 3 thousand billion, things will work

themselves out. Everything will be done in eight months. Do you

llllderstand? [Yes]

You should not forget that what I have been trying to do all my

life was to comfort God's pained heart, create the free world for

Him where all people in the world centered on Koreans serve God

as True Parents for eternity. That is what have been fighting for. [Amen] [ clapping]

So I am telling you to unite your mind and body.

To make the unity between mind and body, you should be able to

feel true love. Because this body betrayed G-od, you have to be able

to manage your body which has been opposing against God for

thousands of years. If you follow the desire of your body, you will

perish. Never forget that the body of yours caused all the agonies

of thousands of years of human history. You should conquer the body.

How far do you have to go to do it? You should have,,_ big

enough heart to give away your one and only love in the world to

your enemy and bless them. You should be man enough to empty

yourself completely to help and support to make the new born

couple wholesome and loving couple. If you cannot do this, you

cannot conquer your body. Do you know what I mean? You

should understand that God gave his beloved husband and wife

away to His enemy and still had to bless them. He has have such

-54 -

a history. I had to overcame all sorts of temptations by women. I had to

strengthen myself not to be drawn into women's temptation and

subjugate the situations over and over aga.1n.

Do you understand what I am saying? If you cannot be totally

still and in peace even when you have to give your loving wife

away to the bosom of your enemy and watch them reach the

climax of their relationship, you must subjugate your body and

unify your mind and body in true love. I have been running away

from all kinds of temptations from women. When I say no, I mean

it. I took some members of the Unification Church gambling in

Las Vegas. I watched them to see if they finish when I finished.

If you cannot know the time to end and go crazy over gambling, it

is not good. Even if you want to go and do more, when your mind

says 'stop', you should be able to stop 100 percent, clean. When I

say no I really mean no. That is why God can trust me. Do you

understand? Otherwise there is no way I could unify my mind and

body and lead the history of unification. I had to be able to

overcome the past and truly make a new way for Heaven to work.

I had to be such a person.

If one cannot turn things around 180 degrees, nothing works out.

Do you understand? [Yes] Otherwise there is no unifying point between

your mind and body. I am teaching you this with total honesty. When one

reaches the climax of the relationship with his wife, he could totally empty

himself up until the zero point. If I could not do it, I would have been

punished by God directly. I have had so many moments like that. The road to reach even the Tao is such a rough course.

You have to conquer your body. You have to subjugate all the

five organs in your body. Will you go after the love of flesh? Or

the love of spirit? You must preserve your chastity even if you

have to die thousands of times. Women, sons and daughters before

- 55 -

marriage should keep their chastity_ And after you marry the true

partner, you will also have to preserve your chastity for ever. Do

you understand, you women? [Yes]

Without this you cannot build your individual temple. You cannot

create a safe dwelling place for God. Without this, there cannot be

no safe dwellings for couples, families, tribes, peoples, nations and

the world. How miserable that will be? These are not just words

but a harsh reality. Do you understand?

Shall I say that we all successfully built the family level

settlement? Or shall I say let's do it? [Let's say we did it] If you

think you made it, raise your hands. Why are you laughing l(,)Oking at people

next to you. I saicj 'raise your hano.s'. It is a very hard tiring to do. This

is a much bigger war than the atom bomb war. You have to be able to make

peace within each one of yourself.

Realize 1,mity centered on true love or

so? Let me ask him. We need to know.

off er our sincere effort. Even though you

not? 'We did.' Who said

That's why we have to

may be thrown naked to

a world bea\11Y contest in front of tens of millions of people, you

have to instantly go back to O if your private part were to come in

touch with that of the woman who got the champion~hip in the

beauty contest. You cannot overcome it without having that kind

of self-control. Is it clear? Those who do not understand, raise

your hands! I taught you this as clearly as this, and you cannot

complain to me later saying that you failed to enter the heavenly

kingdom. Do you understand? Did you understand clearly or not?

'Yes, we got it.' Those who have understood clearly, raise your

hands! I see that you know as far as understanding is c;oncemed.

Therefore, with an understanding that I am your absolute teacher

who taught this clearly, you have to take upon everything unjust

and undeserved along my path of Han(bitter feeling) and move

forward no matter what your mother-in-law, father-in - law or any

- 56 -

relative says) and digest it all.

Look! A crane hatches out her eggs oQ.t there on a plain area

beyond uphills of Mount Everest. She set gQing over the top of

Mount Everest as her standard even though there are high

mountains, seas and valleys down there. She has to go on with the

spirit of self-protection that supports her till she reaches the

destination even though there may be sufferings. Once she has

overcome Mount Everest, the heaven of freedom where the entire

things of the universe can welcome her with praise and glory will

wait for her. Knowing this, what woulc,in't she be unable to


I have fought with that kind of thinking in my mind. 'I am all

tied up. Oppose me.' Even though dogs of a village may bark, I

don't care. They are opposing me, urging me to go away from

their village even one more step faster. Do you understand? It is

not running away. Interpreting the barking sound as an urge for

me to not miss the road ahead and to succeed in going over high

mountains.... I led a busy life with the thinking that I have to go

beyond that valley so that I a great distance from the outcry of

the persecuting enemy following me from behind. Got it or not? [We got it]

Well, then, what IS the next road to go? Our ideal family today

is the house In which we seek God's resting place. The

subjugation of my home and next the subjugation of the couples

home. God may stay at an individual resting place and also at a

wife's resting place, and centered on a bigger love ... It has a

different tradition and different character. It has a different

assertion, too. Shapes are all different, as well. The family shall

attend God who comes to visit a resting place that is centered on

a form of unified husband and wife which can unite 180 degrees

different forms. Nomen or Amen? [Amen] Things are meant to be


- 57 -

I mean, Parents came and did the fi.<Jhting for tens of thousancis

years so that there is not even a standard to fight. W ~ h:;ivQ> a b;g

issue. We have to create a r~sting place on the level of family and

husband and wife. God comes in here and becomes a subject

centered on love. With a resting place of husband and wife taking

place on the foundation of a man and a woman who have

connected a unified standard of bQdy and mind, a place where God

can take a rest came to appear in a family. Do you understand?

Then you will say, 'God, you all saw Adam and Eve sU;ind naked

in Eden. Me, too. Since there is sorrow in You from nQt loving, I

love in this way, in Your name. Chung Hwan Kwak? [Yes] How

many such families do we have in percentage? [They are lacking

a lot] How many percentages? You have to answer in perc~nt. [I

haven't calculated] 0 percent, doesn't lacking a lot it means 0

percent. I guess it means that one became a king failure of failures

without even starting.

This problem is serious. I am not kidding. We have to get a

resting place back. Isn't that right? We have to restore a house of

resting for an individual and husband and wife. It is a resting in

subject and object centered on sons and daughters. This is most

important and from here you shall go or not in search of a house

of resting of formation, growth and perfection husband and wife.

[We shall ] You shall all go in search of it.

No matter how hard it is, 'I' will or will not do the work? [I will

do] That explains why God's place of resting cannot be established

if there is not you and also if there is not 'I'. We have to

become filial daughters and filial sons who can wait upon God by

being harmonized for tens of thousands of years. Realizing how

deep the Han of a husband and wife and God must be who have

yet to welcome this filial daughter and filial son, we have to be

- 58 -

determined to wash the root through ourselves. We have to be

determined to make a place in which we can live forever, about

which God Himself can pledge and where we can attend the

Father. Do you want to do like that or not? [We would like to do

so] Those who would like to do so, raise your hands quietly while

looking at them. They are beautiful hands. Say 'Amen.' r AmenJ

If one person can represent 7000 people, then that person can be

victorious for them. Thus creating a condition to be recognised,

let~ overcome it now. And overcome it again. [yes] Yes. That's it.

[Yes] You have to say 'yes' strongly. What about when I don't

say 'Yes' anymore. [Yes] We have to make 36 run away from


Next, it is to go out in search of family level resting place. This

sounds good. So, it becomes a house of formation, growth and

perfection. Since God dwells forever in a son's house, husband

and wife's house and also m an individual's house, the entire

family shall exist forever 1n God's love. The conclusion is Amen.

It's Amen forever.

So, one can see here the start of a family that becomes the

origin of earth and heaven. When you create a family centered on

this, you are turned to the realm of tribal messiah centered m

family messiah and then, centered on relatives, to the realm of

relative, clan messiah. It starts from this family.

You have to invest and forget about it. You have to forget what

you can't forget. You have to invest what you cannot invest.

Then, you have to love what you cannot love. We have to know

that we restore a place where God may take a rest only when we

go over the hill centered on His unfair and mistreated situation. Do

you understand? You know all now? [Yes] That's why we have

to commit your family . We have to commit our family. Centered on

a family whose entire members and an individual say amen,

- 59 -

husband and wife ~ay amen, and children say amen, we have to

commit our family for the sake of our clan, and the whole that

became one with that clan should commit itself for a country. This

way, it becomes a foundation of resting of the country. Everything

should become one and then be invested to the world. This one,

again, must become one and be committed for the universe. By

committing this and even God, liberation of an impregnable realm

of resting comes to take place.

So, centered on family, we have to go over the standard of the

world. That's why we, Unification Church, are going over the

hills of the top, that is mass wedding ceremonies, like 36 couples

to begin with, 360,000 couples and then 3.6 million couples, all

centered on number 10. Across watershed. Do you under~tand? I

opened the world's entire doors of Blessing now. The Satanic

world lost everything. It lost the nation, the traditional thought and

all. Do you understand? I mean, it entered this chaotic era in

which it lost her ancestors, king, grandfather, father, brother,

husband, sons and daughters as well.

The order of love that can become a traditional standard to

elucidate the great principle of heaven all fell down. It is true that

a tradition which can go against God's blood lineage was inherited

since humanity held the ideal of Archangel's family other than the

family of Adam, who is the owner. This way, everything of the

world's end era got destroyed centered on the fallen family. On the

other hand, the preparation centered on True Parents finished

preparation that can lead to the perfection of the realms of the

openness of the tribe, nation, country, world and the universe

beginning from the perfection of an individual and family ideal. We

are entering the movement to restore families.

Through restoring families of the entire world, the formation of

the world's realm of tribe 1s freedom. Through occupying the

- 60 -

entire world's tribe, national formation also is freedom, and thanks

to the occupation of nation, the formation of the nation, world, and

heaven on earth and in heaven goes to the realm of freedom.

You have to know that what a great king who occupies families

represents is the Lord of the Second Advent, True Parents, true

teacher and the owner of true kingship.

That's why Mother's lecture this time is teaching this.

God is True Parent, True Teacher and True King. History tells

us that we lost the true elder son ship and True Parentship, and

true kingship. Since we now all entered an era where we can

occupy starting from a family, the world cannot oppose. I mean,

since I did the Blessing that can go over centered on international

and inter-religious standard, the Satanic world cannot but close its

door and welcome this work.

Neither God, not Satan can control this.

The only thing that can solve this is .. .I mean, once we go over

the hill of 360 million couples on account of both God and Satan

making a request to True Parents, the world is concluded as being

ours. What kind of heaven will happen next, then? It's not a

heaven for individuals. Since I paved a foundation of free

environment to practice the hegemony of victory, I shall upon this

foundation complete The Declaration of the Cosmic Sabbath for the

Cosmic Parents of Heaven and Earth. Amen[Amen] [Applaud]

All liberations are meant to take place since it now has become a

free heaven and earth in which one can go anywhere in order to

spread the content of what no one has been able to accomplish. If

so, God can come and go horizontally as He pleases and it can be

linked to heaven vertically from here. With the horizontal standard

of 3.6 million couples happening, this vertical standard also became

high in proportion and thus any tribe or nation of the whole world

- 61 -

can receive blessing. Also on earth centering on the basis of the

perfected substantial Adam, the whole nation can single out the

archangel, thus create the second Adam and receive the Blessing in

order to enter heaven. This is what we call the global Blessing

movement of the Unification Church today.

Therefore, the road you have to go now is simple.

I mean, let's forget about 3.6 million couples. Let's forget about

360 million couples. Since we passed over the realm of the world,

we are now in an era when we can surmount tribal formation

without difficulty. Do you understand? [Yes] So, I'm asking each

of you to win just ten people over to our sid~ centered on cJ. direct

line of grandfather and grandmother, a direct line of mother and

father, a direct line of your family-in-law, a direct line of your son

and daughter and then a direct line of your relatives. Oo you

under~tand? 3.6 million couples just need to win ten people over to

their side. After this is done, they may just enjoy t.p.emselves. Do

you understand? 360 million or 30 million is too a far distance and

farther than the far side of the Pacific.

You don't need to think about it. I am working on in tears even

by mobilizing many of my mother's and father's relatives. If you

do so like this, then it will create a boom. At every Blessing

towns of the world, people will raise flags and you will hear songs

of praise and cheers and the sound of drum and horn. So, it's like

this. You go out there quickly and say, 'If only ten people listen to

me before they go, I will give a ticket for heaven.' Do you

understand? [Yes]

. If you cannot do the Blessing work, you just need to go to, let's

say, 180 people and pray. Do you understand now? Forget about

3600 couples.[Yes] How many? [Ten families]Ten families. I~ how

many days are you going to finish ten families with your

performance that you have had so far? [One day] One day or two

- 62 -

will be enough. If only you prepare 36 million, just one tenth a day

will be enough. How easy! Yes or not?[Yes, it is]Those who say

'yes,' protrude your tongue and raise your hands, feet and even

genital organs to say Mansei. Amen. [Amen] What? Where in the

world do you find this crazy fellows in broad daylight? Are you

saying that you will finish 360 million couple~ within a few days?

Is he sane or not if he said that he will do 36, million in a day or

something? The person who says that he is crazy is crazy and the

person who is said to be out of his mind is not crazy. In that

sense, amen.[Amen]

After that, we have nothing to do. So we will just enJoy

ourselves. All are done. Ten people would give you no trouble,

right? [Yes] You have done as many as several hundred couples a

day. Don't even think about 36 million couples. It's other's

business. Your grandfather on mother's side is your r~lative. Your

mother's brother is also your relative. Next, your sc;:hoolmates.

Friends from elementary school, middle and high school, univer!;,ity

and also from c;ompany. So many people! About 100 persons will

be easier than eating pumpkin gruel. Other porridge is c:;lean qnd

tidy but this watery pumpkin will be loose. Therefore it is easy.

So, today is what? Today is the Declaration of the Realm of the

Cosmic Sabbath for True Parents. Parents of heaven and earth.

God is internal Parents and external parents are True Parents.

They should be united.

Centered on what are they to be united? They should be one

centered in true love. Where does true love come from? It arises

from the place that gave birth to God's son and daughter and that

is genital organs, which have received the worst treatment. Though

people have treated it as the lowest thing, it is the original place

of love, life, blood lineage and conscience in the restored world.

People have been unaware of the fact that, without these organs, a

- 63 -

nation or development of ideal world all disappears. Having known

it all clearly in theory, they cannot be a mistake in our course ur

unifying the world. [Amen] Amen. Tum back. Amen.[Amen]Amen

to your right. [Amen]Amen turning around. [Amen] My lecture for

today is all over. You understood it all, right?[Yes]

We have to attend God We have to become a holy temple. Holy

temple. I myself have shed a lot of tear:;; because of that. One

shouldn't be mixed up by tricks of women who tempts him. I have

seen all sorts of happening. These women. A strange woman

coming in naked, doing all sorts of things, wailing and.. I saw

them all, but turned all down. I mean, ther~ is no unification of

mind and body otherwise.

Having finished all the missions to do, this official now returns

to his hometown, amen.[Amen] I don't need to appear anymore,

yes? Let's re~d one more time. Our ideal family is God's resting

place. Our ideal family is God's resting place. Our ideal family is

God's resting place. Our ideal family is God's resting place.

[applaud] 4 Manseis

- 64 -