Benefits of Google Tag Manager

Post on 13-Feb-2017

695 views 5 download


Google Tag Manager Discovery Session

1. Security 2. Deployment Costs 3. Marketing Agility 4. Customer understanding 5. Advertiser Spend


1. Security

Security – 5 levels of protection

2. CustomHTML can only be changed

by account with 2stage

authentication enabled

3. Can be set to disabled

CustomHTML, so that only deploy

GA universal, GA classic, Adwords,

ComScore (basic) & ClickTale.

4. Environments can be silo-ed for


5. Write-access permissions can be

restricted on LIVE

1. Google auto scans all scripts added within customHTML and pauses scripts if they

match a known stopbadmalware domain, IP or URL.

2. “Hard to Break”

Tag Management – Reliable & easy to maintain

1. Update old tags (GA classic)

2. Add new tags (e.g. Universal Analytics)

3. Or deploy template tags…

Content sites Using Tag Management Solutions

2. Standardisation & Maintenance

Legacy Code

Custom Variables vs Page Type

<script type="text/javascript">

var _gaq = _gaq || [];

_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-17825253-1']);


(function() {

var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async

= true;

ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') +


var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];

s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);




Find & Replace …In Global header



<!-- Google Tag Manager -->

<noscript><iframe src="//


height="0" width="0"



new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],





<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->


Custom Variables vs Page Type On Drupal there you can use a plugin to Add GTM

Link to plugin here.

Future Proofing & W3C Standardisation

1. If Apples are called “Apples” on all


2. Plugins output to dataLayer field

called “apples”

3. Standardised & faster deployment

and import default plugins


If every website is different and calls

Apples oranges, then standardisation is


Future Proofing & W3C Standardisation

Future Proofing & W3C Standardisation

Custom Variables vs Page Type

<!-- GA PAGEVIEW tracker WAS here moved into GoogleTagManager -->

<script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];


"Page_Type": "article", // cd1

"Section": "news", // cd2

"Subsection": "news_consumer", // cd3

"Topic", "news,consumer,gerry-gannon,national …", // cd5

"event": "onload_ga_pageview"



<!-- NED COUNTER was here - moved into GoogleTagManager Creation Date: 01/08/2014 -->


window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];


"ns_pageCounter": "home",

"sitestat": "",

"sitesection1": "none",

“sitesection2": "none",

"sitesection3": "none",

"tvchannel": "none",

"contentgenre": "other",

“pageversion": 1813585521,

"event": "onload_ned_counter_pageview"});



2. Inline event standardisation

Onclick Data Collection Standardisation

Survey: Which one of the following

examples is a Non-Bounce?

Better Non-Bounce tracking

1. Land on News story & read until the end

2. Land on News story & retweet

3. Land on News story interact with Flash Video

4. Land on Join audience page and download the PDF form

Better Non-Bounce tracking cont..

7. Land on News story & click on #top button

5. Land on News story & spend 29mins on the page

6. Land on News story & click on an external Advert or Banner Ad

8. Land on iPlayer episode & interact with Flash Video

Reminder a Bounce is…

Bounce = Only a single interaction in

the session (e.g land and immediately exit)

Bounce Rate


Heartbeats and page scroll events will trigger a

second interaction.

GTM fixes that…

Code Maintenance

Option A.

Option 1) Quick Fix on existing Drupal website 1a) add “dataLayer.push”

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

dataLayer.push({'eventCategory': 'Media Player', 'eventAction': 'Heartbeat', 'eventLabel': mins.toString(), 'eventValue': 0, 'eventNonInteractive': true, '': '', 'event': 'onload_mediaplayer_heartbeat'});

Code Maintenance

Option B.

Clean Mark-up and no Inline Code

Option b) Clean inline mark-up on buttons and navigation.

Content Performance

Page Type

Utilise new PageType field and Revenue per PageType reports

2. Data Enrichment

Piggyback existing variables

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

dataLayer.push({'eventCategory': 'Media Player', 'eventAction': 'Heartbeat', 'eventLabel': mins.toString(), 'eventValue': 0, 'eventNonInteractive': true, '': '', 'event': 'onload_mediaplayer_heartbeat'});

Faster Marketing Capabilities

Demographics – Advertiser “Gold Dust”


Affinity Categories

Engagement Metrics

More accurate session engagement metrics for: ► Video Heartbeats

► Homepage banners

► Ads on news pages

► App download tracking

► Outclick tracking

► Social widget tracking

► Form completion tracking

► PDF form downloads

Cross-Device Reporting








33 &uid=456 &uid=456 &uid=456 =


Visitor 1

Message Triggers: In-line Code vs GTM

Marketing Message Popup Trigger Deployment

Could be used for marketing messages

Cookie Popup Trigger Deployment

Example personalisation message…

Personalisation and Surveying individual audience members

Action completion rate monitoring and surveying…

Note: both these method require customHTML as there is not currently a template for Qualaroo or GoogleSurveys

Reduce IT Workload (Long Term)

Without GTM

With GTM

GTM for Apps

A/B Testing (apps only)

Native Version Control and Change Log

Built in Change history and allows for rolling-back/forward to previous state


GA real time on your phone…

New – iOS


Get for iPhone

Note: requires QR code reader APP scan the code on the right to get the free QR reader