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ULTRA SOUND : When a pelvic mass is discovered on

examination uitrasuond can be helpful in determining characteristic that are worrisome for malignancy:

Asimple cyct in premenopusal patient will not be cancerous

Mass with complex features such as septation papillation and solid componant is more worrisome

In a premenopausal with a simple cyct ultra sound should be repeated in 6to 8 weeks to see if it is corpus luteum.

In post menopausal with complex massevaluation include CT to ruleout omental .D or other site of primery tumor.

Barum enemais done to rule out involvement or primery colonic tumor

CA -125

UNFORTUNATLY it is not specific for ovarean cancer

It may be elevated in lung ;appendical and signetring cell carcinomas

In premenopausal elevated in : Leiomyomas;endometriosis;menstruation

;pregnancy ;and pelvic inflamatory .D


Should not be checked in the premenopausal patient with a pelvic mass

How ever in the post menopausal . P with a pelvic mass and elevated CA-125 ovarain cancers is diagnosed in 80% of these patients

In patient with potential for carcinomatosis laparoscopy shouldn’t be done because of port site metastasis that occurs quickly and can make debulking difficult.

If all indications are that the lesion is benign ovarian cystectomy or drainage is indicated

If there is a higher level of suspicion or the patient is menopausal oophorectomy is performed and frozen section histologic diagnosis is provided



Ovarian carcinomas are divided histologically into:

Epithelial, Germ cell, Stromal.


The majority of the 27,000 or more cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed annually in the United States are of the epithelial type.

The median age at diagnosis for epithelial ovarian cancer is 61 years,

Approximately 15,000 women die of this disease in the United States annually.

Approximately 5% of patients with epithelial tumors come from families where one or more first-degree relatives also have the disease.

In such families, prophylactic

oophorectomy may be considered at the completion of childbearing, especially

if specific BRCA I or BRCA2 mutations are identified.

• Primary peritoneal carcinomatosis has been reported in women who have undergone prophylactic surgery,

• however. Life-long screening with CA 125 levels, pelvic examination, and vaginal ultrasonography of women from affected families is important.

Early lesions largely asymptomatic

Advanced tumors may produce only nonspecific symptoms such as early satiety, abdominal distention, and vague gastrointestinal symptoms.

cost-effective screening programs using serum markers such as CA 125 and vaginal ultrasound examination are being developed.

Currently, the more than 70% of women with epithelial cancer have stage III tumors at the time of diagnosis.

Widespread peritoneal dissemination, omentalinvolvement, and ascites are the rule, rather than

the exception, in these women.


In general, therapy for epithelial ovarian cancer consists of surgical resection and appropriate staging followed by adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy.

Women with low-grade early stage (IA or IB)

cancers who have undergone appropriate surgical staging may be treated with surgery without adjuvant therapy.

If the lesion is bilateral (stage IB), abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy are sufficient.

It is in the limited group of patients with unilateral histologic grade I or 2 lesions that fertility can be preserved by performing adnexectomy and staging biopsies without removing the uterus or contralateral ovary and fallopian tube.

In all other patients (stage lA, grade 3, and stage IC and above),

appropriate initial surgery includes bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, abdominal hysterectomy if the uterus has not been removed on a prior occasion, appropriate staging, and tumor resection.

STAGING Staging indicates surgical resection or biopsy of all

potential areas of tumor spread. . Among patients whose cancer is confined to one or both

ovaries at the time of gross inspection, occult metastases can be identified by careful surgical staging in one-third.

If staging is improperly performed and adjuvant therapy omitted in patients whose tumors are apparently confined to the ovary, 35% will suffer preventable


Epithelial ovarian cancers disseminate along peritoneal surfaces and by lymphatic channels. The first site of spread is the pelvic peritoneum.

Later the abdominal peritoneal surfaces and diaphragms are involved.

The omentum is a common site for metastases, as are both the para-aortic and pelvic lymph nodes.

Because the abdominal cavity in its entirety is not accessible through a transverse pelvic incision, it is paramount that surgery for ovarian malignancies beperformed through a full-length midline abdominal incision.

After the peritoneal cavity is entered, the visceral and parietal surfaces are inspected for metastatic disease, and any suspicious areas are biopsied.

If ascites is present, it should be aspirated and heparinized. Cytologic evaluation for metastatic cells or clusters is then performed.

If no ascites is found, peritoneal washings with balanced salt solution or lactated Ringer's solution are obtained from the abdominal

cavity and submitted for cytologic evaluation after centrifugation and fixation.


Appropriately staged patients with histologic grade I or grade 2 tumors confined to one or both ovaries (stage IA or IB) require no postoperative therapy.

Five-year survival in this group of patients

exceeds 90%.

Those patients who have stage I, grade 3 lesions, stage IC tumors (malignant peritoneal washings, rupture of tumor, surface excrescences, or ascites), or stage II cancers that are completely resected may be treated equally well with systemic chemotherapy, radiotherapy

of the whole abdomen, or a single instillation of intraperitonealRADIO ACTIVE CHROMIC PHPSPHATE.

Women with stages III and IV disease require systemic chemotherapy with cisplatin or carboplatin, generally in combination with a taxane such as paclitaxel.

Survival at 5 years in such patients may

exceed 20%, although this rate drops as low as 10% at 10 years.

It is widely accepted that patients in whom little or no residual disease remains after initial operation, on average, live longer than those in whom a great deal of tumor remains unresected.

The terms debulking and cytoreduction indicate aggressive surgical removal of ovarian cancer.

When disease remaining after surgical resectionconsists of nodules or plaques less than I to 2 cm in

diameter, the surgical effort is termed optimal, and when a larger volume of residual disease remains, the surgical removal is termed suboptimal.

Resection of nodules involving the small or large bowel is warranted if the exercise results in complete removal of all observed disease.

Such procedures are probably not indicated if tumor remains at other sites.

After surgical extirpation of the tumor, patients with suboptimal ovarian cancers must be treated

with chemotherapy.

Approximately 80% ofthese tumors will respond to platinum-based combination therapy;

Resection of advanced tumor

• When advanced ovarian carcinoma is discovered at the time of exploratory laparotomy, the first reaction is often one of resignation.

• There has been a tendency to perform a diagnostic biopsy and close the abdomen

without further surgical intervention.

In experienced hands, however, successful reduction of tumor volume to nodules 2 cm or less is possible in at least 50% of women with advanced ovarian cancer.

If the primary surgeon is incapable of obtaining such results, the patient should be referred to one with sufficient expertise in this area.

Survival following chemotherapy is inversely related to the volume of residual disease at the time of primary surgery.

Several techniques ensure adequate resection.

• First, most ovarian cancer is found on peritoneal surfaces and not invading viscera.

• A retroperitoneal approach thus facilitates mobilization of the involved mesothelium. The lateral aspects of the paracolic gutters may be incised and dissection carried medially to undermine tumors in these location

The ovarian artery and vein should be identified at thispoint and securely ligated before division. It is often useful to dissect the ureter from the underlying

pelvic peritoneum and retract it laterally with a vessel loop. This allows access to the lateral pelvic peritoneum.

Tumor nodules on anterior and posterior cul-de-sac peritoneum may be resected by developing planes in the retroperitoneal spaces and isolating the disease from the underlying bladder, sigmoid colon, and ureters.

Opening the pararectal and paravesical spaces facilitates this dissection and also allows access to the uterine vessels, which then may be clamped, ligated, and divided. When the hysterectomy and adnexectomy are complete, the omentum may be resected.

Disease on the right diaphragm may be resected by transecting the falciform ligament and retracting the liver inferiorly.

If it serves to remove all remaining tumor, splenectomy may be performed.

Resection of small and large bowel may be performed if the operation removes all

Use of the ultrasound aspirator and argon beam coagulator have resulted in an increased ability to completely remove tumors, including those that are implanted on the serosal surfaces and mesentery of the bowel.

With diligence it is often possible to remove all appreciable disease with these instruments.

Second _look Second _look operationoperation

Second _look laparatomy

Ovarian cancer often defies diagnosis

because it does not produce symptoms and is detectable neither radiographically nor serologically, even in relatively advanced


The assessment of ovarian cancer during and after therapy is similarly difficult.

Although CT or MRI may identify masses as

small as 2 to 3 em in diameter, neither technique can reliably detect smaller masses

CA 125 is more sensitive than radiographic or magnetic scanning,

but is also associated with a number of false positive results and may not be elevated in patients with mucinous tumors.,

The practice of performing exploratory surgery following chemotherapy originated during a time when alkylating agents were

used almost exclusively. Because acute nonmyelocytic leukemia isassociated with prolonged administration of

such agents, a "secondlook“ operation was

performed at an interval of 12 to 24 months following primery surgery

Presently, the duration of postoperative combination chemotherapy is often only 5 to 6 months, and the risk

of leukemia is very low.

In approximately 20 to 30% of patients who receive such treatment, no cancer will be identified at the time

of a second operation.

These patients have an excellent long-term prognosis In women who have persistent microscopic disease,

the prognosis is also favorable, those with persistent gross tumors, the prognosis is

relatively poor.

Second-look surgery is currently used

primarily as a research tool. New treatment regimens can be evaluated

quickly by performing a second-look operation,.

Second-look surgery is also valuable

in determining when therapy can be discontinued and when further treatment is indicated

Palliative surgery

In most cases of advanced ovarian cancer, death is associated with bowel dysfunction or frank obstruction.

Although invasion of the small bowel and colon

is unusual, growth of the tumor adjacent to the bowel leads to mesenteric compromise and dysfunction usually heralded by distention, nausea, and vomiting.

When bowel obstruction occurs early in the clinical course of ovarian cance particularly if it occurs before the administration of chemotherapy, surgical intervention is warranted and should

be aggressive.

Resection or bypass of the involved bowel is indicated; colonic resection also may be indicated.

When bowel obstruction occurs after chemotherapy, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Women who develop such difficulties have a

limited survival following surgical correction. Laparotomy may be complicated by intestinal

injury or fistula.

Often the best approach in these patients is the use of a percutaneous or endoscopically positioned gastrostomy tube and intra venus fluids or conservative nutritional support

Laparascopy in ovarian cancer

At present, our ability to resect large ovarian cancers

successfully using laparoscopic equipment

is limited

Tumor with low malignant Tumor with low malignant potentialpotential

These are epithelial tumors of malignant potential intermediate between benign lesions and frank malignancies,

Histologically, most are of the serous type,

Although these tumors may be associated with epithelial budding, atypia, mitoses, and stratification,

The median age of diagnosis is approximately 10years younger than that of patients with epithelial cancers,

The vast majority occur in stage I and have a favorable prognosis,

Surgery should include abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy unless fertility is to be preserved in patients with unilateral lesions,

These patients may undergo unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

Ovarian cystectomy or nonextirpative resections commonly result in recurrences,

Patients with stages III and IV lesions have 5-year survival rates that approach 85% after complete surgical resection.

There is little evidence that chemotherapy or radiotherapy administered after surgery improves survival.

on the other hand, deaths from chemotherapy-induced leukemia are not uncommon.

Germ cell tumor

These tumors occur in women in the first three decades of life

Typically grow rapidly, producing symptoms of distention and abdominal fullness, Torsion may occur, producing an acute abdomen,

Most are unilateral, and all have a tendency to spread to the paraaortic lymph nodes, as well as throughout the peritoneal cavity.

Dysgerminoma, the female equivalent of testicular seminoma, is composed of pure, undifferentiated germ cells.

It is bilateral in 10 to 15% of patients and is occasionally associated with elevated levels of hCG or lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).

It is the most common ovarian malignancy diagnosed during pregnancy

Patients bearing dysgerminomas should undergo appropriate staging at the time of

the primary resection

But need not undergo hysterectomy

(if fertility is to be preserved) or removal of the opposite ovary if it is normal in appearance,

Adjuvant therapy is unnecessary unless there is evidence of extraovarian spread,

Either radiotherapy encompassing the

whole abdomen or systemic chemotherapy can be given to patients with metastases,

The cure rate exceeds 90% even in patients with metastases

The other germ cell tumors, in order of frequency, are:

Immature teratoma Endodermal sinus, or "yolk sac," tumor Mixed tumors Embryonal carcinomas Choriocarcinomas

Elevated AFP levels are found in all patients with endodermal sinus tumors

and mixed tumors that contain this component

Embryonal carcinomas are associated with abnormal levels of both AFP and Hcg.

choriocarcinomas secrete hCG.

These tumors are invariably unilateral but may spread by peritoneal, hematogenous, or lymphatic routes.

Surgical therapy involves unilateral oophorectomy and appropriate staging

Except for those with completely resected stage I, grade I immature teratomas and those with stage I dysgerminoma, all patients with germ cell tumors require systemic chemotherapy

Three courses of a platinum and etoposide-containing combination suffice in those patients whose tumors are completely resected,

Cure rates in these patients approach 90%. In women with incompletely resected

nondysgerminomatous germ cell tumors, cure may still be expected in more than

50%, but prolonged chemotherapy may be necessary, These tumors are not sensetive to radiotherapy.


INCLODED:Non neoplastic cystsNon functioning tumorsFunctioning tumors


By definative a cystic enlargementof ovary should be at least 2.5 Cm in diameter to be termed cyst :

Follicular cystCorpus luteum cyst EndometriomasWolffian duct RemnantMullerian Dact Remnant


These are enlarge graafian folicleThey grossly true symptom They can rupture and peritoneal irritation It can be spontaneosly regress

Corpus luteum cyst

It may become as large as 10 to11 Cm

They can rupture lead to sever hemorrhage and vascular collapse


Mimic to pregnancy and delayed menses and spoting


These account CHOCOLATE CYSTthat detail preview

Wolffian duct remnant

They are ovarean cyst but mimic tumor of ovary

They are small but may enlarge and infarct

These are incidental finding at laparotomy and cause no difficult or symtom


INCLODE: Cystadenomas Matur teratomas Berner Tumor Meigs syndrom


-Appear as cyst with trans lucent wall and clear fluid and lined by ciliated epithelium

-They are usaly on pedicle and may torsion leading pain and infarct

They are adequatly treated by salpingo –oophorectomy

two type of adenoma is there : Serous cystadenoma

Mucinous cystadenoma

M –cystadenoma are less likely to be malignant than S-cystadenoma

approximately 20% of S-cystadenoma and 5% m-cysadenoma are bilateral-cystic lesion with solid componant not alwase

bining or malignant so:

It is usally necessary to excise ovary completely


Some cystadenomase are classified as borderline by hystologic exam that called G 0 carcinomase

These are excellent prognosis

If they are unilateral may treted by unilateral adnexectomy in reprodactive women

Frozen-section examination of the tumor at the time of surgical intervention is necessary to determine the proper course of therapy for patients in the reproductive age group.

The opposite ovary should be inspected.

Psudo myxoma peritonei

Occasionally, a condition known as pseudomyxoma peritonei isencountered; this is a locally infiltrating tumor composed of multiple cysts containing thick mucin. These tumors arise either from ovarian mucinous cystadenomas or from mucoceles of the appendix,

Histologically, they are benign,but by local spread and infiltration they compromise surrounding vital structures.

Localized tumors should be excised completely, if possible. Both ovaries and the appendix are removed, even though they grossly appear to be normal.

Mature Teratoma

These germ cell tumors are thought to

arise from the totipotential germ cells of the ovary.

The tumors often contain calcified masses, and, occasionally, either teeth or pieces of bone can be seen on abdominal radiographs.

If a teratoma (dermoid) is encountered in a young woman, it is preferable to shell it out from the ovarian stroma preserving functioning tissue in the affected ovary.,

Mature teratomas occur at any age but are more frequent in patients between 20 and 40 years old. They are benign dermoid cysts.

The occasional solid teratoma is usually malignant (immature teratoma).

If this material is spilled during surgery, a chemical peritonitis may result; therefore, it is important to remove

these tumors intact. The opposite ovary should be inspected, but no further

operative procedure is performed if the opposite ovaryappears normal. In approximately 12% of patients, these tumorsare bilateral. In patients of childbearing age, some functional ovariantissue should be preserved. Immature teratomas are treated as other malignant

germ cell tumors, with conservative resection and appropriate adjuvant chemotherapy.

Brener tumor

These are rare epithelial tumors that usually

do not secrete hormones. Histologically, the epithelial elements are similar

to Walthard rests and are believed to arise from them.

These tumors occur primarily in later life and have a small malignant potential.

Simple oophorectomy is usually sufficient therapy, and the prognosis is excellent.

Meigs syndrome

This pertains to ascites with hydrothorax,

seen in association with benign ovarian tumors with fibrous elements, usually fibromas.

It is more common to see fluid accumulation with ovarian fibromas that are more than 6 cm in size.

The cause of the condition is unknown, but the ascitic fluid may originate from the tumor, as a result of lymphatic obstruction of the ovary. Frequently, this clinical picture is encountered with other ovarian tumors, especially ovarian malignancies, which can produce

a cytologically benign pleural effusion; in such cases, it is termed apseudo-Meigs' syndrome. Meigs' syndrome can be cured by excising

the fibroma.

Granulosa cell tumor

Pure theca cell tumors (thecomas) are benign,

but those with granulosa cell elements may be malignant It is often impossible to predict their behavior from the histologic features,and prolonged follow-up is necessary in order to judge the nature.

Usually, granulosa cell tumors elaborate estrogen, but some of these tumors have no hormone production,

In young girls, they are characteristically manifested by isosexual precocity,

In elderly women, they are sometimes associated with postmenopausal

bleeding or endometrial carcinoma. tumor

The tumor can occur at all ages from childhood to the postmenopausal period, most common in later life, with maximal occurrence between the ages of 40and 60 years,


If the tumor is discovered in the reproductive years and confined to one ovary without signs of surface spread or dissemination:

simple oophorectomy may be sufficient therapy, IFIt is discovered in later life :

removal of both ovaries with the uterus is



These rare, but potentially malignant,Tumors are associated with androgen

output and masculinization. Rarely, they elaborate estrogen.They usually occur in the reproductive age

group and appear to contain tubular structures as well as Leydig-type cells.


In young patients with a single involved ovary:

unilateral oophorectomy is adequate

therapy, provided there is no extension of the tumor.

For older patients or for those with bilateral


total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy are performed.


This term refers to the presence of grossly

detectable thyroid tissue in the ovary, usually as the predominant element in dermoid cysts.

This tissue occasionally may produce the

clinical picture of hyperthyroidism and is rarely malignant