Best 4 baseball jerseys and gears live an american dream

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Here is a list for the best four baseball jerseys and gears that is in keeping with the American love for the sport


Best 4 Baseball Jerseys and Gears: Live An American Dream

Baseball Jerseys

Most baseball teams are known to have three or more jerseys. Teams usually have a specific jersey for home games and another one for the road. Many teams also have a throwback jersey that is a replica of what the team used to wear in earlier times

The home jersey is generally white so that people can easily identify players of their home team

The road jersey is generally in shades of black, blue, red and gray and often has trendy designs and embellishments

Throwback jerseys are a popular fixture at occasional games where the team wishes to honor its legacy and all the legends that have played for the particular team in the past

Other Popular Gear

Prime examples of other popular gear are stirrups, baseball caps, shin guards and batting gloves. 

These gears are known to sell as popular baseball merchandise and baseball teams make much money from selling such memorabilia.  

The baseball cap is extremely popular and is a common way to beat the heat during summer.