Best Practices for Employee Communications in a …...Best Practices for Employee Communications in...

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Best Practices for Employee Communications in a Digital Workplace March 15, 2016

About Tri-State Generation and Transmission

Association, Inc. Wholesale electric power supplier owned by electric

cooperative across Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and Wyoming

Headquartered in Denver More than 1,500 employees at

37-plus sites Employees range from power-

plant operators to linemen to knowledge workers

About Nicole Carlson, Internal Communications

Manager More than 10 years experience in corporate

communications Background in journalism, administrative studies

and project management Served as project manager, intranet owner and

intranet SME Twitter @nicjoy

Project background Intranet redesign and platform

change/upgrade No audit processes for content or

formal ownership + active management of department sites No formal design standards or

content organization Not all departments represented

Project goals

Project goals Design site that reflects needs of employees Involve and engage diverse workforce Representation of all departments + locations One platform + updated, modern design Improved method for displaying and distributing

corporate news Addition of search Active management by site owner

Project goals Replace outdated content + improve content

ownership and accountability Deploy content categorization processes Analytics and implement reporting schedule Personalized content on the home page

generated from enterprise applications User-generated content published to home page

+ targeted locations

“You don’t know where you’re going until you know where

you’ve been.” –English proverb

Prepare and assess Benchmarking + research Developed business case + strategy

Business need + objectives + project-success criteria

Analysis of current intranet Determined intranet owner Wrote charter + gained approval Analysis of employee base and culture

Prepare and assess Conducted workshops + focus groups Sent out surveys + analyzed results Created communication plan (it’s never too


Prepare and assess Developed multi-year roadmap

Plan Requirements Platform

selection Vendor selection

Project plan Project site Project team

The meat and potatoes

Design + Build Information architecture

Design + Build

Department meetings + content audits Design Processes and procedures

Design + Build Grid Gurus Branding Key stakeholder

involvement Employee


Ready, set . . . Go!




Launch Old corporate



Rebranded corporate communications

Launch Introduction to The Grid

Launch Ask the Grid

Launch Communication plan


Launch-day breakfast for the help desk + stickers for Grid Gurus and employees

Launch Using our external Power Works for You

campaign + stickers and posters to promote The Grid launch

Launch Continued

education, training and communication Communication

plan includes year of follow-up communication and trainings

Treat each employee as a key stakeholder

Engagement + Adoption Began adoption +

engagement efforts early

Engagement + Adoption Project introduction and updates, ambassador program, naming contest

Engagement + Adoption User experience testing

Heat maps Tree testing Polls + surveys

Engagement + Adoption Beta

Three-month period 200 users

Engagement + Adoption Sneak peek (soft launch)

One week prior to launch New and old sites simultaneously Trainings Videos

Engagement + Adoption Sneak peek (soft launch)

Began launch communication

Building trust + recognition + taking time for fun

High-performing project team Fun

Happy hours Team-building events

Recognition for job well done Provide adequate time for group development

Forming, storming, norming, performing Trusting each other to make decisions

When the going gets tough . . .

Obstacles and challenges New leadership (CTO and CEO) mid-project Introducing new concepts to employees (metadata,

content types) Introducing new platform Location and differences in job functions of

employees Many non-computer users No real previous intranet ownership Ended early relationship with contractors

Obstacles and challenges Internal resources had limited knowledge of

SharePoint 2013 Unavailability of training team

Project team took on creation of all training content

Expectations were high for project + project team based on previous project successes Budget constraints

. . . keep going.

Celebrate successes Good support for employee communications

taking on ownership of site Already established + strong internal

communication platform Change readiness assessment results Strong project communication plan Grid Gurus Beta + soft launch

Measure successes Lessons Learned

Key takeaways

Focus on employee experience

Prepare + assess + analyze Multi-year roadmap Plan (project, communication) Design + build + branding Launch + post-launch User experience testing

Focus on communication Communication plan Continued education, training

and communication

Focus on engagement Begin adoption + engagement

efforts early Pilot Naming contest Sneak peek (soft launch) Creativity

Focus on measurement Metrics + lessons learned Launch garnered project team

Ragan PR Daily’s 2015 Best Website Launch

Key project takeaways Take adequate time for planning Lessons learned are not just for project end Don’t be afraid to end relationship with contractors Empowering users works COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE Take time for fun and recognition Thank your users + recognize it’s a big change Don’t reinvent the wheel, but also recognize where

your culture doesn’t fit what others have done


Twitter: @nicjoy