Best Trips within the Moravian-Silesian Region

Post on 03-Apr-2016

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  • Contents

    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Jesenk MountainsOn foot from Mal Morvka to Ovrna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Circuit around Rmaov through Mal Morvka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Krnov a taste of the citys history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Krnov area on bicycle past two lookout towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Bl Opava river valley up to Pradd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Beskydy MountainsTo the history of the Hukvaldy domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Trip out of the city on bicycle around Nov Jin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Around picturesque Morvka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18In the footsteps of Petr Bezru on Lys hora Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Visit to the god Radegast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    Opavian SilesiaMoravice river valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24In the footsteps of World War Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26From Opava to Sudice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28From Radu Chateau to Nov Dvr Forest Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30In search of Silesian chateaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    Ostrava AreaFrom New Ostrava out to the country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Silesian Opava along the yellow route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Moravian Ostrava Urban Heritage Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Ostravas industrial heritage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Landek National Natural Monument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    Pood Moravian Kravae AreaAmber Road by bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Kotvice nature trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Blovec municipality association circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Personalities of the Moravian Kravae Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Silver Path nature trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    Tn SilesiaTo the monuments of the first cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Adrenaline route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Trip to see traditions and folklore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Czech-Polish wayfaring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Spa promenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

    Location and map of the Moravian-Silesian Region . . . . . . . . . . 64





    on foot

    by bicycle

    by automobile

  • IntroDuCtIon

    Moravia and Silesia . Two different, yet intertwined lands that together make up a region offering the best of both . It offers everything that the soul of the traveler, hiker and lover of culture and landmarks could wish for: high mountains and fertile lowlands, busy cities and lazy villages, thundering motorways and dirt roads . Dark forests and sun-kissed mead-ows and pastures, babbling brooks and wild rivers, impressive cathedrals and modest wooden chapels . . . You might say that when pointing a finger to any part of a map of the Moravian-Silesian Region, the finger always lands on a location offering something interesting and new for visitors . But cautious individuals may prefer choosing one of the possibilities offered by this publication when planning a trip .

    The regions metropolis is Ostrava, the historical and cultural center, which however does not hide its industrial and mining past . Quite to the contrary how many other cities may boast the unique atmosphere of factory quarters and worker colonies with unique technical monuments, while even offering medieval and modern architecture? Or do you find castles and chateaux more interesting? Then its best to head out to Hradec nad Moravic, Karvin, to Hukvaldy, Star Jin or Radu . . . Man and his creativity have had the final say here, but its not hard to find places in the region where nature still rules . The Hrub and Nzk Jesenk Mountains, Odersk Hills and Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mountains form a zone in-terrupted only by the Moravian Gate . Its peaks and knolls along with the Odra River basin are a promised land to all wishing to head out on foot or bicycle to the beauty and mystery of the local nature .


  • 1Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Mal Morvka is a popular recreational centre of the Hrub Jesenk Mountains, home to Moravias highest mountain Pradd [Great Grandfather]. It features preserved old wooden structures of miners and smelters, with several ski slopes and lifts.

    Head from the municipal hall (A) guidepost along the yel-low hiking path leading along with the blue one to Karlov . Just past the crossroads youll take the opposite road past new houses to the hotel turnoff . Here, youll stay on the yellow route up to the parking lot in front of the hotel . A forest path will lead you up to an information point Pod Vpennou (B) (2 .5 km) where theres a ski trail crossing . Continue to the left up and down along the yellow route around Kopivn (C) (1,019 m ASL) to the guidepost skly pod Kopivnou (D) . The panoramas here are spectacular . You then face a steeper rise up to the peak at 1,085 m ASL, and 3 km farther youll reach the next information point temn (e) . The contour path with short rise along 2 .5 km eventually links with the blue route . Youll reach the routes highest spot to the lookout platform and guidepost nad Velkm kotlem (F) (1,360 m ASL) . The nature trail Velk kotlina (G) leads through here .

    Velk kotlina is an internationally important region, one of natural sciences richest locations not just in the Czech Re-public but in all of Central Europe . Formed by glacial activity (rock basin), it is called Europes botanical garden . Here youll find around 350 plant species and many rare, protected animal species . You can view Velk kotlina from above, from where the Moravice River springs forth . Information panels along the nature trail feature many interesting facts .

    From here still along the hiking route, youll head down about a kilometer to the guidepost (H), where the ridge-line red route connects . After just under another kilometer youll reach the chalet ovrna (I) . Here you may decide whether to continue ascending (3 .5 km ASL) up to Pradd (J) (1,491 m ASL), or by taking shuttle bus transport to head down to the rest stop and take the bus back to Mal Morv-ka, your routes final destination . (Shuttle transport runs based on the timetable found at its stops at Hvzda and at the upper stop of Ovrna) .

    on Foot From mAl morVKA to oVrnA starting point: Mal Morvka

    Destination: Mal MorvkaDistances: Mal Morvka (0 km) Pod Vpennou (2 km) Skly pod Kopivnou (4 km) Temn (6 km) Nad Ovrnou (9 km) Ovrna (11 km) Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center Karlova studnkaIS, parcela SLL 53/I, 793 24 Karlova Studnkatel .: +420 554 772 004 e-mail: info@jeseniky-praded .cz www .jeseniky-praded .cz

    Jesenk MounTains

    1 Pradd Broadcast Tower2 Mal Morvka3 Karlova Studnka4 Around Pradd

    4 5





  • 2Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    CIrCuIt ArounD rmAoV tHrouGH mAl morVKA

    Head out to see the city of Rmaov. This former mining colony was first mentioned in the 14th century. In these parts silver and iron ore were once mined, and many smelting plants and iron-mills emerged.

    The valuable monuments of the city (A), which later became famous for textile manufacture, include the town hall, the Church of St . Michael with Renaissance rectory and the Ba-roque Church of the Visitation of Our Lady v Lipkch with exquisite frescoes . In the Edrovice district theres a monument plaque to local son Karl Schinzel, inventor of methods of producing color photography .

    From the route guidepost by the square youll head along cycle route no . 6077 through Edrovice to Janovice (B), a town with a erotn family chateau . A native son here was famous Baroque painter Jan Krytof Handke (16941774) . The area had several iron mines . Continuing along a comfortable road to Star Ves, go right at the school and ride past the sawmill to the guidepost at the edge of rsk Potok (C) . Along cycle route no . 6143 youll go past the restaurant and along the yellow route youll follow the tree alley to the spot u kared jedle (D) and then around the cottage Hubertka youll arrive at the area called lut potok (e) . Here youll go right onto cycle route no . 6147, towards Zelen kameny Mraven sedlo .

    You will rise to Zelen kameny (F), the highest spot on the route (1,132 ASL), where a giant stone sea lies . A nearly con-toured path leads through mraven sedlo (G) to the former chalet Alfrdka; you can still see large anthills, a rarity of the local region . From u Alfrdky (H) continue through the for-est on the edge of Mal kotel, then head down to the spot mravencovka (I), crossroads of hiking, cycling and ski trails .

    On the left along the asphalt road youll head to the up-per part of Karlov (J) and around the water plant youll ride on into mal morvka (K) (around 5 km) . Here too iron was once mined the remains of mining activity are visible in forests, mainly at Jelen cesta above Mal Morvka . The town is a village monument reserve and features several wooden dwellings where workers and miners lived .

    Continue from the crossroads at the municipal authority along cycle route no . 553 to Doln Moravice, go up to the settlement of Harrachov (l) and around Harrachov Hill youll ride down to Rmaov (A) (11 km) .

    starting point: Rmaov Destination: RmaovDistances: Rmaov (0 km) rsk Potok (7 km) lut potok (11 km) Pod Zelenmi kameny (14 km) Alfrd-ka (19 km) Mravencovka (24 km) Mal Morvka (32 km) Doln Moravice (36 km) Rmaov (43 km)Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center rmaovnmst Mru 6, 795 01 Rmaovtel .: +420 554 212 381 e-mail: info@rymarov .cz www .rymarov .cz, www .rymarovsko .cz

    Jesenk MounTains

    1 Main ridge of the Jesenk Mountains2 Rmaov square nmst Miru3 Chateau Janovice4 Chapel in Lipky5 Harrachov

    6 7





  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Krnov, the green pearl of Silesia, lying at the confluence of the Opava and Opavice Rivers in the foothills of the Lower Jesenk Mountains The citys was founded back in the mid-13th century, and many invaluable historical monuments remain here.

    Your tour along the historical city core starts at the square Hlavn nmst . Its dominant feature is the Neo-Renaissance town hall (A) from 1901-03 with a 52 m high tower . On the square nmst Osvobozen stands the late Gothic Church of st. martin (B) from the 13th-14th century with two fortress-type towers . At its north wall stands a Baroque statue of the Immaculata and nearby you may admire the so-called swedish Wall (C) part of the original city walls . This is a Renaissance arcaded wall with lunette battlements, today fulfilling the role of decorative architecture in the city park .

    Go along the Swedish Wall to the right through the park, youll pass a 1750 fountain with a statue of Neptune, and arrive at the statue of Bedich smetana (D) and a historical barometer . The path leading to the left from the Swedish wall leads you around the school (e) built in 1875-76 and up to the square . Here is found the Renaissance chateau (F) of the Krnov princes from 1531-34 . Today the chateau serves only for commercial purposes (cafs, shops) . Its courtyard features arcades with valuable sgraffito and reliefs .

    A row of townhouses (G) leading to the center links to the chateau . The picturesque vaulted arcade takes you to Hobzkova street to the monument of famous architect Leopold Bauer, a native son of Krnov . Thanks to him, Krnov is today a city with exceptionally interesting examples of modern architecture . Right by the square Hlavn nmst is a complex founded by Minorites in 1273 the Church of the Birth of our lady (H) with monastery, a cultural and scientific center for centuries . The church interior is decorated by wall paintings by important painter Josef Stern .

    Youll end your trip on sv . Ducha street with one of the citys oldest structures, the Holy Ghost Church (I) with adja-cent hospital, today used as a concert hall with an incredible organ . The late-Gothic frescoes on the walls make the church a unique example of medieval wall painting in Silesia .

    KrnoV A tAste oF tHe CItys HIstory starting point:

    Krnov, Main square


    Krnov, street sv . Ducha

    length of route: city

    center, about 1 km

    Difficulty: easy

    Information centers:Information Center KrnovHlavn nmst 25, 794 01 Krnov, tel .: +420 554 614 612 e-mail: infocentrum .krnov@seznam .czwww .krnov .cz

    Jesenk MounTains

    1 Neo-Renaissance Town Hall 2 Church of St. Martin3 Fountain with statue of Neptune, Swedish Wall in background4 Holy Ghost Church with concert hall5 Monument to Leopold Bauer6 Monument to Bedich Smetana7 Townhouses

    8 9









  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Krnov is an historical city at the confluence of the Opava and Opavice Rivers right by the Czech-Polish border. Enjoy discovering this diverse countryside and pretty villages around Krnov.

    Before leaving dont miss touring Krnovs (A) historical center with such wonders as the Church of St . Martin, the Swedish Wall, chateau, Church of the Birth of Our Lady with Minorite monastery and the Holy Ghost Church with former hospital, today serving as a concert hall . A Jewish synagogue accessible for tourists stands near the center .

    You then head towards Bkov to get to know the Krnov area by bicycle . Youll take a long hill around two sports air-fields that offer aerial tours or tandem parachuting . Leaving from Bkov (B), youll arrive in lichnov (C) . Here stands the Church of St . Nicholas from 1730, and the remains of a brick windmill on Kukaka Hill . Go left at the crossroads in Lichnov and past another hill youll arrive in sosnov (D) with the Church of St . Catherine . Those wanting to skip the hill can turn left at the start of Lichnov towards blo and return to the route in Brumovice .

    Now its downhill to Brumovice (e), where youll turn towards valno . The originally Gothic Church of St . Nicho-las here was restored in Baroque fashion in 1762 . After a long rise youll arrive at the hill Strit, which features a 22 m high stone Kudlichs observation tower (F) built in the years 1912-13 . Its ground floor hides the mausoleum of valno native and Austrian parliamentary deputy Hans Kudlich, whose parliamentary motion led to the liberation of the peasantry .

    Continue downhill back to the crossroads with the main road in valno and towards Krnov along cycle route no . 55 through Cvilnsk Hill (G) along a nice forest trail . On the back of Cvilnsk Hill youll see the 13th-century ruins of castle Cviln (elenburk) .

    At the front of this hill youll be amazed by the grandeur of the legend-bound pilgrimage Church of the Seven Delours of Mary, healer of pilgrims from Silesia . Near the church stands the 26 m high Romantic stone lookout tower (H), built in 1902-03 .

    KrnoV AreA on BICyCle PAst tWo looKout toWers starting point: Krnov, Main square

    Destination: Krnov, over hill Cviln

    Distances: Krnov (0 km)

    Bkov (5 km) Lichnov (12 km)

    Sosnov (17 km) Brumovice (23 km)

    valno (27 km) Krnov (37 km)

    type of bicycle: suitable for MTB and

    trekking bike

    Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center KrnovHlavn nmst 25, 794 01 Krnov tel .: +420 554 614 612 e-mail: infocentrum .krnov@seznam .czwww .krnov .cz

    Jesenk MounTains

    1 Strit Hans Kudlich Lookout Tower 2 Cviln stone Lookout Tower 3 Krnov Swedish Wall with Church of St. Martin 4 Church in Sosnov 5 Church in valno6 Cviln pilgrimage Church of the Seven Delours of Mary

    10 11

    1 2






  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Youll head out on one of the loveliest hiking routes to see the rugged but beautify nature of the Jesenk Mountains. It leads from Karlova Studnka through the romantic Bl Opava river valley to the highest Moravian mountain, Pradd.

    The trip starts in Karlova studnka (A), proud of its over 200 year spa tradition . Thanks to its geographical position in the middle of the Jesenk Mountains, spas became famous for their unique climate . Aside from using the climate for treating patients with respiratory illnesses, another healing source is its mineral springs, with mainly natural carbon di-oxide taken from a depth of 127 meters . Locomotion organ diseases are also treated here . You can enjoy a relaxing walk between historical spa buildings or a tour of the outdoor stone and rock exhibit, with nearly 340 specimens document-ing the evolution of the Jesenk Mountains .

    From the waterfall at the upper parking lot in Karlova Studnka along the yellow and blue route, youll head to the valley following the current of the Bl Opava River the pret-tiest white water in the Jesenk Mountains . A primeval spruce forest out here, rich in moss, lichen, herbal plants and trees . The route gets very difficult at times and leads past several footbridges, bridges and stairways . But youll be rewarded with a view of the lovely waterfalls, frequent cascades and rapids, rock formations and romantic corners of this primeval spruce forest . The Bl Opavas biggest waterfall (B) is nearly 8 m high .

    After demanding elevation increases along the yellow route youll reach ovrna (C), where youll link to an asphalt road, and youll reach the top of Pradd along the red route . For diversitys sake there are stops on the trail With the elf Around Pradd (D), where youll be guided by information boards with old tales from the Jesenk Mountains, interest-ing facts about local nature, a photo gallery, images and assignments for children .

    On Pradd (e) youll reach an elevation of 1,491 m ASL . In 1914 a high stone tower was built at the top, and at this location in 1983 a 162 m high television broadcasting tower was built with restaurant, hotel and lookout terrace, from which there are amazing panoramas of the entire Jesenk Mountains . During clear weather you can even see the sil-houette of the High Tatras or the Mal and Velk Fatra .

    Bl oPAVA rIVer VAlley uP to PrADD starting point: Karlova Studnka

    Destination: PraddDistances: Karlova Studnka (0 km) Reserve Bl Opava (2 km) Waterfalls of Bl Opava (4 km) Pod Ovrnou (4 .5 km) Ovrna (5 km) Pradd (9 km) Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center Karlova studnkaIS, parcela SLL 53/I, 793 24 Karlova Studnkatel .: +420 554 772 004, e-mail: info@jeseniky-praded .cz www .jeseniky-praded .cz

    Jesenk MounTains

    1 Karlova Studnka spa 2 Pradd Broadcast Tower3 Karlova Studnka surroundings 4 Bl Opava5 Jesenk Mountains

    12 13






  • 5Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    to tHe HIstory oF tHe HuKVAlDy DomAIn

    Travel by bicycle around the Beskydy Mountains and enjoy the diverse nature, noble and folk architecture monuments and captivating history. Get to know the local beauty made famous by composer Leo Janek.

    You can connect to cycle route 6006 in Frdek-Mstek at the olen recreation zone (A) . Its name comes from the local Olen Reservoir, popular amongst fishermen and various water sports enthusiasts alike . This location has recently be-come popular for its outdoor and covered water park with plenty of visitor attractions .

    The route continues through Palkovice and Kozlovice, which may be your excursions first stop . Visit the reeves House complex (B), a part of which is the living open-air museum of the General School, small exhibits on Kozlovice and a sacral art exhibit . And great beer is brewed here too! Not far from here is the na mln complex (C), frequented by native son of Hukvaldy, Leo Janek . Your route will be taking you there .

    After riding four kilometers, youll arrive to the town of Hukvaldy (D) with once the largest Moravian castle and the famous composers family home . Spreading out on a hill above the town is a castle by the same name, home to annu-ally held cultural events . One important event each summer is the International Music Festival Janek Hukvaldy . The statue of a fox in the Hukvaldy game preserve with herds of ram and fallow deer is reminiscent of the famous Janek opera The Cunning Little Vixen .

    After touring Hukvaldy youll head out to the towns of Rychaltice, Fryovice, Bruperk and Sta . In sta (e) you can order a tour and head down to the demonstration shaft of an artificially built underground mine, whose cor-ridor holds a normal mining work station in technological correlation to true operation .

    Only six kilometers remain to your destination . If your will and strength still permit, take local cycling circuits to the square Zmeck nmst in Frdek (F) and learn more about the Beskydy region . The chateau here offers exhibits on regional history, ethnography and nature, a chateau tour and various accompanying exhibits .

    starting point: Frdek-Mstek bus, trainDestination: Frdek-Mstek bus, trainDistances: Mstek/Olen Dam (0 km) Palkovice (5 km) Kozlovice (11 km) Hukvaldy/below castle (15 km) Rychaltice (22 km) Fryovice (23 km) Bruperk (25 km) Sta (33 km) Mstek/Olen Dam (39 km)Difficulty: medium, suitable for families with childrentype of bicycle: all types

    Information centers:Information Center Hukvaldy739 46 Hukvaldy 40, tel .: +420 558 699 221e-mail: infocentrum@ihukvaldy .cz, www .hukvaldy .eu

    Beskydy Information Center central officenmst Svobody 6, 738 02 Frdek-Mstektel .: +420 558 646 888, e-mail: info@beskydy-info .czwww .beskydy .com

    Beskydy MounTains

    1 Water park in the Olen recreational zone2 Frdek square Zmeck nmst3 Hukvaldy ruins of he castle4 Kozlovice General School5 International Music Festival Janaek Hukvaldy




    1 4



  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Youll be biking across the Nov Jin cycle route no. 502, where youll experience two of the areas most important castle complexes and a city with unreal architectural monuments.

    Starting in star Jin (A), youll enjoy the lovely views from the ruins of the local castle on Starojick Hill, the domi-nant feature both far and wide . The route leads directly to the center of nov Jin (B) . Here youll appreciate the historical beauty of the square Masarykovo nmst with townhouses joined by an arcade . The adjacent streets boast many pubs and restaurants, so be sure to try something re-freshing . erotn Chateau holds a museum of the Nov Jin area featuring a permanent exhibit of hats, one of the citys traditional products with a long history .

    The trip out of the city to the surroundings of Nov Jin leads you comfortably along a cycle route along the road to Ryb . As you ride out of the town youll turn towards tramberk . Youll pass the wooden Church of St . Catherine, and arrive at libotn (C), a pretty place for outings with a nat-ural swimming pool . The route takes you on to tramberk (D), often nicknamed Moravias nativity scene . Climb up the majestic Tube, a tower with a stunning view, taste the local beer and mainly the sweet gingerbread tramberk ears .

    The cycle route then turns towards Kopivnice, just below the hill Bl hora (e) . A lookout tower by the same name rises above it, whose shape seems similar to the structure of DNA . Kopivnice (F) is an auto manufacturing town, so dont miss a visit to the Tatra Technical Museum . The swimming pool, minigolf and ostn castle ruins are but a few of the local cultural and sports attractions .

    Continuing through the district of lubina (G), the route leads out of civilization . It leads along a lovely field around the Vtkovice (H) reservoir and then again returns to the main road . Enjoy the comfortable ride all the way to Horn Sklenovo and Hukvaldy (I) . The towns historical pride is its magnificent castle, which holds many annual cultural events such as the International Music Festival Janaek Hukvaldy .

    This route is not difficult at all . The average cyclist is sure to appreciate its relaxed course, especially when you dont need a map and can navigate just by cycle routes .

    trIP out oF tHe CIty on BICyCle ArounD noV JIn starting point: Star Jin

    Destination: castle HukvaldyDistances: Star Jin (0 km) Nov Jin (5 km) Ryb (10 km) tramberk (13 km) Kopivnice (15 km) Hukvaldy (24 km)Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center HukvaldyHukvaldy 40, 739 46 Hukvaldytel .: +420 558 699 221e-mail: nfocentrum@ihukvaldy .czwww .hukvaldy .eu

    Information Center KopivniceObrnc mru 368, 742 21 Kopivnice tel .: +420 556 821 600e-mail: ic@koprivnice .cz www .koprivnice .czwww .lasska-brana .cz

    Information Center nov Jinzk 27, 741 01 Nov Jin, tel .: +420 556 711 888e-mail: centrum@novy-jicin .czwww .icnj .cz, www .novy-jicin .cz

    Information Center tramberkZauli 456, 742 66 tramberk, tel .: +420 558 840 617e-mail: mic@stramberk .czwww .stramberk .cz

    Beskydy MounTains

    1 View of Star Jin2 tramberk The Tube3 Nov Jin square Masarykovo nmst4 Bl hora Lookout Tower5 Nov Jin hat exhibition in erotn Chateau








  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    The picturesque Beskydy town Morvka in nearly untouched nature with rare natural monuments attracts recreation seekers all year round. This time youll enjoy the trip on bicycle to see the greatest local attractions.

    Your bike excursion starts between the peaks of Travn and Slav in the town below, around 15 km from Frdek-Mstek . morvka (A) spreads out on both banks of the river by the same name . A drinking water reservoir was built here in the 1960s . The town is sought out mainly by those who love hiking, cycling and skiing, where they find a myriad opportunities . You can get to know the beauty here on horseback . The riding hall here offers horseback riding for adept and less-skilled riders . If you enjoy adrenaline sports, youre sure to enjoy the ski complex that changes each year into a bike park .

    Continue down the marked cycle route no . 6113, along which runs the nature trail springs of the morvka river (B) . The trail is 14 km in length, leading all the way to Bl K and featuring nine information boards on the Morvka River, dam construction and the regions history .

    After 1 .5 km youll bike to the morvka valley reser-voir (C) . From here youll head along the hardened road to spolka (D) and Juiuna . Leaving the nature trail, youll stay on cycle route no . 6113 . Around 3 km along youll reach the crossroads of Zemelov (e) near the recreational area Visalaje . Route no . 6113 continues on past Visalaje to ance Dam in Ostravice . But youll turn at the crossroads to the right and head up to just below the top of Vysok Rykali and on to Paproka (F) . Here the route is not marked, but leads along a hardened road . From Paproka youve got around a 6 km section to Hjenka (G), where youll again return onto a marked cycle route . Heading down into the valley, youll go 3 km to the town of Pramo (H) . The beauty of the local surroundings and interest in the life of the Beskydy mountaineers enticed a visit by poet Petr Bezru, who men-tions Pramo in several poems . Even his famous Maryka Magdonov found eternal rest at the local cemetery .

    In this town youll link to marked cycle route no . 10, and youve got just 3 km back to Morvka .

    ArounD PICturesque morVKA starting point: Morvka bus

    Destination: Morvka busDistances: Morvka, town (0 km) Morvka, Dam (1 .5 km) spolka (5 km) Zemelov, crossroads (12 km) Vysok Rykali (14 .5 km) Paproka (17 km) Hjenka, crossroads (23 km) Pramo (30 km) Morvka (33 km)Difficulty: mediumtype of bicycle: MTB, trekking

    Information centers:Beskydy Information Center Frdlant nad ostravic branchHlavn 308739 11 Frdlant nad Ostravic tel .: +420 558 676 909e-mail: info@beskydy-info .cz www .beskydy .com

    Beskydy MounTains

    1 Information board alongside dam2 Morvka horse riding club3 Morvka bike park4 Morvka Dam5 View of the ridge Travn 6 Pramo Church of St. John of Nepomuk

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Lys hora [Bald] Mountain is a symbol of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mountains and a traditional hiking destination. Even poet Petr Bezru made the climb. So set off in his footsteps, the mountain beckons all year round.

    Head up Lys hora along the yellow hiking route from the village of malenovice (A) from the stop Parkovit, where youll get to by bus link from Frdlant nad Ostravic . After a kilometers walk youll pass one of the Beskydys loveli-est landmarks satina waterfall (B) . Continue to the Satina crossroads (U kortka), and go right . The path here begins to get rocky . After walking 2 .5 km you can refresh yourselves in the oldest Beskydy pub . From here youll continue up the hill along the yellow hiking route to the Lukinec crossroads .

    Before it hidden in the forest is a unique cave system ondrovy dry (C), which however is not open to the pub-lic . At Lukinec you link with the red hiking route, and its 3 km from here to the top . Around 0 .5 km under the peak is a wooden cross (D) erected to honor all victims of Lys hora . Its just five minutes to the very top of lys hora (e); there youll see its dominant feature from close up a TV transmitter . Here also stands a hydrometeorological sta-tion, the Mountain Rescue Service building and you can get drinks and food in the local restaurant or at the buffet . The lookout point offers you amazing far-off panoramas . During clear weather you can see the Jesenk, Mal and Velk Fatra Mountains or even the High Tatras .

    After a rest youll head back along the red hiking route to the crossroads to lukinec (F) . You can choose returning to Malenovice or continue along the red route to the town of ostravice (G), a favorite amongst tourists . The Lys hora nature trail lines the way from Malenovice to Lys hora and back to Ostravice . Along 15 stops and two information panels at the top youll learn much about the bandit Ondr, the lord of Lys hora, about local flora and fauna, Beskydy for-ests, the danger of the mountains and their victims, about the Beskydys largest waterfall and about caves . The nature trail measures 16 .5 km and if you want to see all the stops, plan a trip from one town to another by crossing the top .

    In tHe FootstePs oF Petr BeZru on lys HorA mountAIn starting point: Malenovice bus

    Destination: Ostravice bus, trainDistances: Malenovice, parking lot (0 km) Satina, crossroads (1 .2 km) U Velik (2 km) Pod Lukincem (4 km) Lukinec (5 km) Lys hora (8 km) Lukinec (11 km) Butoanka (13 km) Ostravice (16 .5 km) Difficulty: medium to difficult

    Information centers:Information Center ostraviceOstravice Library739 14 Ostravice 400 tel .: +420 558 682 115e-mail: knihovnaostravice@seznam .cz www .obec-ostravice .czwww .naseknihovna .cz/ostravice

    Beskydy MounTains

    1 At the top of Lys hora in the winter2 Hiking up on Lys hora3 Lys hora TV transmitter4 Satina waterfalls5 Cross in memory of victims of Lys hora6 Lys hora in the springtime



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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Radho Mountain (1,129 m ASL) isnt highest in the Beskydy Mountains, but its one of their most popular and visited peaks. People usually combine heading up to Radho with a visit to Pustevny and its striking group of folk structures.

    The trip begins in Frentt pod radhotm (A), where the town halls ground floor features an original statue of Ra-degast, a pagan god . The town hall has a lookout tower, offering a stunning view of the entire Beskydy Mountains . Take a bus or go by car to trojanovice (B) to the stop called Rztoka . Head out on foot along the red hiking route and stop along the way at the buckwheat mill or strnadel Broth-ers memorial (C) . By the parking lot is Moravias largest rope climbing center (D), designed for all ages . Go to the cable ways lower station and head up the mountain . Youll be welcomed by Libun and Mamnka folk-style buildings by architect Duan Jurkovi .

    From Pustevny (e) youll take the blue hiking route and wide stone path rising gently to the Mountain Rescue Service station, the Wallachian Shed and wooden kiosks with souve-nirs and refreshments towards the lookout gazebo Cyrilka (F) . From here youll be able to see the entire Pustevny saddle . Continue from here along the wide ridge lined with scrub and dwarf pine . After about 1 km youll reach the statue of the pa-gan god radegast (G) . Its said that when you touch his round belt buckle while making a wish, Radegast just may fulfill it . Several information boards of the Radegast nature trail line the way . The yellow hiking route branches off to the chalet Skalkova Louka . Along the ridge at the crossroads Radho-heben you take the green hiking route between the Doln Beva River and Trojanovice and youll soon arrive at the rade-gast mountain chalet (H) . From here its 500 meters to the peak . There at the top stands the wooden pilgrimage Chapel of SS . Cyril and Methodius, with statues of these missionaries by Albn Polek . From here you can see the Vsetn Hills, Javornk Mountains, Strov Hills, Mal Fatra Mountains, Jesenk Moun-tains, Frentt and the mountains Ondejnk, Knhyn, Smrk and Lys hora .

    Going back the same way, you can choose to go down on foot, by scooter along the Princely Path, or again by cable way .

    VIsIt to tHe GoD rADeGAst starting point:Frentt pod RadhotmDestination: RadhoDistances: Frentt (0 km) Rztoka (6 km) Rztoka (lift, 6 .5 km) Pustevny (9 km) Radegast statue (10 .5 km) Radho-ridge (12 km) Radho-chapel (13 km)Difficulty: easy route

    Information centers:Information Center Frentt pod radhotmnmst Mru 1744 01 Frentt pod Radhotm tel .: +420 556 836 916 e-mail: ic@mufrenstat .cz www .frenstatinfo .cz

    Beskydy MounTains

    1 Radegast statue by A. Polek2 Pustevny3 Frentt pod Radhotm Town Hall4 Lookout gazebo Cyrilka5 Radho pilgrimage Chapel of SS Cyril and Methodius









  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    When walking through this picturesque Moravice valley you can see the romantic castle ruin, experience a refreshing swim in a river, visit the former spa and have a close look at the grandiose hydroengineering structure.

    The ruins of castle Viktejn (A) rise high above the cliff prom-ontory over the Moravice River; it will be a quick tour . After doing so youll carefully descend the steep serpentines to Podhrad (B) . The quaint town is the starting point for cycling and hiking trails . Its also popular with boaters navigating the Moravice on to Hradec . If going on foot, head out along the red hiking route towards Jnsk Koupele and Kruberk, take cycling route no . 551, which leads through Lhotka and Nov Tchanovice to the same destination .

    Head through the Moravice valley around several former slate quarries to the bridge in the village of Zlun . Its worth stopping to swim in the crystal-clear river . Cyclists cross the bridge and continue straight to the crossroads to the vil-lage of mokinky (C) and then to the left to Jnsk Koupele . Hikers get here along the right bank against the river current . Jnsk Koupele (D) is a former spa visited in its heyday by 10,000 tourists each year . Today this former summer recrea-tion center is a nearly forgotten corner of Opavian Silesia . Few former spa structures still stand; despite this youll find lots of pretty corners closed off in the narrow valley .

    Continue on to the village of Kruberk (e), mainly popular for the water reservoir of the same name . Youll get to the reservoir dam along a narrow road starting at the Church of SS Peter and Paul from the first half of the 14th century . The church organ is said to be Silesias oldest . Kruberk Dam was built in 1948-55 to provide drinking water to Ostravas rapidly growing agglomeration . The nearly 35 m high dam holds back water in the 10 km long flooded valley . Before the dam head right up the hill, go left at the top and continue along the road leading directly along the dam (F) . In the adminis-trative building you can agree to an excursion, Kruberks eager custodians will guide you through the reservoir piping systems . This is the popular setting of the television series Velk sedlo [Big Saddle] .

    morAVICe rIVer VAlley starting point: Vtkov-Podhrad, ruins of castle ViktejnDestination: Kruberk DamDistances: Viktejn (0 km) Podhrad (1 .5 km) Podhra-d, camp (3 .2 km) Zlun, bridge over river Moravice (7 .5 km) Jnsk Koupele (10 .5 km) Kruberk, Church of SS Peter and Paul (14 km) Kruberk Dam (15 .5 km)The route along marked cycle routes leading from Podhrad through Lhotka, Nov Tchanovice, Zlun and Jnsk Koupele to Kruberk measures 17 km .Difficulty: hiking difficult, by bicycle medium

    Information centers:Information Center Budiov nad Budiovkou slate museumHorsk 184, 747 87 Budiov nad Budiovkoutel .: +420 556 305 334, e-mail: mkis@budisovnb .cz www .budisov .eu

    opavian silesia

    1 Ruins of castle Viktejn2 Jnsk Koupele3 Moravice heading downriver 4 Kruberk Dam

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Silesia holds numerous mementoes to WWII and other history-changing events. Take the path of history, where monuments, memorials and fortifications stand as testimony to the various fates of the borderland.

    This journey to see WWII monuments starts on the edge of the town of Darkoviky (A) . By highway no . 469 midway between Hlun and Ha theres a fortification complex, part of the interwar border fortification system . Here you can tour infantry cabins and a light fortification building, and fortified infantry cabin . The Silesian Provincial Museum manages the complex and offers guided tours in season . Exploring this fortification system, which never served its intended purpose of defending Czechoslovakia, is a once in a lifetime experience .

    Youll now head on to Hlun (B) . Once in the city, turn right at the first traffic light towards Opava, and along road no . 56 youll stop in Doln Beneov (C) . Take 1 . mje street past the pretty little square, then by taking Hjeck street around the chateau and pond Nezmar youll arrive in Hj ve slezsku (D) . Turn left at the end of the road onto Antonna Vaka street . Continue straight and after a half-kilometer turn behind the church to the right to Slezskho odboje street, leading you above the town . On the hill to the right stands the monument on ostr hrka (e) . On September 12, 1869, a camp of about 15,000 Silesians gathered here declaring national unity between Moravians and Bohemians and denouncing Germanisation . Other camps met up here on Ostr hrka always during important events or in times of oppression of the Silesian people . From this hill youll see all of Silesia its slightly undulating countryside with sparkling lakes, cities and villages as far as the eye can see .

    Returning down to Hj, youll go left at the first crossroads towards Hrabyn . After several kilometers youll reach your destination . The second World War memorial in Hrabyn (F) with multimedia and interactive exhibit is astounding . Dioramas of burning villages, marching soldiers and stark realities of war complete with artifacts are reminders of the nations tragedy and heroic efforts of our army . You can also enjoy the entire trip by bicycle .

    In tHe FootstePs oF WorlD WAr tWo starting point: Darkoviky

    Destination: HrabynDistances: Darkoviky Czechoslovak fortification com-plex (0 km) Hlun crossroads in direction of Opava (4 .5 km) Doln Beneov street 1 . Mje (10 km) Hj ve Slezsku street A . Vaka (13 .5 km) Hj ve Slezsku Ost-r Hrka Hill (15 .5 km) Hrabyn monument (20 .7 km) Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center HlunChateau, Zmeck 4, 748 01 Hluntel .: +420 595 041 617, e-mail: infohlucin@centrum .cz www .info .hlucin .com

    opavian silesia

    1 Darkoviky fortification complex2 Monument up on Ostr hrka Hill3 Doln Beneov chateau4 Hlun5 Tour of a fortification cabin in Darkoviky6 Hrabyn Second World War Monument

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Opava was for centuries the natural center of the Opavian principality and then the capital city of Austrian and Czech Silesia until 1928. Historically important events took place here, and the city boasts numerous monuments.

    Your stroll through historic opava (A) begins on the square Horn nmst . Here stands the historical town hall, nick-named Hlska, with its high lookout tower . From it youll enjoy a lovely view of the entire city . Across from Hlska is the Silesian Theater and to the left is the 13th-century Gothic Co-Cathedral of the Assumption, the branch cathedral of the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ostrava-Opava .

    On the lower square Doln nmst youll surely see the Church of St . Adalbert with former Jesuit college . The Silesian Provincial Museum was founded in 1814, making it the oldest in todays Czech Republic . The former Jesuit college is now home to the Silesian Provincial Archives . The main museum building is in the nearby Smetana Gardens . Just as notewor-thy as the museum is the newly opened Municipal House on Ostron street . Created by redesigning the former bank, today it offers many interesting cultural programs . Beside regular exhibits, it also holds concerts in Klub ART quite a popular venue for having only been open a short while .

    Mllers House, Blcher Palace, House Bo koutek, House u Blho konka, House U Mouenna, City Swimming Pool, Church of St . Hedwig, department store Breda & Weinstein this is but a concise listing of other landmarks complement-ing Opavas special magic . The lively pedestrian promenade is full of shops and pleasant cafs and restaurants . After touring the citys many noteworthy secular and ecclesiasti-cal monuments, you can enjoy several attractive outings to Opavas surroundings . If you head out on road no . 46, youll arrive after 20 km to the lovely town of sudice (B) with its magnificent Neo-Gothic Church of St . John the Baptist from 1906 . The fair-faced brick church, its wall, rectory and outbuildings are listed together as a Czech national cultural monument . A bit past Sudice towards Poland you can also visit a monument to Czechoslovak tank soldiers (C), honoring the fierce battle in the Silesian border area during WWII .

    From oPAVA to suDICe starting point: Opava, Square Horn nmstDestination: Sudice Distances: walking circuit: Opava, Square Horn nmst (0 km) Square Doln n-mst (0 .2 km) Snmovn, Komenskho, park Smetanovy sady (0 .6 km) park sady Svobody, Pta vrch (1 .1 km) park Dvo-kovy sady, Municipal House (1 .3 km) Os-tron, Square Horn nmst (1 .5 km)By bicycle or by automobile: Opava, crossroads Snmovn/Praskova (0 km) bridge across river Opava, Ratibosk street (0 .3 km) crossroads Hlunsk/Ratibosk (1 .3 km) . along road no . 46, Pust Jakartice (4 .5 km) Sluovice (9 km) Hnvoice (11 km) Kobeice (14 .5 km) Rohov (17 . 5 km) Sudice (20 km)Alternative routes along cycle routes leading from Opava through Chlebiov, Bl Bza, Ko-beice, Strahovice and Rohov to Sudice, route along cycle route is around 2 km longerDifficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Centre opavaHorn nm . 67, 746 01 Opava tel .: +420 553 756 143, e-mail: informacni .centrum@opava-city .cz www .opava-city .cz

    opavian silesia

    1 Opava historical City Hall2 Opava Silesian Theater3 Opava Silesian Provincial Museum4 Opava Co-cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption5 Opava pedestrian zone6 Neo-Gothic Church of St. John the Baptist in Sudice

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Silesia is a land with countless historical attractions. Youll find here old cities surrounded by mountains and spread out in lowlands. Castles, chateaux and places of pilgrimage add to the color of the Silesian region.

    This excursion starts in radu (A), which lies just 3 km from Opava . The pretty rural chateaus fairytale silhouette reflects off the surface of the pond here . The Radu chateau complex includes an orangery with garden and other buildings stand-ing as testimony to noble life in the Silesian countryside .

    Just 5 km from Radu is the city of Hradec nad moravic (B) a popular summer recreation resort . The vast chateau com-plex stands upon a high promontory . Until 1945 the Hradec estate belongs to six generations of the Prussian principle family Lichnowsk of Votice and Werdenberg, who rebuilt the chateau into a representative noble seat and power cent-er of the entire region . The main building, the White Cha-teau, has maintained its majestic Classicist appearance . Only in the latter-19th century did Hradec see the romanticizing addition of the so-called Red Chateau . Also added was the White Tower with chateaux walls adding monumental pro-portion to the entire chateau grounds . The chateau grounds include a natural landscaped park, where even Ludwig van Beethoven spent much time relaxing . Today its a veritable oasis for the wayfarers body and soul . The chateau in Hradec Kralov is by right listed as one of the loveliest chateaux in Central Europe, as evidenced by thousands of visitors each year . Last year it was chosen as the most fairytale-like cha-teau in the CR .

    Continuing from Hradec along road no . 57 towards Opava, youll go left onto road no . 461 and by passing through otice (C) youll arrive at slavkov u opavy (D) . Turn left at road no . 46 and at the second crossroads, go right onto Ludvk Svoboda street . Continue along the main street to the town of Zlatnky (e), where youll turn left to stboice (F) and nov Dvr (G) . In Nov Dvr check out the forest garden of the Silesian Provincial Museum . The local dendrological exposition is 23 ha in size and boasts a rich collection of trees from five continents and other amazing flora . From the forest garden you can take home saplings for your gar-den or just drink coffee and relax in the garden full of rare foreign plant life .

    From rADu CHAteAu to noV DVr Forest GArDen starting point: Chateau Radu bus

    Destination: Nov Dvr Forest Garden bus Distances: Radu chateau (0 km) Chval-kovice municipal authority (3 km) Branka u Opava, bridge across river Moravice (5 .4 km) Hradec nad Moravic, bridge across river Moravice (7 .2 km) Hradec nad Mo-ravic, chateau (8 km) Otice, crossroads of roads 57 and 461 (13 .7 km) Slavkov, street Olomouck (17 km) Slavkov, street Ludvka Svobody (17 .5 km) Zlatnky, turn towards Stboice (21 .8 km) Nov Dvr Forest Garden (26 km)Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Centre opavaHorn nm . 67, 746 01 Opava tel .: +420 553 756 143 e-mail: informacni .centrum@opava-city .cz www .opava-city .cz

    Public library and Information Center Hradec nad moravicOpavsk 265, 747 41 Hradec nad Moravictel .: +420 553 783 940 e-mail: ic@muhradec .cz www .ichradec .cz

    opavian silesia

    1 Radu chateau2 Hradec nad Moravic Red Chateau3 Hradec nad Moravic White Tower4 Nov Dvr Forest Garden of the Silesian Provincial Museum

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Silesia is often mistakenly considered to be northern Moravia, and few know exactly where the old provincial boundary runs. So lets learn about the Silesian countryside, rich with natural wonders, and monuments both old and new.

    Well start our trip to the Silesian countryside near Os-trava right on the Czech-Polish border in the town of ilheovice (A) . Leave the D1 motorway at exit no . 370 in Bohumn, turn right and head straight . After 200 meters youll cross the bridge over the Odra, in the Polish village of Chalupki turn left after the filling station onto Boguminska street and then take a left onto Dluga street . This road in Polish Chalupki links to Doln road in ilheovice .

    After about 1 km youll see on the left an ostentatious chateau and youll go from the border along the chateau park . The chateaus current Neo-Baroque likeness is from the latter-19th century, when it came to be owned by the Rothschild family . In the nearly 100-hectar park theres a golf course, popular pubs and restaurants, and a dense cycle trail network .

    Leaving ilheovice, youll head straight towards Darkoviky (B) . Right at the crossroads with road no . 469 you can visit the fortification complex run by the Silesian Provincial Museum . Head towards Hlun (C) on road no . 469 . Take a right at the traffic light onto road no . 56 and go all the way to Doln Beneov (D) . At the fair-faced brick Neo-Gothic church youll take a right to Bolatice (e) 3 km away . The local open-air museum of folk tradition will show you how life once was in the Silesian countryside .

    At the round-about in the town center turn left to Kravae (F), where youll go right towards Opava . At the edge of Opava some 300 meters behind the Church of St . Bartholomew take a left on Alejn street, which leads you to the chateau . The Church of St . Bartholomew is the citys towering structure; its 16th-century white Renaissance tower is visible from far away . The Neo-Gothic cathedral nave of the church together with rectory, former monastery, the walls and gates together form a magnificent complex . Chateau Kravae is a Silesian Baroque jewel . Its appearance came dur-ing restructuring in the first half of 18th century . Its natural landscape park, which like in ilheovice is also partially used as a golf course, is also from this time .

    In seArCH oF sIlesIAn CHAteAux starting point: ilheovice, chateauDestination: Kravae, chateauDistances: ilheovice, chateau (0 km) crossroads Markvartovice/Darkoviky (2 .2 km) Darkoviky, Czechoslovak fortification complex (3 .6 km) Hlun, crossroads with traffic light of streets s . armdy/Opavsk (8 km) Kozmice (10 .8 km) Doln Beneov, center (14 km) Doln Beneov, crossroads by chapel (14 .6 km) Bolatice, center (18 .6 km) Kravae, crossroads Bolatick/Hlunsk (23 .2 km) Kravae, city information center, street Opavsk (24 .8 km) Kravae, Church of St . Bartholomew (25 .5 km) Kravae, chateau (26 .3 km)Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center HlunChateau, Zmeck 4, 748 01 Hluntel .: +420 595 041 617, e-mail: infohlucin@centrum .cz, www .info .hlucin .com

    Information Center KravaeOpavsk 268/62, 747 21 Kravae, tel .:+420 553 671 827e-mail: i-kravare@post .cz, www .i-kravare .info

    opavian silesia

    1 ilheovice chateau and golf course2 Kravae chateau3 Darkoviky equipment inside fortification4 Doln Beneov chapel

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    After WWII in the Poruby fields a center called New Ostrava was built in what was called the Socialist Realism style. Near Poruby theres a recreational area with forest park, swimming pool and cottage settlements.

    Your excursion begins at the tram station of the ostrava technical university campus (A), the upper end of the monu-mental Hlavn tda boulevard . The campus spreads out on the hill above the stop, with auditorium, library of Prof . Fr . Poepn; touring the collections takes at least an hour . Return to the boulevard Hlavn tda, which starts here with two cor-ners buildings by architect Boris Jelaninov . Continue straight to the large roundabout . You can admire the ostentatious palaces on both sides, apartment buildings with shops and second-floor restaurants . Go right at the roundabout onto Porubsk street, where on the right side youll see the residential building called Viky, amazing for its sgraffito decoration and Renaissance gables . The sgraffito idealizes the life of Ostrava right from the start of building communist Czechoslovakia .

    At the end of the street youll walk through one of two gates of Oblouk [Arch] by architect Even teflek . Oblouk was designed as an entrance gate to Nov Ostrava . Upon designing this building, the architect was inspired by Pal-ace Square in Russias St . Petersburg . Head to the left to the small roundabout and again to the right to the street Nad Porubkou . Here begins the part of the original town of Poruba with its former center . Go straight around the Poruby chateau (B) and town hall up to the tram turnabout with the stop Vesinsk . Taking tram no . 5, continue to the last stop at Zti (C) . The single-line tram leads around the Czech Republics largest swimming pool, forest areas through Krsn Pole, Doln Lhota and up to Kyjovice . In Ostravas district of Krsn Pole you can visit the observatory and planetarium (D) .

    Return to the single-line tram . The last stop on the line is the starting point for several hiking and biking routes . Just choose the color along which you can explore the western edge of the city . Youll see forests, meadows, picturesque villages, sports complexes and mainly unexpected tranquil-ity in the lovely, undulating region of this part of Silesia .

    From neW ostrAVA out to tHe Country starting point: Boulevard Hlavn tda Ostrava

    Technical University campus in Ostrava-PorubaDestination: Kyjovice last stop on tram no . 5 Distances: Ostrava Technical University campus (0 km) Boulevard Hlavn tda, roundabout (0 .7 km) Viky, Porubsk street (0 .9 km) Triumphal Arch Oblouk (1 .4 km) chateau Poruba, street Nad Porubkou (1 .9 km) Poruba town hall (2 .2 km) Tram turnaround point Vesinsk (2 .8 km) Tram no . 5 Poruba swimming pool (3 .8 km) Tram no . 5 Krsn Pole (6 .5 km) last stop on tram no . 5 (11 .5 km)Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:ostrava Information service transport terminal at D train station (Svinov),Peterkova 90, 721 00 Ostravatel .: +420 597 310 174, e-mail: svinov@ostravainfo .cz www .ostravainfo .cz

    osTrava area

    1 Ostrava Triumphal Arch Oblouk2 Natural beauty of Ostrava3 Ostrava embellishment on the Viky buildings 4 Ostrava Ostrava Technical University campus5 Johann Palisa Observatory and Planetarium

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Thanks to the Czech Tourist Club, a hiking route was established in Ostrava with twelve information boards. Leading from the center through the Terezie Ema Slag Heap and on up to the zoo, it familiarizes visitors with the history of mining and local monuments.

    The yellow-marked hiking route starts in front of the Antonn Dvok theater (A) to the square nmst Bedicha Smetany . From the theater it continues to the Black Meadow trade-fair grounds and on Havlkovo nbe to Hradn lvka (B) . Cross the Ostravice River to the silesian ostrava Castle (C) . Its exhibits and cultural events attract tens of thousands of annual visitors . The route continues up from the entrance gate to the Church of st. Joseph (D) .

    Na Najmansk street starts on the left by the church and leads around the central and Jewish cemeteries . The Jew-ish part holds gravestones from the removed cemetery in Moravian Ostrava, as well as Judaika, a ceremonial hall and monument to Ostravas Jews . Keep going down Na Najman-sk street to Michlkovick street to the zoo (e), the Czech Republics second largest . Besides regular exhibits, youll enjoy the Chinese garden or walk along three botanical trails . After strolling the gardens, go back to Na Najmansk street . After 200 meters go right at the crossroads staying on the yellow trail to the terezie-ema slag Heap (F) . Gasses of low concentration continue to rise from the conic slag heap, today a protected monument . Youll enjoy spectacular, unhindered views from the top of the entire Ostrava basin .

    From the crossroads below Ema stay on the yellow route to M . Skora bridge . Go right on Vlkova street and then onto Na Burni street . The Bura valley is the legendary dis-covery location of black coal . Come learn of a local legend at the museum of Kelticka the Blacksmith (G) on Keltikova street . The yellow route will take you here through streets Obansk, Na Baranovci and Na Frantikov . Along the entire route youll see chimneys for gas exhaust, a reminder of past mining activity . On Keltikova street go left and head down to the aforementioned museum and Silesian Ostravas monumental city hall with gallery . Go right at city hall along the sidewalk, go past the Petr Bezru monument and the monument to the 1st Czechoslovak Tank Brigade all the way to skora Bridge (H) .

    sIlesIAn oPAVA AlonG tHe yelloW route starting point: Square Smetano-

    vo nmst, Moravsk Ostrava tram 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 (stop Vstavit)Destination: Milo Skora Bridge Trolleybus 101, 103, 105, 108, 111Distances: Square Smetanovo nmst (0 km) Silesian Ostrava Castle (0 .5 km) Church of St . Jo-seph (0 .8 km) Jewish Cemetery (1 .3 km) ZOO (2 .6 km) Terezie Ema Slag Heap (3 .6 km) Milo Skora Bridge (5 km) Difficulty: easy

    Information centers:ostrava Information service New City Hall Viewing TowerProkeovo nm . 8 702 00 Ostravatel .: +420 599 443 096 e-mail: vez@ostravainfo .cz www .ostravainfo .cz

    osTrava area

    1 Antonn Dvok Theatre2 Silesian Ostrava Castle3 Green-winged Macaw in Ostrava Zoo4 Terezie-Ema Slag Heap5 Milo Skora Bridge

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Moravian Ostrava is the citys true center. Although its not large, youll find here museums, galleries, theaters, clubs, many shops, restaurants and everything surrounded by representative architecture.

    Your walking tour of the center starts at the monument to the First Czechoslovak tank Brigade (A) at Skora Bridge in Silesian Ostrava . On the right youll see the monumen-tal Silesian Ostrava Town Hall with corner tower and clock . Across from the former savings bank stands the monument to Milo Skora, who laid down his own life to protect the bridge during Ostravas liberation . Go across the arch bridge to the Moravian side . The first building behind the bride hides a representative passage with city library and the Arna Chamber theater (B) . Continue straight down 28 . jna street to the crossroads with Zeyerova street . Turn right and be-tween the windows youll see the monument to Ostravas Jews standing by a former synagogue . Heading back, youll go straight to the tower of the 13th-century Filial Church of st. Wenceslas (C) . It stands before the modern buildings of the bishopric and an apartment building; the contrast between new and old architecture is stunning .

    Around the theater youll go along Kosteln street up to the square masarykovo nmst (D) . Here youll see the Marian column and statue of St . Florian and two museums the larger Ostrava Museum and across from it in the green building is the Zither Museum . After touring it youll go down Zmeck street to the square nmst Dr. edvarda Benee (e) with sculpture reminiscent of the tragic clash of Austrian soldiers and striking miners in 1894 . The squares left side is closed off by the once-famous department store Ostravica Textilia . Across from this on Ndran street stand-ing on the left is a group of Nesselroth passage homes with passageway and tower, on the right stands the palace of the English-Czechoslovak bank by architect Josef Gor and adjacent Miners home the Elektra palace . Here youll go left to the piazzetta with fountain and modern sculpture with glasses svit by Luk Rittstein . Right beside it is the House of Art (F), home to the Fine Arts Gallery . Its prize jewel amongst collections is the Secession painting Judita by Gustav Klimt . An Ostrava Information Service branch stands on the corner of streets Umleck and Ndran .

    morAVIAn ostrAVA urBAn HerItAGe Zone starting point:

    Bohumnsk street monument to 1st Czechoslovak Tank BrigadeDestination: Boulevard Ndran tda IC branchDistances: Bohumnsk street (0 km) Zeyerova street (0 .3 km) Church of St . Wenceslas (0 .5 km) Square Masarykovo nmst (0 .6 km) Square nmst Dr . E . Benee (1 km) House of Arts (1 .2 km) Difficulty: easy

    Information centers:ostrava Information serviceentrance from Ndran 7 Jurekova 12/1935, 702 00 Ostravatel .: +420 596 123 913e-mail: mic@ostravainfo .cz www .ostravainfo .cz

    osTrava area

    1 Silesian Ostrava Town Hall2 Arna Chamber Theatre3 Church of St. Wenceslas 4 Nesselroth houses5 Zither Museum6 Sculpture svit in front of House of Art

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Ostrava is full of contrasts beside tidy quarters with villas and parks neighboring wide ostentatious boulevards crouches an industrial quarter, hiding old miner colonies and forgotten architectural wonders.

    Your journey begins on the square marinsk nmst (A) in Marinsk Hory . From the tram stop on 28 . jna street you cross over to Bendlova street . Behind the first block of apartment houses starts the old mining colony (B) with three rows of two-storey houses with saddle roofs . Created at the start of the 20th century, today its one of the best-preserved colonies . At the end of Bendlova street turn right onto 1 . mje street, where you enter the tram in the direction of Vtkovice . Youll ride between factories to the local square mrov nmst. (C)

    Vtkovices typical company architecture features simple fair-faced red brick masonry . Standing on the left is the former factory hotel with gymnasium, today the Rothschild Palace . Beside it is the Vtkovice Town Hall, and across from Rusk street youll see the Church of st. Paul (D) with asym-metric tower, which long served as a water tower . On both sides of the church are the original U-Houses, U-shaped buildings with ground floor shops and worker apartments upstairs . Behind the church stands the rectory, and just past it starts the first row of homes of the so-called Gabled Colony .

    Go right before the first house, talk the sidewalk between the fences to Lidick street and go left . The street is lined on both sides with typical worker homes (e) . After 200 m go left into Joka Jabrkov park (F) . The large city park with childrens playground, climbing wall and gazebo is a great place to relax . Exit the park to the left to the square nmst Jiho z Podbrad .

    Continue to the right along Halasova street up to the crossroads with Vstavn street . On the right is a modern multifunctional building and across from it is the representa-tive Czech Home (G), a former social and cultural center for Vtkovices Czechs . Take Vstavn street to the left to the crossroads with Rusk street, where Vtkovices chateau (H) stands . Before it go right and head all the way to the end to enjoy a spectacular view of the Vtkovice lower Area (I), a national cultural monument, with blast furnaces . From here youll get to Ostravas center by tram .

    ostrAVAs InDustrIAl HerItAGe starting point: Square Marinsk nmst tram 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18Destination: Vtkovice Blast Furnaces tram 1, 2, 6, 10, 13Distances: Square Marinsk nmst (0 km) Square Mrov nmst (1 .6 km) Gabled Colony (1 .9 km) Blast Furnaces (3 km) Difficulty: easy

    Information centers:ostrava Information serviceentrance from Ndran 7, Jurekova 12/1935 702 00 Ostravatel .: +420 596 123 913, e-mail: mic@ostravainfo .cz www .ostravainfo .cz

    osTrava area

    1 Vtkovice Town Hall2 Typical company architecture using fair-faced red brick3 Church of St. Paul 4 Lower Area of Vtkovice5 Houses in the Gabled Colony

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Theres an ideal place for rest, fun and mainly learning on the northern edge of Ostrava. Landek is a mythical hill surrounded by many legends, representing extraordinary meaning in Czech history.

    Small Landek Hill rises upon Ostravas Petkovice (A) district above the confluence of the rivers Odra and Ostravice . It features the nations largest mining museum (B) at its foot . Archeological research has uncovered a settlement located here around 23,000 years ago . This time is also attributed to the first use of coal by man in our country . The Landek (Petkovice) Venus comes from this era a five-centimeter high torso of a statue of a thin woman carved from blood-stone . In 1782 regular mining of coal began here at one of the few places on earth where seams rise right to the surface .

    In the mining museum complex youll see the most varied of mining machines, including the vast mining rescue exhibit . Few can resist tours of the mine . The cage runs down be-low ground, visitors hold their breath, theres darkness all around and an experienced miner is there to greet you as your guide . Expect the breeze of Ostrava underground wind currents and eerie sounds coming from the underground labyrinth of corridors . Are you afraid? Theres no reason, those are just gnomes holding a dance party in the heart of legendary Landek . After touring the museum, which can take up to three hours, you can visit the local miners pub . In the complex itself you may play tennis, volleyball or bowl .

    Near the museum runs a marked nature trail (C) highlight-ing all the local places of interest . The discovery place of the Petkovice Venus, a Slavic fortress and mainly unexpected peace surrounded by a pretty forest with many rare tree species this too is Landek . The last remains of a castle (D) are found close by on a steep hill above the confluence . Do not miss the view from the small lookout tower (e) stand-ing about 1 .5 km from the museum . Then take the green hiking trail along which you may head to Koblov (F) to the trolleybus or to Petkovice on the bus youll get the center of Ostrava very fast from both places .

    lAnDeK nAtIonAl nAturAl monument starting point: Ostrava-Petkovice Mining Museum, bus

    Destination: Slezsk Ostrava Koblov, or PetkoviceDistances: Mining Museum (0 km) Lookout tower at Landek (1 .5 km) Silesian Ostrava Koblov (2 .5 km)Difficulty: easy

    Information centers:ostrava Information service New City Hall Viewing TowerProkeovo nm . 8, 702 00 Ostravatel .: +420 599 443 096, e-mail: vez@ostravainfo .cz www .ostravainfo .cz

    osTrava area

    1 Mining Museum entrance gate2 Mining Museum shaft tower3 Mining Museum tour of the tunnel4 Wooden lookout tower5, 6 Landek nature trail

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    1 3





  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Come experience the magical mixture of stunning natural beauty, cultural monuments and fascinating places. The Amber Road cycle route will lead you through towns in the Pood region with plenty for tourists to see and do.

    The journey starts in the town of Albrechtiky (A), with its dominant feature, the Church of St . Nicholas containing the crypt of counts, the Vetter von der Lilie family . The last wooden structure in the town from 1865 houses an informa-tion center and local museum . Leaving the town along cycle route no . 5 (Amber Road/Greenways K-M-W), youll head out on the road towards nov Horka (B) . Here youll see one of the last stops on the nature trail Kotvice U Starho mlna .

    Now its off to Bartoovice (C)! Riding along a class II road, youll turn at the crossroads onto a class III road lined with apple trees all the way to town . The chateau here is the towns dominant feature . Created by gradual rebuild-ing of a late Gothic fortress from 1480, today it houses the Pood Regional Association and tourist information center . The chateau park features a unique tree, the London Plane . The former rectory, today a wild animal rescue station, is a frequent stop for school field trips . The Chateau nature trail makes for a nice stroll .

    From Bartoovice youll head around the chateau along a hardened field path about 8 km to Kunn (D) . Turn off before the filling station . Along the side route copying the stream Jinka, youll continue towards the renovated Ba-roque Harrach family chateau . It is surrounded by a park with a replica of a bowling lane, the scene of numerous cultural events .

    Continue up hill along the class III road to Bernartice nad odrou (e) . Along the way enjoy the natural beauty alongside the Odra River, as you pass by a water mill . In the town you can go riding on horseback or in a buggy . The hill Pansk kopec offers a view of the wide-open surroundings . Stay on the road from Bernartice to Hrka (F) and turn onto cycle route 503/ Greenways K-M-W . Turn at the start of the town of Hrka and in 2 .5 km youll reach Jesenk nad odrou (G) .

    This town is mainly proud of its natural wonders the meanders of the Odra River, ponds, wetlands and the publicly accessible Jesenick kyselky mineral springs . In Blahutovice you can take the nature trail, where one stop is at the mon-astery community center .

    AmBer roAD By BICyCle starting point: AlbrechtikyDestination: Jesenk nad OdrouDistances: Albrechtiky (0 km) Nov Horka (2 km) Bartoovice (6 km) Kunn (14 km) Bernartice nad Odrou (21 km) Jesenk nad Ondrou (25 km)Difficulty: medium

    Information centers:Information Center Albrechtiky742 55 Albrechtiky 76, tel .: +420 556 428 016e-mail: infocentrum@albrechticky .cz, www .albrechticky .cz

    Information Center Jesenk nad odrou742 33 Jesenk nad Odrou 256, tel .: +420 556 739 016e-mail: infocentrum@jeseniknadodrou .czwww .jeseniknadodrou .cz

    Information Center Kunn742 53 Kunn 1, tel .: +420 556 749 420, e-mail: ic@kunin .czwww .zamek .kunin .cz, www .jeseniknadodrou .cz

    pood Moravian kravae area

    1 Albrechtiky information center2 Bartoovice chateau3 Kunn chateau park4 Bartoovice animal rescue station5 Jesenk nad Odrou Jesenk natural water springs

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    4 5


  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Meanders of the Odra River, a fishpond system, floodplain forests and scenes of natures everyday cycles. This is but one way to characterize the Protected Landscape Area Pood, known for its pristine nature.

    The Kotvice nature trail spreads between Nov Horka and Studnka . Its especially attractive in spring and autumn . Keep-ing a watchful eye on the natural surroundings, you may see the common kingfisher, nicknamed the flying gemstone .

    Youll begin your excursion at Pasen bridge (A) in Studnka . Here youll see the diverse and extraordinarily valuable landscape around the Odra River . The river is fed by the alluvial ponds Nov and Kotvice and the fishpond system thats been gradually developing since the 14th century . The second stop presents the lake Slaky, one of the oldest river sources with a constant water level and vegetation that is home to many types of insects .

    The third stop odersk lvka (B) highlights the Odra Rivers old branches, offering a view of the landscape with dispersed vegetation typical for areas where surface water spills into floodplain forests and meadows . The fourth stop focuses on the Odra River . Along the old trail embankment youll arrive at the train station in Studnka . The trail crosses the old tracks and along the weir of the pond Kak, it nears the Odra . The lowland river is characterized by steep clay banks with mainly growths of weeping willows .

    Youll arrive at the fifth stop Na hrzi . This is a sanctu-ary for rare water bird species and plants, especially water chestnut and floating watermoss . The nature trail then leads to its sixth stop, the pond Kotvice . The sprawling growths in shallow waters are home to nesting western marsh harriers and little bitterns .

    The seventh stop presents the standing water of ponds, which offers the right conditions for floating and rooted water plants . As summer starts, the white flowers of the water buttercup begin to appear . The islands provide resting areas for many bird species . From the Nov rybnk pond dam, the trail continues on into a game preserve .

    The second to last stop points out the remains of the preserved floodplain forest with its rare tree species . The Kotvice nature trail ends with its ninth stop in nov Horka (C) at the old mill .

    KotVICe nAture trAIl starting point: by Pasen BridgeDestination: Stop in Nov Horka at the old millDistances: by Pasen bridge (0 km) Odra footbridge (0 .9 km) Nov Horka by old mill (3 km)Difficulty: not physically demanding, accessible year round

    Information centers:Information Center Albrechtiky742 55 Albrechtiky 76, tel .:+420 556 428 016 e-mail: infocentrum@albrechticky .cz, www .albrechticky .cz

    Information Center Pood region742 54 Bartoovice 1 chateau tel .: +420 556 720 490e-mail: region@regionpoodri .cz www .regionpoodri .eu

    ostrava Information service Monov 401, Ostrava Leo Janek International Airport (arrivals hall vestibule), 742 51 Monovtel .: +420 558 272 419e-mail: letiste@ostravainfo .cz www .ostravainfo .cz

    Information Center studnkanm . Republiky 762, 742 13 Studnka tel .: +420 556 414 387e-mail: linfocentrum@mesto-studenka .cz www .mesto-studenka .cz

    pood Moravian kravae area

    1 Studnka ponds2 Kotvice stop along the nature trail3 Countryside alongside the Odra4 Common kingfisher5 Water chestnuts

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    The Blovec Municipality Association lies within the nature park Odersk vrchy and extends into the Protected Landscape Area Pood. The local countryside with its ponds, forests and other natural wonders is also proud of its architectural monuments.

    The circuit begins and ends in the city of studnka (A) with its unique Wagon Museum, found in the local chateau . Head next to Blov (B) along cycle route no . 6039 . Taking the field path, youll pass the former sand pit and D1 motor-way bridge . The town features a transmission tower lookout platform and the Hubleska Reservoir . Youll then link to the Kravasko Area circuit and partially to cycle route no . 6190 .

    In Blovec (C) ride to the square Slezsk nmst, which forms the citys historical core . Nearby is the sprawling na-ture park Odersk vrchy, great for walks year round . From the square youll head down 17 . listopadu street and turn at the hospital on 1 . mje street, leading you out of the city . Continue on cycle route no . 6011 towards lubojaty (D) along a class III road . Youll ride through town towards ol-bramice (e), part of a locality with abandoned stone quarries .

    Stay with cycle route no . 6011 as you leave Olbramice . Along the way youll cross over the D1 motorway to the spa city of Klimkovice (F) . This was famous as a modern spa with curative iodine-rich water . Enjoy visiting the city museum, Petr Bezru gardens and the Church of the Most Holy Trinity .

    From Klimkovice to Jistebnk youll head through Polanka nad odrou (G) along route I . Along the way through Horn Polanka youll see a chateau, and continue to Doln Polanka, where youll link at the Spa House to cycle route no . 5 . lead-ing through the town of Hraniky . Take the dirt trail here . Switch to cycle route no . 6190, which leads to Jistebnk (H) . The town is noteworthy for its lovely surroundings and pond system .

    Youll reach Velk Albrechtice (I) along cycle route no . 6190 . Cross the creek Blovka and turn right under the D1 motorway bridge . The towns dominant structure is the Church of St . John the Baptist with two bells and tomb of the lords Sedlnick of Choltice . Also here is an archeologi-cal find (locality of a water fortress) lying along cycle route no . 6011 . Take this all the way to studnka (A), where the Blovec circuit ends .

    BloVeC munICIPAlIty AssoCIAtIon CIrCuIt starting point: Studnka

    Destination: StudnkaDistances: Studnka (0 km) Blov (6 km) Blo-vec (10 km) Lubojaty (14 km) Klimkovice (22 km) Jistebnk (30 km) Velk Albrechtice (36 km) Studnka (40 km)Difficulty: difficult, we recommend taking a map

    Information centers:Information Center BlovecSlezsk nmst 1, 743 01 Blovec, tel .: +420 556 411 545 e-mail: info@bilovec .cz, www .bilovec .cz

    Information Center studnkanm . Republiky 762, 742 13 Studnka, tel .: +420 556 414 387 e-mail: infocentrum@mesto-studenka .cz www .mesto-studenka .cz

    pood Moravian kravae area

    1 Blov chess on the square2 Pood ponds3 Studnka Wagon Museum 4 Blov Lookout Point5 Klimkovice spa

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    The Moravian Kravae Area is a picturesque land full of natural treasures and important landmarks.

    The excursion starts in studnka (A) with its most famous native son, the former Prague Archbishop and Cardinal Frantiek Tomek (18991992) . From the 1980s he was vo-cal in his public defense of human rights and bravely resisted totalitarian power . A memorial plaque from 1990 hangs on the school building where he was born .

    From Studnka youll head out along highway no . 464, where in nov Horka (B) youll turn at the crossroads to Bartoovice (C) . At the filling station in Kunn (D) youll go left on road no . 57 heading towards Nov Jin . Youll pass the restaurant and after a few meters you see the chateau in Kunn, one of the Baroque periods most valuable . Another important personality was Countess Marie of Truchsess-Waldburg-Zeil (17621828), who founded here a modern philanthropic institute .

    Youll then continue on to Vran to the founder of genet-ics Johann Gregor Mendel (18221884) . From Kunn youll take road no . 04734 and continue to Suchdol nad Odrou, where youll link to road no . 04810 . Go left at the crossroads by the train station and continue towards mankovice (e) along road no . 04734 . To go to Vran (F) youll take a left on to road no . 04732 and in the district of Hynice youll see the farmstead where Mendel was born . The family home was reconstructed and was opened in 2008 as the visitors center for the rural Moravsk Kravasko Area .

    Fulnek is forever linked to the name of thinker, theolo-gian and Brethern Bishop Jan Amos Komensk (Comenius) (15921670), who lived here in 161821 . From Hynice take road 04734 around the pond system, then continue to odry (G) along Ke koupaliti street . Here youll turn right onto Poton street and then onto road no . 647 to Fulnek (H) . Take Hranick street, go past the filling station and youll arrive at your destination along Fukova street . The former Unity of Brethren choir building holds the Jan Amos Comen-ius Memorial with permanent exhibit on his life and work . The historical square includes a church and column of the Most Holy Trinity, a fountain and statutue of St . John of Nepomuk . Youll also see the nearby Church of St . Joseph .

    PersonAlItIes oF tHe morAVIAn KrAVAe AreA starting point: Studnka

    Destination: Fulnek square nmst KomenskhoDistances: Studnka (0 km) Nov Horka (2 km) Bartoovice (5 km) Kunn (11 km) Mankovice (21 km) Vrn (25 km) Odry (40 km)Difficulty: suitable for families with children and others

    Information centers:Information Center Kunn742 53 Kunn 1, tel .: +420 556 749 420 e-mail: ic@kunin .cz, www .zamek .kunin .cz

    Information Center odryMasarykovo nm . 25, 742 35 Odry, tel .:+420 556 768 1623 e-mail: infocentrum@odry .cz, www .odry .cz, www .infocentrum .odry .cz

    Information Center studnkanm . Republiky 762, 742 13 Studnka, tel .: +420 556 414 387e-mail: infocentrum@mesto-studenka .cz, www .mesto-studenka .cz

    pood Moravian kravae area

    1 Monument to J. A. Comenius2 Square in Fulnek3 Memorial plaque to Cardinal F. Tomek4 Studnka chateau5 Kunn chateau6 Countess of Truchsess-Waldburg-Zeil7 Family home of J. G. Mendel

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  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Welcome to the picturesque Odra basin and the city of Odry, to a land surrounded by the forested-covered Nzk Jesenk Mountains, full of natural wonders. Enjoy the sights of the Silver Path nature trail.

    To get to the head of this nature trail youll go from the rail-way station in odry (A) along the blue hiking trail . Its name was inspired by the historic mining of silver ore galenite . The route leads along forest paths and trails that are not maintained, so exercise caution .

    The path first rises to the woods and on to a holiday com-plex . The first stop highlights the route and the Odersk vrchy [Odry Peaks] nature park . At the garden colony, the second stop focuses on the history of settling the Odra river basin . The route rises to the third stop to the forest and the so-called medvd rokle [Bear ravine] (B) . On the left youll pass the oldest recreation building in Odry . At the crossing forest hill go right, to the places where the robber imk once dwelled .

    The way to the fourth stop leads through a forested area, from which magical views open up to the Odra basin . Arriv-ing eventually at a forest path crossing, go right along the side of Pohosk Hill . Youll reach a stop with a view of the Moravian Gate . Continue down to a forest stream valley, before which is the sixth stop along with the seventh one . They describe the geological structure of the area around both stops . The route continues through the forest up the hill to Pohoi (C) . On the left youll see the Gold Mine, where ore was once mined .

    Returning back to the sixth stop, youll continue down along the stream . Youll then take the crossing asphalt for-est road and go right at the water tower (D) . Head to the railroad tracks . Then youll take the Mankovice bridge to Odrys fishponds .

    The trail now leads along the pond weirs to Odry . The fishpond system takes up 95 ha and is formed of five fish-producing ponds . Youll reach the second-to-last stop via a small grove to a terrace with covered lookout point . The route ends by leading down the hill to the wetlands and to the remains of meadows above the pond Trnn, where the western marsh orchid grows . The trail heads alongside a meadow to the road and ends at the city swimming pool complex (e) .

    sIlVer PAtH nAture trAIl starting point: at holiday complex U SpurnhoDestination: ends at city pool in OdryDistances: Odry, holiday complex (0 km) Third stop, Medvd rokle (0 .9 km) Railroad crossing (5 km) Odry, city swimming pool complex (6 .5 km)Difficulty: medium difficulty, also suitable for families with older children . Certain sections may be slippery after rains, walk carefully along this route!!

    Information centers:Information Center odryMasarykovo nm . 25, 742 35 Odry tel .: +420 556 768 1623, e-mail: infocentrum@odry .cz www .odry .czwww .infocentrum .odry .cz

    pood Moravian kravae area

    1 Pood countryside24 Stops along the nature trail5 Odry square

    52 53







  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    Deep black coal mining once brought development and prosperity to Tn Silesia, but also two of its largest cities were razed Karvinn and Orlov; only the torsos of their centers remain.

    Your journey starts on the chamber square Star nmst in orlov (A), dominated by the monumental Church of the Birth of Our Lady . This is the Tn areas largest church, and it is rightfully considered the stylistically purest Neo-Gothic structure in the country . The reconstructed churchs interior holds a rare 15th century Gothic presbytery . Just behind the church is a lovely chateau park without a chateau it was torn down in 1974 . From the map of the original Orlov, in just a half-century nearly 2,500 structures disappeared, and the busy town turned into a nearly rural landscape .

    Continue from the square along Petra Cingra street . After a kilometer on the right is a slanted Evangelist church . Once standing in the town center, today its surrounded by mead-ows and forests . By going another kilometer farther youll see by the crossroads a large amusement park (B), featuring the ancient world of our planets Mesozoic inhabits . It stands on top of a former mine dump .

    At the end of Hranin street youll see a 90 m tower of the large mine Lazy and then turn left on Ostravsk street . After two kilometers youll arrive at the original Karvinn . On the left hillside lies the former central cemetery, on the right stands the Baroque Church of st. Peter of Alcantara (C), a well-known rarity far and wide . Thats because the influ-ence of undermining has made it sink by 37 m under its original level and it continues to sink . The church is visibly leaning, earning it its nickname Czech Pisa . The interior will have your head turning . Every wall is crooked, each in a different way . Saint Peter of Alcantrara is found in the very center of the former town of Karvinn, which only recently disappeared from Silesias map .

    You can continue to the center of todays Karvin (D) first go straight and after 5 km turn right at the winter sta-dium . Youll arrive at a picturesque square in Karvins Frytt quarter, where you may take a tour of the Empire chateau with vast English park and recreation complex .

    to tHe monuments oF tHe FIrst CItIes starting point: Orlov-Msto, Square Star

    nmst busDestination: Karvin-Frytt, Square Masaryko-vo nmst Distances: Orlov Star nmst (0 km) Cingrova street, Evangelical church (0 .7 km) crossroads at amusement park (1 .6 km) crossroads Hranin/Ostravsk (3 .1 km) Karvin-Doly, roundabout (5 .3 km) Slanted Church of St . Peter of Alcantara (6 .5 km) Karvin-Frytt, crossroads at the winter stadi-um (11 km) Karvin-Frytt, Square Masaryko-vo nmst, chateau Frytt (11 .4 km)Difficulty: medium (careful dangerous sections)

    Information centers:Information Center regional library Karvin Masarykovo nm . 71/26, 733 01 Karvin-Frytttel .: +420 596 318 620e-mail: micka@rkka .czwww .karvina .cz, www .rkka .cz

    Information Center orlovMasarykova tda 1324, 735 14 Orlov-Lutyn tel .: +420 596 511 306 e-mail: mic@knihovna-orlova .czwww .knihovna-orlova .cz

    Tn silesia

    1 Orlov tower of Church of the Birth of Our Lady 2 Former city of Karvinn 3 Karvin Church of St. Peter of Alcantara4 Doubrava amusement park 5 Karvin interior of Chateau Frytt 6 Karvin Chateau Frytt

    54 55


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    2 3



  • Best Trips wiThin The Moravian-silesian region

    ADrenAlIne route

    The south of Tn Silesia with the Tn Beskydy Mountains offers uniquely preserved natural beauty. The area around Tinec and Mosty u Jablunk