Best Way 2 Lose Weight Fast

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Weight Loss Made Simple.Burn Fat 24 hrs A Day By Following This Fat Loss System.


Are You Sick And Tired Of Diets That Never Work?

"Discover How You Can Finally Burn Fat All Day

Long!”Yes, finally you can incinerate unwanted

fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Table Of Contents


Chapter 1-Low-Carb High Protein Diets...........................................................4

Chapter 2-Fat Loss and Fad diets.......................................................................6

Chapter 3-How Weight Gain Turns Into Obesity..............................................9

The Fat loss Problem .........................................................................................10

The Fat loss Answer.............................................................................................11

My Critical Review ............................................................................................13

My Best Recommendation ................................................................................14

Page 2

Introduction-why listen to meI wanted to tell you a little bit more about myself. I put this website together because I had a lot of success with the 24/7 Fat Loss program. You can read more about what I think of the program and then make a decision for yourself.

Who doesn’t struggle with their weight these days? I had gone from being just a bit heavy in high school to weighing over 400 pounds on my thirty fifth birth day. The worst part was that I wasn’t taking my health for granted. I recognized the problem and I was always trying to correct it.

I tried every fad diet that I could. I was in weight watching programs, I tried the diet shakes, I tried the protein-only thing, and I even tried that crazy “ketosis” diet. None of those things worked.

I got desperate a few times over the years and I did things that weren’t healthy. I tried supplements like HGH and all of the Stacker products. None of those worked, either. I just kept on gaining weight.

I took a good, long look at my eating habits. They weren’t that great, but I didn’t feel they were that terrible, either. I cut out all of the junk food. I cut out the fast food and any restaurants. I tried to eat healthy and I tried to avoid carbohydrates. The weight kept on coming.

I fell into a depression for a few years because of my weight problem. I had “buddied up” with a number of people. We called each other “accountability partners.” My accountability partners were always surprised that I wasn’t improving. We would both work out together and put in the same amount of effort, but I wouldn’t get any thinner while my partner started losing all the fat. It was disheartening to say the least.

I knew that there was something “different” about me, but I didn’t really know what it was. When I had finally given up on losing weight I heard about a program called “24/7 Fat Loss” from one of my former accountability partners. He convinced me to take a look at it and I quickly realized that I was on to something different.

There was a specific section that really stood out – the author mentioned that the biggest problem most of us face is hormonal imbalances and that if they weren’t straightened out you couldn’t lose weight.

Anyway, I picked up the program and lost about 60 pounds in five months and things just kept getting better after that. Today I’m not quite where I want to be – I currently weigh 220. But with the help of 24/7 Fat Loss I know that I will hit my goal of 180 pounds this year!

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Chapter OneLow-Carb High Protein Diets

This type of diet became very popular as of recently due to the promotion of the ever-popular Atkins Diet Craze. This diet is very popular because there is no calorie counting involved, and many foods that many people love to eat are allowed on the diet.

Further, the Atkins diet is a high-protein diet, which means that weight lost during this diet will not result in lost muscle mass, since protein is the main nutrient needed for maintaining healthy muscle tone. This diet basically eliminates carbohydrates, which are simple sugars or foods that break down into simple sugars. These serve as empty calories in your diet, providing no nutrients yet many calories.

While we won’t cover the Atkins diet here, we can give you basics of the high-protein, low-carb diet. First let us identify carbohydrates. Sugar, including powdered sugar, granulated white sugar, brown sugar, or any type of sugar you can think of, is the main carbohydrate that you would need to eliminate. All types of pastas count as carbohydrates, meaning all noodle and spaghetti products must be eliminated. Starches of any type, such as white rice, potatoes and potato chips, need to be eliminated. Cereals are mostly carbohydrates and should be avoided entirely during the diet phase. Because of the low-carb craze, there are many low-carb options of sodas, milk, ice cream, bread, beer, and wine available in the average supermarket.

If you do consume these, be sure to do so only occasionally and in moderation, even if it is a low-carb type. Otherwise, the aforementioned foods should be eliminated entirely when not of the low-carb type. Beware of foods that contain hidden sugars, like bacon, barbeque sauce, ketchup, salad dressing, cough syrup, and fruit juice. As strange as it may seem, fruits and fruit juices should be eliminated while in the weight loss phase of this diet, as they are nearly pure carbohydrates. Anything made with flour needs to be eliminated during the weight loss phase, since as mentioned earlier they are high in carbohydrates.

Now what can you eat? Well, the good news is that you can eat all meats, fish, poultry and seafood, except prepared meats like bacon and honey baked ham, which are high in sugar. Skip the bread and have meat and salad, or meat in your salad. Eggs are very low-carb friendly, but be sure to skip the mayonnaise or salad dressing unless it is low-carb type mayonnaise or dressing. Any type of vegetable is fine, but be sure to realize that when making that salad that tomatoes are actually a fruit, and you want to limit your total consumption of them at least during the weight loss phase.

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Choose brown rice as your starch replacement, as it is low in carbohydrates comparatively to potatoes, bread or white rice. Cheese is good in limited amounts, as this is a high-protein, low-carb food.

Butter and cream can be used, but should be consumed in limited amounts. One complex carbohydrate that is good is fiber, as it does not break down into simple sugar, and helps the body with elimination. Further, fiber fills you up quickly without adding significant calories, so hunger pangs are fought off successfully.

Finally, make sure you are drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day minimum in addition to any other liquid you may consume. Dehydration often masquerades as hunger and causes overeating. Of course, again exercise is a necessary and vital part of your diet plan, which we will cover in the next section on exercise.

Once you lose the weight that you set out to lose, the weight loss phase of your diet is over. Of course keep in mind that you are making lifestyle changes, not going on fad or binge diets. This means that you will not go back to your old eating habits. Instead you will introduce certain foods back into your diet in moderation. For example, you may add a couple of strips of bacon once a week to your meal plan. You can enjoy small portions of deserts of any kind, simply in moderation. It is best to avoid soft drinks all together, or opt for the low-carb type permanently. If you do introduce any other carbohydrate-laden foods, be sure to do so only at one meal, and in small portions.

Reducing carbohydrates will become a lifestyle to you when following this plan, one is very likely to boost your overall energy level and help you keep the weight off.

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Chapter Two

Fat Loss And Fad Diets High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diets - Millions of Americans have joined the low-carb craze and started high-fat, low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet, and the Zone Diet.

They are made up of about 60% fat, 10% carbohydrate, and 30% protein. These diets say you can eat high amounts of fat and protein while getting very low amounts of carbohydrates in the form of vegetables. The main premise of the low-carb diet is that a diet low in carbohydrates leads to a reduction in body’s production of insulin. The end result is that fat and protein stores will be used for energy. So you stuff yourself full of unlimited amounts of meat, cheese, and butter, and only eat a small portion of carbohydrates.

People who start the diet usually lose a great amount of weight, but it’s not permanent weight loss. Instead of burning fat, the lose water and precious muscle tissue. Furthermore, these diets are low in several nutrients and contain excess amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats, substances that increase the risk of heart disease. Plus, regardless of what they claim, the enormous amounts of protein put a strain on your kidneys.

Moderate Fat Diets - Next, there are the moderate fat diets. Moderate fat diets include diets like Weight Watchers, the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, and Jenny Craig. These diets are made up of about 25% fat, 60% carbohydrate, and 15% protein. They encourage the intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and essential fatty acids found in foods like olive oil and salmon. These diets are usually nutritionally balanced if the dieter eats a variety of foods from all categories. For example, Weight Watchers operates on a point system where foods get a number of points based on calorie, fiber, and fat content.

Dieters get a specific amount of points they can use for the day. While it’s not encouraged, they may choose to spend most of their points on carbohydrates instead of balancing it out. This could lead to deficiencies in nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc. However, if followed properly, these diets are probably the most successful for losing weight and keeping it off.

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Low and Very Low-Fat Diets - Finally, you have your low-fat and very low-fat diets. Diets in this category include the Dr. Dean Ornish’s Diet and the Pritkin Plan, among others. They are made up of about 13% fat, 70% carbohydrates, and 16% protein.

These diets are mostly vegetarian diets and don’t recommend eating a lot of meat. Like the low-carb diets, you can eat unlimited amounts of certain foods. Because you can’t eat a lot of meat, these diets are deficient in zinc, vitamin B12, and essential fatty acids. Also, it is so restrictive that people find a hard time staying on it for life and end up gaining their weight back.

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Chapter Three

How Weight Gain Turns Into ObesityFor years we heard that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet would keep us healthy and help us lose weight. And many of us jumped on the bandwagon, eliminating fat and high-cholesterol foods from our diets. Well, unfortunately, we were doing it all wrong.

Instead of eliminating fat completely, we should have been eliminating the “bad fats,” the fats associated with obesity and heart disease and eating the “good fats,” the fats that actually help improve blood cholesterol levels. Before we examine the good fats and bad fats, let’s talk about cholesterol.

Cholesterol - It’s been ingrained into our brains that cholesterol causes heart disease and that we should limit our intake of foods that contain it, but dietary cholesterol is different than blood cholesterol. Cholesterol comes from two places—first, from food such as meat, eggs, and seafood, and second, from our body. Our liver makes this waxy substance and links it to carrier proteins called lipoproteins. These lipoproteins dissolve the cholesterol in blood and carry it to all parts of your body.

Our body needs cholesterol to help form cell membranes, some hormones, and Vitamin D. You may have heard of “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Well, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) carry cholesterol from the blood to the liver. The liver processes the cholesterol for elimination from the body. If there’s HDL in the blood, then less cholesterol will be deposited in the coronary arteries. That’s why it’s called “good” cholesterol.

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), carry cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body. When there is too much in the body, it is deposited in the coronary arteries. This is not good. A build-up of cholesterol in our arteries could prevent blood from getting to parts of our heart. That means that our heart won’t get the oxygen and nutrients it needs, which could result in heart attack, stroke, or sudden death. So, if your LDL is higher than your HDL, you’re at a greater risk for developing heart disease.

It may come as a surprise, but recent studies have shown that the amount of cholesterol in our food is not strongly linked to our blood cholesterol levels. It’s the types of fats you eat that affect your blood cholesterol levels.

Bad Fats - There are two fats that you should limit your intake of—saturated and trans fats.

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Saturated Fats - Saturated fats are mostly animal fats. You find them in meat, whole-milk products, poultry skin, and egg yolks. Coconut oil also has a high amount of saturated fat. Saturated fats raise both the good and bad blood cholesterol.

Trans Fats - Trans fats are produced through hydrogenation—heating oils in the presence of oxygen. Many products contain trans fats because the fats help them maintain a longer shelf life. Margarine also contains a high amount of trans fats. Trans fats are especially dangerous because they lower the good cholesterol, HDL and raise the bad cholesterol, LDL. Unfortunately, most products do not tell you how much trans fat it contains, but you can find out if it’s in a product by looking at the ingredient list. If the ingredients contain hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils, then it contains trans fats. Fortunately in 2006, manufacturers will be required to list the amount of trans fat in their products on the nutrition labels, so it will be easier for you to find.

Good Fats - Some fats actually improve cholesterol levels.

Polyunsaturated Fats - Polyunsaturated fats are found in sunflower, corn, and soybean oils. These oils contain Omega-6, an essential fatty acid. However, most people get enough Omega-6 in their diet and instead need more Omega-3. Omega-3 is a fatty acid found in fish and walnuts.

Monounsaturated Fats - Monounsaturated fats are found in canola, peanut, and olive oils. Both types of unsaturated fats decrease the bad cholesterol, LDL and increase the good cholesterol, HDL.

Now, just because the unsaturated fats improve your blood cholesterol levels, you don’t have the go-ahead to eat all of the olive oil, butter and nuts you want. Fat of any kind does contain calories, and if you’re trying to lose weight, eat fat in moderation, and stay away from saturated fats.

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Page 9


I know you must have asked yourself a million times, why can't I lose weight? Well, we learn about eating from our parents and friends. As a child we copy our parents eating habits, and as a teen we sometimes copy our friends. I know I did. And if their eating habits are bad, there is a good chance so will yours.

But what do I mean by bad eating habits? Foods are divided into 3 groups, carbs (sugar), fats and proteins. If you eat too much of either one, it's not a healthy diet. Everything in moderation. Of the three, however, excessive carbs and bad fats leads to weight gain. Both protein and good fats burn a lot of energy for the process of digestion. Bad fats and bad carbs require little or no energy to breakdown and in excess they are stored as bodyfat!

If we know this is the problem, why didn't we fix it? The answer lies in greed. That's right, first of all we are not taught about proper nutrition in school or at home and so we eat what we know or what's popular in commercials. Those companies that make those commercials, don't care that candy or food you are eating is junk and not good for you, all they care about is that it cost them $0.10 to make and $0.75 to sell it to you a $0.65 profit on each candy bar.

They could make something healthy, but it would affect their profit margin in a big way. Also some of those big cereals contain corn flakes which are pure sugar. They advertise it as breasfast food, but all it does is make you hungry all day! Don't even talk about french fries, they are loaded with bad fats which cause disease. It's only now the government has stepped in and ordered them to stop using trans-fats. And ask yourself, what else is in foods. Not to mention if they won't told to stop using trans-fat, do you think they would have, no way, too much profit!

Anyway, the next time you wonder why you are eating so much and why you are overweight, remember it is not your fault that you weren't taught proper nutrition and that selling junk food, whatever the form, is big business and they don't care what happens to you.

In the next page, I will give you the solution to your problem. It's a program that will help you lose weight, it does involve exercise, but you don't have to. I didn't, all I did was follow their diet and eat healthy and I lost the weight I wanted. And so can you.

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The Solution

Discover How To Quickly Start Burning Fat Every Single Week, and Literally Burn Fat EVERY Minute Of

Every Day!

Yes, you can finally burn unwanted fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

You'll learn Fat Burning secrets, like...

• When you eat fat and or carbs they cause the storage hormone insulin to be released. Fat ingestion leads to large amounts of fatty acids in the blood. Insulin + fat = fat storage.

• Learn to combine nutrients that will have a profound effect on your fat burning hormones, and therefore your fat loss.

• Discover how hormones virtually control everything when it comes to fat burning. While you absolutely can burn fat 24 hours a day, you probably aren't even close.And that's why we're here. We will help turn your body in to a 24 hour fat burning machine.

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Live Proof-Here's Joel & Criag...Below

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Page 12

My Complete Review Of:"24/7 Fat Loss"

The 24/7 fat loss is a program that combines eating right and exercise. Now this is not something new, but what's different is how the system is broken down and arranged into different modules.

For example one of the manuals is about exercise, while another is about dieting and still another one about how powerful the mind is and how to use it to burn even more fat by being strong and focused.

So if you are into both exercise and diet as a way to lose weight, then those two manuals will be perfectly suited for you. If on the other hand, like me you hate exercise, then the weight loss diet manual and 4 day diet is perfect. The only thing is your calorie intake has to be carefully monitored, which may seem hard, but it is not really that difficult once you are determined as I was.

Lastly if you like exercise, but hate the idea of watching your diet and depriving yourself of your favorite foods, then the training manual is for you. It covers the basics and how to exercise to burn fat all day long.

In my opinion it is a complete package and certainly worth the price. The key is action and consitency. Buy the course, take some notes and make it work for you one day at a time. Don't give up, keep at it and I promise you will get the results you want

Good luck,

Jessica H.

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Here is the bottom line, there are a lot of weight loss products and programs out there, some good, some bad. But you won't find out if you don't make an attempt.

To lose weight you cannot sit around and hope something will fall into your lap, you need to take action like me. I have been there on the couch just like you, eating ice cream and watching TV and saying I'll begin tommorow.

Or Order some weightloss program "knowing" you can get your money back. The fact is, people who buy weight loss products knowing they will return it for a refund are doomed to fail, because i use to do that.

But not anymore, since I read up on this sytem I was determined to keep the program once I saw the slighest result, and sure enough it began to work and I kept it. Get you copy of 24/7 fat loss below.

Sincerely, Jessica Hodges

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Page 14

Additional Proof It Works

Page 15

Reminder Of What You'll Be Getting

A Complete Fat Burning System

The Training Manual

Page 16

The Checlist To Keep You On Track

Monitor Your Progress

Page 17

Your Exercise Library

Audio Tapes

Page 18

The Mindset Database

Your Log Sheets

Page 19

The Diet Manual

And Bonuses Like...

Page 20