Beth, alicia, hope

Post on 24-May-2015

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The lighting on this shot creates an unnerving atmosphere as half of her face is in the dark, potentially hinting at a hidden secret. The red lighting also creates a sense of danger or fear as we associate the colour red with such themes.

Lighting from beneath a person makes the person look sinister, which is

evident in the pictures above. The picture on the right has a much more

sinister edge to it however, as the person is smiling which inevitably

makes them look more sinister. The way the lighting catches the teeth

also makes them look crooked and broken. Both images effectively create

the impression of a villain through lighting alone.

This person is holding a torch light underneath their face which

shadows part of the face, making the person look diabolical. She

also looks sinister as she has a serious facial expression.

Uplighting creates shadows round the eyes and under the cheek

bones, which is why most people look sinister.

This person has a candle light underneath her face which makes her seem sinister. This picture is taken with the camera at an angle facing slightly upwards but below the eye line. She is also scrunching up her face which creates a tense atmosphere.

This shot is taken with the light situated in the back left. This makes the

person look more flattering. The brighter light creates a highlight and slims

down the face as we focus on less of it, almost like wearing a dress with

black edges and a brighter central colour can make you look slim.

The lighting is coming from

the side and so mainly

highlights her face. It also

highlights her collar bone

which emphasises her

femininity. There is also

highlighting just under the

eyes, which is flattering as it

takes out the natural shadows

that can be there.

The light is coming from above her and she is looking up which gives her an angelic look especially because there is only one source of lighting and subsequently the rest of her outfit and the background merge into each other as they’re both black. This is unusual lighting and so gives the impression of a film set and a stylised situation and this is reinforced by the soft focus effect around the edges.

Within this shot there are two lights, one from the side which is directly in front of where her body is facing and another light in front of where her face is facing. This gives a pretty look as her face seems very bright but there are also shadows that shape her face nicely.There is no back lighting – if there had been, the back of her arm would have been slightly highlighted, which would have avoided the slightly distorted effect of her upper arm.