Bethel: Deception and Heresy An Earnest Call to Discernment...Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An...

Post on 21-Oct-2020

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  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    “I know after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock” (Acts


    There's a Bethel Music concert coming to Toronto soon, and while many are

    excited—I'm a bit less than overjoyed to say the least. This is not a concern which revolves

    around secondary issues such as musical style, fog machines or lasers though, but rather

    one which is substantially important. These are not simply issues we can "agree to

    disagree" on. I believe that there are some issues which I will not push on too hard to cause

    division because they are not definitional to Christianity, so grace and understanding are

    needed. However, one of the greatest dangers the Church faces is not from the outside, but

    rather from the inside. From wolves who sell lies,

    "namely: emotionalism over doctrine; feelings over truth; relevance over repentance;

    experiential subjectivity over biblical objectivity; safety in and acceptance by the world

    over self-denial and faithful cross-bearing; eisegesis over exegesis; Christianese over

    communication; CEO’s over shepherds; coaches over elders…"1

    Yes, those are sharp words. However, when wolves stalk the sheep, it is appropriate

    to draw the blade. I've intentionally tried to steer clear of personal attacks against specific

    individuals or groups in the past as that's sometimes not the best way to go about things.

    1 Tony Miano, "Penciled Prayers: Fierce Wolves" -


  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    People tend to be a lot more defensive when their favourite teacher/pastor/singer is

    named and criticized as opposed to when you simply refute the teaching itself. This is why

    most of the focus here will be on the teaching of Bethel. I know that this post will not be a

    popular one, and there will come all sorts of charges of creating division, being too harsh,

    criticizing fellow brothers, and a whole host of other accusations. Such is the risk though of

    stating the truth in a culture that has become opposed to any absolute assertion of truth

    and sissified into accepting all things under the guise of a redefinition of "tolerance" so that

    we can no longer meaningfully have any discussion. The greatest sin nowadays is no longer

    a departure from truth, but rather an assertion that there is truth and it is worth defending!

    "Niceness" has become the be-all-end-all of the discussion, and calling out a lie is not

    considered "nice".

    Worth the risk

    It's a risk I'm willing to take though because I think the stakes are high enough on

    this one. Furthermore, it is one which affects me personally, since I know friends who are

    caught up in this Bethel movement and as of yet, it seems, have not been able to see the

    danger. True friends warn each other of impending

    danger—so take this as the faithful wounds of a friend. I'm

    not out to attack Bethel just to get my jollies on or stir up

    controversy—but rather speaking out because I think it is

    deceptive and dangerous. Theology matters, especially

    when it isn't just some minor discrepancy over a secondary

    issue but rather a perversion of essential Christian truth,

    Christ and the Gospel.

    "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the

    one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say

    again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him

    be accursed." (Galatians 1:8-9)

    Some will say, how can we criticize what is obviously a work of the Spirit—people

    are getting healed, these people love God, they use the Bible, etc. Their music is powerful

    and emotionally stirring—some are even great worship songs which I would have no

    problems singing. However, the most dangerous deception must be mixed in with some

    truth to cloak the lie. "Satan masquerades as an angel of light, and his ministers as ministers

    of righteousness." (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) It is unfortunate, but there are a few musical

    groups which offer amazing worship music, but err horribly in what they preach and thus

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    their music ends up being a sort of gateway into their false teaching to lure those


    The errors are so numerous that it would be impossible

    to give a comprehensive response to everything. So, rather

    than write a lengthy thorough expose of all of Bethel's errors

    (which there are myriads), I will focus on the most glaringly

    erroneous and serious ones (which as of yet, I am unaware that

    they have changed their stance on or repented of). I start off by

    examining what I think is the most important aspect, the

    Christology they teach, as put forward by their lead pastor—Bill Johnson—then I will move

    on to further issues related to Bethel in a brief overview. There are numerous resources

    online for those who would like to dig deeper for themselves and I include links in the

    footnotes to this article. I pray that you will take the time to read and investigate these

    yourself, test it against the scriptures and be a good Berean (1 Thess. 5:21, Acts 17:11)!

    A False Christ

    Probably the most glaringly obvious problem is their teaching about Christ and His

    nature. Bill Johnson, their lead pastor of Bethel Church is known to

    have both taught and written errors about Jesus—some of which are

    blatant heresy. A false Christ is a non-saving Christ, so this is an

    issue of primary importance!

    One of the major doctrinal errors he preaches is called

    Kenosis Heresy, which is a heresy introduced in the 1800s. It comes

    from the Greek word, κενόω [kenoó] which means "to empty out,

    render void; (passive) be emptied – hence, without recognition,

    perceived as valueless"2 It is based on a misinterpretation of

    Philippians 2:7, where it says that Jesus "emptied Himself".

    "The kenosis theory states that Jesus gave up some of His divine attributes while He

    was a man here on earth. These attributes were omniscience, omnipresence, and

    omnipotence. Christ did this voluntarily so that He could function as a man in order to

    fulfill the work of redemption."3

    Here are some quotes from what Bill Johnson teaches and writes:

    2 BibleHub, "2758. kenoó" -


  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    "Jesus did everything as a man, laying aside His divinity in order to become a model for us."4

    "…Jesus did everything in His earthly ministry as a man who had set aside all His divine privileges and power in order to model the Christian life for us."5

    At first this may sound okay to

    some, most false teaching does at first,

    however under further examination of

    the text and the testimony of all of

    scripture (not just single texts out of

    context), it is plain to see that this

    teaching is plainly wrong. The proper

    understanding of the incarnation of

    Christ is called the "hypostatic union"

    which maintains that Jesus possessed a

    fully undiminished human and divine

    nature. He was the God-man. 100% God,

    100% man. One of the major reasons we

    have early church creeds such as the

    Apostle's Creed and the Nicene Creed

    (325 AD) was to defend the doctrine of

    the nature of Christ. So what then did

    Christ empty Himself of if it was not His

    deity? Deity cannot stop being deity

    obviously—for if God stopped being God,

    everything would cease to exist because

    He holds all things together (Col. 1:17,

    Heb. 1:3, Acts 17:28).

    "Rather, the 'emptying' is satisfactorily explained in the subsequent words of the verse,

    taking note of the two participles which grammatically modify and explain the verb:

    He emptied himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness

    of men. This emptying, in fact, was done as the man Christ Jesus, and neither of these

    ideas necessitates or implies the giving up of divine attributes.

    Christianity maintains that Jesus did not 'empty' himself of any of his divinity in the

    incarnation, although it is true that his divine attributes were veiled."6

    4 Johnson, Bill. "Strengthen Yourself in the Lord." 2007, pg 26

    5 Johnson, Bill. "Release the Power of Jesus." 2009, Destiny Image “Speaking to the Purposes of God for this

    Generation and the Generations to Come”, Shippensburg, PA; pg 79

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    This "veiling" of Christ's full glory and deity is, in context and within the lexical

    range of the Greek word, exactly what is being taught by Paul in Philippians. He is NOT

    teaching that Christ lost His divine nature.

    "The Kenosis theory is a dangerous doctrine because if it were true, then it would mean

    that Jesus was not fully divine. If Jesus was not fully divine, then His atoning work

    would not be sufficient to atone for the sins of the world."7

    Wayne Grudem in his Systematic Theology writes explicitly against Kenosis Heresy (and I'd

    encourage you to read it). He says,

    "The reason why [Kenosis heresy] must be rejected is the larger context of the teaching

    of the New Testament and the doctrinal teaching of the entire Bible. If it were true that

    such a momentous event as this happened, that the eternal Son of God ceased for a

    time to have all the attributes of God… then we would expect that such an incredible

    event would be taught clearly and repeatedly in the New Testament, not found in the

    very doubtful interpretation of one word in one epistle. But we find the opposite of


    Twisted Understanding of the "Anointing"

    Bill Johnson uses this twisted Kenosis Heresy as the

    basis for his theology of miracles. He writes:

    "Jesus Christ said of Himself, ‘The Son can do nothing.’ In the Greek language that word nothing has a unique meaning—it means NOTHING, just like it does in English! He had NO supernatural capabilities whatsoever!…He performed miracles, wonders, and signs, as a man in right relationship to God…not as God."9

    "…Jesus had no ability to heal the sick. He couldn’t cast out devils, and He had no ability to raise the dead. He said of Himself in John 5:19, ‘the Son can do nothing of Himself.’ He had set aside His divinity. He did miracles as man in right relationship with God because He was setting forth a model for us, something for us to



    8 Grudem, Wayne. "Systematic Theology". Inter-Varsity, Grand Rapids, MI: 1994, pg 551

    9 Johnson, Bill. "When Heaven Invades", pg 29.

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    follow….Jesus so emptied Himself that He was incapable of doing what was required of Him by the Father – without the Father’s help…"10

    Dear friends, I submit to you that Jesus did what He did because He was GOD!!! The

    miracles of Jesus point to His deity, and He Himself pointed to them as evidence in John

    10:37-38. Jesus fulfilled miracles which only the Messiah would be able to do according to

    Jewish beliefs such as healing a man born blind from birth (John 9:1-32), and miracles

    which confirmed His deity—such as control over nature (Matt. 8:25-27), ability to forgive

    sins (Mark 2:3-12), and power over life and death itself (Matt. 9:18-25, Luke 7:11-15, John

    11). They confirm that He was who He said He was. However, this is not what Bill Johnson

    and Bethel teach.

    Johnson teaches that Jesus became the anointed one or Christ at His baptism.11 This

    is blatantly wrong. He says,

    "The outpouring of the Spirit also needed to happen to Jesus for Him to be fully

    qualified. This was His quest. Receiving this anointing qualified Him to be called

    the Christ, which means 'anointed one.' Without the experience ['Christ anointing' by

    the Spirit after water baptism] there could be no title."12

    Jesus IS the Christ. He did not become the Christ. The term "Christ" in orthodox

    Christianity denotes deity as shown in numerous Systematic Theologies such as Wayne

    Grudem's popular one and Louis Berkof's (see footnote for pages).13 So what Johnson

    teaches is that Jesus was not divine

    before the Holy Spirit came upon Him

    after his baptism by this "Christ

    anointing"—something totally foreign

    to any Biblical theology and outright

    heresy. Furthermore, Johnson teaches

    that Jesus had to be "born again" via

    the resurrection!14 Johnson uses this twisted view of "the anointing" to try to propagate his

    theology of miracle working—that believers too can have this "Christ anointing" and walk

    in the same power as Christ. They often misuse the "greater works" which Jesus talks about


    Johnson, Bill, "The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles." 2005, Destiny

    Image: “Speaking to the Purposes of God for This Generation and for the Generations to Come”, Shippensburg, PA;

    pg 50. Further quotes and responses to Bill Johnson's writings can be found here: 11

    Johnson, Bill. "When Heaven Invades", pg 79. 12

    Johnson, Bill. "Face to Face", p 109. 13

    Grudem, Wayne Systematic Theology. 1994, Inter-Varsity, Grand Rapids, MI; pgs 233-38, 543-554, 624-33.

    Also, Berkhof, Louis Systematic Theology. 1941, 4th

    revised and enlarged ed, 1991, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI;

    pgs 91-5, 312-13, 356-66. 14

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    believers doing in John 14:12 for saying that believers can do greater miracles than Christ

    Himself! This misinterpretation also has been refuted numerous times, so I'd direct you to

    the footnote for a good article on that.15

    Antichrist teaching – Separationist Christology

    Johnson's Christology is heresy and is known as "separationist Christology" because

    it separates Christ from Jesus.16 This plainly meets the requirements in 1 John 2:22 for

    antichrist because it denies that Jesus is the Christ. "Who is the liar but he who denies that

    Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22)

    "…since He is only human (having “laid His divinity aside”) and becomes Christ only by

    virtue of the “Christ anointing” which also, in effect, denies Jesus is the Son of the

    Father (as opposed to merely a son) which in turn denies the Father [1 John 2:22-

    23];35 moreover, Johnson’s Christology denies that the person of Jesus Christ has come

    in the flesh [1 John 4:1-3] since it was merely Jesus of Nazareth who came in the


    The fact that Bill Johnson will

    sometimes make statements about

    Christ which seem totally orthodox,

    makes it sometimes confusing and

    hard to spot his heresy. However, it is

    clearly seen in his books and sermon

    online—both of which are readily

    available. Johnson has a New Age

    version of Christ, one which is propagated by such as Alice Bailey or even found in the New

    Age book, "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ."18 As a result of his separationist theology,

    Johnson has said that Christ was unable to raise Himself from the dead. He says:

    …The sacrifice that could atone for sin had to be a lamb, (powerless), and had to be spotless, (without sin).

    The anointing Jesus received was the equipment necessary, given by the Father to make it possible for Him to live beyond human limitation…19

    15 16

    This term is defined in Heikki Raisanen’s "The Rise of Christian Beliefs" Fortress, Minneapolis, MN: 2010, pg

    208. 17 18

    Dowling, Levi. The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ: The Philosophic and Practical Basis of the Religion of

    the Aquarian Age of the World. (11th

    printing, 1987), DeVorss, Marina del Rey, CA; pg 6.

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    …Jesus gave Himself to be crucified. He did not raise Himself from the dead…His job was to give His life to die. The Father raised Him by the Spirit…20

    This is in direct contradiction John 2:19, where Jesus says "Destroy this temple and I will

    raise it again in three days" referring to His death and resurrection, or:

    "For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up

    again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to

    lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from

    my Father." (John 10:17-18)

    Johnson's "gospel" is thereby a non-saving one because he preaching a false Christ and a

    false hope. To say that these things do not matter is to basically have no grounds then for

    rejecting the Jehovah's Witness or Mormon "gospel". It is emphatically of utmost


    For an even more thorough refutation of Bill Johnson's Kenosis heresy, you can read these

    articles here and here.21

    Further cause for concern: More false teaching, Waking angels, Necromancy, etc.

    In case one may think that the problem

    is only with Bill Johnson, I'd like to point out

    that Bethel has a school which trains and

    teaches all their leaders including their worship

    leaders. So its teaching spreads downward

    through the whole of Bethel's ministries and it

    is usual that their worship concerts are not just

    music but also have teaching and indoctrination

    with their aberrant theology. There's even

    video of a girl at one of their events claiming to

    forgive sins.22 Also, Kris Vallotton, the Senior Associate Pastor at Bethel Church also has his

    fair share of erroneous teachings and beliefs (of which I will not go through all but point

    out a few briefly).


    Johnson, Bill. "When Heaven Invades", pg 79. 20

    Cited at 21

    Part 1: and Part 2: 22

    See here:

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    Vallotton outright dismisses proper hermeneutics and exegesis and has even

    accused Jesus of taking Old Testament scripture out of context in order to teach something

    "new".23 He teaches "oneness with God" instead of what Jesus actually prayed in John

    17:20-21, that believers would be united with each other as the Godhead is united with

    each other. From this false teaching, he teaches a false "law of attraction" which says that

    since we're one with God, unbelievers can see God in us in a way which is contrary to the

    clear teaching of Scripture (1 Cor. 1:18, 1 Cor. 2:14, 2 Cor. 4:4, Eph. 2:1-3). He along with

    Bethel, ascribe to Word of Faith theology and "little gods" theology—both of which have

    been demonstrably shown as wrong (see article in footnote).24 Vallotton

    and Bethel, along with all the others in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) teach a false

    doctrine of apostleship. Biblically speaking, all the apostles are dead and there are no

    modern day apostles by the Biblical standard (see footnote).25 He has partnered together

    with Catholic priests in ministry together26—however, what kind of protestant gospel is it

    that can be squared together with Roman Catholic theology?27 Vallotton has released a "7

    Signs of a Poor Gospel" where he attempts to defend their version of the gospel and beliefs,

    however it falls sadly short of anything Biblical. You can read full responses to it here and


    As if this wasn't enough, Bill Johnson's wife—Beni Johnson—apparently goes

    around "waking up sleeping angels" by going around and yelling "wakey, wakey!" Really?

    Ok, seriously, if people cannot see the ridiculousness of this one, I don't know what will do

    it. This is documented on her own blog.28

    "There are 282 occurrences of the word “angel” or “angels” in the Bible (ESV). I

    encourage you, the reader, to read the verses for yourself. You will not find a single

    instance, not one, that even remotely

    compares to Beni’s alleged encounters

    with the “angels” in her “Wakey,

    Wakey” story. You will not find a single

    instance in the Word of God where a

    person exerts authority over an angel,

    like waking them from a sound



    See here: 24 25 26 27 28 29

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    Bethel has also been recorded as involved in demonic activities such as necromancy

    through their "grave sucking" events where

    groups go to the grave of a deceased 'saint' and

    'suck up the anointing' from there. The Bible

    strongly warns against this numerous times

    (Lev. 19:31; 20:6; 20:27; Deut.18:11; 1 Sam.

    28:3; 28:9; 2 Kings 21:6; 23:24; 2 Chron. 33:6;

    Isa. 8:19; 19:3). In case you think this is a

    stretching of the truth, there are videos

    documenting this as well as personal

    testimonies directly from the Bethel site.30

    Related to this is Bethel's "Soaking Prayer" which is defined as:

    “Since the 1990s there has been an increased focus on mysticism within various

    segments of Christianity. Bordering on the esoteric, these mystical experiences broaden

    the division between a ‘factual faith’ and a ‘felt faith,’ and threaten to replace sound

    biblical teaching with emotion-driven response. Soaking prayer is one such mystical

    activity. It is described as resting in God’s presence. This is accomplished by playing

    some gentle worship songs, either sitting or lying down, and praying short, simple

    prayers for an extended period of time, but otherwise keeping your mind free of other

    thoughts. At the point when you sense God’s presence through some type of

    manifestation like tingling skin, a sensation of heat or cold, or even a gentle wind

    seemingly blowing through your body, you are to just ‘soak’ in that presence.”31

    More info can be found here.32

    In addition to all of this, and not to drag this article on, I could also expand volumes

    also on Bethel's false signs and wonders such as Angel feathers, gems, 'glory clouds' and

    gold dust supposedly appearing in their meetings (however these have been previously

    found out to be false and even set up on numerous occasions – see footnote).33 Also false

    healings, prophesy and extra-biblical revelation as well as their misunderstanding of the

    Holy Spirit and His ministry. They've also done 'readings' on people based on tattoos and

    piercings. Their school of ministry has been involving Christians in mysticism and

    something of dead energy called "toking the Ghost" which is horrible mockery of the Holy

    Spirit where they pretend to 'smoke' Him like marijuana. In addition, uncontrollable


    See and

    power-of-soaking 31 32 33

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    laughing, jerking, fire tunnels, tuning forks for prophesy, 'drunken glory' and so on are

    common in their movement. This is directly in contradiction to the fact that we're given a

    spirit of self-control and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7) Biblically—so these sorts of excesses

    are hardly evidence of the Holy Spirit's work. Oh sure, it's probably some sort of spirit, but

    I'm pretty sure it's not holy. All of these are easily accessible online if you do a little digging.

    Why bother?

    The common refrain that you will hear

    from them and those who support such things is

    that "we cannot limit God." However, this is a

    false argument. If we believe that the scriptures

    are indeed Spirit breathed and are the only and

    final authority and rule of faith—then God would

    not contradict Himself. Far from "putting God in

    a box", we are rather fulfilling the Biblical

    mandate to "not go beyond what is written" (1

    Cor. 4:6). The Bible is our only and final authority for spiritual truth, and it comes from God

    Himself. God is not self-contradicting. All of these errors are exactly what comes out of

    when we put aside God's word as both sufficient and authoritative and turn to extra-

    biblical revelation. We do a disservice to its authority and sufficiency when we go outside

    of what it clearly outlines for us.

    "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for

    correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete,

    equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

    These false signs and wonders are extremely concerning for me, especially in light of Paul's


    "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having

    itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,;

    and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." (2 Timothy


    "I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create

    obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such

    persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and

    flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive." (Romans 16:17-18)

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    "The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs

    and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they

    refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion,

    so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not

    believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

    Even our Lord warned us, "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs

    and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect." (Mark 13:22, Matt. 24:24) “Beware of false

    prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." (Matt.

    7:15) The church, even from the beginning has always struggled and fought against heresy.

    We are to be united as the church, not in a way which compromises truth, but rather to be

    united IN THE TRUTH. This is why Paul in Ephesians 4 calls us to "unity of the faith and

    knowledge of the Son." This is true Christian unity.

    These issues are not secondary, in fact Biblically they are of utmost importance—

    and that is why I speak out against it. Some may have a problem with calling names—and

    I'm not too quick to be excited to do so myself as I know the possible backlash people

    respond with often when this is done. However, there is a Biblical president for this when

    necessary—especially when dealing with dangerous doctrines or false teaching. Paul

    named and rebuked Peter publicly for unscriptural practice (Galatians 2:11-14). Paul

    named Hymenaeus and Alexander (1 Timothy 1:18-20) and Philetus (2 Timothy 2:15-18)

    and Alexander the Coppersmith (2 Timothy 4:14-15). John named Diotrephes (3 John 9).

    And these were inspired writers! Imagine having your name forever engraved in holy writ

    as a heretic! Peter also talks about such people:

    "But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false

    teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the

    Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction." (2 Peter 2:1)

  • Bethel: Deception and Heresy – An Earnest Call to Discernment


    It is out of a heart of genuine concern that I write this, hoping that some may come

    to see the dangers of such a 'ministry'. The errors they propagate are not just periphery,

    but essential doctrines having to do with the nature of Christ Himself and the Gospel! The

    title "wolves" is not one said lightly, but when it comes to the essential message of

    Christianity there are very strong words used in opposition to those who would distort the

    one message that saves! We bark at the wolves for the sake of the sheep. Am I saying for

    you to delete all your Bethel music and picket the concert? No. Not necessarily. However,

    I'd encourage those of you who were planning on going to the concert to seriously

    reconsider—take the time to investigate for yourselves—and should you still decide to go,

    to be on your guard to test ALL things Biblically.

    Catch the Fire Revival Ministry is the group led by John and Carol Arnott. Catch the

    Fire is simply a repackaging of the Toronto Airport Vineyard and the false revival of 25

    years ago known then as the “Toronto Blessing." If you're familiar with the history and

    what transpired at the Toronto Blessing, you can understand my cause for serious concern

    (see footnote for more info).34 This could be a return or restart to the mess which started

    back then and spread this sort of error worldwide. There's much more I could have written

    about and I'd encourage you, if you're interested to dig for yourself. Far from asking you to

    lay aside your reason, or be unquestioning in what I've "authoritatively said"—this is

    simply a call for Biblical discernment.

    I've seen the horrible mess that this sort of theological error can lead to. The false

    promises and broken trust. The emptiness of the 'hope' it offers. The lies, the deception, the

    false assurance and conversion. This is NOT what the Christian message is or what the

    blood of thousands of martyrs have been spilt over to preserve the true message of the

    Gospel for us today. Though some of their songs may be harmless and even good for use as

    "Christian worship"—their doctrine is dangerous and their 'gospel' is false and there are

    some of their song lyrics that go off into error as well (see footnote).35 Undoubtedly at the

    concert there will be some preaching. Let us not get caught up in the emotionalism and

    miss the truth. Our worship must be in spirit AND truth—we cannot divorce the two.

    Please consider this thoughtfully and prayerfully.

    34 35