Bffll ill f!f?lf &&teStoiiay, fOaU, Bje,.PoUtoe,-teji, Perennial Bye Gran te SCrtDUIES. PlaiUr...

Post on 30-Sep-2020

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A 1, X ITT ""sPa TT Ft iwFK'r a?


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IS HAM G? HARRIS.T7rQr r tfc State olTcUBCSSeO

?WUWt.UJt0e these prwsto--sff- eSl

nixxsox, uu oi our .county oi ukuui,'"7.?iS""?n r,.t. naTrrrcr as aforesaid, b,

- iat behalf, mar be bad and executea. .

Li- t-. In testoony wbereor, I have hereunto set my bandarid caused ivaiaai

. NashTilIe.tbelmoAy wuw,S (hTtrasr: IS aAlt Q HARRIS.

. J.E. B.FAT.SecreUryoI Btate.

DESCRIPTION. , . ..!ii Bixter ts about 1.0 yean cfujs.Tcrr tllm,stx feet high!

I. liiir iqj ugni complexion.


Kaslivillc, JTc Aires see.TE haTe on hand and nreconstantly supplied with the

if most upprorea





Ttreihing Machines,Serpen and Movers,

Btraw Cutters,Cora Shelter, -

Xitld Rollers,Circular Saw Mills,

Heed SowersWheat

Mills,Ider IIIIU,

Bay Presses,Sugar Mills,

Uerse nay Bakes, .. Tan Mills, I IS M i.Plowt,




iotny Seed'i Bine anu Seed.

Orchard QrauBeed, ' "Bulpped Bine Orui Stea,

Berdi Grass Seed,uiuetBeed,

nnnjxrlin Seed, ,Snckvbrat Seed,'

Jjucerne Eeed, .

Otage Orange Seed.Sprint and FatlrBuIey,


.PoUtoe, - teji,Perennial Bye Gran te

SCrtDUIES.PlaiUr Paris,

Land Pluter,Onano,

Hydraslle Cement..AKIIISTltOXG &



Irengthening Cordial


In Tle IVorld.AND TOE

9& "Most DeliciousaD

Deltglilful CordialEVER TAKEN

The thousands upon o

are diily nting Mc-

Leans Strengthenint Coidiil,cert fy that it is absolately aninftlllble remedi for rnov- -

CTatloEand invicoraiinJtakinStem, purifying and enrichleg'ICr taking.jxA rettortnic the ii:k. Buffering inralid to

nEAL'i II ATtU STRENGTHtere is no iriistuKe About It.ill care Lirer Complaints, Dyspepsia. Diarrhoea, e,

Ce xeasion of Spirit,, Fererand Ayne, InwardBad Breath, arany disean of theLirer, Stomach or Bow

" OEKTLE1IEN, do you wish to be Healthy, Strong andcs7' LADIES do you tract the Bloom of Health to mount toUeeks again I then goatonceaodgetcan's Slrcnfrcncnlnrr Cordial and Blood

l'urllier.not a moment: It is warranted to gire satisfaction. Itre any diwase of the Kidceys. Womb, or Bladder;

Menstruation, .Failing of the Wormb, Barrenranydiseiise arising froa Chronic or Nen-nn- Debility,l Infallible Remedy.

FOR ClIItiDRES.u wintyourdellcae, sickly, pnny Children, to be Healthyand Bobut7 then girelhem McLKAN'S 6TRENQTH

0 COB DIAL, (set the directions on each bottle) it is dsto take

Doe l, taken every morning fasting, is a sureitlie egalnst Ctills and Fever, Yellow FeTcr, Cholera or

railing disease.CAUIIONJ BeirareofDnigilEts or Dealers icbomay

palm upon you a bt lie of Eiitrrs orEarsaparilla.fvhlchan buy cheap.) by saying it is jmt as good. There arelen BASE enough tc stea part of my name to dub theldecoctions Avoid suei In'amous PIBATES and theirio s compounds I Ask for Sr. J. Q. McLean's itienpth.Cordial and Blood Purifier- - TaVe nothing else. It is theemedy that lrtl' Purify your Blood thorouthly, and, atse time, STBENQTHKN and INVIOOKATK the nholelatlon. It Is put np in larce Bottles J I per bottle, orttles for $3.

DR. J. Hi McLEIK. Sole Proprietor,Corner of Third and Pine streets, Si. Louis, Mo.

H. OTcLEAK'S UNIVEUSAIj P1L.ES,Elver Complaints IMliouancss Head

aclic, Ac.E2E has mver been a CATHABTIO medicine offered tuse public, that has given such entire satisfaction as He--

UNIVEBSAL TILLS.e entirely regetable, they are perfectly innocent and canu by the met tender Infant; yet prompt and powerful inng all Bilious secretions. Acid or Impure, Feted Matterle Stomach. In fact they are the only Pills that should1 in malarious restricts.

produce co Griping, Sickness or Pain In the Stomach ori, though very active and search ng in their operation,ing healthy accretions of the Liver and Kidneys. WhoIf r from Biliousness, neadache and Foul Stomach, whenp a remedy can be obtained I Keep them constantly ona single dose, taken in season, may prevent hours, days,nths of sick t ess Ask for Dr. J - II. McLean's Un'ver-ds- .

Take t.o oiher Being coated they are taste'ess. Pricecents per box, and can be sent by mail to any part rt

Ited States.J. n. MeLEAN, Sole Proprietor,

Corner ot Third and Pioestrcets, St.Louts,Ie.t.B. McEEAXSVOLcXX I COI17

WENT.beat External In the World tor JTian orllcunt.0TJ8ANDS f human beings havebres saved life of

and misery, y the use of thi lnTKluabls Lini- -

It will rellevi PAIN alaoit Itst.ntanceaily, and itnie, purtfr anJ heal the foaltsl SORE in an incredible


most invetera't cases of Rheumatism, (lout or Neu- -

For Paralysis, Contrasted Moscles, Stillness or Weakthe Joints, Muscl s, or Ligaments, It will never fail,

iplicatlons will cars S. re Throat, Headache or Earache,irns or Scalds or any Pain, it is an Infallible I.emedy.and yon, will find it an indt pcnaible remedy. Keep It

t on hand.NTEKS, FARMERS, or any one having charge of torses,ve monev by nsing McLean's Volcario Oil Liniment. Iteedy and Infallible care fr Oalls, Sprains, Chafes,sg, Lameness, Sveesy, Sores, Wounds, Scratches, or anyaldisraao. Try it, aud you will be convinced.

LMl. J. U. McL&AN, Sola Proprittor,Saint Louis, Mo,

sal t Proprietors prices by Berry & Demoville and Q


twA wly


Jmportors and Jobbers oi


,No. 41 Public Square,


7Eare now prepared to offer to cash and prompt time' assortment of Spilng .nd summer

Joousd c"thlnend will make it to the interest of allmen to examine our



glB Hotel is sit ated on Broad street, near theand Deettur Railroad depot, convenient xjsa to tne

nboat landing, ana is now conducted by W. . iuckrv,of Giles county,; where he will use he bt endeavors tothe house a home to the Traveler and the Boarder,

s to suit the times. Come and try it I Be will ifjcalasj to make sure connection with njtt the oi-i- s

leaving the city.

PIANO TUNI.tU ANU KEPAIKING.W. KJBSKE will henceforth make Nashville his penalnent resi ence,and will tune PinnoM, Orfansi

Uelodoanii.bytbeyearorslngletiiing,andcaaTlsItasas reqoiifd, since he will speed at least one sresk in everynintae city and vicinity. He will visit regnlarly the, in Middle, West, ana EastTtcnessee,and North AlabamaHijilssipp Orderileftat Benson Co.'a Music Store,o' Piano Rooms, on Church street. 0mmrjcations bywai be promptly attenied to. awwf


Bffll 11 ill

8pning of1861


Nashville,-- i- -. , -! ' ":iwifj' i

1 .:vWhiteStonelWare !


PAINTED STONE WARE, every article made


Every Artlcle'Itladc


French China, Gold

Band, White and

FancyGlass Ware,

Finest cat and cheap! est press.


test goods made.

TABLE CUTLERY, lluest quality.

Japan Tin Ware,


glassesKtery git

Coal Oil 3anips5

trots SO cents te SIS easb.


Cabs and Carnages,SOME VERY FINE.


Most approved makei



Ice .Rxtolio-rs-i9

Bronze and Parian Figures,


Fruit Cans, Glass und Tin, most


M1KD GAI1EN, good asbortinent



Ilouo furnUUIns' Coods Ocnorallr


In great variety,

All of which will be sold

25 per cent, less

than usual,

For Gash!or at regular prices and cinal tisa to



This stock Is very large xnd complet In Varfrty and Style, awln fTamlnsiion is soliced from the WiolcsaU' tad Retail trsis )h. i



i JAMES IS'XAltTGHEIN & CO.,&UCCX330M to a. nsxnts,)

V BsmtsslBRs feed ib ProdHc3,ITIorcfeaHts,SUIBAIH



NASHVIEEE, ....... TENNESSEEjxn3-- tf

HunKarian Grass Seeds,bau&s Iiacgitlan ura seeds, for laie by

.tAMES M'LAnanLlN A COtf

Potntoes. Potatoes.TCST recdTcd per steamer Nashville, 100 barrels erf a Hsty saanbucK srou.oei, ror s:ue oy

JAI1E3 McLATJQHLAN & CO.,JanS3-- U No 8 Market street.

JLard, Lard, Eard,TTJST received per steamer Nxshvillt, a choice lotof Larf in du ins aags. jrer lamiiy use, lor sue oy

fc CO..jiunjsa nici. iiunbujaa27-- tf N. 8 Market street.

Flnnv. S7lnvvi. Plnnr.TTDST received per steamer Nashville, SOO bags Extra FamilyIS now, luraaie By

jAidxs Mclaughlin & co.,jsnC-- tf No. 8 Market street.

FLOlJIt. I'LODIt.QAfiIAD8 DoubleEi tra Family Flour,a soperisrWtlt

Just received. for sale byjamrs Mclaughlin t co.,

marl-- tf No. 8 Market street

IIAIT1N, IIAITIS.Kf ( tT LBS Hams, just received aud for sale byDvX fJ J.IME3 M'LAOOHLI x tc CO.,

mar!7-- tf No. 8 Market street;

SIDES AND S1IOTJEDEUS.t t 4b(f LB3 Eidc "d stualden it received

' "dj!aSMXAUaLINtCO:,marI7--tf No. 8 Market street.

BOLTED JTIEAE.--4 BAGS Bolted Meal, in bushel bags, for family nse,I tfSF lust received and for sale by

JAMES M'LACflHLIN 1 00marlT-- tf No- - 8 Market sest.

II ItAN AND SU1PSTDFFS.? BAGS Bnnand Ehlprtaffs, just received and for


marl7-- tf No. 8 Market reefr-l- s

CORN, COUN.BAGS prime yellow and Mixed Corn, Just received


ma17-- tf No. 8 Market sure

LARD, EARS.Osf KEQS prime leaf Lad, put op for family use IsA fil 53 lbs Kegs, just received and for sale by

JAMES M'LADOIILIN tt CO.,marl7-t- f No. 8 Market street

Hams, Hams.CU0I0E HAMS, just received and for sale by5000 JAS McL 1UOULIN &C0.


Seed. Corn.8A0KS Seed Corn In the Ear, for sale by500 JAMES MCLAUGHLIN tCO.,

eb5-- tf

fKESH ITIEAL.received andkor sale 100 sacks tresh Corn Meal by

JUST ) JAS McLACOHLIN Ac CO.jan6-t- f I No. 8 Sooth Market street,


Ort A BALES Timothy and HnnguianHsy, just releivedtUU andforssteby

I JAliES M'LAUGHLIN i C0nmarl7--tf No. 8 Market street.

OATS.KAfk BUSHELS primo Red Oats, just received and for

sale byJAMZ3 M'LAUGHLIN t CO.,

I FLOOR.A BBLS Superfine, lixtra, Family, and Extra Family,ttjivf in storeand to arrivo per Kailrosd and River, for

sale on corcmissinby ' W. WATTS & CO.,feb0-t- f No SBrtadway

fins White and Bine Neshanock Potatoes, justEXTRA Uen Aideison, for sale bymarH-t- f BRNJ F SHIELDS & CO;


' DIVIDEND.Tennessee Marine Fire Insurance ComponTHE day declared a stml aonu&l dividend of six dell

per share, payable o the stockholders on demand.A. W. BUTLER

apl3-l- w Secret(


Daguerreotypes, Anibrotypes.aiKJL AIIN OTYPES,

8PHEREOTTPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS.No 44, Union Brest next doer to Wess1 A Thompson's.

T.IF. SALTZMAN,(lati oinuToi. at nronxs- - oallirt.)

TTAYINO fitted kip rocms as above, exclusively for thatBjL branch cf buaness, li prepared to receive the ladles and

gentlemen et Nashvile and make foe tiraOa of their fsees, Inbe highest style of tht Art. No expense has been spared eithern furnishing his apaiments cr procuring the latest and mostmproved apparatus nl ms terials, and the subscriber confident-inltve- s

all who may tant pictures ta give him a call, pledgingtlif action in every eri.TC? Xntranre pext do)r (Test) to Weasel & Thompson.SO TP. RALTZMAN

Notice.copartnership hectofore existing under the style ofTHB QiLgxxsojf fiCo, was this day dissolved by mu-

tual consent. J K Oiutiasn retiring from the firm.1 JO EDWARDS,

J. E. GILKERS0N,July 14, 1K0. i E. P. EDWARDS.

jo. ran arcs, 1. bIhakri, cr. dwakssEDWARDS, HARRIS & CO.,

(srCCZ990RS TO SOVtlKOS, oilxirpos & CO.)

continue the Whlesale Grocery, Forwarding andWT.L business alths eld sUnd. corner College andChurch streets. 1 jnlyl5-t-f


Ice OO-ka-ipSii- y"-

nnHE undersigned hate nowkn hand 4000 tons 01 lamous

KAKE KINGSTON ICE,nd with such a supply they are It to fill all orders. The

depots used last season an re openu and any orders left at themwill receive nromDt attention.

VUIl.A. CHANDLER & CO..N 9 South College street.

N. B Particular attention given filling country orders..mar2S-d2-m

T AM now receiving a ineaisortmktof




They are of excellent quality and fsm the best manufacturers, ana win te onereaiow lorcasn 1

JOIN A. BAMAGE.apll7-- tf No. 42 College street,


1861 1861





TEOlriHCOAre now receiving their 1

Second Import tion



Figu red Grenadines,Embroidered Poplins.

Embroidered English farcgesOrgandie Itluslius,

Figured Linen CambricBlack Ulantlcs, ne4 styles;

Itlonrning Goods.Jj


Elnens,Domestics, &c.c.

THOMPSON & 0,apll! tf nor No. 59 Colte street.

VbUadulpU'a Made Clothljill 0 TSXtt DAIS OXLY.I I

SXTI7E invoice or Coats. Pantnd-Test-are tn receiptor ann fn 1 . . - ...... TrYArh , r deciiledlv ClP.Ul AJ IVOl - I" jtr " BENJ FBUiHS&UU

"It'-- -


toonrtalethismorninzeirhty ttrelsFlneW1 Nethanoek Potatoes, now lauding from siealer. Nash.rtlle BKNJ V 8lUKLrs SIdenlrsRoomt.

D16-- lt tCorn. Hay aud Oats

a HTTP it ttTAR 1st of Corn. Hay .and Oats, jurlrecelTedA .rt for .ale allow fltareibr COMBS MATIN

"" - -J JsV. 'SEltf--


I A N E W tTKOrfi

; Uff6araetf.Seeds; f "



s COH3 C0EO3 AD OSIOX IKOISl . . V,'i .

r .

C0N31STXNO f allcf, his popular kinds, sriahM !

Silver Skin Onion Setts, '.

Red Wcatlicrfleld, do do, l"

Extra Early Peas, a'Large Marrowfat do,

Talcntinc Itcans!Sugar Parsnip Sccdbytbc pound,

Cabbage Seed

Radish seed " , "

Together with a large variety In Papers to which we lavita theattention of Gardners a?d others. ,os!' '1

Wfyolesale&RetailCIIEAP CASH



Corner College &. Union Streets,


Coustrr Merchants. Phvslcians. Planters and close'eash buywill find it verr much to their Interest to call and purchase theirgoods at the Cltcap Casta Druff House ot


Thevhave row In store and' are constantly receiving dlreofrom first band Importers and Mann'actnrers, everything pertalnlng to the Drug business, such asAlcohol, Pure White Lead,Llns ed Oil, Castile Soap,Turpentine, Alum and Glue,Tarnishes, Cloves and Nutmegs,Window Glass Oarrett's nuffs,Putty, Tube Paints,Ind'go and Madder, Artists Brushes,Cvchineal, Pine Teas,Bird. Med, 8weedlsb Leeches.Wines and Brandies, Springs,Fnr Whl. ties- -

STRETCH & FORBES,'Are also Extensive Dealers In

Ambrotype, --llolalnotype, PliotograpU and

Daguerreotype Goods,

And Artists Apparatus and Chemicals of every description nuse.

New Tork BUls duplicated la every Instance, it Cost and Car-riage.


Also keep on hand the largest and best stock of

Trusses aud Supporter-- )

ever offered In this city. Whatever may be thesU'e of the patient, or the kind of hernia, hs cin certiinly be suited by callingat the r Comes axo UmoH Struts w. ere can be

foond a ,cod assortment of Surgical and Dental Instruments,Lace Stockings, Knee Caps, Anklets,


Elixir Elixir !


REJUVENATING ELIXIR!Prepared on the strictest Pharmaceutical principles by one of the

ablest Chemists of the age.

is altogether a new medicine, the result of modernTHIS in the vegetable kirgdem, being an entirelynew and abstract method of ure, Irrespective of all the old andworn out systems published by accomplished quacks to the suffer-ing. Dr. Wright, wi! knowing the deception practised upon theuninitiated, felt it his duty at once to have this Elixir tested by

the whole Medical Facolt who, withtat even one dissentingvoice, have given in their sdhrence to its perfect and undividedcontrol over the whole physxal man when his frame has beenreduced, and when all other medicines known to the Pharmaco

have been tried in vain. Long thought years ot patientivestigatlon, and a nil dctperandum determination have

crowned the Doctor's efforts, and he now offers the Elixir to suf.fering humanity as the only thing that can enre the followingdiseases namely :General Debility,

Mental and Physical Depression,Imbecility,

Determination of Blood to the Head,Confused Ideas,

Hysteria,General Irritability,

Ftlesmess and Sleeplessness at Night,Absence of Muscular Efficiency,

Loss of Appetite,Dyspepsia,

Emaciation,Low Spirits,

Disorganisation of the Organs ofGeneration,

Palpitation of the Heart,

And, In fact, all the concomitants of a nervous and debilitatedstate of the system.

As a Stimulant,It is quite different from alcoholic preparations. It is not subItctto reactions in any shape; it continues to exert Its influence

gradually and efficiently, as long as the least necessity existsforits presence.

As a Female medicine,It is equally powerful and effective, and restores the equilibriumsooner ani safer than all the other medidnes which for yearshave flooded tho market, and which are only injurious, in placeof assisting 0- - renovating the constitution . for a very good reason. too, that ttey are only made from the effusions of mindsgnorant of the Medical profession altogether.

tw whm ihlnVi It well ta stake hii crofessional character I

on the fact, that no mlnsrals whatever form tbe least componentparts of the Ingredients of his Rejuvenating Elixir well knowtng what ro In has been entailed on the community by opium andmercury

Generally, to the debilitated. Dr. Wrigut would say, Neverdespair. No matter how worn down j on may be, no matter how

weak you are no matter what the cause may have been forsakeat once whatever has led you to depart from Hygienic principles

takehjsRejuvenating Elixirs

And yon will soon find yourself a new man a pride Instead othe reverse, to your friends, and a healthy, seond, and worthymember of the human family.

Jjj price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for 55, and forward-

ed by mail to all par's of the United States.Sold by all respectable d nggista throughout the United States

and Canadas. The trade supplied at s liberal discount.For sale by the proprietors

J. WRIGHT At CO.,1 and 151 Chartres street,

New Orleans, Lai

Bold in Nashville by G. W. Hendershott, Berry & DemoTille,wing Pendleton, and all responsible dinggists cc2?


WIGWAM TONIC;delicious and Bitters are recommended ly

THESE Fhyslcians of the country, on account of their

PURITY AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE.They are rleisant as nectar to te tsste, and are pronounced

the best Tonic and Stimulant ever offered to th pnbllcTheir curative powers In cases of General Debility, Less of

Apptlte, etc.. are nnparalleled and as a guaran-

tee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, we beg leaveto stats that our asserions are endo'sel by

Prof sit.IMAN, of Yolo College.Prof. II 4 YES. ot Ulassacliuactta,

sad hundreds ol ethers.For sale by Grocers, wine Mere f, and Druggist generally.Prlcclpal Depot, 13 Walter ' Jtsir ycrtc AK1.



Retailed at Wholesale PrtaMaaa to Measure at S18 per doz

OU SIS SOU SINE DOLLARS,Without Collars on,vrhh Collars on J2 per dec extra.

MADE OP NEW-YOR- MILLS MUSLIN,With fine Linen Bosoms, and warranted as good a Shirt

as sold in the retail stores at 12,50 each.ALSOv inE YiBT BEST SniRTS THAT CAN BK

i. 31ADE AT 83 EACH.P. S. Those --rbo think I cannot make s good Shirt for

$19 per dozen are mistaken. Here's the cost of onedoientlS fine shirts.80 yarils of New-Yor- k MUli mudln at14C per yd. $4 Si

' rf ............Sf.Wntr.nil ,i,,,.n ' ....6 00Laundry, $1 ; buttons and cottpn, fijlcll! .izaProfit, ; .2 l.

Total jli ci

Self Measiirenient for ShirtB.Printed directions sent free everywhere, and to easy

to understand, that any one can take their pwunieafurefor shirts. 1 warrant a good fit The cash to bo paid tthe Express Company on receiptor goods.

The, Express charges on'ondc4en Shirts front New-yo-

kf New Orleans is fl.P. S, -P-ARTIES T5T2HINQ rJlTIRTS IN HASTK, not

havmg time to send for Rules of Measurement, shouldsend per mall, prepaid, one of the best fittlngshirts theyhave got, stating any alterations that may be required.

S, W.H. WABD, .from London,- -

387 Broadway, up stairs,Between 'White & Walker Streets,

16, 1860-deo-


Tbe only Exclusively "Waolcsalo


Hats, Caps, Bonnets & Straw Goods

in the cmr,

No. si Public Square,


are now receiving and opening an ent'rely new stockWE SDrinir and Summer Goods, which weare offering with superior INDUCEMENTS to sell for CASHor to Prompt Bayers en our usual time, aud we assure them WEWILL mike it to thku. urxbt ta call and examine our stockbefore purchasing eleseahere

1UA1AU,UU11DU., Ob UVtmarI7-t- f o



Agricultural Implements,FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS,


BCLBOTJS ROOTS OF ALL VARIETIES,iTo. 50 Sovih rea4 Street, NathzClt.

P.8. Roofiing and Guttering in Copper and Tin Is the mostsuperior styles, In town aud country. Peck, Smith & Co. s Tin-

ners' Machines and Hand Tools for sale.mh24 tf.


CAPITAL 8100,000 ! ALL PAID IN.Omcz at io. 36, corner of Cedar ttrtti-- and Putlle Square,

take risks against Loss or Damage by Fire onWILL Gccds. Wares and Merchandise generally. Also,on Shipments against toss or damage by Seas and rivers to andfrom all points.

ALau lusts on negroes agains. ine dingers 01 me suveriDIRECTORS.

Alxx. Fall. W.T.Bsmt,AxmoxrW. Yaklxxx, Jomr H. Ewrx,Jon KiaxMAK, Hcaa McCkxa,Jaius Woods, Josxth EnwAttss,R O.McNaixt, IxbtMoksah,

W. H. Evaxs:ALEXANDKR FALL, President;

Jauxj WALZzx.Eee etary. augl7.


40 Pnbllc Square, NnvliTille,IMPORTERS AXT) T1KAT.ERS IX


Are now receiving and opening their steck of Spring Goomating their assortment full and complete.



House is now open for the accomodation of the Public.TniS rooms are all large, well ventilated and furnished inthe best st; le with new nd furniture and carpetsThe Public Rooms and Halls are lighted by Gas.

The Ladies and Gentleman's Parlors are famished in asp len-di- d

and luxurious style, comfortable and inviting.THE T4BLE

shall at all times be supplied with everything a good home andforeign market cao afford, and haTlng in my employ good andexperienced cooks acd tabl scrvtnts, every thing shall be pre-pared and scried in the best manner.

THB BARis furnished with old and excellent Liquors and Wines, com-

prising all the most popular brands both native and foreigngrowth Connnected with this house is a splendid

BILLIARD SALOON Icontaining three fine tables, affording a pleasant and healthrecreation for a leisure hour.

Eveiything inmypoaer shall bedone to make the guests ofthe House comfortable.

feb!5 dim. JOHN P. LEE. Saprlntendent.

Envelopes. Envelopes.CONFEDERATE STATES




MEMPHIS.Something New, Good. Neat, and Really

Handsome.No mere straight lines, like a straijht jacket ca an Envelope.but


Grnccrully Flotvirjjr, to tbe Breeze,With room ol he upper right hand corner,not only for astampbut


Every Merchants should order one or two thousand; HotelKeepers tnice ssmany; abuihel of them; Banksand Railroads as many as they please, and, as


We shall fill orders on the principle of


Confederate Vlig Envelope, without Card, per 1000.. .in,cowith Card, . 12,00


Letter Heads, per quire....... ...75 centsNote Hesds .30 ..

In quantities less than iOOO. 25 percent adlitlonat.RegulartlUcoant to the trade.Orders acenmpanitd with tbe ca3h promptly attended to.These Envelopes are printed only at the Great Southern Pub-

lishing and Job Printing Establishment of

HUTTON & FRELIGH,8econd street, near corner or Adams, adjoining Calvery Ohnrch,Memphis, Tenn., where better work Is done In the

JOB PRINTING LINEThan elsewhere in the South.


Jlegj Badges,Printed In colors, on rhlter!lk. apl8-- tf



BOOT AND SHOi. MAKERConfined exclusively to


NO. 29 UNION STREET,Nashville, : : : Tcnuetsee

He solicits patronage.HE WARRANTS SATISFACTION!

apU-d- ly

FIVE' SHOOTERS.A N invoice ror sals cheap, bya BENJ. F. SHIELD3 & CO.apKO-t- r '

PRIYAl K XD1TIONTPV R. D . WRIGnTwkhes to devote a portion sf the dayB to glvin private Instruction In Latin, Greek, French,athematlcs, Music, Ac.Booms over the Post Office.Btar39Ia

laspilk Inion uria mxitm

Dally 83 J TxKWeeKly $5; Weekly 2

Rates of AdTcrtlilng-- .


One Insertion, SI 00 Each addlliocal lnstrtiQn. 50lWesk 3 00 SaohaddlUosalsqaars. 1 S32- - SO 20a1 Month, 6 w - - 001 w 960-- 1. 503 - 12 00 .. M 000 100 CO

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Decisions of tho Sapremo Court of theMate of Tennessee at Nashville, De-

cember Term, ISGO.M. Ridley's Ex'r, and all. vs. Ridley and alt.

The original bill in this case was filed by MosesRidley against the widow and heirs of Henry Ridley,for an account.. The facts in brief, as shown by thepleadings and proof, are, that Henry Ridley, whowas the owner of a considerable estate and muchin debt, died in July 1S35, suddenly, of cholera, afterbaying upon his death bed requested his brother,Moses Ridley, in whom he had the utmost confidence,to take the mangement of his estate. Moses Ridleyin November of the same year qualified as his ad-

ministrator in Rutherford county, Tenncsiei, andshortly afterwards in Hinds county, Mississippi; butfor some informality by the Frobate Court in takingthe bond in Mississippi, the said Moses Ridley wasremoved by the same Court, at the instance of oneof the defendants, after thirteen years of faithfulservice for the benefit of the estate of his deceasedbrother.

The estate of Henry Ridley in Mississippi, at Ihetime of his death, consisted of a plantation andslaves, most of which, had been purchased on acredit by him just before his death.

Moses Ridley continued tho cotton planting in Mis-

sissippi, (until be was removed about 1st June 1643)greatly to the interest of the widow and heirs ofhis deceased brother; the estate having been muchimproved in that time.

'litis case was before the Court three years agoby appeal from the decree of the Chancellor order-ing an account, and at which time the acting anddoings ot said Mosses Ridley in carrying on theMississippi farm were carefully examined and fullyapproved, and the cause remanded for an account;the basis having been fully and definitely settled.

Upon taking the account, by the Masters report,it appears that the estate of IL Ridley was indebtedto the estate of Moses Ridley, (the latter havingdied shortly after filing the bill,) forly-eig- thousandixeo hundred and eighty-si- x dollars and fifteen cents.This report was excepted to by both parties, andupon the hearing a decree was pronounced by theChancellor for thirty-eig- thousand tuo hundred andthree dollars and eighty-on- e cents. From this decreeboth parlies appealed.

All the points arising upon the exceptions havebeen examined by tho Court, and though requiringmuch patient labor the record being one of eighthundred pages yet we have had but little difficul-

ty except upon a single exception. The eighth ex-

ception of defendants is in these words: "Becausethe Clerk and Master allows Moses Ridley a creditof five thousand dollars paid to Thomas 31. War-

ren, when the proof shows that no such debt wasowing by the estate of Henry Ridley, nor was thatamount ever paid by Moses Ridley out of his es-

tate."This exception was allowed by the Chancellor,

and the five thousand dollars and the interest there-on were stricken out of the report, by the decree.We have carefully examined all the proof uponthis item, and find the question raised by the ex-

ception by no means free from difficulty.The note, upon which this payment is claimed as

a credit, was made by Thomas S. Anthony payableto Warren for $9000, dated Oth June.1831, and dueIstMarch, 1835; and onwaicn 5i,dM .0 naa oeenpaid, as shown by an endorsement on the back ofthe note, in cotton, on the 2oth March, 1835.

The balance of the note a the subject of the ex-

ception, and whether Moses Ridley paid it is thequestion. This note, with two others for ten thou-

sand dollars each, of the same date, and due res-

pectively 1st March. 183C, and 1st' March.lS37,was given for a tract of land and some slaves inMississippi, bought by Anthony of Warren on theday of the date of said notes. On the 29th of Sep-

tember, 1831, Henry Ridley and Anthony entered in-

to partnership in cotton planting in Mississippi. Ar-

ticles were drawn and signed by which Ridleywas to be tho joint owner with Anthony of the landand negroes bought of Warren, and he was to payone-ha- lf the purchase money the articles specify-

ing the thrte notes which amounted to $29,000. Onthe 21st May, 1S35, Ridley bought the remainingmoiety of the land and slaves from Anthony, agree-ing to give for the same and other property added$42,000. This agreement was reduced to writing,and sets forth the mode and manner of payment.

The argument on behalf of complainant is, thata balance amounting to about five thousand dollarsof the $9,000 note remained unpaid at the deathof Henry Ridley, and that Moses Ridley paid thesame in 1S35, and that he shouli have a credit there-for because by the terms of the contract of 29 Sep-

tember, Henry Ridley was to pay one half this debt;and especially because by the terms of the salo fromWarren to Anthony, Warren had a lien upon thepronertv, land and slaves, for the whole $29,000.In o'thcr words, that the estate which came into thehands of Moses Ridley, as administrator.was encum-bsre- d

with a mortgage to secure the $9,000. Wesee from this record that the lien existed and therefore if Mose3 Ridley paid the debt it was a validpayment, for which he should havo a credit. Butthe question is, did 3loses Ridley pay the balance ofthe $9,000.

Thomas M. Warren distinctly proves that MoseaRidley paid him that balance in Nashville in 1S35,through H. R. W. Hill. And Moses Ridley as hisadministrator files the note, and there is proof thatMoses Ridley was able to pay the debt thoughhe might have received nothing from HenryRidley's estate. For aught that appears inthis record Thomas M. Warren is a repu-table witness, and we have investigated thiscase, giving him full credit. The fact that MosesRidley had the means to pay amounts to little ornothing, as the only witness relied on to prove thepayment says it was paid through H. R. W. Hill; andthe additional fact that complainant filed the noteis neutralized by the fact that as administratorMoses Ridley doubtless received all the papers ofHenry Ridley. This leaves the positive testimonyof Th'omas W.Warren upon the one side, and thofacts and circumstance on the other heruinalter re-

ferred to, to be weighed.The note in question fell due 1st March. 1S53.

Henry Ridley died 22d July, 1853,and Moses Ridleywas appointed administrator on his estate 1st No-

vember of the same year; so that if Moses Ridleypaid the balance of said note in 1835, it was afterthat time.

It is true that Henry Ridley, iu hi lifetime, andMoses Ridley, as his administrator after his death,raised large amounts of money .'under an arrange,ment with H. R. W. Hill, by drawing bills on andhaving them accepted by N. & J. Dick & Co., of NewOrleans, of which firm Hill wts a member. Hill'sdeposition was taken but he proves no such pay-ment for Moses Ridley. And the account currentef N. & J. Dick & Co., which is exhibited and prov-en to be correct by Hill, contains ne item corres-ponding with the matter of the eighth exception.

But Hill does prove, and the account current ofN. & J. Dick shows, that on the 15th day of May,1835, Henry Ridley drew two bills on N. & J. Dick& Co., amounting to $11 766.25; and on the same dayhe borrowed of them $700. This money was doubt-less in part applied to the payment of a debt of $",84391 due from Anthony to N. & J.Dick & Co., andwhich Henry Ridley, by his agreement with An-

thony, had assumed. This left of the proceeds ofsaid bills about $3,445.

This was not enough to pay ofT the $9,000note, but it is shown in the proof that he had goodcredit, and a few days thereafter executed his twonotes, amounting tb about $1600 to M. G. Reevis;which were, in all probability, given for honoredmoney. The argument that a part of the proceedsof said two bills was applied to the payment of thenote in controversy, is much strengthened by thememorandum thereon, showing that the interest onthe balance was computed up to that day, 15th May,1S35.

By tbe two ten thousand dollar notes, as well asthe notes tD;Reeve?,.nd many other vouchers in thisrecord, it is shown that Moses Ridley, in payingnotes as well as accounts, was usually particular totake receipts on the back, showing that he as ad-

ministrator paid the sum, but there is no such re-

ceipt on the back of the $9,000 note.Again: On the 21st May, 1835, when Henry Ridley

bought from Anthony h'is remaining moiety of theland and Blaves ia Mississippi, the former gave tothe latter a bond in the sum of forty thousand dol-

lars, conditioned to do certain things and among therest is this explicit and significant provision: "Newthese Drescnce witnesseth tliat the above bounden

H to take discnarge, andHenry. Ridley, W, A

up, . pay,, . ,liana over to sain 1 nomas iwo uoduh, obligations orpromissory notes of ten thousand dollars each, exe-cuted by the said Thomas S. Anthony to Thomas M.Warren, late of Mississippi, and now of Williamsoncounty, Tennessee, one of which notes or writingsobligatory falls duo 1st March, 1836, the other tobecome due and payable 1st March, 1837." Whenwe remember that the three notes, amounting to$29,000. were given for the identical property whichHenry Ridley was then purchasing; that Warlren had a lien thereon for the payment ofthe whole amount; that Henry Ridley, byhi3 agreement of the 29th September 1834, was boundto ,pay one-ha-lf the $9,000 note, as well as onehalf the other two; ond that the $9,000 Hotwsb the only one of the three which was due at the

&&teStoiiay, 1835, we cannotvjrivT 1

cuanaei i te complainant that the

f!f?lf of Strand 32 lZVoiu8 u, oi ume, over therecollection oi cue crediblefwitoess after the lapse

Butin this 'case the burden of proof fa on'tiacomplainant to change the estate of Henry Ridlevby proving the payment. This he nmat do, not jaerly (where tiereia a conflict In the proof) byhaTingamere preponderance la hia :faTor; but thepreponderance must be such as to satisfy tbe mindIt lies with him tdsadfy the mind and conscienceof tie Court that he is entitled to the money beforeany decree can be pronounced againt the defendantfor the same. 1 Jreenleaf 4, section 2.

The ocly remainicj exceptions much pressed' orcounsel are the first, ninth and eighteenth exceptionson behalf o defendants. The first exception is,because the Master has only charged complainantwith the proceeds 'oflSll bales cotton, when hesnouid be cnarged witn tne proceeds 01 not less wan2019 bales.

We think from the proof that the defendants haveno cause for exception upon this ground. It is notclear, from the proof,-tha-t 2019 bales were raisedon the Mississippi farm in the thirteen years.

But complainant has satisfactorily accounted foras much cotton, as Is actually shown to be the deficit;and besides, waives all his exceptions, mainly inreferenco to expenses in carrying on the Mississippifarm, several of 'which it would be difficult foruato disallow upon the proof, on condition that thefint exception of defendant's is not sustained.

The credits, in our estimation, allowed the com-plainant for expenses in carrying on the Mississippifarm are exceedingly small, and whichis reasonablyaccounted for by supposing that some cotton wasused in defraying expenses, which has not beencharged to complainant But that there was cottonnot fully accounted for by the proof, does not suff-iciently appear-t- be made the subject of a chargein the account. . - .

The ninth exception is. 'because the Clerk andMaster allows Moses Ridley a credit of 814.1.H 15paid by &J. Dick ArCo. to Lee, Maddox& Co., inMarch, 1836, whenaid debt was the partnershipdebt of Ridley it Anthony, and which Henry Ridleywas not, by the contract, bound to pay.5'

There seems to us to be an inconsistency in theexception. If it was partnership debt of Ridley .fc

Anthony, as the exception states it was. then Ridlev& Anthony were jointly and severally bound topay it.

The case made by tbe exception is not a charge ofnegligence for not making Anthony pay his partBut by the proof it is a meritorious credit andshould be allowed the complainant

It is not denied that Ridley & Anthony owed thismoney ; and the payment of it by Moses Ridley isnot controverted ; but it is said that the contract ofthe 21st May, 18354 only bound H. Ridley to Day$5,656 09, which is true, but it bound him to paythat much for Anthony : the balanca was doubtlessH, Ridley's part of the whole debt upon settlement,and therefore not mentioned in the writing.

Exceptions 13, 14. 15 and 1C. on behalf of defendants, are bad, because they do not point out anyparticular error in the report, but assume that"money's have been twice credited," and theaccount is in many particulars erroneous" and thatthe aggregate result of debts and credits is errone-ous.

These exceptions are too general. Exceptionspartake of the nature of special demurrers ; and ifa report is erroneous, the party excepting must puthis finger on the error. Wilkes and wife vs. Rog-ers and others 6. John. Ii. 506.

Much labor has been bestowed on the ISth exception by counsel, to show that Moses Ridley had largesums or money in Jus bands at didcrent times whilethere were debts outstanding against the estatedrawing interest and which he afterwards paid,getting a credit here for the interest which thusaccrued, while he had the money to pay them.

iso specific case is pointed out and snown, andthe exception make no such case. The exceptionis, "because tlie LiierK allows interest on tne balancefrom 1S4S, when no interest should be allowed."

We think the defendants have no cause of com-plaint about interests, when the Clerk has onlyallowed the complainant interest from 1S48 onbalances due him. most of which is money paidby him lie tween 1835 and 1833, at different periods.We cannot believe that defendenta are injured bythis mode of computing interest when the recordshows a large balance due complainant most orall of which was due him before .

The other exceptions have been examined, butupon the whole case wo see no reason to changethe decree of the Chancellor and affirm it in allthings. Colyar, Special Judge.

Correct copy: J. 1. Clare, Clerk.

Military Movements in Lincoln.The Fayetteville O&serter of the 2d inst, contains

the following items :Last Monday. The excitement in town last Mon-

day was great, and weeping eyes were numerous,caused by the parting ot friends, on tho departure,by Railroad, of the Fayetieville Guards, number-ing 97, and the Boon's Hill Minute Men, 103, rankand file. The depot and grounds surrounding werecrowded with men and women, and as the carsmoved off many voices tremulous with emotionwafted after the gallant soldiers a hcarWelt, " Godbless you ! "

Axothee Compast. Last Monday, immediatelyafter the departure of the volunteers, the initiatorysteps were taken for" the formation of an indepen-dent company here. Tho members are to be of ma-

ture years, who will arm and equip themselves, andmove wherever their services may be needed, attheir own expense. They will have a special eyeto home protection. About thirty names were en-

rolled immediately. Members are to be receivedby ballot. "Marion Rangers" ha3, very appro-priately we tMhk, been suggested tu the name ofthe corps.

Volc.vteepa Last Monday four companies leftthis county en route for Lynchburg, Virginia. Theyare the Fayetteville Guards, Lynchburg Rangers,Boon's Hill Minute Men, and Shelton'a Creek Com-pany, and numbered about four hundred as noble,patriotic souls as ever responded to the tap of adrum. They are engaged in a holy cause the pro-tection of their homes, and all that civilization holdsdear. May Gt--d bless and protect them!

Patriotic Messrs. Flannery & Marcum, contrac-tors of the Rock Bridge, animated by an exaltedpatriotism, ceased work last Monday, and nearly alltheir men enlisted in the company being raised byDr. Rene McKinney, for the defence of tho South.All honor to them.

A Gallaxt Replt. Six companies have been roported from this county, responsive to the call formen to protect the South, and the ranks of threeothers are fast filling up. If tho whole of theState has moved with the energy and promptitudethat has characterized this county, then Tennesseehas y ocer seventy thousand enrolled soldiers.

Shipments of Provisions from Savannah.From the Savannah Republican, April 30.

Apprehensive of a scarcity of provisions in ourcity, all supplies having been cut off by sea, andprovoked by the example of the United States au-thorities in seizing ael vessels coming hither withcargoes to add to our stock, our citizens had be-

come greatly dissatisfied tint shipments from thispoint, that were destined to feed the enemy, wereallowed to continue. This feeling took a practicalturn some days ago, and a vessel loaded with ricefor Boston, was compelled, by a party of citizens, todischarge and tike on a load of cotton. It waspretty well understood that no such cargoes shouldleave our port for the future, during the war, andunder the circumstances Mr. Collector Boston, inorder to prevent unpleasant collisions thought it ad-

visable to decline issuing clearances to vesselsladen with rice and other grain. He concluded,however, and Yery properly, beforw taking any9teps in tho matter, to communicate with the Secre-

tary of the Treasury, and ask instructions m thepremises. The response of the Secretary was re-ceived last night by telegraph, and we append it forthe information of all, with the expression of ourown admiration for its just and high-tone- d senti-ments, and the hope that all our citizens will yield acheerful acquiescence in his excellent advice:To John Boston, Esq., Collector, Ac Savannah:

The Government hero entirely disapproves of anyinterference with private property beforo war isdeclared. Let us abide by the Law of Nations, andprotect peaceful commerce which has trusted to outhospitality. Tell your people to have patience; wegain more by respect for law than from the seizureof a few vessels. C. G. Mkmiunger.

MovrfiOMFJtr,-Apri- l 29th.

Tbe Voice of Tennessee.Tbe Franklin Rtvieic, cne of our ablest country

exchanges, and a paper that held up for the Unionas long as there was hope, speaks thus :

We publish to-d- the message of Gov. Harris tothe Tennessee Legislature, "t the exclusion of ourusual variety." The document is calm and dignifiedin its tone, ana wnue we lomear any comments onthe other points in the message, we most heartilyendorse his recommending of "the perfecting of anordinance oy me uenerai Assembly, formally declaring tne independence ot tne state of Tennesseeof the Federal Union, renouncing its authority, andresuming each and every function belonging to aseparate sovereignty; and that said ordinance, whenit shall have been thus perfected by the Legislature,shall, at the earliest time practicable, be submittedto a vote of the people to be by them adopted or re-

jected.Tho mode recommended will be, as much the act

of the people, as if they had elected a conventionfor the express purpose of severing our connectionwith the Federal Union and baa the advantage of animmense saving of expense. It behooves us to husband our resources as much as possible. "B0Pethe Legislature will lose no time in perfecting trieordinance and submitting it to a fair and direct vote

of the people.

More Troops eone Tbrona-h-.

Yesterday morning, a batalion ofAUbamv troops

way to Virginia, mey ':-"y- :

?""r,:Zr.;nf Knoxville. The Mobile

W nived on th"e Mail Train from Chatta.


" responded to by Capt rowell , ofMontSry. It is impossible to see the noble fel-

lows who ore daily passing over our roads to offer

their Uvea for the protection ofournshta andhb-crt- v

wi:bout having our hearts warmed towardsvotm-insnir- with confidence in their ability

to repel the invaders from Southern soil, thoughthey were as numerous as tho locuata of EgyptKnbsviUc Register. May z.

Hair Topic, lir.sals bySBMQVILLX'8 DHMQYIXLJ h 09.

DOERISS & KlTOHiIron Founders and Manufacturers ef




or AU EOS.

Noi 49 Market Street, (Gcimx's Jsuck.)spr22


HaRtiBg sad Jt ishing Forbidden.

FROM and after this dale, HUNTING aid FISSINQ anforbidden oa onr laads. Asourplacesarepost-'- d,

we will hereafter entires the lav against all ssrscs foundtreepuslas; upon then.



WehUndTurnpIke. apIU-d-lmuAiette copy one month and charge this oSce.

F U JK, ill AI & v O . ,vaousAi nzALix


receivedor the Spring and SatcerarTrade of 1WIHAVE ruual stock of cheap Goods, censiitUg In part elBritish, American and, French Cloths;

Casslmeres and Vesiln, Ermines,Cettonades, Hosiery ani Linen

BHsters, Bsclci dec

A very choice assortment of Ladles Dress Goods, Baiige,Aa-glals- e,

Ls vellas, Faallards, Organdies Lawns, Ginghams, fancyand solid Bareges. Trimmings, &e., Ac- - A superb lot of thebest brands eM 9 Bro. Domestics extra heavy Cotton Tarns;

1 1 of which wiU be sold at prices ls keeping with the Uses rorCash or bankable paper.-

FTJBMAX & CO.,aplJ-Smd- w near the Suspension Bridge.

MACAULAX'S ENGLAND.fiftn volume la Cloth and Paper, received and for salsTHE ,F. HAOAS fc CO',

apUS-- tf 41 College street.

DR. S. J. COBBWOULD respectfully annonnee to the citizens of Nashville

vicinity, that he has opened Dental Booms onCherry street. So. SO, opposite Theatre, where he will be pleased to receive and wait npon any person wishing a Dental oper-ation perfsrmed. and as times sre hard and war-lik- he willpromise to make charges very moderate

P S. ny pntlrman who har enlisted In the Southern Amythat wishes to have hia Teeth operated upoa before going. cancall at my c5ce and have it done free Gratis for Hotting.

Respeetrally,aplSO-d2- m S. J COBB.

MEAL AND BRANS.P BAGS extra Family (bolted) Meal,t)J 5 barrels White Brans, very fine,

iteceived this day, and now oCered lew for cash byapl20-- tf COMBS fc MARTIN..

Cbangc of Location?7compelled to go South, on account of the health

BETXtt I will be located for the winter at the slatdepot sf Polndexter. Little fc Co., No. 43 Barene street. SenOrleans, where I vUl be pleased to see my friendj, and will giveprompt attenUos to the sale of all property consigned me. MyAgents. I W Pate and Jas A 8crnggs,will attend to my depot IsNashville, and negroes that cannot be so' 1. . Nashville, by In-

structing them,wul be forwarded metoNt O eacs. Hoping,by strict aitent on te business oa the part ot my . 't and agents'to merit a continuance of the Uoeral patron j .o retofore extendsd me, I respectfully solicit the favors ot ill Ting busi-ness In my line, either for Nashville or Xw Or K . a.

novll-- tf WILL. L. Js.

NOTICE.WfH have sold our entire Etock of Groceries. Liquors &c.V V to Messrs. Joynt fc Treaser, acd take pleasure In re-

commending them to ear Friends, and the Customers of the latefirm of Grishaa fc HaCaker, as merchants who are in every wayworthy of their confidence and support.

SAFFAESR BROTHERS.Kashville, Dee. 17, 1800.


Aim ssaisxs rjr


Nashvlllo, - -- - -- - -- - -- - Tennessee.decliMf



Nashville, ... Tennessee,Marchl7-3r- a

PROCTER &GA121 "West Second Street,

CINCINNATI.Manufacturers and Wholesale Sealers la


Oleine, German and Palm Soap, Lard OU,

Pearl Starch, Fancy Soap, dec.


.. It Is well known that many Star Candles that are reallyseven to thepound. are branded and said as "sixes M ThereIs a disadvantage and a loss ls this practice to both, retailers andconsumers, even if the Candles are benght at a redaction ef twocents per lb. frcm the price er the regular article. Thus 1

A box ef "Sixes' SHorawxisrrr, contains 249 Candles.aud Is seed for 40 lbs at say IScts --9? 2"

A box of Sevens containleg the same number of Candles,samesixeis sold for 34 lbs, actuai. wTianT. at 20 ets 6 80

Difference In favor of buying by weight -And this difference becomes greater as the price advances. Itis obvious that the retailer can get so more fcrhisStO Caodies In tne case than in the other, censeqr entiy on every bandrsd boxes of "short weight he sells, he loses roirr doixau



No. 44 South Market Street,NASVHILL.E, --- --- TENNESSEE,

constantly en hard a large assortment ef IteadTKXEP Cloth Insr, of thei-ow- Manufacture. Anaa variety of Gent's Furnishing Goods, etc.,whfc h will be sold asthe lowest market price for cash. X B Garments made taorder In the latest styles, at the shortest notice.


lot of SUver okio Onion Setts aud Pumpkin Seed,ArtLESH and for sale by

narxs--u DTtMOTTLLX AO

BACHELOR; By Jno. T. Irving, nephew of Washington Irving.

THE ATTORNEY, or the Correspondence of JohnQuod. By the same author.


from the death of William the Silent to the SysedefDoit,with a fnil view of the English-Dutc- h struggle against Spain,and the origin and destruction ot the Spanish Armada. By

John Lothmass Motley, LL. D, D L Cand author of tat'Dutea Republic."Just received and for sale by

Ti HASAN fc CO.marS-- tf 41 Co Heirs street


Notice te Shippers of Freights from the At-

lantic Cities to Nashville and PointsSouth.

OF LADING er eontiaets signed by any authorisedBILLS tbeBaUrosds named beUiw , will be reeognlied bythe tgentof the L. fc N. R. B. at Nashville, and settlementsmade accordingly- -

Fkojc Bon on Fltehburg Rail Road, Roxton, Worcestor andWestern R R-- . New York Central R R.. lew Tort and Zne RR., Pennsylvania Central R B , Baltimore and Ohio B R.

Faoif NswYoai-Hud-Kn River BR--e- YorkCentralRB..New York snBrieBR.,FennsylvanU Central RR.,Bal- -

rxu-Pennsrlva- nla Csntral R B, Philadel-phia, WllmlngHn and Baltimore R B. Baltimore andXttjlo R B.

Fxust BaMIXOks Pennsylvania. Csntral R R-- , Baltimoreand Ohio R R.

Mark package, via L. fc N, ItR--

J. F. Both, Freight Agt.rsblS dim

stovee! G-2ra.tG.s-

TINPLATE I TINWARE Z c, site,w ja arenas to receipt of s very large eyeholes selectionVV of Coal "and Wood Cook and Heating Stoves, Parlor,

Chamber and Ostee Grates, Tisplate, Block Tin, Copper, sheetIron, Zinc Wire, Pressed, Japaaad and common Tin war, all cfthe very best quality

We are also still soaking thatJustly Celebrated "Wrought iron Coelc

Stoves tbeOXJD KdCBZCXR-Y--

whtaa we ofier at a reduced price. Call and sea for yourselves stHo. 46 North Market Street.

sg2S- -tr P. W. MAIXY fc CO.


Oppotite the Catholic OhvrchSathviBe, 2nruawJ147 ILL practice In the several Courts held Is NashvulVV In the Chancery and OirceJtOoarts at ;niiian.IIl- -mniu-at- r.

Ha wthoriA" for Lease to a GoodTCHUHt.

Desire to place my late residence l.V miles west ef the PnoI lie Square In the handsof a geod Tenant for a of j-- at

contain sherd U atIhe premisesnpon very easy termssuperior soil, item half la cultivation the balance IV shade anblue grass. The house, wilh.3 rooms, reis,exceiilint cellarervsiUn.iTiTI,bosses, stablw.l!.e.?,l SSf0!1

Hut aidVeitrrf iSaorWsfailly, free from the hca t sad da.


deeB-s- f

xsuaK atuas'ti Associatlsm.B B McAllister, I; B S Brlghtwsll, OS; PL Blcaot, S.

V, u v,ffsiKiMr? Miiirsji.u Mr- iis mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwjM . oags- - -.. 7