BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4

Post on 30-May-2018

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  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    Who am I ?

    The scienceof the soul

  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    Who am I ?

    My real identity


    NOT this temporary BODY,but...

    the eternal SOUL !!!

  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    Proof for theexistence

    of the SoulCommon sense

    Intuitive understanding

    Difference between the deadbody and the living person

    The real self I distinct from body, mindand intelligence

  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    Astral body travel

    Consciousness - the symptom of theexistence of the soul

    Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

    Past-life memories

    Eg. Sun rays are sympton of sun

    Consciousness distinguishes a deadbody from a living one

    Conciousness gives the proof of the soul

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    Knowledge of the Soul

    The Soul is :


    BG 7.7

    nainam chindanti sastraninainam dahati pavakah

    na cainam kledayanty apo

    na sosayati marutah

    The soul can never be

    cut to pieces by any

    weapon, nor burned by

    fire, nor moistened by

    water, nor withered by

    the wind

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    BG 2.12

    na tv evaham jatu nasam

    na tvam neme janadhipah

    na caiva na bhavisyamah

    sarve vayam atah param

    Never was there a timewhen I did not exist, nor

    you, nor all these kings;

    nor in the future shall any

    of us cease to be

    BG 15.7

    na tv evaham jatu nasam

    na tvam neme janadhipah

    na caiva na bhavisyamah

    sarve vayam atah param

    Never was there a time

    when I did not exist, noryou, nor all these kings;

    nor in the future shall any

    of us cease to be

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    Body is asat, acit, nirananda

    situated in the region of the heart

    Soul gives the energy to the heart to flutter

    changes bodies

    BG 2.22

    vasamsi jirnani yathavihaya

    navani grhnati naro 'parani

    tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany

    anyani samyati navani dehi

    As a person puts on new

    garments, giving up old

    ones, the soul similarly

    accepts new material

    bodies, giving up the old

    and useless ones

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    BG 2.13

    dehino 'smin yatha dehe

    kaumaram yauvanam jara

    tatha dehantara-praptir

    dhiras tatra na muhyati

    As the embodied soul

    continuously passes, in

    this body, from boyhood

    to youth to old age, the

    soul similarly passes intoanother body at death. A

    sober person is not

    bewildered by such a


  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    infinitesimally small

    Kesa agra sata bhagasya

    Satadha kalpitasyaca

    The size of the soul is 1/10,000 the

    size of the tip of hair.

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    BG 2.25

    avyakto 'yam acintyo 'yam

    avikaryo 'yam ucyate

    tasmad evam viditvainam

    nanusocitum arhasi

    It is said that the soul is

    invisible, inconceivable

    and immutable. Knowing

    this, you should not

    grieve for the body.

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    Matter is formless, The Soulgives form to matter. Eg Shirt

    Matter is dead, spirit giveslife to matter Eg. Car

    Matter undergoes tranformations



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  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    Spirit soul does not undergothese tranformations

    BG 2.20

    na jayate mriyate va


    nayam bhutva bhavita va na


    ajo nityah sasvato 'yam


    na hanyate hanyamanesarire

    For the soul there is

    neither birth nor death at

    any time. He has notcome into being, does not

    come into being, and will

    not come into being. He is

    unborn, eternal, ever-

    existing and primeval. He

    is not slain when the

    body is slain

  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    Gross body Subtle body

    Earth Mind

    Water Intelligence

    Fire False ego



    If one gives up his subtle bodybefore the time of death, he getsliberated

  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    Is man just a powerful

    computer or a robot ?

    Machines are designed andprogrammed by humans.

    Humans have an independentconsciousness.

    (comparison between a camera anda panel of judges watching a drama)

  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    can never become GOD

    Am I GOD ?

    We are :

    not GODS


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    Humans (jivatmas)

    Infinitesimal (anu)

    Cognizant ofones body

    A lovingservitor


    GOD (paramatma)

    Infinite (vibhu)

    Cognizant ofeveryoneand everything

    Eternally aloving master

  • 8/14/2019 BG-Science of Self Realization - Part4


    We are one in quality withGOD, but different inquantity. Our salvationdepends on the

    acceptance of this reality.

    Simply saying is not enough, one

    should act accordingly

    Eg of Birds and the sage

    By chanting mantra,Person becomes

    Brahmabhuta prasannatma