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[1]Oracle® Business Intelligence ApplicationsInstallation Guide

11g Release 1 (


October 2014

Provides the steps to install and set up Oracle BusinessIntelligence Applications.

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide, 11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 2013, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Jill Arehart

Contributors: Oracle Business Intelligence development, product management, and quality assurance teams.

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ ix

Audience...................................................................................................................................................... ixDocumentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... ixRelated Documents .................................................................................................................................... ixConventions ................................................................................................................................................ ix

New Features for Oracle BI Applications Installation .......................................................... xi

New Features for Oracle BI Applications 11g Release 1 ( ................................................... xi

1 Oracle BI Applications Architecture and Installation Overview

1.1 Oracle BI Applications Architecture ........................................................................................ 1-11.2 Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap ........................................................................ 1-2

2 Preinstallation and Deployment Requirements for Oracle BI Applications

2.1 General Guidelines for Setting Up Databases for Oracle BI Applications ......................... 2-12.1.1 Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Databases ................................ 2-12.1.2 Why Use a Separate Database for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse? ......... 2-22.2 Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.............. 2-22.2.1 General Guidelines for Oracle Databases ........................................................................ 2-22.2.2 Using Oracle Template Files .............................................................................................. 2-3

3 Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications

3.1 Hardware Requirements............................................................................................................ 3-13.2 Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications................................................................ 3-13.2.1 Installing JDK or JRockit..................................................................................................... 3-23.2.2 Installing Oracle WebLogic Server.................................................................................... 3-23.2.3 Running Fusion Middleware RCU ................................................................................... 3-33.2.4 Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g..................................... 3-33.2.5 Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence ........................................................................ 3-43.2.6 Upgrading to WebLogic Server 10.3.6 .............................................................................. 3-43.2.7 Installing Oracle Data Integrator....................................................................................... 3-43.3 Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications ............................................................... 3-53.3.1 Creating Database Instances for Schemas and Repositories ......................................... 3-63.3.2 Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU........................ 3-6


3.3.3 Installing Oracle BI Applications Using the Business Analytics ApplicationsSuite Installer ....................................................................................................................... 3-9

3.3.4 Applying Platform Patches ............................................................................................. 3-113.3.5 Updating ATGLite............................................................................................................ 3-133.3.6 Updating FSM ................................................................................................................... 3-143.3.7 Configuring Oracle BI Applications .............................................................................. 3-153.3.8 How to Start the BI and Oracle Data Integrator Managed Servers ........................... 3-193.3.9 Installing ODI Studio ....................................................................................................... 3- Installing ODI Studio ................................................................................................ 3- Configuring User Access for ODI Studio............................................................... 3-203.3.10 Applying the ODI Studio Patch...................................................................................... 3-213.3.11 Copying Source Files........................................................................................................ 3-213.3.12 Next Steps .......................................................................................................................... 3-22

4 Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks

4.1 Setting the Business Analytics Warehouse Connection in Oracle Data Integrator........... 4-14.2 Performing Setup Steps for On-Premise Fusion Applications Sources .............................. 4-24.2.1 Creating a User for ETL ...................................................................................................... 4-24.2.2 Configuring the Oracle BI Repository for ETL................................................................ 4-24.3 Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data

Integrator...................................................................................................................................... 4-64.4 Enabling Offerings for Deployment......................................................................................... 4-94.5 Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business Analytics Warehouse........................ 4-94.6 Running the Domains Load Plan........................................................................................... 4-104.7 Mapping Externally Conformed Domains........................................................................... 4-114.8 Granting Users Access to Configuration Manager, FSM and Oracle Data Integrator... 4-114.9 Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling Document Currency .......... 4-124.10 Enabling Initialization Blocks................................................................................................. 4-144.11 Trimming the RPD................................................................................................................... 4-154.11.1 Extracting Projects From Full RPD................................................................................. 4-154.11.2 Merging Repositories ....................................................................................................... 4-164.12 Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources......................................................... 4-174.12.1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 4-174.12.2 Cloud Adaptor Deployment Options............................................................................ 4-184.12.3 About the Cloud Adaptor Deployment Process .......................................................... 4-204.12.4 Cloud Adaptor Deployment Roadmap......................................................................... 4-204.12.5 Create a Service Request to Deploy Fusion Cloud Adaptor ...................................... 4-214.12.6 Register the Fusion Applications Source....................................................................... 4-214.12.7 Create FA SDS Schema .................................................................................................... 4-274.12.8 Configure UCM Server .................................................................................................... 4-304.13 Next Steps ................................................................................................................................. 4-32

5 Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor

5.1 Use Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to Configure Cloud Extract............ 5-15.2 Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields ....................................................................................... 5-55.3 Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations.................................................. 5-13


A Repository Creation Utility Screens

A.1 Welcome ...................................................................................................................................... A-1A.2 Create Repository....................................................................................................................... A-1A.3 Database Connection Details.................................................................................................... A-2A.3.1 Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle Databases

Enabled for Edition-Based Redefinition......................................................................... A-2A.3.2 Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle MySQL Databases.............................. A-3A.3.3 Specifying Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server Databases.................. A-3A.3.4 Specifying Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases........................................ A-4A.4 Select Components..................................................................................................................... A-4A.4.1 Creating Database Users for IBM DB2 Databases.......................................................... A-5A.4.2 Creating Prefixes................................................................................................................. A-5A.4.3 Selecting Components and Dependencies ...................................................................... A-5A.4.4 Specifying Custom Schema Names.................................................................................. A-6A.4.5 Checking Schema Prerequisites........................................................................................ A-6A.4.6 Dropping Schemas.............................................................................................................. A-6A.5 Schema Passwords..................................................................................................................... A-6A.6 Custom Variables ....................................................................................................................... A-7A.6.1 Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications............ A-7A.6.2 Specifying Custom Variables for Master and Work Repository (ODI) ...................... A-7A.6.3 Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph and

Analytics.............................................................................................................................. A-8A.7 Map Tablespaces ........................................................................................................................ A-8A.7.1 Default Tablespace Mappings........................................................................................... A-9A.7.2 Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces............................................................. A-9A.7.3 Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces............................................................ A-9A.7.4 Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles............................................................................... A-9A.7.4.1 Adding, Modifying, and Removing Tablespaces ................................................... A-9A.7.4.2 Adding, Modifying, and Removing Datafiles....................................................... A-10A. Adding a Datafile ............................................................................................... A-10A. Modifying a Datafile .......................................................................................... A-10A. Deleting a Datafile.............................................................................................. A-11A.8 Summary ................................................................................................................................... A-11A.9 Completion Summary ............................................................................................................. A-11

B Installer Screens Common to All Oracle Fusion Middleware Suites

B.1 Specify Inventory Location....................................................................................................... B-1B.2 Inventory Location Confirmation............................................................................................ B-2B.3 Welcome ...................................................................................................................................... B-2B.4 Prerequisite Checks ................................................................................................................... B-3B.5 Security Updates ........................................................................................................................ B-3B.6 Software Updates....................................................................................................................... B-4B.7 Installation Location .................................................................................................................. B-4B.8 Application Server ..................................................................................................................... B-6B.9 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... B-6B.10 Installation Progress .................................................................................................................. B-7


B.11 Configuration Progress ............................................................................................................. B-7B.12 Complete ..................................................................................................................................... B-8

C Oracle BI Applications Installation and Configuration Screens

C.1 Welcome (When Running Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer) .................... C-1C.2 Specify Installation Location (When Running Business Analytics Applications Suite

Installer)...................................................................................................................................... C-2C.3 Welcome (When Running the configApps.bat/sh File)....................................................... C-2C.4 Extend BI Domain...................................................................................................................... C-2C.5 Specify Installation Location (When Running the configApps.bat/sh File) ..................... C-3C.6 Configure Components............................................................................................................. C-3C.7 RPD Encryption Password ....................................................................................................... C-4C.8 BI Applications Administrator User ....................................................................................... C-4C.9 MDS Schema............................................................................................................................... C-4C.10 BI Applications Components Repository Schema ................................................................ C-4C.11 Business Analytics Warehouse Schema.................................................................................. C-5C.12 BI Applications ODI Repository Schema ............................................................................... C-5C.13 Configure Ports .......................................................................................................................... C-6

D Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager System Setup UI Reference

D.1 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Source System Tab .......................... D-1D.2 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Target Warehouse Tab ................... D-3D.3 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Environment Configuration Tab .. D-4D.4 Edit Business Analytics Warehouse Dialog ........................................................................... D-4D.5 Edit Preferred Currency Name Dialog ................................................................................... D-4D.6 Edit Source Dialog ..................................................................................................................... D-4D.6.1 Edit Source in Configuration Manager............................................................................ D-5D.6.2 Edit Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology............................................................ D-5D.6.2.1 Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information..................................................... D-5D.6.2.2 Provide Context Details.............................................................................................. D-5D.6.2.3 Provide Connection Details ....................................................................................... D-6D. Technology: Oracle............................................................................................... D-6D. Technology: File System...................................................................................... D-6D.7 Manage BI Applications: BI Application Offerings Tab....................................................... D-7D.8 Manage BI Applications: BI Application Offerings and Associated Sources Tab............ D-7D.9 Manage Preferred Currencies .................................................................................................. D-8D.10 Manage Warehouse Languages ............................................................................................... D-8D.11 Register Source Dialog .............................................................................................................. D-8D.11.1 Register Source in Configuration Manager .................................................................... D-9D.11.2 Register Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology..................................................... D-9D.11.2.1 Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information..................................................... D-9D.11.2.2 Provide Context Details............................................................................................ D-10D.11.2.3 Provide Connection Details ..................................................................................... D-10D. Technology: Oracle............................................................................................. D-10D. Technology: File System.................................................................................... D-10


E Generating DDL and Assigning Tablespaces to Tables and Indexes

E.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................... E-1E.2 Generating the Business Analytics Warehouse DDL ........................................................... E-2E.3 Patching Oracle BI Applications.............................................................................................. E-4E.4 Assigning Tablespaces .............................................................................................................. E-4

F Integrating Interactive Dashboards and Siebel Operational Applications Data

F.1 Updating the Siebel Operational Application ....................................................................... F-1F.2 Reapplying Customized Style Sheets...................................................................................... F-2F.3 How to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle's Siebel Web Server

Extension (SWSE)....................................................................................................................... F-3F.4 Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services .......... F-3F.5 Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligence and the SWSE.... F-4F.6 About Configuring Oracle BI Action Links ........................................................................... F-4F.7 Accessing Optional Analytics Applications........................................................................... F-4F.8 Customizing Oracle BI Application Home Page and Dashboards..................................... F-5F.8.1 Configure a new Home Page to use a symbolic URL.................................................... F-6F.8.2 Determine the Oracle BI Report Path Argument ........................................................... F-7F.8.3 Add Views for Custom Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards........................................... F-7F.9 Viewing Information About Preconfigured Dashboards .................................................... F-8F.9.1 Exposing Dashboards and Requests ................................................................................ F-8F.9.2 Locating Dashboards, Page Names and Reports ........................................................... F-8

G Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area

G.1 About Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area ....................................... G-1

H Available Languages for Oracle BI Applications Release

H.1 Available Languages for Release H-1





Oracle Business Intelligence Applications is a comprehensive suite of prebuiltsolutions that delivers pervasive intelligence across an organization, empoweringusers at all levels - from front line operational users to senior management - with thekey information they need to maximize effectiveness. Intuitive and role-based, thesesolutions transform and integrate data from a range of enterprise sources andcorporate data warehouses into actionable insight that enables more effective actions,decisions, and processes.

Oracle BI Applications is built on Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition(Oracle BI EE), a comprehensive set of enterprise business intelligence tools andinfrastructure, including a scalable and efficient query and analysis server, an ad-hocquery and analysis tool, interactive dashboards, proactive intelligence and alerts, andan enterprise reporting engine.

AudienceThis document is intended for managers and implementers of Oracle BI Applications.

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Forinformation, visit orvisit if you are hearingimpaired.

Related DocumentsSee the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications documentation library at for a list of related OracleBusiness Intelligence Applications documents: .

ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associatedwith an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables forwhich you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, codein examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



New Features for Oracle BI ApplicationsInstallation

This chapter describes changes to installation features in Oracle BI Applications 11gRelease 1 (

New Features for Oracle BI Applications 11g Release 1 ( are no new Oracle BI Applications installation features in this release. Thisrevision of the guide includes instructions on how to set up Oracle BI Applicationswith Fusion Applications sources on Oracle Cloud.



Oracle BI Applications Architecture and Installation Overview 1-1

1Oracle BI Applications Architecture andInstallation Overview

[2]This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Business Intelligence Applicationsarchitecture and installation process.

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 1.1, "Oracle BI Applications Architecture"

■ Section 1.2, "Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap"

1.1 Oracle BI Applications ArchitectureFigure 1–1 shows the Oracle BI Applications deployment architecture.

Figure 1–1 Oracle BI Applications Deployment Architecture

Components Deployed Into Manager Server "bi_server1"■ Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager - This component is a Web

application that enables you to perform system setups, functionally configure yourBI Applications, and define, generate, run, and monitor load plans.

Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap

1-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

■ Functional Setup Manager - (Depicted as FSM in Figure 1–1) This component is aWeb application used by Configuration Manager for sequenced taskimplementation and task dependency management.

■ Load Plan Generator - This component is a set of jar files used to create load plansin the Oracle Data Integrator Repository.

■ ATGLite - This component is a J2EE component used by Oracle BI ApplicationsConfiguration Manager and Functional Setup Manager.

Components Deployed Into Managed Server "odi_server1"■ ODI Console - This component enables you to control and monitor ETL.

■ ODI Agent - This component is a Java EE Agent, which handles schedules andorchestrates sessions.

Oracle BI Applications Repositories■ Business Analytics Warehouse - The Business Analytics Warehouse is a unified

data repository for all customer-centric data, which supports the analyticalrequirements of the supported source systems. The Business Analytics Warehouseis supported only on Oracle Database.

■ Business Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) - Thisis the repository for Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager. Itcontains load plan definitions as well as BI Applications product hierarchy, setupobjects, such as parameters and domain mappings, and a list of functional tasks.This repository is supported only on Oracle Database.

■ Business Intelligence Applications I/O Schema - This schema is a mirror schemaand is used by all other components to read the BIACOMP schema. It supportsread/write of configuration and functional setup data through ETL processes.

■ Oracle Data Integrator Repository for BI Applications - This repository containsthe BI Applications-specific prebuilt ETL logic.

Client TierAs depicted in Figure 1–1, the client host machine shows the Configuration Managerand Oracle Data Integrator Console accessed through Web browsers. ODI Studio isinstalled on a developer client machine. For BI Applications usage, ODI SDK must beinstalled along with ODI Studio.

Additional ToolsGolden Gate is an optional tool integrated with Oracle BI Applications. It enables youto optimize ETL loads and reduce impact on the source system, using asource-dependent data store.

For information about deploying Golden Gate in an Oracle BI Applicationsenvironment, see Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Administrator's Guide.

ETL ArchitectureFor information about ETL architecture, see the section titled "ETL Overview," inOracle Business Intelligence Applications ETL Guide.

1.2 Oracle BI Applications Installation RoadmapThe process of installing and configuring Oracle BI Applications includes thefollowing high-level steps:

Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap

Oracle BI Applications Architecture and Installation Overview 1-3

1. Review the System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle TechnologyNetwork at

2. Review preinstallation and deployment requirements.

3. Install prerequisites:

■ Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition:

– Software Only Install mode requires WebLogic Server 10.3.6 as aprerequisite.

– Enterprise Install mode installs WebLogic Server 10.3.5. You must upgradeto WebLogic Server 10.3.6 after installation of Oracle BI Applications iscomplete.

■ Oracle Data Integrator.

4. Create schemas for Oracle BI Applications

In this step you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite Repository CreationUtility (RCU) to create the necessary schemas for Oracle BI Applications.

5. Install Oracle BI Applications.

In this step you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer to installthe binary files for Oracle BI Applications.

6. Apply Fusion Middleware Platform Patches.

7. Configure BI Applications.

This step is the configuration phase of the installation process. In this step youconfigure Oracle Business Intelligence Applications with the configuration script.

8. Apply post-installation patches.

9. Perform system setup tasks.

You perform system setups to complete integration of the Oracle BI Applicationscomponents and to ready the system for functional configurations and data loads.

10. Configure non-Oracle source databases.

This step is required only if your source database is not Oracle Database.

11. If you are deploying Cloud Adaptor, then follow the steps in Section 4.12, "SettingUp Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources".

12. If you are deploying Key Flex Fields for Financials, then before you execute thisLoad Plan you must follow the steps in Chapter 5, "Setting Up Key Flex Fields forFinancials Cloud Adaptor".

Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap

1-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide


Preinstallation and Deployment Requirements for Oracle BI Applications 2-1

2Preinstallation and Deployment Requirementsfor Oracle BI Applications

[3]This chapter describes the preinstallation and deployment requirements for Oracle BIApplications.

This section contains the following topics:

■ Section 2.1, "General Guidelines for Setting Up Databases for Oracle BIApplications"

■ Section 2.2, "Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business AnalyticsWarehouse"

2.1 General Guidelines for Setting Up Databases for Oracle BIApplications

This section contains the following topics:

■ Section 2.1.1, "Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Databases"

■ Section 2.1.2, "Why Use a Separate Database for the Oracle Business AnalyticsWarehouse?"

2.1.1 Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse DatabasesThe following guidelines will help you set up the data warehouse physical databasefor performance and growth:

■ Allocate around 50 to 70 percent of the total available server memory to thedatabase, assuming no other application is running on the same server.

■ At a minimum, separate the data and index tablespaces. Create more tablespacesto separate heavily used tables and their indexes.

■ Oracle recommends using 8k block size for Oracle warehouses. For moreinformation about block size and Oracle databases, see the Oracle Database 11gDocumentation Library on Oracle Technology Network.

■ If you are using multiple disk storage systems, stripe the tablespace containers andfiles across as many disks as possible.

■ Raw devices for tablespaces provide better performance as compared to cookedfile systems.

■ RAID-5 is known to give a good balance of performance and availability.

Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

2-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

2.1.2 Why Use a Separate Database for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse?Although it is technically possible to put the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse inthe same database as the transactional database, it is not recommended forperformance reasons. The transactional database is structured as an online transactionprocessing (OLTP) database, whereas the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse isstructured as an online analytical processing (OLAP) database, each optimized for itsown purpose. The reasons for not combining the two databases are the following:

■ ETL is configured to maximize hardware resources; and, therefore, the warehouseshould not share any resources with any other projects.

■ The analytical queries interfere with normal use of the transactional database,which is entering and managing individual transactions.

■ The data in a transactional database is normalized for update efficiency.Transactional queries join several normalized tables and will be slow (as opposedto pre-joined, de-normalized analytical tables).

■ Historical data cannot be purged from a transactional database, even if notrequired for current transaction processing, because you need it for analysis. (Bycontrast, the analytical database is the warehouse for historical as well as currentdata.) This causes the transactional database to further slow down.

■ Transactional databases are tuned for one specific application, and it is notproductive to use these separate transactional databases for analytical queries thatusually span more than one functional application.

■ The analytical database can be specifically tuned for the analytical queries andExtract-Transform-Load (ETL) processing. These are quite different fromtransactional database requirements.

2.2 Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business AnalyticsWarehouse

This section contains guidelines that are specific to Oracle databases, and contains thefollowing topics:

■ Section 2.2.1, "General Guidelines for Oracle Databases"

■ Section 2.2.2, "Using Oracle Template Files"

2.2.1 General Guidelines for Oracle DatabasesThis section contains additional suggestions for optimizing performance for Oracledatabases.

■ Oracle BI Applications on Oracle databases support only binary sorting. If you arerunning an Oracle client, do one of the following:

– Set the NLS_SORT parameter to BINARY.

– Choose a NLS_LANG setting that includes binary.

These settings are required for adequate performance from the dedicated Webclient.

■ It is recommended that you gather workload system statistics.

■ To increase data throughput between Oracle BI Server and the Oracle database,change SDU and TDU settings in listener.ora. The default is 2 KB and can beincreased to 8 KB.

Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

Preinstallation and Deployment Requirements for Oracle BI Applications 2-3

■ On the server side, edit the listener.ora file. Under the particular SID_LIST entry,modify SID_DESC as follows:


SID_DESC = (SDU=16384)(TDU=16384)ORACLE_HOME = /.....)SID_NAME = SOLAP)


■ Set the number of log file groups to 4.

■ On the client side, edit the tnsnames.ora file. Modify the TNS alias by addingSDU= and TDU= as follows: = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST=myhost)(PORT=1521))


2.2.2 Using Oracle Template FilesTo configure the Business Analytics Data Warehouse on Oracle databases more easily,refer to the parameter template file init11gR2_template.ora file or init11gR2_Exadata_template.ora, which are stored in \<BI_Oracle_Home>\biapps\etl.

The parameter template file provides parameter guidelines based on the cost-basedoptimizer for Oracle 11gR2. Use these guidelines as a starting point. You will need tomake changes based on your specific database sizes, data shape, server size (CPU andmemory), and type of storage. The database administrator should make changes to thesettings based on performance monitoring and tuning.

Copy the appropriate template file into your <ORACLE_HOME>/dbs directory. Then,review the recommendations in the template file, and make the changes based on yourspecific database configuration. The database administrator should make changes tothe settings based on performance monitoring and tuning considerations.

Note: The NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter enables you todefine byte- or character-length semantics. Oracle BI Applicationssupports BYTE and CHAR values for this parameter. If you are usingMLS characters, then you can add this parameter to the parametertemplate file for your database version (that is, the init<DBversion>.ora file).

Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

2-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide


Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications 3-1

3Installing and Setting Up Oracle BIApplications

[4]This chapter provides instructions for installing and setting up Oracle BI Applications.

This chapter contains the following main topics:

■ Section 3.1, "Hardware Requirements"

■ Section 3.2, "Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications"

■ Section 3.3, "Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications"

3.1 Hardware RequirementsThe hardware requirements for Oracle BI Applications are as follows:

■ 10-12 GB of free memory and 10 GB Swap Space for run-time requirements.

■ 35 GB free disk space and 10 GB Swap Space to run the Business AnalyticsApplications Suite installer. This disk space will be released after the installerfinishes.

For additional information about hardware requirements for Oracle BI EE and OracleData Integrator, go to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported SystemConfigurations page at and see System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

3.2 Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BI ApplicationsThis section provides information about the components you must install before youinstall Oracle BI Applications.

Note: For the specific versions of the prerequisite productssupported for this release of Oracle BI Applications, go to the OracleFusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page at and see System Requirements andSupported Platforms.

Note: When you run the Oracle Business Intelligence 11g installer,you can select either the Software Only Install or Enterprise Installoption. If you select the Software Only Install option, then you mustinstall WebLogic Server 10.3.6 before running the Oracle BI EEinstaller. If you select the Enterprise Install option, WebLogic Server10.3.5 is automatically installed. You must then upgrade to WebLogicServer 10.3.6 after installing Oracle Business Intelligence EnterpriseEdition.

Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications

3-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

This section contains the following topics:

■ Section 3.2.1, "Installing JDK or JRockit"

■ Section 3.2.2, "Installing Oracle WebLogic Server"

■ Section 3.2.3, "Running Fusion Middleware RCU"

■ Section 3.2.4, "Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g"

■ Section 3.2.5, "Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence"

■ Section 3.2.6, "Upgrading to WebLogic Server 10.3.6"

■ Section 3.2.7, "Installing Oracle Data Integrator"

3.2.1 Installing JDK or JRockitThe Business Analytics Applications Suite installer, which you run to install Oracle BIApplications, requires JDK version 1.6.0_35 or higher or JRockit version 6u37 R28.2.5or higher.

Oracle BI EE, WebLogic Server, and Oracle Data Integrator also require JDK andJRockit. For the supported versions, go to the Oracle Fusion Middleware SupportedSystem Configurations page at and see System Requirements and Supported Platforms. Make surethe version of JDK or JRockit you install meets the requirements for all products.

Note: You must use the 64-bit version of JDK or JRockit to install on 64-bit machines.On Windows, the location of the JDK must be on the same drive as the installers.

3.2.2 Installing Oracle WebLogic ServerOracle BI Applications requires WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6).

If you choose to install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI EE)using the Software Only Install option, then you must install WebLogic Server 10.3.6by following the instructions in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for OracleWebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6).

If you choose to install Oracle BI EE using the Enterprise Install option, then you donot have to perform this step, because WebLogic Server 10.3.5 is automaticallyinstalled. However, you must upgrade to WebLogic Server 10.3.6 after the Oracle BIApplications installation is complete. For instructions on upgrading WebLogic Server,see Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1(10.3.6).

Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications

Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications 3-3

3.2.3 Running Fusion Middleware RCUBefore installing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, you must run theFusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create the necessary schemas.In the Select Components screen of the RCU, make sure you select the options toinstall the following schemas:

■ Metadata Services (appears under AS Common Schemas)

Make a note of the Metadata Services schema owner name and password. You willneed these values when you run the configApps.bat or file to set upOracle BI Applications.

■ Business Intelligence Platform (appears under Oracle Business Intelligence)

Caution: Do not select the option to install the Oracle Data Integratorschema. You will install an Oracle BI Applications-specific ODIschema when you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU.

For instructions on running the Fusion Middleware RCU, see Oracle BusinessIntelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Installation and Upgrade Guide.

3.2.4 Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11gOracle BI Applications requires an installation of Oracle Business IntelligenceEnterprise Edition 11g deployed on WebLogic Server 10.3.6. WebLogic Server 10.3.5 isnot supported.

When you run the Oracle Business Intelligence 11g installer, you can select either theSoftware Only Install or Enterprise Install option. If you select the Software OnlyInstall option, then you must install WebLogic Server 10.3.6 before running the OracleBI EE installer. If you select the Enterprise Install option, WebLogic Server 10.3.5 isautomatically installed. You must then upgrade to WebLogic Server 10.3.6 after theOracle BI Applications installation is complete.

For instructions on installing WebLogic Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware InstallationGuide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

For instructions on installing Oracle BI EE, see Oracle Business Intelligence SuiteEnterprise Edition Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Note the following points:

■ Oracle BI EE must be deployed on WebLogic. Websphere is not supported forOracle BI Applications.

■ The BI Domain should not be extended or scaled out before running the BusinessAnalytics Applications Suite installer.

■ Installing Oracle BI EE using the Simple Install mode is not supported.

■ Installing Oracle BI EE on Windows 32-bit and Linux 32-bit is not supported forOracle BI Applications.

■ If you are installing Oracle BI EE in Enterprise Install mode, on the ConfigureComponents screen, for Oracle BI Applications, you must select thefollowing four options:

– Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

– Business Intelligence Publisher.

Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications

3-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

– Real-Time Decisions.

– Essbase Suite.

3.2.5 Configuring Oracle Business IntelligenceYou configure the BI Domain by running the config.bat or file. You need toperform this procedure if you installed Oracle BI EE in Software Only Install mode.

Note: If you installed Oracle BI EE in Enterprise Install mode, you do not have toperform this procedure. The BI Domain was configured as part of Section 3.2.4,"Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g."

The config.bat and files are located in <BI_Oracle_Home>/bin.

When running the config.bat file (or on Linux/UNIX), do the following:

■ On the Create or Scale Out BI System screen, select Create New BI System.

For information about the options in this screen, see Section A.4, "Create, ScaleOut, or Extend BI System," in Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise EditionInstallation and Upgrade Guide.

■ On the Configure Components screen, for Oracle BI Applications release,you must select the following four options:

– Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

– Business Intelligence Publisher (will be automatically selected).

– Real-Time Decisions.

– Essbase Suite.

Note: Do not scale out the BI Domain.

3.2.6 Upgrading to WebLogic Server 10.3.6Oracle BI Applications requires WebLogic Server 10.3.6. If you installed Oracle BI EEin Enterprise Install mode, then WebLogic Server 10.3.5 was automatically installed.You must now upgrade to WebLogic Server 10.3.6. The WebLogic Upgrade Installerallows you to upgrade to WebLogic Server 10.3.6. The Upgrade Installer is available onMy Oracle Support ( For instructions on downloading theUpgrade Installer and upgrading to WebLogic 10.3.6, see Oracle Fusion MiddlewareGetting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6), andlocate the section titled "Upgrade Installer," under the section "Obtaining theInstallation Program."

3.2.7 Installing Oracle Data IntegratorOracle BI Applications requires an installation of Oracle Data Integrator 11g. For thespecific version of Oracle Data Integrator that is supported for this release of Oracle BIApplications, go to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurationspage at and see System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

For detailed information on installing Oracle Data Integrator, see Oracle FusionMiddleware Installation Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

Note the following points:

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■ On the Oracle Data Integrator installer Welcome screen, ignore the messageregarding creation of the Oracle Data Integrator Repository. You will create theOracle Data Integrator Repository for Oracle BI Applications later when you runthe Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU.

■ On the Select Installation Type screen, select all the components under Java EEInstallation, that is, Java EE Agent, ODI Console, and Public Web Service.

■ On the Select Installation Type screen, if you also choose to install ODI Studio,then you must also select the ODI SDK option.

■ On the Specify Installation Locations screen, enter the Middleware Home whereOracle BI EE is installed. Note: The installation of Oracle Data Integrator in otherlocations is not supported for BI Applications.

■ If you chose to install ODI Studio, then on the Repository Configuration screen,you must select the Skip Repository Configuration option.

The Oracle Data Integrator installer is a generic installer. To launch the installer, useone of the following commands:

Platform Command

Windows setup.exe -jreLoc <location of jdk or jrockit>

For example:

setup.exe -jreLoc C:\jdk

Note: For information about the JDK or JRockit requirements, seeSection 3.2.1, "Installing JDK or JRockit."

UNIX and Linux ./runInstaller -jreLoc <location of jdk or jrockit>

3.3 Installing and Configuring Oracle BI ApplicationsThis section provides instructions for installing and configuring Oracle BIApplications.

You must perform the following procedures in the order as they appear:

■ Section 3.3.1, "Creating Database Instances for Schemas and Repositories"

■ Section 3.3.2, "Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications SuiteRCU"

■ Section 3.3.3, "Installing Oracle BI Applications Using the Business AnalyticsApplications Suite Installer"

■ Section 3.3.4, "Applying Platform Patches"

■ Section 3.3.5, "Updating ATGLite"

■ Section 3.3.6, "Updating FSM"

■ Section 3.3.7, "Configuring Oracle BI Applications"

■ Section 3.3.8, "How to Start the BI and Oracle Data Integrator Managed Servers"

■ Section 3.3.9, "Installing ODI Studio"

■ Section 3.3.10, "Applying the ODI Studio Patch"

■ Section 3.3.11, "Copying Source Files"

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

■ Section 3.3.12, "Next Steps"

3.3.1 Creating Database Instances for Schemas and RepositoriesBefore you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU and installer, you mustcreate database instances to hold the following:

■ Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

■ Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (for Configuration Manager andFunctional Setup Manager).

■ Oracle Data Integrator Repository for Oracle BI Applications (includes Master andWork repositories).

Note the following points:

■ For this release of Oracle BI Applications, the following components are supportedonly on Oracle Database Enterprise Edition:

– Business Analytics Warehouse

– BI Applications Components Repository.

– Oracle Data Integrator Repository for BI Applications

■ For the specific version of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition supported for thisrelease of Oracle BI Applications, go to the Oracle Fusion Middleware SupportedSystem Configurations page at and see System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

■ The Oracle Database Enterprise Edition must be configured with UNICODE.

■ The Business Analytics Warehouse, BI Applications Components Repository, andOracle Data Integrator Repository can be installed on different database servers.

■ The Oracle Data Integrator Master and Work repositories are installed into thesame schema.

■ Review Section 2.1.1, "Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics WarehouseDatabases," for information about database requirements for the BusinessAnalytics Warehouse.

3.3.2 Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCUYou need to run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU to create schemas forthe following components:

■ Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

■ Oracle Business Applications Components

■ Oracle Data Integrator Repository for Oracle BI Applications

Before you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU, note the followingpoints:

■ On Windows machines, make sure that you unzip the downloaded RCU .zip fileinto a directory that does not have spaces in the directory path.

■ The RCU uses .dmp files to create the required schemas. You must copy the .dmpfiles for each schema to a directory with global write access on the appropriatedatabase server machines. (RCU writes log files to this directory.) The .dmp filesare located in BIA_RCU_HOME/rcu/integration/biapps/schema.

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■ To create schemas with RCU on Oracle databases, you must possess the DBAprivilege and be logged in as SYSDBA (for example, as user SYS, with the SYSDBArole selected).

■ If you are creating schemas on different databases, then you will need to run RCUmultiple times, once for each database connections, because the databaseconnections are different for the different database servers.

To create the Oracle BI Applications schemas using the Business AnalyticsApplications Suite RCU:

1. Access the bin directory in the BIA_RCU_HOME.

2. Start RCU, as follows:



■ Windows:


3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

4. On the Create Repository screen, select Create, and then click Next.

5. On the Database Connection Details screen, specify the connection details for thedatabase in which you want to store the schemas. Note that you must possess theDBA privilege and be logged in as SYSDBA (for example, as user SYS).

Specify the following database connection details:

Field Name Action

Database Type Select Oracle Database.

Other database types are not supported in this release.

Host Name Specify the fully qualified host name of the machine hosting thedatabase. For example,

Port Specify the port number over which the database communicates.The default port number for an Oracle database is 1521.

Service Name Specify the service name for the database. Typically, the servicename is the same as the global database name.

Username Specify the user name for the database. The default user name isSYS. The user must have DBA or SYSDBA privileges.

Password Specify the password for the username specified in theUsername field.

Role Select SYSDBA.

6. Click Next to display the Select Components screen.

7. On the Select Components screen, near the top of the dialog, select Create a newPrefix.

The default prefix is DEV. You can change the prefix.

RCU automatically creates the schema owner (schema name) in the formatprefix_schemaname.

Select the following options:

Schema Option Default Schema Owner

Oracle Business AnalyticsWarehouse

<prefix>_DW (required for all deployments).

Oracle Business ApplicationsComponents

<prefix>_BIACOMP (required for all deployments).

When you select the BI Applications ComponentsRepository (BIACOMP), RCU will create an additionalschema, named BIACM_IO. Do not modify or deletethis schema. It is required for metadata access by thedifferent Oracle BI Applications components.

Oracle Data Integrator Master andWork Repository

<prefix>_BIA_ODIREPO (required for alldeployments).

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8. Click Next to display the Schema Passwords screen.

9. On the Schema Passwords screen, specify and confirm a password for theschemas, then click Next to proceed to the Custom Variables screen.

Note: The RCU uses .dmp files to create the required schemas.Before you perform the action in the Custom Variables screen, youmust copy the .dmp files for each schema to a directory with globalwrite access on the appropriate database server host machine. (RCUwrites log files to this directory). The .dmp files are located in BIA_RCU_HOME\rcu\integration\biapps\schema.

10. In the Value field in the Custom Variables screen, for each schema enter thedirectory path of the folder on the database server that contains the .dmp file.

Note: Do not include the name of the .dmp file in the directory path.

Click Next to proceed to the Map Tablespaces screen.

11. The Map Tablespaces screen displays the default and temporary tablespaces forthe schemas. On this screen, do the following:

a. Leave the default values for Default Tablespace and Temp Tablespace for eachschema.

b. Set the temporary tablespace size for the data warehouse tablespacesaccording to the values in the table below:

- Click Manage Tablespaces.

- In the left-side navigation panel, select the appropriate tablespace name.

- In the main window, select the tablespace name under the Datafiles heading.

- Click the Edit icon to display the Datafile dialog.

- In the Edit Datafile dialog, set the temporary tablespace size according to thetable below:

Tablespace Value

<prefix>_DW_DATA Size: 20 GB

Maximum Size: Unlimited

Leave the remaining default values.

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Click OK to exit the Edit Datafile dialog. Then, click Next in the Map Tablespacesscreen, and click OK in the message dialog to create the tablespaces for theschemas.

12. On the Summary screen, click Create to start the schema creation process.

When the schemas are created with no errors, the Completion Summary screen isdisplayed.

13. On the Completion Summary screen, click Close.

3.3.3 Installing Oracle BI Applications Using the Business Analytics Applications SuiteInstaller

Run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer to install Oracle BIApplications. This installer runs in software only mode.

You must run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer on the machine whereyou ran the Oracle BI EE installer. All files are installed to disk in the Oracle Home forBI directory. Note that you will perform post-installation steps to configure Oracle BIApplications in a later procedure.

Prerequisite to Running the Business Analytics Applications Suite InstallerMake sure you have met the following prerequisites before you run the BusinessAnalytics Applications Suite installer:

■ The installer is a generic installer and requires JDK or JRockit to be installed. SeeSection 3.2.1, "Installing JDK or JRockit," for more information.

■ 35 GB free disk space is required to run the Business Analytics Applications Suiteinstaller. This disk space will be released after the installer finishes.

To run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer:

1. Launch the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer by entering thefollowing:

The Business Analytics Applications Suite installer displays the Welcome screen.

<prefix>_DW_IDX Size: 5 GB

Maximum Size: Unlimited

Leave the remaining default values.

<prefix>_DW_STG Size: 10 GB

Maximum Size: Unlimited

Leave the remaining default values.

<prefix>_DW_TEMP Size: 15 GB

Maximum Size: Unlimited

Leave the remaining default values.

Tablespace Value

Platform Command

Windows In a command prompt:

setup.exe -jreLoc <Drive:\...\jdk or jrockit location>

Where jdk or jrockit location is the directory that contains the binfolder.

For example:

setup.exe -jreLoc C:\jdk

UNIX and Linux ./runInstaller -jreLoc <jdk or jrockit location>

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-10 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Note: If you are running the installer on a Linux machine that does not have thefile /etc/oraInst.loc, the Specify Inventory Location screen will display. Forinformation about this screen, see Section B.1, "Specify Inventory Location."

2. Click Next to display the Prerequisite Checks screen.

This screen analyzes the host computer to ensure that specific operating systemprerequisites have been met. If any of the prerequisite checks fail, then an errormessage appears in the bottom portion of the screen. Fix the error and click Retryto try again. If you want to ignore the error or warning messages and continuewith the installation, click Continue. Click Abort to stop prerequisite checking forall components.

3. Click Next to display the Specify Installation Location screen.

4. In the Specify Installation Location screen, specify the details of the Oracle BI EEinstallation.

Field Action


Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware homewhere Oracle BI EE has been installed.

If you do not know the location of the directory, click Browse to locate thedirectory on your system.

Oracle HomeDirectory

Specify the Oracle Home for BI; for example, Oracle_BI1. Do not specifyany other Oracle home or choose to create a new one. The Oracle Homefor BI directory is where the software binary files for Oracle BIApplications will be installed.

If you are installing on a Windows operating system, make sure that the directorypaths are valid and do not contain double back-slashes (\\).

5. Click Next to display the Summary screen.

6. In the Summary screen, review the summary information, and click Next to startthe installation.

The installer installs the Oracle BI Applications folders and files in the OracleHome for BI directory.

Note: Even when the progress bar on the installer reports 100%complete, you must wait until the Finish button is displayed.

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Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications 3-11

7. Click Finish.

3.3.4 Applying Platform PatchesYou must apply Fusion Middleware platform patches. The patches are available fordownload as part of the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications mediapack. Oracle BI EE patches from Bundle Patch 131017 are included and will be appliedto Oracle BI EE

You will run a script to apply the patches. The script is a Perl script and is available in<BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bin/

The Perl script you will run to apply the patches requires a parameter input file(apply_patches_import.txt). In this procedure, before you run the Perl script, you willupdate the parameter input file to reflect the appropriate directory paths.

Notes on PatchingThe BI Administration Tool has to be patched to BI 131017 as follows: If you haveapplied the BI EE Bundle Patch 131017 as part of the procedure 3.3.4 ApplyingPlatform Patches, or if you had applied Bundle Patch 13107 earlier but had not appliedthe patch to your BI Administration Tool instances, then you must patch BIAdministration Tool as part of this procedure.

If you have applied a Bundle Patch version higher than 131017, then you must ensurethat BI Administration Tool has been appropriately patched.

The BI EE Client Installer executable is delivered in patch p17463403_111170_Generic.This patch is available in

- PATCH_ROOT_DIR\biappsshiphome\generic or

- PATCH_ROOT_DIR/biappsshiphome/generic. For the location of your PATCH_ROOT_DIR, see Section 3.3.4 Applying Platform Patches.

System administrators must provide the BI EE Client Installer executable todevelopers who have installed BI Administration Tool on Windows machines. OnWindows machines where BI Administration Tool has been installed:

Run biee_client_install_x64.exe obtained on unzip of the patch zip file.

Select 'Modify an existing instance'.

Note: If BI Clients have not been installed then provide the biee_client_install_x64.exeexecutable file in the patch to developers to install the BI Clients. Run biee_client_install_x64.exe obtained on unzip of the patch zip file. Select "Install a new instance".

To apply platform patches:

1. Shut down WebLogic Administration Server, Managed Server, and Node Manager.Shut down BI processes using Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server(OPMN).

2. Download "Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Patches for Oracle BusinessIntelligence Applications" and "Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Patches forOracle Business Intelligence Applications for <OS> from the Oracle BusinessIntelligence Applications media pack on Oracle Software DeliveryCloud. Download all parts.

3. Extract all .zip files into the same Patch Home directory, as follows:

Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip files containing the patches into thesame directory, for example, C:\patches or PATCH_HOME/patches.

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-12 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Note: The directory structure of the extracted contents is notpatches4fa/dist/ps6rc3. The patches are contained in folders: biappsshiphome,odi, weblogic and oracle_common. You do not have to unzip the individualpatches.

4. Update the parameter input file (apply_patches_import.txt) to reflect the paths asspecified in the text file:

a. Create a writable directory where logs and temporary patch files will bestored. In the apply_patches_import.txt file, you will set the WORKDIR= variableto point to the path for this directory.

b. Open apply_patches_import.txt, which is located in the <BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bin directory.

c. Specify the following directory paths:

Directory Path

JAVA_HOME Path of the JDK you installed for your platform.

INVENTORY_LOC Path of the Oracle\Inventory directory.

For example:

C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.

ORACLE_HOME Path of the Oracle Home for BI directory.

MW_HOME Path of the Oracle Middleware Home directory.

COMMON_ORACLE_HOME Path of the oracle_common directory, which is under theMiddleware Home directory.

WL_HOME Path of the Oracle WebLogic Server Home directory.

ODI_HOME Path of the ODI Home directory.

WINDOWS_UNZIP_TOOL_EXE If the platform is Windows, then specify an unzip tool exewith the complete path. The supported unzip tools areWinzip command line and 7-Zip command line.

For example, for the Winzip tool:


For example, for the 7-Zip tool:


WORKDIR Path of a writable directory where logs and temporarypatch files are stored.

PATCH_ROOT_DIR Path of the patch directory.

For example:




5. To apply the patch, run the following command from <BI_Oracle_Home>/perl/bin:

$ perl <BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bin/ <BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bin/apply_patches_import.txt

For example:

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications 3-13

<BI_Oracle_Home>/perl/bin/perl <BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bin/ <BI_Oracle_Home>/biapps/tools/bin/apply_patches_import.txt

6. Confirm that all patches have been applied successfully by reviewing thefollowing log files in the directory specified by WORDIR:

■ final_patching_report.log (summary of patch application)

■ biappshiphome_generic_patches.log

■ biappshiphome_<OS specific>_patches.log

■ odi_generic_patches.log

■ oracle_common_generic_patches.log

■ weblogic_patching.log

7. Start WLS Administration Server, Node Manager, and BI Managed Server. Youmust start the BI Managed Server using WLS Admin Console. Start the BIprocesses using OPMN.

8. Make sure that the Dynamic Monitoring Service patch 16569379 is applied to yourBI system.

The Dynamic Monitoring Service patch 16569379 is included the FMW Patches forBI Applications under PATCH_HOME/patches/biappsshiphome/<OSfolder>, and is applied when the Patch Application Script ( run.

3.3.5 Updating ATGLiteThis section provides instructions for updating the ATGLite data in the BIACOMPschema.

To update ATGLite:

■ Run the following command:

java -jar biappsrepositoryutil.jar upgradeATG <mandatory parameters>

Where the mandatory parameters are as follows:

Parameter Description Full path of the Oracle BI home.

work.dir Working directory to be used for the run.

Log files will be created for each run and saved in this directory.The naming convention for the SQL log file isatgUpgradeSQLYYYY-MM_DD_HH_MM.log. Log files will beavailable only if they are not empty.

db.conn.sid.url Connection to the database that hosts the BIACOMP schema. Theformat is host:port:SID.

For example: host.domain:1521:orcl.

If you are using Oracle Database 12c pluggable database (PDB),then use the format host:port/ServiceName.

For example, host:port/

biacomp.user BIACOMP schema owner.

biacomp.password BIACOMP schema owner's password.

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-14 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Examplejava -jar biappsrepositoryutil.jar biacomp.user=BIAPPS_BIACOMPbiacomp.password=password db.conn.sid.url=<host>:<database port>:<SID>atg.db.seed.url=<host>:<database port>/<ServiceName> db.sys.user=sysuserdb.sys.password=password

3.3.6 Updating FSMThis section provides instructions for updating the FSM data in the BIACOMPschema.

To update FSM:

■ Run the following command:

java -jar biappsrepositoryutil.jar upgradeFSM <mandatory parameters>

Where the mandatory parameters are as follows:

atg.db.seed.url URL used to connect to the BIACOMP schema. (The ATG user isthe BIACOMP schema owner.) The format ishost:port/ServiceName. For example:host:port/

db.sys.user Database system user name.

db.sys.password Database system user password.

Note: If this parameter is not passed in the command line, then thetool will request the password at runtime.

Parameter Description Full path of the Oracle BI home.

work.dir Working directory to be used for the run.

Log files will be created for each run and saved in this directory.The naming convention for the SQL log file isfsmUpgradeSQLYYYY-MM_DD_HH_MM.log. Log files will beavailable only if they are not empty.

db.conn.sid.url Connection to the database that hosts the BIACOMP schema. Theformat is host:port:SID.

For example: host.domain:1521:orcl.

If you are using Oracle Database 12c pluggable database (PDB),then use the format host:port/ServiceName.

For example, host:port/

biacomp.user BIACOMP schema owner.

biacomp.password BIACOMP schema owner's password.

fsm.db.seed.url URL used to connect to the BIACOMP schema. (The FSM user isthe BIACOMP user.) The format is host:port/ServiceName. Forexample: host:port/orcl.mycompany.

db.sys.user Database system user name.

Parameter Description

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

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Examplejava -jar biappsrepositoryutil.jar biacomp.user=BIAPPS_BIACOMPbiacomp.password=password db.conn.sid.url=<host>:<database port>:<SID>fsm.db.seed.url=<host>:<database port>/<ServiceName> db.sys.user=sysuserdb.sys.password=password

3.3.7 Configuring Oracle BI ApplicationsYou run the configApps.bat or file to extend the BI Domain to deployOracle BI Applications and to configure the components.

During this phase, the following key configurations occur:

■ Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, Functional Setup Manager, ODIJava EE Agent, ODI Console, and Load Plan Generator are deployed intoWebLogic Server.

■ Component wiring is performed.

■ A BI Applications Administrator User (with full access to Configuration Managerand access to ODI with the Supervisor role) is created in WebLogic Serverembedded LDAP.

■ The Oracle Data Integrator Repository for Oracle BI Applications is configuredand set to use external authentication (that is, authentication against the WebLogicServer embedded LDAP).

The configApps.bat and files are located in <BI_Oracle_Home>/bin.

To configure components by running the configApps.bat or file:

1. Before running the configApps process, ensure that WLS Admin Server, NodeManager, and BI Services are running.

2. Start the configuration utility from the bin directory in the BI_Oracle_Home(default folder name is Oracle_BI1), based on the operating system:

UNIX commands:

cd BI_Oracle_Home/bin


Windows commands:

cd BI_Oracle_Home\bin


3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with noerrors, click Next.

db.sys.password Database system user password.

Note: If this parameter is not passed in the command line, then thetool will request the password at runtime.

Parameter Description

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-16 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run theprerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checksconclude with no errors. To stop the configuration process while you fix aprerequisite error, click Abort. To ignore an error or warning message, andcontinue with the configuration process, click Continue (not recommended).

Note: The configuration might not function normally if you continuewithout resolving the issue that caused an error or warning messageduring the prerequisite checks.

5. On the Extend BI Domain screen, specify the following:

Field Description

Host Name The host name of the computer on which the WebLogic Server domainexists. This field is read-only.

Port Specify the port number over which the WebLogic Server domaincommunicates. The default is 7001.

User Name Specify the user name for logging into the WebLogic Server.

User Password Specify the password for logging into the WebLogic Server.

Click Next.

6. The Specify Installation Location screen displays the following information.

Field Description


Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware Homewhere Oracle BI EE has been installed.

This field is read-only.

Oracle Home The Oracle Home for BI, which is the location where Oracle BI EE, andOracle BI Applications files are installed.

This field is read-only.

WebLogic ServerHome

The directory name for the WebLogic Server.

The value in this field is read-only and is the host name you specified inthe Middleware Home field.

Domain Home The home directory for the domain associated with the Oracle BusinessIntelligence system. This field is read-only.

Instance Home The path to the Oracle Instance directory.

The installer installs component configuration files and runtimeprocesses in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components write tothis directory only. The directory that you identify for the Oracle Instancecan be located anywhere on your system, and does not need to be insidethe Oracle Middleware Home.

This field is read-only.

Instance Name The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence instance. By default, thelocation is based on the value in the Instance Home field. This directory iscommonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.

The value in this field is read-only.

Click Next.

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Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications 3-17

7. On the Configure Components screen, to deploy Oracle BI Applications, select BIApplication Components.

Click Next.

8. On the RPD Encryption Password screen, specify the following:

Field Description

RPD Password Specify the password used to encrypt the RPD.

Confirm RPD Password Confirm the password used to encrypt the RPD.

Click Next.

9. On the BI Applications Administrator User screen, specify the following:

Field Description

Username Specify a user name for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.

Note: Do not enter "Administrator," "Admin," "Sadmin," or"Supervisor" in upper case, lower case, or mixed case letters. Theseuser names are reserved. Also, do not use the WebLogic Serveradministrator user name.

Password Specify a password for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.

Confirm Password Confirm the password.

Note these credentials because this user will be used to perform system setups andis the user that is used for communications between the Oracle BI ApplicationsConfiguration Manager and Oracle Data Integrator. This user has full accessprivileges in Configuration Manager and access to Oracle Data Integrator with theSupervisor role.

Click Next.

10. On the MDS Schema screen, specify the following:

Field Description

Database Type The type of database that hosts the MDS schema. The onlysupported database type is Oracle.

Connect String The connect string used to access the MDS schema.

MDS Schema Username The schema name for the MDS schema.

MDS Schema Password The password for the MDS schema.

Note: The values for user name and password must match the values you enteredwhen you ran the Fusion Middleware RCU in Section 3.2.3, "Running FusionMiddleware RCU."

Click Next.

11. On the BI Applications Components Repository Schema screen, specify thefollowing:

Field Description

Database Type Select the type of database that hosts the Oracle BI ApplicationsComponents Repository schema. The only supported database typeis Oracle.

Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Oracle BI ApplicationsComponents Repository schema.

Use the format:


BIA ComponentsRepository SchemaUsername

Specify the schema name for the Oracle BI ApplicationsComponents Repository schema.

BIA ComponentsRepository SchemaPassword

Specify the password for the Oracle BI Applications ComponentsRepository schema.

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-18 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Click Next.

12. On the Business Analytics Warehouse Schema screen, specify the following:

Field Description

Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the Business AnalyticsWarehouse schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Business AnalyticsWarehouse schema.

Use the format:


Business AnalyticsWarehouse SchemaUsername

Specify the schema name for the Business Analytics Warehouseschema.

Business AnalyticsWarehouse SchemaPassword

Specify the password for the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

Click Next.

13. On the BI Applications ODI Repository Schema screen, specify the following:

Field Description

Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the ODI Repository schema.The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the ODI Repositoryschema.

Use the format:


ODI Repository SchemaUsername

Specify the schema name for the ODI Repository schema. Thedefault name is <prefix>_BIA_ODIREPO. This is the repository youcreated when you ran the Business Analytics Applications SuiteRCU.

ODI Repository SchemaPassword

Specify the password for the ODI Repository schema.

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications 3-19

Click Next.

14. On the Configure Ports screen, specify the following:

Field Description

Auto Port Configuration Select this option if you want Oracle Business Analytics ApplicationsSuite installer to configure the ports for you.

Specify Ports UsingConfiguration File

Select this option to use a configuration file to configure the ports.Optionally, click Browse to specify a configuration file location.Click View/Edit File to view or edit the file.

A sample configuration file named staticport.ini is provided. The fileis stored in the Disk1\stage\Response directory of the BusinessAnalytics Applications Suite installer. You can edit this file to specifythe configuration settings for your environment.

15. On the Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this configuration in aresponse file (optional), and then click Configure to start the configurationprocess.

16. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of thesoftware configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.

17. On the Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in aresponse file (optional), and then click Finish to exit the Oracle BusinessIntelligence Configuration Assistant.

3.3.8 How to Start the BI and Oracle Data Integrator Managed ServersNote that Oracle BI Applications requires the BI and Oracle Data Integrator ManagedServers (bi_server1 and odi_server1) to be started using Node Manager. This isrequired so that parameters, memory, and JVM arguments are appropriately set. If youdo not start the BI and Oracle Data Integrator Managed Servers, functionality loss andmemory issues can occur in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, FunctionalSetup Manager, and Oracle Data Integrator.

To ensure that the BI and Oracle Data Integrator Managed Servers are started usingNode Manager, start them using the WebLogic Administration Console user interface.Do not start the BI and Oracle Data Integrator Managed Servers using the ManagedServer start scripts.

3.3.9 Installing ODI StudioODI Studio is a desktop client that enables you to design and manage the ODIRepository. ODI Studio is typically installed on developer machines. The supportedoperating systems for ODI Studio are Windows 32-bit and 64-bit and Linux 32-bit.

To install ODI Studio, perform the following procedures:

■ Section, "Installing ODI Studio"

■ Section, "Configuring User Access for ODI Studio" Installing ODI StudioYou install ODI Studio using the Oracle Data Integrator installer.

Note the following points:

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-20 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

■ On the Select Installation Type screen, you must select Developer Installation asthe installation type and both options under Developer Installation, that is, ODIStudio (with local agent) and ODI SDK.

■ On the Repository Configuration screen, you must select the Skip RepositoryConfiguration option.

For instructions on installing ODI Studio, see Oracle Fusion Middleware InstallationGuide for Oracle Data Integrator. Configuring User Access for ODI StudioThe Oracle Data Integrator Repository is configured for external authentication againstWebLogic Server's embedded LDAP server. ODI Studio must be configured to use theappropriate security files for authentication. You must perform these steps on allinstallations of ODI Studio.

Note: You must perform these steps even if ODI Studio has been installed on themachine where Oracle Home for BI resides.

To configure user access for ODI Studio:

1. Copy cwallet.sso and jps-config-jse.xml from:




2. Edit <ODI_Home>/oracledi/client/odi/bin/odi.conf by updating the JPSconfiguration file name as follows:


If you do not successfully complete these steps, you will receive the followingerror message: "ODI-10188: Error while login from OPSS../jps-config.xml (No suchfile or directory)."

3. Perform steps 1 and 2 on all instances of ODI Studio.

Note: You must perform these steps even if ODI Studio has been installed on themachine where Oracle Home for BI resides.

If the BI Applications Administrator password or any ODI users' passwords werechanged, administrators need to regenerate security files and redistribute the files toall instances of ODI Studio.

To regenerate security files:

1. Execute the script:

ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/ <MW_Home>/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/ embedded --ADMIN_USER_NAME<Administrator> --DOMAIN_HOSTNAME <Hostname> --DOMAIN_PORT 7001 --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH <MW Home>/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain

Where ADMIN_USER_NAME is the WebLogic Server administrator user.

The updated JPS configuration file and credential wallet are created at location:


2. Copy these updated files to <ODI_Home>/oracledi/client/odi/bin on all ODIStudio instances.

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications 3-21

3. Make sure that the odi.conf file is edited correctly, as described in step 2 in theprevious procedure for configuring user access for ODI Studio.

The odi.conf file is located in <ODI_Home>/oracledi/client/odi/bin.

3.3.10 Applying the ODI Studio PatchThe ODI Studio patch is available in PATCH_ROOT_DIR\odi\generic or PATCH_ROOT_DIR/odi/generic. For an explanation of the PATCH_ROOT_DIR, seeSection 3.3.4, "Applying Platform Patches."

System administrators must provide this patch to developers who have installed ODIStudio on their machines.

Follow the instructions in the Patch Readme to apply the patch on ODI Studio.

Note: If you installed ODI Studio on the BI Domain host machine, you do not have toapply the patch.

3.3.11 Copying Source FilesDuring installation of Oracle BI Applications, source files are installed in the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory. These files are used during the ETL process andwill be configured by functional developers. You must copy these files to a locationthat ODI Agent deployed in WebLogic Server can access but that is outside of theOracle Home directory; otherwise, when the Oracle BI Applications environment isupgraded or patched, these files will be overwritten.

To copy source files:

1. Navigate to the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory.

2. Copy all files under the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory into a location thatODI Agent deployed in WebLogic Server can access but is outside of the OracleHome directory.

Note the following points:

■ Avoid copying the files to a location with a long directory path.

■ Do not put the files under the ODI Home directory.

■ Depending on your deployment, there may be files in the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory that you will not use.

3.3.12 Next StepsThe next step in the installation and setup process is to perform the system setup tasksin Chapter 4, "Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks." These tasks arerequired to complete integration of the Oracle BI Applications components and toready the system for functional configurations and data loads.

Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

3-22 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide


Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-1

4Performing Post-Installation System SetupTasks

[5]This chapter provides instructions for performing post-installation system setup tasks.

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 4.1, "Setting the Business Analytics Warehouse Connection in Oracle DataIntegrator"

■ Section 4.2, "Performing Setup Steps for On-Premise Fusion Applications Sources"

■ Section 4.3, "Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details toOracle Data Integrator"

■ Section 4.4, "Enabling Offerings for Deployment"

■ Section 4.5, "Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business AnalyticsWarehouse"

■ Section 4.6, "Running the Domains Load Plan"

■ Section 4.7, "Mapping Externally Conformed Domains"

■ Section 4.8, "Granting Users Access to Configuration Manager, FSM and OracleData Integrator"

■ Section 4.9, "Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling DocumentCurrency"

■ Section 4.10, "Enabling Initialization Blocks"

■ Section 4.11, "Trimming the RPD"

■ Section 4.12, "Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources"

■ Section 4.13, "Next Steps"

4.1 Setting the Business Analytics Warehouse Connection in Oracle DataIntegrator

Use ODI Studio to set the connection properties in the Oracle Data IntegratorRepository of the physical schema associated with the 'BIAPPS_DW_FILE' physicalserver.

To set the Business Analytics Warehouse physical schema connection in Oracle DataIntegrator:

1. Log into ODI Studio using the BI Applications Administrator credentials.

Performing Setup Steps for On-Premise Fusion Applications Sources

4-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

2. In the navigation pane, go to Topology, and expand Technologies, and thenexpand File.

3. Double-click BIAPPS_DW_FILE.

4. In the Definition pane, for the Directory (Schema) and Directory (Work Schema)properties, specify the directory where you copied source files to in Section 3.3.11,"Copying Source Files," and include the sub-folders data_files/src_files/BIA_11.

For example:

<source file home>/biapps/etl/data_files/src_files/BIA_11

4.2 Performing Setup Steps for On-Premise Fusion Applications SourcesThe following procedures apply to on-premise Oracle Fusion Applications sources:

■ Section 4.2.1, "Creating a User for ETL"

■ Section 4.2.2, "Configuring the Oracle BI Repository for ETL"

4.2.1 Creating a User for ETLThis procedure applies only to on-premise Fusion Applications sources.

The ETL process must be run by a user with appropriate data security privilegesgranted on the Fusion Applications tables from which data is extracted into OracleBusiness Analytics Warehouse. For this purpose, the enterprise role named FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID is provisioned during the installation of FusionApplications with the appropriate ETL security privileges.

Work with your security administrator for Fusion Applications to complete the stepsbelow.

To create a user for ETL:

1. In the Fusion Applications LDAP system, create a new user.

For example, you might create a new user named OBIA_ETL_USER.

2. Make the user a member of the Enterprise Role FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID.

3. Make a note of the user credentials.

4.2.2 Configuring the Oracle BI Repository for ETLThis procedure applies only to on-premise Fusion Applications sources.

To configure the RPD for ETL against on-premise Fusion Applications sources:

1. Log into the Oracle BI Administration Tool.

2. Open the Oracle BI repository for Oracle BI Applications in offline mode.

3. In the Physical layer, configure a connection to the BIEE broker for each of theFusion Applications pillar domains. Set the connection for each of the followingPhysical layer objects:

Pillar Physical Layer Object


Performing Setup Steps for On-Premise Fusion Applications Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-3

a. Right-click one of the pillar objects, and select Properties.

b. In the General tab of the Database dialog, select Allow direct databaserequests by default.

c. Expand the pillar object, and double-click Connection Pool.

The Connection Pool dialog opens.

d. In the General tab, enter FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID as the data source username, and enter the password for this user.

You can obtain the password for the FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID user fromyour Fusion Applications administrator.

e. In the Miscellaneous tab, in the Application Server URL field, enter the URLfor the BIEE broker for the appropriate pillar, in the format:



Pillar Physical Layer Object

Performing Setup Steps for On-Premise Fusion Applications Sources

4-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide


For example:


f. In the SQL Bypass Database field, enter <PILLAR>_OLTP.

For example: CRM_OLTP.

g. Repeat steps 3a through 3e for each of the three pillars.

4. Set the value for the following DSN variables. These variables specify theconnection to the Fusion Applications transactional database.





■ OLTP_DSN (used by the Marketing OLTP data source)

a. In the menu bar, select Manage, Variables.

b. In the Variable Manager dialog, scroll down to locate the <PILLAR>_OLTP_DSN variable.

c. Double-click the <PILLAR>_OLTP_DSN variable.

The Static Repository Variable dialog opens.

d. In the Default Initializer text box, enter the connection information to theFusion Applications transactional database in the tnsnames.ora format.

For example:


Performing Setup Steps for On-Premise Fusion Applications Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-5

e. Repeat steps 4a through 4e for each DSN.

5. Set the value for the following user variables. These variables specify the FusionApplications transactional database user.





■ OLTP_USER (used by the Marketing OLTP data source)

a. Obtain the user name for the users listed above from the RPD for OracleTransactional Business Intelligence.

b. Obtain the password for the users from the Fusion Applications administrator.You will need this password in a later step.

c. In the menu bar, select Manage, Variables.

d. In the menu bar of the Variable Manager dialog, select Action, New,Repository, Variable.

e. In the Variable Manager dialog, scroll down to locate the <PILLAR>_OLTP_USER and OLTP_USER variables.

f. Double-click the variable.

The Static Repository Variable dialog opens.

g. In the Default Initializer text box, enter the user name.

h. Repeat steps 4a through 4e for each user.

6. Configure the connection pool for each of the following OLTP objects listed in thePhysical layer:





■ Marketing OLTP

a. Expand the object.

b. Double-click Connection Pool.

For Marketing OLTP, double-click Fusion OLTP Connection Pool.

The Connection Pool dialog opens.

c. In the Data source name field, enter VALUEOF(<PILLAR>_OLTP_DSN).


For Marketing OLTP, enter VALUEOF(OLTP_DSN)

d. In the User name field, enter VALUEOF(<PILLAR>_OLTP_USER).


For Marketing OLTP enter VALUEOF(OLTP_USER).

Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator

4-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Note: The user for CRM_OLTP, FSCM_OLTP, FBI_OLTP, and HCM_OLTP isthe same. The user for Marketing OLTP is the value of OLTP_USER, which isdifferent from the user for the other pillars.

e. In the Password field, enter the password for the user. Obtain this passwordfrom the Fusion Applications administrator.

f. Repeat steps 6a through 6e for each of the OLTP objects.

4.3 Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details toOracle Data Integrator

Follow this procedure to register a source system and propagate the connection detailsto Oracle Data Integrator.

To register a source system:

1. Launch Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager using the URLhttp://<host>:<port>/biacm, and log in as the BI Applications Administratoruser. Note: This user was created in the procedure Section 3.3.7, "ConfiguringOracle BI Applications."

2. In the navigation pane, select the Define Business Intelligence ApplicationsInstance link, which appears under System Setups.

The Source Systems tab is displayed.

3. Click the Add icon.

The Register Source dialog is displayed.

4. To register the source in Configuration Manager, specify the following properties:

Property Description

Product Line Select the source instance product line.

For Oracle Fusion sources, select Oracle Fusion.

Product Line Version Select the version number of the source instance product line.

Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-7

Click Next. The Register Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology page is active.

5. To register the source in Oracle Data Integrator, do the following:

a. Select Global from the Context drop-down list.

The Global value is required because the Oracle BI Applications interfaces aredesigned to use this value.

b. In the Technology: Oracle tab, specify the following properties:

Source Instance Name Specify a name for the source instance.

This is the name given by the BI Applications SystemAdministrator to a transactional system that serves as a source ofdata for BI Applications data load. The source instance is importantbecause functional setup tasks, and the setting of values for objectssuch as parameters and domain maps are performed in relation toa source instance.

Description (Optional) Enter additional information about the source instance.

Data Source Number Enter a unique number to identify the source instance.

The Data Source Number value specifies a data source so that thedata can be identified in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.Each source instance must have a unique Data Source Number.

Data Server For all sources except PeopleSoft sources, a read-only list of dataservers is displayed.

For PeopleSoft Enterprise sources, in the Data Server Detailswindow, select the appropriate data server for the source instance.

Property Description

ODI Data Server Name Specify a name for the ODI Data Server that indicates thetransactional OLTP database (source database). This ODI DataServer Name must be unique across all ODI data servers in the ODIRepository.

JDBC Driver The name of the JDBC driver for the transactional OLTP database(source database) connection.

For Oracle Fusion sources, this property indicates the name of theJDBC driver for the Oracle BI Server. For

Note: Data from the Fusion Applications transactional system isretrieved from the Oracle BI Server.

Oracle recommends that you use the default value.

JDBC URL Specify the JDBC URL for the transactional OLTP database (sourcedatabase) connection. The format for the URL is the following:


For Oracle Fusion sources, specify the JDBC URL for the Oracle BIServer. The format is jdbc:oraclebi://<sid>:<port>.

Database Username Specify the database user name for the transactional OLTPdatabase (source database).

For Oracle Fusion sources, specify the user name of the ETL user.This is the user created in Section 4.2.1, "Creating a User for ETL."

Property Description

Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator

4-8 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

c. In the Technology: File System tab, specify the following properties:

Property Description

ODI Data Server Name Specify a name for the file system data server. This ODI DataServer Name must be unique across all ODI data servers in the ODIRepository.

Host Name Specify the name of the host machine where the file system (sourcefiles used for ETL) resides. This is the machine to which you copiedthe source files in the procedure Section 3.3.11, "Copying SourceFiles."

Path To File Specify the directory where you copied the source files inSection 3.3.11, "Copying Source Files."

The directory path must include the appropriate source-specificfolder for your environment. The source-specific folders are locatedin /biapps/etl/data_files/src_files.

For example, if your source system is Oracle EBS 12.1.1, thedirectory path would be:

<source file home>/biapps/etl/data_ files/src_files/EBS_12_1_1

Array Fetch Size The number of rows requested by ODI on each communicationwith the data server.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

Batch Update Size The number of rows in a single INSERT command.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

JDBC Driver Oracle recommends that you use the default value.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

JDBC URL Oracle recommends that you use the default value.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

d. Click Save and Close.

This information is passed to ODI where the connections are created.

Note: The connection details are not propagated to the ODIRepository until you have entered and saved the information on boththe Register Source in Configuration Manager page and the RegisterSource in Oracle Data Integrator Topology page.

Database Password Specify the password for the transactional OLTP database (sourcedatabase).

For Oracle Fusion sources, specify the password for the ETL user.

Test Use this button to test the connection to the transactional OLTPdatabase (source database).

Property Description

Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business Analytics Warehouse

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-9

4.4 Enabling Offerings for DeploymentUse Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to enable the Oracle BIApplications offerings that you have purchased and are deploying. The setup datarelating to offerings is made visible in Configuration Manager when you enable theoffering.

By default, if you have multiple source instances and you enable an offering, theoffering is enabled for all source instances. If an offering will not source from all sourceinstances, then you can disable the source instances from which the offering will notsource. For example, suppose you have two source instances, Oracle EBS andPeopleSoft, and you are deploying Financial Analytics. If Financial Analytics will onlysource from PeopleSoft, then you would disable the Oracle EBS source instance for theFinancial Analytics offering.

To enable Oracle BI Applications offerings for deployment:

1. Log in to Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager as the BI ApplicationsAdministrator user.

2. Select the Manage Business Intelligence Applications link to display the ManageBusiness Intelligence Applications dialog.

3. Select the Business Intelligence Application Offerings tab.

4. Select the Enabled check box next to each offering you want to deploy.

Enabling an offering makes the setup data associated with that offering availablein Configuration Manager.

5. Click Save to save your changes.

6. To exit this dialog, click Done.

To disable a source instance from which an offering will not source:

1. Go to the Business Intelligence Application Offerings and Associated Sourcestab.

2. Expand the appropriate offering.

3. Deselect the Enabled check box for the source you want to disable.

4. Click Save.

4.5 Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business AnalyticsWarehouse

Oracle BI Applications supports data loads in multiple languages. You specify thelanguages for data loads in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager.

To specify Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse languages:

1. Log in to Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager as a user with theBusiness Intelligence Applications Administrator duty role.

2. Select the Manage Warehouse Languages link to display the Manage WarehouseLanguages page.

3. In the Manage Business Analytics Warehouse Languages tab, specify thelanguages from which data is to be extracted from the list of languages displayedin the table by selecting Yes from the Installed drop down.

Running the Domains Load Plan

4-10 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Note that American English is the default installed language. All other languagesare disabled.

Note: When you specify a language as being Installed, the Data LoadParameter LANGUAGE_LIST is populated internally with the list ofselected languages. This parameter list is used during data extractionto extract data in the selected languages.

4. Click Save to save your changes.

4.6 Running the Domains Load PlanYou must define, generate, and run a domains load plan to load source-specific datainto Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager tables. This enables ConfigurationManager to display the appropriate source-specific values as choices in drop-downlists for setup objects.

Note: Before you perform this step you must have completed the procedureSection 4.3, "Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to OracleData Integrator," including registering the source in the Register Source in Oracle DataIntegrator Topology page, as described in step 5 in the procedure.

To define, generate and run the domains load plan:

1. Define the domains load plan:

a. In the Tasks pane of Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, selectManage Load Plans, which appears under the Load Plans Administrationheading.

The Manage Load Plans page is displayed.

b. In the Load Plans toolbar, click the Add icon.

The Create Load Plan page is displayed.

c. On the first page of the Create Load Plan series, specify the followinginformation:

Field Description

Name Enter a unique name for the load plan.

Description (Optional) Enter additional information about the load plan.

Load Plan Type Select Domain-only Extract and Load (SDE and SIL).

Source Instances Select a source instance. If you do not select an instance, then allinstances are selected by default.

d. Click Next.

The second page of the Create Load Plan series is displayed.

e. In the Available Fact Groups tab, select the fact groups you want to include inthe domains load plan definition.

Note that fact groups may belong to a hierarchy of fact groups. You can selectonly the top level parent fact group and not a child fact group.

Granting Users Access to Configuration Manager, FSM and Oracle Data Integrator

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-11

A load plan must contain at least one fact group. Multiple fact groups may beselected from one or more data sources.

f. Click Save. A submenu is displayed with the following options:

Click Save to save the load plan. After a load plan is saved, it is displayed inthe Load Plans master list.

Click Save and Generate Load Plan to save the load plan and immediatelygenerate it.

Note that the generation process in Oracle BI Applications ConfigurationManager propagates the load plan properties to the ODI Repository, where theload plan is built

2. If you did not generate the load plan upon saving in the previous step, thengenerate it by doing the following:

a. In the Load Plans master list, select the domains load plan you defined in step1.

b. In the Load Plans toolbar, click the Generate icon.

The Generation Status column indicates the progress of the generationprocess. The process must complete successfully before you can move on tothe next step. Click the Refresh icon to refresh the display.

3. Run the domains load plan by selecting it in the master list, and clicking theExecute icon on the toolbar.

4.7 Mapping Externally Conformed DomainsAfter you run the domains load plan, as described in Section 4.6, "Running theDomains Load Plan," you must complete the mapping of externally conformeddomains to point to a particular source (even if you have only one source), using theManage Externally Conformed Domains dialog in Oracle BI ApplicationsConfiguration Manager. You must perform the mapping configuration for eachdomain listed in the Manage Externally Conformed Domains dialog.

For instructions on mapping the externally conformed domains, see "How toConfigure Externally Conformed Domains," in Oracle Business Intelligence ApplicationsConfiguration Guide.

4.8 Granting Users Access to Configuration Manager, FSM and OracleData Integrator

Note: On installation the Oracle BI Applications system is configured to use WebLogicServer embedded LDAP for authentication.

Work with your security administrator to grant users access to Oracle BI ApplicationsConfiguration Manager, Functional Setup Manager, and Oracle Data Integrator.

Access to Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager is controlled throughthe following duty roles.

■ BI Applications Administrator Duty

■ BI Applications Functional Developer Duty

■ BI Applications Implementation Manager Duty

■ Load Plan Operator Duty

Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling Document Currency

4-12 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

■ Load Plan Administrator Duty

The security administrator must grant the appropriate duty roles to a user based onthe user's job responsibilities. For information on the Configuration Manager andFunctional Setup Manager screens that each duty role has access to, see "SecurityOverview of Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager and Functional SetupManager" in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Security Guide.

The BI Applications administrator, load plan operator, and load plan administratorusers will require appropriate access to Oracle Data Integrator. In addition to theseusers being created in the LDAP system, you must create these users in the ODIRepository and grant them the Supervisor profile or an appropriate ODI profile. TheBI Applications administrator must be granted the Supervisor role in Oracle DataIntegrator. Work with your security administrator to grant the duty roles.

For more information about managing security in Oracle Data Integrator, see OracleFusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

4.9 Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling DocumentCurrency

Oracle Business Intelligence is installed with a set of preferred currencies withpre-configured preferred currency names and preferred currency codes. Preferredcurrency names are used on Oracle Business Intelligence dashboards in the Currencydrop-down on the My Account dialog\Preferences tab for a user logged into OracleBusiness Intelligence.

You can use the Manage Preferred Currencies dialog to edit the default currencydisplay names. You edit preferred currency name values to change the currency labelsthat are displayed in all modules associated with BI dashboards. For example, youmight want to change the 'Local Currency' label from 'Ledger Currency' to 'LocalCurrency'.

To edit currency display names:

1. Login to Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager as the BI ApplicationsAdministrator user.

2. Under System Setups, select Manage Preferred Currencies to display the ManagePreferred Currencies dialog.

3. Select a currency in the Preferred Currencies list. Selecting the currency displaysthe associated modules in the bottom table.

4. Click the value in the Preferred Currency Name column (or click the Edit icon) todisplay the Preferred Currency Name dialog.

5. In the Preferred Currency Name field, specify a currency name. This is the namethat will appear for end users in the Currency drop-down list, located inPreferences tab of the My Accounts dialog of Oracle Business Intelligence.

6. Click Save and Close.

Enabling Document CurrencyBy default, document currency is excluded from the Currency drop-down list (locatedin the Preferences tab of the My Accounts dialog in Oracle Business Intelligence). Toinclude Document currency in the Currency drop-down list, you must remove aspecific filter from all of the following security groups in the BI metadata repository(RPD):

Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling Document Currency

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-13











Note: The security groups listed above are displayed in Oracle BI Administration Toolon the Application Roles tab on the Identity Manager dialog.

To enable document currencies:

1. In Oracle BI Administration Tool, click Manage, then Identity, to display theIdentity Manager dialog.

2. In the Identity Manager dialog, click BI Repository.

3. Display the Application Roles tab.

4. For each of the security groups in the RPD list above, do the following:

a. Double-click the security group to display the Application Role - <Name>dialog.

b. Click Permissions, and then display the Data Filters tab.

c. In the Data Filter column, remove the following filter:

AND "Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency Preference Code" <>'Document Currency'

For example, the filter before editing:

"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Module Code" = 'PROJECT_AN' AND"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency Preference Flag" in ('W','B') AND "Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency PreferenceCode" <> 'Document Currency'

For example, the filter after editing:

"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Module Code" = 'PROJECT_AN' AND"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency Preference Flag" in ('W','B')

5. Save the changes.

If you edited the metadata repository in Offline mode, then you must use OracleFusion Middleware Control to upload the RPD file.

Tip: In Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, use the Upload BI Server Repositoryarea on the Business Intelligence\coreapplication\Deployment\Repository tab.For detailed instructions on how to upload an RPD file, see Section 10.2 'UsingFusion Middleware Control to Upload a Repository and Set the Oracle BIPresentation Catalog Location' in Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise EditionSystem Administrator's Guide.

Enabling Initialization Blocks

4-14 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

4.10 Enabling Initialization BlocksFor all source systems other than Oracle Fusion Applications, you need to enableinitialization blocks. Initialization blocks are enabled for Oracle Fusion Applicationsby default.

Note: This procedure uses forward slashes to separate directories, indicating theUNIX/Linux directory structure. For Windows, substitute a backslash; the directorystructure is the same as that for UNIX/Linux.

To enable initialization blocks:

1. Copy the sample config.txt file from<BI_ORACLE_HOME>/biapps/biarpdutil/bin to<BI_ORACLE_HOME>/biapps/biarpdutil/lib.

2. Copy the Oracle BI repository file for BI Applications from <BI_ORACLE_HOME>/biapps/admin\provisioning/OracleBIServerComponent to <BI_ORACLE_HOME>/biapps/biarpdutil/lib.

3. Add <BI_ORACLE_HOME>/bifoundation/server/bin to the PATH systemvariable.

4. Execute the bi-init command to display a command prompt that is initialized toyour Oracle instance. The bi-init file is located in ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/coreapplication/setup.

■ For Windows, execute bi-init.cmd.

■ For UNIX/Linux, do the following:

a. Go to ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/coreapplication/setup.

b. Switch to bash mode.

c. Execute

5. Edit the config.txt file that you copied to BI_ORACLE_HOME>/biapps/biarpdutil/lib, as follows:

RPD File Name <RPD file name>RPD Password <RPD pasword>RPD Database List <Comma separated list of database names in RPD physicallayer for which the initialization block has to be enabled>

Note: The values in the RPD Database List must include all initialization blocksrelated to the source system that need to be enabled. "Oracle BI Server" must beincluded as a value in the RPD Database List if an initialization block that needs tobe refreshed from the Oracle BI EE Server is to be enabled.

6. Execute the ManageInitBlock.jar utility, located in <BI_ORACLE_HOME>/biapps/biarpdutil/lib, using the following command:

java -classpath ManageInitBlock.jar oracle.apps.biarpdutil.ManageInitBlock>log.txt

An output RPD is generated. The file is named Output_RPD.rpd. All relevantinitialization blocks are enabled in Output_RPD.rpd.

7. Deploy the Output_RPD.rpd to Oracle BI EE.

For instructions on deploying an Oracle BI repository, see "ConfiguringRepositories," in Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition SystemAdministrator's Guide.

Trimming the RPD

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-15

4.11 Trimming the RPDOracle BI Applications release delivers a full RPD file with projects for all theBI Applications modules. This full RPD is deployed to the BI Server. You can trim theRPD so that it includes only the projects that are relevant to your deployment.Although optional, trimming the RPD makes the BI Server startup process faster andalso makes patching quicker.

Note: The RPD should not be trimmed for on-premise Fusion Applications sources.The full RPD is required for ETL in these environments.

The steps for trimming the RPD depend on the status of your deployment:

■ If the RPD has not been customized for your deployment: Extract the projects forthe products that your organization has purchased. You do not need to perform amerge. See section Section 4.11.1, "Extracting Projects From Full RPD," forinstructions.

■ If the RPD has been customized for your deployment: Extract the applicableprojects from the full (delivered) RPD for release, and, additionally,merge that RPD with your customized release RPD. See Section 4.11.1,"Extracting Projects From Full RPD," and Section 4.11.2, "Merging Repositories,"for instructions.

4.11.1 Extracting Projects From Full RPDFollow this procedure to extract projects from the full RPD. The end result of thisprocess is a trimmed RPD.

To extract from the RPD the projects for the products you have purchased:

1. Open a Command window on the computer where the BI Administration Tool isinstalled.

2. If you installed Oracle BI EE on Windows, then run bi-init.cmd to launch aCommand prompt that is initialized to your Oracle instance. This utility is locatedin:


If you installed the BI Administration Tool using the BI Client installer, then runbi_init.bat to launch a Command prompt that is initialized your Oracle instance.This file is located in:

<Oracle BI Home>\oraclebi\orahome\bifoundation\server\bin

3. In a Command prompt window, run ExtractProjects, as described below:

■ If you installed Oracle BI EE on Windows, ExtractProjects.exe is located in<Oracle Home for BI>\bifoundation\server\bin.

■ If you installed BI Administration Tool using the BI Client installer,ExtractProjects.exe is located in <Oracle BIHome>\oraclebi\orahome\bifoundation\server\bin.

Run one of the following commands:

For extracting a single project:

ExtractProjects -B input_rpd -O output_rpd -I "project_name"

For extracting multiple projects:

Trimming the RPD

4-16 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

ExtractProjects -B input_rpd -O output_rpd -I "project_name1" -I "project_name2"-I "project_name3" (and so on)


input_rpd is the name and path of the full (delivered) release RPD andfrom which you want to extract the project or projects (for example,OracleBIApps.rpd).

output_rpd is the name and path of the RPD you want to create with the extractedprojects (for example, OracleBIAppsTrimmed.rpd).

project_name is the name of the RPD project you want to extract.

You will be prompted to enter the encryption password for the RPD (input_rpd ).

The list of projects in the RPD includes the following:

■ Financial Analytics Fusion Edition

■ Human Resources Analytics Fusion Edition

■ Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition

■ Partner Analytics Fusion Edition

■ Project Analytics Fusion Edition

■ Sales Analytics Fusion Edition

■ Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Fusion Edition

■ Student Information Analytics

■ Service Analytics

■ Price Analytics

■ Manufacturing Analytics

■ DataLineage_Project

Note: The RPD contains projects in addition to those listed above. These projectsare included for future content delivery and upgrade support. To determine the BIApplications available in this release, see "System Requirements and SupportedPlatforms," for Oracle BI Applications release at

4. Save and rename the trimmed RPD. Make sure the name identifies this RPD asone that has been trimmed, for example, OracleBIAppsTrimmed.rpd.

4.11.2 Merging RepositoriesFollow this procedure only if you have customized the RPD and are subsequentlytrimming the RPD.

To merge repositories:

1. In the Oracle BI Administration Tool, open in offline mode the trimmed Oracle BIRPD that you created in the procedure Section 4.11.1, "Extracting Projects FromFull RPD," for example, OracleBIAppsTrimmed.rpd.

2. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Merge.

3. In the Select Original Repository dialog box, select the repositoryOracleBIApps.rpd, which is the full RPD.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-17

4. Enter the password for the original repository, and then click OK.

5. Click Select for the Modified Repository field. The Select Modified Repositorydialog box opens.

The Select Modified Repository dialog opens.

6. Select the repository that contains the customizations you made to the RPD file,for example, OracleBIAppsCustom.rpd.

7. Click Open, and enter the password for the previously customized RPD file, andthen click OK.

8. In the Decision drop-down list, select the action you want to take regarding therepository change, or accept the default action.

9. To locate subsequent rows with empty Decision fields, click the Decision headercell. After all rows have a value in the Decision field, the Merge button becomesenabled.

10. Click Merge.

A message appears after the merge concludes successfully.

11. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Save As. Save the current repositoryusing a new name, such as OracleBIAppsFinal.rpd.

4.12 Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data SourcesThis section explains how to deploy Oracle BI Applications with a Fusion ApplicationsCloud data source, and contains the following topics:

■ Section 4.12.1, "Overview"

■ Section 4.12.2, "Cloud Adaptor Deployment Options"

■ Section 4.12.3, "About the Cloud Adaptor Deployment Process"

■ Section 4.12.4, "Cloud Adaptor Deployment Roadmap"

■ Section 4.12.5, "Create a Service Request to Deploy Fusion Cloud Adaptor"

■ Section 4.12.6, "Register the Fusion Applications Source"

■ Section 4.12.7, "Create FA SDS Schema"

■ Section 4.12.8, "Configure UCM Server"

4.12.1 OverviewThe Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Service Adaptor for Oracle BusinessIntelligence Applications enables your on-premise deployment of Oracle BIApplications to consume data from your Fusion Cloud Services, providing you with acomprehensive set of analytics that span your on-premise and cloud service systems togive you a complete view of your business.

The Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Service Adaptor for Oracle BusinessIntelligence Applications extends the capability of your Oracle Business IntelligenceApplications deployment to consume data from your Fusion Cloud Servicesubscriptions. Along with the many supported on-premise source business systems,support for Fusion Application Cloud Services enables a robust hybrid analyticssolution to deliver the complete picture regardless of where the data originates.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

4-18 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Service Adaptor for Oracle Business IntelligenceApplications provides a seamless hybrid analytics solution to provide the completepicture for your enterprise analytics.

The Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Service Adaptor for Oracle BusinessIntelligence Applications securely connects your on-premise Oracle BI Applicationsdeployment to your Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Service and automates the flowof data from your source system to your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse,enabling your hybrid analytics solution.

Cloud Adaptor key features include:

■ Extracts are from VOs and not direct from DB.

■ Leverages Standard Security Methods of Source Cloud Systems to secure datain-transit.

Pre-requisites for Cloud Adaptor■ Oracle BI Applications, Patch Bundle 3

■ Oracle Cloud Applications Release 8, Patch Bundle 10 or later

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-19

4.12.2 Cloud Adaptor Deployment Options

Hybrid Data Sources Category

Cloud-Only Data Sources

4.12.3 About the Cloud Adaptor Deployment ProcessThe diagram below shows the tasks and process handshakes required to deploy aFusion Applications Cloud data source using Cloud Adaptor.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

4-20 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

4.12.4 Cloud Adaptor Deployment Roadmap

Pre-requisites■ Oracle BI Applications, Patch Bundle 3

■ Oracle Cloud Applications Release 8, Patch Bundle 10 or later

To deploy a Fusion Applications Cloud Data Source, do the following:

1. Create a Service Request to Deploy Fusion Cloud Adaptor by following the stepsin Section 4.12.5, "Create a Service Request to Deploy Fusion Cloud Adaptor".

Oracle Cloud Services provides you with a UCM Server URL and a set of logincredentials.

2. Register the Fusion Applications Source by following the steps in Section 4.12.6,"Register the Fusion Applications Source".

3. Create FA SDS Schema by following the steps in Section 4.12.7, "Create FA SDSSchema".

4. Configure UCM Server by following the steps in Section 4.12.8, "Configure UCMServer".

5. If you are deploying Key Flex Fields for Financials, then before you execute thisLoad Plan you must follow the steps in Chapter 5, "Setting Up Key Flex Fields forFinancials Cloud Adaptor".

4.12.5 Create a Service Request to Deploy Fusion Cloud AdaptorThese steps form high-level Step 1 in Section 4.12.4, "Cloud Adaptor DeploymentRoadmap".

Log into My Oracle Support ( and create the following ServiceRequest.

Action Problem Type Inputs

Deploy FusionCloud Adaptor

Specify the following:

Problem Type: HostingServices – Application

Sub-Problem Type: DeployFusion Cloud Adaptor

User ID: <User ID forOBIAExport role>

FA POD details: <POD ID>

FA POD: <Stage ORProduction>

This SR initiates the process for OracleHosting Operations to deploy the CloudAdaptor to enable data extraction.Please include the followinginformation in the SR:

1. Provide The User ID of the user thatshould be granted the “OBIAExport”role. This user is typically the same userthat manages data import/export.

2. Provide the FA POD details.

3. Indicate whether the FA POD is Stageor Production.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-21

4.12.6 Register the Fusion Applications SourceThese steps form high-level Step 2 in Section 4.12.4, "Cloud Adaptor DeploymentRoadmap".

Register the Fusion Applications SourceLogin to BI Applications Configuration Manager as a user that has Enterprise Role-'ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_ADMIN_ABSTRACT'.

1. In the Tasks pane under System Setups, select the Define Business IntelligenceApplications Instance link to display the Source Systems tab.

2. Click the Add icon (+) to display the Register Source dialog.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

4-22 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

3. In the 'Register Source in Configuration Manager' page, specify:

- In the Product Line drop down list, select Oracle Fusion.

- In the Product Line Version, select the Oracle Fusion version being used.

- In the Source Instance Name field, specify a unique name to identify the sourcesystem.

- In the Data Source Number field, specify 200.

4. Click Next to display the 'Edit Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology' page.

5. Choose the context as Global from the dropdown and specify an ODI data server,jdbc details and host details of BI server.

Note: Enter dummy values as these are not needed for Cloud Adaptor based ETL.

6. Display the File Technology tab and provide details for ETL Source Files.

The default Source File Connection location is <MW_HOME>/Oracle_BI1/biapps/etl/data_files/src_files/FUSION_1_0.

7. Add JDBC URL column from the 'View' menu and change the JDBC URL valuefrom 'jdbc:snps:dbfile?OPT=TRUE' to'jdbc:snps:dbfile?ENCODING=UTF-8&OPT=TRUE' to File connection.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-23

8. Save the details.

Register file system location for download and staging the files from FA UCMserver in ODI studioWhile registering Fusion Data Source in BIACM, an ODI data server is created for Filetechnology (see example screen shot FS_FA_DS in Step 1 below). Create two newphysical schemas in ODI Topology under the existing data server, as follows:

1. In ODI Studio, create the physical schema for download, upload, and enter thefolder location in the Definition tab.

Map to 'DS_FUSION10_DOWNLOAD_FILES' in 'Global' Context in the Contexttab. (add using "+" icon on right).

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

4-24 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

2. Create Physical schema for staging and map to logical schema 'DS_FUSION10_REPLSTG_FILES'. Refer to the screen shot below for download physical schema.

3. Open 'Global' context and map the logical schema 'DS_FUSION10_UPLOAD_FILES' to newly created physical schema for download.

Note: These folders should will be used by ODI Agent to download files andshould be accessible to the ODI_server1.

4. Add 'jdbc:snps:dbfile?ENCODING=UTF-8&OPT=TRUE' to all File connection'BIAPPS_DW_FILE' in Physical architecture.


Verify that the IS_SDS_DEPLOYED variable is set to true for FUSION.1. In the Tasks pane, select the Manage Data Load Parameters link to display the

Manage Data Load Parameters dialog.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-25

2. Use the Search area to locate the IS_SDS_DEPLOYED parameter for the Fusionsource, as follows:

a. In the Source Instance drop down, select the Fusion source that you havecreated.

b. In the Parameter Code field, specify 'IS_SDS_DEPLOYED'.

c. Click Search.

The IS_SDS_DEPLOYED parameter is displayed in the Data Load Parameterslist.

In the Data Load Parameters list, view the parameter returned by the search,and verify that the value is 'Yes'.

3. If the value is not Yes, then click Edit, and in the Parameter Value drop down list,select 'YES', and save the details.

Create a Load Plan and Specify Offerings and Fact Groups to Load1. In the Tasks pane, click Manage Load Plans to display the Load Plans dialog.

2. Click Add (+) to display the Define Load Plan dialog.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

4-26 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

3. Use the Name field to specify a unique name, and in the Source Instances dropdown list select the Fusion source, then click Next to display the Select FactGroups page.

4. Select applicable offerings and fact groups.

5. Click Save.

6. In the list of Load Plans, select the new load plan, and click Generate.

4.12.7 Create FA SDS SchemaThese steps form high-level Step 3 in Section 4.12.4, "Cloud Adaptor DeploymentRoadmap".

Follow this procedure to create the SDS schema.

To create the SDS schema:

1. Log into the Business Analytics Warehouse database as SYS.

2. Create a new user for the SDS schema.

3. Grant DBA privileges to the new SDS schema user and to DW_SCHEMA.

4. Log into ODI Studio.

5. Confirm the DSN value for the logical schema, as follows.

a. Display the Topology tab, and navigate to the Physical Architecture tab.

b. Edit the Logical Schemas DS_OBIEECRM, DS_OBIEEHCM, and DS_OBIEEFSCM).

c. On the Flexfields tab for each Logical Schema, make sure that theDATASOURCE_NUM_ID value is 200.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-27

6. Create the SDS physical schema and define the Flexfields value forDATASOURCE_NUM_ID as 200.

a. Display the Topology tab, and navigate to the Physical Architecture tab, andexpand the Oracle\BIAPPS_DW node.

b. Create an SDS Physical Schema named BIAPPS_DW.FUSION_SDS.

c. On the Definition tab, set the Schema and Work Schema drop down list valuesto FUSION_SDS.

d. On the Flexfields tab, set the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID to 200.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

4-28 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

7. Create a new data server under Oracle technology to configure/register SDSPhysical schema details to be used with SDS DDL procedure and SDS FTS maps,as shown in the three example screen shots below.

The screen shot below shows the Definition configuration settings for DS_FUSION10_SDS_SERVER.

The screen shot below shows the Definition configuration settings for DS_FUSION10_SDS_SERVER.FUSION_SDS.

The screen shot below shows the Context configuration settings for DS_FUSION10_SDS_SERVER.FUSION_SDS.

8. Create the Data Server (DS_FUSION10_SDS_SERVER) and Physicalschema(FUSION_SDS) under that Data Server, as follows:

Note: On the Variable values dialog, for each scenario, specify the followingvalues:



Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-29



Then execute the GENERATE_SDS_DDL scenario that is located inComponents\SDS\Oracle\Generate SDS DLL\Scenarios:

a. Set the SDS_MODEL value to point to 'Oracle Fusion 1.0 CRM', and executethe GENERATE_SDS_DDL scenario.

b. Set the SDS_MODEL value to point to 'Oracle Fusion 1.0 HCM', and executethe GENERATE_SDS_DDL scenario.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

4-30 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

c. Set the SDS_MODEL value to point to 'Oracle Fusion 1.0 FSCM', and executethe GENERATE_SDS_DDL scenario.

4.12.8 Configure UCM ServerThese steps form high-level Step 4 in Section 4.12.4, "Cloud Adaptor DeploymentRoadmap".

1. Configure the UCM server URL in ODI Topology:

a. In ODI Studio, navigate to the Topology tab, and in the Physical Architecturepane, create a data server named 'Fusion_UCM' on the Oracle UCM node.

Use the Upload Web Services by FTP fields to specify the UCM Server URLand login credentials supplied to you by Oracle Cloud Services.

Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources

Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks 4-31

b. Create the physical schema: FUSION_UCM_Default under FUSION_UCM.

c. For the FUSION_UCM schema, use the FTP Server URL field on the Definitiontab to specify the UCM Server URL supplied to you by Oracle Cloud Services.

d. Use the Flexfields tab to specify the Map/Key pair.

Whatever Map/Key pair you specify here, make sure that the same pair existin the EM url of this host (ODI).

Note: Use the user name and password that you specified in Step 1a for theUpload Web Services by FTP fields.

2. Configure DS_FUSION10_DOWNLOAD_FILES to the newly created physicalschema.

3. On the Operator tab, open the generated Load Plan and execute it.

It will first copy files from UCM server to 'down' folder, then will move them to'cloudFiles' folder. After that it will run FTS mappings to populate SDS schemawhere csv files act as source. Then it will run warehouse mappings that willpopulate the DW schema, and where the SDS schema acts as a source.

Note: If you are deploying Key Flex Fields for Financials, then beforeyou execute this Load Plan you must follow the steps in Chapter 5,"Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor".

4. Configure the user name and password in credential store in BI Domain.

Next Steps

4-32 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

In Enterprise Manager, create a credential key "FUSION_APPS_OBIA_UCM_USER-KEY" with the username/password under map "".

Note: username/password is the user that has security group "OBIAExport"assigned in FA SAAs environment.

5. If HTTPS is enabled for the UCM Server, configure SSL.

Certificates on FA Saas PODs are CA signed, so there is no need to import thecertificates as long as DemoTrust.jks is defined as the trust store in weblogic.

Add the following JAVA OPTION in${WL_HOME}/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks

4.13 Next StepsAfter you complete the setup tasks described above, Oracle BI Applications is readyfor functional configuration, which is accomplished using Oracle BI ApplicationsConfiguration Manager and Functional Setup Manager. To enable functionalconfiguration, you must provide the Oracle BI Applications Configuration ManagerURL to your implementation managers and functional developers. To learn about thefunctional configuration process for Oracle BI Applications, see Oracle BusinessIntelligence Applications Configuration Guide.

In addition, for Oracle Fusion Applications sources, after Oracle BI Applicationsanalyses and dashboards have been tested and the data validated, the Oracle BIApplications system administrator will need to inform the Fusion ApplicationsAdministrator to enable the appropriate embedded analyses and dashboard (ADR)regions in Fusion Applications. The ADR regions are enabled using Functional SetupManager for Fusion Applications.


Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor 5-1

5Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials CloudAdaptor

Note: In order to source data from Oracle Fusion Applications usingthe Cloud Adaptor, you must have applied Patch Bundle 3.

[6]This section explains how to load the financial KFF data for GL#, CAT# and LOC#KFFs into Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

Note: These instructions only apply if you are deploying a Fusion Applications clouddata source.

To set up Key Flex Fields, do the following:

1. Enable and setup the VOs for extraction in Oracle BI Applications ConfigurationManager, as specified in Section 5.1, "Use Oracle BI Applications ConfigurationManager to Configure Cloud Extract".

2. Configure the ODI repository in Oracle Data Integrator, as specified in Section 5.2,"Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields".

3. If you are deploying Fusion Financials, then perform the additional configurationsteps in Section 5.3, "Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations".

5.1 Use Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to ConfigureCloud Extract

Configure Cloud Extract as follows:

1. When you have completed the KFF setup in Fusion and deployed the Flexfield,VOs will be generated for each segment which you have enabled for BI. All thoseVOs have to be seeded and enabled for BI extraction so that they can be loadedinto the DW.

2. Login to your Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager environment,navigate to Configure Cloud Extract, and add the VOs mentioned in step 4 andenable them for BI extraction.

3. Note that all these VOs have to be added under the 'Custom Fact Group forCustom Facts' under 'Custom Functional Area for Custom Content' under theOracle Financial Analytics Offering.

The following screen shots explain how to add these VOs and enable them for BIextraction.

Use Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to Configure Cloud Extract

5-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Click Add to display the Add Data Store dialog.

To enable VOs for extraction, select the parent Offering, Functional Area, FG/DG,or individual VO.

4. The following VOs have to be added and enabled for extraction:

■ For the GL# KFF, you will need to add the BI Flattened VO along with thesegment VOs generated for the segment labels mapped to BI Objects in yourFusion setup.

The BI Flattened VO name for GL# which needs to be added isFscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI.

■ The VOs generated for segment labels FA_COST_CTR (mapped to Dim – CostCenter), GL_ACCOUNT (mapped to Dim – Natural Account Segment) andGL_BALANCING (mapped to Dim – Balancing Segment) are known priorand so all the below mentioned VOs have to be added.


Use Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to Configure Cloud Extract

Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor 5-3

Note: All the TREECODE VOs mentioned above will have to have the“Disable Effective date filter” option enabled when they are added.

■ The VOs generated for any segment label apart from the 3 mentioned in theprevious point and mapped to the BI Object Dim – GL Segmentx are notknown before hand as the VO names depends on the segment label. So addthe VO names based on the naming pattern given below.

If the segment is a tree segment (if you have created hierarchies for value setsused for those segments) then the VOs which needs to be added will be of thepattern.

- FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREE_VS_<segment label>_VI

- FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREECODE_VS_<segment label>_VI

If the segment is a non tree segment (if you have NOT created hierarchies forvalue sets used for those segments) then the VO which needs to be added willbe of the pattern.

FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_VS_<segment label>_VI

For example:

Table 5–1 Example segment labels and VO Names

Segment Label Tree v/s Non Tree VO Name



ORG Non Tree FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_VS_ORG_VI

Note: When the TREECODE VOs are added, they must have the 'DisableEffective date filter' option enabled.

■ For the CAT# and LOC# KFFs, you will need to add the BI Flattened VO foreach KFF.

The BI Flattened VO name for CAT# which needs to be added isFscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI.

The BI Flattened VO name for LOC# which needs to be added isFscmTopModelAM.LocationBIAM.FLEX_BI_Location_VI.

5. Once you have added these VOs and completed the extraction process, the datafiles for these VOs will be downloaded into the physical location configured forDS_FUSION10_REPLSTG_FILES logical schema in ODI.

6. The files generated for GL# segment labels mapped to Dim – GL Segmentx (Dim –GL Segment 1-10) will have corresponding pre seeded data stores using a generic

Use Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to Configure Cloud Extract

5-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

naming convention in ODI. The next step is to rename the corresponding filesappropriate file names so that they can load the corresponding data stores. Foryour reference, the data stores seeded in ODI are shown in the screenshot below.

7. The mapping between the files generated and the new file names corresponding tothe data stores is based on the segment label to BI Object mapping and setup forthat segment (tree v/s non tree).

Taking the same example as mentioned in the previous steps – PRODUCT label ismapped to Dim – GL Segment 1 and is a tree segment and ORG label is mapped toDim – GL Segment2 and is a non tree segment, then the mapping between thegenerated files and the new files will be:

Table 5–2 Example file names

File Generated New File Name







8. This mapping has to be provided in a configuration file namedFinKFFFileRename.cfg which will be used in the downstream processes to loadthe data from those files. Create and save this config file in the same locationwhere all the data files generated above are present (step 5)

The configuration file has to be created as a comma delimited file and the formatof the entries in the file has to be as shown below. Save the file when you are donemaking the entries.

<Generated File Name>,<New File Name based on the pre seeded data store>

A sample entry in the file would look like:

Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor 5-5


Note: Create the config file in the same platform (Windows or Linux) where youwill be eventually saving this file. Avoid copy and paste from one platform to theother. This will avoid issues regarding special characters in text files when crossingdifferent platforms

5.2 Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex FieldsDo the following:

1. The BI flattened VO generated for each KFF will have columns pertaining to eachsegment label. These columns are generated after deployment and hence there willbe no out of the box mapping for these columns downstream. So you will have tomake changes to the necessary ODI artifacts to map those columns.

2. For GL# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI Flattened VO for the list ofadditional columns for each segment - ‘file_fscmtopmodelam_accountbiam_flex_bi_account_vi%.csv’. These segment columns end with ‘_’ or ‘_c’. For e.g. FA_COST_CTR_ and FA_COST_CTR_c, PRODUCT_ and PRODUCT_c and so on.

3. The first step is to add these new columns in the file data store and the VO datastore in ODI. Follow the steps mentioned below to add these columns

The file data store will be located in the path shown in the screenshot below.

4. Add the new columns to the data store. You can use a default data type of String(50,50) for all columns.


5. Similarly, if you have CAT# KFF or LOC# KFF, do similar changes.

Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

5-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

For CAT# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI Flattened VO for the list ofadditional columns for each segment - ‘file_fscmtopmodelam_categorybiam_flex_bi_category_vi%.csv’. These segment columns end with ‘_’ or ‘_c’. For e.g.BASED_CATEGORY_, MINOR_CATEGORY_

For LOC# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI Flattened VO for the list ofadditional columns for each segment - ‘file_fscmtopmodelam_locationbiam_flex_bi_location_vi%.csv’. These segment columns end with ‘_’ or ‘_c’.

Note: you perform the configuration steps mentioned in this doc for CAT# orLOC# KFF only if you have configured key flexfields for Fixed Asset Category orLocation.

6. The corresponding file data stores for CAT# and LOC# are given below.




7. Repeat step 5, 6 and 7 for the corresponding VO data stores in ODI as listed below.The VO data stores are in the path shown in the screenshot below. Again you canuse the default data type of Varchar(50,50).

- GL# KFF VO data store: FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI

- CAT#KFF VO data store: FscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI

- LOC#KFF VO data store: FscmTopModelAM.LocationBIAM.FLEX_BI_Location_VI

For example, GL# KFF VO data store and the new columns added.

Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor 5-7

8. For all the newly added columns in both the file data store and VO data store, youwill have to set the Flexfield value for 'OBI SDS Column Short Name' for each ofthese columns. The value should be the same as the column name. Also ensurethat the Flexfield value ‘Odi Populate Column in SDS’ is set to ‘Y’ for all thesecolumns.

9. Given below are some sample screen shots which can explain how to set theseFlexfield values.

Note: This is a very important step. Missing this step will cause ETL failures.

For e.g. GL# KFF File Data Store Column:

For e.g. CAT# KFF File Data Store Column:

For e.g. GL# KFF VO Data store Column:

Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

5-8 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

For e.g. CAT# KFF VO Data store Column:

10. Execute GENERATE_SDS_DDL in INCR_REFRESH_MODE. This will update theSDS table to include the new extended columns.

11. Once you have added the columns in the appropriate data stores, you will have tomap the columns in the corresponding ODI mappings to load the data.

12. For the GL# KFF, edit the FTS mapping shown below to map these new columns.The FTS mapping will be located under the folder SDE_FUSION_V1_ADAPTOR.

13. Do a one to one mapping between the segment columns as shown below.

For e.g. Column mappings in FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI

Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor 5-9

14. Save the changes, regenerate the underlying scenario for the package.

15. Similarly, if you have CAT# KFF or LOC# KFF, edit the corresponding FTSmappings to map the new columns.

CAT#KFF FTS mapping: FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI

LOC#KFF FTS mapping: FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.LocationBIAM.FLEX_BI_Location_VI

For e.g. Column mappings in FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI.

16. Save the changes, regenerate the underlying scenarios for the packages.

17. Edit the SDE mapping for GL# KFF to map these new columns to correspondingcolumns in the staging table as shown below. The SDE mapping will be under thesame SDE_FUSION_V1_Adaptor folder.

18. The column mapping is based on the segment label to BI Object mapping done inyour Fusion setup.

For GL#KFF, the mappings for FA_COST_CTR, GL_ACCOUNT and GL_BALANCING labels are known and should be mapped as shown below.

Table 5–3 Example column names and mappings

Target Column Name Mapping







19. The column mapping for all the other segment labels is based on thecorresponding BI Objects mapped in your Fusion setup.

Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

5-10 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

For e.g. assuming you have mapped PRODUCT label to Dim – GL Segment1 andORG label to Dim – GL Segment2 then the column mapping will look like:

Table 5–4 Example column names and mappings

Target Column Name Mapping





For e.g. assuming you have mapped ALTACCT label to Dim – GL Segment3 andGL_MANAGEMENT label to Dim – GL Segment5 then the column mapping willlook like

Table 5–5 Example column names and mappings

Target Column Name Mapping





20. Save the changes, regenerate the underlying scenario for the package.

21. Make similar changes for CAT# and LOC# if applicable. The correspondingmappings for both are given below.


a.SDE mapping: SDE_FUSION_FixedAssetCategoryDimension

b.Staging table: W_ASSET_CATEGORY_DS


a.SDE mapping: SDE_FUSION_FixedAssetLocationDimension

b.Staging table: W_ASSET_LOCATION_DS

22. For CAT#KFF, e.g. assuming if you have mapped BASED_CATEGORY andMINOR_CATEGORY, and would like to use them as Major and Minor Category,then the column mapping will look like below.

Table 5–6 Example column names and mappings

Target Column Name Mapping



Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor 5-11

23. Save the changes, regenerate the underlying scenarios for the packages.

24. Before generating a load plan for execution, you will have to enable certain FTSand SDE scenarios corresponding to GL Segment 1-10 in some load plancomponents so that they are included in the final generated load plan.

For FTS scenarios, you can edit any ONE of the following FTS load plancomponents. These LP components will be in the path – BIAPPS Load Plan – LoadPlan Dev Components –FTS






25. Enable the FTS scenarios based on your Fusion setup. Taking the same examplethat has been used earlier – if your PRODUCT label is mapped to Dim – GLSegment 1 and is a tree segment and ORG label is mapped to Dim – GL Segment 2and is a non tree segment, then enable the following scenarios




Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

5-12 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

For SDE scenarios, you need to edit the 3 SDE Dims GLSEG_DIM FUSION_1_0load plan component. This load plan component will be in the path BIAPPS LoadPlan – Load Plan Dev Components –SDE – FUSION_1_0.

26. For this load plan component, enable the main ‘Parallel’ branch and then disableall the steps that are not required.

27. With the same example mentioned in the previous sections, if your Segment 1 is atree segment and Segment2 is a non tree segment, then you will be enabling thefollowing scenarios in the LP component and disable all the remaining steps.




If Dim – GL Segmentx is mapped to a tree segment label in Fusion, then you willbe enabling



If Dim – GL Segmentx is mapped to a non tree segment label in Fusion, then youwill be enabling


28. The modified Load Plan Component will look somewhat similar to the one shownbelow.

Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations

Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Cloud Adaptor 5-13

29. When you have done the changes generate a load plan based on your offering andthe modules implemented.

In the generated load plan, double check that your settings on the FTS and SDEload plan components were carried over accordingly.

5.3 Additional Steps for Fusion Financials ImplementationsThis section below explains the modifications needed for a couple of FTS mappingsrelated to GL Balances

Note: This section is applicable only to customers who have their Fusionimplementation on cloud.

1. Edit the 2 FTS mappings shown below and make the required changes mentionedin the subsequent points. The FTS mappings will be located in the ODI repositoryunder the folder Mappings - SDE_FUSION_V1_ADAPTOR.

2. Edit the packages in the two folders and change the type of the variable IS_INCREMENTAL in the package from “Refresh Variable” to “Set Variable”. Thevariable looks like the one shown below before the change.

3. Click on the variable and change the type from “Refresh Variable” to “SetVariable” as shown below and set the value of the variable to be N.

Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations

5-14 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

4. Save the changes to the packages and regenerate the scenario for both thepackages.


Repository Creation Utility Screens A-1

ARepository Creation Utility Screens

[7]This appendix describes the options available when you run the Repository CreationUtility.

■ Welcome

■ Create Repository

■ Database Connection Details

■ Select Components

■ Schema Passwords

■ Custom Variables

■ Map Tablespaces

■ Summary

■ Completion Summary

A.1 WelcomeThis is the first screen that appears when RCU is started. Note the navigation pane onthe left that summarizes the tasks that RCU will help you complete. Each item in thenavigation pane represents a specific screen that will prompt you for informationrequired to create or drop your schemas.

Click Skip This Page Next Time if you do not want to see the Welcome screen the nexttime you start RCU.

A.2 Create RepositoryUse this screen to select the action you want to perform, as described in the followingtable:

Table A–1 RCU Actions

Action Description

Create Select this option to create component schemas in the database.

Drop Select this option to remove component schemas from the database.

Database Connection Details

A-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

A.3 Database Connection DetailsUse this screen to specify the connection credentials to the database in which you willbe creating or dropping your schemas. Select one of the following depending on yourdatabase:

■ Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle DatabasesEnabled for Edition-Based Redefinition

■ Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle MySQL Databases

■ Specifying Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server Databases

■ Specifying Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases

Click Next when you are finished entering the connection credentials for yourdatabase. A screen indicating the progress of the installer establishing the connectionwith the specified database will appear. If an error occurs while the connection is beingestablished, the error message(s) appear in the Messages field on the DatabaseConnection Details screen.

Specific database requirements for the various schemas can be found in the OracleFusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications document.

For certified database versions, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms forOracle Fusion Middleware 11gR1 document, which is available on the Oracle FusionMiddleware Supported System Configurations page.

Note: If you are running the RCU for Oracle Business AnalyticsApplications Suite, see the Oracle Business Intelligence ApplicationsInstallation Guide for information about this screen.

A.3.1 Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle DatabasesEnabled for Edition-Based Redefinition

For Oracle databases and Oracle databases enabled for edition-based redefinition,specify the following connection credentials:

Table A–2 Oracle Database Connection Credentials

Field Description

Host Name Enter the name of the server where your database is running. Use thefollowing format:

For Oracle RAC databases, specify the VIP name or one of the node namesin this field.

Port Enter the port number for your database. The default port number forOracle databases is 1521.

Database Connection Details

Repository Creation Utility Screens A-3

A.3.2 Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle MySQL DatabasesFor MySQL databases, specify the following connection credentials:

Table A–3 Oracle MySQL Database Connection Credentials

Field Description

Host Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name in host\serverformat of the server where your database is running.

For Oracle RAC databases, specify the VIP name or one of the nodenames in this field.

Port Enter the port number for your database.

Database Name Specify the name of your database.

Username Specify the name of a user with DBA or SYSDBA privileges.

Password Enter the password for your database user.

A.3.3 Specifying Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server DatabasesFor Microsoft SQL Server databases, specify the following connection credentials:

Service Name Specify the service name for the database. Typically, the service name is thesame as the global database name.

If you are unsure what the service name for your database is, you canobtain it from the SERVICE_NAMES parameter in the database's initializationparameter file. If the initialization parameter file does not contain theSERVICE_NAMES parameter, then the service name is the same as the globaldatabase name, which is specified in the DB_NAME and DB_DOMAINparameters.

For Oracle RAC databases, specify the service name of one of the nodes inthis field. For example:

Username Enter the user name for your database. The default user name is SYS.

Password Enter the password for your database user.

Role Select the database user's role from the drop-down list:

■ Normal


All schemas installed on an Oracle database require the SYSDBA role. Ifyou are creating schemas for Oracle Internet Directory (OID), you must usethe user SYS and the SYSDBA role. For more information, see 'RCURequirements for Oracle Databases' in the System Requirements andSpecification.

Table A–4 Microsoft SQL Server Database Connection Credentials

Field Description

Unicode Support Select Yes or No from the drop-down list.

NOTE: Oracle SOA Infrastructure schemas are created with Unicodesupport (database tables created with NVARCHAR) only, regardless ofthe option selected in this field.

Table A–2 (Cont.) Oracle Database Connection Credentials

Field Description

Select Components

A-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

A.3.4 Specifying Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 DatabasesFor IBM DB2 databases, specify the following connection credentials:

Table A–5 IBM DB2 Database Connection Credentials

Field Description

Server Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name in host\serverformat of the server where your database is running.

Port Enter the port number for your database.

Database Name Specify the name of your database.

Username Specify the name of a user with DB Owner privileges. The default username for IBM DB2 databases is db2admin.

Password Enter the password for your database user.

A.4 Select ComponentsUse this screen to select the component schemas you want to create or drop.

The following topics are covered in this section:

■ Creating Database Users for IBM DB2 Databases

■ Creating Prefixes

■ Selecting Components and Dependencies

■ Specifying Custom Schema Names

■ Checking Schema Prerequisites

Note: If you are creating schemas, you must remember the prefixand schema names for the components you are installing; you willneed this information during the configuration phase of FusionMiddleware product installation. Oracle recommends that you writethese values down.

■ Dropping Schemas

Note: If you are running the RCU for Oracle Business AnalyticsApplications Suite, see the Oracle Business Intelligence ApplicationsInstallation Guide for information about this screen.

Server Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name inhost\server format of the server where your database is running.

Port Enter the port number for your database.

Database Name Specify the name of your database.

Username Enter the user name for your database. The user must have SYSDBAor DBA privileges.

Password Enter the password for your database user.

Table A–4 (Cont.) Microsoft SQL Server Database Connection Credentials

Field Description

Select Components

Repository Creation Utility Screens A-5

A.4.1 Creating Database Users for IBM DB2 DatabasesIBM DB2 authenticates its database users using equivalent operating system users.Therefore, prior to running RCU, one operating system user must be created for eachschema. The operating system user name must match the schema owner name andmust contain only lowercase letters; no all-uppercase or mixed-case names areallowed. For example, if you create a schema named DEV_ODI using RCU, then theoperating system user must be named dev_odi (all lowercase letters).

A.4.2 Creating PrefixesPrefixes are used to create logical groupings of schemas in a database. For example, ifyou want to create two versions of the MDS schema in the database, you can usedifferent prefixes to uniquely identify each one (for example, TEST_MDS and PROD_MDS).Note that the prefix name and schema name are separated by an underscore (_)character.

Note: The Oracle Internet Directory (ODS) component cannot beprepended with a custom prefix; there can only be one repository forthis component per database.

If you want to create a new prefix for your schemas, select Create a New Prefix andspecify a new prefix name in the field. The prefix name must be a minimum of onecharacter in length and cannot exceed 12 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z) inlength (not including the underscore character). Prefixes should not start with anumber. No whitespace or special characters are allowed.

Note: For IBM DB2 databases, prefixes are limited to four charactersin length (not including the underscore character).

The default new prefix is DEV. If DEV already exists as a prefix, then DEV1 is used; if DEV1exists, then DEV2 is the default, and so on.

Use existing prefixes to add additional components to an existing repository in thedatabase. To use an existing prefix, select Select an Existing Prefix and choose a prefixfrom the drop-down list.

A.4.3 Selecting Components and DependenciesWhen you select a component, any other components that may be required by thecomponent you select are also selected. For example, if you select SOA and BPMInfrastructure, then all schemas in this category are selected along with the MetadataServices schema. The Metadata Services schema is required by each component inSOA and BPM Infrastructure.

If a component has a plus sign (+) next to its name, then there are sub componentsavailable. Click on the plus sign (+) to expand the category to view all subcomponents. If you want to select a component with all its subcomponents, click onthe top-most box with the plus sign (+).

Schema Passwords

A-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

A.4.4 Specifying Custom Schema NamesClick on the name of any schema in the "Schema Owner" column to change the nameof the schema. Schema names can only contain alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, orA-Z) and are case-sensitive.

Note: The Oracle Internet Directory (ODS) component cannot beprepended with a custom prefix; there can only be one repository forthis component per database.

A.4.5 Checking Schema PrerequisitesClick Next when you are finished specifying your prefix, schema names, and selectingcomponents. A screen indicating the progress of component prerequisite checkingappears. If an error occurs during the prerequisite checking, the error message(s)appear in the Messages field on the Select Components screen.

A.4.6 Dropping SchemasTo remove schemas from the database:

1. Select the prefix associated with the schema(s) you want to drop.

2. select the component(s) whose schemas you want to drop.

A.5 Schema PasswordsUse this screen to specify the password for your schemas.

There are three ways to specify schema passwords; they are described in the followingtable:

Table A–6 Options for Specifying Schema Passwords

Option Description

Use same password for allschemas

Select this option if you want to use a single password for allschemas and their auxiliary schemas. In the Password field,enter your password. Enter your password again in the ConfirmPassword field.

Use main schemapasswords for auxiliaryschemas

Select this option if you want to specify different passwords forthe main schemas, but still have the same password used fortheir respective auxiliary schemas. If you select this option, onlythe main schemas will be visible in the table. For each schema,you must enter each schema's password in the Password columnin the table, and enter the same password in the ConfirmPassword column.

Specify differentpasswords for all schemas

Select this option if you want to specify unique passwords forthe main schemas and auxiliary schemas. If you select thisoption, all main schemas and auxiliary schemas will be visible inthe table. For each schema and auxiliary schema, you must enterthe password in the Password column in the table, and enter thesame password in the Confirm Password column.

Note: You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen;you will need this information during the configuration phase ofFusion Middleware product installation. Oracle recommends that youwrite these values down.

Custom Variables

Repository Creation Utility Screens A-7

A.6 Custom VariablesUse this screen to specify additional configuration information required by thecomponents during runtime.

This screen only appears if you selected a component on the Select Components screenthat supports custom variables:

■ Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

■ Specifying Custom Variables for Master and Work Repository (ODI)

■ Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph andAnalytics

A.6.1 Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle Business Intelligence ApplicationsThe RCU uses .dmp files to create the required schemas. Before you perform the actionin this screen, you must copy the .dmp files for each schema to a directory with globalwrite access on the appropriate database server host machine. (RCU writes log files tothis directory). The .dmp files are located in BIA_RCU_HOME\rcu\integration\biapps\schema.

In the Value field in the Custom Variables screen, for each schema enter the directorypath of the folder that contains the .dmp file.

Note: Do not include the name of the .dmp file in the directory path.

A.6.2 Specifying Custom Variables for Master and Work Repository (ODI)Specify the following for the Master and Work Repository Custom Variables:

Table A–7 Master and Work Repository Custom Variables

Variable Description

Master Repository ID A specific ID for the new Master Repository. Master RepositoryID values must be between 0 and 999. Default value is 001.

Supervisor PAssword Password of the supervisor user. You must confirm thispassword on the following line.

Map Tablespaces

A-8 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

A.6.3 Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph andAnalytics

Specify Y if you want to install Activity Graph and Analytics with databasepartitioning enabled, or N if you do not want to enable database partitioning.

A.7 Map TablespacesUse this screen to specify your tablespace mapping information.

This screen only appears if you selected the Create option on the Create Repositoryscreen. The following topics are covered:

■ Default Tablespace Mappings

■ Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces

■ Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces

■ Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles

Click Next when you are finished with your tablespace information. A screen willappear asking you to confirm the creation of tablespaces for any new schemas.

Note: RCU only creates tablespaces for those components associatedwith RCU.

After you click OK to continue, a screen indicating the progress of the tablespacecreation will appear.

Work Repository Type Specify how the Work Repository will be used:

■ Use Development (D) for creating a developmentrepository. This type of repository allows management ofdesign-time objects such as data models and projects(including interfaces, procedures, etc.) A developmentrepository also includes the run-time objects (scenarios andsessions). This type of repository is suitable fordevelopment environments.

■ Use Execution (E) for creating an execution repository: Thistype of repository only includes run-time objects (scenarios,schedules and sessions). It allows launching and monitoringof data integration jobs in Operator Navigator. Such arepository cannot contain any design-time artifacts.Designer Navigator cannot be used with it. An executionrepository is suitable for production environments.

Work Repository ID A specific ID for the new Work Repository. Default value is 001.

Work Repository Name A unique name for the Work Repository (for example:DEVWORKREP1).

Work Repository Password (Optional) - Provide a password for the Work Repository. If youprovide a password, you must confirm the password on thefollowing line.

Table A–7 (Cont.) Master and Work Repository Custom Variables

Variable Description

Map Tablespaces

Repository Creation Utility Screens A-9

A.7.1 Default Tablespace MappingsThe default tablespace mapping for each component is shown in "Repository CreationUtility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware RepositoryCreation Utility User's Guide.

In the Default Tablespace and Temp tablespace columns, you can click on thetablespace cell to select from a list of available additional tablespace names.

Note: OID tablespace names cannot be user specified.

A.7.2 Changing Default and Temporary TablespacesTo change the default tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in the"Default Tablespace" column, then select the tablespace name you want to use from thedrop-down list. You can have your components use as many or as few tablespaces asdesired to suit your configuration.

To change the temporary tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in the"Temp Tablespace" column, then select the tablespace name you want to use from thedrop-down list.

A.7.3 Viewing and Changing Additional TablespacesSome components have additional tablespaces associated with their schemas. If this isthe case, the Additional Tablespaces button will appear on this screen. If none of theselected components have additional tablespaces, then this button will not appear.

To view additional tablespaces associated with the selected components, click theAdditional Tablespaces button.

To change the tablespace you want to use for a component, click in the "TablespaceName" column and select the tablespace you want to use from the drop-down list.

A.7.4 Managing Tablespaces and DatafilesTo manage your tablespaces and datafiles, click the Manage Tablespaces button.

The following topics are covered in this section:

■ Adding, Modifying, and Removing Tablespaces

■ Adding, Modifying, and Removing Datafiles

A.7.4.1 Adding, Modifying, and Removing TablespacesOnly tablespaces that will be created by RCU can be modified or removed. Tablespacesthat existed before RCU was launched are visible on this screen but are grayed out andcannot be modified or removed.

Only tablespaces that are used by a component are created. You can specify a newtablespace here, but unless it is actually used by a component it will not be created.

To modify a tablespace, select the tablespace name on the left-hand portion of thescreen, and edit the fields as described in the following table:

Table A–8 Modifying a Tablespace

Field Description

Name Edit the tablespace name this field to change the name of yourtablespace.

Type Specify whether you want this tablespace to be a temporary tablespaceor permanent tablespace.

Block Size (KB) Specify the block size (in Kilobytes) to be used for data retrieval.

Storage Type Select Use Bigfile Tablespace if you want to create a bigfile tablespace;this is typically used if you have single large files instead of multiplesmall files. Select Use Automatic Segment Space Management if youwant to use bitmaps to manage the free space within segments.

Map Tablespaces

A-10 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

To add a tablespace, click Add and specify the same details as above (for modifying atablespace) for your new tablespace.

To remove a tablespace, select the tablespace name from the navigation tree, then clickRemove. This tablespace will not get created.

A.7.4.2 Adding, Modifying, and Removing DatafilesIn the Datafiles section, specify the datafiles that make up the selected tablespace.Select one of the following for more information:

■ Adding a Datafile

■ Modifying a Datafile

■ Deleting a Datafile

A. Adding a Datafile To add a datafile, click the icon with the plus sign (+).

The Add Datafile screen appears.

Provide the information described in the following table:

Table A–9 Adding a Datafile

Field Description

File Name Specify the name of the datafile.

NOTE: Datafile names must be less than 30 characters in length, andnames with a dash or hyphen (-) character are not permitted.

File Directory Specify the location where this datafile will reside.

Size Specify the initial size of the datafile. Use the drop-down list tospecify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

Automatically extenddatafile when full(AUTOEXTEND)

Select Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND) ifyou want to automatically extend the size of your datafile when itbecomes full. In the "Increment" field, specify the size by which yourdatafile should be increased each time it becomes full. Use thedrop-down list to specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),or gigabytes (GB).

If you want to limit maximum size of the datafile, specify this valuein the "Maximum Size" field.

A. Modifying a Datafile To modify or edit a datafile, select the icon next to thedatafile name you want to edit, then click the icon with the pencil.

The Edit Datafile screen appears:

Completion Summary

Repository Creation Utility Screens A-11

Provide the information described in the following table:

Table A–10 Modifying a Datafile

Field Description

File Name Specify the name of the datafile.

NOTE: Datafile names must be less than 30 characters in length, andnames with a dash or hyphen (-) character are not permitted.

File Directory Specify the location where this datafile resides.

Size Specify the initial size of the datafile. Use the drop-down list tospecify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

Automatically extenddatafile when full(AUTOEXTEND)

Select Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND) ifyou want to automatically extend the size of your datafile when itbecomes full. In the "Increment" field, specify the size by which yourdatafile should be increased each time it becomes full. Use thedrop-down list to specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),or gigabytes (GB).

If you want to limit maximum size of the datafile, specify this valuein the "Maximum Size" field.

A. Deleting a Datafile To delete a datafile, select the icon next to the datafile nameyou want to delete, then click the icon with the "X".

A.8 SummaryThis screen provides a summary of the actions that are about to be performed.

Review the information on this screen, and click Create to begin schema creation, orDrop to begin schema removal.

A screen will appear indicating the progress of the actions being performed.

A.9 Completion SummaryThis screen provides a summary of the actions that were performed.

The log file names for each component that are visible in the "Logfile" column. Themain RCU log and component log files are written to the following directory on UNIXoperating systems:


On Windows operating systems:


If there were any problems encountered during schema creation, you can troubleshootthe issue using the log files.

If errors are encountered during a Create operation, or if a Create operation fails forany component, the Cleanup for failed components checkbox appears on this pageand is selected by default. If selected, RCU will perform cleanup operations for thecomponent that failed during the Create operation. If you choose not to select thischeckbox, you can cleanup the failed component at a later time by performing a Dropoperation for the failed component(s).

Completion Summary

A-12 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide


Installer Screens Common to All Oracle Fusion Middleware Suites B-1

BInstaller Screens Common to All Oracle FusionMiddleware Suites

[8]The following sections describe the installation screens that are common to all theOracle Fusion Middleware product installers.

■ Specify Inventory Location

■ Inventory Location Confirmation

■ Welcome

■ Prerequisite Checks

■ Security Updates

■ Software Updates

■ Installation Location

■ Application Server

■ Summary

■ Installation Progress

■ Configuration Progress

■ Complete

B.1 Specify Inventory LocationIf this is your first Oracle installation on a host that is running UNIX or Linux systemsoftware, you must use this screen to specify the location of the Oracle inventorydirectory.

The inventory directory is used by the installer to keep track of all Oracle productsinstalled on the computer.

The following table describes the fields on this page.

Field Description

Inventory Directory Use this field to identify the complete path for the newOracle inventory directory that will be created.

By default, the installer assumes you will create the Oracleinventory in a directory, based on the followingenvironment variable and path:


If this location is not appropriate for your environment,enter a new path for the location of the inventory directory.

Note that the inventory directory will eventually containmany files, including log files for each Oracle softwareinstallation you perform on this machine.

Operating System Group Name From the Operating System Group drop-down menu, selectthe group whose members you want to grant access to theinventory directory; all members of this group will be ableto install products on this machine.

Inventory Location Confirmation

B-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

B.2 Inventory Location ConfirmationThis dialog box appears only on UNIX systems. It prompts you to run a shell scriptthat will create the Oracle inventory in the location you specified on the InventoryLocation screen.

You must have root privileges to run the script.

If you do not have root privileges, but you want to continue with the installation,select Continue Installation with Local Inventory.

Note that the preferred method of managing your Oracle installations is to create acentral inventory directory with the shell script. If you create a central inventorydirectory, then the next time you install any Oracle software on this machine, theinstaller will automatically locate and update the inventory without prompting you.The installer uses the inventory to identify what Oracle software is installed. It alsosaves all your installation log files to the inventory location.

If you do not run the script and use a local inventory, a local copy of the inventory iscreated for this specific installation only. If you later run the installer to installadditional Oracle software, the installer will again prompt you to create an inventory.

B.3 WelcomeThis page introduces you to the Oracle Fusion Middleware installer and provides twoimportant pieces of information:

■ A navigation pane on the left that summarizes the tasks the installer will help youcomplete. Each item in the navigation pane represents a specific installer screenthat will prompt you for information required to install the software.

■ Information about any prerequisites you might need to perform before continuingwith the installation.

Review the information on this screen carefully to be sure you have performed all thenecessary prerequisites.

If you are not sure about any of the prerequisite tasks, refer to the Oracle FusionMiddleware Installation Planning Guide, as well as the for the specific Oracle FusionMiddleware software you are about to install.

Security Updates

Installer Screens Common to All Oracle Fusion Middleware Suites B-3

B.4 Prerequisite ChecksThis screen analyzes the host computer to ensure that specific operating systemprerequisites have been met.

If any of the prerequisite checks fail, then a short error message appears in the bottomportion of the screen. Fix the error and click Retry to try again. If you want to ignorethe error or warning messages and continue with the installation, click Continue.

Click Abort to stop prerequisite checking for all components.

More About System Requirements and PrerequisitesNote that before performing any installation you should read the system requirementsand certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimuminstallation requirements for the products you are installing. Both of these documentsare available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

The system requirements document covers information such as hardware andsoftware requirements, minimum disk space and memory requirements, and requiredsystem libraries, packages, or patches:

The certification document covers supported installation types, platforms, operatingsystems, databases, JDKs, and third-party products:

About 32-Bit and 64-Bit InstallersSome Oracle Fusion Middleware products provide separate installers for 64-bit and32-bit operating systems. for those products, be sure to use the appropriate installer forthe operating system you are using.

For more information, refer to the information on this topic in the System Requirementsand Specifications on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

B.5 Security UpdatesUse this screen to enter your My Oracle Support account information so you canreceive the latest product information and security updates via your My OracleSupport account.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Element Description

Email Enter the email address you used to register with MyOracle support.

I wish to receive security updatesvia My Oracle Support

Select this check box to indicate that you have a My OracleSupport account and that you want to receive updates viaMy Oracle Support.

My Oracle Support Password Enter the password for your My Oracle Support account.

Software Updates

B-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

If you do not want to register for security updates or if you do not have a My OracleSupport account, then leave all the fields on this screen empty. You will be promptedto confirm your selection; click Yes in the dialog box.

B.6 Software UpdatesUse this screen to quickly and easily search for the latest software updates, includingimportant security updates, via your My Oracle Support account.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Element Description

Skip Software Updates Select this option to skip this screen. The installer will notcheck for updates that might be applicable to the currentproduct installation.

Search My Oracle Support forUpdates

If you have a My Oracle Support account, then select thisoption to have the installer automatically search My OracleSupport for software updates that apply to the softwareproducts are about to install.

Enter your My Oracle Support account name andpassword, and then click Search for Updates.

The installer automatically downloads applicable softwareupdates from My Oracle Support.

Before you search for update, you can test your logincredentials and the connection to My Oracle Support byclicking Test Connection. Click Proxy Settings toconfigure a proxy server if one is required.

Search Local Directory forUpdates

Select this option if you already downloaded the latestsoftware updates and you want the installer to search alocal directory for updates applicable to the products youare about to install.

When you select this option, the installer displays anadditional field and Browse button that you can use toidentify the local directory where your updates are located.

B.7 Installation LocationUse this screen to identify where you want to install your Oracle Fusion Middlewaresoftware.

The following table describes the fields that might appear on this page.

Important Notes:

■ Depending upon the type of installation you are performing one or more of thefields shown here might not appear on this screen. Each Fusion Middlewarecomponent has different requirements for determining where the software isinstalled.

■ If you are installing a Patch Set, then you must specify an existing Middlewarehome that contains the Oracle home that will be patched.

■ If you are performing an installation on a Windows operating system, be sure thatyour directory paths are valid and do not contain double backslashes (\\).

Installation Location

Installer Screens Common to All Oracle Fusion Middleware Suites B-5

Field Description

Oracle MiddlewareHome Location

Use this field to specify the location of your Oracle Middleware homedirectory.

■ If you are using Oracle WebLogic Server as your applicationserver:

In the Oracle Middleware Home field, specify the absolute path toyour existing Oracle Middleware home directory; this is thedirectory that was created when you installed Oracle WebLogicServer. If you do not know the full path to your Middlewarehome, you can click Browse to select an existing directory in yoursystem.

■ If you are using IBM WebSphere as your application server:

In the Oracle Middleware Home field, specify the absolute path tothe directory you want to use as the Middleware home. Thisdirectory has no relation to the location of your WebSphereinstallation. If you specify a directory location that does notalready exist, the installer will create the directory for you.

Oracle HomeDirectory

The Oracle home directory is where your products will be installed. Allsoftware binaries will reside in this directory, and no runtime processcan write to this directory.

Specify the directory inside the Oracle Middleware home where youwant to install your products, but note the following:

■ If you specify a new directory, it will be created inside theMiddleware home.

■ If you specify a directory that already exists (for example, you arereinstalling due of an incomplete previous installation), then itmust be inside the Oracle Middleware home.

■ If you are using the Oracle Fusion Middleware ApplicationDeveloper installer, then all the binaries are installed into theOracle Common home.

■ If you are using a Patch Set installer, the installer will verify thatthe Oracle home you selected is compatible with the patch setinstaller you have selected. For example, you cannot patch anOracle Identity Management Oracle home with the Oracle SOASuite patch set installer.

WebLogic ServerLocation

The directory name for your WebLogic Server home. This directorywill automatically be created inside the Middleware home. The defaultname for this directory is "wlserver_" followed by the version number.For example, wlserver_10.3.

Oracle InstanceLocation

Enter the absolute path to the location where you want to create theOracle Instance directory. The installer creates the Oracle Instancedirectory using the location you enter in this field and using the nameyou enter in the Oracle Instance Name field. Do not enter a path to anexisting directory that contains files—if you enter a path to an existingdirectory, that directory must be empty.

The installer installs the component's configuration files and runtimeprocesses in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components willwrite only to this directory. You can identify any location on yoursystem for the Oracle Instance directory—it does not have to resideinside the Oracle Middleware Home directory.

Application Server

B-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

For more information about the Middleware home and the Oracle home requirements,see "Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure and Concepts" in the Oracle FusionMiddleware Installation Planning Guide.

B.8 Application ServerUse this screen to select the application server you want to use for this installation.

■ If the installer detects a Middleware home with Oracle WebLogic Server installed,then this is the application server that will be used. All other fields in this screenwill be inactive.

■ If the installer detects a Middleware home without an Oracle WebLogic Serverinstalled, you must select one of the application server options and then provideits location in the Application Server Location field.

■ If the installer does not detect a Middleware home directory, the "WebLogicServer" option will be inactive. You must select "WebSphere" and then provide thelocation of your IBM WebSphere in the Application Server Location field.

B.9 SummaryThis screen summarizes the selections you have made during the installation orconfiguration session.

Note that some Oracle Fusion Middleware installers allow you to install and configurethe products as part of the installation process. As a result, the installation summarypage is sometimes referred to as the configuration summary page.

In either case, this screen provides the following information:

■ The location of your installation

■ How much disk space will be used for the installation

Oracle InstanceName

Enter a name for the Oracle Instance directory. The installer uses thename you enter in this field to create the Oracle Instance directory atthe location you specify in the Oracle Instance Location field. Thisdirectory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.

Instance names are important because Oracle Fusion Middleware usesthem to uniquely identify instances. If you install multiple OracleFusion Middleware instances on the same computer, for example, anOracle Identity Management instance and an Oracle WebLogic Serverinstance, you must give them different names.

The name you enter for the Oracle Instance directory must:

■ Contain only alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters

■ Begin with an alphabetic character (a-z or A-Z)

■ Consist of 4-30 characters

■ Not contain the host name or IP address of the computer

Location If you are installing the Oracle Discoverer Desktop or OracleDiscoverer Admin applications, use this field to enter the locationwhere the applications will be installed.

Enter the absolute path for the Oracle Home location. This is thedirectory where the software binaries will reside; no runtime processesmay write to this directory. The specified directory must be an emptydirectory or an existing Oracle Home location.

Field Description

Configuration Progress

Installer Screens Common to All Oracle Fusion Middleware Suites B-7

■ The applications you have selected for installation

Review the information on this screen to verify the options you have selected beforethe installation or configuration begins.

If you want to make any changes to the configuration before starting the installation orconfiguration, use the navigation pane to select the installer screen you want to returnto and edit.

If you want to save this installation or configuration to a text file (called a responsefile), click Save. The resulting response file can be used later if you choose to performthe same installation from the command line. See the section on "Silent Installation" inyour component-specific for more information.

B.10 Installation ProgressThis screen shows you the progress of the installation.

If you want to quit before the installation is completed, click Cancel. Doing so willresult in a partial installation; the portion of the software that was installed on yoursystem before you canceled the installation will remain on your system, and you willhave to remove it manually.

B.11 Configuration ProgressThis screen shows you the progress of your software configuration.

This screen is divided into the following main parts:

■ The navigation pane on the left, which shows you where you are in the overallinstallation and configuration process.

■ A list of configuration tools that can be expanded and collapsed to show either theoverall progress of the configuration or a more detailed listing of the progress ofeach configuration tool.

■ A set of control buttons (Abort, Retry, and Continue), which you can use in theevent of a configuration tool failure.

■ The name and location of the configuration log file.

■ A summary of the results for each configuration tool, which includes any errormessages generated by the failure of a configuration tool.

If an error occurs while any of the configuration tools are running, the installeridentifies the configuration tool, stops, and alerts you of the problem. You can do thefollowing:

■ Expand the list in the results section of the page, so you can see the error messagethat was generated.

■ Leave the installer running and use another terminal window to review theconfiguration log file.

■ Refer to the Installation documentation for more information.

■ If possible, address the problem and use the control buttons to determine yournext action, as described in the following table.

Element Description

Abort Click this button to abort the installation and configuration of theFusion Middleware software. This action closes the installer.

Retry Click this button to retry the failed configuration tool. If you were ableto identify and address the error, then use this button to try theconfiguration tool again.

Continue Click this button to ignore the error and continue with the rest of theconfiguration tools. This is the equivalent of skipping the configurationtool that generated the error.


B-8 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

B.12 CompleteThis screen summarizes the installation that was just completed.

If you want to save this summary information to a text file for future reference, clickSave.

For some Oracle Fusion Middleware installers, you can also save the configurationinformation to a text file.

Click Finish to dismiss the screen and end your installation session.


Oracle BI Applications Installation and Configuration Screens C-1

COracle BI Applications Installation andConfiguration Screens

[9]This appendix describes the options available when you are installing and configuringOracle BI Applications.

■ Welcome (When Running Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer)

■ Specify Installation Location (When Running Business Analytics ApplicationsSuite Installer)

■ Welcome (When Running the configApps.bat/sh File)

■ Extend BI Domain

■ Specify Installation Location (When Running the configApps.bat/sh File)

■ Configure Components

■ RPD Encryption Password

■ BI Applications Administrator User

■ MDS Schema

■ BI Applications Components Repository Schema

■ Business Analytics Warehouse Schema

■ BI Applications ODI Repository Schema

■ Configure Ports

C.1 Welcome (When Running Business Analytics Applications SuiteInstaller)

This screen introduces you to the Oracle Business Analytics Applications Suiteinstaller. The navigation pane on the left summarizes the tasks the installer will helpyou complete. Each item in the navigation pane represents a specific installer screenthat will prompt you for information required to install the software.

Before you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer, you must completethe following prerequisites:

■ Install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g

■ Install Oracle Data Integrator

For more information on installing the prerequisites for Business AnalyticsApplications Suite installer, see the section titled "Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BIApplications," in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide.

Specify Installation Location (When Running Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer)

C-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

C.2 Specify Installation Location (When Running Business AnalyticsApplications Suite Installer)

Use this screen to specify where the Oracle Fusion Middleware home is installed.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Description


Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware homewhere Oracle BI EE has been installed.

If you do not know the location of the directory, click Browse to locate thedirectory on your system.

Oracle HomeDirectory

Specify the Oracle home for BI, for example, Oracle_BI1. Do not specifyany other Oracle home or choose to create a new one. The Oracle homefor Business Intelligence directory is where the software binary files forOracle BI Applications will be installed.

If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows operating system:

■ Ensure that the directory paths are valid and do not contain double backslashes(\\).

C.3 Welcome (When Running the configApps.bat/sh File)This screen introduces you to the Oracle Business Analytics Applications Suiteconfiguration process.

Before you run the configApps.bat/sh file, you must complete the followingprerequisites:

■ Run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer

For instructions on running the installer, see the section titled "Installing Oracle BIApplications" in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide.

■ Apply Fusion Middleware platform patches.

For instructions on applying the patches, see the section titled "Applying PlatformPatches" in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide.

Do not proceed with the configuration unless you have applied the platformpatches. If you have not applied the patches, exit the configuration utility andapply the patches. Then, re-run the configApps.bat/sh file.

C.4 Extend BI DomainUse this screen to specify details for the WebLogic Administration Server domain.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Description

Host Name The host name of the computer on which the WebLogic AdministrationServer domain exists. This field is read-only.

Port Specify the port number over which the WebLogic AdministrationServer domain communicates. The default is 7001.

Configure Components

Oracle BI Applications Installation and Configuration Screens C-3

C.5 Specify Installation Location (When Running the configApps.bat/shFile)

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Description


The path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware Home whereOracle BI EE has been installed.

The value in this field is read-only.

Oracle Home The Oracle home for BI, which is the location where Oracle BI EE, andOracle BI Applications files are installed.

The value in this field is read-only.

WebLogic ServerHome

The directory name for the WebLogic Server. The installer automaticallycreates this directory inside the Oracle Middleware home. The defaultname for this directory is "wlserver_" followed by the version number.For example, wlserver_10.3.

The value in this field is read-only and is the host name you specified inthe Middleware Home field.

Domain Home The home directory for the domain associated with the Oracle BusinessIntelligence system. The value in this field is read-only.

Instance Home The path to the Oracle Instance directory.

The installer installs component configuration files and runtimeprocesses in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components write tothis directory only. The directory that you identify for the Oracle Instancecan be located anywhere on your system, and does not need to be insidethe Oracle Middleware home.

The value in this field is read-only.

Instance Name The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence instance. By default, thelocation is based on the value in the Instance Home field. This directory iscommonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.

The value in this field is read-only.

If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows operating system:

■ Ensure that the directory paths are valid and do not contain double backslashes(\\).

For more information about the Middleware home and the Oracle home requirements,see "Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure and Concepts" in Oracle FusionMiddleware Installation Planning Guide.

C.6 Configure ComponentsUse this screen to select the components that you need to configure.

To deploy Oracle BI Applications, select:

User Name Specify the user name for logging into the WebLogic AdministrationServer.

User Password Specify the password for logging into the WebLogic AdministrationServer.

Field Description

RPD Encryption Password

C-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

■ BI Application Components

C.7 RPD Encryption PasswordUse this screen to specify the password used to encrypt the Oracle BI ApplicationsRPD.

The following table describes the fields on this page.

Field Description

RPD Password Specify the password used to encrypt the RPD.

Confirm RPD Password Confirm the password used to encrypt the RPD.

C.8 BI Applications Administrator UserUse this screen to specify the BI Applications Administrator user details. This user willbe created in the Oracle WebLogic Server embedded LDAP. Note the credentials youenter for this user. This user has full access to Oracle BI Applications ConfigurationManager and to the Oracle Data Integrator repository for Oracle BI Applications.

The following table describes the fields on this page.

Field Description

Username Specify a username for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.

Password Specify a password for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.

Confirm Password Confirm the password.

C.9 MDS SchemaUse this screen to specify connection details for the MDS schema.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Description

Database Type The type of database that hosts the MDS schema. The onlysupported database type is Oracle.

Connect String The connect string used to access the MDS schema.

MDS Schema Username The schema name for the MDS schema.

MDS Schema Password The password for the MDS schema.

C.10 BI Applications Components Repository SchemaUse this screen to specify connection details for the Oracle BI ApplicationsComponents Repository.

The following table describes the fields on this page.

Field Description

Database Type Select the type of database that hosts the Oracle BI ApplicationsComponents Repository schema. The only supported database typeis Oracle.

BI Applications ODI Repository Schema

Oracle BI Applications Installation and Configuration Screens C-5

C.11 Business Analytics Warehouse SchemaUse this screen to specify connection details for the Business Analytics Warehouseschema.

The following table describes the fields on this page.

Field Description

Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the Business AnalyticsWarehouse schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Business AnalyticsWarehouse schema.

Use the format:


Business AnalyticsWarehouse SchemaUsername

Specify the schema name for the Business Analytics Warehouseschema.

Business AnalyticsWarehouse SchemaPassword

Specify the password for the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

C.12 BI Applications ODI Repository SchemaUse this screen to specify connection details for the Oracle BI Applications ODIRepository schema.

The following table describes the fields on this page.

Field Description

Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the ODI Repository schema.The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the ODI Repositoryschema.

Use the format:


ODI Repository SchemaUsername

Specify the schema name for the ODI Repository schema.

ODI Repository SchemaPassword

Specify the password for the ODI Repository schema.

Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Oracle BI ApplicationsComponents Repository schema.

Use the format:


BIA ComponentsRepository SchemaUsername

Specify the schema name for the Oracle BI ApplicationsComponents Repository schema.

BIA ComponentsRepository SchemaPassword

Specify the password for the Oracle BI Applications ComponentsRepository schema.

Field Description

Configure Ports

C-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

C.13 Configure PortsUse this screen to configure the ports for the Oracle Business Intelligence system.

The following table describes the options on this screen.

Field Description

Auto Port Configuration Select this option if you want Oracle Business Analytics ApplicationsSuite installer to configure the ports for you.

Specify Ports UsingConfiguration File

Select this option to use an existing configuration file to configurethe ports. Optionally, click Browse to specify its location. ClickView/Edit File to view or edit the file.

The sample configuration file is named staticport.ini and is providedin the Disk1\stage\Response directory of the Business AnalyticsApplications Suite installer.


Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager System Setup UI Reference D-1

D Oracle BI Applications Configuration ManagerSystem Setup UI Reference

[10]This appendix contains reference information for the System Setup user interfaceelements in the Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager.

This appendix contains the following topics:

■ Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Source System Tab

■ Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Target Warehouse Tab

■ Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Environment ConfigurationTab

■ Edit Business Analytics Warehouse Dialog

■ Edit Preferred Currency Name Dialog

■ Edit Source Dialog

■ Manage BI Applications: BI Application Offerings Tab

■ Manage BI Applications: BI Application Offerings and Associated Sources Tab

■ Manage Preferred Currencies

■ Manage Warehouse Languages

■ Register Source Dialog

D.1 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Source SystemTab

The Source Systems tab on the Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance pagelists the registered source instances for the current deployment.You can use this tab toregister a source instance, edit a registered source instance, or disable a sourceinstance. Note that in a new installation of Oracle BI Applications, no source instanceswill be listed.

A source system is the transactional system that serves as the source of data for theOracle Business Analytics Warehouse. A source instance is a particular instance of asource system and is given a name by the BI Applications Administrator. An Oracle BIApplications instance is an Oracle BI Applications environment consisting of oneOracle Business Analytics Warehouse and one or more source instances.

The table below provides a description of the user interface elements in the SourceSystems tab.

Element Description

Source Instance Namecolumn

The name given by the BI Applications System Administrator to atransactional system that serves as a source of data for BIApplications data load. The source instance is important becausefunctional setup tasks, and the setting of values for objects such asparameters and domain maps are performed in relation to a sourceinstance. Each source instance must have a unique data sourcenumber.

Description column Additional information specified by the BI Applications SystemAdministrator about the source instance.

Product Line column The source instance product line.

Product Line Versioncolumn

The version number of the source instance product line.

Data Source Numbercolumn

The unique, user-specified number used to identify the sourceinstance.

The Data Source Number value specifies a data source so that thedata can be identified in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.Each source instance must have a unique Data Source Number.

Enabled column When you register a source instance, it is enabled by default.Enabling a source instance makes the setup data associated withthat source instance available in Oracle BI ApplicationsConfiguration Manager

To enable a source instance, highlight the source instance, and thenselect Enable from the Actions menu. To disable a source instance,highlight the source instance, and then select Disable from theActions menu.

Note: If you make a mistake in the source instance definition thatyou are not able to correct, you must disable that source instanceand register a new source instance. For example, if the value forData Source Number is incorrect, then you cannot edit a sourceinstance and correct the Data Source Number value. In thisscenario, you must disable the incorrect source instance andregister a new source instance.

Data Server Detailswindow

If a PeopleSoft or Fusion Applications source instance is selected inthe Source Systems tab, the Data Server Details window appearsbelow. The Data Server Details window is read-only.

Actions menu The Actions menu contains the following options:

■ Register

Select Register to display the Register Source dialog whereyou can register a new source instance. You can also access thisdialog by clicking the Add icon. The fields in this dialog arethe same as the columns described above.

■ Edit

Select Edit to edit an existing source instance using the Editdialog. You can also access this dialog by clicking the Edit icon.Note that you can only edit an 'Enabled' source instance.

■ Enable

Select Enable to enable a source instance. When you register asource instance, it is enabled by default. A source instancemust be enabled for the setup data associated with that sourceinstance to be available in Oracle BI ApplicationsConfiguration Manager.

■ Disable

Select Disable to disable a source instance.

Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Source System Tab

D-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Edit Preferred Currency Name Dialog

Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager System Setup UI Reference D-3

D.2 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: TargetWarehouse Tab

The Target Warehouse tab on the Define Business Intelligence Applications Instancepage enables you to view and edit Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse informationand ODI connection details, as described in the table below.

Note that an Oracle BI Applications instance is an Oracle BI Applications environmentconsisting of one Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse and one or more sourceinstances.

Element Description

Name The name of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

Product Line Version The product version used to verify the Oracle BI Applicationsversion that is deployed.

Description Additional user-specified information about the warehouse.

Data Source Number The data source number for the Business Analytics Warehouse.This value is always 999.

Physical Schema The name of the Business Analytics Warehouse physical schema.This information is configured in the ODI Repository.

Technology The database platform connection information for the BusinessAnalytics Warehouse, which is configured in the ODI Repository.

Connection The connection to the Business Analytics Warehouse. The JDBCURL is displayed. This information is configured in the ODIRepository.

Edit button Click Edit to display the Edit Business Analytics Warehouse dialog,which enables you to edit the Name and Description fields.

D.3 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: EnvironmentConfiguration Tab

The Environment Configuration tab displays properties and default values forConfiguration Manager and ODI integration. The default values for these propertiesderive from the installation provisioning process.

Note that an Oracle BI Applications instance is an Oracle BI Applications environmentconsisting of one Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse and one or more sourceinstances.

D.4 Edit Business Analytics Warehouse DialogUse the Edit Business Analytics Warehouse dialog to edit the Name and Descriptionfields.

D.5 Edit Preferred Currency Name DialogUse this dialog to edit the Preferred Currency names that are displayed on OracleBusiness Intelligence dashboards in the Currency drop-down on the My Accountdialog\Preferences tab for a user logged into Oracle Business Intelligence. You caneither use the default currency display names or, if required, you can specify differentcurrency display names.

Element Description

Preferred CurrencyCode

A read-only code that identifies a preferred currency type.

Preferred CurrencyName

The currency label that is displayed in the Currency drop-down onthe My Account dialog\Preferences tab for a user logged intoOracle Business Intelligence. If required, you can change thedefault values. For example, if your organization prefers to use theterm 'Local Currency' instead of 'Ledger Currency', then you woulduse this field to change the value 'Ledger Currency' to 'LocalCurrency'.

Edit Source Dialog

D-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

D.6 Edit Source DialogUse the Edit Source dialog to edit the details for the currently selected source instance.In a new Oracle BI Applications installation, you need to register at least one sourceinstance.

The Edit Source dialog has two data entry pages:

■ Edit Source in Configuration Manager

■ Edit Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology

Note: When you save the data you entered in the Edit Source dialog,this data is propagated to the ODI Repository.

D.6.1 Edit Source in Configuration ManagerThe Edit Source in Configuration Manager fields are described in the following table.

Element Description

Product Line This field is read-only. The source instance product line.

Data Source Number The unique, user-specified number used to identify the sourceinstance.

The Data Source Number value specifies a data source so that thedata can be identified in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.Each source instance must have a unique Data Source Numbervalue.

Source Instance Name The name given by the BI Applications System Administrator to atransactional system that serves as a source of data for BIApplications data load. The source instance is important becausefunctional setup tasks, and setting of values of objects such asparameters and domain maps are performed in relation to a sourceinstance. Each source instance must have a unique data sourcenumber.

Description (Optional) Additional information about the source instance

D.6.2 Edit Source in Oracle Data Integrator TopologyThe Edit Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology page contains the followingwindows:

■ Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information

■ Provide Context Details

Edit Source Dialog

Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager System Setup UI Reference D-5

■ Provide Connection Details

D.6.2.1 Oracle Data Integrator Connection InformationThe Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window appears at the top of thepage. The information contained in this window is read-only and is passed to OracleBI Applications Configuration Manager from the ODI Repository. The modelsspecified in this window are the models for which connection information is set in theProvide Context Details and Provide Connection Details windows.

D.6.2.2 Provide Context DetailsIn the Context drop-down list, you must select Global. The Global value is requiredbecause the Oracle BI Applications interfaces are designed to use this value.

D.6.2.3 Provide Connection DetailsThe Provide Connections Details window contains the following tabs:

■ Technology: Oracle

■ Technology: File System

D. Technology: Oracle Use this tab to set the transactional database connectiondetails for the model selected in the Oracle Data Integrator Connection Informationwindow.

Element Description

ODI Data Server Name The ODI Data Server Name for the transactional database.

JDBC Driver The name of the JDBC driver for the transactional databaseconnection.

It is recommended that you leave the default value.

Note that the JDBC driver and JDBC URL are required to create thedata server and physical schema in ODI for the transactionaldatabase.

JDBC URL The JDBC URL for the transactional database connection.

The format for the URL is the following:


Database Username The database username for the transactional database.

Database Password The password for the transactional database.

Test Use this button to test the connection to the transactional database.

D. Technology: File System Use this tab to set the file system connection detailsfor the model selected in the Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window.

In this tab there are columns that are not displayed, which have defaulted values. Youdo not need to change these values.

Element Description

ODI Data Server Name The ODI Data Server Name for the file system.

Host Name The name of the host machine where the file system resides.

Manage BI Applications: BI Application Offerings Tab

D-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

D.7 Manage BI Applications: BI Application Offerings TabUse this tab to enable Oracle BI Applications offerings. The offerings you enable arethose you have purchased and are deploying. The setup data relating to that offering ismade visible in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager when you enable theoffering.

Element Description

BI ApplicationsOfferings

Use this list to view available Offerings.

Enabled Use the Enabled check box to enable or disable an offering.

D.8 Manage BI Applications: BI Application Offerings and AssociatedSources Tab

Use this tab to enable and disable the sources associated with an Oracle BIApplications offering.

Element Description

BI ApplicationsOfferings andAssociated Sources

When you expand the offering in the list, the source instancesassociated with that offering are displayed.

Enabled Use the Enabled check box to enable or disable the source instanceassociated with the offering.

Path To File The directory path of the ETL files that were installed by theBusiness Analytics Applications Suite installer.

The default location is <Oracle Home for BI>/biapps/etl.

Array Fetch Size The number of rows requested by ODI on each communicationwith the data server.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

Batch Update Size The number of rows in a single INSERT command.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

JDBC Driver The name of the JDBC driver for the transactional databaseconnection.

It is recommended that you leave the default value.

Note that the JDBC driver and JDBC URL are required to create thedata server and physical schema in ODI for the transactionaldatabase.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

JDBC URL The JDBC URL for the transactional database connection.

The format for the URL is the following:


Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

Element Description

Register Source Dialog

Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager System Setup UI Reference D-7

D.9 Manage Preferred CurrenciesUse this dialog to view the preferred currency names that are used on Oracle BusinessIntelligence dashboards in the Currency drop-down on the My Accountdialog\Preferences tab for a user logged into Oracle Business Intelligence. You can editpreferred currency names by clicking the Edit icon. For example, if your organizationprefers to use the term 'Local Currency' instead of 'Ledger Currency', you can use thisdialog to change the default value 'Ledger Currency' to 'Local Currency.'

Element Description

Preferred Currencies Use this pane to view the preferred currency names.

To change a preferred currency name, click the Edit icon to displaythe Edit Preferred Currency Name dialog.

D.10 Manage Warehouse LanguagesUse this tab to specify the languages for which data will be loaded into the BusinessAnalytics Warehouse during the ETL process. When you install Oracle BIApplications, the American English Language is enabled by default. You must enablethe languages that you want to deploy.

You can also specify a Base Language. The Base Language is used if the ETL processcannot locate data in any one of the enabled languages. For example, if French is anenabled language and American English is the Base Language, there will be two rows,one for each language. If French values are not available, then American Englishvalues will be substituted.

Element Description

Manage BusinessAnalytics WarehouseLanguages

Use this list to view the available languages, and enable thelanguages that you want to support.

Use the Installed column to change the default value of 'Disabled'to 'Installed', which enables the selected language.

The other table columns display read-only data.

Set Base Language Use this option to specify the Base Language, which is marked witha blue dot. You can only specify one Base Language.

American English is the default Base Language. To select a differentBase Language, select a record in the table, then click the Set BaseLanguage icon. If the current Base Language record is selected,then this icon is grayed out.

D.11 Register Source DialogUse this dialog to register source instances. In a new Oracle BI Applicationsinstallation, you need to register and enable at least one source instance.

The Register Source dialog has two data entry pages:

■ Register Source in Configuration Manager

■ Register Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology

Note: To propagate connection details to the ODI Repository, youmust enter and save information on both the Register Source inConfiguration Manager page and the Register Source in Oracle DataIntegrator Topology page.

Register Source Dialog

D-8 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

D.11.1 Register Source in Configuration ManagerThe Register Source in Configuration Manager fields are described in the followingtable.

Element Description

Product Line The source instance product line.

Product Version The version number of the source instance product line

Source Instance Name The name given by the BI Applications System Administrator to atransactional system that serves as a source of data for BIApplications data load. The source instance is important becausefunctional setup tasks, and setting of values of objects such asparameters and domain maps are performed in relation to a sourceinstance. Each source instance must have a unique data sourcenumber.

Description (Optional) Additional information about the source instance

Data Source Number The unique, user-specified number used to identify the sourceinstance.

The Data Source Number value specifies a data source so that thedata can be identified in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.Each source instance must have a unique Data Source Numbervalue.

D.11.2 Register Source in Oracle Data Integrator TopologyThe Register Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology page contains the followingwindows:

■ Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information

■ Provide Context Details

■ Provide Connection Details

D.11.2.1 Oracle Data Integrator Connection InformationThe Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window appears at the top of thepage. The information contained in this window is read-only and is passed to OracleBI Applications Configuration Manager from the ODI Repository, based on thespecified product line version.

D.11.2.2 Provide Context DetailsIn the Context drop-down list, you must select Global. The Global value is requiredbecause the Oracle BI Applications interfaces are designed to use this value.

D.11.2.3 Provide Connection DetailsThe Provide Connections Details window contains the following tabs:

■ Technology: Oracle

Register Source Dialog

Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager System Setup UI Reference D-9

■ Technology: File System

D. Technology: Oracle Use this tab to set the transactional database connectiondetails for the model selected in the Oracle Data Integrator Connection Informationwindow.

Element Description

ODI Data Server Name The ODI Data Server Name for the transactional database.

JDBC Driver The JDBC driver for the transactional database connection.

Leave the default value.

Note that the JDBC driver and JDBC URL are required to create thedata server and physical schema in ODI for the transactionaldatabase.

JDBC URL The JDBC URL for the transactional database connection.

The format for the URL is the following:


Database Username The database username for the transactional database.

Database Password The password for the transactional database.

Test Use this button to test the connection to the transactional database.

D. Technology: File System Use this tab to set the file system connection detailsfor the model selected in the Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window.

In this tab there are columns that are not displayed, which have defaulted values. Youdo not need to change these values.

Element Description

ODI Data Server Name The ODI Data Server Name for the file system.

Host Name The name of the host machine where the file system resides.

Path To File The directory path of the ETL files that were installed by theBusiness Analytics Applications Suite installer.

The default location is <Oracle Home for BI>/biapps/etl.

Array Fetch Size The number of rows requested by ODI on each communicationwith the data server.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

Batch Update Size The number of rows in a single INSERT command.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

JDBC Driver The name of the JDBC driver for the transactional databaseconnection.

It is recommended that you leave the default value.

Note that the JDBC driver and JDBC URL are required to create thedata server and physical schema in ODI for the transactionaldatabase.

Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

Register Source Dialog

D-10 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

JDBC URL The JDBC URL for the transactional database connection.

The format for the URL is the following:


Note: This column may be hidden. To view this column, clickView, Columns, Show All.

Element Description


Generating DDL and Assigning Tablespaces to Tables and Indexes E-1

EGenerating DDL and Assigning Tablespaces toTables and Indexes

[11]This appendix describes how to generate DDL to deploy Business AnalyticsWarehouse tables and how to assign tablespaces to tables and indexes.

This appendix contains the following topics:

■ Section E.1, "Overview"

■ Section E.2, "Generating the Business Analytics Warehouse DDL"

■ Section E.3, "Patching Oracle BI Applications"

■ Section E.4, "Assigning Tablespaces"

E.1 OverviewThe Business Analytics Warehouse tables are automatically deployed during theinstallation process when the Business Analytics Applications Suite RepositoryCreation Utility (RCU) executes a shipped DDL script. The RCU does not prompt forwhich tablespace to assign to the individual tables and related indexes nor does itprovide a mechanism for you to alter the shipped DDL. To introduce changes to theBusiness Analytics Warehouse data model, you use ODI to generate a new DDL script.

You may want to regenerate the Business Analytics Warehouse DDL for the followingreasons:

■ You may want to modify the Business Analytics Warehouse, either by modifyingexisting tables or creating new ones.

■ You may want to have separate development environments. In this case you willneed to use ODI to generate the DDL to be executed in these environments todeploy the Business Analytics Warehouse tables rather than run the RCU for eachenvironment.

■ The default tablespace assigned to the Business Analytics Warehouse databaseuser is used for all tables and indexes when those objects are created by the RCU.You may want to assign different tablespaces to the DW tables other than thedefault tablespace associated with the database user.

■ If a patch or upgrade is applied that alters an ODI data store or introduces a newODI data store, the corresponding database table will need to be altered or created.

You can make changes directly in the database but these changes need to besynchronized with the ODI Repository. This is done by running the Oracle BIApplications reverse knowledge module (RKM) to bring in the changes into ODI. If

Generating the Business Analytics Warehouse DDL

E-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

this RKM is not run, ODI will not be aware of these changes, which can lead toproblems when populating the affected warehouse table.

E.2 Generating the Business Analytics Warehouse DDLFollow this procedure to generate Business Analytics Warehouse DDL.

To generate Business Analytics Warehouse DDL:

1. Launch ODI Studio, and display the Designer navigator.

2. In the Projects editor, expand the following folders: Components, DW, Oracle,Generate DW DDL.

3. Execute the GENERATE_DW_DDL scenario:

Specify the following information:

Option Description

CREATE_SCRIPT_FILE If set to True, this will create a .sql file with the DDL script.This is useful to see what the changes are. If no value isprovided for the SCRIPT_LOCATION option, theprocedure will create a file in the oracledi directory namedbiappsddl.sql.


FULL will generate the DDL for the entire data warehouseusing CREATE statements. The Table Mask option isignored.

INCREMENTAL will compare the ODI data stores withthe tables in the database. This option should be used withthe Table Mask option because this process can take a verylong time comparing the entire data warehouse.

CHARCLAUSE Provided for Unicode support. If set to True, the CHARclause will be included in the DDL.

RUN_DDL If set to True, the DDL will run against your warehouse.

SCRIPT_LOCATION If you are creating a script, this field indicates the pathwhere the script will be created.

TABLE_MASK Default % will compare all tables. If you want to createDDL for a subset of tables only or just a single table, youcan change this value. For instance, to create a diff scriptfor dimension tables, you would set this value to W_%_D.

Keep the following in mind when introducing changes in ODI:

■ Full mode generates a script that creates all tables and sequences, regardless ofwhat may already be deployed in the database. Incremental mode compares theODI and database definition of the tables and columns. Neither mode creates,modifies or drops indexes.

■ Add or modify columns:

– Add column: ODI allows duplicate column names but you will get an errorwhen deploying the DDL to the database.

– Modify column:

- Column renaming in ODI will be treated as a drop of the existing columnand a new column will be added in the database. This means any existing data

Generating the Business Analytics Warehouse DDL

Generating DDL and Assigning Tablespaces to Tables and Indexes E-3

in that column is lost. The procedure works on column name. Whengenerating the DDL, the procedure compares the database and ODIdefinitions of the columns. If a column has been renamed in ODI, that columnwill not be found in the database so it is added.

- Changes to datatype, scale, precision, nullability are supported as ALTERstatements

- You should avoid altering preconfigured columns. They should introducetheir own custom column if they need a change in functionality.

- Existing columns can be changed to a larger size but should not be reducedto a smaller size. Similarly, column data types can be changed to one thatalready accommodates existing data (CHAR to VARCHAR, DATE toDATETIME) but should not be changed to less accommodating datatype(VARCHAR to NUMBER). ODI does not prevent users from making this kindof change but when deploying the DDL, users will likely encounter issues.

– Delete column: You should not delete preconfigured columns. You shouldonly delete custom columns. If a column is deleted from the ODI Repository, itwill be dropped from the table using an ALTER statement. This is done byidentifying those columns that exist in the database but do not exist in ODI.(Thus, renaming the column in ODI results in a drop and add statementsbeing generated).

■ Add or modify indexes

– Add index: ODI allows duplicate index names and duplicate indexdefinitions, but you will get an error when deploying the DDL on thedatabase.

– Modify index:

- Indexes are only dropped and created during the execution of a load plan.Indexes are not synchronized by this procedure.

- Changes to preconfigured indexes is fully supported. Changes to uniquenessand active/inactive are supported. The primary use case is to make apreconfigured index active or inactive

- Changes to preconfigured index names should be avoided. If a load planpreviously executed and created the index, the index will continue to existwith the old name in the database. Because ODI is not aware of this index,problems may occur during the execution of the load plan.

– Delete index:

- You should only delete custom indexes and not preconfigured indexes.

- If you do not want a preconfigured index, you should inactivate it.

■ Add or drop a table: You can add a new table or delete an existing table in OD.

– If a table is added in ODI and does not exist in the database, it will be addedusing a CREATE TABLE statement.

– If a table is deleted from ODI and still exists in the database, a DROP TABLEstatement will be generated.

– You should not delete preconfigured tables.

■ Add or drop a sequence:

You should add a sequence in ODI for new tables that includes the ROW_WIDcolumn and that follows the format <TABLE_NAME>_SEQ. You should add a

Patching Oracle BI Applications

E-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

sequence in ODI for new tables that includes the SCD1_WID column and thatfollows the <TABLE_NAME>_S1W naming convention.

– If a sequence is added in ODI and does not exist in the database, it will beadded using a CREATE SEQUENCE statement.

– Sequences deleted from ODI are not dropped from the database.

E.3 Patching Oracle BI ApplicationsPatching of Oracle BI Applications may require changes to database objects, such asmodifying existing tables or introducing new tables. Oracle will provide a patch filethat you will use to merge changes with the existing ODI Repository definition. Thesechanges will then need to be deployed to the database. New tables, columns andindexes that you introduced are retained. Any changes you made to preconfiguredtables, columns, and indexes must go through a conflict resolution process.

E.4 Assigning TablespacesUsing the Designer navigator in Oracle Studio, you can assign default tablespaces forthe data warehouse tables, such as the W_%_D and W_%_F tables, their associatedindexes, and the staging tables, such as the W_%_DS and W_%_FS tables. Indexes arenot created by this utility but are created during the ETL process and will reflect thetablespace assigned in ODI.

To assign tablespaces to data warehouse tables:

1. Launch ODI Studio, and display the Designer navigator.

2. In the Models editor, expand Oracle BI Applications model.

3. Edit the Oracle BI Applications model and assign the OBI Tablespace flexfieldswith the tablespace values to be used for these objects. All data warehouse tablesand indexes will use the tablespaces defined here.

4. (Optional) Individual tables can be overridden to use a different tablespace fromthose assigned at the model level. Edit the particular data store and assign the OBITablespace flexfield with the tablespace to be used for this table.

5. (Optional) To assign the tablespace for individual indexes, edit the constraint andassign the OBI Tablespace flexfield value to match the tablespace name to be used.


Integrating Interactive Dashboards and Siebel Operational Applications Data F-1

F Integrating Interactive Dashboards and SiebelOperational Applications Data

[12]This appendix describes the additional configuration steps required for you to run anOracle Business Intelligence application with a Siebel CRM application.

After you have configured the Oracle BI Server and are able to access the dashboards,you need to update the Siebel operational application to view Analytics dashboardsfrom within the Siebel operational application. Completing the initialization in theSiebel operational application involves the following processes:

■ Section F.1, "Updating the Siebel Operational Application"

■ Section F.2, "Reapplying Customized Style Sheets"

■ Section F.3, "How to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle's SiebelWeb Server Extension (SWSE)"

■ Section F.4, "Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BIPresentation Services"

■ Section F.5, "Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligenceand the SWSE"

■ Section F.6, "About Configuring Oracle BI Action Links"

■ Section F.7, "Accessing Optional Analytics Applications"

■ Section F.8, "Customizing Oracle BI Application Home Page and Dashboards"

■ Section F.9, "Viewing Information About Preconfigured Dashboards"

F.1 Updating the Siebel Operational ApplicationThe following task changes the Siebel operational application host name to the hostname of the machine that runs Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services.

To update the Siebel operational application:

1. Open your Siebel operational application.

2. Navigate to View, then Site Map.

3. Click Integration Administration screen.

4. Click Host Administration view.

5. Query for NQHOST in the Virtual Name column:

– In Windows, change the host name from <AnalyticsServerName> to the hostname of the machine that runs Oracle BI Presentation Services.

Reapplying Customized Style Sheets

F-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

– In AIX or Solaris, change the host name from <AnalyticsServerName> to thename of the port.

For example,

Note: For UNIX platforms only: You might need to add the domainname suffix to the server name in order to make sure that action linkswork on the Oracle Business Intelligence user interface.

6. Log out of the application and log back in.

F.2 Reapplying Customized Style SheetsFor Oracle's Siebel Business Analytics versions 7.7 and later, new styles have beenappended to the following style sheets:

■ Go.css

■ PortalBanner.css

■ PortalContent.css

■ Views.css

These new classes are identified in the style sheets. In this version of Oracle BusinessIntelligence, new styles and files must be added to the underlying style sheet (forexample, to s_Siebel7). For complete functionality, any custom styles require similarupdating. In addition, views2.css and some other files have been added to the s_directory. For custom column formatting to work properly, references to font sizes andfamilies should also be removed from the TD Styles section in PortalBanner.css,PortalContent.css, Views.css.

Because of these changes to styles, review your deployment's customizationsmanually, reapply them, and test them thoroughly to ensure that there are noproblems.

After you have tested them, but before you copy the default views.css files back to theimplementation server, perform the following task on the server to clear the servercaches.

To clear the server caches and restore your default views:

1. Shut down Oracle Business Intelligence Server, Oracle BI Presentation Service andIIS.

2. Remove your custom views.css from the directory where it has been installed.

For example:




3. Clear the Oracle BI Presentation Services Server Cache.

In the C:\WINNT\Temp directory, delete the nQs_*.temp files.

4. Clear the Browser Cache.

Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services

Integrating Interactive Dashboards and Siebel Operational Applications Data F-3

From the Internet Explorer menu, navigate to Tools, then Internet Options, thenSettings, then View Files, and delete all the files in this directory.

5. Restore the default views.css files to the appropriate directory.

6. Restart the Analytics Server, Oracle BI Presentation Services and IIS.

F.3 How to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle's SiebelWeb Server Extension (SWSE)

Whenever you run Oracle Business Intelligence and Siebel Web Server Extension(SWSE) on separate machines, you must perform additional configuration steps inorder for action links and interactive charts to work. If, for example, you plan to runthe SWSE and Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services on different Webservers, you must use some kind of networking or load balancing mechanism to createa single logical domain (or virtual IP address) for the two machines.

When one virtual IP address is created for two machines, the Web browser accessesone IP address and is still routed to different physical machines, based on the portaccessed. From the browser, it appears that both servers are running on the same IPaddress.

You can use any of several physical methods to create a single logical domain, such asrunning SWSE and Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services on a singlemachine if you are not load balancing the SWSE, or using a router to do the mapping,or using load balancing software. Your company must determine the best mechanismto accomplish this routing given the topology being used.

Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence to work with Siebel Web Extension includesthe following tasks:

■ Section F.4, "Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BIPresentation Services"

■ Section F.5, "Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligenceand the SWSE"

F.4 Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BIPresentation Services

You create a virtual IP address for the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) and OracleBI Presentation Services in order to make it appear that all servers are running on thesame virtual machine. The easiest way to do this is to configure Oracle BI PresentationServices to run on a different port (for example, port 84) from SWSE (which usuallyruns on port 80).

For example, SWSE is load-balanced across <machine1>:port 80 and <machine2>: port80, and Oracle BI Presentation Services is running on <machine3>:port 84, and thevirtual address is defined as Therefore, the network orload-balancing software should be configured to route requests like to <machine1> and <machine2>, and to route requests like to <machine3>.

To create a virtual IP address for Siebel Web Engine and Oracle BI PresentationServices:

1. On the network, set up CSS to direct requests from <virtual domain> to <physicalSiebel Web Server Extension machine>:

Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligence and the SWSE

F-4 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

– Where the acronym CSS represents the load-balancer or router used to do thevirtual IP configuration.

– Where <virtual domain> is the virtual IP prefix that users enter to navigate tothe Siebel applications (in the preceding example, this is

2. On the network, set up CSS to direct requests from <virtual domain>:84 to <physicalOracle BI Presentation Services machine>:84.

3. In the Siebel application, using the Siebel Administration screen, set the NQHostparameters for Oracle Business Intelligence Symbolic URLs to point to the <virtualdomain>:84, instead of directly to the Oracle Business Intelligence PresentationServices server physical machine.

Note: If you are running Oracle's Siebel Business Analytics 7.5.3instead of version 7.7 or later, perform the following additional step.

4. In the Siebel application on the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Servicesserver machine, locate the registry setting \SOFTWARE\Siebel Systems,Inc.\Siebel Analytics\Web\7.5\Charts.

5. Add a new key, ForceFileBasedPainter, and enter TRUE into the Data string.

F.5 Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligenceand the SWSE

Use a client browser to verify that Oracle Business Intelligence and SWSE work whenaccessed directly through a physical machine address, using the following procedure.For <virtualdomain>, substitute the Virtual IP address you created in Section F.4,"Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services".

To test the Virtual IP configuration with Oracle Business Intelligence and SWSE:

1. In a client browser, type <virtual domain>:84/analytics. The Oracle BusinessIntelligence logon appears.

2. In a client browser, type <virtual domain>/callcenter (or other Siebelapplication). The SWSE appears.

3. Navigate to an Analytics screen within the Siebel application to see if OracleBusiness Intelligence appears.

4. Interact with Oracle Business Intelligence charts and action links.

F.6 About Configuring Oracle BI Action LinksFor information about how to configure and use Oracle BI action links, see OracleFusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.Specifically, refer to Part III - Configuring the Action Framework, Chapter 7"Embedding Oracle BI EE In Oracle's Siebel CRM".

F.7 Accessing Optional Analytics ApplicationsDepending on the options you purchased with your Siebel operational application,you must perform additional steps in order to access the corresponding Oracle

Customizing Oracle BI Application Home Page and Dashboards

Integrating Interactive Dashboards and Siebel Operational Applications Data F-5

Business Intelligence options. Listed below are the additional options for OracleBusiness Intelligence:

■ Oracle Sales Analytics

■ Oracle Service Analytics

■ Oracle Marketing Analytics

■ Oracle Price Analytics

■ Oracle Partner Analytics

By default, the dashboards and reports contained in these optional areas are hidden. If,for example, you purchased Sales Analytics with your Sales application, you mustperform the additional steps shown in the following procedure to access the SalesAnalytics.

To turn on options for Sales Analytics:

1. Log in to Oracle Business Intelligence as Administrator.

2. Navigate to Answers, then Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration andselect the option to manage Presentation Services groups and users.

3. Locate the Web Group corresponding to your option.

The Web Group options are shown in the following list.

■ No Forecasting

■ No Forecasting Lite

■ No Universal Queuing

■ No Email Response

■ No Service Agreements

■ No Partner Marketing

■ No Partner ERM

■ No Partner ISS

4. Click on the Edit icon.

5. Under the Group Membership section, click the delete icon (X) to delete AnalyticsUsers from this group.

6. Click Finished and log out of the application.

7. Log in again to access the additional optional dashboards and reports.

F.8 Customizing Oracle BI Application Home Page and DashboardsTo customize your Oracle Business Intelligence application's home page anddashboards, do the following:

1. Configure a new Home Page to use a symbolic URL, as described in Section F.8.1,"Configure a new Home Page to use a symbolic URL".

2. Determine the Oracle BI Report path argument, as described in Section F.8.2,"Determine the Oracle BI Report Path Argument".

3. Add Views for Custom Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards, as described inSection F.8.3, "Add Views for Custom Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards".

Customizing Oracle BI Application Home Page and Dashboards

F-6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

F.8.1 Configure a new Home Page to use a symbolic URLOracle Business Intelligence applications are integrated with Siebel operationalapplications using the symbolic URL infrastructure. The following task describes howto use symbolic URLs to link a new report to a Siebel operational application homepage and how to add new Analytics Dashboards to the Siebel operational application.The symbolic URL specifies how the HTTP request to the external application shouldbe constructed and to defines any arguments and values to be sent as part of therequest.

Note: For more information on the symbolic URL infrastructure, seeSiebel Portal Framework Guide. This topic assumes that you havesuccessfully built a symbolic URL to link some external content, usingthe instructions given in Siebel Portal Framework Guide.

For each Analytical report on a Siebel operational application home page, there is asymbolic URL record defined that links the home page to the Analytics report. If youhave not already done so, you need to create a new home page and set it up to use asymbolic URL.

The figure below shows example Inline and IFrame symbolic URL arguments.

Figure F–1 EXamples of Symbolic URL Arguments

To configure a new Home Page to use a symbolic URL:

1. Make sure the symbolic URL has been set up.

2. Launch the Siebel operational application and navigate to the IntegrationAdministration, then Symbolic URL Administration view.

3. Query for the symbolic URL that has been set up for Analytics.

The name of this symbolic URL should be exactly the same as the calculated valueof the field that was added to the Business Component. For example, you mighthave a symbolic URL named HomePageAnalytics.

4. In the URL field, enter the Web URL. For example:

Customizing Oracle BI Application Home Page and Dashboards

Integrating Interactive Dashboards and Siebel Operational Applications Data F-7


For the Host Name, choose the Analytics Server Name from the drop-down list.The following table shows the other parameters for reports.

Parameter Value

NQHOST A virtual name in the URL that points to the Oracle BIPresentation Services machine

Fixup Name Inside Applet

SSO Disposition Inline

Oracle BI PresentationServices application name

Select from the drop-down list

5. Create the appropriate symbolic URL Arguments.

These arguments depend upon the particular Analytics report that you are tryingto display. The Argument Values should be the same for any Analytics report youwork with, except for the Path Argument Value. Use the procedure in Section F.8.2,"Determine the Oracle BI Report Path Argument" to determine the path to theAnalytics report.

F.8.2 Determine the Oracle BI Report Path ArgumentThe Path argument provides the symbolic URL with the path to a report in Oracle BIPresentation Services. (For example, /shared/Sales/Pipeline/Overview/Top 10Deals.) Use the following procedure to determine the path to a report.

To determine the path to the report:

1. Log on to your Oracle BI Presentation Services as an Administrator.

2. In the Siebel operational application, navigate to Answers, then Oracle BIPresentation Services Administration.

3. Select Manage Analytics Catalog, and then navigate to your report.

4. Add this path name to the Symbolic URL argument.

The following table shows the symbolic URL path arguments for reports.

Name Type Path Argument Value Append Sequence #

Cmd Constant GO Y 1

Path Constant /shared/Sales/Pipeline/Overview/Top 10 Deals

Y 2

Syndicate Constant Siebel Y 3

nQUser Command UseSiebelLoginId Y 4

nQPassword Command UseSiebelLoginPassword Y 5

PostRequest Command PostRequest Y 6

F.8.3 Add Views for Custom Oracle BI Interactive DashboardsThis task is similar to that of adding Oracle Business Intelligence reports to the homepage:

■ Using Oracle's Siebel Tools, set up a new view.

Viewing Information About Preconfigured Dashboards

F-8 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

■ In the Siebel operational application, define a symbolic URL for that view.

For more information on how to set up a view to use Symbolic URLs, see Siebel PortalFramework Guide.

To configure the symbolic URL for Analytics dashboards:

1. Define a Symbolic URL.

a. Navigate to Site Map, then Integration Administration, then Symbolic URLAdministration.

b. In the Symbolic URL Administration view, add a new record.

2. Define Symbolic URL arguments.

a. Navigate to Symbolic URL Administration.

b. In the Symbolic URL Administration list, select the Symbolic URL you want toconfigure.

F.9 Viewing Information About Preconfigured DashboardsIf your organization has pre-built applications installed, you can use Catalog Managerto locate and view information about preconfigured dashboards. You might have toexpose the dashboards and requests.

F.9.1 Exposing Dashboards and RequestsDepending on the Oracle Business Intelligence options your organization purchased,you might need to expose these options before the associated dashboards and requestscan be viewed in Oracle BI Presentation Services and in Catalog Manager. This appliesto sites that have the following pre-built applications:

■ Sales Analytics

■ Service Analytics

■ Contact Center Analytics

■ Marketing Analytics

■ Partner Analytics

F.9.2 Locating Dashboards, Page Names and ReportsIn Catalog Manager, the Presentation Catalog distributed with pre-built applicationshas the following structure: Presentation Catalog > shared folder > pre-builtapplication name > _portal folder > dashboard name > page name. The path to locatereports is Presentation Catalog > shared folder > pre-built application name > Foldername > Report name.


Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area G-1

GPreconfigured Mappings for Siebel SystemSubject Area

[13]This appendix describes the preconfigured mappings for the Siebel Applicationssystem subject area.

This appendix applies to Siebel source systems only.

G.1 About Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject AreaFor Oracle's Siebel Applications customers, Table G–1 describes the preconfiguredmappings for the SA system subject area. Fields that are not available in the Siebeltransactional database will default to values shown in the table.

■ Overriding Defaults. You can add user-specific values for these fields, by creatingan extension table to the S_USER table. to store the user-specific defaults for thesefields. Additionally, you can change any of the default values. The metadata forthe following logical table can be modified to include any physical extension table.

SA User.(User)

For instructions, refer to the documentation about configuring tables and columnsfor Oracle's Siebel Business Applications.

■ Setting Provider Information. Typically, the cell phone and the fax numbers in theOracle Business Analytics Warehouse do not contain a provider name. Therefore,the Pager will typically be a numeric value such as 555-483-3843. To append aprovider to this address, use the following guidelines:

– If the entire company has the same provider, then you can append theprovider in the column mappings.

– If users can have different providers, you need to create an extension table. Forinstructions, refer to the documentation about configuring tables and columnsfor Oracle's Siebel business applications.

Table G–1 Preconfigured Mappings for the User Table in the SA System Subject Area

LogicalColumn Physical Table Expression Comments

Cell Phone '' It might be mapped to S_CONTACT.CELL_PH_NUM if this field containsSMTP address.

Cell PhonePriority

'' Defaults to N

About Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area

G-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide


First Name concatenatedwith Last Name


Email Priority 'HNL' Defaults to N

Email Type 'html' Defaults to HTML

Group Name S_RESP NAME

Handheld '' Defaults to an empty string


'' Defaults to an empty string

Language 'en' Defaults to 'en'

Locale 'en' Defaults to 'en'


Pager '' It could be mapped to S_CONTACT.PAGER_PH_NUM if this field containsSMTP address

Pager Priority '' Defaults to N


Table G–1 (Cont.) Preconfigured Mappings for the User Table in the SA System Subject

LogicalColumn Physical Table Expression Comments


Available Languages for Oracle BI Applications Release H-1

HAvailable Languages for Oracle BIApplications Release

[14]This appendix provides a list of the available languages for Oracle BI Applicationsrelease

This appendix contains the following topics:

■ Section H.1, "Available Languages for Release"

H.1 Available Languages for Release available languages for Oracle BI Applications release are listed inTable H–1.

Table H–1 Available Languages for Release

Language Code

Arabic l_ar

Chinese (Simplified) l_zh-CN

Chinese (Traditional) l_zh-TW

Croatian l_hr

Czech l_cs

Danish l_da

Dutch l_nl

English l_en

Finnish l_fi

French l_fr

French-Canadian l_fr-CA

German l_de

Greek l_el

Hebrew l_he

Hungarian l_hu

Italian l_it

Japanese l_ja

Korean l_ko

Available Languages for Release

H-2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide

Norwegian l_no

Polish l_pl

Portuguese l_pt

Portuguese (Brazilian) l_pt-BR

Romanian l_ro

Russian l_ru

Slovak l_sk

Spanish l_es

Swedish l_sv

Thai l_th

Turkish l_tr

Table H–1 (Cont.) Available Languages for Release

Language Code



Aaction links

about, F-4adding datafiles, A-10adding tablespaces, A-9

Cchanging default and temporary tablespaces, A-9Cloud

setting up Key Flex Fields for FusionFinancials, 5-1

Cloud Adaptorconfigure UCM Server, 4-30creating an SR, 4-20creating FA SDS Schema, 4-26Define BI Applications Instance, 4-21deployment options, 4-19deployment process, 4-19Overview, 4-17pre-requisites, 4-18roadmap, 4-20setup and configuration roadmap, 4-20SR process, 4-19

custom schema names, A-6


customizing, about, F-5exposing dashboards and requests, F-8information, about viewing information, F-8locating dashboard and page names, F-8views, adding, F-7

database guidelinesOracle databases, 2-2

datafilesadding, A-10deleting, A-10modifying, A-10

default tablespace mappings, A-9deleting datafiles, A-10deleting tablespaces, A-9Deploy Fusion Cloud Adaptor

SR for Cloud Adaptor, 4-21

disabling a Source System, D-2

Eenabling a Source System, D-2

FFA SDS Schema

creating for Cloud Adaptor, 4-26Flex Fields

setting up for Cloud Adaptor, 5-1Fusion Financials

setting up Key Flex Fields, 5-1

Hhome page

content, customizing, F-6customizing, about, F-5path argument, determining, F-7

IIP address

virtual IP address, creating, F-3virtual IP address, testing, F-4

KKey Flex Fields

for Fusion Financials, 5-1

Mmapping tablespaces, A-8modifying datafiles, A-10modifying tablepsaces, A-9


defining BYTE or CHAR length semantics, 2-3

OOperational Applications


dashboards, adding views, F-7home page content, customizing, F-6home page path argument, determining, F-7

Oracle BI Applicationsaction links, about, F-4dashboards, adding views, F-7home page and dashboards, about

customizing, F-5home page content, customizing, F-6Optional Analytics Applications, F-4Sales Analytics, turning on options, F-5virtual IP address, creating, F-3Web Extension, configuring to work with, F-3

Oracle BI Applications, configuringhome page, determining path argument, F-7virtual IP address, testing, F-4

Oracle databaseNLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, 2-3

Oracle databasesoptimizing performance, 2-2

Ppage names, locating and dashboards, F-8prefixes, A-5Presentation Catalog, administering

dashboards, about viewing information, F-8dashboards, exposing and requests, F-8dashboards, locating and page names, F-8

Rremoving tablespaces, A-9Repository Creation Utility

tablespace mappings, A-9requests

exposing dashboards and requests, F-8roadmap

Cloud Adaptor, 4-20

SSales Analytics, turning on options, F-5schema names

customizing, A-6schema passwords, A-6Siebel Applications

reapplying customized style sheets, F-2Siebel Web Extension

configuring, F-3creating virtual IP address, F-3testing virtual IP configuration, F-4

Source Systemenabling and disabling, D-2

specifying schema passwords, A-6SR Deploy Fusion Cloud Adaptor

creating, 4-21SR process

deploying Cloud Adaptor, 4-19SWSE

See Siebel Web Server Extension


adding, A-9changing, A-9mapping, A-8modifying, A-9removing, A-9

tablespaces and datafiles, A-9

UUCM Server

configure for Cloud Adaptor, 4-30URL

dashboards, configuring for, F-7home page, configuring for, F-6

Vviews, adding to dashboards, F-7virtual IP address

creating, F-3testing, F-4

WWeb Extension

configuring to work with, F-3virtual IP address, creating, F-3virtual IP address, testing, F-4