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Bible Interpretations

Revealed through the Inner Voice

to Bertha Dudde in accordance

with the promises of

John 14:21 & 16:13, 25


Lorens Novosel


Table of contents


6 Bertha Dudde: Autobiography

8 2203 Book of Books... Lamps without oil

9 5710 Book of Books... God’s Word

10 0185 Old Testament

11 8963 Do the Gospels correspond to the truth?

12 3735 Spiritual meaning of the Word

13 2524 Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.... Misguided teachings….

14 7103 Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures…. The working of the spirit….

15 8688 Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words

16 8845 Interpretation of the divine Word.…

17 0196 ‘The measure you use will be the measure you receive....’ (Matthew 7:2; Luke 6:38)

18 0764 Last Supper… ‘This is My flesh… this is My blood’ (Matthew 26:26, 28)

19 1029 ‘Vengeance is Mine....’ Revenge.... (Deuteronomy 32:35, 41)

20 1516 ‘You are Peter, the rock....’ (Matthew 16:18)

21 1517 ‘Go and teach all nations....’ (Matthew 28:19)

22 1739 “My Father and I are one” (John 10:30)

23 1753 ‘Vengeance is Mine....’ (Deuteronomy 32:35, 41)

24 1849 “Hallowed be Thy name…” (Matthew 6:9)

25 2107 ‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name….’ (Matthew 18:20)

26 2147 ‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him….’ (1 John 4:16)

27 2353 False Christs.... Signs and miracles.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

28 2375 ‘The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed….’ (1 Corinthians 1:19; Isaiah 29:14)

29 2415 ‘Eye has not seen….’ (1 Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4)

30 2516 ‘Ask, and it shall be given to you….’ (Matthew 7:7)

31 2534 ‘I will come like a thief in the night....’ (Matthew 24:42-51; Marko 13:33-37; 1Timothy 5:2; 2 Peter


32 2566 False prophets…. Test the spirits…. (Matthew 24:11, 24; 1 Ivan 4:1)

33 2904 ‘By their fruits ye shall know them….’ (Matthew 7:16, 20)

34 3297 Remitting or retaining sins…. Jesus’ disciples…. (‘Whose soever sins ye remit…’) (John 20:23)

36 3460 ‘Blessed are the merciful....’ (Matthew 5:7)

37 3589 ‘The gates of hell....’ Church of Christ.... (Matthew 16:18)

38 3624 ‘Become as little children….’ (Matthew 18:3)

39 3634 ‘Did you not know, that I must be in My Father’s house....’ (Luke 2:49)


40 3670 ‘Eye hath not seen….’ (1 Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4)

41 3728 ‘Whoso eateth My flesh….’ (John 6:54)

42 3740 ‘Do this in remembrance of Me’… Last Supper (Luka 22:19)

43 3767 ‘I Am the way, the truth, and the life....’ (John 14:6)

44 3927 ‘Father, Your will be done….’ (Matthew 6:10; 20:42)

45 4082 ‘With God nothing is impossible….’ (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; 14:36; Luke 1:37; Jeremiah 32:17,


46 4107 ‘He that keepeth My commandments…. to him I will come and manifest Myself ….’ (John 14:21)

47 4115 ‘Take this and eat…. this is My flesh and My blood….’ (Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22)

48 4128 ‘Only he who remains in love remains in Me, and I in him….’ (1 John 4:16)

49 4295 ‘My Own recognise My voice….’ (John 10:3, 4)

50 4296 ‘Father, Your will be done....’ (Matthew 6:10; 20:42)

51 4310 ‘Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed ….’ (John 20:29)

52 4341 ‘Deliver us from evil....’ (Matthew 6:13)

53 4372 ‘Father, Your will be done….’ (Matthew 6:10; 20:42)

54 4379 Last Supper.... Spiritual meaning.... Flesh – blood.... (Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22)

55 4408 ‘No-one can serve two masters….’ (Matthew 6:24)

56 4507 ‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name….’ (Matthew 18:20)

57 4525 ‘Thou art Peter, the rock….’ Living faith – the church of Christ…. (Matthew 16:18)

58 4544 ‘Follow Me....’ (Matthew 19:21)

59 4566 ‘Don’t fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul…’ (Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:4)

60 4575 ‘They ate and drank....’ just as it was before the Flood.... (Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:27)

61 4580 ‘I will send you the Comforter….’ (Explanation of apparent contradictions) (John 14:26; 15:26)

63 4587 ‘Test all things and….’ (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

64 4607 ‘Satan prowls around like a roaring lion....’ ‘Watch and pray….’ (1 Peter 5:8; Matthew 26:41)

65 4635 ‘I will shorten the days....’ (Matthew 24:22)

66 4639 ‘There shall not be left one stone upon another….’ Great adversity…. (Matthew 24:2; 13:4; Luke

19:44; 21:6)

67 4662 ‘Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation….’ (Matthew 26:41)

68 4675 ‘That day and hour knoweth no man….’ False prophets of the last days…. (Matthew 24:36; Mark


69 4726 ‘My sheep know My voice....’ Resistance…. (John 10:27)

70 4744 ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise....’ (Isaiah 29:14; 1 Corinthians 1:19)

71 4850 ‘I will remain with you….’ ‘I will send you the Comforter….’ (Matthew 28:20; John 14:26; 15:26)

72 4942 ‘Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church....’ (Matthew 16:18)

73 4985 ‘Deliver us from evil....’ (Matthew 6:13; Luke 11:4)

74 5024 ‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it….’ (Matthew 10:39; 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; 17:33; John


75 5029 ‘The powers of the heavens shall be shaken….’ Reversal of natural laws…. Rapture…. (Matthew

24:29; Mark 13:25; Luke 21:26)

76 5082 ‘Go ye therefore, and teach….’ (Matthew 28:19)


77 5114 ‘I came to My Own and they did not accept Me.... (John 1:11)

78 5186 ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it….’ (Matthew 16:18)

79 5235 ‘Behold, I make all things new….’ (Revelation 21:5)

80 5336 ‘My kingdom is not of this world....’ (John 18:36)

81 5428 ‘Forgive us our trespasses....’ (Matthew 6:12)

82 5449 ‘In My Father’s house are many mansions….’ (John 14:2)

83 5677 False Christs and prophets.... Satan’s mask.... (Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

84 5701 ‘Test the spirits....’ False Christs and prophets…. (1 John 4:1; Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

85 5778 False Christs and prophets.... (Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

86 5861 False Christs and false prophets…. (Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

87 5905 ‘The measure you give....’ (Luke 6:38)

88 6022 In the Father’s house are many mansions.… (John 14:2)

89 6050 ‘Enter into thy closet....’ (Matthew 6:6)

90 6135 ‘Take this and eat….’ (Matthew 26:26)

91 6144 ‘Peace to all men of good will...’ (Luke 2:14)

92 6374 ‘Whatever you ask the Father in My name….’ (John 15:16; 16:23)

93 6570 ‘My sheep recognise My voice....’ (John 10:4)

94 6579 ‘No one comes to the Father except through Me’ (John 14:6)

95 6611 About ‘Baptism’…. (‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost’)

(Matthew 28:19)

96 6676 ‘Test all things and keep what is good....’ (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

97 6709 'Whose soever sins ye remit….’ (John 20:23)

99 6717 ‘Instituted words’ for the Last Supper.... (‘This do in remembrance of Me’) (Luke 22:19)

101 6796 ‘Whoever remains in love....’ Strange gods.... (1 John 4:16)

102 6877 ‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect…’ (Matthew 5:48)

103 6968 ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God….’ (Matthew 6:33)

104 7006 (Ephesians).... Predestination....

105 7031 ‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth.…’ (Matthew 28:18)

106 7057 ‘I bestow My grace upon the humble….’ (2 Corinthians 12:7-11; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5)

107 7075 ‘Where two or three are gathered….’ (Matthew 18:20)

108 7225 ‘I will shorten your days....‘ (Matthew 24:22; Mark 13:20)

109 7249 ‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’ (Luke 6:38)

110 7359 ‘The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....’ (Matthew 11:12; Luke 16:16)

111 7361 ‘The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....’ II. (Matthew 11:12; Luke 16:16)

112 7375 John 14, 21 ‘He that hath My commandments….’ (John 14:21)

113 7389 False Christs and prophets.... Apparitions of Mary.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

115 7421 Revelation 16, 18…. Star…. (Revelation 16:18)

116 7480 ‘Death, where is your sting....’ (Hosea 13:14; 1 Corinthians 15:55)

117 7501 ‘I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh….’ (Joel 2:28)

118 7638 ‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’ (Luke 6:38)


119 7647 St. John 21, 25…. (John 14:21)

120 7668 ‘It is finished….’ (John 19:30)

121 7681 ‘I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world....’ (Matthew 28:20; John 14:16, 17; 15:26)

122 7702 John 14…. ‘I will not leave you comfortless….’ (John 14:18)

123 7705 False prophets.… (1 John 4:1)

124 7811 ‘Love one another....’ (John 13:34; 15:12, 17)

125 7884 The letter kills.... Lifeless proclaimers of the Word (2 Corinthians 3:6)

126 7944 Coming in the clouds.... (Matthew 24:30; 26:64; Mark 13:26; 14:62)

127 8037 ‘Test all things and keep what is good….’ (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

128 8066 2 Peter 3:10....

129 8141 ‘And the Word was made flesh....’ (John 1:14)

131 8164 ‘He that shall endure unto the end….’ (Matthew 24:13; Mark 13:13)

132 8201 "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?...." (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34)

133 8228 ‘Test the spirits...’ (1 John 4:1)

134 8290 False Christs and prophets.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

136 8373 ‘Whose soever sins ye remit….’ (John 20:23)

137 8379 ‘The powers of heaven shall be shaken….’ (Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:25; Luke 21:26)

138 8487 False Christs and prophets.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

140 8521 False Christs and prophets…. Characteristic: Salvation…. (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

141 8535 The Revelation of John….

142 8643 Explanation about baptism with water…. (‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the

Holy Ghost’) (Matthew 28:19)

144 8710 John 14, 15-26

146 8739 ‘In the beginning was the Word....’ (John 1:1)

147 8786 ‘The measure you use will be the measure you receive....’ (Luke 6:38)

148 8836 Acts 7, 55-56....

149 8872 ‘I will guide you into truth.…’ (John 16:33)

150 8941 1 Corinthians 15, 29.... ‘Act of baptism on a dead person’....



At the request of many friends Bertha Dudde wrote the following biography in 1953:

I have been writing messages, received through the inner Word since June 15, 1937. In answer to the many requests of

my friends I will give you a picture of my earthly life, a short explanation of what I received spiritually, and my own

feelings about all this.

I was born April 1, 1891, the second oldest daughter of an artist of Liegnitz in Schlesien, today’s Poland I had a

normally peaceful childhood, with six sisters in our parent home. I learned the cares of life at an early age. The desire to

make money to help my parents made me learn the trade of a seamstress. As the financial needs of my parents

continued, so the burden, and in this way I made myself useful.

My parents belonged to different denominations. Father was a Protestant -Mother a Catholic. We children were brought

up in the Catholic faith, but never experienced pressure or force to follow the practices of the church so that each child

in later years could pursue their own chosen course.

I myself was religious, but could not accept the doctrine of the Catholic system, although I respected the church. I could

not represent something on the outside that my inner conscience had not accepted. So I did not continue to attend

church, heard little preaching and had no knowledge of the Bible. I did not read any religious books or scientific

literature and did not join any other group or religious sect.

Anyone knowing the Catholic teaching knows what a conscious struggle one finds himself in when he wants to loosen

himself from it. I also was not spared from this. But the question as to what is the Truth, and where it is to be found,


Often when I prayed the Lord's prayer I would beseech the Lord to allow me to find HIS kingdom. This prayer

was answered in June 15, 1937, as I prayed quietly and waited on the inner voice. In this attitude I persisted

often, for a wonderful peace came over me and thoughts which came to my heart, not my head, gave me comfort

and strength.

Still I did not know that these thoughts were given to me, until in a strange dream I experienced something, which later

proved to be the Truth and caused me to write down these thoughts.

So on a certain day as I listened inwardly a stream of words came to me, which I wrote down. This was the first

message I wrote which started like this: "In the beginning was the Word, 'a TE-DEUM' to the Creafor of Heaven

and Earth."

Then came doubt, ….did you write this by yourself? In short, I have wrestled, prayed and gone through many struggles,

but again and again the words came to me like a stream, a wisdom, which made me tremble. Then GOD HIMSELF

took away my doubts. HE answered me and I acknowledged HIM as our Father, in HIS Word. My faith grew, doubt

diminished, and I received and wrote daily.

The contents of the writings were beyond my understanding. Phrases, which I had never heard of, or read about, strange

and scientific expressions and references continually came to me. Then came unheard of expressions of the Heavenly

Father's Love giving refuge and providing enlightenment to all the questions of life.

The "Words" came to me in the following manner: After sincere prayer and a short period of composure I listened

inwardly. Thoughts then followed coming to my mind, clearly, distinctly, and the words flowed smoothly always three

or four, one after another, like writing a radio announcement or a weather report, slowly so that I could easily keep

pace, writing line after line.

Now, I write the words in shorthand as a dictation without having any constructive or intellectual part in it. I am in no

way in a 'trance', nor do I even form the sentences, but it comes to me one word at a time, neither do I understand the

context while I am writing the words down.

After days, sometimes weeks, I transcribe the shorthand writings into longhand without changing or correcting a

syllable. Each dictation takes about half an hour. I must stress that this could not happen forcibly or in a state of ecstasy.


It all takes place simply and consciously, without any excitement or influence of my own will. I can interrupt myself at

any time and finish the sentence after hours or days without reading the previous writing the dictated words continue


My will is under no compulsion, all that I desire is to serve GOD and do what HIS Will wants me to do.

I can truthfully say that I was led into this Truth, and these concepts were, in all respect foreign to me. It was only after

years that I found confirmation of what I received, when I came to know the writings of Jacob Lorber. No one can

imagine my joy when I discovered the literature of Jacob Lorber; "The Great Gospel of John" and the "Youth of

CHRIST" Then I understood that other people were given the Word of the Lord, that GOD had spoken to HIS children

at all times and that GOD will continue to do this in HIS endless Love and Mercy.

I found in Lorber' s writings the same as was given to me. I often could not understand the word that came to me, but in

HIS Love the Heavenly Father gave me the explanation. How wonderful are the innumerable manifestations in which

the Father displays HIS exceeding great goodness.

It became clear to me that my short education, due to lack of money and my lack of time to read good books or visit

performances, became my advantage. I could now concentrate on my work from early morning to late at night, and each

day I received that precious spiritual Word without knowing for whom I received it.

It is because of my ignorance of the Bible and the Catholic doctrine that I accepted the Word from Above without

resistance. In my experience an earnest Catholic or Protestant whose knowledge is rooted in dogmatic theories is too

much bound to their dogma to accept and embrace Divine revelations without resistance.

Still there are scientists at several faculties who earnestly discuss these Divine teachings with increasing interest. Their

interest does not only concern the irrefutable explanation of the origin of matter and the possibility of its dissolution, but

also the principle of the wrong teachings of different religions, systems and confessions. In the messages I received

these errors are recorded and everyone is urged to give instructions concerning these doctrinal errors whenever there is

an opportunity.

But everyone is free to take the LORD' s Word to heart or not. But whoever understands the spirit in the Father's Word

and does not act accordingly makes the distance between himself and the Father even greater. When he does not follow

the warning words of Love he puts himself inevitably under the law. He will also in the same measure lack in Grace,

disregarding GOD' s commandment of Love.

In GOD' s Grace people are led anew to the gospel, which emphatically points out the purpose of man's being. For the

merciful Love of GOD seeks to save all who still can be saved be fore the turning point comes. And it will come. The

end-time of which seers and prophets have proclaimed is now here. According to the revelations given to me, the

LORD does not differentiate between HIS children. "Come ye all to ME" sounds HIS call and blessed is he who hears

HIS call and follows HIM. GOD Loves HIS children. HE wants to make them all happy, even when they do not want to

know HIM.

Recorded Nov. 22, 1953



B.D. 2203


Book of Books…. Lamp without oil….

A lamp without oil is but an empty vessel which does not serve its purpose; it does not emit any light because it lacks the

food which the light must constantly receive. Even the Holy Scripture must be judged as a mere book as long as it has no

true light-spreading effect, that is, as long as it does not result in spiritual enlightenment.... The Holy Scriptures can truly

offer the most profound wisdom for someone who, with absolute faith and a God-inclined heart, desires to draw wisdom

from it, thus, as soon as the human being himself proves his hunger for light through this desire. Then the Book of Books

will not merely be an empty vessel but become a source of light instead.... The human being´s wisdom will increase

because he desires food for his spirit and this nourishment turns his inner light into a bright flame whose radiance shines

far and wide and can illuminate the darkest night. The Word of God is blessed with His strength and those who may

receive the Word from God directly will therefore also constantly be permeated by God´s strength. And this strength also

flows to a person who accepts the Word with the same depth of feeling where it is made accessible for all people, as long

as he desires to accept divine wisdom, as long as his one and only desire is light. For God will satisfy every hunger for His

Word, He will give where the desire is present. Thus, the heart must long for spiritual nourishment, then it will be offered

in the form of knowledge, for every Word in the Holy Bible will then become clear to the person and this knowledge will

please and satisfy him. But how often does a person only read the written Word without allowing it to talk to his heart….

how often does he lack the sense and understanding for what he reads because he fails to pray for the grace of

understanding, and then the Book is of no greater value than any other book which merely serves the purpose of passing

time. But then the lamp is lacking oil, it is without light and merely an empty vessel which fails to fulfil its purpose, for it

does not emit light and therefore cannot illuminate a person´s heart either. The Word of God comes to every person who

desires it, for God Himself is the Word, and He reveals Himself in the Word in many different ways to anyone who strives

towards Him.... He gives him the truth mentally or brings people together and speaks through them, or He addresses them

through the Book of Books. But the willingness to receive the divine Word must always be present so that his desires can

be granted. Then the spirit of God will always be at work, regardless of how and where the human being receives the

divine Word, because the spirit of God can only take effect when the human being´s hunger for spiritual nourishment, for

light, is evident. This also excludes all error, for even where the latter had occurred through human will, the spirit of God

will so guide the person´s thoughts that he understands it correctly and thus his knowledge will correspond to the truth.

Then his knowledge will resemble a light which brightly shines in all directions and sends its radiance into the darkness.

And he may draw upon this knowledge at all times and everywhere.... The spirit of God is always willing to distribute

knowledge; wherever a heartfelt desire exists the heart will be nourished, for it is God´s will that the human hearts shall

become brightly illuminated. It is His will that His Word shall not just be read or listened to on the surface but that it

should penetrate deeply, so that it will remain as spiritual knowledge and will be the soul´s wealth in eternity one day....



B.D. 5710


Book of Books.... God’s Word....

The Scriptures, which testify of Me, would fully suffice to proclaim My will to people, it would also guide them to the

light, to enlightenment, if My will were done, and they would attain beatitude. Yet this book, the Book of the Fathers, has

lost its value for many people; it is no longer the book which imparts My Word to them because their unbelief also

concerns the origin of the Scriptures, they cannot believe that My spirit was working in My disciples, that this spirit

motivated them to write down what I Myself did and taught while I lived on earth. And therefore they no longer appraise

this Word of Mine as it should be appraised.... as the proclamation of My will which requires people to fulfil the

commandments.… of love for God and their neighbour….

They would only need to acknowledge that these two commandments were given to people by Me and if they endeavoured

to live on earth in accordance with these two commandments they would very soon learn to appreciate the accuracy and

truth of all other teachings which My disciples recorded on My behalf for all people…. But they do not live with love, and

therefore they also lack understanding for everything contained in the Scriptures. As a result, they also doubt the origin,

they do not recognise Me as the source of the Word that testifies of Me. However, they nevertheless should be informed of

My Word, they nevertheless should know My will and thus made directly aware of the One Who manifests Himself in

many ways….

They should know that it is possible for Me to convey My Word to earth at any time, that I instruct people through the

spirit at all times just as I taught My apostles when I no longer lived amongst them in the flesh. They should know that the

pouring out of the spirit was not a unique occurrence which only happened to My disciples, but that time and again I pour

My spirit into an open vessel, that I instruct people in the same way as I once instructed My disciples and thus convey My

Word to them, which again only reveals My will to live within love, and as a result of their compliance with My will to

then guide the person into truth, to explain to him the correlation between the creation and its creator, the destiny and goal

of everything that is visible, thus to bestow comprehensive knowledge to him which denotes brightest light to the soul and

enables it to find the path to eternal life….

By transmitting My Word I only intend to achieve the possibility for the human being to shape himself into love.... The

Scriptures, too, only ever teach love, thus its origin has to be from Me Myself, Who is eternal love. But since love has

grown cold amongst humanity, people are no longer able to recognise the deeper value of what is written, they are

spiritually blind and lack all judgment. Therefore they shall be confronted again by living representatives of My Word

who, although they will not bring them anything new, they will nevertheless be able to advocate the old Word with

conviction and demonstrate it anew…. namely, that love is the first commandment I expect to be fulfilled, and that all

additional knowledge, the higher awareness of truth, only arises from love…. My Word shall be widely spread again, for

once again I say to My chosen disciples ‘Go into the world and teach all nations….’ For people have to hear My Gospel,

they have to know that the Scriptures may not be dismissed, that it comprises the truth which I Myself proclaimed to My

disciples through the spirit…. They should know that I will always and forever transmit the same Word to earth and that

My Word will remain even when heaven and earth pass away…. Amen


B.D. 0185


Old Testament....

Your spiritual knowledge will grow if you willingly put your trust in us and stay devoted to your Saviour in constant love.

We are instructed to tell you about the teachings of the Old Testament. Before the Saviour became a human being, God

gave His voice to His prophets and conveyed His commandments through them. They taught that the Messiah would come

to bring Salvation to all mankind. Yet God, the Lord, never gave them the instruction to provide information about the sins

of the Fathers…. Just like today, God has always proclaimed to people that they should live in faith and with love for the

Creator. And yet people brought documents into being which intended to testify of the Lord’s will.... It could be called

presumptuous had such documents not been produced with the best of intention to thereby serve the Lord and Creator of

heaven and earth.

And now, as a result of these teachings, people try to deny everything…. even the Words of the Lord Himself, Who had

given them through His prophets for the benefit of people. Therefore, do not reject what is beyond your judgment…. Let

God reign anew and accept what He sends to you in clear Words which will touch your hearts and which you will

understand better than the Book of the Fathers. But this, too, is incorrect.... what you do not understand you should not

judge…. Do not reject it, for in so doing you can reject much truth as well…. No house should be without the Word of

God, yet even if the Old Book no longer provides anything of comfort to you, do not dismiss it…. times have changed and

with it also people’s way of speaking…. Do not renounce the Word of God, instead, appeal to the Father for enlightened

reading…. that you correctly understand what He gave to you through the prophets…. and that the teachings of truth

should be imparted to you. Time and again the divine Father’s love will find ways and means for His teachings to find a

way into people’s hearts.... and to protect you from error He will guide your thoughts, if only you want to understand and

to receive divine truths from the Book of Books and not try to ascertain people’s weaknesses and faults in a human way.

Only pure, virtuous, God-devoted thinking will vouch for the truthfulness of the Words which God lovingly conveys

through His instruments to His earthly children. If this thinking is combined with earthly endeavour.... if it is not entirely

focussed on the Heavenly Father, then every work created by human hand will no longer be purely divine but humanly

misguided…. and this explains why so many spiritual investigators refuse to accept the spiritual teachings. Yet here again

the fact applies that science is unable to fathom what is truth and what are wrong teachings…. the realisation only comes to

those who take refuge with the Heavenly Father and appeal to Him for enlightenment. He will not refuse His grace to them

and lead them onto the right path…. the path of realisation. Hence, confidently submit yourself to our Words and take

notice of everything God bestows on you in order to reveal the pure truth to you…. Amen


B.D. 8963


Do the Gospels correspond to truth?....

The question occupying you is understandable if you wish to know the truth. The fact that changes had occurred

everywhere cannot be denied, because I do not exert force on a person’s free will even if he himself implements changes,

partly as a result of wrong translations, but partly also caused by the use of language which differs everywhere and also

promotes various interpretations. Even the transcripts of the original text diverge from each other were you to compare

them, but they do not distort My teaching, they describe My Words as I had spoken them, because these Words of Mine are

and will remain everlasting.

But now you desire to know who has been instructed by Me to record My divine teaching of love, as well as My way of

life, and I can only reply to this that John…. My favourite disciple…. had the direct order from Me and thus also complied

with this task.

However, My disciple Matthew, having been likewise capable of writing, also left scripts behind in which he mentioned

more factual events, hence he was an equally faithful servant, yet minor discrepancies occurred in his transcripts which,

however, cannot be explained such that every scribe saw the same events differently, instead, it concerns multiple events,

for I have often done the same. Even so, this Gospel is still hidden from you and was replaced by a disciple of the same

name who was impelled by the spirit of God, just like the evangelists Luke and Mark, who only during later years wrote

down what they had heard about Me and My act of Salvation. You can rest assured that they were influenced by My spirit,

otherwise they would never have attempted to tackled such work…. And it will indeed be possible for every spiritually

awakened person to recognise these minor discrepancies, which had slipped in later, but he will always be able to keep to

My direct Words, since I protect ‘My Word’ from being changed.

Admittedly, you can also interpret these Words of Mine wrongly, which indeed you have done, thereby giving the spoken

Word a different meaning, but a spiritually awakened person will always recognise them as being wrong. So if you know

that you are allowed to unhesitatingly accept all Gospels as being conveyed by My spirit, as long as you merely assign

different periods of time to the process of the transfer, then the Gospel of John was the first one given by Me, because John

more or less witnessed everything and was therefore able to describe it in greatest detail. However, the other Gospels can

also be unreservedly believed. For they do not contradict each other, merely in the course of time minor changes have

occurred which, however, are insignificant and recognisable.

If the translators keep firmly to the original text, if they don’t change the words according to their linguistic usage, it can

also be assumed that the Gospels will remain pure, but the latter should be avoided because it can completely change the

meaning. And even the ‘expositions’ require an awakened spirit.... worldly studies, even if they are of a spiritual nature, are

to no avail…. And time and again such ‘expositions’ arise which deviate from correct thinking, and so many a passage

exists which is purely interpreted in a human way, whereas it should only be understood spiritually…. and this always ever

concerns passages where clarifications were given…. On account of people’s free will I cannot prevent this, nevertheless,

wherever possible I protect the Word I have spoken during My life time on earth, so that those of you who want to know

the truth may find the right explanation…. For such questions will only be asked by a seriously-minded person who is not

satisfied with scriptures of unknown origin and whose questions only prove that he loves the pure truth and therefore also

Me Myself, Who is the eternal Truth…. Amen


B.D. 3735


Spiritual meaning of the Word....

Every Word I said when I lived on earth incorporates a profoundly spiritual meaning, even where it concerns earthly

issues. You should strive to understand this spiritual meaning and thus receive My Word with the desire to understand it

spiritually. For what I said and did on earth happened for the sake of the souls who were supposed to achieve perfection

while still on earth. Hence your thinking should be spiritually orientated in order for the soul to derive benefit from My

Word. Only then will you recognise the immense value of what I conveyed to you on earth, and only then will you also be

able to assess the immense gift of grace which is now conveyed to you through the transmission of My Word, which you

receive from Me directly. Each one of My Words cautions you to act kindly. This certainly includes earthly activity too,

but if the earthly deed is not inspired by the spirit of love it has lost its value for the soul. Whatever you do on earth can

only be considered and valued as an activity of love when the spirit of love is involved, otherwise an action will only be

effective in earthly life…. And thus it is the spirit which first gives a person’s deed its value for eternity.

And if you look at each one of My Words from this point of view you will realise how diligently a person has to improve

himself in order to provide his soul with the benefit of My Word. He has to understand each one of My Words spiritually,

only then will he comply with it and fulfil My will. Hence it follows that actions which demand external gestures,

externally recognisable deeds, with the exception of compassionate help for a fellow human being, could never be My will

because the correct compliance with My Word is psychological work which need not be visible to any other person, which

is only recognisable by its effects but not by external actions. Discover the spiritual meaning in each of My Words and you

will have to admit that I do not expect any particular deeds on your part.... when I remind you to be humble, peaceful,

compassionate and just…. All this merely requires psychological work, for an externally visible action does not guarantee

the spirit of what I ask. Only the effect is recognisable in the person himself, just as the loving deed for one’s neighbour is

indeed also perceptible to the human being and yet need not incorporate the spirit of love, if the person’s mind is not

spiritually orientated.

The result of your conduct in life is apparent in the orderliness which necessarily has to result in an inclusion of My will.

Consequently, you humans can follow My Word without being spiritually active by leading a way of life as a product of

your upbringing which outwardly does not contradict My will, and yet you do not greatly benefit your soul because you do

not understand My Word spiritually, you do not ascertain the spiritual meaning of My teaching of love…. And thus you

will not be able to completely remain within My order, since I first have to make you aware of the fact that you do not take

enough notice of your soul. For this reason heart and intellect have to become active if you want to mature spiritually, you

have to accept My Word with your heart and follow it by being motivated by your heart, otherwise it will remain

ineffective in you in spite of your apparent fulfilment of My commandments. Try to understand the spirit of My Word and

you will derive the most abundant blessing from it, because what I give to you is intended for eternity and not for your

temporal life. Hence you should make an effort to gain eternal life, and therefore you also need to be spiritually very active

since it is the spirit which generates life…. Amen


B.D. 2524


Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.... Misguided teachings….

Many words of the Holy Scriptures are wrongly interpreted by people and thus they are misled into believing something

which is far removed from the truth. As a result of these wrong interpretations teachings developed which were passed on

from person to person time after time so that the error kept spreading and became increasingly more difficult to be

recognised as such. God has always given His Word to human beings in relation to their spiritual level, and it was always

comprehensible to anyone who wanted to understand it correctly. However, as soon as His Word was deliberated upon

rationally…. as soon as the human being tried to ascertain its meaning purely as a matter of research without the sincere

will to shape himself, i.e. his soul, by means of the divine Word, the Word became difficult for people to understand….

Their thoughts went astray.

In view of these conditions teachings developed which corrupted the divine Word in as much as they did not correspond to

what Jesus Christ had preached on earth. God’s Word is certainly quoted, however it is given a completely different

meaning and now humanity does not understand His Word in a corresponding manner but human explanations have

changed the meaning. Consequently, the divine Word became spoilt and in this state it was presented to people again as

divine Word, who will now not accept anything else and eagerly defend this spoilt Word. And it is extremely difficult to

bring the pure truth to them and to convince them that they are defending something entirely human…. that they are

making a cult out of an entirely human product and that this human product is unreliable. Until they have come to this

conviction themselves they will also claim that the truth is error, and the advocates of truth will find it very difficult to

associate with them because they will not be open to any instruction in this regard, they will present themselves as the

guardians of truth and not accept any instruction which they deem as coming to them from the kingdom of darkness.

And thus light argues with darkness, but the light is not recognised until a serious pursuit for truth paves the way amongst

people and they have a sudden, blinding realisation that they merely believed in misguided teachings. And then there will

still be time for all people who deem themselves small and ignorant before God since they will be granted the grace to

attain realisation, because then they will no longer wilfully reject but eagerly accept the truth…. which they subsequently

will recognise as truth…. Amen


B.D. 7103


Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures…. The working of the spirit….

You humans often interpret the Words of the Scriptures according to your need…. The spiritual meaning of the Word does

not correspond to the aims and plans you pursue, and you interpret the letter which can have various meanings.

Consequently, many errors were spread among people who nevertheless tenaciously hold on to them by always referring to

passages in the Scriptures. It has become almost impossible to expose and eradicate these errors, because the spiritual

darkness keeps deepening the closer the end is approaching. Even so, precisely these errors are the cliffs which can cause

people to fail, who strive to find the truth yet then start to doubt and finally use the same doubts to oppose everything

written in the Book of Books…. If they are strict seekers of truth, then they will find the truth, if only by different means

than the usual, through the proclaimers of God’s Word…. However, if they lack the necessary earnestness for truth, they

will easily be satisfied with those errors in order to completely detach themselves from believing or from religious

doctrines, which nevertheless can correspond to truth. This is the great danger inherent in every misguided teaching….

Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures can be assigned to the influence of God’s adversary as well, for he also tries to

instigate much confusion within the circles of people willing to believe, and, if he can exert his influence on their leader, he

will have succeeded in causing immense darkness. Many Words of the Scriptures are indeed encrypted, that is, their

meaning is not self-evident to the human intellect, they can be differently interpreted and will only be correctly interpreted

when the person’s spirit has awakened and wants to ascertain their meaning. It is God’s will that people should read every

Word with complete sincerity, with the desire for truth and in contact with Him…. so that God Himself can speak to them,

and then He will truly educate and enlighten them correctly. But since God’s ‘supposed’ representatives usually allow their

intellect to speak first, since they study and ponder in order to discover the meaning of the Word, its spiritual meaning will

remain concealed from them until they are in closest contact with God and appeal for His spirit…. And the spirit of God

will instruct them correctly, but it will always reveal the same to people. No person should deem himself capable of

understanding the Word of God by himself…. by merely using his intellect…. and no person should deem himself entitled

to interpret it without God’s support….

No person ought to believe that performing formal prayers is sufficient in order to ensure divine support for himself. God

expects more…. He expects a life of love which shapes the heart into a receiving vessel for the divine spirit, because He

can only unite with ‘love’, and because His spirit can only take effect in a person who has shaped himself into love…. And

from this it is evident again how an interpretation can be assessed in relation to truth…. Even the sharpest intellect is

incapable of ascertaining the truth where a way of life makes it impossible for God’s spirit to manifest itself, for the

working of the spirit cannot be replaced by intellectual activity. So many misguided teachings could not have been spread

in the world had this basic rule always been observed that ‘thorns cannot yield any fruit….’ And precisely those people

who were great helpers for God’s adversary distinguished themselves most with interpretations and translations of the

Scriptures, although the results only revealed themselves at a later time, because they led to divisions and disputes and

caused ever more confusion. And it is only possible to tackle such errors again with the pure truth from God, the

transmission of which, therefore, also necessitates an awakened spirit. But only people who live in love and offer the

indwelling spirit the opportunity of igniting a light in people’s heart will accept such corrections…. However, only the

truth results in blessings…. Every error is an obstacle on the way of ascent. For this reason the pure truth should be

proclaimed emphatically by those who receive it from God Himself. For this is the task they were given at the same time as

they received the truth, because only truth is light and only truth leads to beatitude…. Amen


B.D. 8688


Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words….

Human thought has an earthly tendency, consequently people also interpret everything in an earthly way that had a

profoundly spiritual meaning, that was conveyed to them as spiritual guidance by Me, Who has always spoken to humanity

either directly or through messengers. My teachings, however, were always intended for the salvation of the soul and

whenever I speak to humanity, be it in ancient or more recent times, My Word has always had a spiritual meaning. This

was quite correctly understood at the time, but soon the spiritual meaning was interspersed with worldly ideas and,

eventually, interpreted in a purely worldly sense. And thus My Word never remained unspoilt, performances and customs

evolved from it which no longer correspond to its spiritual meaning, and My Word has lost its healing power, since it is no

longer My pure Word….

That which was demanded of you spiritually…. because I expected its fulfilment to be a blessing for your souls.… has

been turned into earthly performances by you humans. For every one of My requirements on your souls you invented and

instituted an earthly activity which you called 'sacraments', attaching too much importance to them. As a result many

people conscientiously comply with the regulations in their belief that they are accumulating a treasure of grace by

fulfilling humanly decreed commandments…. However, it is all a mere matter of formality and appearance and completely

unnecessary for the maturing of the souls…. Yet you stick with great tenacity to the formalities you created for yourselves

but which I never demanded of you.

Everything I said during My life on earth as a human being had a profound spiritual meaning and can never be substituted

by external acts…. But you do not understand the profound meaning and are satisfied with external customs which can

never benefit your soul. Just think of the effects you attribute to 'baptism'!…. You perform a simple external act and are

then convinced of its spiritual success: be it the deliverance from the ‘hereditary sin’, or the admission into My church….

the admission into a religious community…. But all this has to be gained by the human being himself during his earthly

life, he has to voluntarily let himself be delivered from sin through Jesus Christ. Consequently it requires more than just the

act of baptism performed on a child…. And again, he will only be able to join ‘My church’ voluntarily by consciously

living his life as My follower, in order to gain a living faith through love…. the characteristic of the church founded by Me.

Think of the Sacraments of Confession and the Altar.... What you made of them and by what formalities you expect your

‘forgiveness of sins’. Think of how I want you to understand the Words, that you should invite Me in so that I may hold

communion with you and you with Me.… and how you turned My Words ‘This do in remembrance of Me....’ into a

process which, again, cannot have any effect on your soul unless you live a life of such profound love that I Myself can be

present within you….

All spiritual requirements your soul was meant to cope with by itself were combined with earthly concepts by you humans

and thus you created your own structure, so that you eagerly comply with what is demanded of you, what is claimed to be

My will…. Time and again you have to be given clarification about this, yet you do not accept such clarification but keep

fulfilling the humanly decreed commandments with ever growing zeal whilst My commandments of love for God and your

neighbour are being ignored. As a result your spirit is growing consistently darker until, in the end, you will become quite

unable to recognise the error of your thoughts and actions. Besides, you have placed yourselves into bondage by

submissively accepting everything as truth that is presented to you as 'My Word'….

You ascribe a purely earthly meaning to My Words and ignore their spiritual meaning. And this is why errors have arisen

which can only be rectified if you are filled with love, for then you will become enlightened and notice when you are

confronted by error…. Then you will know that all humanly decreed commandments and sacramental acts are a deception,

which could only have been alleged to be divine will by a dark spirit, and you will endeavour to free yourselves from error

in the recognition of pure truth which alone can benefit the soul, and which can only be recognised as truth by someone

who dwells in love, and who thus will fulfil My commandment of love first and then, as a result, also think correctly….



B.D. 8845


Interpretation of the divine Word.…

The ‘Word of God’ has been subjected to many amendments, and it is still amended, so that My Words were not in vain

when I said: ‘I will guide you into truth.…’ Because I knew that My Word would not remain unchanged and thus I

promised to send My spirit to those who kept seeking the pure truth and made it possible that I could reveal Myself to

them.…But as far as possible I have always protected ‘My Word’ from amendments so that the deep significance of My

teachings could be retained....

Yet My Word was interpreted such that this resulted in misguided teachings.… which I consistently fight against by

conveying the correct explanation to people.… And hence it will no longer matter whether and to what extent the writers of

the Gospels were commissioned by Me, but solely what you humans have made of the Words that were written with the

best intentions and with the will to serve Me. Even My scribe John could not prevent the original text from being changed

by people; the translations were not flawless and therefore were often interpreted differently. Hence it was possible to give

My Words, which were preserved in the original text, a completely different interpretation, because they were mainly

spoken to My disciples and therefore intended to be passed on.... but they understood the spiritual meaning of My Word.

They did not convert it into worldly instructions but in the course of time these replaced the true meaning of My Word….

Therefore, in view of the many translations that were carried out during this time, it was not possible to preserve the

Gospels in their original form. And if a spiritually awakened person had pointed out the error as soon as he recognised it,

he would have been sharply denounced as a heretic. Where My adversary had succeeded in even spoiling the prayer that I

Myself had taught you, by portraying My essence incorrectly without people even noticing it, he has made good use of

their spiritual ignorance and blindness.… And thus even today the concept of the ‘working of My spirit within the human

being’ has not yet been sufficiently clarified, in as much as My ‘representatives’ on earth are arguing as to whether the

words I spoke to My disciples were meant only for My disciples or whether they were meant for all people.… thus whether

everyone should heed them.

But I continue to transmit the pure truth to earth, therefore it is of no significance whether everything has been preserved

unaltered, because I knew what the amendments would be, and because I kept giving clarification where necessary.…

where the divisions of the churches occurred, which were always based on differences of opinion.… The division of

schools of thought always happened when My representatives on earth disagreed, when each one believed they understood

My Word correctly and a dispute ensued as a result. They could not twist My Word but they succeeded in changing its

meaning. And thus a number of fundamental words of Mine were misunderstood, which resulted in one division after

another and finally in the commencement of many sects, each with their different problems, but with not one of their

followers knowing anything about the ‘working of My Spirit’, or he would have taken the path to Me for clarification as a

matter of course.

And if I want to bring clarity again and inform people of My will I need to find a vessel which puts itself at My disposal.…

to which I may speak Myself and through which I tell people how I want My Word to be understood. Because today the

confusion is greater than ever, and every person interprets the Word for himself as it suits him.... And if humanity is to be

given a light it can only happen by way of inner enlightenment, so that people can be taught by Me directly, but then they

can also convincingly present their knowledge to other people. But then every question will also be answered and every

problem will be solved, then you will be guided into truth, as I promised you.… Amen


B.D. 0196


‘The measure you use will be the measure you receive.... ’ (Matthew 7:2; Luke 6:38)

Thus begin, my child: If in every situation of life you remain conscious of the fact that you cannot achieve anything

without the Father’s help, you will always act right and keep your eyes towards the Father…. The measure you use will be

the measure you receive.... This Word was given by the Lord to the children of earth and with it the commandment of love

for God and one’s neighbour.... We all know how difficult it is to fulfil it on earth, for love is still unknown to people in

earthly life.... each person does not look upon his neighbour as his brother but is more likely to suspect him to be an

opponent, and precisely because of this it requires a lot of love to show this fellow human being the love the Lord requires

of you. You would certainly benefit if you made an effort to realise first of all that you are all God’s children and that only

love for one another should dwell in you, by virtue of which you should only ever treat each other with kindness instead of

treating each other with hostility or live indifferently next to each other.... It is the Father’s law that you should receive the

same measure as the measure you give to your fellow human beings. Everything you are given by the Father you should

also give to your neighbour in the same way but always in the awareness that you are children amongst yourselves and that

the Father’s love aims to unite you. Therefore, let no one ever ask in vain and give where only the slightest appeal reaches

your ear.... In earthly life the Father wants to give you the opportunity to practise neighbourly love, for love is the first and

foremost commandment in the beyond.... everyone only works for another.....

And the love you neglected to give in earthly life will heavily burden you there; many a soul will long for the effect of love

which will deliver him from the darkness.... all good deeds on earth are blessed by God, they will produce many different

fruits in the beyond, for everyone will reap what he sows and will receive the reward of his love on earth from our Lord

and Saviour in love again. For God is love, and to be allowed to live in His love is eternal beatitude…. Amen


B.D. 0764


Last Supper.... ‘This is My flesh… This is My blood’

(Matthew 26:26, 28)

The motto of your life should be ‘To serve the Lord in all things will be my constant endeavour….’ and His blessing will

be with you wherever you go. Now hear what is intended for you from the Father: The most holy sacrament of the altar

was given by God, but its meaning will have to be understood wisely. You are now surrounded by a protective shield of

spiritual friends who will keep everything that is wrong and misguided at bay, so that people may receive clarification

through you about a question which has become a frequent matter of dispute. Over a period of time people’s correct

thinking had been infiltrated by an entirely wrong point of view which caused further conflicts and divided opinions.

Without first having asked for consent from the divine Lord and Saviour a directive was issued which is contradicts the

divine teaching.

The living portrayal of the Holy Communion is always the acceptance of God’s Word in one’s heart…. Whoso eats My

flesh.... i.e. who receives My Word with a hungry heart…. and drinks My blood…. i.e. who receives the truth with My

Word and lives by My Word entirely truthfully…. he receives Me. And My Words ‘This is My flesh.... this is My

blood….’ should be understood in this sense: Just as the human being needs bread for the well-being of his body, so the

pure Word of God is needed for the preservation of eternal life.... And just as wine will give strength to the weak, so shall

the truth from God strengthen the soul, providing it accepts it. And when it is said that the bread and wine are transformed

into My flesh and blood then the correct understanding of this should be that My Word will bring Me Myself close to the

person at the same time, if it is complied with…. i.e. if it is eaten and drunk, and that, therefore, the human being accepts

Me Myself with My Word, because My Word teaches love, and I Myself Am love….

He who loves Me will sincerely accept Me in his heart and thus will be filled at My table by My bread and My wine…. by

the Word of truth and life. The meaning was in fact understood correctly. However, it was decided to ceremonially

intensify the impression of My Words but then greater significance was given to the ceremony, so anyone not complying

with it was declared to have lost all blessing. And thus the formality was observed first, but the deeper meaning became

lost, Communion increasingly became a formality, divine truth could no longer enter into people’s hearts. In contrast, the

ceremony has been preserved to this day, and the human being believes to have fulfilled his obligation sufficiently by

approaching the Lord’s altar with faith.…

But how can I take abode in a human being who has not changed himself to love first, who will not comply with My Word

and keep My commandments? Anyone who wants to receive Me physically and spiritually and carry Me in his heart has to

eat My bread and drink My wine.... he has to desire the bread of life as nourishment, which comes from heaven, and he has

to drink the wine, the living truth, which flows to him who is thirsty. Only then will he eat My flesh and drink My blood

and he will live eternally, because then he is in Me and I Am in him....

Only in this and no other way should the Communion be understood which I inaugurated with the said Words, but which

you humans have interpreted at your own discretion without recognising the deeper meaning of My Words. The more

eagerly you try to observe only the ceremony and the more often you merely externally receive My bread and My wine, the

less I will be present Myself, and thus you will not receive Me Myself but you will only be close to Me in your

imagination. Because I Am only present where profound love for Me expresses itself by fulfilling My commandments and

living in accordance with My Word…. For he eats My flesh and drinks My blood who complies with My will and serves

Me…. who bears witness to Me before the word, he will truly be My disciple with whom I will take communion and whom

I will fill, to whom I will give his share…. he will be nourished by Me and receive the bread from heaven in all eternity….



B.D. 1029


‘Vengeance is Mine....’ Revenge.... (Deuteronomy 32:35, 41)

‘Vengeance is Mine....’ says the Lord.... and therefore you should not exact vengeance, instead you should make an effort

to repay evil with good and not think about how you can revenge yourselves for the wrong done to you. For anyone who

suffers injustice and never entertains vengeful thoughts is gentle minded and patient, and his will endeavours to eliminate

injustice by doing nothing in order to obtain satisfaction for himself. And this is an immense advancement for the soul.... It

is certainly very difficult to be unjustly treated and yet consider the enemy with love, nevertheless, it is extraordinarily

beneficial…. The human being should always bear in mind that every feeling of revenge shrouds the soul in darkness, that

it can never become light and clear in a human soul where there is still room for thoughts of revenging the evil done by the

other person. For such thoughts will inevitably lead to feelings of unkindness and thus spiritual weakness. And the human

being cannot be lovingly active if he does not put a stop to such thoughts in him. For animosity is a tribute to the

opponent…. Anyone who lives in animosity with his neighbour has already granted the evil power every right over him.

Every feeling of hatred and vengeance must be banished from the heart, for it will lead to other unclean thoughts, just as,

vice versa, a devout and gentle character is only ever concerned about not doing wrong to anyone, and that all injustice

must be left to the responsibility of the divine Lord Himself. For only the Lord can judge the blame of two partners and

what gave rise to the enmity. So if in earthly life hatred and discord seem to prevail, the human being must especially try to

eliminate these bad habits…. It is not enough for a person to anxiously avoid an argument…. he must aim to adapt himself

to the other person where possible and change hostile feelings into the opposite. The success of such intention will be felt

so indescribably beneficially, all hatred will end since love, gentleness and patience will take its place, and the person will

experience an inner sense of satisfaction if he tries, where possible, to undo all injustice done to him with the weapon of

love…. Love disarms all anger, vindictiveness and the urge for revenge.... Love reduced the feeling of suffering injustice

and will never consider retribution, for it strives for spiritual perfection and for this every degrading thought has to be

excluded first, and the Lord will take abode where the human being rises above himself and the heart has transformed itself

to love, gentleness and patience, for this is the inevitable basic condition for the Lord to reveal Himself and thus also

practise patience with His children…. Human revenge and retribution are not permissible where the soul wants to liberate

itself from its chains.... therefore, hand everything over to the Lord, for He is pure Love Itself and will exact vengeance

according to the law of love…. Likewise, you, too, should make an effort to practise love among each other and always

and forever fulfil the Lord’s will, Who cautions you against judging your fellow human beings’ unkindness too harshly….



B.D. 1516


‘You are Peter, the rock....’ (Matthew 16:18)

Some gladness in receiving the following message is a prerequisite: the living faith is the rock upon which Jesus wanted to

see His church built.… a faith so profound and steadfast like that experienced by Peter while the Lord was close to him.

Thus Peter was an example for anyone who wanted to belong to the church of Christ. Because without this faith the

teaching of Christ, i.e. His Gospel, could not be received.… Only faith affirms Jesus Christ and accepts Him as the Son of

God and Redeemer of the world.... If people were to accept what the disciples were spreading across the world they first

had to believe in a God of love, goodness and compassion, in a God of omnipotence and wisdom, in a God of justice.…

Only then could His teachings penetrate them as divine will, hence profound faith was a prerequisite. All His disciples

were profoundly faithful, and therefore they accepted His teachings very quickly and endeavoured to do justice to the

divine will which He had revealed to them. And by doing so they penetrated the knowledge of divine truth ever more, and

this also developed their ability to teach in accordance with God’s will which would never have been possible if they had

lacked faith. Thus the Lord says ‘upon you I will build My church.…’ And His church is the community of those who want

to follow Jesus Christ; His church is the small community of those who firmly and steadfastly believe everything the Lord

has said and done on earth; who, for the sake of this faith, make an effort to fulfil God’s commandments, who desire

eternal life and thus live earthly life in accordance with God’s will.… The church is a community of believers.....

And when people are profoundly faithful no power in hell could ever disturb this faith and exercise control over such

utterly devout people who only seek God and acknowledge Him as their Lord and Creator. Profound faith in God will

always overcome the power of the adversary, because anyone who lives in faith also lives in love, and love is the

adversary’s harshest opponent. Hence nothing is more understandable than the Lord using the most devout of His disciples

as an example, that He makes firm faith a prerequisite of belonging to His church.… that therefore Peter exemplified this

faith and that Jesus Christ wants to count all those to His church who are also profoundly devout.… It is so easy to

understand these words, and how are they understood by the world.... Amen


B.D. 1517


‘Go and teach all nations....’ (Matthew 28:19)

The adversary’s greatest deception consists of clouding a person’s thoughts and making them comply with his plans. If,

however, the person humbly asks for the divine spirit, his thoughts will be right and he will clearly recognise the meaning

of these Words. He will also recognise that the will to dominate had to disable the working of the divine spirit, that his

thinking was misguided and therefore a false doctrine had to develop, which seriously distorted the divine Word. And God

did not stop the human being, He did not interfere with the person’s free will.... He had taught the Gospel to His disciples

and instructed them to pass it on by saying ‘Go and teach all nations’.... His disciples’ profound faith was the guarantee for

the working of the Holy Spirit, and hence the disciples could not teach anything but the truth. Thus the assurance of truth

for a teaching servant of God will always be found in his profound, thus living, faith.... He will be a true follower of Peter

and the church which Jesus Christ Himself founded but which was not ever supposed to represent a worldly power, instead

it was meant to be spread only spiritually throughout all the nations on earth.

God has never given people the task to establish an institution on earth and then, within the context of humanly decreed

commandments, to also include the pure divine teachings yet more or less demanding the compulsory fulfilment of the

commandments, which is in opposition to divine will. The human being should accept Christ’s teachings within himself

and endeavour to carry out God’s will with complete freedom of will. This doctrine should be offered to people by truly

devout teachers wanting to serve God, who are then enlightened accordingly by God’s spirit when they proclaim this


However, the spirit of God can never express itself where a structure of worldly power has evolved and where the

reinforcement of this power has been the sole purpose for the many regulations and commandments which were

supposedly decreed with the help of the Holy Spirit, thus leading to the creation of the doctrine of the church leaders’

infallibility. The Holy Spirit is constantly at work to disprove these misguided teachings and to offer people clarification,

but time and again human will is strong enough to reject the pure truth and to adhere to misguided teachings. And the

human being’s will cannot be compelled to accept the truth, nor can it be compelled to acknowledge God as the giver of

the knowledge which is presented to him as truth. It has to be up to himself to recognise the truth; however, much help for

this is at his disposal…. Anyone with just a small desire for truth will be guided to it, and anyone willing, i.e. anyone

seriously interested in walking the right path on earth, can at any time in his prayer ask for the strength of insight…. Amen


B.D. 1739


‘My Father and I are One….’

(John 10:30)

The right solution to the problem of Jesus‘ transfiguration after His crucifixion also explains Jesus’ Words ‘The Father and

I are One....’ at the same time. God sacrificed Himself through a human being Who overcame every human aspect for love

of God and Who therefore shaped His soul such that God was able to take abode in Him in all fullness. His external form,

His body, totally complied with the soul’s will and was likewise only disposed towards the Divine; thus every substance

was God-inclined spirit, so that it no longer needed the process of development on earth and was therefore able to enter the

spiritual realm in all perfection after the body’s death. All perfected spiritual beings unite with the Elementary Power and,

through a most heartfelt fusion, become as one with It. The process of development of the spiritual beings which had once

fallen away from God lasts for an infinitely long time and, through countless levels, will also lead to ascent in the beyond

but the external form, the less developed spiritual substance, always remains on earth and releases the soul which, as a

spiritual being, will subsequently seek to join beings of equal maturity in the beyond. The external form dissolves and the

individual spiritual substances affiliate with similar ones in order to continue their process of development.... However,

Jesus’ body, on account of its purity and actions of love, had already attained spiritual perfection and the inconceivable

suffering on the cross had been the final process of purification for the body’s spiritual substance so that, in this utterly

cleansed state, it was able to join the perfect soul and no longer needed to stay on earth, and therefore the spirit of God, the

soul and the body united, thus became one.

Jesus, the man, was the mediator between God and people…. but now God and Jesus Christ are One.... they should not be

thought of as two beings next to each other but it is only one Being Which absorbs everything that is perfect. Jesus’

divinity cannot be imagined in any other way than the eternal Deity Itself, Which merely affiliated Itself with the external

shape of Jesus, the man, i.e. His spiritual substances were allowed to merge with the elementary Power, because at Jesus’

death they had already reached a degree of perfection which is the prerequisite for the closest unity with God.... By

despising earthly pleasures and, as a result of strict self-discipline, Jesus’ body had overcome all matter and therefore no

longer required a further process of development. All spiritual substances in the physical form were able to join the soul

and leave the earthly valley together with it in order to enter the heights of light. From this moment on this soul was

surrounded by the most brightly shining light, consequently Jesus’ body and soul had to leave the earth in a transfigured

state, for a being that is completely merged with God also had to receive light and strength from Him and thus emanate it in

the same way as the eternal Deity Himself, because it was One with God, therefore also light and strength in abundance.

This process of light emanation usually remains concealed from people, yet God’s infinite love for people allowed the

transfiguration of Jesus to occur visibly in order to give them a sign of His power and glory, to strengthen the faith of those

who were to proclaim His power and glory to the world and in order to provide people with the evidence that Jesus had

conquered death.... that from now on death no longer exists for people who follow Him and make an effort to take the same

path on earth. Jesus’ transfiguration has been a much disputed subject for humanity and was usually rejected as a myth,

because people lack all spiritual understanding for the ultimate goal of every being.... for the final union with God.... for

becoming one with Him.... However, Jesus says ‘The Father and I are One….’ For the union had taken place in Him

already, His soul was shaped such that it was able to accept God and thus had already become a recipient of light and

strength from God, thus He was able to teach all wisdom and work through divine strength. He was as perfect as His Father

in Heaven and able to create and shape like Him.... His nature was love, His Words were love, and thus He worked by

virtue of His great love for people. For everything in existence and everything that happens can only be accomplished by

love.... His life on earth was a constant succession of works of miracles without pomp and splendour, but He concluded it

in radiant light.... by transfiguring Himself before the eyes of His Own and ascended to Heaven, to eternal glory.... Amen


B.D. 1753


‘Vengeance is Mine.... ’ (Deuteronomy 32:35, 41)

Exacting revenge is not right before God, for then the human being will share the guilt because he gave way to an evil

desire in him and is no longer pure at heart. Every feeling of unkindness is an obstacle towards ascent, the inner battle,

however, is an advancement. As soon as the human being is antagonistically inclined towards the fellow human being and

ponders retaliation he hands himself over to the power of evil and has to comply with its will, which always intends to

increase unkindness. And this puts his state of soul at risk, for once he has given in to the enemy’s desire it will be difficult

for him to practise love, for the thought of revenge poisons his feelings. What his fellow human being has done to him is

far less than what he is now doing to himself, for his fellow human being's wrong-doing consisted of causing him physical

damage but he is damaging his soul and puts it into new fetters with every act of unkindness. He has no other benefit by

doing so other than to satisfy his feeling of revenge and thereby hands himself over to the opponent’s control, and to then

return to activities of love is extremely difficult and can only be possible if he realises and regrets his wrong-doing. The

vindictive person, however, is pleased with his action and far removed from a state of remorse. The human being shall

repay evil with good, this way he will weaken the power of evil, acquire love and release himself as well as his opponent

from the influence of evil, for his opponent will experience this as a beneficial act, providing he is not entirely obstinate,

and will regret his action. Vengeance, however, is God’s responsibility. And God is righteous, He truly administers

vengeance according to merit…. He beholds the human being’s heart and nothing remains hidden to Him. And it is His

will to reform people and to make them realise their wrong-doing, just as He blesses those who patiently endure the other

person’s wrong-doing without rebelling against it or thinking of exacting revenge. ‘Vengeance is Mine’, says the Lord....

He thereby makes His will known to leave the responsibility of vengeance to Him, so as not to cause damage to your soul,

which will be much greater than your fellow human being can ever inflict on you…. Amen


B.D. 1849


‘Hallowed be Thy name….’

(Matthew 6:9)

Hallowed be Thy name…. voice these words with deep devotion and, every day, remember the overwhelming love of the

One Who gave you life…. and how His spirit is in you when you are in contact with Him…. You should pray to Him,

speak to Him with profound faith, and profess this faith in Him by mentioning His name, by calling to Him in prayer, by

praising and glorifying Him and by forever thanking Him…. And when you voice His name you should be conscious of

the fact that you are speaking to the highest and most perfect Being Which you should approach with profound veneration,

appealing for Its love and grace. When you become aware of how small and tiny you are compared to Him, when you lift

your eyes to Him in silent reverence and entrust yourselves to Him, you will voice His name with profound depth of

feeling, He will signify the most holiest of Beings and you will humbly go down on your knees to Him…. For it is the

Lord’s will that you should also mention His name; it is His will that you should profess Him before the world. It is not

enough that you only acknowledge Him in your hearts and only quietly enter into contact with Him on your own. It should

become public knowledge that you want to belong to Him; you should pronounce His hallowed name with faith and

courage, profess your love for Him and stand up to all external temptations to renounce Him. Voicing the divine name is

extremely beneficial, for His name incorporates strength and each person can acquire this strength, provided that he

entrusts himself to Him and passionately mentions His name…. by sincerely praying ‘Hallowed be Thy name….’ Amen


B.D. 2107


‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name….’ (Matthew 18:20)

‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst of them….’ What promise lies within these

Words of the Lord! He announces His presence to those who meet in the name of Jesus. Thus it is His will that people

should come together and remember the Lord.... It is His will that they should encourage each other to believe, that they

help each other and speak about Him, that they therefore carry Him in their hearts and always mention His name. Then He

will want to be with them, if only invisibly.... He wants them to be aware of His presence although they cannot see Him....

And therefore it is divine will that people should congregate in small circles in order to hear the divine Word. Yet He adds

to this.... two or three.... People should consider that the Lord did not accidentally speak these Words.... they should

consider that even in these Words rests a profound meaning. Communal prayers with many people cannot be God’s will,

for something that should be a deeply inner experience turns into a mechanical action. For no formalities take place where

only a few people are gathered, and these penetrate the divine Word ever deeper because they discuss each other’s points

of view and also make a serious effort to live according to this Word. And this good will already draws God to them; this is

why He gladdens the believers with His presence. But during large communal prayer meetings an exchange of thoughts is

impossible. Each person is involved with his own thoughts and they don’t always relate to the spiritual kingdom. People

don’t always deal with questions of eternity; often they are also very earthly-minded.... God will therefore never be

amongst these for He is only present where He is most sincerely aspired to. And there will only be a few in such a

community who have the earnest will to be good and therefore appeal to God for the strength to be able to live up to their

will. These will be gladdened by the Lord. But there are not many of them.... Most people merely fulfil a duty and their

belief is more a formality and the divine promise can never be granted to them. This is why people should abide by the

divine Word, they should meet in small circles and draw strength from God’s Word, but they should never ever believe that

it is pleasing to God when such gatherings are demanded as a matter of duty, since this excludes the profoundly heartfelt

bond with the Lord unless his will is so exceptionally strong that the human being disregards all external impressions

affecting him. Then the Lord will be with him too. Yet someone who complies with mere formalities has no living faith,

thus he will not assign to these Words the significance which are actually inherent in these Words.... Amen


B.D. 2147


‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him….’ (1 John 4:16)

Remain in Me so that I can unite with you. Your life shall be a continuous activity of love. You should do everything as a

matter of innermost impulse, and this impulse shall be love, the most beautiful and sacred feeling, which you should allow

to dominate you. Anyone who lives in love is engrossed in Me, anyone who lives in love remains forever united with Me,

for he is what I Am Myself…. he is love, as I Myself Am love.... Then peace will be within you, for the marriage of your

spirit with Me has taken place, it is no longer outside of Me but in Me, for it is My share for eternity. Then I Myself will be

with you and where I Am there must be peace and love and harmony. And if you live in unity with Me, your life on earth

will neither be conflict nor worry, for then I will fight on your behalf and take your worries upon Me, for I love you

because you are My Own since the beginning. But first you must completely hand yourselves over to Me, you must

sacrifice everything to Me, you must so love Me that you willingly sacrifice everything for Me, and you must prove this

love to Me by striving to treat your fellow human beings in the same way as you would like to treat Me. I want you to

prove your love for Me through your love for your fellow human beings…. It is My will that you should help each other,

that one is willing to suffer on behalf of the other, that you serve each other with love. Then your activity of love on earth

will be blessed, it will result in the most magnificent reward. I will be with you and place you into a state of profound

peace and silent beatitude. For this is the promise I gave you, and My Word always remains the same ‘He who remains in

love remains in Me and I in him….’ Amen


B.D. 2353


‘False Christs....’ Signs and miracles.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

False Christs will arise and perform signs and miracles in My name.... This is what I announced to you ahead of time and

My Words are true. Yet you try to explain these Words wrongly if you assume that the same power dwells within an evil

force, an emissary of Satan, which made Me work signs and miracles during My life on earth. Heaven and Earth are at all

times subject to My will, they are governed by My will, and this will of Mine upholds every creation, because a will that is

contrary to Mine would signify the decline of everything I let arise if I granted him power over it. And yet, signs and

miracles will be performed, but they only ever appear as such to those people who are his followers, for they are spiritually

blind, they don’t know the true correlation of all things, and they will consider everything as signs and miracles which

seems extraordinary to them but which every human being would be able to accomplish by mustering all his willpower.

You are all in possession of abilities which you need only develop in order to accomplish many things. Yet your weakness

of will prevents you from developing your abilities, and therefore something seems to you a miracle which, however, is

within the scope of possibility for every single person…. And thus all signs and miracles, which I mentioned to you, will

be understandable to every enlightened person, yet those who still live in spiritual darkness will conclude that it is

supernatural strength. And they will grant divine strength to those who are My opponents yet appear in My name in order

to deceive humanity. The darker the spiritual night is which enshrouds people, the easier it will be to make them believe in

miracles, they will accept every extraordinary activity by evil forces as such, yet the extraordinary working of light.... of

people whose will is inclined towards God…. will not be acknowledged by them, and this alone is already a sign that

people are under the spell of the one who seeks to fight against God. And yet they will make use of My name.... that is,

they will proclaim themselves as Messiah, they will promise people deliverance from every adversity through them and

their teachings, for they will only try to win them over by describing themselves as representatives of the One Who has all

power over Heaven and Earth. And everyone is a false Christ who preaches a wrong teaching in My name.... and who tries

to confirm this teaching through extraordinary working which, however, can never be looked upon as a miracle…. Amen


B.D. 2375


‘The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed….’

(1 Corinthians 1:19; Isaiah 29:14)

The weapon of the worldly scholar is the presentation of evidence, and by using this weapon he will always be able to

assert himself in the world, that is, his wisdom will be irrefutable as soon as he can provide the evidence for the knowledge

he has gained. By comparison, spiritual knowledge cannot be substantiated with proof, it cannot be scientifically gained

nor systematically conveyed to people, for spiritual knowledge is not the product of a person´s intellectual thought but the

product of a loving heart. Spiritual knowledge has therefore nothing in common with earthly wisdom and can therefore not

be judged by worldly scholars either, for spiritual knowledge is entirely alien to them; they are completely incapable of all

criticism as long as they have not been accepted into the circle of knowledgeable people as a result of their wholehearted

activity of love. And thus the worldly scholar will not be able to use his wisdom as evidence in order to disprove spiritual

truths. For he will have to admit a shortcoming, he will have to admit that his worldly knowledge is not sufficient in order

to penetrate spiritual areas. However, the spiritual knowledge gained through activity of love will revoke earthly wisdom as

soon as this wisdom refers to areas which lie beyond the earth. Spiritual knowledge will yield different results than those

gained by worldly scholars; consequently, the spiritually knowledgeable person will bypass and regard all presentation of

evidence as unreliable and similarly regard people´s reasoning power as untrustworthy; and thus people who have

penetrated spiritual knowledge do not hold worldly knowledge in high esteem. They consider it unsound since it does not

contribute in the slightest to leading people into realisation and because divine wisdom can never ever be gained through it.

But, moreover, despite the presentation of evidence the wisdom of the worldly wise will turn out to be wrong. For people

who have never paid attention to the divine spirit, whose thoughts were therefore never spiritually inclined, will have to

realise that people without worldly education have superior knowledge to them, and thus they will also have to

acknowledge the truth of what contradicts their researches and subsequent results.....

They will have to realise that intellectual activity alone is no guarantee for correct wisdom.... ´I will destroy the wisdom of

the wise, and will bring the understanding of the prudent to nothing....´ And this is in accordance with the worldly

researcher´s spiritual attitude towards God, since no person can know the truth without spiritual enlightenment; and

without acknowledging and striving towards God a person cannot become enlightened, since the latter is a flow of strength

from God, which can only happen to vessels which are open for this influx, otherwise the flow of strength cannot find a

receptacle. All spiritual products for which the spiritual strength from God was not requested or used are worthless, and

they will time and again be superseded or dismissed, for intellectual thought does not stop after one result because it is

never completely convinced of its truth. In contrast, spiritual results developed in unison with the divine spirit always and

forever remain unchangeable because they correspond to truth and are also recognised as such by people who sincerely

struggle for truth. A purely intellectual person remains far from the truth, he neither desires it nor does he recognise it

when it is offered to him, and thus he will become neither wise nor truth loving. Therefore his weapon, the presentation of

evidence, will be taken out of his hand, for his presentation of evidence cannot prevail against spiritual results, which are

God´s direct emanation, since his opponents fight with a weapon he does not possess..... What has been announced through

the working of the spirit will visibly manifest itself and thereby provide the evidence that truth only exists where the spirit

of God is desired, and that this truth far surpasses the knowledge of the worldly wise, so that people realise that wisdom

does not depend on human intellect but solely on the right attitude towards God and a corresponding way of life..... For

only then will the strength from God, His spirit, be desired and also be able to take effect…. Amen


B.D. 2415


‘Eye has not seen….’

(1 Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4)

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who

love Him…. God has withheld the knowledge of this from people, He merely expects their faith in the glories of the

beyond, in fact it cannot be shown to them as long as they live on earth, because what God has in store for His children is

nothing of an earthly nature, it cannot be perceived with earthly eyes and felt with earthly senses. Nevertheless, His Word

is truth…. and thus the soul can expect an exceedingly happy state in which it can see and experience the most wonderful

things. Nothing on earth exists which could be used as a comparison and even roughly correspond to the truth. It is a state

of blissful happiness; it is a continuous view in the spiritual world whose inconceivable diversity reveals itself to the

spiritual eye. All spiritual beings are united with each other in utter harmony and equilibrium; there is constant activity of

love, a coming together and complementing of each other, a continuous service to God and reception of spiritual strength, a

continuous giving of happiness and increase of strength of love…. It is an indescribable bliss, merely one look at this glory

would prompt humanity to live a completely different way of life, yet this would not be judged in the same way as a right

way of life before God without knowing the reward. The human being shall be good of his own innermost accord if he

wants to partake in these joys in the beyond. Nevertheless, God made this promise to people, and as soon as a human being

accepts it as truth, as soon as he believes, the knowledge about this blissful state in the beyond will no longer be a danger to

him, for then he will be so united with God that he will strive to be good of his own accord and will not feel obliged to live

a good way of life because of promises. For God has prepared these glories for those who love Him. Love for God is the

condition, but this must be born in the innermost heart and only the degree of love will be judged, not a deed which is

accomplished for the sake of reward. But where love is present, the reward is not thought of…. Where love is present, there

must also be happiness and bliss, for God Himself is love, and God’s presence is the most wonderful and happiest state for

the soul, love is the fulfilment; God’s love is the epitome of heavenly beatitude…. Amen


B.D. 2516


‘Ask, and it shall be given to you….’

(Matthew 7:7)

Faithfully entrust everything to Me that weighs you down…. Admittedly, I know all your difficulties, I know all your

problems, yet you shall find your path to Me, you shall come to Me like children to the Father and appeal for His support,

and I will help you…. And therefore you should not worry for I will take all your worry upon Myself if you ask Me to do

so…. How weak is your trust, how weak your faith in My love, when you doubt that your prayers will be granted…. Ask,

and it shall be given to you…. This is the promise I gave you, and you, who are of little faith, shall restore your weak will

in this promise; bear in mind that My Words are the purest truth and that they must come true, and thus you should present

your petitions to Me without doubt, so that I, as your loving Father, can give to you according to your faith. I only look at

the strength of your faith, and this is also the guarantee that your prayer will be granted. If, however, your faith is shallow,

the prayer you send to Me will not be as profound and heartfelt as is required for Me to answer it. For I do not pay attention

to the words but certainly to your devotion to Me a profound faith causes. I only read the mirror of your soul and know

your depth of faith and how heartfelt your prayer is. And where such heartfelt prayer can be heard I Am always willing to

help. Faithful trust in the answer to your prayer will therefore always lead to the right result, for I will never disappoint a

person’s strong faith. But I will certainly bless those who always remember My promise and present all their worries and

difficulties to Me. My love will prove itself to them, for they will attain everything from Me. However, as long as they still

waver in faith I will retain the answer to their prayer, for I want them to join Me with all their heart and confide everything

to Me. Weak faith, however, prevents a sincere connection with Me. But I want to be recognised as a loving Father Who

will not let His child remain in adversity…. Amen


B.D. 2534


‘I will come like a thief in the night....’ (Matthew 24:42-51; Marko 13:33-37; 1 Timothy 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10)

People carelessly pay no attention to the signs of the time, nothing seems unusual to them, and they accept every happening

without realising its significance. And they do not believe the proclamations about the impending natural disaster either,

for they think that the time which is mentioned in the Scriptures has not yet come…. They do not accept any kind of

explanation because the thought that people of the present time should be the victims is inconvenient to them. Therefore

the forthcoming event cannot be made plausible to them either and they will be taken by surprise and be unprepared when

the day arrives. And these are the people to whom the Lord says ‘I will come like a thief in the night....’ They will be fast

asleep and will have made no preparations, and their souls will suffer serious hardship when they are recalled from earth.

They will not be able to call upon God anymore because the magnitude of the disaster will deprive them of every

thought.... God’s love will not let anything happen to humanity without informing them first…. And He warns them a long

time in advance yet He will not force people to believe these warnings.

However, anyone who pays attention to the signs will not find it difficult to believe. And anyone who is in contact with

God will also feel God’s admonition in his heart. He will become aware of the signs of the time himself and he will try to

attain God’s grace, that is, he will appeal for it and commend himself to God’s mercy…. Only a short time separates you

humans from this event, and you should use this time so that you can expect it with composure…. You should not entertain

the thought that you are perfect and have no need of mercy, you should humbly entrust yourselves to God’s love and

always believe that your last hour has come…. you should listen to the admonitions of those who, as representatives of

God, bring you His Word; you should know that the hour is not far away and always be ready. And God’s love and mercy

will help you during the hours of adversity. He will remember you as you remember Him…. He will spare your life if it is

helpful for you, or He will remove you from the earth and grant you a better life in the beyond if you are worthy of it.... But

woe to those who approach this hour unprepared and lose their life…. Their fate in the beyond will truly not be an easy

one. And God wants to protect people from this by announcing the forthcoming events to them and admonishing them to

turn around if their way of life does not correspond to His will. And thereby He will demonstrate the Words of the Holy

Scriptures ‘I will come like a thief in the night, therefore watch and pray….’ Amen


B.D. 2566


False prophets…. Test the spirits…. (Matthew 24:11, 24; 1 Ivan 4:1)

The Lord warns you to ‘Take heed that ye be not deceived by false prophets….’. He thereby wants to remind you to test

everything first before you accept it as truth. ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God….’ Consequently, prophets will also

emerge from the darkness who assume the right to spread their teachings in the world as truth. Then it will be up to people

to scrutinise their sermons. And they will certainly be able to do so if they want to know the truth and appeal to God for

enlightenment. For God gave them an indication as to what to look out for; He announced to them in advance that false

prophets, false spirits, will express themselves. But they will deny Christ, they will not acknowledge Him as the Son of

God, as the Redeemer of the world, they will doubt Jesus’ divinity and therefore not live in love, for love recognises and

professes Jesus Christ. And thus you will recognise false prophets by the fact that they act entirely without love, even

though they seek to win people over for themselves with sweet words and enticing speeches. They promise to save the

world and want to deprive it of its faith in Jesus Christ, they want to seduce you and of whom the Lord cautions you. They

preach love yet their actions are completely devoid of love and their words are deceptive and hypocritical; it is not the

spirit of God which speaks through them but the spirit of the one from below instead…. However, where Jesus Christ is

professed in the world, that is, where the spirit of God expresses itself, you should listen to it…. For it will preach the same

love which revealed itself to the world in Jesus Christ, it will show you the path to God, it will teach you the love which

alone will lead to God…. it will try to impart the blessings of the act of Salvation upon you and constantly refer you to

Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, Who came into the world in order to take your sins upon Himself through His death on

the cross. Jesus Christ came in the flesh; He took the path on earth in order to show you how you can liberate yourselves

from the bondage of the world, from the adversary’s bondage…. He took the path on earth for your sake, for your

Salvation…. You ought to follow him and to this end you must acknowledge Him…. Hence you can recognise a true

prophet by the fact that he will lead you to Jesus Christ, in that case you can give credence to his words, for the spirit which

testifies to Him is the spirit of God…. Yet reject the voice of the one who opposes Christ, for he speaks on behalf of God’s

adversary, who wants to lead people into sin and guides them towards their ruin…. Test the spirits to see whether they are

of God…. However, if God sends His servants to you who testify to Him, then listen to them and comply with their

teaching, for they are His representatives through whom He speaks to you Himself so that you will find the right path to

Him…. Amen


B.D. 2904


‘By their fruits ye shall know them….’

(Matthew 7:16, 20)

Only divine influences can motivate the human being to act kindly, the forces from below will never teach a person to love

or try to make him decide to live in a God-pleasing way. ‘By their fruits ye shall know them….’ which powers people hand

themselves over to. And this should suffice you, who are doubtful. Which spirit should teach you love if not God

Himself?.... Love is divine and will therefore never be endorsed by beings which are averted from God…. And once love is

taught and practiced the adversary’s power will be broken, hence he would deprive himself of a weapon if, for the sake of a

mask, he first tried to encourage actions of love; he himself would put the best means into people’s hands to realise that he

and his activity are averted from God…. But he tries to deceive people, to weaken their every power of judgment, and he

indeed wraps the cloak of love around himself, he presents himself as good and noble and then influences people to act

contrary to love…. He presents himself as a representative of good and only tries to attain advantages for himself and his

own kind which, however, are only purely earthly recognisable and are always achieved at the expense of other people. He

does not urge people to accomplish works of love even though he approaches people under the guise of love…. Nor does

he pursue spiritual goals, and thereby you also recognise the working from above or from below….

As soon as the transformation of the innermost being into love is being taught you must acknowledge the divine origin and

know that only messengers from heaven convey such teaching to you. For the human being redeems himself by means of

love, by means of love he liberates himself from the control of God’s adversary. He, however, tries to tie people to him

again and impels them to commit the most heartless actions, he incites them to openly wage battle against God, against

everything that is good, he tries to divert people’s thoughts from doing good and only to strive for material things, and his

influence aims to destroy everything that testifies to God and of God. And thus he first seeks to encourage people’s selfish

love, he will never preach neighbourly love to them…. for only in this way will he gain souls for himself. However, divine

love reveals itself by teaching people unselfish love, by showing them the path which leads towards regaining the original

state which consisted of the purest form of love…. And this is why everything that teaches love must be of divine origin, it

must inevitably testify to God, because God Himself is love and He tries to lead everything that once had fallen away from

Him back to Him, which is only possible if the human being becomes love himself, wherefore the light beings’ every effort

applies only to one goal, to instruct people of the teaching of love and to help them to attain God…. Amen


B.D. 3297


Remitting or retaining sins…. Jesus’ disciples…. (‘Whose soever sins ye remit…’) (John 20:23)

‘Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained....’ These, too,

are Words of Mine which were frequently interpreted differently than I had intended them. Only a person with an

awakened spirit who hears My voice and conveys My explanation to you is able to correct this, so that you can liberate

yourselves from error and know the truth…. My disciples were endowed with the power of working miracles in My name,

of healing, of reviving the dead and thereby proving to people the strength of their undivided belief in Me. Their spiritual

state allowed for all supernatural activity, for when My spirit poured into them it filled them with strength and light, with

power and wisdom. Hence they were able to spread the truth because they knew it themselves, and by the mere voicing of

words they were able to achieve things which exceeded all human ability. For they had been My disciples…. I had

instructed them through the inner Word while I lived on earth, they lived in love and believed in Me, therefore they were

also able to accept My spirit within themselves and work through it. These extraordinary acts were signs of their souls’

maturity which, in turn, were intended to prove to people what extraordinary abilities a person can achieve if he lives

according to My will, that is, if he shapes himself after My image.... into love.... For love is strength, consequently, a

person who loves is also permeated by strength and light, because he can be permeated by the spirit of God, His emanation

of strength. And I exemplified to people a life of love.... I demonstrated to them how much strength the human being can

attain and after My death I left living examples behind which were meant to proclaim My teaching of love again to

demonstrate their strength and thus make it easier for people to believe in Me.... Even if I was no longer visible, I Myself

was in the midst of My disciples in spirit…. I guided them, since everything that is permeated by My spirit is subject to My

divine guidance.... because I Myself was subsequently able to take effect through those who were working in My name.

Hence the disciples had the same power and the same right, because everything they accomplished was My will; they were

enlightened by My spirit, which is the emanation of Myself. Consequently, they also had the power to forgive sins in My

name, especially if illness was the result of sins and, in order to cure this illness, they had to remit the human being’s sins

as well. However, if they recognised a person’s unworthiness, his unbelief and God-opposing will, they were just as

entitled to leave him in his sinful state, for they were not governed by human understanding but by the divine spirit within

them, My spirit, which knows everything and thus also a person’s unworthiness and the futility of a merciful action on him.

Thus I gave My disciples the right to grant to people according to their realisation, because My spirit was active in them

and guaranteed that My disciples thought correctly....

But now people assume the same right even though My spirit is not effective in them as yet.... They associated the right to

forgive or retain sins with the person itself and not with the divine spirit in this person and thus conferred this right to all

followers of the disciples according to the word and not according to the spirit and therefore misunderstood the meaning of

My Word, although they would also think correctly if they realised who is really My disciple.... Not those who appoint

themselves but those who I have appointed for their teaching ministry on earth…. For I gave My disciples the instruction

‘Go ye therefore, and teach all nations....’ But in order to teach, My spirit must be effective in them so that they will be able

to distribute the pure truth to people and to spread My commandment of love in the world. Yet the truth can only be taken

possession of through the working of the spirit. Therefore, it is imperative that My disciples must be enlightened by the

spirit of God before they can count themselves as My disciples. In that case they will also be permeated by light and

strength and able to accomplish extraordinary feats, the power of the spirit will enable them to heal the sick, thus to release

people from sin and its consequences as soon as they believe in Me and My name.... To these spiritually enlightened people

I gave the power of forgiving sins, since they also recognise in their spiritually mature state when a person deserves to have

his sins forgiven, for then they will act on My behalf and it is I Who really forgives their sins. But if people feel themselves

appointed to carry out the act of forgiveness of sin even though they have never been called by Me Myself, who are neither

enlightened by My spirit nor hear My Word within themselves, their calling can rightfully be disputed, since this is already

demonstrated by the fact that they are incapable of recognising their fellow human being in order to judge whether to remit

his sins or to let him keep them. The assessment of this already presupposes the working of the spirit which, however, has

to be denied to most of those who deem themselves called as servants of God as long as they do not possess the inner

Word. Only through My Word are they called to work for Me, for only My Word gives them knowledge, that is, it conveys

the pure truth to them, and this is absolutely necessary in order to be able to work for Me. Anyone who knows the truth can

also pass it on and thereby helps his fellow human being to achieve liberation. Anyone who has My Word will also have

the competence of judgment when a person’s will is inclined towards God. For the human being’s spoken word is often

deceptive, the heart need not be involved in what is voiced by the mouth. But a true disciple has the gift of recognising his

fellow human being and therefore also knows which person is serious about the forgiveness of his sin and does not allow

himself to be misled by many words which lack inner conviction. Therefore, the remission of sin cannot be a general act

since it can only take place if it was preceded by profound repentance and recognised as such by My disciples. But in that

case the judgment of the latter will be valid before Me, for he only acts on My instructions and his deed is according to My


will. With those Words I gave My disciples the understanding that their activity and thinking will be in complete

concordance with Me if they work for Me in My name, that they cannot think and want anything else but what is My will if

the divine spirit is working in them which, however, characterises them as My disciples in the first place. For I Myself

appoint My servants on earth because I truly know who is qualified for this ministry and upon whom I can endow those

gifts which are required by a teaching ministry on earth.... And to them I will also give the authority, for then they will only

carry out My will.... Amen


B.D. 3460


‘Blessed are the merciful....’ (Matthew 5:7)

Blessed are the merciful, who support their neighbour in adversity and hardship and help him overcome it…. My grace

visibly rests upon them for they fulfil My commandments, they love Me Myself because they meet their neighbour, My

living creation, with love…. Someone helpless and forsaken will feel grateful for the love offered to him; it will awaken

reciprocated love, the significance of which cannot be assessed by you on earth.... the fact that every spark of love signifies

a release from the opposing power, a change which starts the return to Me, which can only take place in love. Loving help

will always be comforting for a person in any earthly and spiritual adversity. Love gives strength, after all, it originates

from Me, the eternal love, and can only have a life-giving effect. Helping someone brings forth positive thoughts and

feelings, it touches the other person’s soul and encourages similar actions, and every activity of love distances a person

from My adversary, hence it shortens his distance from Me. Carrying out merciful deeds are essential in times of trouble,

when body and soul are ailing, when physical ailments must be the results of psychological adversity, so that people will

come to their senses and find the path to Me. And you show this path to them if you practise mercy, if, in unselfish

neighbourly love, you lift up your fellow human being in body and soul with kind deeds, comforting words of

encouragement and loving care. Then body and soul will be able to recover, for the latter feels the strength of love and

becomes strong and willing to strive towards Me…. Love will awaken love in return and where the spark of love has been

kindled I Myself can work, because I can be wherever love exists. And where I Am the adversity will ease…. according to

the degree of love the person feels. Therefore, try eagerly to arouse reciprocated love and you will redeem the souls

through your works of mercy.... Redeeming souls, however, will lead to a blissful fate in the beyond for you, where only

love will be valued and the souls will forever be thankful to you that you showed them the right way.... Amen


B.D. 3589


‘The gates of hell....’ Church of Christ.... (Matthew 16:18)

The quintessence of Christ’s teaching is the commandment of love for God and one’s neighbour. Hence, wherever this is

taught and practiced, there is true Christianity, there is the church of Christ, which has its foundation in its firm faith in

Him and which therefore will continue when all else comes to an end. His church comprises believers who live according

to His commandment of love and who are therefore permeated by His spirit which manifests itself openly or in secret,

depending on what is best for the individual soul. And Jesus Christ guaranteed that this church will last forever with the

Words ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it….’ At the same time His Words indicated that it will be attacked by the

forces of hell…. And His Word is truth and will come to pass at the end of the time granted by God for the souls’

redemption. Then the church of Christ will be assailed by forces which are hostile to God, yet it will remain victorious and

be recognised as everlasting by its followers, by the community of believers who practise true Christianity, abide by the

teachings of Christ and live a life of love.

However, this church of Christ will be small, only a small group will belong to it and yet, it will be represented all over the

world…. truly lovingly active people and therefore true Christians will live all over the world. Their love will gain them

wisdom, and thus they will also be profoundly devout and acknowledge the God of love Who embodied Himself on earth

in Jesus Christ and consciously strive towards Him. They were all promised by God that He would remain with them until

the end, He promised them His spirit because they belong in truth to His church which He Himself founded. And thus He

will protect them until the end from spiritual and earthly ruin, because they live according to Christ’s teaching…. with love

for God and their neighbour…. and belong to those who will be shielded from death, who will be taken by God into the

kingdom of peace before the immense destruction takes place…. The small group constituting His church will be the

foundation again on the new earth, Christ’s teaching will be proclaimed once more, love will be cultivated and the people

of the new earth will live in deep faith, for God’s love had revealed itself to them, He Himself will stay in their midst

because they fulfil His commandment of love for God and their neighbour…. And thus God’s church will continue, it will

survive all times because it will always be followed by people whose faith in the Redeemer of the world fills them with

love and whose activity consists of a constant service in love…. because nothing can cease to exist which originates in

God, which accepts love as its basic principle and therefore is divine…. Amen


B.D. 3624


‘Become as little children….’ (Matthew 18:3)

Become as little children and take refuge with Me in every adversity.... and don’t be afraid, for your heavenly Father does

not allow anything to happen that is not beneficial for you. Have faith and trust in Me, your Father of eternity, that I will

hold My hands protectively over you and simply regard every ailment of the body as a caring way of helping your soul.

However, you should know that the body’s adversity, too, will be cured by Me if you firmly believe in it and recognise My

Fatherly love in everything, regardless of what happens. Be as carefree as children and leave it to the Father to take care of

you, just make sure you fulfil your heavenly Father’s will and My Fatherly love will take hold of you and draw you to My

heart. Don’t ask and speculate fearfully what might become of you, but remain calm and simply wait for the Father’s help

if adversity weighs you down. Totally rely on Me Who guides you wherever you go. Your strength rests in your childlike

trust and humble prayer, for I will not disappoint this and grant your prayer at all times. Yet do not worry and doubt…. My

Fatherly love will save you from every danger and the call of My child will never go unheeded.... But in order to become

as children you must relinquish all resistance, you must only ever want Me to lead you by the hand and you must follow

Me willingly and never want to take different paths…. And thus you must pray with faithful trust and devotedly rely on

Me and then regard every happening as My will.... For it is My will, nothing happens against My will if you commend

your problems to Me. Only someone who acts on his own, without having appealed for My blessing and My support,

activates his will with appropriate results, yet not always in his favour. I cannot grant My help to him because he would not

recognise it as My help but regard it as his own merit. Yet for My children I will even out their every path, even if it

appears difficult to travel. Just hand yourselves over to My guidance with complete trust and you will always feel a loving

Fatherly hand which will guide you safe and sound through every calamity of this world. And always draw comfort and

strength from My Word…. Let the Father speak to His children, and accept every Word of love so that it will impel you to

love in turn. Never let the Father’s voice go unheeded but be glad that you may hear it, that the Father thereby reveals His

love for you, and follow Him and His Word with joyful zest.... And you will gain My approval, you will feel My Fatherly

love increasingly more, you will no longer fear any adversity and be safe and secure in My heart.... Amen


B.D. 3634


‘Did you not know, that I must be in My Father’s house....’

(Luke 2:49)

Listen to the voice of the spirit: Every person shall shape himself such that the Father can take abode in him, thus, he

himself shall become God’s house in which the Father can be effective. You all carry the divine spiritual spark within you

which is therefore My share, hence I lay dormant in you waiting to be awakened through your loving activity and heartfelt

bond with Me.... However, as long as you remain inactive you will not feel My presence, even though the spiritual spark

rests in you. It can only become effective if you shape yourselves into a receiving vessel for Me Myself, only then will I be

active in My house, then I will be able to dwell in you and instruct you according to absolute truth. Then I will be in My

Father’s house…. then wisdom will be where love exists.... Then you will have become a house of God yourselves, which

shelters the Holiest of all, which God Himself takes as a dwelling place.... I will be with you and never again will you

walk alone on earth, but you will always and forever feel My presence and be permeated by My spirit, which will guide

you into all truth, which will teach you just as I have taught in My Father’s house.... For when I became wisdom through

love I had to be constantly active on earth…. Dispensing love and wisdom, I had to give to other people what I Myself had

received because I wanted to help them attain beatitude. And thus I had to be in that which belongs to My Father, where I

was able to proclaim His Word, where people gathered in order to hear His Word.... Consequently, God’s house will

always be where His Word is taught…. where it is either externally offered to people or is inwardly perceived.... wherever

the Father can be effective, that is, where love makes people receptive for the wisdom from Me.... For I always want to be

active in My house, and My house consists of the hearts of people who want to accept Me and thus shape themselves into

love so that I Myself, the eternal Love, can unite with them. My house is wherever My spirit can manifest itself…. but

without the working of My spirit you will linger in empty halls even if you have chosen a place where you assume you will

be able to find Me.... I can only be where My Father is, and the profundity of My Word can only be heard where love

exists.... However, I Myself Am the Word and if you want to hear Me you must shape your hearts to become receptive, you

must change yourselves into love and then open the doors for Me so that I can enter into your heart and make your heart

My dwelling place wherever you may be.... Amen


B.D. 3670


‘Eye hath not seen….’

(1 Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4)

Everything that is visible to you testifies of My might and strength and love. Yet My strength of love also produced

invisible creations which will delight you in the spiritual kingdom, but only when you have achieved the degree of maturity

which allows for spiritual vision. Then you will indeed marvel at My love’s works of wonder, they will enchant your eye,

nevertheless they will also be comprehensible to you, for then you will recognise Me Myself as strength and love, then you

will already be so pervaded by it that you will be able to understand that it is the primary cause of every creation, and then

you will forever glorify the One Who employs His will for constant works of love.

The spiritual creations are inconceivable to people on earth, they are the epitome of proportion, perfection, beauty and

versatility, they are exceptionally magnificent formations and their ever changing appearance makes them increasingly

more wonderful to behold and they will never tire or oversaturate the onlooker’s eye but forever cause immense happiness

and gratitude towards Me, the Creator of heaven and earth. Indeed, earthly creations occasionally also appear lovely to a

person and let his heart beat faster in the realisation that he is facing the eternal Creator, Who is almighty and full of love.

However, the most beautiful creations on earth are but a pale reflection of the spiritual creations which are incomparable,

since it is not possible for My love be so evidently visible on earth because people have not yet changed themselves into


But I can bestow the abundance of My love to souls which have become love, My creative love can reveal itself to them

and I can show them and bestow on them what I have promised ‘Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into

the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him….’ And the more profoundly a being is able

to love the more glorious will the creations become…. Profound love gives them an insight into My reign and activity in

the spiritual kingdom, they are no longer opposite Me as imperfect beings, but have become what I Am Myself…. Love….

they are full of might and strength themselves, and in highest perfection are able to create and shape in harmony with My

will through My strength.

No comparison can be given to people on earth about their activity in the spiritual kingdom since it is subject to completely

different laws and spiritual activity has nothing in common with physical activity, with work on earth. Yet it is a blissful

activity, an activity which signifies supreme happiness for the being which has become love, which can think, feel and

want, which is able to see and hear, which feels like an individual being and yet is extremely happy in unity with other

beings because it thereby increases its strength and love and intensifies its ability to be active. The inhabitants of the

spiritual world exist in a state of utterly blissful harmony, a state which is constantly aspired to as soon as the soul has

attained realisation on earth or in the spiritual kingdom.

I would like to place all beings into this state because I love them and would like them to behold the glories of My

kingdom. For the activity of My love constantly applies to My living creations’ happiness, My love is infinite and wants to

give and delight, and thus I want to make My living creations worthy of being allowed to stay in spiritual creations; yet

they themselves have to want it, they must shape themselves into love of their own free will so that they can be made

indescribably happy in the spiritual kingdom for all eternity…. Amen


B.D. 3728


‘Whoso eateth My flesh….’ (John 6:54)

Make contact with Me in spirit and you will be able to draw from the source of life, you will be able to satisfy yourselves

with the bread of heaven, you will receive strength and need no longer starve despite your earthly hardship, for body and

soul will be fortified if you accept My Word, the bread of heaven…. Body and soul will live…. the former as long as I

have determined, but the latter in eternity. You only need to nourish the soul, to provide it with the nourishment which

ensures its life, since a lifeless soul in an lively body is your downfall as soon as you have to relinquish your life on earth;

because a dead soul is without strength, yet not without feeling, and will suffer inconceivable pain in its dead condition.

Therefore, create life for it, don’t let it enter eternity in a dead state, instead, take care that it will live and be capable of

being active in the afterlife, that it will be full of strength and therefore blissfully happy. The life of the soul requires a

constant supply of nourishment, of spiritual food, so that it will become strong and able to work. As the Giver of spiritual

sustenance I constantly present it to you and wait for your willingness to receive it, I constantly invite you to take

communion with Me in order to offer you My Word, My flesh and My blood, in order to nourish you with food that will

assure eternal life for your soul…. And you should follow this call, you should come with a hungry heart and let yourselves

be fed and refreshed by Me, you shall be My guests who will receive from Me everything your soul needs to live…. You

should not slight My Supper, don’t bypass it and leave the food, which is offered by My love, untouched…. you should

always look for contact with Me and let Me shower you with gifts, that is, you should desire My gift and gratefully receive

it…. For I cannot give you anything if you don’t want anything, because My nourishment, the bread from heaven, is

delectable indeed and cannot be conveyed to those who don’t desire it. Thus your heart must impel you to Me, you must

seek contact with Me and appeal to Me for nourishment for your soul, you must come to Me completely consciously and

want to receive communion, My Word, which I offer to you with love and is spiritual food and spiritual refreshment which

I have blessed with My strength and is therefore life-giving for everyone who enjoys it with a longing for Me and My

love…. His desire will be satisfied and yet it will impel him to Me time and again, for anyone who has once tasted My

bread from heaven, anyone who has refreshed himself once at the source of My love, will repeatedly return to it, he can no

longer live without food for his soul, he will be a constant guest at My table and I will always and forever be able to offer

Communion to him…. And his soul will live, it will have overcome death and can never again descend into the state of

death, for My nourishment assures its eternal life, as I have promised with the Words ‘Whoso eateth My flesh, and

drinketh My blood, hath eternal life….’ Amen


BD 3740


Do this in remembrance of Me....' Last Supper....

(Luka 22:19)

Strength, wisdom and life originate from Me.... And thus I have to be recognised as the source of strength and light, and the

connection with Me has to be sought in order to attain life through the receipt of strength and light. Hence I must be able to

find Myself again in you, that is, light and strength or the knowledge of eternal truth and its subsequent abundant strength

have to be in you.... My spirit must take effect in you.... and thus I Myself must be able to work in you, only then will you

be alive, but you will never ever loose this life again. Then you will be united with Me, and this union is the true

Communion.... The union with Me is indispensable or you could neither receive strength nor light, since the unification

with the eternal primary source has to take place first if the flow of My love is to be transmitted across into the human

being's heart.

But in order to establish this unification the will to receive something from Me is required first. The will, in turn,

necessitates mental activity, thus I have to be recognised by the person's heart and intellect as the source and therefore the

provider of what he desires, and he has to mentally endeavour to reach Me.... Only this activates the will and fulfils the

conditions which lead to unification with Me. The activated will is equal to an act of love.... But this is essential, and thus

My commandment of love can never be bypassed by those who truly want to communicate with Me, who want to unite

with Me....

Distribute gifts, offer food and drink to your neighbour, help him in his spiritual and earthly hardship, give to him as I have

given to you, refresh your fellow human being's body and soul, have mercy on the weak and sick, comfort the sad, lift up

the discouraged, always and ever alleviate hardship, and always do so with regard to Me Who exemplified the earthly path

to you.... Share everything you own with the poor.... Then you will fulfil My commandment of love and thereby the first

condition of unification with Me, for only when you have shaped your heart to love will I be able to unite with you,

otherwise a union with Me will be impossible, regardless of how many external formalities you observe which have no

effect on the state of your heart (your soul).

I want to give you life, give you strength and light in abundance, yet this will never be possible as long as you don't

activate your will, as long as you don't practise love.... But I instructed you Myself on how you should practise this love

and constantly admonished you to follow Me.... Remember Me and My teaching, then you will conduct yourselves

accordingly, and you will truly become vessels for My spirit, thus you will enable the part of Myself to take effect in you....

You will draw Me to yourselves through your actions of love, and thus you will unite yourselves with Me, the primary

source of strength and eternal light, and therefore you can also receive unlimited light and strength.... knowledge and


The union with Me has to be accomplished first through actions of love, only then can I be present in you Myself.... even in

spirit, and only then can I nourish and refresh you with spiritual sustenance, with flesh and blood, with My body in the

spiritual sense.... For I Myself Am the Word, thus I offer you the Last Supper when I convey My Word to you, which is

spiritual nourishment for your soul. You can indeed also accept this nourishment without prior activity of love, but then it

is not a Communion, not a union with Me, for then it is not yet the Last Supper, but it can lead you to it if you don't just

accept the Word with your ears but also with your hearts and live accordingly.... Only the activity of your will, the action

of love, establishes the spiritual union with Me. However, these activities of love consist of giving, of constantly passing

on and sharing what you own, of what makes you happy yourselves in order to also please your fellow human being who is

in need of it. And if you don't practise this, if you don't try to follow Me in this, you cannot be nourished at My table either,

you will not be able to take the Last Supper with Me, because you exclude yourselves as My guests, because then I will

remain inaccessible to you until you have changed yourselves to love, which is and eternally will be My fundamental


If you accept the Last Supper in the form chosen by you humans it will always just remain an external act which only has a

profound spiritual meaning when your heart is filled by deep love which, however, should not just move you emotionally

but has to find its expression in works of unselfish neighbourly love. For whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in

him.... This Word of Mine is also the foundation of the Last Supper set up by Me.... You should always bear My way of

life on earth in mind and follow My every example.... And as you give you shall receive, spiritually and earthly; you will,

providing you are in close unity with Me through love, be nourished and strengthened at all times.

Constantly carrying out works of love in remembrance of Me.... and thereby establishing the certain union with Me, which

guarantees you the receipt of My Word, of My flesh and blood.... that is the profound spiritual meaning of the words 'Do

this in remembrance of Me....' which all of you will certainly understand if you have the sincere determination to ascertain

the spiritual meaning of My Words....



B.D. 3767


‘I Am the way, the truth, and the life....’

(John 14:6)

Only truth can lead to eternal life for you, for I Am the truth Myself and only through Me can you enter the eternal

kingdom…. I Am the way, the truth and the life.... if you know the truth you will also take the right path which aims

towards eternal life. Pure truth is the result of activity of love and this is the only way of changing the soul’s state of death

into a state of life. Therefore, since I Am the eternal Love, I Am the way to Myself for My living creations, they must enter

this path without fail in order to reach Me, Who alone gives them the eternal life. And in order to follow Me, in order to

live a life of love on earth, they must be guided into truth, that is, they must first be taught how to shape their earthly life in

order to then, through their compliance with My teaching, also be able to recognise the pure truth from Me, since without

love all knowledge remains dead knowledge, it remains intellectual knowledge but not the knowledge of the heart, which

alone gives life. I Am the way, the truth and the life.... I you seek Me you will enter the right path and find the truth and

thus also acquire eternal life. I will come close to anyone who desires the truth for the sake of truth and guide him on the

path of love, and if he does not resist his spirit will awaken to life and instruct him according to truth.... Then he will have

found Me and will never lose Me again, he will be alive and can never die again…. Yet only true love can accomplish this,

which is the result of unselfish loving actions.... No misguided teaching will lead to unity with Me, every misguided

teaching extends the path of ascent, it feigns another goal to people and only a firm will to reach the right goal averts the

great danger of going completely astray. However, without Me you will not find the right way, you must call upon Me, you

must accept My instructions, you must take the path which I exemplified on earth, the path of love, in order to attain the

truth, the recognition of Me Myself and eternal life. You must live in love because you cannot unite yourselves with Me

without love, because I, the eternal Love, Am also the ultimate goal of the path of love and because you are still spiritually

dead, that is, entirely without realisation, with no knowledge of divine wisdom, as long as your nature is totally alien to My

fundamental nature, and therefore you cannot live as long as you don’t unite with Me, which can only take place through

love.... Amen


B.D. 3927


‘Father, Your will be done….’

(Matthew 6:10; 20:42)

You can obtain everything from Me, if you only believe in Me firmly and steadfastly…. For if you bear My greater than

great love for you in mind you will also know that I will not leave any prayer unanswered. However, firm faith in Me also

includes absolute trust in Me, it includes the certainty that I, in My wisdom, also recognise everything that is a blessing for

you, and that I will not allow you to be harmed by granting you something that will not be beneficial for you. And this is

why a profoundly devout human being will hand himself over to Me unconditionally, he will leave it up to Me what I

choose to give to him, he will not demand but humbly present his requests to Me, always making My will most important

and commending himself to My love and grace. And I will give to him abundantly; I will never let him go short physically

and spiritually, for I will never close My ears to My child’s prayer. If, however, I deny you the fulfilment of a request then

don’t doubt My love anyway, for it is precisely My love which wants to protect you from harm. And you, yourselves, are

not always able to recognise the effect of a fulfilled request. Therefore, present your wishes to Me trustingly and leave

everything else to Me, and My love will consider you such that your path to Me will run smoothly, so that you will safely

reach your goal, so that you will return as My children into the Father’s house in order to live a blissful life in eternity. Yet

always and forever make use of the strength of prayer, call upon Me in every situation in life, come to Me if you are in

difficulty and also think of Me in hours of peace and quiet.

Don’t forget Me so that I will not forget you either, and establish contact with Me quite often through heartfelt prayer, and

thereby constantly call Me close to you, then strength without measure will flow to you, if you look for Me of your own

free will, if your thoughts apply to Me and your heart is urging towards Me. You have to find the way to Me yourselves

and therefore enter the bridge which I have established for you from earth to Me…. You have to pray, for in prayer your

soul is rising into the spheres of light, in prayer you enter the bridge to Me, in prayer the child steps in front of the Father, it

establishes the relationship of a child to its Father, as it is My will. And if I Am called upon as Father when a childlike

heart is beating for Me I will answer every beseeching request, for I will not disappoint My children who come to Me in

complete trust. And My love will express itself to them, My love will hand out gifts in abundance, My love will take care

of the child spiritually and earthly, and it will never ever again have to suffer adversity if its appeal to Me is truly childlike,

that is, if it sends its prayer to Me in spirit and in truth.

You all should make use of the grace of prayer, for you are able to achieve everything in firm, living faith in Me and My

love.... Yet don’t demand and complain or grumble if I seemingly won’t grant your prayer, for then My Fatherly love

knows that the fulfilment of your prayer will only cause you harm, and in order to protect you from this it will deny

itself…. Yet anyone who always submits his will to Mine will never be disappointed, for his is the true prayer which is

pleasing to Me if he adds to all his requests ‘Father, Your will be done….’ Amen


B.D. 4082


‘With God nothing is impossible….’

(Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; 14:36; Luke 1:37; Jeremiah 32:17, 27)

Where all earthly help fails God’s love is often clearly revealed, which makes even the seemingly impossible happen so

that people will learn to believe in Him and love Him above all else. There is no limit to God's power, what He wants will

happen. Thus there is nothing that would be unattainable because with God everything is possible. And so people

frequently suffer unnecessarily throughout their earthly life, for if they want to be able to achieve extraordinary things they

need only ask God for help. He can always help, and He will always help. But they can only acquire this faith by practising

neighbourly love, because every good deed establishes the connection with Him thereby ensuring the acceptance of

strength which, being God’s emanation, also has to lead back to Him again. And thus a person must learn to believe, and he

will be able do so if he genuinely strives to ascend.

In the last days before the end the most amazing things will happen which seem to be supernatural but are merely the result

of a person’s will and his strength of faith. In this rests the whole explanation for everything that seems incomprehensible

to you but which is, in fact, only the result of a right way of life before God. Hence it is not enough that people formally

call themselves Christians, that they profess the church they belong to, if they don’t exemplify their Christianity and, by

their way of life, demonstrate that they belong to the community of believers who represent the true church of Christ.

Living faith and active neighbourly love is required in order to activate the strength of the spirit. But then the human being

has extraordinary strength at his disposal, because he is permeated by God’s strength which has no limitation. Therefore a

person can accomplish exceptional things with God’s strength, just as God can also manifest Himself by providing the kind

of help which appears to be supernatural, because it frequently happens when no further hope for help exists. With God

nothing is impossible....

Time and again a person should remind himself of this in every difficult situation, then his faith will become so strong that

there will be no more hardship for him. Through his attitude towards God, through his profoundly firm faith in His help, he

will banish every adversity and thus calmly face every difficulty. And then God will certainly help him since he will never

let a strong faith be destroyed. With God nothing is impossible.... He can accomplish whatever He wants, and He will

accomplish everything if His children call upon Him as their loving Father and trust in Him without reservation. Then He

will provide for all their needs and help them in all earthly troubles and difficult situations. For He is a God of love, and

love will always give help because it wants to bestow happiness.... Amen


B.D. 4107


‘He that keepeth My commandments…. to him I will come and manifest Myself ….’ (John 14:21)

Let Me speak to you in all places, at all times and in all situations of life, in joy and in suffering, in hardship and worry of

body and soul by turning your thoughts to Me and desiring to hear My voice…. And I will speak to you, and everyone who

expects My communication shall hear Me. For I have promised you that I will manifest Myself to the one who loves Me

and keeps My commandments, who thus strives towards Me and lives a life of love…. Anyone who fulfils My

commandment will also recognise My Word, he will accept My revelations and be joyful in the knowledge that I Am

talking to him. The awareness of hearing Words of love from Me will make him happy, he will strive towards Me even

more sincerely and ever more longingly listen to My Word in silence, he will open his heart to Me and I Myself will enter

him, I will take abode in his heart, I will unite with him and remain in constant communication with him. This is the state

every person on earth should strive for, to be in constant contact with Me, to mentally establish this bond and, in blissful

unity with Me, to relish My flesh and My blood, that is, to accept the strength of My Word. Once you have reached this

state on earth you can confidently consider yourselves as My children, you can come with every concern like a child to its

father, you may know yourselves loved by Me and need not be afraid or feel abandoned in any earthly adversity for then I

will constantly be with you, I will safeguard every step you take, I will guide and protect you and grant every wish you

request of Me in spirit and in truth.

I will hear your call, regardless of how secretly it is being sent up to Me…. For I love those of you who have the will to

come to Me. And since I Am connected to you by greater than great love I will not allow you to go astray if, faced by a

crucial decision, you don’t know which way to turn. I will very gently push you towards the right path, I will take you by

your hand so that you will not stumble, I will illuminate the path if it gets dark and you are no longer able to recognise it

properly. And time and again you may be permitted to hear My voice which intends to give you the assurance that I Myself

Am with you. You should only look upon the earth as a stage of transition in order to achieve on it the degree which

allows for My presence. However, once you have achieved this you no longer need to fear anything of an earthly nature,

for then you will be earmarked as aspirants for the spiritual kingdom and they will infallibly attain their goal.

Consequently, don’t be afraid of that which will still be imposed upon you in an earthly way, because it is only temporary

and will just last a very short period of time, which you will no longer have to go through on your own but in constant

company with Me you will also be protected from all harm. The hearts in which I have taken abode belong to Me without

fail, and I will never again let go of that which has become My possession, and this assurance should make your life easier

to bear, you should believe it and always consider yourselves as My children who will safely return to their Father’s house

under My guidance…. Amen


B.D. 4115


‘Take this and eat…. this is My flesh and My blood….’ (Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22)

I call to My Own: Prepare yourselves and consider that you will soon be called back and need to proceed with the work for

which I have hired you. The days are counted and only a few are still granted to you. Then the truth of My Word will be

proven to you and you will become strong in faith. However, until then you will still be subject to many different internal

as well as external problems, so that you will join Me increasingly more sincerely and I can grant you the strength which

will enable you to stand up to all opposition and become willing labourers for Me. I persistently urge you to work

diligently at improving your soul, for I know how important it is that you don’t become half-hearted. I Myself Am with

you and, time and again, direct your thoughts to the spiritual kingdom, I motivate you to seek contact with it and send

messengers from the kingdom of light to meet you, who will always instruct you according to your understanding. And I

Myself will enlighten you about anything you desire to know. It is not My will that you should be troubled by doubts,

hence I want to dispel them by conveying the pure truth to you; so once you are enlightened and convinced that you

possess the truth, it will be easy to work for Me, for then you will also advocate what I teach through My spirit within the

person. And this speaks in you as I Myself would speak to you were I among you. Consequently, you can always ask Me

questions and the right answer will come to you. For as soon as you are called, you must defer your earthly task and first

comply with My request through the inner voice. First of all, I want to remove any doubt that still burdens you and that you

shall discard. I want to answer your questions even if you don’t ask them out loud, for I Am aware of your most secret

thoughts, of your strength of will and your faith:

Firstly, keep to My Word which is offered to you from above. This Word comes from Me directly or is offered to you

through beings of light, which only comply with My will and educate you according to My instructions. The man Jesus

taught in the same way on earth, for He was also a being of light and spoke to people on My behalf, thus likewise

according to My will. Hence, His Word was the same Word that came forth from Me and therefore He could rightfully say

‘Anyone who hears Me hears the Father, for the Father and I are One….’ My voice sounded in Him, My strength was

active in Him and My spirit completely filled the man Jesus, Who, thus permeated by Me, was completely united with Me.

And this complete unity was the result of an exemplary life of love, a life of selfless neighbourly love, as I demand of all

people who want to become perfect. A life of love therefore results in total unity with Me and this, in turn, the mediation of

My Word, the emanation of Myself…. I Am the Word, therefore the Word is God…. Receiving and accepting the Word is

spiritual nourishment…. It is the bread from heaven which is offered by Me Myself to someone who is hungry and thirsty

for it. And when I offer people the bread from heaven I say ‘Take this and eat, that is My flesh and My blood’, after all, I

Myself Am the Word…. flesh and blood in the spiritual sense…. On the occasion of a physical meal, the Supper with My

disciples, I tried to explain to them the spiritual meal; I wanted to encourage them to accept spiritual nourishment more

often, to enjoy My flesh and My blood in remembrance of Me, since then they would always be able to unite with Me and

be full of strength. The fact that I broke the earthly bread and drank actual wine with My disciples at the same time was of

no great importance, for My disciples understood My meaning because they were spiritually awakened, they lived a life of

love and therefore also understood My figurative comparison. Besides, they were meant to take Me as an example…. they

were meant to share all possessions with fellow human beings in need of them…. to feed them physically and spiritually,

and I linked it to the promise of giving Myself to them…. they should find unity with Me through distributing everything

they possessed and their neighbour lacked in order to receive My Word, through which I reveal Myself to all those who are

united with Me through works of love. I did not prevent people from using My Words to create a process which can only

be regarded as a purely external one, which can only be said to have been metaphorically carried out if a person has

secured My presence first through a life of love, nor will I ever prevent it, so as not to curtail your freedom of will;

however, I will always provide people with the right explanation through other spiritually enlightened people, who

therefore have the right understanding of My Words and will pass them on. However, without the right understanding they

will merely be an insignificant formality which only gains in value if the spiritual meaning is observed, if people hunger

and thirst for accepting My Word, if they thus let themselves be nourished by Me with the bread from heaven, with My

flesh and My blood, in order to be and forever remain united with Me…. Amen


B.D. 4128


‘Only he who remains in love remains in Me, and I in him….’ (1 John 4:16)

Love has to come alight in you if you want to be united with Me. Only he who remains in love remains in Me and I in him.

And thus you must feel impelled by your heart to give love to your fellow human being, to make him happy and gain his

affection, you have to be in constant harmony with him, you have to be a friend and brother to your neighbour, you have to

share joy and suffering with him and always endeavour to ease his fate on earth, and you must always be willing to guide

him correctly in spiritual matters, because the most important and most pleasing activity of love is to save or benefit his

soul. If you are impelled by love, that is, if you feel urged from deep within yourselves to carry out works of love, I Am

closely united with you, for the feeling of love already shows that I Am taking possession of you, it is an overflowing of

My strength of love to you, which is the result of your will turning towards good, thus an unconscious turning towards Me.

I can certainly draw all of you to My heart, I can instantly kindle love in you and in that case win all of you over for

Myself, if I wanted to do so…. however, in that case I would have no living creations as My image but only judged beings

without free will as a sign of their divinity. But I want to work and create with perfect beings, I want to give them ultimate

happiness because My love for them is infinitely profound, and I can only do so if they have reached a particular degree

which people should and can reach on earth. And this is why I must constantly admonish you to be eagerly active in love,

because I want to be united with you in order to be able to work in all fullness within you and thus increase the strength of

your love, so that you become divine beings yourselves, as was your destiny in the very beginning.

I want to be as one with you yet you must accomplish this merger of your own free will…. And this is why you have to

practise love yourselves, you must constantly make an effort to do good works, you must change your feelings if they have

not yet come alight as love within you, you must want to be good then you will also be able to become it, for I will bless

such a will and give you strength to implement it. You must want to be united with Me and I will come to you and take

possession of you with the intention of never letting go of you or allowing you to separate yourselves from Me again. For

My love is so profound that it will not rest until total unification has taken place, because this was the original state,

because My living creations came forth from Me, because they are strength from Me which inevitably has to return to Me

again.… Amen


B.D. 4295


‘My Own recognise My voice….’

(John 10:3, 4)

I know My Own and My Own know Me…. And if I call them, they will abide by Me, for they recognise the voice of the

Father Who loves them and Whom they want to obey. But soon My call will go out to you, My Own, and I tell you so in

advance because you feel safe, because you do not believe that the end is near. However, I need you and therefore I inform

you of the fact that you will soon hear My voice, the voice of the good shepherd, who calls His sheep…. I need faithful

guards for My flock, leaders who will guide My Own upwards across stony paths and cliffs, who will constantly look after

My Own and draw their attention to the near end. These guides and guards will receive the truth from Me directly and

convey it to you, they will emerge from the ranks of My Own and impart My Word from above to people; they will be in

direct contact with Me, thus they belong to My Own themselves, so when they hear the call, they will know that the hour of

their work for Me and My kingdom has come. Then they will establish such heartfelt contact with Me that regression can

no longer be possible for a soul which serves Me, that it will never be left without strength, that within a very short time it

will be able to speak from Me Myself and then it will fulfil its mission on earth, which is its purpose and goal of earthly

life. Then it will only work for Me and gladly spread and advocate My Word, because it will be fully convinced that I

Myself speak to it and therefore attach utmost significance to every Word. And the human being will receive strength in

abundance. All feeling of weakness will fall away, every spiritual gift will be fully utilised and employed, and his work

amongst people will be successful and richly blessed. And this activity of yours will start shortly. I Am aware of your will

and your weakness of faith, but I also know the change that will occur to you shortly, I know about the adversity and the

suffering of the forthcoming time, but I also know your willingness of having faith and the strength of your faith. And,

accordingly, I will provide you with strength and never leave you on your own, regardless of what might happen.

Therefore, always abide by My Word, draw from it the strength with which I blessed it, become My children in truth who

trustingly hand themselves over to the Father and believe that He will assuredly save you if you suffer adversity. For

anyone who recognises My voice is My child and his life is My concern; anyone who believes in Me will also be able to

hear My voice; yet anyone who questions the sound of My voice is not My child even if he believes that he is united with

Me. The sheep recognise the voice of their shepherd and will follow him when he calls them. I, however, Am the good

Shepherd who will not rest until He has found His sheep…. Amen


B.D. 4296


‘Father, Your will be done....’

(Matthew 6:10; 20:42)

Every individual person’s course of life is predetermined and has to be taken without grumbling and complaining if it is to

have a favourable effect on the soul. But strong trust in God has to be present too, then every destiny can easily be endured,

for it is shaped by God alone according to His will, only He is able to change every situation in life, He is able to change

joy into grief but also suffering into joy if he is approached in heartfelt prayer, and He will do so if the human being in

childlike trust tells Him of his problems and commends himself to His grace.

A long path has to be travelled from the abyss to the pinnacle, and this path cannot always be even or it would not lead to

ascent. Obstacles have to be overcome, mountains have to be climbed, for the goal is up above and every progress is

arduous without the assistance of the right guide. And as long as you humans walk with God Himself by your side as your

guide, as long as you entrust yourselves to His guidance, you will not travel the path in vain, He will lead you upwards, and

with His help you will be able to overcome every obstacle. And the steeper the path the shorter it will be and the higher

you can climb; but when you have reached the pinnacle you will be able to look back and be grateful to your Guide Who

enabled you to reach the goal, and every adversity will be over.

The more difficult a destiny, the higher the goals set for you and the brighter the light will shine, and all abysmal darkness

will be defeated. God, however, is able to make even the steepest path of ascent seem smooth to you if you hand

yourselves over to Him as His children, if you accept every sorrowful event, if you always pray ‘Father, Your will be

done….’ Then He will not let you suffer, even in greatest adversity He will calm your soul and give you peace, He will

powerfully work in you Himself and nothing will seem difficult and yet you continue to progress, for your will, your

submission to His will, lets you partake of His strength, you will not consider anything a burden to you and always gladly

and cheerfully cover your earthly path until the loving Father’s hand takes hold of you and takes you into the Father’s

house, until you have reached the goal and return to the eternal home, into the land of light where no sorrow, no suffering

nor adversity exist but only eternal blissfulness…. Amen


B.D. 4310


‘Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed ….’ (John 20:29)

‘Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.’ These Words of Mine do not demand blind faith but stand for

faith without proof, which I also expected of My disciples yet did not find. ‘Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed:

blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed....’ I Myself stood before their eyes, My miracles convinced

them, they recognised My wisdom, and thus they believed that I was God’s Son and they followed Me. Their faith was

indeed a convinced one, the inner voice told them who I was and their life of love, which was the reason why I chose them

as My disciples, also gave them the power of realisation, and yet they often doubted Me; time and again these doubts

surfaced and in order to strengthen them I revealed Myself to them many times, I showed Myself to them in My divinity, I

illuminated their spirit, I opened their inner eye so that they were able to see the host of angels being of service to Me and

thereby lose all doubt concerning My divinity. And yet their faith was weak…. I showed Myself with full strength, and

they repeatedly wavered, so that I always had to reveal Myself anew, because they were intended to work as My disciples,

because they were intended to advocate My teaching and bring the Gospel to people and therefore their faith needed to be

deep. And because they saw Me, they believed…. But I call those blessed who do not see and yet believe.... For their faith

is a far greater credit to them, as it cannot be proven, it can only be gained in the heart through activity of love, prayer and

deliberation.... Although I also reveal Myself to them but in a way that only faith can recognise the manifestation as such

and that without faith it can be rejected. I call him blessed if he acquires his faith, if he has no need of proof, if he only

accepts the working of the spirit as proof, which can certainly also be doubted but which is recognised by a person who

lives a life of love and who therefore will become blessed one day.... Amen


B.D. 4341


‘Deliver us from evil….’

(Matthew 6:13)

Direct communication with the spiritual kingdom can only take place when spiritual forces are called upon in thought or in

prayer. This is why the transfer of spiritual information is always an act of free will if beneficial forces are to be effective,

whereas harmful forces aim to deactivate the human being’s will in order to impose their inclination of will on him, which

happens when a person surrenders his will, thus when he, in an unconscious state, hands himself over to beings which are

far removed from the truth. Hence, it is advisable for a person who is afflicted by dark forces to commend himself in a

conscious state to God’s love and grace, to appeal to Him for His protection and support against the beings pestering him

and to call upon the spirits of light to take special care of him and to stay close to him. This call for the benign beings

entitles them to help him, which will subsequently leave the dark forces powerless. Human will is too weak to offer

resistance in the case of psychically inclined people, i.e., those who open themselves to the world of the beyond and its

influences, who therefore feel themselves attracted to invisible beings. The forces of darkness particularly exert their

influence on the body, taking possession of it as soon as the human being’s will relinquishes its resistance. However, the

body’s appropriation results in the fact that the human being’s thinking ability slows down, that the person finds himself in

a dream state and instead of voicing his own thoughts he expresses those of the occupying force corresponding to this

spiritual being’s way of speaking. Thus, a different soul has effectively taken over the body, whilst the person’s own soul

sleeps and even afterwards, in a conscious state, cannot remember anything that the person had said or done. Since the

spiritual forces are stronger than him, the person will not be held to account during this time, nevertheless he should protect

himself from this exploitation by dark forces by handing himself over to benevolent beings as well as to God Himself, by

constantly praying ‘Deliver us from evil….’ For it is evil if a human being is controlled by those spiritual forces so that his

thoughts and actions are no longer his own but are transferred onto him by a strong-willed power. Wicked forces must

always be resisted, for they are constantly close and trying to make the most of every opportunity, which presents itself

when the human being, mentally seeking the spiritual kingdom, has not established a bond with God first and thus is

without protection if he is harassed by the forces of darkness. Calling upon Jesus Christ against the enemy of the souls

must always precede every spiritual contact, then a person need not be afraid of falling into the hands of evil forces, for

countless beings of light hear the call and come quickly in order to protect and teach. This prevents the approach by evil

forces, because the name of Jesus Christ will banish all beings opposed to Him, just as He will give increased strength to

those who are in favour of Him and voice His name with deep devotion. Amen


B.D. 4372


‘Father, Your will be done….’

(Matthew 6:10; 20:42)

No prayer rising up to Me in complete trust of My help is in vain. For this trust testifies to faith in My love and My might.

And through such prayer a person has also established the right relationship with Me…. he approaches Me like a child to

its father. A father, however, will never deny himself to his child unless the child appeals to him for something completely

unwholesome in which case the father will protect it but also instruct it accordingly so that the child’s trust will not be

disappointed. This instruction happens in a way that second thoughts will arise in a person as to whether his prayer was

appropriate, that he doubts his right to make such a request, and then a true child will always add to its request ‘Father,

Your will be done….’ And I will grant what is good for him and satisfy his wish in a different way, for My love wants to

give and please if I Am called upon in the right way. This is why you should always try to increase your strength of faith,

for then the fulfilment of every wish will be granted to you. Greater strength of faith will always be accompanied by ever

more activity of love, more activity of love assures you increased knowledge, and thus a person who is knowledgeable and

lives in truth will not appeal for something which is harmful to him and therefore always find fulfilment because he

believes. You should know that you cannot but think correctly if you gained the right faith through love and, in this state,

send a prayer up to Me. Remember My promise ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall

be opened unto you….’ And thus you may at all times present your wishes to Me as true children and I will never

disappoint your faith.... Amen


B.D. 4379


Last Supper.... Spiritual meaning.... Flesh – blood.... (‘Take and eat, this is my body, take and drink, this is

my blood….’)

(Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22)

The constant desire for nourishment at the table of the Lord assures you His love.... And thus I repeatedly invite you to take

communion with Me, as often as you desire it. My table is always set for all who are hungry and thirsty and want to be

refreshed, and they will be able to satisfy themselves with the bread of life, with the manna that comes from heaven. Every

nourishment at My table is communion, it is the unification with Me without which the offering of My flesh and My

blood…. of My Word and its strength…. cannot take place. Thus you, who receive My Word directly or through My

messengers, are communing when you desire to accept My Word in your heart. Then My spirit will unite with the spiritual

spark within you, then marriage will take place, the union, the spiritual communion. Then I will give you the bread of

heaven Myself, I will give you food and drink, I will take supper with you, you will experience the same event as My

disciples, for whom I broke the bread and offered the wine with the Words: ‘Take and eat, this is my body, take and drink,

this is my blood….’

Do you now understand the meaning I attached to these Words? How immensely important it is that you take communion

at My table, because My flesh and My blood will give you the strength to reach eternal life. You have to be nourished with

food for the soul so that it matures, so that it safeguards its eternal life…. it constantly has to receive strength which it can

only receive from Me directly and which I will give every time it unites with Me. Then I will break the bread and offer it to

the soul, and when it thus eats My flesh…. My Word…. it is permeated by strength…. the blood…. with which I have

blessed My Word. No one who longs for food for the soul, who wants to be My guest, need ever starve and go without…. I

will come to him Myself and invite him, I will stand before his door and knock and if he opens it for Me I will enter and

take supper with him…. I will feed him at My table and he will be truly satisfied and never need to go without….

And thus, everything I said on earth should be understood in a spiritual sense. I taught My disciples and they understood

Me and carried My Word into the world. And since people were taught correctly they understood and lived in accordance

with My will, in accordance with My Word in complete understanding of it. Consequently, My church, the community of

believers, was established entirely in My spirit at first.

But later this was no longer enough for the overzealous representatives of My Word, they wanted to excel before the world.

And thus events, which were only intended for the soul, were visually presented to people and associated with external

actions, which at first could not be condemned since they were carried by the spirit, since people took My will and its

fulfilment seriously. But people changed and with them changed the characteristics of My church.... What was meant to be

a profound inner experience became an external action which was placed at the fore and the deeper spiritual meaning

became lost…. until the simple process of spiritual communion, of union with Me and the direct acceptance of My Word,

was no longer understood by people. So now they no longer believe that a direct transmission of My Word is possible,

although I Myself clearly and comprehensively promised them My direct working through My spirit, although I Myself….

the Word that had become flesh…. referred to the sustenance with the bread of life, with the manna from heaven…. People

no longer understand the simple meaning of My Word and in their blindness don’t want to accept the simple explanation

either. But anyone who wants to hear and understand will realise it, and the truth will be plausible to him, he will strive to

establish a connection with Me Myself, he will be My guest, and I will take supper with him and he with Me…. Amen


B.D. 4408


‘No-one can serve two masters….’ (Matthew 6:24)

No-one can serve two masters…. Anyone who wants to make contact with Me will never be able to look towards the

world, for I can only be found beyond the world, and if I should allow Myself to be found then the desire for the world

must be put aside, it must be completely ignored, for the world belongs to My adversary, it is his domain where he has free

reign. And he really does not aspire to lead people to Me by way of the world, instead, he seeks to displace Me, he

constantly tries to place special emphasis on the world so that I should be forgotten. So if anyone amongst you is serious

about his higher development he cannot possibly still pay tribute to the world…. even though he is still in the midst of the

world which makes great demands on him which he has to comply with, yet there is indeed a difference between duty and

personal worldly longing. The former is entirely according to My will, for on earth you are given a task, but apart from that

you can also fully accomplish your spiritual task, the maturing of your soul, if the desire for the world does not prevail,

which happens when earthly pleasures and cravings predominate the desire for spiritual possessions, so that thereby the

human being forgets about Me and, indeed, even the thought of Me is uncomfortable leading to his dismissal of Me.

Anyone who strives to create an excessive sense of well-being for himself, i.e. for his body, be it through satisfying

physical cravings, sensory and carnal desires or through an accumulation of material possessions without thinking of his

neighbour, who therefore only strives for himself, is held captive by the world, he is My adversary’s willing tool, and he

will never find the path to Me if he does not discard the longing for the earthly world, internalises himself and aspires

towards spiritual wealth. Both together are not possible, for then he will serve two masters and will not serve either well. If

you are looking for Me you must gaze heavenwards, for I Am above and not below.... Below is My adversary’s realm

where you still linger with your body, but your soul can always lift itself up into My kingdom, to Me. Even though the

body is still in My adversary’s realm, the soul can nevertheless always rise into spheres beyond the earth, and that is what I

demand of someone who wants to find Me, serve Me and thus be one of My Own. Then the spiritual spark in him will

unite itself with the eternal Father-Spirit, for if he strives towards Me in all seriousness his heart will also be awash with

love, which has nothing in common with worldly love. This love will manifest itself towards the next person, in which case

the human being is making contact with Me already.... he renounces what belongs to the world, he gives and thus serves his

neighbour and, because I decreed this commandment he also serves Me as His Lord. Worldly love, however, is a form of

selfish love, the human being should combat this love if he wants to attain bliss. Consequently, he must also combat his

love for the world and try to fulfil the soul’s wishes which, driven by the spirit within, will apply to spiritual possessions

and demonstrate love for Me. For I alone Am the Master you should serve if you want to become blissfully happy.... Amen


B.D. 4507


‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name….’ (Matthew 18:20)

And I Am with you when you speak My name, as long as your thoughts intend to reach Me. Then I Am in your midst….

Believe this and become aware of My presence when you speak of Me, and imagine that I knock at every heart’s door and

request entry, and that you should not reject Me if you want to gain My favour. You should be receptive when I want to

talk to you through Word or Scripture, through thoughts or My servants on earth who bring you My Word. For if you

accept My Word you accept Me Myself in your heart, if you comply with it you take Communion with Me, for then you

will live in accordance with My will, which I will reveal to you through My Word…. with love, and through your deeds of

love you will unite with Me, you will establish such a heartfelt bond with Me that you will hear Me when I speak Words of

love to you and thus provide nourishment for your soul when I give you the bread of heaven, My flesh and My blood….

when I come to you Myself in the Word….

Let Me stay with you often, let your thoughts drift to Me and hold frequent spiritual conversations, so that I can always be

present with you, for I gave you this promise Myself: Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I Am in

the midst of them. And wherever I Am you can only benefit, for I always hand out My gifts because I love you, My living

creations, and want to make you happy. And the amount of My gifts of grace can be determined by yourselves, you can

receive much, just as you can reject My love by turning your attention to the world…. by interrupting your spiritual

conversations and focussing on worldly interests…. I let you do as you please and don’t force you to listen to Me, yet you

deprive yourselves of much wealth. I can only give you as much as your free will accepts, I certainly offer you My grace

but I won’t impose it on you, yet you will lose My presence when you turn away from Me, for I want to be desired in order

to give Myself. Nevertheless, I won’t stop.... time and again I will send My messengers to prepare the path for Me, and I

will follow them if you if you are willing to receive Me…. And thus you can always make use of My grace; you can

always be My guest just by remembering Me and ignoring the world. For truly, I will give you better things than the world

can give to you…. Therefore, don’t let Me knock in vain but listen to My voice and follow it, let yourselves be invited to

take Supper with Me and be My guests, so that I can refresh you physically and spiritually with food and drink…. Amen


B.D. 4525


‘Thou art Peter, the rock….’ Living faith – the church of Christ…. (Matthew 16:18)

Anyone who wants to belong to My church must have a living faith, for I do not acknowledge a dead faith because it does

not merit the description of ‘faith’. And thus you humans already have the right characteristic of My church as well as the

explanation for My Words ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church….’ My church is only based on the

right faith.... But what is the right faith?.... Deeming something to be true which cannot be proven is your explanation.

Nevertheless, this is not meant to be blind faith, not a thoughtless acceptance of religious doctrines, because this cannot

give rise to a convinced faith. Even so, the human being must possess the inner conviction without proof.... This is the

right faith or it would only be a play of words when faith is being talked about. Only a convinced faith is a living faith, and

not blindly accepted dogma which is merely not rejected…. Peter possessed a convinced faith and this is why I referred to

him as the rock which should be the foundation of My church. And time and again I will make this faith the condition for

belonging to My church, for I Am not satisfied with those who only pay lip-service to a teaching but lack the inner


A living faith is a prerequisite, because the strength of faith will only become evident where the inner conviction exists.

The fact that I expect more of people than a mere avowal with their lips should be obvious to every thinking person, after

all, people could be presented with and expected to believe the most absurd teachings. But I made this impossible with My

Words which specify a guideline to people…. Peter, the rock…. who shall be the foundation of My church. From this

follows that you humans must therefore clarify your point of view regarding every doctrine, that you, in order that you can

believe with conviction, will have to mentally form an opinion about it and thus, understandably, cannot accept every

doctrine, that an erroneous teaching must be recognised by you, because you cannot gain the conviction that what you are

expected to believe is the absolute truth. On serious reflection you will certainly be able to distinguish which doctrines

correspond to the truth and which have to be rejected…. And thus you will also be and remain true followers of My church

if you have a living faith, and I will bless you…. Amen


B.D. 4544


‘Follow Me....’ (Matthew 19:21)

Follow Me and the goal that has been set for you since the beginning will be reached by you on earth already. You have to

make the effort to live a life of love which will bring you very close to the One Who is eternal love Himself. And if you

now bear My life on earth in mind and for the sake of the act of Salvation appeal to Me for reinforcement of your will, you

will also find it easy to live in love, for I will help you and constantly provide you with opportunities which enable you to

live up to your will to love if you feel the urge to do so.

My life on earth was only a practical application of selfless neighbourly love. And the result was the unification of the

Father, the Eternal Love, with Me, so that I could use His strength and might, His light and wisdom like My own

possession. I was permeated by His spirit, by His strength and by His light…. And thus everything was possible for Me

since God Himself was working in Me. As a human being I demonstrated that it is not impossible to be filled by the divine

spirit, that thus every human being is able to work the miracles and signs I performed, that the human being can shape

himself such that he, as an image of God, can utilize all powers and thus also accomplish whatever he wants.

Follow Me.... all of God’s strength is at your disposal, He does not impose any restrictions on you, He gives without

measure, and you may use everything He wants to impart because He loves you…. Follow Me…. live a life of selfless

neighbourly love and you will become perfect and be able to constantly enjoy God’s love and blessing. I speak to you as a

human being, just as I walked on earth as a human being, Who equally had to attain divine strength through a life of love,

and Who was also only able to accomplish the unification with the eternal Deity through love….

I will show you the path which you only need to travel in order to then also recognise the truth of My Word. Let yourselves

be urged by Me onto this path, don’t offer Me any resistance, try to do kind-hearted deeds and your strength will increase,

your will to love will be stimulated, for love itself is strength and if you practice it, whatever you give will also flow back

to you again as strength…. Try it and let My Words touch your hearts, let yourselves be called by Me and follow Me.... I

Am the voice in the wilderness of your life. Everything around you threatens to wither away if you don’t irrigate the arid

area with the divine flow of love…. if you don’t develop all good instincts through love and increase the strength within

you. Do not let My call go unheeded, take notice of it and bear in mind that I don’t demand anything impossible from you,

for I Myself as a human being had set an example for you as to what love and a human being’s will are capable of

achieving…. Follow Me, and you will be and remain blissfully happy for all eternity…. Amen


B.D. 4566


‘Don’t fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul….’ (Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:4)

Don’t fear those who can physically harm you but only the one who tries to pull your souls into the abyss. Yet you can

even face him with courage if you call Me to your side, in which case he will not be able to do anything to you because

then you have a shield that makes you invincible, thus your soul will be protected from all danger. The world, however,

will badly oppress you and the authorities will try to destroy you, because they will rise up against anyone loyal to Me

since they don’t want to acknowledge Me as Lord and therefore demand all power and veneration for themselves alone.

You will be badly oppressed and can nevertheless face every battle undauntedly and without worry, because I will go into

battle with you as your commander-in-chief and fight on your behalf just as you fight on My behalf and for My name. And

victory will be yours…. Do all you can to attain an ever deeper and steadfast faith, then you will also lose all fear of those

who can only kill the body. If you pay more attention to the life of your soul you will also remain completely unaffected by

everything of a worldly nature, enticements and threats.... you will only live according to My will, and if the demands of

the worldly powers oppose My will, you will recognise them as Satan’s emissaries and stop being afraid of them, for your

faith will give you the strength to resist them; then you will no longer dread the world and its advocates but increasingly

more side with Me as the One, Whom you fear and love at the same time.

Anyone of weak faith will be anxious and also observe earthly proceedings with worry; I Am not constantly present to

anyone of weak will. He still pays too much attention to the world, albeit he does not desire it he will nevertheless not

remain unimpressed, it will still occupy his mind, it will still hold him back from spiritual striving. And he will be afraid

and hard pressed by the earthly powers. I would like to help him dispose of his fear, I would like to call to Him: You will

always find a Saviour in Me if only you have complete faith in My love and My power. I can achieve everything, and I

want whatever is beneficial for you. Believe this and know that I will always stand by your side when you are threatened

by Satan’s advocates who want to push you away from Me. And once you have become aware of My presence you will

lose all fear and courageously confront the enemy. You will be strong due to your faith in Me and will no longer fear your

physical death because you will know that death does not exist for those who believe in Me…. that therefore your body can

be killed but never your soul, but that I will also protect your physical life as long as your hour has not yet come…. Amen


B.D. 4575


‘They ate and drank....’ just as it was before the Flood.... (Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:27)

As the end comes closer it will become again as it was before the great flood. People will be seized by an increased lust for

life and be influenced by the world with all its attractions. People will no longer be able nor want to control themselves

and will therefore unscrupulously enjoy life in sinfulness. For they will not desire harmless pleasures, instead, sin will

prevail everywhere, selfish love will displace all neighbourly love and thus people will become sinful by harming their

fellow human beings merely to satisfy their body’s every wish. Other people’s possessions will not be respected and thus

all laws will be violated. The increased pleasure of life will stifle the voice of conscience and what the world has to offer

will be relished to the full.... The world, however, is My adversary’s realm and thus only bad can come from the world, it

can only denote a danger for the soul, for the satisfaction granted to the body must be atoned for by the soul, it must pay for

what the body demands. People may therefore seemingly delight in the pleasure, only those belonging to My Own will

know which hour has struck when people seek to intoxicate themselves in the ecstasy of pleasure. Then the end will be

very near, for I have long announced to you already that it will be like before the great flood.... They ate and drank, they

married and were given in marriage and took no notice of the admonitions and warnings from above. And it will be

difficult to preach the Gospel to these people, for since they only pay attention to and aim for earthly life they lack all

understanding for spiritual life, and therefore they mock and ridicule every bearer of truth who will try to convert them. Yet

in the midst of euphoria comes the last Judgment…. It will be dreadful for all who look upon the world as their God, for

they will fall from the height into the abyss, from joy into immense fear, they will fall from heaven into hell.... For the

world and its attractions was their heaven, but the world will be destroyed…. and harshest incarceration will be the fate of

those who used their freedom on earth wrongly, who live in sin and also die in sin. Beware of the world for it is a great

danger for you…. at the moment it certainly still offers much that is desirable yet it is better that you refrain from it and

strive toward the heavenly joys which come afterwards, and do without, so that you can enjoy the delights of heaven in all

abundance. Don’t belong to those who only love themselves and want to provide the body with every pleasure. The

euphoria is short-lived, yet it will be followed by a dreadful awakening, as it is announced in Word and Scripture.... The

human race, however, is in great danger, for it is already dazzled by the world’s deceptive light, and it will not stand still in

its demands but it will increase them.... It aims with giant strides towards the final end.... it seeks life and will find death, it

seeks joy and walks into ruin.... Amen


B.D. 4580


‘I will send you the Comforter….’ (Explanation of apparent contradictions) (John 14:26; 15:26)

My spirit will guide you into truth, as I have promised: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide

you into all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you.... Thus anyone allowing this spirit of Mine to

become effective in him will also know the truth and can accept everything conveyed to him by My spirit. Think very

seriously about this for once and you will know what originates from Me and can be believed by you. As soon as you

recollect My Words which I spoke on earth to My disciples as well as to all other people, you will not be able to dismiss

the fact that you can receive the pure truth in the way I told you with the Words: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit

of truth…. And prior to My Words I said that I will take abode in those Who prepare their heart for Me, that I will not

abandon them, that I will reveal Myself to those who love Me and keep My commandments....

It therefore follows that My revelations must come from within, that I, once I have taken abode in a person’s heart, will

also manifest Myself therein with the result that the person will hear My voice through the inner Word.... And this is proof

again that you may unhesitatingly trust this voice, for it is the expression of My love for My Own, who are counted as My

Own because they accepted Me Myself in their hearts, because I was able to take abode in them. Hence you possess My

Word, the announcement of My will, the truth in its purest form. Therefore you need not be taught from outside if you

acknowledge Me as your Teacher and entrust yourselves directly to Me. Direct communication between you and Me is

therefore possible, and in order to be truthfully educated you must acknowledge this first. Then you will strive to receive

the truth from the original source and will also be able to believe with conviction what is imparted to you. For this

knowledge comes to you in a fully conscious state; I speak to you and you hear Me.

But I speak to you through your heart and your heart hears My voice, not your physical ear, which can only hear externally

spoken words. If you inwardly hear My Word then you will know that I Am expressing Myself; alternatively, if you hear

the Word from outside then you need to ascertain its origin, for anything can be offered to you from outside, My adversary

also approaches you from outside, and then you should seriously examine it, and if you examine it seriously then you also

have the will to find the source of what you are offered in Me. If you therefore want to hear Me speak I will certainly grant

your wish, in which case every Word you receive will be true if it is imparted to you through My devoted servants. Let this

be a sure sign to you: that I will answer your every question if you present it to Me.

You are all always taught in a way that matches your maturity; you can only grasp profound wisdom once you have

reached a specific degree of maturity, when the explanation from the spiritual kingdom can be given to you unveiled,

which will be understandable to you if you compare it with My activity on earth, where I always spoke to people in

parables, in metaphorical language, in order to explain it to them. These veiled teachings are intended to stimulate a

person’s thinking, so that he penetrates spiritual knowledge and does not just superficially accept it with his physical ears.

If I impart My Word unveiled, as I do now, then the degree of maturity which guarantees the correct understanding is a

prerequisite. Words to that effect will not differ as soon as both the veiled and the direct Word from above come in

unveiled form from the same source, as soon as every teaching has originated from Me.

But first you must examine this and you need only appeal for My help in order to pass the right judgment. Bear in mind

that the adversary works as well, and especially when people try to escape from him, when they strive for truth in order to

learn to recognise and love Me. Then he will always try to extinguish or obscure the light and be very active where the

opportunity presents itself.

In order to help you humans and to undermine the activity of this said power I provide you with information through

bearers of light where impure influences have led your thinking astray. That which comes from above is truth, and that

which comes from below are errors and lies.... Where direct inner spiritual activity can be recognised it can only be the

working of forces from above which receive and forward My illumination. However, where forces avail themselves of a

human form in an unconscious state, caution is advised, for a passive form can also be used by a dark force, if only for a

short time, yet fellow human beings themselves often determine the statements made through this form with their own

thoughts and wishes, which are instantly picked up by these forces which will then audibly express themselves through this

form. For, as soon as some of the listeners have strong willpower their thoughts will also exert a strong influence and,

depending on their truth, they will be seized by either forces of light or of darkness and audibly expressed. For this reason

the human being should always let go of his own knowledge when he receives spiritual knowledge, he should humbly and

like a small child without knowledge allow himself to be taught, then purest truth will flow to him, because no resistance

exists to prevent it....


Many will take exception to the fact that a seeming contradiction comes to light, yet My spirit has always revealed the

same to people, it was simply not understood by everyone in the same way, and even those who received My Word were

not free of their own thoughts as soon as they turned their eyes towards the world and associated world events with the

spiritual information. Besides, My eternal plan of Salvation was unknown to people at the time I lived on earth, and the

explanations I gave to people about future times were presented such that only someone who had completely shaped

himself into love would have been able to form a correct idea about the last days, about the last Judgment and the end. The

others lacked realisation and a clear portrayal would not have been beneficial for them, since the especially announced

judgment was still ahead of them, the destruction of Jerusalem, which likewise signified the chapter of an era for these

people and was nearer to them than the end. So people were certainly informed of a renewal, of a spiritual change, but with

an additional remark which related more to the change of people than the transformation of Earth, because the knowledge

of the latter would have been detrimental to their spiritual state....

But now I approach those people who will live through the final chapter on this earth…. I approach those who have

attained a certain degree of maturity and therefore also the understanding for the coming events. To these I provide

complete clarification and instruct them to inform their fellow human beings of it. However, they will only be believed by

those who become discerning and spiritually enlightened through genuine striving for perfection, who know My plan of

Salvation and realise that there is no other option but a total transformation of the earth, for the sake of the souls which

have fallen to the lowest point and yet shall be redeemed one day. Right now I speak to the people of the last days, but

even in the past My Words were not contradictory.... As Jesus, the man, I said what I saw and was prevented from seeing

how the end would happen.... I saw the converted human race but not the transformed earth because it was God’s wish to

keep people uninformed at that time....

The fact that Earth must remain a place of education for the spiritual substances and for how long, that it therefore must

continue to exist, was certainly meant to be explained to people, however, the transformation of the earth’s surface affects

the higher development of the spiritual substances bound in matter and the renewed banishment of a soul which, embodied

as a human being, has not passed the test of faith and will.... Neither was comprehensible to humanity, it only differentiated

between an earthly world, as it existed, and a purely spiritual world, and it was merely explained to people that the earth, as

a world of matter, cannot be excluded as yet and that the development on this earth must still continue for an infinitely long

time. For Earth as a planet will not cease to exist after the last Judgment, it will merely fulfil its mission in a completely

new formation and thus a new developmental period will start with a paradise-like state.... with those people who are lifted

up to heaven before that, because they will prove their loyalty to Me during the last battle of faith, because they will

persevere until the end and therefore become blessed in heartfelt unity with Me and the spiritual kingdom of light.... Amen


B.D. 4587


‘Test all things and….’

(1 Thessalonians 5:21)

Truly, I say to you that you cause yourselves inconceivable damage if you disregard the Word I impart to you from above,

if you content yourselves with teachings given to you by uninformed leaders which you will only understand if you take

My Word from above to heart. First you should strive towards light, for only true light illuminates the path you need to

take in order to reach your goal. In darkness you will miss the right path, in darkness you will follow the sight of lights

flashing up and these are only deceptive lights which distract you from the right path. You must desire true light, that is,

you must try to gain the right realisation, to adopt knowledge which corresponds to truth, and thereby form an accurate

image of Me as a most loving Father and Creator of eternity, in order to then strive towards unity with Me from Whom you

originated in the past. Consequently, you must be instructed of the truth. But truth can only be imparted to you by the One

Who is the eternal Truth Himself or by someone who received the truth from Him directly. Strive for this sole truth and do

not be satisfied with knowledge which has not emerged from the eternal font. I cannot exhort you strongly enough not to

ignore it when My love reveals itself to you and conveys purest truth to you. Test all things and keep what is good…. Take

notice if you are offered the gift of God’s Word and consider in your heart what your position should be. Don’t reject it

without examination but bear in mind that you might well reject a great gift of grace, and therefore examine what you are

offered. If you can then reject it with inner conviction, then you are not at fault, yet a serious assessment should precede it

so that anyone of good will and a heart capable of love will recognise the Father’s voice speaking to him. You are offered

the most precious gift of grace My love has in store for you…. Make use of it, let the grace take effect in you, listen to My

Word and live accordingly and you will very soon realise that it is eternal truth which comes from Me Myself and will

make you truly knowledgeable; you will feel the brightness within yourselves and clearly recognise the path to Me, you

will be able to believe with conviction and also endorse Me before the world because your faith is a living one which only

the pure truth can achieve. And so I admonish you once more: don’t reject My servants when they offer My Word to you. I

Myself impart upon you the most valuable gift of grace, the eternal truth, because only through truth can you become

blissfully happy…. Amen


B.D. 4607


‘Satan prowls around like a roaring lion....’ ‘Watch and pray….’ (1 Peter 5:8; Matthew 26:41)

Wherever I know a child is in danger My love is willing to grant every help and I will rescue it from the control of the one

who is My opponent and the enemy of My children. Wherever a soul struggles and intends to fulfil My will My

adversary’s power truly need not be dreaded, for I caringly attend to those who push towards Me. And I will not abandon

My children in their distress, I will erect a wall around them over which no-one will be able to climb unless I open the gate

Myself and lead them to you…. Satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour…. Remember these

Words and don’t be surprised, for the time of the end has come when he knows that he has not much time left, and when he

makes every effort to achieve My living creation’s downfall, when he uses means which aim to help him to succeed. How

often have I pointed the dangers you are in out to you, for a fierce battle will start between the forces of light and darkness.

You will all be subjected to this battle, but especially those who lead a spiritual life next to their earthly one. For they are

involved in thoughts of Me and therefore particularly provoke My adversary’s hostilities in order to stop them. His battle

strategy is often successful because he knows people’s weaknesses and uses them against them in order to overpower them.

You humans, however, have unlimited blessings at your disposal. You can gain victory over him with My help. Don’t fear

him but courageously stand up to him; know that you are strong and unassailable if you love Me and send a quiet thought

to Me that I will remain with you in your battle against him…. And he will take flight from you because he cannot stand

My presence. You are stronger than he is as soon as you enter the battle with Me…. I have no share in that which emerges

from the nether world. I stay with My children, and even if these children of Mine only voluntarily place themselves at the

Father’s disposal, are obedient to Him, as soon as He informs them of His will regarding the work in His vineyard.

I call those My children who recognise the Father’s voice and pay attention to His call.... and, if I give them a task, who are

always willing to stand up for Me, thus to actively teach if I educate them as a teacher. Hence, whoever wants to be

accepted as My child must also come to the Father like a child and get from Him the instructions for his journey through

life. And if I then ask that My teaching shall be spread when I Myself send My teaching to earth through the voice of the

spirit, then this teaching must be sacred to him and he must accept and highly value it as the purest truth from the heavens.

In that case, however, it will also always remain the best and most sacred to him which he will no longer renounce, because

it is strength from above which will also automatically pull him upwards. But to relinquish My gift very seriously violates

the obedience owed to Me by a child and consequently cannot be a blessing either. And then you will be able to recognise

the adversary’s influence and have to protect yourselves from it. This is why I draw your attention to it and indicate the

signs by which you will be able to recognise him: he will appear as an angel of light to those whose faith is still weak and

dazzle them, their eyes will get increasingly weaker and, in the end, no longer recognise what is right, because they only

too willingly listened to him and let themselves be deceived by his mask. However, he will only have control over you if

you doubt the pure truth. Then he will use your uncertainty and lead you astray…. ‘For he prowls about like a roaring lion,

seeking someone to devour….’ But you shall watch and pray so as not to fall during the temptation…. Amen


B.D. 4635


‘I will shorten the days....’

(Matthew 24:22)

You will still have to endure a harsh battle when you have to confess Me before the world. You will be expected to

renounce all earthly possessions completely, you will be dispossessed and have to do the kind of work that seems to go

beyond your strength, you will be prevented from doing what is important to you, you will be pursued and pressured

without reason and will find no peace from the pursuits of your enemies who are likewise My enemies and thus fear no

avenging hand above themselves. And you will wonder why I allow all this to happen without calling them to account, but

you will also be surprised that you are not as deeply affected as it seems to the world, so that you will nevertheless remain

cheerful and bright and full of confidence and hope that the hour of retribution will come for you as well, and that even

these pursuits will come to an end one day. And thus you will speak out ever more convinced on behalf of My name and

confess Me before the world. And I will shorten the days so that you will become blessed…. Always remember My

promise that it will only last a short time before you will be delivered from the hands of your tormentors, remember that

you belong to My chosen ones after all, whose every suffering will be rewarded for their loyalty’s sake; and remember that

through your confession lost souls shall still be won and saved for Me and My kingdom just before the destruction of earth.

And for the sake of these souls take the cross upon yourselves which, admittedly, will weigh you down but it will

nevertheless be bearable since I will also provide you with exceptional strength. The battle of faith will be difficult and

therefore you already have to prepare yourselves in advance by strengthening your souls with the right nourishment, by

accepting My Word and with it the strength with which I have blessed My Word. For when you accept My Word you unite

with Me and therefore have to be permeated by strength and thus will be and remain resistant against your enemies until

the end…. until I will come and deliver you from all adversity…. Amen


B.D. 4639


‘There shall not be left one stone upon another….’ Great adversity…. (Matthew 24:2; 13:4; Luke 19:44; 21:6)

A time will come when everything that was laboriously acquired and built up shall be lost; a time will come when people

will realise that everything which was intended to provide them with physical prosperity is worthless and they will be

completely destitute, because they lack spiritual wealth whose possession lets people get over the loss of earthly goods. I

constantly draw your attention to this time for it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... not one

stone will be left upon another…. The fact that such a dreadful work of destruction shall take place as an act of God might

sound incomprehensible to worldly-minded people, nevertheless it is inevitable, firstly, because it is intended to have an

educational purpose and then it is also designated in the eternal plan of Salvation to enable the spiritual substances at a

lower stage of development to attain other forms. It is necessary for people to be extraordinarily severely affected for they

pay almost no attention to their spiritual development anymore and shall be given final encouragements, although they can

also ignore them if they are unwilling to change and to ascend. They can only be treated even more harshly for they are no

longer open to gentle admonitions and everything which hitherto was inflicted upon humanity for this purpose remains

unsuccessful. However, the forthcoming time will involve a drastic change, so that people’s thoughts will automatically

turn to the meaning and purpose of earthly life and nevertheless cause a change in a few people, which will be truly

beneficial for them.

The adversity will be so severe that it will awaken the willingness to help in those who still have a spark of love in their

heart, and this spark will find nourishment and grow into a flame, for anyone who only wants to help will also actively help

and ease his neighbour’s difficult fate, because he knows himself how much distress every individual person’s fate is

causing. And those who are willing to help will also be helped by Me, they will receive help as a sign of a higher Power

where no way out can be found anymore, Which lovingly draws up close to people to reveal Itself to them. For earthly help

often seems impossible but that which is impossible for people can still be accomplished by Me, and thus even the greatest

adversity is not hopeless because nothing is impossible for Me. And thus the love which is given to one’s neighbour will

bring forth good fruit, it will gain My love, and this signifies help and grace and an exceptional flow of strength, on

account of which My Own need not lose heart, for they will not feel the adversity so much because they will be full of

strength and always have Me by their side as a Helper Who, for the sake of their faith, will work evidently in order to still

gain the few before the end who are weak in faith but nevertheless of good will…. They will receive strength and survive

that time of need without damage to their soul. My Own, however, will be protected by Me and can anticipate this time

without worry, for it will not last long…. Amen


B.D. 4662


‘Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation….’ (Matthew 26:41)

You should be vigilant and pray, so that you will not fall when you are being tempted.... My adversary’s onslaught against

those of you who want to remain faithful to Me will be relentless in order to estrange you from Me. He uses all means and

not least of all those which intend to disable you from establishing contact with Me, so that he will have an easy game as

soon as you are weak. He lies in wait for opportunities to cause your downfall and only someone with a strong will,

someone who is able to send a thought up to Me for help will not succumb to him. Call upon Me in every adversity of body

and soul.... this is what I call pray and watch…. direct your thoughts upwards where he cannot follow you and you will

safely escape from him and place yourselves under My protection. He will try to shackle you to earth with all his might, to

that which is his share and which belongs to his realm…. he will want you to abscond from Me, from spiritual striving, he

will cause you to doubt and want to confuse your thoughts through adversities and dreads, so that you won’t find your way

back to Me, so that you will engross yourselves in earthly things and forget about Me…. Watch and pray.... and detach

yourselves from the one who is My adversary, and attach yourselves increasingly more to Me, Who is your eternal Father

and Who can truly offer you more magnificent things than he can.... Watch and pray, for you are constantly surrounded by

the tempter trying to catch you. A vigilant person will be able to recognise and escape from him…. And be joyful and

happy in knowing that I Am your constant Protector Whom you can turn to when you are threatened by danger, for I hear

the faintest call coming from your heart and will support you so that you will be victorious in your battle against him. But

anyone who places too much trust in his own strength and believes that he can do without My help will succumb, for he is

overestimating himself and failing to consider that the adversary’s strength is greater than his. You will win with Me but

succumb without Me and fall prey to every temptation. But to walk with Me means to allow My presence through prayer

and kind-hearted activity…. Then you are protected against all incursions by the enemy, then he will be powerless against

you, for then he would have to fight against Me and I Am far more powerful than he is. Watch and pray, then he will have

lost his target, he will avoid you, because then you will be surrounded by light which emanates My presence and that is

intolerable to him…. Call upon Me in every temptation and I will always be with you…. Amen


B.D. 4675


‘That day and hour knoweth no man….’ False prophets of the last days…. (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32)

No seer and prophet will ever be able to predict the time of an impending judgment, for this is not permitted by God due to

being detrimental for people. For this reason no person will ever be able to predict the day when a judgment comes upon

people. Nevertheless, their attention shall be drawn to it, and so God proclaims through a human mouth, through seers and

prophets, as soon as a judgment is approaching. The announcement of a judgment on its own should therefore be believed,

but if a definite time of the judgment is given, the prophecy can rightfully be dismissed as wrong…. In that case false

prophets will have appeared which need not be listened to, for such announcements are generally made for the sake of

earthly advantages and then you must be cautious. However, if God avails Himself of a person in order to inform

humanity of His eternal plan of Salvation, He will not merely inform him of His intention, of the forthcoming judgment,

but He will also provide him with the general knowledge which makes the necessity of a judgment comprehensible to

God’s servant, so that he can convincingly substantiate these prophesies to his fellow human beings. But regardless of how

determinedly he will stand up for the truth of the proclamations, he will never be able to state a precise date, because God

reserves this right for Himself. Nevertheless, each such proclamation can be accepted as absolute truth, and time and again

the Book of the Fathers will confirm that the announcements completely correspond to it, consequently, the fulfilment of

these announcements can be expected with certainty and the forthcoming judgment taken as established fact, even so,

humanity shall remain uncertain as to when God will manifest Himself; however it shall always be prepared, otherwise the

announcements conveyed to people by God’s love would defeat the purpose and the judgment would befall humanity

suddenly and unexpectedly…. Amen


B.D. 4726


‘My sheep know My voice....’ Resistance…. (John 10:27)

The way you consider My Word is the way I consider you. For it is the Father’s voice speaking to you which you have to

know if you love Me, that is, if you keep My commandments. Anyone to whom My Word is made accessible will accept it

if he loves Me, or he does not love Me if he rejects Me, that is, he does not fulfil My commandments, he does not live in

love for God and his neighbour, otherwise he would recognise My Words as the Father’s voice. Thus it will also be

understandable to you that I bless those who accept Me in the Word yet withdraw My blessing from those who reject Me,

for they will not be able to say that they acknowledge Me although they reject My Word.... My sheep know My voice....

and anyone who recognises it will also vouch for it, he will speak on behalf of My Word and not be afraid to pass it on. For

what child would not give credence to the Words of the Father…. I came to My Own and they did not recognise Me….

And today I come to My children again, yet they pay less attention to My voice than ever because they do not have the

right relationship of children to their Father, because they grant the world more rights and don’t have much time for Me

anymore. And yet they call themselves religious.

However, I don’t acknowledge their faith because I don’t notice any love in their hearts otherwise they would desire Me or

My Word or attentively listen to the gentle sound of My voice wherever it can be perceived…. But I don’t acknowledge

anyone as My true child who suppresses My voice for the sake of the world, for although the Fatherly love embraces all

His children it also wants to be reciprocated by them. Love Me and keep My commandments, then you will also feel that

My Word is Fatherly, then no resistance will arise in you and you will joyfully profess Him to your fellow human beings

and ensure the spreading of the Word…. However, if you lack love it will not affect you and you will reject it as a

nuisance, which is evident within your heart and also in your conduct, and then you will also reject My love which comes

to meet you in the Word and through the Word gives you the evidence that the Father speaks to His children and wants to

be listened to by them…. Seriously examine yourselves as to whether you are children of the world or children of your

Heavenly Father, and remember My Words: My sheep know My voice.... and don’t be faithless, but believing…. Amen


B.D. 4744


‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise....’ (Isaiah 29:14; 1 Corinthians 1:19)

‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent....’ and will give true

knowledge to those who have no earthly knowledge but are devoted to Me in love and faith…. And the world shall

recognise that in this knowledge a power reveals Itself Which the world wants to deny. The worldly wise shall be taken

aback, and I also call those people worldly wise, who have received their spiritual knowledge academically, who have

acquired it intellectually, but have not asked Me Myself for it…. Worldly wise I also call those representatives of My

teaching who, although they support it, lack sufficient faith to confidently defend My every Word and therefore do not

allow the working of My spirit within them either….

The knowledge they possess will not make them happy, but what I give to My children who desire to hear My Word due to

their living faith will also give them great joy, since they recognise it as a gift of grace offered to them by My Fatherly

love. Anyone who appears wise before the world and allows his intellect to speak, is and remains ignorant and I shall

disregard him.… However, when a heart secretly admits My presence then I will be active and become evident through

enlightening this person’s spirit, so that he becomes wise and prudent and capable of throwing light onto things worldly

intellect and wisdom are unable to fathom. And I will always work unnoticed, although I will then make sure that even

those, whose heart is still inclined towards the world, can also take notice of the truth.

For I want to draw their attention to the fact that they should not seek wisdom from the worldly wise, but that wisdom

chooses to present itself in a modest apparel in its quest to contact people. Wisdom does not abide where there is pomp and

splendour, for it is divine, it originates from Me and selects a worthy vessel, which is spiritually prepared and does not

need worldly merits to be chosen by Me as a bearer of truth. The wisdom of the wise will not find the key to truth, the

intellect of the prudent will not seek it in the belief to possess it already…. The key to wisdom, however, is and remains

love…. which can ignite to a blaze in the heart of a simple, uneducated person, and such a heart will attract eternal truth

which will then make itself audibly known in his heart and guide him into truth.… Then the person will recognise God,

love Him with all his heart and erect an altar to Him, he will share his abundance of divine gifts with other people, he will

convey profound wisdom and brightest knowledge to all those who are willing to accept it. And thus all who listen to Him

will be wise, for they are taught by God Himself, they receive My sermon and will already be blessed on earth and

afterwards in the spiritual realm…. Amen


B.D. 4850


‘I will remain with you….’ ‘I will send you the Comforter….’ (Matthew 28:20; John 14:26; 15:26)

I will remain with you always until the end of time.... These Words alone should be enough for you to also believe in My

working amongst you as well as being an explanation for all kinds of revelations which emerge as the working of the spirit.

Furthermore, the fact that I Am in the midst of My Own was proclaimed by Me with the Words I said to My disciples:

‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst of them….’ Thus, the prerequisite for My

presence, and therefore also for the working of My spirit, is faith in the power of My name, a confession of Me as the

Redeemer of humanity…. Thus you should gather in My name if you want to hear Me Myself in the form of My Word, in

the form of revelations from the spiritual kingdom. Each one of My statements is a spiritual revelation which, however, all

people could hear through the voice of the spirit as I have promised: ‘I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth,

which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of Me....’ ‘It will remind you of everything I have said to you….’

Hence, through the voice of the spirit you will hear the same Words and you will know that it is I Who is speaking to you,

that they are My Words I want to remind you of again. And you will remember Me, for My Words are spirit and life if you

hear them through the inner voice. They are not merely empty Words which are only heard by the ear, instead, they

penetrate your heart, after all, I Myself Am speaking to your through the voice of the spirit and I use the same Words as

during My life on earth, so that you will recognise Me in them. However, you won’t recognise My presence by these

Words alone…. it is the spiritual meaning concealed within, which can only be grasped by an enlightened spirit, by a

person whose way of life allows for the working of the spirit. He understands everything and in turn can instruct people

who are still spiritually unawakened. My Word has to be explained to them, otherwise they interpret it literally and

subsequently won’t be able to recognise either My love or My wisdom, indeed, they frequently only interpret the meaning

of the letter and gain little or no spiritual knowledge at all. But I Myself Am among you and want to educate you , and

therefore I bless each person who prepares his heart as an abode and accepts Me therein and eagerly listens to what I reveal

to him, but he is also a doer of My Word and therefore recognises its spiritual meaning. He will hear Me Myself speak and

allow Me to speak to his fellow human beings to whom I want to reveal Myself, so that My promise will come true ‘I will

remain with you always until the end of time…. I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into

all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you....’ Amen


B.D. 4942


‘Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church....’ (Matthew 16:18)

I certainly established a church on earth but I did not want an organisation…. I say this to all those who interpret My Word

‘Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church’ such that I Myself Am the founder of worldly

organisations which call themselves the true church of Christ. Like all My Words these, too, were intended to be

understood spiritually, in fact, they are very easy to comprehend if the faith of My disciple Peter is understood as a rock,

which everyone must possess in order to belong to My true church. My church is a purely spiritual foundation; it is to be

understood as a community with a faith as rock-hard as Peter’s, but never the amalgamation of people in a purely secular

organisation, which has to be called secular because everything that proves the affiliation to this organisation must be

outwardly recognisable and because further regulations or laws were decreed which inhibit a person’s thinking and actions,

which entirely contradicts My will. It is My will that people wanting to belong to My church should strive towards Me of

their own free will, which necessitates faith in Me as well as love…. Neither can be enforced nor achieved through

regulations; love for Me does not awaken as a matter of duty but through faith in My perfection, and although this faith can

be taught, it cannot be demanded. The human being must bring himself to believe after he has received knowledge of Me,

of his Creator and Father of eternity. A human being only becomes a member of My church through this self-attained faith,

therefore My church cannot be an organisation with a mass of members who lack living, self-attained faith. For although

faith and love are being preached, the listeners must nevertheless first activate their will in order to acquire the right of

belonging to the church which was founded by Me.

And therefore I repeatedly emphasise that people could not have formed this church by establishing an organisation in

which, like in any worldly organisation, leaders of various ranks work, to whom I have never appointed such a ministry,

whose functions are more of a ruling than a serving nature and who are often not members of the church I founded

themselves because they, too, only believe blindly what they were taught and as yet have neither acquired a convinced faith

through deliberation nor a living faith through activity of love. Hence these believe themselves to be My representatives on

earth, and yet they are unable to convey truthful knowledge to people because they don’t possess it themselves. They feel

that they are Peter’s successors but they are not because their faith lacks the strength of a rock as soon as it is tested. The

church founded by Me will prove itself.... not even the gates of hell will defeat it. But once the walls of the former are

shaken, which is intended by My will, it will not survive and only blindly believing fanatics will remain steadfast but not

on account of conviction but because of fanaticism which is not valued by Me as faithfulness. For I want people to think

about everything they encounter, and it is My will that they shall acquire vision and don’t remain blind due to their own

fault. I also want them to think about My Words: Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates

of hell shall not prevail against it.... I want people to reflect on how these Words of Mine are to be understood: It is My will

that they should be truthfully interpreted and you humans also recognise when human interpretation does not correspond to

the spiritual meaning which I have placed into My Words. And you will be able to recognise it if you dwell on it with

willingness for the pure truth when you are taught by those who call themselves My representatives on earth. My true

representatives are certainly informed of the truth and can therefore also provide their fellow human beings with a correct

explanation regarding My Word and its deeper spiritual meaning. However, My representatives also belong to the church

founded by Me, even though they are not members of an earthly organisation. My true representatives will also announce

in My name to all spiritual organisations the end of their existence, because everything that has distanced itself from the

real truth will fade away, even if people are convinced that that church will be invincible. Only the church which I Myself

have founded on earth will be invincible, which is a spiritual community of those with a faith like Peter’s and who, through

this faith, shape themselves into My image, who can indeed have a living faith because they are instructed in the truth, who

allow My spirit to be effective in them, which always is and will remain a sign of affiliation to the church I have founded....



B.D. 4985


‘Deliver us from evil....’ (Matthew 6:13; Luke 11:4)

Deliver us from evil.... You are often approached by temptations which are indeed permitted by Me but which are always

My adversary’s activity, because he also fights for every soul and therefore tries to influence the human being to oppose

Me, thus to encourage him to sin. These temptations are always an obstacle for the human being which can make him fall,

yet I, too, won’t leave him without grace as a countermeasure against Satan. I, too, will come forward, distinctly and

recognisably, when the human being is facing a crucial decision, when he is pushed off the right path by My adversary’s

cunning and is still uncertain. Then a short quick prayer is enough, a thought to Me: Deliver us from evil.... I will clearly

step forward by revealing the right path to him, and I will show him the darkness of the other path he was in danger of

taking…. I will assist every person who merely sends a questioning and imploring thought to Me. I will certainly allow

temptations to take place, for the adversary is also entitled to exert his influence, after all, it concerns the free decision of

will, and for this the human being must be subjected to both influences, the good as well as the evil. Yet he need not

succumb defencelessly, he will always be able to give resistance, because I will help him once he has taken the path to Me.

And then I will show him very clearly which power wants to harm him…. I want to deliver you humans from all evil, I

want to liberate you from the control of the one who caused your constrained state, it is My will that you shall become

happy, that you shall no longer feel pressurised by the one who intends to ruin you, who entices you to fall and who spares

no means in doing so. He will even appear to you as an angel of light if he thinks that this will be successful, he wants to

possess you and uses cunning and trickery. And yet he will find his Master in Me, for once a soul has chosen Me it will

never again fall prey to him. But woe to the person who is enslaved by him…. For he will hold him tightly until the latter

beseeches Me for help, which will surely be granted to him. Deliver us from evil…. Often voice these words in your heart

and you will always feel My help, for with this appeal you testify to Me, because you call upon Me to help you against the

one who is My adversary and your enemy…. Amen


B.D. 5024


‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it….’ (Matthew 10:39; 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; 17:33; John 12:25)

The will to live means guaranteed victory over death…. Admittedly, you cannot prevent bodily death, but even physical

death can be the transition into life if the human being’s will is strong enough for him to gain eternal life. This will to live

has My approval, even though I said the Words ‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it, and whoever loses it will gain it....’

Anyone who only thinks about how he can preserve his physical life will very soon realise that he is completely powerless

and taken from this earth without being able to oppose it. Thus it is not this kind of will to live which will enable someone

to be victorious over death....

The soul’s true life has to be desired, and the human being’s will has to use all its strength to acquire it, then there will be

no more death for the person for eternity, then he will live in light and strength and be able to be constantly active for his

own happiness. Then he will have truly conquered death, and the soul’s separation from its body will be an awakening into

new life, unburdened by the physical shell, free from all matter and yet with an inconceivable abundance of strength. This

is the life people on earth should learn to love and only endeavour to gain one day, then they will long for their death, then

they will want to relinquish their earthly life for the sake of true life in eternity. But people are still far too attached to their

bodily life, they fear to lose it, they love earthly life and therefore will lose it and their fate will be death.

And again, not physical death is meant by this but the death of the spirit, into which the earthly life-loving soul will

descend without fail. This death is worse than a human being can imagine, for he will then have lost himself, he will have

lost his earthly life and his soul will be without light and strength, totally helpless and in profound darkness…. Spiritual

death is an indescribable torment for the soul because it is conscious of itself, thus it is aware that it was not obliterated at

the moment of death but continues to exist in an agonizing condition. The desire for pleasing activity can only ever be

fulfilled by the living soul, for this requires strength which is only inherent in a living being, whereas a being without

strength is dead.

However, what the human being accomplishes on earth with his inflowing energy of life need only consist of worldly

activity, which will certainly increase material commodities but they are worthless in the spiritual kingdom…. Or it can

consist of spiritual activity, which will produce everlasting treasures and thus also guarantee a life in eternity. And for this

reason, the human being’s will should seriously strive towards eternal life, so that he then utilises his energy of life for the

acquisition of spiritual strength…. then he will be victorious over death, then eternal life will be certain for him and he will

not taste death for eternity…. Amen


B.D. 5029


‘The powers of the heavens shall be shaken….’ Reversal of natural laws…. Rapture…. (Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:25; Luke 21:26)

The gift of grace from above is strength from heaven; it comes from the spiritual kingdom of light, from heaven, in contrast

to the expressions of strength from below, which originate from hell. Beings from the kingdom of light thus become

unusually active as soon as the pure Word of God can be conveyed to people by way of God-serving and helpful people’s

will on earth who are receptive to the transmission from the spiritual kingdom and who accept the spiritual gifts…. The

powers of heaven are moving.... they will be exceptionally active during the last days before the end. This explanation must

first be given concerning Jesus’ Words about the signs of the end and His second coming. He made a powerful statement,

for He announced changes which, according to His Words, signify a reversal of natural laws…. His Words always had a

spiritual meaning, yet in the last days a second meaning will come to light apart from the spiritual meaning, for

inconceivable natural phenomena will also take place, which the human being will be unable to explain by virtue of his

intellect. They will run counter to divine natural law but are in principle only humanly unknown natural laws again, and

these events are described by the Words ‘The stars shall fall from heaven…. The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall

not give her light….’ Scientists and the like will be unable to provide an explanation for this, they will be unable to throw

light on the matter because their knowledge fails them where divine strength is at work. No-one will be able to fathom

these natural laws because they only come into force at the end of a period of Salvation and the disintegration of physical

external forms has become necessary. They are unnatural phenomena and yet intended in God’s eternal plan, consequently

part of His eternal natural law, which is completely incomprehensible to people who are as yet spiritually unenlightened.

Nothing is impossible to God…. hence He will always be able to be active and achieve everything, even outside of natural

law; or else His omnipotence would be limited. Nevertheless, His activity always moves within divine order, for it is

impossible for the human being as such to judge this; it would, however, be presumptuous to doubt it, because this would

also doubt God’s wisdom. And since God is Eternal Love Himself He will always implement His will such as it is

necessary and good for His living creations, which He wants to gain for Himself. Things will happen before the end which

you humans cannot possibly imagine as yet. And this can only be vaguely indicated to people with Words which announce

unusual, indeed, almost incredible events. Even so, the Word of God is purest truth and will come to pass when the time is

right. Then the strangest changes will occur in the cosmos, yet this present human race will only be able to observe them in

the beginning; the end will not be experienced by them apart from a few who will be taken away and be able to watch the

process of destruction of this earth and their inhabitants…. The old form and composition of earth will have ceased to exist,

but the new earth will only shelter spiritually awakened people who will know the reasons for all events at the end of the

earth, however, they will also know about God’s power and glory, His greater than great love but also about His

righteousness…. Amen


B.D. 5082


‘Go ye therefore, and teach….’ (Matthew 28:19)

The work you accomplish for Me and My kingdom always involves participating in Christ’s work of Redemption. It is a

continuation of what Jesus, the man, started on earth, it involves the spreading of the Gospel on His instruction and leading

people to Him, the divine Redeemer Himself, and therefore it is a return to Me, the origin of all that has been created. This

participation in the redemption work is so important and so extremely beneficial because influencing people directly from

above has become impossible. Hence mediators, who are in contact with the spiritual kingdom as well as with people on

earth and are thus able to convey the spiritual knowledge from above to them, are required to spread the Gospel…. This is

the task of those who want to serve Me, who place themselves at My disposal as co-workers and whom I therefore send

into the world with the instruction ‘‘Go ye therefore, and teach all nations’, i.e., speak wherever the opportunity presents

itself, inform them of Me and My direct working in all of you whom I send to cross your path…. Take your work seriously

as there is not much time left. And I Myself will smooth your every way so as not to hinder your work, so that you will

always have the opportunity to work on My instructions for the benefit of your fellow human beings. So far you can only

do the groundwork, for the hour of your public activity has not come as yet. However, you should even do this preliminary

work conscientiously and diligently, and you should always want to do it, then you will also have the strength and

opportunity to work for Me. For many people are hungry and live in want, they thirst for nourishment for the soul, and I

Myself direct all threads and convey the bread of heaven to those who desire it. I give in abundance…. Hence you, too,

should strive to distribute the delectable gift to those who do not approach Me directly and need to be fed by you if I don’t

want to let them perish. This is the redemptive work which, in a manner of speaking, makes you Jesus’ fellow labourers,

His followers and His helpers, for countless souls suffer great adversity. Whatever you do in order to spread My Word will

be blessed by Me and will result in copious reward, even if, from an earthly point of view, it is not obvious to you. You

must more or less feel like My labourers who only accomplish the Lord’s will. But you will feel My will in your heart, and

whatever your heart urges you to do, you should instantly comply with, for it is My voice which speaks to you, which

impels you to work for Me and My kingdom. Do not fear earthly hardship or earthly disadvantage but always trust that I

know your every worry and will remedy it at the right time. Anyone who works for Me is most reliably taken care of, it is

just not obvious so that the work for Me is not done in a compulsory fashion but voluntarily instead if it is to be successful

for eternity…. Someone who expects reward is not suitable for redemptive work which only requires profound love for Me

and his fellow human being if it is to be effective. You don’t have much time left, therefore you should ever more eagerly

fulfil My will, which will forever consist of carrying My Gospel into the world…. of instructing those who lack knowledge

and enlightening those who are misguided. For only the truth will have a redemptive effect, and therefore you should

spread the truth which I convey to you humans from above because I love you and want to deliver you from the bondage of

darkness…. Amen


B.D. 5114


‘I came to My Own and they did not accept Me....’ (John 1:11)

I came to My Own and they did not accept Me, they did not recognise Me.... I Am rarely recognised by people when I

approach them on the way, hence they either do not accept My offering as a divine gift or they pay only little attention to it.

But I want to be recognised by people so that they can utilize My gift of grace properly and apply it for the benefit of their

soul. I often knock in vain at the door of their hearts which remains closed to Him, Who brings the most beneficial gift,

Who wants to give them a gift of incalculable value. They do not grant Me entry, they do not want to listen to Me and thus

reject the most valuable gift although they are in urgent need of it. I came to My Own and they did not accept Me because

they did not recognise Me.…

Many want to belong to My Own, many pride themselves about belonging to My church and yet do not know My voice

when I want to gather them as a good shepherd and coax and call them.… They do not know My voice and stay away from

Me.... But My sheep know the voice of their shepherd.... because I send to My Own Words of love from above, to those

who open their heart and allow Me to enter as soon as I wish to enter. Only few recognise Me although every person would

have the means to do so if they were willing to look for their eternal Father, because I would allow Myself to be found by

them. But there is little longing for Me and thus they do not hear My Word either, which is the evidence of My Being and

the visible proof of My love for human beings. And when it is made accessible to them by other people they lack faith and

thus also comprehension for My love and mercy which give them the means to reach their goal on earth, to unite with Me

by way of love.

It is easily comprehended by My Own who allow Me to speak to them and then make use of the gifts in accordance with

My will. I can approach and reveal Myself to them and they will no longer doubt Me, they will accept Me anytime in their

heart’s abode and hear My Word directly. They will contemplate My Word in their heart and proceed accordingly.... And

they will also understand My Word which I spoke on earth, that My kingdom is not of this world.

Because they are now aware of the kingdom of God, they recognise the Father Who wants to come to His Own and Who is

not acknowledged by people who live without love. But whoever lives in accordance with My Word has love within

himself and is lead by it to realisation.... he follows My call because he has recognised Me.… Amen


B.D. 5186


‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it….’ (Matthew 16:18)

The gates of hell shall not prevail against My church…. which I Myself founded on earth. The gates of hell will open and

spew out its inhabitants in order to increase My adversary’s power and activity. All devils will fight against the small flock

of believers who, in truth, constitute My church…. Hell itself will violently attack its walls yet My church will stand firm,

for the believers will persevere with great strength…. The end is near, and that is why I still try to affiliate those of little

faith to My church so that their faith shall grow and become unshakable before the end arrives. Hell will have no control

over those who believe, for they belong to My church and I, as the founder of this church, will truly protect them from the

onslaught of hell. You humans are facing the end and you don’t realise what this means, you don’t know about the spiritual

battle between light and darkness, between truth and falsehood, and you are unaware of the fact that the earth is completely

engulfed by darkness, because the power of darkness predominates and you humans grant it this power yourselves….

The battle of the spiritual world is not obvious to you as yet but very soon it will take on a shape which will reveal to you

how close it is to the end…. The battle of faith will commence very soon, a battle which will be announced by the

authorities against all who still have faith, against all those who belong to a school of thought, who acknowledge Me as

their Creator and Father and who strive spiritually due to their inner realisation that life does not come to an end with

physical death. All these people will be treated with hostility, severely put under pressure and brutally requested to

renounce their faith. All of you are facing this battle, which not only concerns your body but far more your soul yet also

requires your body’s decision because you will be seriously threatened and it will be made almost impossible for you to

stand firm…. And then those who belong to My true church, who acknowledge Me as supreme Lord and Ruler and who

fear Me more than the earthly power will reveal themselves…. Blessed is he who believes that he counts as a member of

the church founded by Me.... Blessed is he who does not fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul….

blessed, who draws his strength for battle from the right commander-in-chief…. He will gain victory over the enemies, he

will realise that hell achieves nothing where the Lord of heaven and earth stands, where His hosts fight, who will also gain

control over the devils when hell is opened and its scum let loose on people…. My church will stand firm and the gates of

hell shall not prevail against it…. The end is near and My Word will fulfil itself. Therefore prepare yourselves for the

forthcoming time but don’t be afraid of it, for Mine is the strength and the power and the glory…. Amen


B.D. 5235


‘Behold, I make all things new….’ (Revelation 21:5)

I make all things new.... Those of you humans who are as yet unenlightened, who have not yet awakened the spirit within

you, do not know the meaning of My Words, for you do not believe in a transformation of this earth, you do not believe in

the Last Judgment, in the end of one period of development and the beginning of a new one…. You do not know anything

about My eternal plan of Salvation and therefore do not understand My Words either: Behold, I make all things new….

Each of My Words has several meanings which are not even known to My enlightened Own, for this understanding is still

too profound for the people of this earth, yet they are aware of the simple meaning, that I will renew what has left My

eternal order….

I want to make a change, since the people of this earth are no longer striving for one and therefore miss the purpose of their

earthly life. They have failed by not using their lives for eternity. Nevertheless, I will not let them get lost and therefore

will give them the opportunity to cover the neglected process of development again, yet not as a repeat but in a completely

different way…. For another process of development is an increased bestowal of grace and has to be acquired through

increased effort, the opportunity of which is offered by completely new creations. Thus, first I will renew the school for the

spirit, My earth, which shall support the development up to that of the human being.

I will provide it with entirely new creations of such diverse kind and shape that extremely large numbers of spiritual

substances will have the opportunity to prove themselves therein. And I will let a new human generation arise, which will

emerge from people who are blessed by Me, who will have completed their spiritual development with love and loyalty to

Me, who will have attained a degree of maturity which permits exalted spiritual care, so that the new human generation

will have every guarantee to achieve the highest possible spiritual perfection and the bound spirits, too, will be able to

achieve maturity quickly, due to the exceptionally good influence exerted by people on all nearby creations…. I make all

things new; I will also ease the conditions to release the spiritual substances yet without deviating from My law of eternal

order, only caring for what is still living in constraint with profound love and mercy. Everything depressing will leave

people, they will strive to ascend with full strength, because I alone will be the most Desirable for them and they will not

be able to be pulled into the abyss by My adversary, who will be bound for a long time….

I shall make a new heaven and a new earth.... that is, spiritually and earthly I will give happiness to the people who then

will belong to Me and who shall also smooth the way for those who will follow them…. Which one of you humans can

comprehend this? And which one of you humans believes firmly and without doubt that the old things will cease to be?

That even people who are still distant from Me will cease to exist, that only the small flock which faithfully follows Me as

their shepherd will not lose its life, because I have blessed this small flock and destined it for a continued life in the

paradise of the new earth…. that a new period of Redemption will begin in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation,

which My love and wisdom have determined in order to ensure eternal life for the spirits? Behold, I make all things new….

Those of you who believe in Me remember these Words, consider them in your hearts and know, that the time has come

when My Word will fulfil itself…. Believe firmly in it and be hopeful, and endure all difficulties you will still encounter

until the end with patience and submission to My will. For the day will come very soon when I will fetch My Own to

reveal the paradise to them of which it is written: ‘I will make a new heaven and a new earth….’ and I Myself will dwell

amongst My Own and will guide and teach them, as I have promised…. Amen


B.D. 5336


‘My kingdom is not of this world....’ (John 18:36)

My kingdom is not of this world.... Therefore pay only little regard to the earthly world, only let it affect you as far as your

earthly task in life requires, but constantly strive for My kingdom which can be found beyond the material world. My

kingdom is the kingdom which lasts forever, whereas the earthly world vanishes with the death of your body; but you can

already possess My kingdom on earth if you turn away from the pleasures and commodities of the world and raise your

thoughts to Me, if you send them into infinity, questioning Me and opening yourselves up for My reply. Then you already

enter the spiritual kingdom which will be your abode one day, then the spiritual kingdom will be of greater value to you

than the earthly world, and then you will also receive the wealth which belongs to this kingdom but which cannot be

physically received by you. My kingdom is not of this world…. Understand that I want to call you into this world with

these Words, which is your true home and which also wants to admit you again after the death of your body. My kingdom

is the realm of light, which you will only be able to enter if you have become receptive to light, if you aspired on earth for

My kingdom and thus became aspirants for the kingdom which belongs to Me and wherein you may behold Me one day.

These Words of Mine clearly allow you to understand that you should not ardently desire the earthly kingdom, but that you

must rise above it if you want to be admitted into My kingdom.... I want to explain the difference to you, I want to tell you

that this world does not belong to Me but that My adversary is its master and that I thus place My kingdom in opposition

to the earthly world…. I want to entice you over into My kingdom because I want to give you what the material world does

not offer…. an eternal life in bliss.

Earth is the valley of suffering and tests; it is the place where imperfect human beings are meant to become perfect.

Nevertheless, the earth is not a permanent abode; it is just a stage of development of extremely short duration compared to

eternity. And the human being himself, his earthly material cover, is transient; it only serves the soul, which ought to

achieve higher development, as a temporary abode. Only then will the soul enter the spiritual kingdom which is everlasting

but which can still be My adversary’s realm if the soul has not achieved spiritual progress on earth, and thus will enter the

kingdom of darkness….

Yet you shall strive for My kingdom, the spiritual kingdom in which I Am King and Ruler, where only light and happiness

exist, where I Myself give in order to delight all who have entered My kingdom…. Therefore pay only little regard to the

earthly world, strive for the kingdom which reveals to you splendours which you humans could not dream of, the kingdom

whose splendours I have promised you with the Words ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, the things which I have prepared

for those who love Me….’ Amen


B.D. 5428


‘Forgive us our trespasses....’ (Matthew 6:12)

Forgive each other as I forgive you.... You humans still let enmity reign far too often, you are still unable to love your

enemies and forgive their sin, you are still angry with them and don’t wish them well, even if you wish them no evil you

don’t exercise patience and are quick-tempered if you are being offended…. and are therefore still far from living as

followers of Jesus…. Love has not yet become powerful enough in you as to leave no further room for hostile thoughts….

You don’t see the brother in your neighbour otherwise you would forgive him and not take the offence quite so seriously.

And yet I Am supposed to forgive you your trespasses.... after all, you act just as hostile towards Me otherwise you would

be without guilt…. My love for you is greater than great, and your sincere prayer for forgiveness of your sin will release

you from it. And yet, if you want to achieve My forgiveness, I require you to fulfil the condition that you, too, will forgive

those who trespass against you…. I expect this because you should, after all, firmly resolve not to sin again…. and in order

to make this resolve you must also love your neighbour who has sinned against you….

You should love your neighbour as yourself.... You should not hold any sin against him, for every hostile thought is

unsuitable to awaken reciprocated love, whereas the love you give to your enemy will also awaken positive feelings in

him…. Every unpleasant thought towards a person is picked up by evil forces and transferred onto the latter, and this

cannot have any good results because evil only ever begets evil and therefore only evil will be returned, which rapidly

increases the strength of evil and thus has a negative effect. You, however, should meet evil with kindness in order to

weaken and change evil into good…. You should transmit positive thoughts and wish even to your enemies only good

because thereby you disperse evil forces, because good thoughts have a redeeming effect, thus they pacify resentment and

hatred, awaken positive feelings in turn and are even capable of changing an enemy into a friend, because strength of love

always has a positive effect. Therefore you shall only find My forgiveness if you have also forgiven your debtors, for how

can I possibly show you clemency if you still judge harshly and have enemies because you maintain the enmity

yourselves? If My love forgives you your trespasses then your love should also make allowances…. Think kindly of your

enemies, forgive those who have offended you, and always let the love in you be the judge, and this will surely want to

forgive, for wherever love exists no feelings of hatred and vengeance can prevail, where love exists that is where I Am

Myself and I truly don’t judge unkindly, I forgive you your trespasses as you forgive those who trespass against you….



B.D. 5449


‘In My Father’s house are many mansions….’ (John 14:2)

In My Father’s house are many mansions.... Can you understand the meaning of My Words? That I promise you a dwelling

in My Father’s house but at the same time want you to know that a suitable abode is prepared to accommodate every one of

My living creations…. that I want to tell you, that what you have not yet achieved on earth you can still strive to achieve in

My kingdom, because I have countless possibilities to improve your development in the spiritual kingdom. I have not just

the earth at My disposal, but all My creations are places to attain full maturity for the still imperfect soul until it has finally

developed to the point that, in heavenly bliss, it will be able to take possession of the most magnificent spiritual creations,

for wherever it stays is in ‘My Father’s house’, in the sphere of My infinite love, and it will always stay where the Father

has prepared a dwelling place which corresponds to its degree of love and its ability to reign and work in the realm to

which it was assigned by Me.

In My Father’s house are many mansions…. No being is homeless, the eternal home accepts all souls, yet this home has

many different aspects…. it can exhibit the most magnificent flower gardens and wonderful palaces, but it can also include

infinitely vast barren regions which take ages to wander through…. yet even in these barren regions paths branch off which

lead to areas full of flowers, and it just depends on whether the ramblers pay attention to these paths, whether they

attentively try to find a way out from this barren region and also take this way out…. Everyone will be accepted in My

eternal home, and everyone has the right to take ownership of a dwelling. But what it consists of is entirely subject to their


And therefore I say: In My Father’s house are many mansions…. For every human being, every being, prepares its own

place of abode depending on the degree of its perfection. Yet no matter how poor his dwelling is.... through his will and his

work it can really quickly be transformed, and the most delightful homesteads can arise if only the soul has the desire for it

and diligently strives for fulfilment. In that case it will be supported by countless helpers who will create and work with the

soul, and it can become a paradise-like dwelling place where previously was a barren and bleak region…. One day every

soul will return to its true home, but as long as it is still imperfect it will feel homeless, although it will have already

entered the kingdom from whence it once had come. However, I have many schoolhouses, and higher development will

advance for sure, even if it often requires a long time.... One day the lost son will return home and reside in the mansion he

once owned, he will stay in the Father’s house where all children are gathered around the Father, he will be lovingly

received by the Eternal Love, Which will give him a seat next to Himself….

Yet infinite times will still pass by until all My children have found home again, until they can take up residence in My

house; infinite times will still pass by, yet I will not abandon any one of My children…. The Father’s love attracts them,

and not one of My children will be able to resist this love forever…. Amen


B.D. 5677


False Christs and prophets.... Satan’s mask.... (Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

You must not get caught in Satan’s nets of lies who wants to win you over for himself by trying to confuse your thoughts,

by apparently speaking in My name and yet, being far away from the truth himself, only presenting you falsehood. False

Christs and false prophets shall arise.... remember these Words of Mine and don’t believe every spirit who speaks My

Word, for even an evil spirit makes use of My Words if thereby he can draw you into this camp…. Many a person will

allow himself to become confused in the last days, but only because he is half-hearted himself and fails to take refuge in

Me in order to attain the truth. And My adversary knows how best to win people over who are not yet entirely devoted to

Me…. He does not shy away from influencing them under the mask of piety; his goal is to distort My image, to alienate

people from Me; his goal is to make it more difficult for them to recognise Me, and therefore he uses words which can

have various meanings and subsequently interprets them such that they will be misunderstood and lead away from true

belief in Me and from love since due to his interpretation I cannot be properly recognised…. Thus My adversary influences

weak and not entirely firm people to interpret My Words in this way, thereby apparently speaking in support of Me and

yet against Me, because it is not the pure truth which he is spreading. The sincere will to work for Me and My kingdom

will eliminate this danger; but how many have not yet attained a living faith and profound love for Me and their neighbours

themselves as to be enlightened by My spirit. And they likewise have reached a point in life when My Word shall be

proclaimed, hence they make an intellectual effort to give people the interpretation, intellect, however, is subject to the

adversary’s influence who wants to confuse the latter in order to work against Me.

And again I emphasize the fact that only the human being’s will to hear truth or to pass it on is decisive as to whether he

will receive truth or pass it on. The human being first has to be imbued by the desire for the pure truth, then he can be

certain that truth will be imparted to him, that he will truthfully understand and interpret My Word. My adversary is

eagerly working at undermining the truth, and he will be successful where the will for truth is not strong enough so that I

Myself, as the Provider of truth, can safeguard it, because the human being’s will alone determines the spiritual knowledge

he receives. Therefore, don’t let yourselves be deceived by pious words which My adversary can also use where he finds

the right ground for it. For not the Word itself is Mine but the spirit I placed into My Words…. The Word itself, without

My spirit, can certainly be changed, and therefore it can also be used by My adversary in order to achieve his goal of

separating you from Me and the truth…. The spirit, however, is My share, and if you therefore search for the spirit within

the Word My spirit will enlighten you, but differently than the interpretation of the one who avails himself of My Word

without being imbued by My spirit. These are the last days, when My adversary causes much confusion among people….

Therefore beware and test all things, and if you do so with an appeal for My support, you will know and only ever keep

what is good…. Amen


B.D. 5701


‘Test the spirits....’ False Christs and prophets…. (1 John 4:1; Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

‘Test the spirits whether they are of God....’ When you accept spiritual knowledge it is very important to seriously examine

its origin…. You should and need to scrutinise it because you are responsible for your soul yourselves, which can only

benefit from the truth but whose higher development is endangered by misguided spiritual information. If you are offered

spiritual concepts, i.e. knowledge which cannot be verified by earthly means, you need to subject it to serious investigation.

You should know that light and darkness fight each other, that the prince of darkness fights against pure truth, that he will

try anything to lead people into wrong thinking and not even shy away from shrouding himself in the garment of an angel

in order to deceive people….

But you can expose him yourselves, you can test which spirit conveys spiritual knowledge to you. And the criteria you

should consider under serious examination are: whether the conveyed mental information proclaims Jesus Christ as Son of

God and Redeemer of the world, whether its message consists of His doctrine of love and that you are reminded to follow

Jesus…. If so, then you may unconditionally accept it and address God Himself as the source of knowledge conveyed to

you, then you may endorse it as divine truth. You need not fear to be pushed into misguided thinking by the spirit of

darkness, for he will never acknowledge Jesus Christ, Who has delivered the world from sin.

False Christs and false prophets will arise, and particularly during the last days before the end.... They will speak the name

of Jesus Christ with their mouth and yet they will not be true messengers of His divine teaching of love, because they

themselves will not do as they preach or their teachings are of a worldly nature, therefore they will not be recognisable as

true Christians. And this verbal confession is frequently a disguise which hides the enemy of truth. They will not truly

believe in Jesus’ Words, which He spoke on earth, or in his promises, for they lack love, the sign of a true follower of


Consequently their words will be without spirit, they will be without strength, they cannot be considered as purely divine

truth and also need to be seriously scrutinised. But you can make this test anytime if you, in the sincere desire for truth, ask

God Himself for His help to enlighten your spirit, to guide your thoughts correctly and to teach you to always differentiate

between truth and error, and everyone who desires the spirit of God will receive it…. Amen


B.D. 5778


False Christs and prophets.... (Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

In the last days the pure truth will be particularly attacked, which is the work of Satan who, being God’s adversary, wants

to undermine the truth by confusing people’s thoughts so that they cannot recognise the truth as such any longer. And his

methods and tactics are so well devised that even people whose will does not oppose Me often do not want to see the

situation clearly.… but who could see it if they sincerely only wanted the truth. Especially during the last days true and

deceptive lights will flash at the same time, and a genuine will for truth is necessary in order to be able to differentiate

between them, because it will be difficult to understand the matter.… Because many false Christs and prophets shall arise,

as was foretold.… which is also a sign of the end time.… From this follows that they will fight in the same manner, that

they will therefore present themselves as messengers from above, that they will speak the words of Christ and foretell the

future to people.… but that they are representatives of the one who fights against the truth,… to lead people astray so that

they cannot recognise the truth anymore. Thus you don’t always have to search for these false Christs and prophets outside

of spiritual life since even the representatives of misguided teachings within the ecclesiastical organisations are false

Christs and false prophets.… everyone offering vague, misleading explanations has to be included, as well as all those who

try to prevent the pure truth from being given to people, hence all those who adhere to distorted teachings and restrict

people’s freedom of thought by withholding from them what could have a clarifying effect.…

Everything that is untrue is the work of false Christs and prophets, and to make a distinction irrefutably requires the sincere

will for truth, which also has to be willing to surrender what the person has always endorsed.… if it does not comply with

the truth. Hence you humans can only protect yourselves from the actions of God’s adversary during the last days before

the end if you place yourselves into the safe hands of God, Who is eternal truth…. if you pray to Him with sincere will for

truth that He should protect you from error and then open your eyes and ears… Then you will emotionally recognise what

you should accept or reject.... Then false Christs and false prophets will not be able to dazzle you with a deceptive light.…

Then the rising of a soft glow in your heart will give you reassurance that you live in truth, and then you will also maintain

this truth with conviction and support its cause during the last battle on this earth.… and you will be true defenders of

Christ.… Amen


B.D. 5861


False Christs and false prophets…. (Matthew 24:24: Mark 13:22)

And I keep telling you: The signs and miracles from My adversary’s as well as from My servants’ side on earth will

increase, for many false Christs and prophets will arise on behalf of the prince of darkness in order to refute the teachings

of My rightful servants…. in order to cast doubt on their miracles and prophesies and to plunge people into ever greater

darkness…. Yet the false prophets’ miracles will only aim to increase earthly power and wealth, they will not perform

deeds of love. Works will develop which are claimed to have been accomplished with supernatural strength, although they

can only be described as an accumulation of material goods, thus they also betray the one who is lord over matter…. True

miracles, however, are works of compassion for suffering and frail humanity…. True miracles are obvious effects of

strength from above…. And true miracles can only be performed by those who work as rightful messengers of My Word

on earth, who profess Me and My name before the world and try to awaken and revive the belief in Me…. Those who

proclaim to people in My name what is about to happen to them are indeed true prophets. And I have chosen them because

they combine the proclamation of the Word with evidence of the strength of faith in order to make people aware which

strength and which spirit works through My representatives…. For many false prophets will arise in the end and try to

confuse people by performing miracles…. My adversary will use the same methods, and he will find it easy to mislead

people because he does not announce a decline but only ever promises earthly good living standards and earthly progress.

And his miracles will consist of emphasising this earthly progress, since his miracles will be humanly fascinating material

developments and because his prophesy will be of a future of affluence, honour and earthly success, a world of economic

development and earthly perfection. Every such prophesy receives attention, thereby diverting humanity’s attention ever

further from what is genuine and true, which is proclaimed to them by My representatives on earth…. that people are

approaching the end, that no amount of material possessions can save them from the downfall they will indisputably

approach if they do not believe My Words but rather believe those who are influenced by the prince of darkness…. who

indeed also perform miracles with his strength…. who are powerful on earth because they have subjected themselves to

him, but whose works can always be recognised…. For they do not express love, no help for needy fellow human beings

can be recognised therein, even though they also use My Words, even though they hide behind My name in order to be

accepted as true prophets…. Where love does not prevail My spirit cannot be found, and neither will there be miracles

performed nor prophetic Words spoken, but My adversary’s activity will be clearly noticeable who, in the last days, will try

anything to disperse My small flock and gain it for himself…. The time of the end has come, therefore take notice of

everything I tell you so that you will learn to differentiate between genuine and false, between light and works of

deception, between truth and untruth…. so that you will not fall into the hands of the one who wants to corrupt you….



B.D. 5905


‘The measure you give....’ (Luke 6:38)

The measure you give will be the measure you receive…. You should not anxiously calculate what you think you ought to

give, you should hand out what you are inwardly urged to, for only that which you give out of love will be judged, and if

you love, you won’t be calculating but giving generously. By doing so you will not become poorer as you will be amply

rewarded, you will never go without for I will truly abundantly return it to you, I will bestow the same love upon you, and

that truly to a far greater extent. This promise of Mine is applicable spiritually and earthly, for you should alleviate

people’s hardship everywhere, you should give to your fellow human being what he requires.... And the spiritual hardship

is far greater still than the earthly one, this is why the spiritual care of the poor has been entrusted to you, especially to

those of you with spiritual riches at their disposal and who shall always share this wealth. All those who have possessions

themselves should share their possessions. Yet their wealth will not diminish, for the more they share the more they will

receive. I can only grant spiritual wealth - and thus also give the assurance that I will not let them go without - to people if

they comply with My request to consider their fellow human beings, because they lack what they need to help them attain

beatitude…. Anyone who shares earthly possessions acquires spiritual wealth and, at the same time, also receives earthly

possessions according to requirement.... And the more wealthy he is the more generous he can and should become, for it

will be a blessing for him as well as for the needy, love will flare up brightly, because every expression of love awakens

love in return and because…. where love is kindled…. I Myself can be and thus distribute My gift without limitation. Love

must flare up in the human heart, then receiving and giving can take place without measure; yet without love every gift is

mere calculation or formality which is not judged by Me as a gift of love. Let your fellow human beings’ hardship speak to

you. Spiritual as well as earthly suffering should awaken your sympathy, then your heart will be involved, then every gift

will trigger joy in the giver as well in the recipient, and then I will also be able to give because your love motivates Me to

do so, and then your wealth will increase…. you will be endowed in a spiritual and earthly way and will never again have

to go short, for My love and grace will flow to you without measure…. you may receive without measure according to My

promise ‘the measure you give will be the measure you receive….’ Amen


B.D. 6022


‘In the Father’s house are many mansions.…’ (John 14:2)

In the Father’s house are many mansions.… The mansions I have prepared for all souls correspond to their maturity at the

time of their earthly departure. Accordingly they are very different and are abodes for the souls for as long as they are

content with them, although they can be changed, which is the soul’s own responsibility. The soul’s surrounding in the

spiritual kingdom depends on its character at the time of its physical death.… radiant, bright, offering the spiritual eye a

magnificent vision of breathtaking harmony which fills it with happiness beyond description.… or bleak and cold, squalid

and disturbing, turbulent, dreary and depressing, causing the soul unhappiness and wishing itself to leave this environment.

And yet it can only be offered what it had acquired for itself on earth, it cannot be moved into blissful realms to which it

had never aspired nor can it be given light because this would consume the soul due to its immature state. Nevertheless,

every soul has the option whether it wants to improve its environment.

And to awaken this wish is the work of innumerable spiritual beings of light which descend into poorly lit mansions to

inspire their inhabitants to improve their fate and their surroundings. Yet even this has to happen such that it does not force

the soul’s will but results in its own desire. Hence they do not perceive the beings of light as such, instead the beings of

light join them by using the same cover as the souls and request to be admitted, then they will seek to guide the souls’

thoughts to change their present situation.… The souls’ will has to be motivated to improve their fate; and as soon as the

will is motivated the soul will suddenly find itself amongst needy souls who request its help, and now it depends on

whether it listens to their appeals, whether it is willing and attempts to help them.…

The stronger its impulse to help the more alive it will feel and darkness will give way to a faint twilight which gladdens the

soul immensely and increases its will to love. Imperceptibly its environment assumes another shape as the twilight shines

through until everything appears clearly to the soul’s eyes and its state seems to have improved considerably.… Yet it is

always up to the soul’s will whether it continues to be helpful or whether it contents itself with its present situation…

which, however, worsens again if it stops making an effort.

Every soul will find what it wants; and if it longs for light, for love and supreme happiness it will certainly achieve its goal

and arrive in extremely charming regions where everything is enlightened and where it can settle for as long as it wishes…

Because it also gives what it requests for itself, and this love changes the soul’s nature, the love which it receives from the

beings of light if it is not entirely obstinate in refusing to ascend from the poorly lit depth and resists all assistance and

indignantly rejects every suggestion. Then it also has what it wants.… darkness, which will become incessantly more

agonising in order to motivate the souls to change their will.

And for that reason I spoke the Words: ‘In My Father’s house are many mansions.…’ Although the condition of every soul

is taken into account no soul is forced to remain where it is sent after its physical death.… it will be admitted wherever its

will takes it.… it is able to arrange its own surroundings according to its will and thus it can elevate itself from the lowest

realms into radiant heights… providing it takes notice of those whom it encounters as messengers from above, although not

recognised by the soul as long as it is without light itself but so touched by their will to love that its own love gets kindled

and therefore the path upwards becomes clear.… Eternal love Itself descends into the abyss to elevate what will not

resist.… I also redeem the souls from the darkness and countless beings of light take part in this work.… They all help to

build those mansions to improve the fate of the souls; they all radiate light and love and entice countless souls from the

darkness into their region… where there is light and strength and bliss…. Amen


B.D. 6050


‘Enter into thy closet....’ (Matthew 6:6)

Withdraw into your closet if you want to pray, for only in solitude can you find the connection with Me, only in solitude

can you unite with Me so intimately that I can hear your voice, that your prayer is sent to Me in spirit and in truth. And

even if you are in dire trouble while you are amongst people or are put under pressure from outside you must detach

yourselves for a few moments from your surroundings and send a short but heartfelt call to Me, and I will hear you and

help you…. I just want to hear your heart speak and not merely your mouth…. And therefore you must enter the closet of

your heart, you must withdraw from the world and from everything that might disrupt your silent prayer. You must avoid

everything that attracts your eyes, that makes such an impression on you that it will take your mind off Me…. you must

completely disregard all outside impressions. You must withdraw into solitude and turn your thoughts to Me.... only then

will you be able to pray in spirit and in truth, only then will you come to Me like children come to the Father and confide

all your problems to Me.

And then your Father will always be willing to help you. Then you yourselves will apply strength to your prayer, you

yourselves will determine the fulfilment of your requests, for if you speak to Me like a child speaks to its Father I cannot

deny you any wish and My help is assured to you. But if the words are only shaped by your mouth, and if this happens for

hours on end, they will not reach My ear, they will fade away unheeded, for this kind of prayer has no strength, such a

prayer is abhorrent to Me…. And therefore it is up to yourselves whether your prayers will be granted, for I promised you

that I will give you what you ask of Me…. And My Word will indeed come to pass. Nevertheless, I only pay attention to

the words of your heart but you often believe that you have done enough by prattling with your mouth and are disappointed

if your prayers are not then granted…. Withdraw into the closet of your heart and then speak to Me freely, with complete

confidence, and your wishes will indeed be granted…. Amen


B.D. 6135


‘Take this and eat….’ (Matthew 26:26)

Take this and eat…. these were My Words to My disciples when I gave them the bread as a symbol of the heavenly bread,

My Word, which, having become flesh, was in the midst of them on earth…. Take this and drink…. I said when I gave

them the wine…. which, like My blood…. the strength of My Word…. was to strengthen them…. Bread and wine were

symbols for flesh and blood…. and since I Myself Am the Word that became flesh I was entitled to say: This is My body,

which is given for to you…. this is My blood, which is shed for you…. For only through My death did I make it possible

for you to hear My Word in you…. through My death I burst the chains which kept you in darkness….

Do understand, you must hear My Word if you want to become blessed…. And My Word must be hungrily received by

you, you must eat it and provide your soul with nourishment so that it can live…. for My Word contains the strength which

gives life to the soul…. Flesh and blood belong to life, and I died for you so that you will have life…. The bread of life is

My Word…. I Myself Am the Word…. and the Word became flesh…. Can there be a more understandable explanation for

the Supper I took with My disciples…. And each time you receive My Word and hungrily absorb it you will remember

Me…. You cannot receive My Word other than in remembrance of Me because the One Who speaks to you cannot be

forgotten as long as you listen to Him….

When I broke the bread for My disciples, when I passed the wine to them, I knew that only My Word would establish the

connection between Me and people and give evidence of it…. I knew that they would only be able to reach the goal if they

constantly allowed Me to speak to them…. Furthermore, I knew that they had to believe in My act of Salvation, I knew

what was ahead of Me, that I had to sacrifice My life for humanity in order to redeem it and, in view of this, I said the

Words ‘which is given for you…. which is shed for you….’ The eternal Word Itself spoke to people: Take this and eat….

take this and drink…. You humans must establish heartfelt contact with Me in order to hear My speech, in order to be

nourished by Me with the bread of heaven…. in order to take Supper with Me…. And you can only establish this sincere

contact with Me again through loving activity…. Only then will you accept Me Myself in you, then you will be permeated

by the strength of My love…. My blood guarantees you life…. Then I will give abundantly, your soul will never again

suffer hunger and thirst, for I Myself will nourish it and quench its thirst…. I Myself will offer it communion…. I will

break the bread and give wine to all those who want to receive, and they will enjoy My flesh and My blood and their souls

will live forever…. Amen


B.D. 6144


‘Peace to all men of good will...’ (Luke 2:14)

Peace on earth to men of good will…. Remember the night when the divine Redeemer came into the world…. remember

His birth but also His death, His act of Salvation, for the sake of which He descended to earth…. Remember His greater

than great love which motivated Him to live in the flesh and to subsequently sacrifice Himself on the cross in order to bring

redemption to humanity from its bondage…. He wanted to bring you peace, the salvation of your souls.... He wanted to

save you from eternal death, He wanted to give you life…. He wanted His living creations to become children and fetch

them back into the Father’s house…. He was motivated by His boundless love to descend to earth in order to carry out a

work of deliverance in the midst of people, in order to gather His little sheep, in order to rescue the lost ones from the

claws of the wolf which had broken into His flock because no-one was able to stop him…. All people were under the

control of the one who was His enemy and therefore the Saviour came down from above in order to snatch them from his

control…. However, in return He had to make a sacrifice for the adversary, because he would not release his captives since

they voluntarily followed him into the abyss and became as sinful as him…. They would have had to pay the ransom

themselves and were too weak to do so.... But they would also have had to make their own amends with God due to the

inconceivable sin of their past resistance to God…. They would never have been able to achieve this, and thus they would

have been enslaved by God’s adversary forever had they not received help…. had God Himself not taken mercy upon

them…. And He atoned for the guilt on your behalf, He paid the ransom for you…. He died on the cross for your sins….

He Himself redeemed you humans from sin and death….

Only love was able to redeem you humans, hence the Eternal Love embodied Itself in a human being, in a child Which was

born without sin and in all purity and also remained without sin and pure as long as It lived as a human being amongst

people…. The human being Jesus accepted the divine love within Himself, and this greater than great love for His fellow

human being made Him accomplish an act of mercy as happened only once in the world.... He suffered and died on the

cross because love motivated Him to offer God the sacrifice of atonement.... He took all of humanity’s sins upon Himself

and made amends for them…. Love endured everything in order to redeem the people.... A great act of compassion

commenced when the Saviour came into the world…. A ray of light fell to earth, it shone brightly into the hearts of the few

who languished in their adversity and called upon God for help…. The infant Jesus emanated light and a few recognised

Him as the Messiah, Whom seers and prophets had proclaimed to the world. And they paid homage to the small child….

They praised and glorified God, Who had taken pity on them and found peace in their hearts…. Yet there were only a few

and even today there are only a few who think in their hearts with love and gratitude of the One Who sacrificed Himself for

the sinful human race.... But only these few will find peace, only these few can be redeemed who believe in Jesus Christ as

God’s Son and Redeemer and allow the light to shine into their hearts…. who humbly bow down to their Saviour, Who

came into the world as the infant Jesus in order to redeem humanity…. Amen


B.D. 6374


‘Whatever you ask the Father in My name….’ (John 15:16; 16:23)

And you will truly receive whatever you ask for in My name.... You have to call upon Me in Jesus Christ…. Only someone

who acknowledges Me, the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, who recognises his God and Father in Him and thus prays to the

‘Father’, will find his request granted, for he will be guided by My spirit to the One from Whom he once originated….

Whoever does not acknowledge Jesus, the Son of Man, as the heavenly Father’s representative…. whoever does not

believe that I embodied Myself in Jesus the human being, will not send a prayer to Me in complete trust either…. even if

he doesn’t deny a ‘God’, but instead his belief in a God and Creator was purely acquired and did not come alive in him….

For a living faith is the result of love, but love also acknowledges Jesus Christ as God’s Son and Redeemer of the world,

Who merged with His Father of eternity…. Thus he will no longer separate the Redeemer Jesus Christ from the Eternal

Deity, he will have been enlightened by his spirit that He and I are one…. And his prayer will always be granted, for he

will only ever request something I can give to him without damaging his soul.....

You humans will only be able to understand the true meaning of My Words if My spirit can work in you…. My spirit,

however, can only work in you if you allow it to do so, if you, through a life of love, provide it with the opportunity to

express itself to you…. But then you will accept My Word as if it was directly spoken to you, for then I will address My

children and with My Word will also simultaneously give them the understanding for it …. And then you will be able to

consider yourselves blessed, for your soul will receive light.... it will begin to understand, it will mature, for then you will

also do everything I ask of you. You will comply with My will and shape yourselves increasingly more into love, and your

soul will perfect itself while it is still on earth….

Call upon Me in Jesus Christ and first of all pray to achieve this perfection on earth.... And truly, you will not make this

prayer to Me in vain…. For hearing a spiritual request is most pleasing to Me, a spiritual request will be fulfilled, because

the Father won’t deny His child anything and because the human being already demonstrates his childship by appealing to

Me for help to become perfect…. And always pray that you become and stay aware of My presence…. Then you will

constantly walk your earthly path in company with your eternal Father, then you can never go wrong, then you will

mentally dwell increasingly more in spiritual spheres and your progress will be assured. You could achieve so much if you

remember My Word and conduct yourselves in accordance with My Words…. if you ‘ask the Father in My name….’

Earthly and spiritually you cannot make an inappropriate request, I will always grant your wishes, for I made this promise

to you and I keep My Word. Call upon the divine Redeemer with Whom the Father united Himself…. Call to God in Jesus

Christ…. Then you, too, will belong to the redeemed, then you will have penetrated the mystery of God’s human

manifestation…. For unredeemed people completely lack the belief that I embodied Myself in the human being Jesus....

But you demonstrate this belief when you ask ‘the Father in My name’…. Amen


B.D. 6570


‘My sheep recognise My voice....’ (John 10:4)

The Words you receive from Me are spirit and life.... Therefore they must also speak to every person’s spirit and give it

life. He will feel the strength of My Word providing he opens his heart and allows Me to enter, providing he gratefully

accepts the gift he is offered by Me Myself. And anyone who loves Me and who also offers love to his neighbour will

always feel touched by My Word, because due to his love he will already have a connection with Me and will also

recognise My voice as the voice of the Father Who wants to make His child happy. ‘My sheep recognise My voice....’ And

My voice will only ever be heard if I Myself Am able to speak to people…. You cannot describe the empty word as the

‘voice of the Father’ which can certainly be used by those people who do not allow Me to be present with them as yet, who

are still spiritually unenlightened, who indeed claim to preach in My name but of whom I cannot as yet avail Myself in

order to speak through them to all who listen to them. The recognition of My voice requires such a conscious connection

with Me that I Myself will be able to speak…. And this bond must be established both by the preacher as well as by the

listener of the Word…. Then the good shepherd Himself will coax His sheep and they will willingly follow…. My sheep

recognise My voice.... Does this not presuppose that I speak to people time and again? I emphasise the fact that My sheep

recognise My voice…. Hence I make a distinction with those who hear Me, for not all people can count themselves as My

Own and therefore not all will recognise Me in the Word…. But I will always speak to My Own Myself so that My

promise will come true: that they will hear and consequently also recognise My voice as evidence of the presence of the

One to Whom they have surrendered. Hence with these Words I also referred to the fact that I will always and forever

speak to you humans, that I did no mean the written Word alone which can also be devoid of spirit and life if I don’t bring

it to life Myself, if My spirit does not give it life.

However, I also knew that My Word would only be recognised as My direct communication if a life of love had resulted

in the awakening of the spirit within the human being, and therefore I spoke about ‘My Own’, for love is the bond which

unites Me with them and enables My direct working within them and for them. The Word can certainly be heard by

everyone, but My voice requires My presence…. Thus I also assured you of My presence, and I provide the evidence of it

by My voice…. And My Own will recognise it as the ‘Father’s voice’. But it is only a small flock which hears their

shepherd’s coaxing call and follows Him, there are only a few who listen to His voice, because people increasingly allow

themselves more often to be deceived by fine words which resound loudly but lack all spirit and life. And those do not

count to My Own, they do not share My spirit, they are without love and therefore they don’t strive towards Me either. And

if I speak to them they turn away from Me and go to places where My cleverly camouflaged adversary speaks, and they are

satisfied with the empty shell from which they cannot derive any strength. But My Word is strength which will give life to

all those who allow themselves to be addressed by Me Myself, who yearn for My voice and who, as My children, shall also

experience the Father’s love…. Amen


BD 6579


"No one comes to the Father...." (John 14:6)

No one comes to the Father except through Me.... The extreme importance of these words also explains the necessity of

leading those people who are not yet believers to faith in Jesus Christ, or of advocating a living faith where knowledge of

Jesus Christ is already present. For no one can come to Me who does not recognise Me Myself in Jesus Christ.... Because

there are people who indeed say that they believe in 'God', since He gives evidence of Himself in everything which

surrounds the human being, but who do not want to accept Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour of the world although

they do not consider themselves unbelievers. But these people are still very distant from their God and Creator, they have

not yet come into closer contact with Me and hence their thoughts cannot become enlightened.

They are still burdened with the sin of the former apostasy from Me, and this sin ties them to My adversary, they will not

get away from him without Jesus Christ. But not many people know about this sin of the past apostasy from Me,

consequently they are not aware of the significance of Jesus and His act of Salvation either. Providing people know the

teachings of the Gospel, providing they know the words spoken by Jesus on earth, they could also reflect on the words 'No

one comes to the Father except through Me....' And if only they seriously wanted more information about this, they would

certainly receive it, and the thought of these words would certainly never leave them again....

The only way to Me is through Jesus Christ, since the redemption of the guilt of sin has to come first in order to be

accepted by Me.... No being who had voluntarily become sinful can approach Me before salvation through Jesus Christ.

This is a law which even My infinite love cannot reverse. And no human being will really feel completely confident in his

heart about God either, Whom he may well acknowledge with words or superficial thoughts, because on serious reflection

he would know that he does not have the right relationship with his eternal God and Creator....

He will never confide in Me like a child to his Father, he will only believe that God exists but not establish a close

connection with Me, which requires love.... Because love also enlightens his spirit, love would improve his spiritual

vision.... Love would make him question but not make an erroneous statement. Every person will feel slightly uneasy when

he contemplates spiritual thoughts and will not yet have made contact with Jesus Christ.... The course of suffering and

crucifixion will not remain unknown to him, time and again he will enter into conversations with other people or be

reminded by them of Jesus Christ because I constantly guide his thought to the human being Jesus, Who lived on earth and

experienced a painful end.... Even if he does not yet acknowledge Him he does know of Jesus' earthly life, and I Myself

will remind him of Me in Jesus Christ.

And corresponding to the human being's degree of love will be his acceptance or rejection.... Wherever there is love I take

hold of the person Myself, and his resistance will steadily lessen, until he finally sees the human being Jesus in an entirely

different light than at the beginning, when He was still defensively opposed to Him. However, if he does not want to learn,

if his will is still hostile at the hour of his death, he cannot expect blissfulness in the spiritual kingdom, in spite of a right

way of life he can only be accepted into the realm where all deniers of Christ dwell, because he refused to be redeemed on

earth, and he will enter the spiritual kingdom in a constrained state.... But even there he can still find his divine Saviour and


And again, it is a great mercy on My part that I will meet all those in the spiritual kingdom who so far had rejected Me, that

I will hear every appeal sent to Me as the Redeemer, and that I will then take hold of the caller's hand and lead him from

that realm into My divine region.... Because I will still retrieve the souls from the abyss providing I Am acknowledged....

providing a soul has found the way to Jesus Christ, Whom it had rejected on earth but without Whom it cannot reach its

goal. The kingdom of light is closed to every soul as long as Jesus Christ does not open the gate for it, but this necessitates

that He is acknowledged as Son of God and Redeemer of the world. For this reason the human being Jesus said the words

'No one comes to the Father except through Me.'

Because I Myself spoke through the human being Jesus, I Myself wanted to be acknowledged in Him, Who merely served

as a cover for Me during earthly life.... but which I kept even in the spiritual kingdom so that I could be a visible God to all

My living creations, since I was an eternal Spirit after all.... and as such could not be seen by the created beings. I chose a

form for Myself in order to become a visible God for you humans, and in this form I accomplished the act of Salvation.

Consequently, you also have to acknowledge the form in which I had dwelled, and then you will already have taken the

right path to Me, your Father of eternity.... However, without Jesus Christ you will not ever be able to come to Me, because

without Jesus Christ My adversary will not release you, since you still belong to him as a result of your will....



B.D. 6611


About ‘Baptism’…. (‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost’)

(Matthew 28:19)

You cannot appreciate the immense grace of receiving My Word, since all your questions are answered by Me and any

doubts are expelled whenever you turn to Me for an explanation. I answer such questions mentally, too, but you are

frequently unsure as to whether you have received these thoughts from Me and thus your doubts are not dispelled, whereas

the Word you receive makes you happy as soon as you make use of the grace bestowed upon you by receiving it. Many

more questions are on your mind and simply a trusting prayer to Me would suffice in order to receive an explanation from

Me, but you turn to Me far too seldom with such requests and thus you are not yet fully aware of the immense grace at your


Every human soul requires a thorough cleansing, a bath to remove all its impurities which refreshes and revives it and

makes it suitable for the work it has to carry out on earth. And every human soul has to be willing to undertake this

purification or to submit to it in the knowledge that prior to this it is not as I want it to be, as it has to be in order to

approach Me and to stay with Me eternally. But such a purifying bath is not to be understood purely externally, it is an act

which has to take place internally, which only becomes outwardly recognisable by a change in a person’s character, thus

giving the person himself the certainty to have worked himself out of a morass, to have had a refreshing bath and to then

leave it completely cleansed. However, clear water with a refreshing effect cannot be stagnant, it has to be a flowing, living

stream, the kind of water that has the strength to purify and revive. Hence you require ‘living water’.... and you also know

what is to be understood by ‘living water’….

Time and again I invite you to come to the source from whence the living water flows, time and again I want you to enter

into the sea of My love, to immerse yourselves, to allow yourselves to be ‘baptised’ by Me Myself with My Word, which

alone has the strength to effect a change in you, which purifies and revives your soul and gives it true life….

Thus when I said to My disciples ‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost’.... it is meant that

they were to bring My Word to people in My name, the living water which originates from Me…. that people have to go to

the source. Love Itself.... the Father.... offers you humans the Word which enables you to reach profound wisdom if you

live accordingly and thereby awaken the spirit within you which will give you complete enlightenment…. Your soul needs

this Word which alone has the same effect as pure water on your body: that it leaves the bath strengthened and suitable for

every task it will be required to do… And thus My disciples were supposed to carry My Word to all people who were

meant to receive something precious with love which was to kindle their love in turn and bring the spirit within them to

life…. Living water, however, only originates from Me. I Myself Am the source from whence living water flows, and

every human being must have descended into the well of My love in order to receive divine wisdom and to recognise it

through his spirit.

This is the baptism which every person must have received in order to become a member of the church of Christ.... the

church I Myself founded on earth…. Consequently your will is required first, which has to make the free decision to

descend into the stream of My love, to accept My living Word and thereby purge its soul, which will then make My

presence possible. My Words are only ever to be understood in a spiritual sense, and no outward process will ever achieve

the inner transformation of a being, the purification of a soul. Therefore you should always endeavour to discover the

spiritual meaning of My Words which, however, will become quite clear to you when you ask Me Myself in your heart for

clarification, because if you genuinely desire it you cannot do anything else but think correctly…. But then you will also

accept My Word without resistance when it is given to you by My disciples, and then you will enter into My divine

abundance of love.... you will receive baptism…. My love will permeate you with My spirit and guide you into truth….

love, wisdom and strength will then be the soul’s share…. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit will then be constant

companions of the souls who let themselves be baptised with the water of life and love…. Amen


B.D. 6676


‘Test all things and keep what is good....’ (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

Test all things and keep what is good.... I say this to those who are inclined to doubt, who don’t possess the ability to make

correct judgments and are apprehensive about accepting spiritual knowledge which is offered to them in an unusual way.

Accept it with a completely open mind, and then ask Me for enlightenment of spirit and reflect on what you have

received…. And, for the time being, ignore what seems unacceptable to you because you are at present unable to

understand it, and enjoy what, after serious examination, is credible to you…. I don’t expect you to have blind faith, I

expect you to test the spiritual knowledge which is made accessible to you; you are meant to think about it, and it is better

you reject what seems incomprehensible to you than accept everything unreservedly, for if you have not formed an opinion

about such mental concepts they will not be of benefit to you…. But if you are serious and want the pure truth, then you

will also clearly recognise the truth if My messengers offer you spiritual knowledge which has originated from Me. For this

Word contains the strength to give life…. providing, however, that life is being aspired to.

Test all things and keep what is good.... Do these Words not contradict the imposition of believing something without

thinking about it? After all, I Myself leave it up to you what to believe when I ask you to keep ‘what is good’…. I leave it

up to you because I don’t demand blind faith from you humans. But why do you, who demand that ‘thinking about

religious doctrines’ must be avoided, stop people from examining…. Are you not acting against My will? And are you also

aware of the consequences such compulsion of faith will have on people? Time and again I emphasise freedom of will,

time and again I bring the individual person’s responsibility for his decision of will to the fore, time and again I caution

against spiritual compulsion and explain to you what really matters in earthly life….

And the Scripture, too, provides you with the evidence with these Words ‘Test all things and keep what is good....’, which

should make every person, who genuinely wants to fulfil My will, suspicious that they don’t coincide with the

ecclesiastical laws and make him think…. After all, whose Word, whose teachings, are more credible? And you cannot

imply any other meaning to these My Words but that you should form an opinion about every religious dogma. You are

supposed to form an opinion of it, regardless of who presents spiritual knowledge to you, for even the pure truth coming

from Me, which is conveyed to you directly from above, may be scrutinised by you, and I will not condemn you if you

think that you cannot accept everything without hesitation…. You should only always seek advice from Me and I will give

you the understanding of what you need for the maturity of your souls…. And if you still have a low degree of maturity,

you will not be able to understand everything, but you yourselves determine what you are prepared to accept…. Test all

things and keep what is good.... For by doing so you prove the sincerity of your attitude and your desire for truth. But

anyone who accepts something without checking it demonstrates his indifference, and he will never move within the truth

either, because it is irrelevant to him. Yet this kind of attitude should never be promoted by a responsible person, people

should be encouraged and not stopped to reflect on spiritual knowledge, for only then will it be beneficial and help the

human being attain maturity of soul, since free will is being employed and its decision alone is important…. Amen


B.D. 6709


'Whose soever sins ye remit….’

(John 20:23)

If you read the words of the Scriptures only in their literal meaning there is much you will not understand or will interpret

incorrectly, for ‘the letter kills…. but the spirit gives life….’ And so it requires an enlightened spirit to comprehend and

interpret the meaning of the Words I spoke when I walked on earth. My disciples understood Me since My spirit revealed

to them every Word I spoke. I had to help them this way because prior to My death on the cross My spirit could not work

the way it did after the act of Salvation was completed. Now, however, every human being can allow the working of My

spirit in himself if he consciously uses the blessings of the act of Salvation and shapes himself through love such that he

becomes a vessel for My spirit, which then educates him and 'guides him into truth' as I have promised…. And he will also

understand the meaning of the Words ‘Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye

retain, they are retained....’

I spoke these Words to My disciples knowing that after the outpouring of the spirit they would clearly recognise the nature

of the people who would come to them with all kind of diseases due to their burden of guilt…. I knew that they would

come to My disciples to be healed, and I also knew which one of them felt this guilt and which one just wanted to be

healed of his ailments…. And My disciples knew it too, for their spirit was enlightened and they had completely submitted

to My will, wanting to live and act only in accordance with My will. And thus My spirit also gave them the instructions

when, after My death, they attended to their ministry to spread My Word throughout the world. They, too, now recognised

who was worthy of forgiveness of sins, of healing the sick, and who was still so steeped in sin that he did not want to be

without sin but only be cured of his diseases. Thus I merely assured the disciples with these Words that they would indeed

recognise people’s inner state and act correctly by following My spirit’s directions. Hence a true disciple, a person who

becomes a vessel for My spirit due to his life of love…. a person in whom I can work Myself by means of My spirit, will

also be enlightened and interpret these Words of Mine correctly….

My Word retained its validity too…. in as much as time and again people can be cured from their afflictions who

remorsefully confess their sins to Me, who believe and thus confide in Me Myself or in one of My enlightened servants….

However, the same servant will also recognise through My spirit’s inner direction where this remorseful inner confession

of guilt is absent and then a healing cannot take place.… I spoke these Words to My disciples, to those whose hearts I

knew and whose willingness to receive My spirit made them suitable to go into the world as My apostles and preach My

Gospel to all nations…. And the same Words also applied to their successors….

However, by ‘successors’ I mean those who, through their way of life, through changing themselves into love and through

their spiritual maturity, have created the prerequisite to make the working of My spirit in them possible…. I never meant

those who merely occupied the same place but never experienced the ‘outpouring of the spirit’ themselves.... The latter

cannot assume that My Words were addressed to them and consequently will not be able ‘to forgive or to retain sins’


Consider the senseless distortion of My Words that was caused by a doctrine as it is offered to people today…. that people

feel destined to forgive or not to forgive their fellow human beings’ sins…. people, who lack all spiritual maturity, which

would reveal itself in the obvious ‘working of the spirit’…. My spirit can only seldom express itself obviously because it

requires profound love and a living faith to do so…. But thousands and thousands are ‘forgiving sins’.... and believe that

they received the authorisation for it from Me. Yet where My spirit is working they try to prevent it, where pure truth is

attempting to bring clarification, the working of Satan is insinuated, which proves again that spiritual blindness rules where

humanity is looking for salvation. But the darkness is already too dense for a light to be accepted, and thus only love can be

preached to people, for only love will kindle a light, and only a person aglow with love recognises the truth and recoils

from such misguided teachings.


Without love every Word is futile, it is not understood and its meaning is only ever twisted…. Only love results in the

enlightenment of spirit and understanding of My Word.... And only when you become true disciples through love can you

consider yourselves the successors of those disciples, then your spirit will be enlightened and you can assure truly

remorseful sinners that their sins are forgiven, because then you know that I Myself will take care of every sinner and

forgive everyone who comes to the cross repentantly and in awareness of his guilt…. And truly, I will also heal their

physical afflictions, I will give the spiritually awakened servants great strength and thus My Word will fulfil itself ‘Whose

soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained....’ For it is My spirit

that works in them…. Amen


B.D. 6717


‘Instituted words’ for the Last Supper.... (‘This do in remembrance of Me’)

(Luke 22:19)

You will often be asked questions which you should answer truthfully, and then you always have to ask Me to instruct you

through My spirit, to give you the right thoughts, so that you say the right words when it is requested of you. But since I

want people to receive the truth I will always enlighten My bearers of light, I will not allow them to accept misguided

mental concepts, I will always support their strength and will of resistance and increase their feeling for the pure truth and

thus they will also always be ready to solve problems which can lead to differences of opinion and spiritual debates.

Everything is known to Me and every doubting or questioning thought is obvious to Me, for this reason I repeatedly give

people on earth and even the souls in the beyond the opportunity to voice every question of doubt in order to answer them

truthfully. Because far more questions of that nature are posed in the spiritual kingdom than on earth, where people are still

too distracted by earthly thoughts and objectives and frequently do not allow such thoughts to bother them.

But at the same time they are also frequently the cause of the immense spiritual decline, because error is rejected by

thinking people and thereby every religious doctrine is also frequently rejected…. thus error can lead to total disbelief. Yet

truth can make such doubters thoughtful, they can even regain their faith if they are of good will.... Hence it is of particular

importance to keep explaining the ‘instituted words for the Lord’s Supper’, which are used by you humans as a reason to

portray a publicly visible ceremony as My will, the disregard of which you denounce as a punishable omission, and now

have completely lost the meaning of My Words…. So now one person eagerly follows the humanly decreed instructions

and customs while the other realises that they are worthless and then completely repeals My Words, whose meaning

nevertheless are, were and will remain very meaningful, because I used these Words to remind you humans to establish the

heartfelt union with Me, which is the meaning and purpose of your earthly life…. Because only by way of this intimate

union will you enable yourselves to receive light and strength in the form of My Word from Me, which help you towards

perfection. You humans believe that you can form a close relationship with Me by a purely external process, by the

acceptance of bread and wine which you regard as ‘My flesh and My blood’…. Thus time and again this wrong idea has to

be corrected....

I cannot enter into unity with you until you have shaped yourselves into love.... Only love establishes the union with Me,

and only then can I take supper with you, I can satisfy you with the bread of heaven, with My Word, with My flesh and My

blood.... My instituted Words ‘This do in remembrance of Me’ were a request that My disciples should give in the same

way as I had given them, because what I gave them…. bread and wine…. they had received abundantly from Me, for I

taught them and gave them knowledge. I had offered them My Word in all fullness and now they were meant to spread My

Gospel throughout the world.... They were to pass on My Word so that people would receive knowledge of Me, so that

they would not forget about Me, because humanity had to be informed of Me and My act of Salvation as it could only

attain beatitude through its faith in Me…. Hence by way of these instituted Words ‘This do in remembrance of Me’ I gave

My disciples the direct task of offering their fellow human beings My Word, the bread of life, the manna, which comes

from heaven…. And as a sign of the urgently required spiritual food by people I offered them earthly bread and earthly


My disciples, however, understood Me because I often spoke in parables to them since My spirit enabled them to

understand it. I handed the bread to them with the Words ‘This is My flesh’, and I let them drink the wine with the Words

‘This is My blood….’ and meant by this My Word with its strength, because I Myself Am the Word that became flesh for

you humans….

The significance of taking supper with Me, of being nourished by Me Myself with My Word which alone is the right food

for the soul, which helps the soul to come alive, has been completely misinterpreted by people who were satisfied by

merely walking to the table of the Lord figuratively. With such external actions they can never induce Me to unite with

them if the first requirement, that the person shapes himself into love, has not been met. Secondly, the human being has to

desire with all his heart to hear My Word, only then will he desire to be fed, and only then can he be offered nourishment


for his soul. Then you ‘eat My flesh and drink My blood’.... The Word that became flesh gives Itself to him, and then food

for his soul will flow to him in abundance, because his hunger and thirst will then be satisfied at My table, he will be My

guest, and I Myself will take supper with him, as I have promised….

When I descended to earth ‘the Word Itself’ came to earth.... I brought to people what they urgently needed, and because I

only lived on earth for a limited time I trained My disciples Myself by revealing Myself to them through the Word and

giving them the office to convey My Word to people on My behalf. By living in accordance with My Word people would

get into a position to enter into closest contact with Me and desire from Me the bread from heaven…. flesh and blood are

something alive, and only something alive can awaken your dead souls…. Even My Word can be mere dead letters to you,

and then it will not be able to bring you to life…. Only when you enjoy My flesh and blood.... only when you allow

yourselves to be refreshed by Me at My table, will you feel the life and the strength of what I offer you Myself, and then

you will eat My flesh and drink My blood, and you will recover and live eternally.

But the significance you humans have ascribed to My Words cannot satisfy any thoughtful person who is seriously striving

for truth, for it causes confusion and darkness, it gives no light…. The compliance with external formalities will not result

in spiritual progress. But where heartfelt love for Me and other people has created the conditions, the connection with Me

will be established and the process of communion need not be an empty formality any longer, because then I Myself will

give nourishment to the soul, and because it will now be revitalised by My Word which will give it consciousness of life….

because My flesh and My blood will be enjoyed in truth by the person with whom I can take true Communion…. Amen


B.D. 6796


‘Whoever remains in love....’ Strange gods.... (1 John 4:16)

Whatever causes you to form a bond with Me is a blessing for you humans, because the goal of your earthly life is to

revoke your separation from Me which you once voluntarily endeavoured towards yourselves …. thus uniting with Me

again of your own free will. And whatever helps you to do so is therefore good…. Hence the will to reach Me is decisive

for achieving your goal on earth, and this determination also includes that you live a way of life that is pleasing to Me, for

being of sincere will you will never want to sadden Me again, you will never delight in sin if your will and your love are

intended for Me. But the connection with Me can only be achieved by practising love, because where love exists I Am

present Myself. ‘Whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him….’ Without love there can be no bond with

Me, no matter how loudly and eagerly the mouth would like to affirm its will for Me. Only love is the evidence of this, for

love and I are the same, and acknowledging Me and fulfilling My will is the same as working with love…. You humans

should know that no-one can and will approach Me if he lives without love…. Only love connects us, and love

demonstrates the rejection of My adversary and return to Me.... With your fall into the abyss you turned away from Me and

rejected My love, thus you also became completely heartless. Your change of will on earth therefore has to consist of your

desire to be illuminated by Me again and of igniting love in yourselves again which will unite you with Me once more. The

more sincere your determination, the more you will think of Me, of your God and Creator of eternity, Who wants to be

recognised and loved by you as a Father. And soon your thoughts will be engrossed in Me, for then I will not leave you

again, I will not release you anymore, I will constantly court your love because love is the most solid bond between us

which cannot be undone again by any hostile power.

I want to own all your love.... you shall not have any other gods beside Me…. you should not strive for anything else with

the same love, for whatever you endeavour or love in your innermost being that is your God…. irrespective of whether it

concerns honour and fame, earthly possessions or even the people you love…. You must not value anything more than Me,

I want to be to you the highest and most desirable Being in heaven and on earth. I want your whole heart, and as long as

you still share it, the bond with Me is not yet established, for whatever fills your heart stands between Me and you….

Every person’s will is free, he can turn wherever he wants, but the goal on earth will only have been accomplished when he

turns to Me. But there is great danger in the fact that the human being considers many things desirable and that My

adversary places everything before his eyes to prevent him from forming this heartfelt bond with Me…. and that he also

brings additional gods close to the person just to divert his thoughts from Me, for they are all strange gods permeating a

person’s thoughts if I Myself Am not the essence of his innermost thoughts…. Therefore you humans should seriously

scrutinise who or what moves you most, you should ask yourselves whether you are as close to Me as a child is to its

father, whether the connection with Me is your first and only goal.... and you should push everything from your thoughts

which stands between Me and you, you should give Me first place in your heart and make no concessions whatsoever. For

your return to Me can only take place through the unification with Me, and you have to seek and find this of your own free

will, because no-one else can establish it on your behalf…. Amen


B.D. 6877


‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect…’ (Matthew 5:48)

You were granted a length of time for your salvation, and this time is fully sufficient for you to liberate yourselves and

enter the kingdom of light after the death of your body, providing you make correct use of it and avail yourselves of all

blessings which are at your disposal throughout this time. I truly do not expect the impossible of you, and My Words ‘Be

ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect…’ would be unjustified were it difficult or

impossible to attain perfection on earth. Nevertheless, it requires your will to reach the goal on account of which you live

on earth…. Your will is free, and this alone determines which degree of maturity your soul has attained at the end of your

life on earth. Even though unlimited blessings are at your disposal you must use them of your own free will, since they do

not compel you in any way, instead they simply remain ineffective if they are not gladly and gratefully accepted. This flow

of grace is available to all people…. thus all people can attain perfection on earth. And so no-one is more disadvantaged

than another person, no-one is privileged to receive a greater measure of blessings. But one person can certainly unearth

the great treasure of grace, whilst another can disregard it and move on…. The acceptance and use of blessings does not

depends on a person’s fate, on his circumstances or his worldly sphere of activity, for every human being has the

opportunity to accept an unlimited measure of blessings, since it is merely a matter of soul, a matter of free will, because

no earthly power or no earthly living conditions can force a person to forgo spiritual wealth providing the person is willing

to make mental contact with Me and appeals to Me for grace and strength. For this is conveyed to him by Me at the

exclusion of earthly obstacles. These are possessions which are imparted to the soul and can be received by every person to

the same extent. It merely depends on the direction of the human being’s will, and the direction of his will is not enforced

by any side.

At the start of its embodiment as a human being the soul is indeed enclosed by thick layers which prevent the penetration

of light, but a tiny spark nevertheless shines within which influences it to think and want in a benign way…. If it complies

with this influence it will become increasingly more enlightened within; if it ignores it, it will already have rejected a

blessing for, especially at the beginning of its embodiment, it is accompanied by spiritual guardians, regardless of the

human being’s circumstances. They will not exert force either; nevertheless, the person can turn towards that which is

good, because these spiritual guardians will prevent evil influence from enslaving the will. And as soon as the human being

can think for himself, he also has the ability to differentiate between good and bad, because he will be affected in the same

way by the results of other people’s good and bad actions. Even if external circumstances were to force him into bad

actions, his innermost will can resist it…. and this will therefore shapes the human being. However, a good will always

accepts blessings, and these flow to it truly without restriction. Consequently, every soul has the opportunity to completely

discard its layers during the time at its disposal. It can attain perfection, for every weakness can be balanced out by

blessings, providing the human being is willing to make use of the treasure of grace at his disposal, for the latter was

gained by Jesus Christ through His death at the cross, so no-one needs to remain weak, no-one is hopelessly exposed to My

adversary…. every person can become blessed by grace…. He need only turn his free will towards the divine Redeemer;

as long he is still unenlightened and therefore has no knowledge or realisation, he must comply with the inspiration from

the indwelling spiritual spark which urges him into good intentions and actions. Only then will he make use of the great

treasure of grace and he will also always be receptive to the influx of blessings which will never cease as long as the

human being lives on earth, but it will always require free will in order to let it take effect, in which case, however, the

attainment of the goal of becoming perfect will be guaranteed. Amen


B.D. 6968


‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God….’ (Matthew 6:33)

Only that which helps your soul to attain full maturity can be beneficial for you. If only you always strove towards that

which is useful for your soul then I would also take appropriate care of your body, for I gave you the assurance that I will

look after you like the birds in the sky and the flowers in the field. You would truly not need to worry about ‘tomorrow’ if

you considered your soul’s salvation paramount, if you sincerely sought Me and My kingdom. But you humans have

forgotten what is most important, your thoughts are fully and completely occupied with the world, with your body’s well-

being, and thus you are burdened by worries and problems, you let yourselves ever more increasingly be diverted from

your actual task on earth, you pay constantly more attention to the world and only create and work for your transient part

and don’t consider your soul. For you don’t believe My Words that I will add everything unto you if you first seek My

kingdom and its righteousness…. You don’t take these Words seriously and therefore don’t test their truthfulness either.

But I have only given you earthly life so that your soul should mature, for the body will perish, but the soul will exist

forever. And the soul should…. not being entirely capable of living…. attain life on earth. This awakening into life should

be brought about by you. That is the purpose of your existence as a human being…. and in order that you will be able to

accomplish your purpose, you will be supported by Me in every way…. Excessive worry about your body should not

hinder the work of improving your soul, for this reason I take care of the former as long as you regard your actual task as

more important, as soon as you ‘seek My kingdom and its righteousness’. Then you will truly not lack anything, you will

be taken care of both physically and spiritually, for I look after your body as well as after your soul and I will provide

abundantly, because I love you and want to win your love as well.

However, people remain permanently burdened because they don’t give credence to My Words nor do they try to procure

the evidence of the truth, on the contrary, they completely ignore the soul’s life because they neither strive to reach Me and

My kingdom nor want to help their souls to attain a more bearable state. For they have no faith in Me…. Therefore they

often have to endure severe suffering; they must go through physical hardship because they don’t believe in My promise

and faithfully wait for My help, because the well-being of their soul is not their priority and therefore they won’t let Me

Myself as a Father take care of His children. A little more faith in My Word could manage to achieve a considerable

change in people’s spiritual state, for as soon as people seriously strive towards Me and My kingdom, they would also keep

My easy commandments of love, they would treat their neighbour with love and thus live completely righteously and

remain within the divine order. In that case they would already have taken possession of My kingdom and accepted Me,

because love would drive them to Me…. I would be able to provide them with everything they need for body and soul, for

both physical as well as spiritual possessions could be given to them, as I have promised. Nevertheless, no-one will be

forced to believe, but the Word of the Gospel will be recited to everyone ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his

righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you….’ And every person can spend serious thoughts on this Word;

he can make his earthly life easier for himself if he trusts in Me and My Word. First I expect his dedication to Me, which I

will then reward him by taking care of his earthly worries, since he will now be a true aspirant for My kingdom. But as

long as the human being regards his physical well-being of greater importance than his psychological development he will

barely find time to consider his soul, for the body’s demands will increase and discard every silent admonition on part of

the soul, and the soul will go short and be badly withered at the end of its life on this earth…. for it was unable to gather

riches, since the body took precedence. But regardless of what earthly wealth a person has attained and acquired…. he

must leave it all behind when the hour of death arrives. The soul, however, will enter the kingdom of the beyond in a bare

and deprived state, because the human being had neglected to do in his earthly life what is most important: to seek the

kingdom of God and His righteousness…. Amen


B.D. 7006


(Ephesians).... Predestination....

You are all chosen to become sanctified, however, you decide the time yourselves when the kingdom of light can receive

you. Thus the being can indeed endeavour to return to the abyss time after time, and it can prolong its path of return to Me

endlessly, it can certainly remain eternally in a pitiful state, at a distance from Me which it cannot bridge with its own

strength, and hence one could call it a kind of damnation, but this has not been inflicted on the being by My will, rather it

was its own will to throw itself into this state.… Nevertheless, even the darkest being will come to the light one day, and

even My adversary will eventually find himself in the light of My sun of love again, and My ray of love will fill him with

immeasurable joy.… But it will take an eternity yet before he abandons his resistance to Me. And hence there will also be

beings who will repeatedly hand themselves over to his force, whose resistance to Me does not falter and who are therefore

eternally wretched, albeit they will always have the opportunity to take hold of My hand which will draw them home into

the Father’s house. And I know the fate of every soul, yet it constantly receives My grace, and during the stage of human

being I shall always withdraw My will, so that its will can make an entirely free decision.

For this reason it is wrong to say that a soul’s fate is destined by Me for blissfulness or damnation.… It is wrong, because I

Myself want to draw all human beings to Me and for this very reason have died on the cross for all people. The fact that I

know the fate of every single soul does not mean that I determine its will.… If it was up to My will alone, all souls would

truly have returned into their Father’s house already, since the power and strength for this is certainly at My disposal. Thus

I could never have destined a human soul for damnation.... It would never ‘please’ Me to plunge a soul into perdition again,

because I Am Love Itself.…

Only an unenlightened spirit can understand the words of the Gospel so wrongly, and only an unenlightened spirit can

interpret them such that I Myself choose or abandon souls to become blessed or condemned. You humans are entirely free

to decide as you wish, and thus you also create your own fate after the death of your body. You can be blissfully happy

without limitation, but you can also create the fate of damnation for yourselves, because I do not force you in any way, just

as you cannot be forced by My adversary… no matter how powerful he is.… But during your lifetime on earth you have

indeed unlimited blessings at your disposal which I have acquired for you by My death on the cross. Therefore you need

not be helpless.... Nevertheless, only your freedom of will determines your thoughts, will and actions, and you certainly

would not have free will if your fate after your death had already been predetermined by Me.

You are all called... but the fact that only few are chosen is entirely due to the free will of the human being, and not

because of randomly given blessings. This misguided opinion must continuously be refuted, since it causes a paralysing

effect on many people, who then do not have the blissful certainty that they can reach their goal on earth, and who

consequently only strive half-heartedly. You must always remember that I Am a God of love, wisdom and power...

and a doctrine which calls any of these into question is misguided.… But how can you reconcile My love with the teaching

that I bless or condemn according to ‘My pleasure’? Therefore you should seriously endeavour not to postpone the hour of

your salvation, because you yourselves determine the time of your return to Me, when I can re-admit you into your Father’s

house.… Amen


B.D. 7031


‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth.…’ (Matthew 28:18)

‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth.…’, I was certainly entitled to say these words when I lived on earth,

because it was My Father, Who was within Me, Who had given this power to Me, with Whom I had become as one and

Who thus had so completely permeated Me so that He Himself worked within and through Me. And this power stayed with

Me even after My life on earth, because only My earthly cover was something ‘human’ before My ascension, but

everything within It was God, Who had merely made Himself visible in Jesus Christ to all His beings.

Hence it was indeed Jesus the ‘human being’ who said the words ‘All power is given unto Me.…’ but it was the Deity

within this human Who Himself had the power at His disposal. Consequently I could describe Myself to be He Who had all

power in heaven and on earth.… because there was no distinction between Me, the eternal creative Spirit, and the One,

Who had received Me within Himself.… And I will not surrender this power to any being but Myself, because it is part of

My fundamental nature which is love, wisdom and omnipotence in itself.… Anyone who understands this therefore also

knows that only My will reigns, and thus there can only be representatives of My will or beings who oppose it.… the first

govern with Me, so to speak, while the latter have to be governed. However, although My will and My power will not ever

diminish, I do not always use both but occasionally also allow the will which still opposes Me to take effect, but only

within a certain limit, in order to make it clear Whose power is unlimited. Because only My power safeguards the existence

as well as the progress and the opportunity of achievement, while opposing actions.… were they not stopped in time.…

would denote total destruction.

Thus the power is given to Me .... this should be an indication as to Whom you should turn to, Who alone can grant you

everything, Whom you should confide in when you need a powerful protector and helper… It is not the God in the distance

Who will bestow this help upon you but only the divine Saviour Jesus Christ has total power, because the eternal Deity, the

Spirit of eternity, was embodied in Him, and because you do not enter into contact with ‘God’ until you have entered into

contact with ‘Jesus Christ’, because you do not acknowledge Me Myself until you call upon Me in Jesus Christ, because

there is no God more powerful than Jesus Christ. And hence there is only One Who governs the entire universe, Who is in

charge of all creations, Who instructs countless beings to take care of these creations, and Who arranges everything in

accordance with His eternal plan of Salvation.

They take their instructions from Me Myself, they receive the necessary strength for their activity from Me Myself, and I

Myself direct everything in keeping with My love and wisdom. And no being who is responsible for the upkeep and care of

the infinitely many works of creation will ever act contrary to My will. My will passes through them because they are

perfect beings who are consummated by My love, enlightened by My wisdom and permeated with My strength, and thus

they are forever merely the executives of My will. But when My will temporarily withdraws, immature beings who are still

opposed to Me press ahead and indeed work against Me, but always under My control so that they will be tamed by My

will when I deem it necessary, because only One reigns in heaven and on earth.… Only One has all the power at His

disposal.… All the beings of light and of darkness have to bow to Him.… Because My power is limitless and will remain

so eternally.… Amen


B.D. 7057


‘I bestow My grace upon the humble….’ (2 Corinthians 12:7-11; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5)

My strength is made perfect in weakness …. But that does not mean that a person’s faith may be weak, instead, it entirely

concerns the humility of heart, so that a person recognises himself as weak and unworthy and acknowledges it before Me

and that he appeals to Me for grace, which then will also flow to him in abundance. My spirit can only work in a genuinely

humble person, for he will entirely hand himself over to Me, he does not request anything for himself but leaves it to Me to

decide what I will give to him. And a truly humble person will indeed receive an abundance of blessings. He will make use

of them and also be lovingly active of his own accord, because the side-effect of true humility is that it kindles heartfelt

love for Me and his neighbour. A humble person has already released himself from My adversary’s dominion whose

fundamental characteristic is arrogance. Hence he will solely regard coming closer to Me as worth striving for and such

desire will be supported on My part…. in other Words: the spiritual spark in the human being strives to unite with its

eternal Father-Spirit, thus I can also pour out My spirit upon it. However, My spirit can never work where My adversary’s

characteristic of pride can still be found. For this would simultaneously mean My co-operation with him…. A person must

have entered into humility before I can become effective in him…. But what is to be understood by true humility?....

True humility need not be visible to any person through external conduct, through facial expressions or outward behaviour

towards his fellow human beings, I solely look upon the humility of heart, the inner admission of weakness and sinfulness,

the inner acknowledgment of the being’s unworthiness towards his God and Creator and thus also the admission of his

guilt as a result of the past sin of apostasy. All beings had certainly once been in My image and, as their Creator, their

radiant beauty gladdened Me …. But they did not remain as they had been…. their whole nature changed into the opposite

and in this state they were no longer able to exist before My eyes. But in their delusion they even rebelled against Me,

because they had adopted My adversary’s nature, who was exceedingly proud. The return to Me is therefore not possible

until the being has discarded its arrogance, until it has changed it into deepest humility, until it recognises its immense

depravity and the vast distance from Me and subsequently stretches its hands longingly out to Me for mercy. Then I will

truly not hesitate for long, I will take hold of its hands and draw the being close to Me, for in its humility it becomes My

child, which the Father lovingly draws to His heart and then showers it with evidence of His love, with an abundance of

blessings…. which He can also illuminate again with His spirit. Then the strength of the spirit will be able to manifest itself

clearly, the person will demonstrate gifts which are seemingly supernatural but which are, in fact, only the being’s original

characteristics without which a perfect being is unthinkable: The person will be full of light and strength, that is, he will

dispose of extraordinary knowledge as well as of abilities which a person otherwise does not possess. However, despite his

obvious bond with God he will nevertheless remain profoundly humble, for humility is a divine characteristic which

merely changed into the opposite as a result of the fall. And so you humans will also always have to strive for true humility

if you want My spirit to become effective in you as well, for anyone who still harbours a spark of arrogance in him has not

yet released himself from My adversary, and the latter will make a constant effort to keep him enchained. And the world

offers him many opportunities for this, so that a person will seek increasingly more fame and honour and look down on

everything that is small and lowly. But this is also definite proof of his adherence to the adversary, whom you humans

should not ignore and beware of such inner attitudes, which are truly still far removed from true humility. Nevertheless, if

you want Me Myself to be powerful in you, you must also become conscious of your weakness, for I only bestow My grace

upon the humble…. Amen


B.D. 7075


‘Where two or three are gathered….’ (Matthew 18:20)

Wherever two or three are gathered in My name, there Am I in the midst of them., for every heartfelt thought of Me draws

Me near to you, and therefore you can always be certain of My presence if you make Me Myself the subject of your

conversations and thoughts. But as soon as I Am present you will also be spiritually illuminated by Me, thus you must also

always derive a blessing from it which will be beneficially felt by your soul. And thus you should often gather in My name

in order to partake of this blessing, for you constantly need My gift of strength which shall help your soul to progress.

Admittedly, every individual person can also seek heartfelt union with Me by handing himself over to Me in thought and

thus likewise receive strength in abundance, yet every spiritual conversation is blessed since many souls in the beyond can

participate as well and, in turn, spiritually advance themselves. Besides, it also enables Me to intervene in such

conversations by steering your thoughts toward questions which occupy the mind of people and the souls in the beyond,

which shall be answered to them. You should gather in My name, for by doing so you also prove your love for Me, because

every person tries to associate with the object of his love…. People only rarely have the need to exchange their views in

spiritual debates; on the contrary, they anxiously avoid displaying their inner attitude…. Spiritual conversations rarely take

place, and even less often will people meet for this purpose. And thus they also deny themselves the blessing which they

could gain from such meetings. Yet on the other hand they believe that they comply with their spiritual duty in public

meetings…. They fail to consider My Words ‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the

midst of them….’ For these Words should make all those people reconsider in cases where they believe themselves to have

sufficiently addressed their spiritual task by taking part in a ‘church service’ where a person can also easily ponder other

more worldly thoughts and where a dedication to Me or a heartfelt bond with Me cannot be spoken of. Time and again I

must point out to people that I only value a living faith, that I Am not satisfied with Pseudo-Christendom…. Time and

again I must emphasise that I desire to be in contact with every individual person, but that this contact must also be

established by every individual person, which he can certainly establish at any time and in any place if this is his serious

will and heartfelt desire…. Then he will noticeably feel My blessing, and he will feel urged to seek contact with his fellow

human beings, precisely in order to discuss what moves him so strongly…. because My presence impels him to speak

regardless of what happens, because spiritually striving people who are full of love for Me will always gather for spiritual

exchanges. This promise of Mine should also encourage you to test the strength of My name, for if you have faith you will

also know that you, in your contact with Me, will also have strength at your disposal which you can use again for the

benefit of your fellow human beings…. As yet your faith is weak, but time and again I remind you humans of My Words,

and if you think about them seriously you will give even more significance to this promise; you will know that I Myself

can work through you if you allow My working through the strength of your faith. For where I Am present there are no

limits to My power…. providing that you don’t draw limits yourselves through your very weak faith. However, I will bless

you so that your strength will grow stronger through these Words of Mine ‘Where two or three are gathered together in My

name, there Am I in the midst of them….’ And where I Am My spirit can work and My love, wisdom and power can be

revealed…. Amen


B.D. 7225


‘I will shorten your days....‘ (Matthew 24:22; Mark 13:20)

The time still granted to you until the end gets ever shorter according to My promise ‘And except that those days should be

shortened, there should be no flesh saved: but for the sake of My Own those days shall be shortened….’ so that they will

not be forced to go down on their knees before him who remains My enemy and opponent until the end. For he will still

cause you serious problems and you will still need much strength in order to resist him. And yet you need not fear this time

regardless of the menacing actions he will take against you. He will not reach his goal, for I will protect My Own from

falling into his hands. However, they themselves will thank Me for every day without his influence, just as they will also be

eternally grateful to Me once I put an end to his activity and put him into chains once again.... The time until the end will

seem like a dream to you, that’s how soon it will pass…. certainly often alarming yet then shadowy-like again because a

host of spiritual beings of light will surround and protect you and direct everything in a way that it will be bearable for you.

Nevertheless, great caution has to be taken for he is utterly evil-minded because the end is approaching. What you don’t

consider possible will still happen due to his influence, for many people in the world are willingly at his service and

therefore will also turn against you due to his stimulus.

However, don’t fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul…. Don’t fear any danger at all because I Am

with you and assure you My protection. And regardless of what will happen you will be able to endure because I will give

you the strength, because I will make sure that it will not affect you too harshly, that you will persevere and emerge

victoriously from the battle against him. But it will remain a battle, I keep telling you time and again so that you will not

distance yourselves from Me but join Me ever more and in My proximity remain unassailable for the enemy. And anyone

who joins Me so closely that he will always feel My presence need no longer fear anything, for due to the strength he

receives from Me he will be superior to him…. The time is approaching the end.... And the days will fly by ever more

rapidly, which you will also become ever more conscious of…. but then you will also know that you belong to My Own,

for Whom I will shorten the days for your own sakes. Let yourselves be addressed by Me ever more frequently, don’t

become half-hearted and sluggish in your work for Me and My kingdom, for you will draw much strength from it, you will

receive as you give, and a lot more spiritual nourishment needs to be given so that it will flow to everyone who desires it

and accepts it through My Word. This is why you, My labourers in My vineyard on earth, should be constantly working

and always know that not much time will be left…. You should take the Words seriously ‘I will shorten the days for the

sake of My elect….’The end will arrive sooner than you think, and you should all fortify yourselves for the time prior to it

and commend yourselves to Me and My protection. And the end will come like a thief in the night…. and I will fetch those

whom I do not find asleep away from Satan’s place, and all their suffering will be over for them…. Amen


B.D. 7249


‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’ (Luke 6:38)

You shall receive a good measure.... The measure you give to your neighbour shall be the measure you receive again,

according to My promise. My love constantly wants to give and make you happy, My love wants to provide for you in

abundance, but love can simply only join love, therefore, if I want to bestow happiness upon you, you must do the same,

you must want to give and make those people happy in your environment who want to accept your love. I cannot give love

to a person with a heart of stone, who is not lovingly active and therefore neither deserves love nor wants to be made happy

himself…. But wherever I recognise love I give without restriction, and My gifts are truly not scanty. And if I then see the

effort My children make to please each other, if I see that they try to alleviate hardship, that they are willing to give to a

needy fellow human being, then I Am truly also willing to consider a friendly giver because of My love for him. The

measure you give will be the measure you receive again. But it should not be understood that you only do such works

calculatingly in order to receive again in return…. Only true unselfishness, the urging of the heart to please, is valid before

My eyes. And to the same extent I will also shine My love upon the person who only lets his love speak when he gives

whatever it may be. All possessions are included in this promise of Mine, earthly as well as spiritual ones…. and likewise I

will consider the giver in an earthly and spiritual way. For both the fellow human being as well as the lovingly active

person require earthly and spiritual possessions during their earthly life, yet more attention should be given to spiritual

possessions, for these alone ensure the soul’s salvation, and anyone who considers the salvation of his soul first need not

worry about the preservation of his earthly life. Here, too, he will receive from Me depending on his conduct towards his

neighbour. And so you can receive without limitation, both spiritually as well as earthly, if only you always remember My

promise ‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’

You need never fear to go short yourselves if you overexert yourselves…. I don’t count the cost, I give to you

‘unmeasured’, that is, according to the love you imparted with your gifts. And truly, you will not be disadvantaged even if

you relinquish without qualms what you might possibly need yourselves. You will not go without and be able to gather a

rich harvest again, because My love knows no bounds either when it wants to make you happy. For this reason, no hardship

need exist on earth if you all bore My promise in mind, for you would help each other and I would help you, whenever the

need arises. But anyone who anxiously calculates as not to disadvantage himself by helping another person will not gain

many blessings, for his love and trust in Me is still very small, nevertheless, I have to demand both in order to be able to

give and to make him happy without restriction. You have a Father Who only ever wants to give joy to His children, but

He wants His children to be of the same spirit, so that they, too, would like to please and that everything done by a child is

expressing love. Then My love can be so evidently directed towards the children that it gives and causes joy without

measure and goal, so that the children recognise their Father in His gifts and love Him with such depth of feeling that it

impels the child towards the Father in order to join Him forever, in order to be and to remain His Own for all eternity….



B.D. 7359


‘The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....’ (Matthew 11:12; Luke 16:16)

Remember, you humans, that you only live for a short time on this earth but that your soul, which is your real Self, is

everlasting, and then it will also be understandable to you that you must provide for your well-being in eternity and not for

the short time of earthly life, which can end even faster than you would naturally assume. For not one of you can be certain

that he will live to see the next day and everyone must take into account the thought that they might be suddenly recalled

from this earth one day. If you seriously thought about it you would also become conscious of the great responsibility you

have taken upon your soul, thus for yourselves, during this short time of your life on earth. And you would ask yourselves

how much you have done already for your soul’s benefit…. For this is a question you should really seriously asks

yourselves for once, it would truly only be a blessing for you if you thought about this for a little while. You can create

incomparable riches for your soul if only you are of good will; you need only ever make an effort to live a life of love, to

love God above all else and to consider your neighbour like a brother and help him when he is in trouble…. Nothing more

is expected of you from God than this love for Him and your neighbour. And if your will is good then you should ask

yourselves to what extent you comply with God’s will in your daily life and you will still discover a lot that is not

according to God’s will if you look at your way of life critically and honestly.

For the human being still loves too selfishly, he loves himself more than his neighbour and yet he should give the same

love to him that he grants to himself. And that requires a person’s firm will, the will to attain perfection and to submit

himself to God’s will. But the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and only the violent take it by force.... The will must be

strong and assert itself, then the human being uses force in order to attain the kingdom of heaven.... But then again, Jesus

gave people the promise ‘My yoke is easy, and My burden is light....’ And that, too, is right, since a person who is willing

to love will find it easy to fulfil God’s commandments, he need not use a lot of force, because love is in him and love is

strength, so that he will acquire the kingdom of heaven for certain, because he no longer lacks firmness of will through his

life of love.... And just for once you should seriously think about the extent to which you still have to use ‘force’ or

whether it has already become your nature to help your neighbour with love as a matter of fact.... In that case you will also

know what you require, for then you will first have to appeal to God for strength in order to be able to comply with his

requirements, because it is still difficult for you.... However, you will receive it, and what initially is a great effort becomes

easy and will no longer be experienced by you as a burden.... You will not be under a yoke which you deem difficult to

bear. You will not experience a burden because through love you will constantly receive strength from God and then easily

attain maturity of soul, which it needs to live the real life in light and strength and beatitude.... But prior to this you must

give account to yourselves so that the hour of death will not take you by surprise and your soul will not have to enter the

kingdom of the beyond in a poor and wretched state.... For no-one will know when his hour has come.... Amen


B.D. 7361


‘The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....’ II. (Matthew 11:12; Luke 16:16)

Much is expected of those who are still too attached to the world, they truly must use violence in order to acquire the

kingdom of heaven, for due to their various weaknesses and cravings they are chained to the one who is lord of this world.

If they want to release themselves they need a strong will to take a different path. It is therefore not an easy intention for a

downright worldly person.... He needs help to do so; he needs the support of a Power which opposes the lord of the world,

which is capable of releasing him from the control of the former. Hence he needs help from Jesus Christ, Who alone has

this power and can snatch the human being from the adversary.... The more captivated a person is by the world the greater

is the adversary’s power over him, and this person truly has to fight against the temptations and attractions of this world.

And this battle is not an easy one and neither would a person succeed, but as soon as he has resolved to release himself the

thought will not leave him again, for then God Himself will intervene and try to exert His influence in every way without,

however, forcing the person into changing his way of life. But once the thought of renouncing the world for the sake of a

higher goal has arisen in a person, his thoughts will occupy themselves with God and His will increasingly more, he will

also remember the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and may receive a strengthening of will from His side, depending on his

own will and its inclination. Then the severity of the battle against worldly temptation will ease but the kingdom of heaven

will come ever closer, because the person will have taken up the fight against the ruler of the world and he will begin to

become captivated by the kingdom which is ‘not of this world’.... ‘The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the

violent take it by force....’

These Words were said to worldly people who can only separate themselves from their previous lord by the use of force,

because for all others apply the Words ‘My yoke is easy, and My burden is light....’ In that case, however, the world, with

all its temptations, must have been overcome already, then a person will no longer feel the burden as much, he will deem

God’s wishes easy to live up to because he will already be in contact with Him and will be consciously walking the path

leading into the spiritual kingdom.... He will have already conquered the world with the result that the kingdoms will then

be exchanged.... that this world will lie behind him and the kingdom of God will rank first.... that the person will no longer

be burdened by excessive weight and will therefore be able to travel the earthly path almost unburdened.... with an easy

yoke and a light burden.... Nevertheless, this path leads to the goal, just as a violent battle against the world will let the

person reach the goal, so that he will be able to take possession of the ‘heavenly kingdom’ when he discards his physical

body and enters the spiritual realm.... For his will, which aimed towards the spiritual realm, was victorious, because he

will always be granted the strength he needs as soon as he has the serious will to take possession of the ‘heavenly

kingdom’.... And this decision must be taken in earthly life, the world must be recognised as the possession of God’s

adversary and God’s kingdom as not of this world.... Then the human being’s good will is enough in order to be granted

the strength for taking up the fight against the earthly world with all its enticements and attractions and only to strive

towards the kingdom of heaven, which certainly requires violence by someone who belongs to this earthly world but also

wants to attain life in beatitude. The earthly world, however, will never be able to grant a person eternal beatitudes, the

earthly world can only give earthly, that is, transient things which disappear when the human being dies and must leave

earthly belongings behind.... But anyone who has already turned towards the spiritual kingdom will not fear physical

death, for he knows that he cannot cease to exist, instead he will go on living in a kingdom which is incomparably more

beautiful than the earthly world and therefore it should be everyone’s goal and endeavour to acquire it as long as he lives

on Earth.... Amen


B.D. 7375


John 14, 21 ‘He that hath My commandments….’ (John 14:21)

If you keep My commandments you will love Me and I will reveal Myself to you. And I will always reveal Myself to those

who want to hear Me, I will never stay silent or leave you, because I love you and wish for nothing more dearly but to

speak to you, to communicate with you and thereby reveal Myself to you as a loving Father Who has longed for His child

ever since it deserted Me and fell away. My love for what has fallen has not diminished; hence I will do anything in order

to call it back to Me. As soon as it hears My voice, as soon as it recognises it as My voice and thus requests to be addressed

by Me it will have already started on the path of return…. it is already close to the Father’s heart, it only has to consciously

try to establish contact with Me in order to definitely enter into union with Me and thereby regain the joys which it felt in

the beginning.

Hence you, My beloved on earth, need only keep My commandments, that is, comply with My will, and you can at all

times also be assured of hearing My Words, and then an abundance of grace will be at your disposal, for My speaking to

you also signifies an influx of blessings which will help you to become perfect, to become blissfully happy, which will

make it easy for you to travel the path of return to Me and reach the goal. But how few people believe that I would like to

speak to them Myself, that they can hear Me if they wanted to, and that they only need to fulfil the conditions in order to

hear My voice within themselves. And how few people recognise the voice of the Father Who speaks to them when My

Word is conveyed to them through My messengers…. And yet, they all want to be My ‘children’ but the voice of the

‘Father’ cannot be recognised by them because they are still distant from Me, because they deem My commandments

difficult to fulfil and thus they have not yet attained the ability to hear My gentle voice within their hearts….

Nevertheless, I speak to people, and everyone can hear Me if only he believes in Me, fulfils My commandments of love for

God and his neighbour and then quietly and devoutly listens within to what I want to say to him. And he will be able to

hear Me and feel blissfully happy when the Father speaks to His child…. Amen


B.D. 7389


False Christs and prophets.... Apparitions of Mary.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

During the short time which is still left to you until the end much is yet to happen which time and again will draw your

attention to the fact that My proclamations are justified for the Scripture, that foretells what you will be able to observe if

only you take notice, will fulfil itself. And I told you ‘Pay attention to the signs which precede the near end....’, ‘For there

shall arise false Christs, and false prophets….’ The name of Jesus Christ will be misused by associating Him with

apparitions produced by My adversary in order to deceive those people who are only too quickly willing to assume a divine

origin of the manifestations. And an indication of these kinds of apparitions rests in the fact that they all originate from a

place where particular piety is being displayed, where Jesus Christ to some extent merely contributes towards the

glorification of the mother of God, thus the latter is the motive for an appearance which intends to take credit for being

divine, although Jesus Christ is mentioned and indeed acknowledged by the mother of God she nevertheless seeks more

honour and acknowledgement for herself than for the Son of God.

This is a first rate game by Satan which is so well camouflaged that it is only rarely recognised as a deceptive image by the

adversary, and which therefore is also more likely to be acknowledged than the fact that Jesus speaks to people Himself,

and as a result He is not recognised in His Word and thus rejected. The Word of God, which comes directly from above, is

not recognised by people as the Father’s voice; on the other hand they instantly accept an evil spirit manifesting himself

and don’t recognise him as a false prophet, despite the fact that his word does not correspond to the pure Word of God,

since he promises people long life and prosperity. And such words are much rather believed than My pure Word from

above, which predicts an end to the period of Salvation and constantly admonishes them to prepare themselves for the last

days. For the opposing spirit will not announce these last days, he will confuse people by promising that they still will have

happy times ahead if only they worship the mother of God, who is used by My adversary in order to conceal deceitful

prophesies behind her back, which sound more agreeable to people than the pure truth from above. The messengers of the

pure truth, however, are made out to be false Christs and false prophets, they are even denied the truth of their predictions,

for the pure truth is only desired by a few and only recognised by them as such.

But attention has already been drawn to this in the Scriptures and thus cautioned against false Christs and false prophets ….

But where, in that case, are people looking for the right prophets if they negate everything that provides them with an

insight about the events of the last days?…. They gladly hear when it is claimed that an end is questionable, when

everything is negated what is announced by God’s messengers in advance in order to warn and admonish people in the last

days. They are the false prophets who don’t want to accept the pure truth and who time and again appease people by

disputing a near end…. Even the people who regard God’s love as incompatible with the fact that he strikes earth with

unusual kinds of judgments and who therefore also try to influence their fellow human beings’ minds belong to these

wrong prophets, even if they are of good will and also strive towards good. But they lack realisation.... the knowledge,

which stage of spiritual development humanity has arrived at and why God will intervene when the deadline granted to

humanity for achieving full maturity has expired. God’s love is always at work, even if you humans cannot understand that,

and God’s love admonishes and warns people in good time and refers them to these unusual events, so that they will have

time to adjust their lives appropriately, so that they will be able to justify themselves at any time if these events suddenly

overwhelm people.

And these admonitions and warnings will always come from above, that is, God will address those people through the

spirit who are voluntarily receptive to the voice of the spirit. And thus purest truth is conveyed to earth, and these

messengers can never be regarded as false prophets, for they only pass the pure truth from God on to people. The fact that

people don’t always like these predictions nevertheless does not entitle them to discard everything as lies and errors and

attack the truth and with it the proclaimers of the truth as false prophets, humanity cannot be informed in any other way

than through the spirit of what is about to happen very soon. God Himself cannot instruct people in any other way about

the last days and the end than through His Word. Hence these proclaimers will not find credence, while belief is granted to

people who proclaim a long life in prosperity to their fellow human beings and talk about a spiritual turning point in terms

of humanity’s return to faith and to God…. They pretend to be saviours themselves, who dismiss every end time prophesy

as being anti-divine, who thus expect earthly progress together with a spiritual ascent for humanity. They harm people

insofar as that they deprive them of their accountability by claiming that the work of improving the soul is unimportant and

only ever place earthly interests into the forefront, until one day the end will come upon humanity and they will be called

to account in total immaturity…. with the result that they will not have reached the slightest degree necessary in order to

enter the kingdom of light, and the only fate open to them will be a renewed banishment into solid matter…. which is

precisely what God is trying to prevent with His predictions through seers and prophets. You humans should not spend


these last days irresponsibly, you should know that not much more time is granted to you and that you can still make good

use of this short time if you believe and are of good will…. if you listen to the prophets which time and again are sent by

God’s love to cross your path in order to save you from ruin, from the fate of a new banishment in the creations of earth….



B.D. 7421


Revelation 16, 18…. Star…. (Revelation 16:18)

A violent quake will shake the earth…. spiritually as well as physically the earth will be faced by a tremor the likes of

which will never before have been experienced by people since the start of this epoch…. But this is predicted because it is

the beginning of the end that will follow not long afterwards. There is not much time left and your attention will ever more

urgently be drawn to it, because you should still make use of every day by helping your soul to mature, for time flies and

you are approaching the very end with giant strides. And then a long night for all those who did not take advantage of the

day in order to work for the salvation of the soul will follow. For only a few will survive this last end and be allowed to

occupy the new earth, only a few will stand firm in the last battle on this earth. The signs of the end will be presented to

you humans time and again, and the last powerful sign will be the great quake. … You have already been told how it will

come about: a star will leave its orbit and with gigantic speed head for the earth…. And the fact that you are still

uninformed of it is due to the great distance this star will still have to cover before it comes into the field of view of those

who will detect it. But then the anxiety will be great, for everyone will realise the danger in which the planet ‘earth’ is in

but no-one will be able to do anything in order to ward off the danger…. And now that you know of it you should make

especially good use of this last brief period of time, for none of you know whether you will survive the event, none of you

know which part of the earth will be particularly affected and no-one should count on being spared, for it is God’s last

great wake-up call before the end which He will resound in order to find belief in this very end and still convert a few who

are not yet entirely enslaved by the adversary.

Do not consider these predictions lightly, do not let yourselves be misled by the apparent work of progress which you can

observe in the world, but understand that the shadows of destruction are already emerging, that not much time will elapse

until you receive knowledge of the approaching disaster in the form of a star which will be hurled from its orbit, because it

is God’s will that the earth shall be stricken by a tremor which shall and will be able to save people who are of good will.

There will really not be a lack of signs of the near end, but this last sign will have enormous consequences and many

people will lose their lives in the process…. And no-one will be able to turn a deaf ear, for it will be too powerful as not to

affect all people. Only the results will differ, for people will either partly revive their weak faith and hand themselves over

to God again, but partly even lose their weak faith as well and completely turn to the adversary, which will be expressed by

an increased pursuit of material possessions, mostly by dishonest means. And there will be great hardship amongst

people.... And that is when the right strength of faith will prove itself, which will signify help for every person who

faithfully entrusts himself to God. For He will help all those who want to be His Own, who even in their greatest affliction

remember the One Who alone will be able to help them. And this will be the start of the time when real vineyard work

must still be carried out in order to help all those who are still weak in spirit and who shall experience a strengthening of

their faith. For it will be followed by the time of the last battle of faith which will still require a final decision by the

believers, yet anyone who perseveres until the end will become blessed…. Amen


B.D. 7480


‘Death, where is your sting....’ (Hosea 13:14; 1 Corinthians 15:55)

And your end will be a blissful one if you die in Me, in your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, Who has promised that

you will not taste death if you have a living faith in Me.... Then I will come and take you with Me into the spiritual

kingdom, and your hour of death will just be a change of environment…. Your soul will exchange earth with the spiritual

kingdom and be indescribably happy, for all heaviness will fall away and it will trustingly follow Me with burning love,

because it will have recognised Me as its Redeemer, Who is waiting for it at the threshold to the spiritual realm. Why are

you afraid of death?.... Through My death on the cross and My resurrection I have taken the sting out of death, I have

bought you life with My blood, and this life you will then take up and never ever lose again.

As long as you live on earth you dread your hour of death…. and regardless of how it may appear to your fellow human

beings…. your faith in Me in Jesus Christ will give you a happy ending, even if it seems otherwise to your fellow men, for

I alone Am also Ruler over death, and I know to whom I can grant eternal life…. And he need not fear death and its horror

any longer, for I died the excruciating death for him, so that My Own would be spared, who follow Me and thus want to be

and have been true confessors of Jesus Christ on earth.

Take My Words seriously and believe that I Am also a Lord over death and that I can ward off all horrors from someone

who has become My Own through his faith and love. And even if his body seems to suffer.... I determine the degrees of

pain, and truly, My love will not give the person more to bear than he is able to carry and as is necessary for his soul. This

is why I was able to convincingly say ‘Death, where is your sting; hell, where is your victory….’ For I remained victorious

over the one who had brought death into the world, and I will truly let My Own have a share in this victory, which I gained

over the prince of darkness…. I will grant a happy hour of passing away to those who hold on to Me and remain faithful

even in times of struggle and of hardship, for I will also give them the strength to endure and to prove their loyalty to Me.

And the greatest victory on earth is to follow Me in firm faith until the end, and this faith will be bestowed upon you by

your love which alone brings forth a living faith.

Therefore, you who endeavour to live a life of love need not fear the hour of death, for it will only mean an entry into

another world for you, and you will gladly leave earth and exchange its domain with the kingdom of light and blissfulness.

You will cross over in peace and harmony of soul, you will not have to pass through any darkness but in a garment of light

may enter the kingdom which belongs to Me and promises you glories which you have never seen or experienced before.

For if you have found Jesus Christ He will lead you into His kingdom Himself…. into the kingdom which is not of this

world…. Amen


B.D. 7501


‘I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh….’ (Joel 2:28)

If you are being addressed by Me, My spirit will descend upon you, My eternal Father-Spirit will make contact with the

spiritual spark in you, which remains inseparably as one with Me and is merely an emanated spark which shall return to

Me, which shall repeatedly unite itself with the Father-Spirit again. If you are being addressed by Me you will be imbued

by the fire of My love, the spiritual spark in you will ignite and spring into action…. It comes alive in you according to its

fundamental element. And then a spiritual exchange can take place, that is, spiritual insights can be conveyed to the person,

for My spirit is all-knowing, there is nothing it does not know, nothing is unclear to it, it is as knowledgeable as I am and

also emanates its knowledge as I do…. It is My spirit which is speaking to you, it is not a second part of Me, it is I Myself

Who speaks Words of love and wisdom to you. For you are My once emanated strength of love, you are spirit of My spirit

and therefore also always in contact with Me because the strength of love cannot separate itself from Me, only you, as

created beings, can keep yourselves distant from Me…. but it is only a distance which exists in your consciousness which,

however, on My part cannot remain like this forever, because your fundamental element is the same as I Am: strength of

love will forever be in contact with the source of strength. And this contact becomes a reality when you hear Me, when My

spirit descends into an open vessel and thus permeates the human being so that he will be able to hear My voice. Then the

distance between the human being and Me will be repealed, he will have moved near to his God and Father again, he will

let the spiritual spark in him become a flame and this will leap back again to the fire of the Eternal Love…. The tiny spark

in the human being finds its path to Me, and the connection is also established by the human being’s will, it exists forever

and can never be broken. But it concerns the conscious contact…. This should be aspired to by the human being so that the

distance will be repealed, a person should want to be in contact with Me which then enables the working of My spirit, then

My spirit will be able to ‘pour out upon all flesh….’ And that will very evidently happen during the last days before the

end: ‘My spirit will pour upon all flesh, servants and handmaidens shall prophesy….’ For people only rarely establish the

connection with Me now, so that I must evidently manifest Myself through the spirit by choosing people for Myself who

are not opposed to Me, who prepare themselves as a receiving vessel for My spirit so that I can pour My spirit into them

and then speak through them to humanity for their benefit and spiritual advantage. It is necessary that I speak to you


You should all listen to My voice, and you should all take stock of yourselves, consider My Words, live accordingly and

thus prepare yourselves for the end which you cannot avoid because the time has come to an end. I pour out My spirit upon

all flesh…. This has been announced to humanity in advance, hence you should not find it difficult to believe in My

working of this nature…. You should realise that the time I referred to is upon you, that I will speak to you through

servants and handmaidens who, on My instructions, shall inform you through their prophetic spirit. For they will predict

future events, they will remind you of My predictions and you will be unable to deny that My spirit will pour itself out

again, that these proclaimers do not speak their own words but voice that which is revealed to them by My spirit. I need

them as mediators who are to bring My Word to you humans in all purity and clarity again, I need them to speak on My

behalf, because My Words are necessary to warn you of the dangers you are facing if you don’t take stock of yourselves

and change. For all you humans go on existing without love and thereby become slaves to My adversary…. You must

change yourselves into love, then you will take the path to Me and be saved from the downfall. But you don’t have much

time left, consequently My voice sounds ever louder, and I speak to you ever more frequently through the mouth of My

servants and prophets; I only ask of you to believe those who keep receiving the flow of My spirit because they shall speak

on My instructions…. And you will not regret having complied with their admonitions by listening to them and by merely

making an effort to live according to the Word which sounds to you from above through My servants, which is your

Father’s voice of eternity and shall also guide you back again to Me, from Whom you once came forth and distanced

yourselves of your own free will…. Heed My Word from above and know that it is the working of My spirit, that I want to

help you and therefore avail Myself of these servants and handmaidens by pouring out My spirit so that I can speak

through them to all of you…. so that you will not approach your ruin when the time has been fulfilled…. Amen


B.D. 7638


‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’ (Luke 6:38)

And you will receive the same measure you give to your neighbour.... you will receive to the same extent as you are willing

to give, you need never suffer hardship if you share your possessions with your fellow human being in need…. And I will

bless you at all times, because you will be acting according to My will by merely being lovingly active. You should know

that your reward in heaven will only be small if you only selfishly consider yourselves on earth, if you get as much out of

life as possible without considering your neighbour; in that case you will have received your reward on earth already, then

you will receive earthly possessions which are transient because you aren’t acquiring the love which can follow you into

eternity…. Yet you should give with love, the prospect of reward should never motivate you to be lovingly active, for then

true love will be missing which turns your offerings into true gifts in the first place. And you will receive the measure you

give yourselves.... You will receive in a spiritual and earthly way according to your will to give and be able to travel your

earthly path richly blessed and never suffer adversity. The reward you receive in the spiritual kingdom for your way of life

will make you very happy, for every deed of love results in light and strength in the beyond, with which you will

subsequently be able to work for your own blissful happiness…. I Myself will give to you, just as you gave to your

neighbour…. except that My gifts are boundless, that I give an abundant measure, that My love for you will reflect your

gifts a thousand fold and that you therefore will not suffer deprivation, neither on earth nor in the spiritual kingdom. Hence

you can gather immense wealth for yourselves on earth, which will follow you into eternity…. if only you always let

neighbourly love speak, if you take notice of the other person’s adversity and try to reduce it. And this adversity can be

spiritual as well as earthly…. If you ease his spiritual adversity, your spiritual gain will be great indeed, for then you will

be providing for yourselves for eternity and one day the soul will be grateful to you for what you offered it. Earthly

adversity will come to an end because the human being will not live on earth forever. Spiritual adversity, however, is

persistent and can last for an infinitely long time if the soul does not receive help to release itself from it. And since I send

you an unlimited amount of spiritual knowledge, you should also pass it on and thereby please your neighbour, who will

experience spiritual adversity for as long as he does not know the truth, as long as he has not found the path to Me and

seriously thinks about his purpose on earth. You can help him to do so, then you will truly have carried out an act of

Christian neighbourly love, for which you will be richly rewarded one day, for then you will have worked on My behalf,

you will have tried to attract your neighbour to Me and allowed Me Myself to speak through you, which will never be

without blessing for you and for your neighbour. For every person suffers adversity who has not yet actively approached

Me, and every person shall be offered the opportunity to establish a heartfelt relationship with Me, his God and Creator of

eternity…. For I want to be a Father to him and I want to be recognised by him as his Father.... and if you help him with

this and thereby return My child to Me, your work for Me and My kingdom will be blessed. And I will give to you as you

give to others, and you will never go short, neither in a spiritual nor earthly way, for your Father in Heaven grants you gifts

in abundance, because He loves you…. Amen


B.D. 7647


St. John 21: 25…. (John 14:21)

My Own will receive explanations from Me if they genuinely desire them.... My plan of eternity certainly conceals many

things from people, because unlimited knowledge is always just a sign of advanced spiritual maturity or, for that matter,

because knowledge increases as soon as love becomes more profound. And I know and have known for eternity which

degree of love people will achieve and therefore mentioned no more during My life on earth than people were able to take

in, since the understanding of most profound wisdom also depended on their degree of love. Nevertheless I mentioned

many other things which were not imparted to people…. for there were also kind-hearted people in My vicinity who were

able to absorb and understand deeper knowledge. Yet I always advocated one teaching, I conveyed the commandments of

love…. I always urged people to live a life of love. And this teaching of love is still ‘My Gospel’ today which ought to be

presented to all people of good will. For the human being’s degree of maturity entirely depends on fulfilling My

commandments of love, and the human being’s degree of realisation in turn depends on the soul’s degree of maturity. Love

guarantees truthful knowledge which can penetrate all depths. And the human being had also always received remarkable

information the more his nature transformed itself to love and desired the knowledge…. Yet not many people wanted to

know. They were usually satisfied with the knowledge handed down from person to person and which could be found in

the Book of Books.

But knowledge…. the truth from God…. is inexhaustible, it cannot be limited because I, as the most perfect Being, know

no limitation and thus do not limit a person’s knowledge either if he strives towards perfection and completely shapes

himself to love. Then he will learn things which are not written in any book, and he may penetrate divine wisdom ever

more and will never cease to be amazed…. However, it would be foolish to make such knowledge accessible to all people

through books, for it requires a high degree of spiritual maturity to comprehend it, which too few people on earth posses.

But it is possible to achieve, and this is why people should constantly be referred to My commandments of love, the

fulfilment of which can indeed enhance their soul’s maturity. And although life on earth is short, it suffices for the

attainment of a high state of maturity; and therefore every human being can depart from earth with a high degree of

realisation providing he readily fulfilled these commandments of love…. for then I will reveal Myself to him in spirit, and I

will place the right thoughts into his heart or convey to him the truth through the inner Word. And then he will exceed the

knowledge to which he was academically introduced or which he acquired through intellectual reasoning. But he will also

recognise that the Book of Books contains the truth because then he will read it with an enlightened spirit, regardless that

alterations had occurred through human intellectual thought which, however, can only be detected and rectified by an

enlightened spirit.

‘He who loves Me and keeps My commandments, to him I will come and reveal Myself ....' And I shall truly guide him

into truth and give him the right understanding for it. However, what is not absolutely necessary to know in earthly life and

what was therefore kept hidden shall, in the last days, also be disclosed to all those who want to belong to Me and to whom

I therefore reveal My eternal plan of Salvation. For they should become aware of the gravity of this time, they should know

what lies ahead of them, and they should in all kindness be admonished and warned to consider the end and to prepare

themselves for it…. And this is why knowledge is conveyed to people which they, depending on their degree of love, will

either accept or reject…. They are not forced to accept it but they should think about it.... they should, because they no

longer take any notice of the Book of Books, nevertheless receive My Word, which only teaches love again, but which

provides people with a deeper insight into My plan of Salvation because the time of the end has come.

Now I can present knowledge to people which is no longer beneficial to them only because their faith is weak or has

completely vanished, hence this information will purely be heeded by those of strong faith, who may therefore also gain an

insight into My eternal plan of Salvation…. So I Am revealing Myself to them and inform them that what I proclaimed

through seers and prophets ever since the beginning of this period of Salvation is coming to fruition, for sooner or later this

period will come to an end and the future becomes the present. And anyone with an awakened spirit will also find full

concurrence with the Words of the Scriptures, for whatever comes from Me is always the same and never contradicts itself.

And just as the harvest is the conclusion of a farmer's efforts, so I, too, will reap in the end and gather those whose souls

have fully matured on this earth, and they will enter into life in the spiritual kingdom or on the new earth, as is recognised

and determined by My wisdom and love. I will judge the living and the dead…. I will place everything where it belongs in

accordance with its state of maturity, and this will also mean that many people who failed in their earthly life and

descended into the state of death again will be banished into hard matter once more, from where they will slowly have to

find their way back into life over an infinitely long period of time. For nothing shall be lost forever, and one day even the

lowest fallen spirit will find the life which it will then never ever lose again…. Amen


B.D. 7668


‘It is finished….’ (John 19:30)

The One who allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross on behalf of your sins has truly accomplished the act of redeeming

humanity from sin and death. For I Myself dwelled in the human being Jesus, thus it was not a mere human being who

accomplished an act which should only be judged in an earthly sense, but I Myself took pity upon the whole of humanity

and atoned for its sin in order to enable its return to Me, which had become impossible for every single person because of

the original sin, that is, the guilt of the past apostasy from Me and the fall into the abyss. It must repeatedly be emphasised

that I Myself have offered the sacrifice in a human shell…. And it must be stressed that ‘Love’ made this sacrifice, but that

I Myself Am the Eternal Love. You humans are unable to comprehend the full depth of this act, but you can be certain that

it was not ‘human work’, even though the human being Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross; yet it only happened so that

humanity would take notice and become aware of its enormous guilt, the redemption of which required an exceptional deed

which was and will remain unique. Thereby the complete redemption was accomplished so that it only depends on the

human being’s will to release himself from the guilt of sin which burdens him for as long as he does not acknowledge Jesus

Christ’s act of Salvation. The act of Salvation has been accomplished for all time…. It need not be repeated, it covers the

redemption of all once-fallen spiritual beings because I Myself attended to it, for the sake of My love I Myself wanted to

remove the guilt and for the sake of justice I made amends for it. The enormous extent of suffering the human shell had to

endure was sufficient atonement for Me…. However, the human being Jesus would have been unable to endure the extent

of suffering by Himself had the Love in Him not enabled Him to do so. Time and again I stress that this act of Salvation is

and will remain unique, because its redemptive effect will last for all eternity. As long as fallen spirits still exist, the divine

Redeemer Jesus Christ will also be mentioned, and the acknowledgment of His act of Salvation will always liberate people

from the guilt of their past apostasy from Me and, truly, no further sacrifice of atonement will be necessary because I

Myself accomplished this sacrifice for all eternity…. Thus you humans should be satisfied with this explanation and not

pay attention to satanically-inclined events which cannot be brought into harmony with My act of Salvation. For if ever

My act of Salvation is described as incomplete, if ever people are shown a path to happiness other than the path to the

cross, then the divine working of the spirit cannot be spoken of; then there will be forces at work which seek to prevent

your redemption, which try to deter you from Me, Who wants to be recognised and acknowledged in Jesus Christ…. In that

case you should be careful, for My adversary knows how to present himself in an angel’s garment of light and then you

will find it difficult to expose him. But always call upon Jesus Christ, Who certainly recognises His enemy and adversary,

and appeal to Him for protection. For He and I are One, and if you pray to Me for correct thinking and for protection in

every spiritual adversity then you will no longer have to worry, for then you will be guided wherever you go, the

‘redemption’ will reveal itself in you…. and you will clearly and assuredly recognise which way you will have to take and

where danger threatens you. I have redeemed you from all sins, for My crucifixion was the atonement for your guilt. And

this act of atonement cannot be lessened by My adversary, nevertheless he will continue to try to influence you humans

such that you become unsure and start to doubt Me as your Redeemer Jesus Christ…. For during the time of the end many

false Christs and false prophets will arise and try to pull you onto wrong paths. Then you shall be strong in faith and know

that you should only keep to Jesus Christ, because by doing so you acknowledge Me Myself and call upon Me as a Father

in every adversity and distress of body and soul…. Amen


B.D. 7681


‘I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world....’ (Matthew 28:20; John 14:16, 17; 15:26)

‘I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth….’ Every one of you has the inherent ability to hear the voice of My

spirit, for a part of Myself, a spiritual spark of My divine spirit of love, rests within yourselves and will always be able to

make contact with Me, through it My Word will radiate into you, for this spiritual spark is an emanation of Myself which

will strike you effectively if you are prepared for it. As long as you stay isolated from Me this spiritual spark will remain

silent.... If you unite with Me, then the spiritual spark will be in contact with Me too and can impart to you the light and

strength which comes forth from Me; it will be able to convey to you the pure truth from Me and by receiving this truth

enable you to gain realisation and thus step out of the darkness of night into the light of day. I Myself promised you when I

lived on earth that I would not leave you by yourselves anymore…. that I will always be with you until the end of the

world.... I pointed out the working of My spirit in you, which will guide you into truth.... but which would only become

possible after My crucifixion, because prior to it the soul was still burdened by the original sin which made it impossible

for a bond between the human being and Me to become so intimate that he would hear My voice within himself. First

redemption through Jesus Christ had to take place, which reversed the separation from Me…. The human being had to

completely consciously acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ…. thus he deliberately had to have taken the path of return to Me,

which then also resulted in the emanations of My strength of love, which assured that he would hear My Word if he wanted

to, if he therefore consciously opened himself and thus activated the spiritual spark in him to unite itself with the eternal

Father’s spirit. For it only requires an earnest will to enter into My will, it requires the acknowledgment of Me Myself

Whom the being once refused to acknowledge, and it requires a life of love for My spirit to express itself as I promised.

Physically I was unable to remain with you humans but I gave you the consolation of sending you My spirit and thus of

always staying with you until the end of the world. And this promise has to be taken seriously, you can always be and

remain aware of My presence, you need only have the will for Me to be present with you and to establish a bond with Me

in thought, in prayer or in kind-hearted activity…. In that case you will always be able to hear Me, for I Myself Am in you,

and the spiritual spark will never lose contact with the eternal Father spirit.... it is merely unable to express itself if the

human being is not receptive of his own free will, if he does not carefully listen in order to hear what My spirit imparts to

him through the spiritual spark. And thus it is always up to the human being himself to ignite the spark in him, to provide it

with the opportunity of expressing itself by appealing to Me Myself such that I might be present with him and teach him

and guide him into truth according to My promise…. And I will truly stand by his side as a comforter; I will guide him into

truth and will give evidence of Myself through My Word…. I will be ‘with him always, even unto the end of the world….’



B.D. 7702


John 14…. ‘I will not leave you comfortless….’ (John 14:18)

I will not leave you comfortless…. I will look after you as a Father and provide you with the evidence of My Fatherly

love…. It is not My will that you should go on living on earth without guidance, that you are defencelessly left to My

adversary’s mercy who will instantly approach you when he discovers that you are abandoned. I love you because you are

My children who once emerged from Me and left the right path, albeit voluntarily, but I will nevertheless not withhold My

love from them. And My Fatherly love will only endeavour that you return to your Father’s house again…. For this reason

I will assume your guidance, providing you do not obstinately oppose Me, that you willingly allow yourselves to be guided

by Me. But in that case you will be under divine care and nothing can happen to you, you need not feel as orphans who are

alone in the world and are therefore often in danger as well. It is My love that I gather My lambs so that they will not stray

all over the place, that I coax and call them as a good Shepherd Who does not want to lose even one of his sheep. My

sheep know the voice of their Shepherd, they follow Him and He will lead them home, He will protect His flock from the

enemy, who approaches time and again in order to cause confusion and to scatter the little sheep wherever he can. Then

My coaxing call will ring out because I won’t abandon them to My enemy…. I will pursue those who have lost their way

or are in danger of falling into the abyss…. For I do not want to lose any one of My sheep because I love them…. And thus

no-one need be afraid of being abandoned, for I take care of everyone who suffers adversity, who is alone and depends on

help…. I Am close to all who merely think of Me, who entrust themselves to Me in their distress…. And, like a good

shepherd, I will treat all those who have distanced themselves from Me and who shall be guided back with coaxing calls of

love to their origin…. ‘I will not leave you comfortless….’ This is My promise to you, and thus you can confidently count

on My protection, you can always avail yourselves of My help, for you know that there is One Who wants to be and remain

your Father for all eternity…. And you should entrust yourselves to this Father, regardless of what troubles you. Then He

will take you by your hand and safely guide you through all difficulties, He will give you strength to surmount all

obstacles, He will even out your paths so that you will safely reach your goal, so that you will find Me and stay with Me

forever. For all of you are My children who once left the Father’s house but who shall return again and can only achieve

this with My help…. They need not feel helpless, for as a loving Father I furnish My children with strength so that they

will be able to travel the path to their true home…. so that they will return to Me, to their Father of eternity…. Amen


B.D. 7705


False prophets.… (1 John 4:1)

Let Me tell you that you will be increasingly more exposed to assaults by My adversary as the end is approaching, because

he uses his power in truly satanic ways, and particularly against My Own who want to serve Me and whom he believes he

can still win over for himself. But you merely need to be watchful, because you will always recognize his conduct, you will

always know who is hiding behind the schemes which disrupt or entirely prevent your spiritual work. Because it will be

confirmed that many false prophets appear under My banner, that they will try to belittle My Words and My information

concerning the approaching end. It will be confirmed that people are easy prey, that they would rather believe these false

prophets than you, because these will always give them the hope that they are approaching a bright future, that they do not

have to fear the future, that their worldly efforts will be successful and that an end to this world is thus unthinkable.…

And in that case you will know that you are dealing with false prophets, and then you will have to remain strong in faith

and believe what I had proclaimed and continue to proclaim to you, that the time has been fulfilled and that you humans

are in great danger if you do not prepare yourselves for the end such that you need not fear it. Anyone who lives

righteously and just, who has found Jesus Christ and completely gives himself to Him, anyone who recognizes Me Myself

in Him and thus calls on Me in Jesus when he is in distress will survive the dangers of the last days and emerge unscathed.

He will live to see the new earth and its paradisiacal life, and his faith will indeed become a blessing to him, because he

will not fear the end anymore, he will hold on to Me and thus endure until the end and be blessed, as I have promised.…

But My adversary will rage and try to influence My Own until the end.… You should know this and not allow yourselves

to be misled. However, he has his followers, and they will do his bidding and spread misguided teachings amongst people

who completely oppose My Word, which is brought to you directly from above, My Gospel, which you may nevertheless

believe totally. You should merely examine what is offered to you from elsewhere whether it corresponds to My Word.…

since whatever is contrary to it also shows that it has originated from My adversary, and you can unhesitatingly reject those

as false prophets who offer you spiritual knowledge which exclude an approaching end, which promise you humans a long

existence on this earth yet.… You are on the threshold of the end and should prepare yourselves, and you would do well by

doing so since then you would not need to be afraid of it. Because then the time will come which had also been proclaimed

to you.... then a happy and blissful life on the new earth will come, but only for My Own who believe in Me and who

defend their faith until the end.… Because everyone who perseveres until the end will be blessed... they will live a

wonderful life in the paradise of the new earth.… Amen


B.D. 7811


‘Love one another....’ (John 13:34; 15:12, 17)

One law applies to all of you, that you shall love one another and thereby also prove your common bond with Me. And

even if you are bothered by the thought that you have no inner bond with your fellow human being whom you should love,

you shall nevertheless remember his soul which is still subject to the constraint of the body, and you shall know that the

soul belongs to Me even if its will is still opposing Me. For you are all My children and therefore shall consider your

fellow human being as your brother and strive towards the Father together. Love shall unite you, then you will demonstrate

that you are children of the same Father. And this love shall stop you from every suspicion or judgment of your neighbour,

love shall help you bear his every weakness and fault; you should only ever bear in mind that his soul can still have a low

degree of maturity and the human being therefore behaves as he does, even if you dislike it. You should not pass harsh

judgments for then you will also motivate Me to judge you in the same way, for not one of you is without fault, not one of

you has as yet reached a degree of maturity which excludes imperfections and weaknesses, and yet I endure you with

greater than great love and patience and don’t pass harsh judgments upon you. And therefore I gave you the

commandment: love your neighbour as yourselves.... If you fulfil this commandment of neighbourly love then you will

spread a merciful veil across his faults and weaknesses, and you will only ever try to help him and only ever awaken

mutual love in him if you let him feel your love.

With these Word I address all those of you who are still inclined to expose your neighbour’s faults, for thereby you

demonstrate your own lack of love which subsequently gives you no right to judge your neighbour. And by doing so you

become sinful yourselves, for you contravene the commandment of love…. Therefore, if you want to be My children you

must also make an effort to fulfil the Father’s will, which only ever wants you to love one other or else you belong to My

adversary, who is devoid of all love and always tries to influence you into opposing the law of love. And do you love your

brother if you are angry with him? If you emphasise his flaws and weaknesses, if you judge him harshly? You must learn

to endure his weakness and help him…. Then you will carry out My will, and then your conduct will also result in

blessings, you will gain him as your friend, he will take your example to heart and will want to emulate you, and his inner

being will be full of love for you as well, for love awakens love in response, and then you will also prove that you are the

children of the same Father, Whose nature is pure love. And then My love will embrace you ever more closely and your

hearts will become increasingly more willing to love, so that they will pass this love on to the next person and then you will

indeed be My true children, as it is My will…. Amen


B.D. 7884


‘The letter kills....’ Lifeless proclaimers of the Word…. (2 Corinthians 3:6)

It is the spirit which gives life.... and every letter read with an unawakened spirit kills; it will remain incomprehensible to

the human being regardless of how much effort he intellectually exerts in order to fathom its meaning…. And this has led

to many errors, insofar as that My Word was translated or preached to fellow human beings by people who were spiritually

unawakened themselves and who let their intellect dictate where the heart alone should have been able to judge or clarify

matters had My spirit been allowed to express itself through it. I Myself was no longer able to speak to people through a

preacher; instead he provided them with his own teachings and explanations which no longer corresponded to the truth.

And thus the meaning of the Gospel, which I Myself taught on earth, became increasingly more distorted in due course,

and only a few read ‘My Word’ with an awakened spirit and derive the right benefit from it for their souls. For all others,

however, the strength of My Word remains ineffective, they listen to it, but because they don’t understand it correctly they

don’t live accordingly and therefore cannot attain spiritual awakening either…. For rarely will preachers mention the

‘working of the spirit in the human being’ because they don’t understand it themselves…. because they don’t know that it

is the direct result of a life of love and that they would be able to convince themselves that they become brightly

illuminated if they lived a life of love themselves…. They read the sentence: The letter kills, but the spirit gives life…. and

don’t know what it means…. for they are still spiritually unawakened themselves. And this is why one can almost speak of

a dead Christendom, this is why My Word, which is contained in the Book of Books, does not do a lot for people anymore,

this is why the faith has become faint and weak, it lacks the strength of life, for it can only come alive through love, and

love awakens the spirit….

And if only a tender seedling grows from the warmth of love, then it will soon become strong and vigorous…. A living

faith will develop and everything will awaken to life which so far had lain dormant in the person…. The soul will arise and

allow itself to be influenced by the spark of spirit, it will come alive and never ever lose this life again. But then the person

will also understand every Word which originated from Me.... he will be able to distinguish error from truth and by no

means fall prey to error, for then he will be instructed by the spirit and empty letters will mean nothing to him, he will

know the spiritual meaning of the Word…. And every Word that once came forth from Me and reaches his ears and heart

will grant him life. Then he will truly no longer be a dead Christian and also be able to vividly testify to Me, he will not

just use the Words of the Scriptures but also be capable of clarifying their spiritual meaning…. he will in truth be a teacher

of his fellow human beings in accordance with My will, for he then will let Me Myself be in him so that I can express

Myself through the spirit when he instructs his fellow human beings…. And only those who work on My instructions are

My true servants.... For I do not call a proclaimer of My Word who only knows the letters without understanding their

spiritual meaning My servant…. because he has appointed himself and not made himself worthy of My calling first, which

requires that a person wanting to work for Me is spiritually awake. Yet as soon as he not only teaches love, which is the

epitome of My Gospel.... as soon as he also lives a life of love, he will also awaken the spirit in him to life, and then he will

be a welcome servant for Me through whom I will be able to work, through whom I will be able to address people Myself

who then can also perceptibly feel the strength of My Word…. And those who allow themselves to be awakened will come

to life again, who look for Me with a sincere will and appeal to Me for the strength of My spirit…. For they will make an

effort to live My Word…. by living a life of love they will awaken the spirit within them, they will no longer be lifeless

proclaimers of My Word but full of life and bearing witness to Me…. Amen


B.D. 7944


Coming in the clouds.... (Matthew 24:30; 26:64; Mark 13:26; 14:62)

You all should know that I will return in the clouds.... that I will descend to earth in the same way as I once ascended to

heaven…. that My Own will see Me in brilliance and glory, just as My disciples once saw Me, and that I will take My Own

from earth because the day of the end has come…. Admittedly, prior to that I already descended to earth in the Word, for I

Am the Word Myself, and have given you the promise that I will stay with you until the end of the world…. but My

obvious appearance will not happen yet, for it will constitute the end of one and the beginning of a new earthly period ….

My coming in the clouds has to be understood literally, yet only few will see Me, for My flock is small and only My Own

will be able to endure seeing Me, I will only be visible to My Own and allow them to behold My might and glory…. And

this shall be your hope in hours of hardship and affliction by hostile powers to God.... for in the end everything will be

hostile to God, the rulers and their followers, the people who take their side in the battle of faith. They all will take action

against you, who want to remain loyal to Me and persevere to the end…. They will put you under great pressure and then

you shall hope for My coming, for I will not leave you in distress of body and soul, I will save you and lift you to a place of

peace, and your faith will be so strong that I will be able to show Myself when I come in the clouds in order to judge the

living and the dead…. Then the great separation of the spirits will take place and My adversary will no longer have control

over you…. For he and his adherents will be bound for a long time. Only few people sincerely believe that My return is

imminent…. But the time is fulfilled and I no longer say: I will come when the time is fulfilled, but I say: the time is

fulfilled.... You can only count on a very short time, on just a few days, compared to the long period of time that has passed

since an ‘end’ was prophesied. You are living in the last days even if you refuse to believe it….

My coming is soon about to happen to you.... Hence take care that you, too, belong to the chosen ones who will

experience My coming while still in the flesh, who may behold Me in all My radiance and glory, whom I will lift to heaven

just before the end…. Just want to belong to them and, truly, I will give you the strength to turn your will into action. Let

Me speak to you time and again and always strive to accept My will and you will establish a connection with Me, you will

join Me and also be counted as My Own whom I will rescue before the end happens. For it is certain that I will come

Myself …. And you should also believe, without a shadow of doubt, that all of you with a living faith and who approach

Me with love, will be able to behold Me, for My Word is truth and will come to pass.

People who deny ‘My coming’, who only want to understand and explain this arrival figuratively, are not yet as profoundly

devoted as to be united with Me, but the immense earthly hardship before the end will still strengthen their faith if they are

of good will. And they themselves will pray for My coming, because they will realise that only I can provide the rescue

which they cannot expect from another side any longer…. You should believe that I will save you from utmost adversity

and await the hour when My promise fulfils itself. And then My adversary will be defeated, yet with him also his many

followers, who will be taken in by the earth again…. Therefore hope and persevere, for the hour of your deliverance will

come, the day of separating the spirits will arrive…. There will be an earthly and spiritual change which you will

experience and which has been constantly proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture…. Amen


B.D. 8037


‘Test all things and keep what is good….’ (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

The will to serve Me is assessed. Then I will assign to a person the work he is capable of accomplishing and which will

always be a blessing for him and his fellow human beings. But they, too, must pay attention to the inner instructions; they

may not act according to their own will, which can easily happen if they want to be renowned for their activity and thus

very easily endanger their vineyard work. The most profound humility and a feeling of personal inadequacy must always

make them take flight to Me, so that they will hand themselves over to Me…. They must only ever strive to fulfil My will,

and truly, they will feel My will in their heart and work accordingly. And everyone who wants to be of service to Me must

examine himself in order to support Me and My kingdom convincingly…. For the vineyard work consists of sowing good

seeds in the field of people’s lives: of proclaiming My Word wherever this is possible. And in order to be able to pass

something on, the human must possess it first…. thus he first must accept the seed from Me Myself, and this requires

willingness and a certain degree of maturity of soul. Only then will he be able to hear My Word within himself and carry

this as the pure Gospel into the world. Where My pure Word can be conveyed to Earth this degree of maturity has been

attained; the human being receives the right seeds which he can unhesitatingly spread according to My will…. But it will

always be left up to you to scrutinise whether the spiritual knowledge has originated from Me Myself, whether the

‘working of the spirit’ in a person can be spoken of. And your heart must give you the answer, for you will feel when I

speak to you, providing you sincerely desire the truth…. providing you want to hear Me. I will always express Myself such

that your soul will profit from the information you hear. I will admonish you with kindness and mention My

commandments of love, I will caution you not to waste your life, which will always happen if you live without love…. I

will enlighten you about your purpose of earthly life…. I will emphasise Jesus’ act of Salvation and advise you to take the

path to the cross…. I will dispel your spiritual darkness by kindling a light in you. And that means that I will convey

knowledge to you which can only be imparted upon you by My spirit. Make the test as to whether you profit from it

spiritually…. whether they are empty Words without meaning which leave you unimpressed, which any person can say, or

whether they radiate wisdom…. For every Word which comes forth from Me Myself emanates My love and wisdom and

touches the human heart such that it will escape the spiritual darkness, that it will kindle a light in his heart, that the human

being will learn to recognise Me Myself in My nature, that he will receive an answer to the inner questions concerning

spiritual spheres and which occupy him as a human being.

My spirit will always express itself when I Am able to address a person directly, and this spirit speaks to the spirit within

the person, which is part of Me. This Word is received and conveyed by the recipient to his fellow human beings…. This

process is something extremely significant; after all, it gives evidence of My presence to you if you hear My Word within

you…. And because My Word is blessed with My strength, it will also have a powerful effect on the people to whom My

messenger brings it…. But you should not forget that in the end time even this extraordinary activity of love of Mine will

be feigned by My well disguised adversary in order to undermine My working…. that he, too, will try to express himself

through suitable vessels and that he will be successful if a soul’s state of maturity does not permit My presence as yet but

that the person will deem himself called to serve as a vessel, because forces in the beyond instilled such thoughts in him

and he accepted them in spiritual arrogance and wrong judgment of his spiritual state. In that case I cannot speak through

him; instead, My adversary, who often also hides himself behind My Word, will avail himself of him; for he will go to any

length in order to achieve his goal…. to keep people in spiritual darkness. But you must always earnestly conduct this

examination by calling upon My support, for you ought to test all things and keep what is good…. And you must always

become enlightened; otherwise you cannot speak of a ‘divine’ Word…. And light signifies increased spiritual knowledge

which corresponds to truth and which only I Myself, the Light of eternity, can convey to you…. Amen


B.D. 8066


2 Peter 3:10....

The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night…. the day when I will reveal Myself to humanity with a voice of

thunder which will be heard by everyone and which no human being will be able to avoid…. For sooner or later the act of

transforming the earth will have to take place, sooner or later order must be established once again; the earth must again

become a place of education for the souls which should mature fully and reach perfection. And this day has been planned

for eternity, My plan is based on the fact that a transformation like that will occur one day because the human race itself

will provide the reason for it…. which was certainly recognised by My wisdom…. And thus My power will also

implement the plan and you can expect this day with certainty.... it will bring one period of Salvation to an end and a new

one will start, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture…. Time and again I point this out to you, but since you humans

don’t believe, since you don’t take My Words seriously, it will take you by surprise, for even if My adversary reigns on

Earth in the last days, even if he brings people so completely under his control that they lose all faith and in the end are true

devils which oppress My Own and cause them utmost distress, they will nevertheless be equally horrified when My Own

are lifted up before their eyes and they realise that they cannot be saved anymore, that they will fall prey to an act of

destruction themselves, that there is no way out anymore and that the earth will devour them…. For there is no other way

to purify the earth; all living creations will have to be dissolved and the spiritual substances within be placed into new

forms…. a comprehensive cleansing work has to take place so as to re-establish order, which will also guarantee

progression for the spiritual beings and which will completely exclude My adversary’s activity for a period of time, on

account of which he and his followers will be constrained for a long time.

This day of the end is proclaimed to you humans over and over again, yet only a few believe in it and even these few have

no idea how close it is.... yet I will repeat My admonitions and warnings until the end, until the end I will address everyone

and draw your attention to it, and until the end every one of you will still have the opportunity to avoid the horror of this

end…. And therefore don’t pity those who leave you, whom I take from this life prematurely…. don’t pity them, for their

fate is better than yours who live until the end and don’t believe…. They still have the opportunity to attain light in the

beyond, but the former continue to descend ever deeper, for I know that they would also choose the path to the abyss in the

kingdom of the beyond, that they would not make use of the blessings of an early death; after all, I know the state of every

soul and accordingly also shape its earthly destiny. And even if it is difficult to believe in an end of this earth, people will

nevertheless have no excuse for they should only live righteously, then their end will not result in their banishment into

hard matter, then they will either belong to My Own, whom I will return to the new earth, or they will still be recalled

before and then they will not go astray either…. But it is better that they prepare themselves for an approaching end, that

they take the possibility into account of being suddenly faced by an act of destruction from which there will be no more

escape…. Anyone who reflects on these thoughts just once will certainly also find the path to Me, to the Creator of heaven

and earth, Who brought everything forth from Him and therefore can also destroy everything again…. And I would like to

rescue all of you from ruin; consequently I will bring the final work of destruction on earth home to you time and again ….

And anyone who believes will not have to fear this day either, for he will prepare himself, and even if he is still weak and

not perfect, he will nevertheless find a merciful Judge Who will not condemn him but help him attain eternal life…. Amen


B.D. 8141


‘And the Word was made flesh....’ (John 1:14)

‘And the Word was made flesh and lived among us.…’ I Myself, the eternal Word, came to earth and became flesh.… It

was an act of overwhelming love and mercy that had moved Me to make contact with the human beings who had distanced

themselves from Me to a point that they were no longer able to hear My voice, that they could no longer hear My Word

within themselves, and who did not have a relationship with the Word of eternity any more.… They had caused this vast

distance from Me themselves, and they would never have been able to bridge this distance on their own, they would never

have been able to hear My Word again such as it was in the beginning when I could communicate with all My living

creations through the Word.… For this reason My love has bridged the vast distance Itself.... I Myself came to earth and

became flesh and then tried to get in touch with My living creations in order to speak to them again and to build a bridge

for them which would lead them back to Me into the kingdom of light and bliss.…

I Am the eternal Word Myself but I could not have spoken directly to any human being from above without placing those

who once had originated from Me as free living creations into a state of compulsion. They had to cross the bridge to Me

voluntarily and I could only achieve that by means of My Word which, however, should not sound extraordinary but like

the spoken word between human beings. And for this reason I became flesh.... I took abode in the human cover of Jesus

and spoke to people through Him.… But it was My Word which now was spoken to them, and through this Word I was

able to show people the way. I was able to instruct them and tell them My will, I was able to reveal the Gospel to them, the

divine teaching of love, which should once again change their souls to a state which would enable every person to hear My

Word within himself if this was his sincere will.… But first humanity had to be released from sin and death. The former

guilt of sin, caused by the apostasy from Me, first had to be redeemed, so that the subsequent bond with Me could be

crowned by the ‘pouring out of My spirit’.… so that the human being himself could hear My voice within himself again as

it was in the beginning.…

‘And the Word was made flesh and lived amongst us….’ Only few people understand the meaning of these words; the

eternal Word came to earth Itself because humanity was in greatest difficulty, it was not aware of its wretched condition, of

its lack of light, of the spiritual darkness in which it lived.… It was completely separate from Me and did nothing to reduce

its vast distance from Me. The only way to help people was by means of instructions which corresponded to the truth.…

They had to be informed of their God and Creator’s will, and this will had to be conveyed to them by Myself .… I had to

speak to them Myself and could only do so through a human being.... Thus I embodied Myself in this human being, and

only in this manner was it possible to instruct people truthfully, to draw their attention to their wrong way of life, to inform

them of My will and exemplify the kind of life they should lead themselves in order to escape their spiritual darkness, in

order to walk the path I showed them first so that they could attain eternal life again. For they were influenced by My

adversary who continuously provoked them into leading a life without love which subsequently made and kept them weak

and they were not able to contribute anything towards their ascent.

I Myself provided them with the evidence that love results in strength. I healed the sick and carried out other miracles

which only the strength of love could accomplish…. I also informed them about the consequences of a heartless way of life

.… for I first had to explain to people why they were experiencing physical and spiritual hardship.… I had to inform them

that their state as human beings could not be considered a happy one and what they therefore should do to attain

beatitude.... And they had to hear all of this from the mouth of God.... They had to be able to hear My Word, and thus the

Word Itself came down to earth and became flesh.… In the original state the Word sounded within every being and was

the cause of inconceivable bliss.… And the beings abandoned this blissfulness themselves by voluntarily distancing

themselves from Me and thus could not hear My Word any longer, because this Word was a direct emanation of love on

My part which they then rejected.

Humanity’s excessive hardship on earth prompted My love and mercy to draw nearer to them and to confront them in

Word despite their resistance.… And anyone who had ignited just a tiny spark of love within himself recognised Me and

accepted My Word.… He also recognised the Deity in Me and followed Me.... But by and large people just saw the human

being in Me and therefore valued My Word simply as that of a human being…. I was amongst them and they did not

recognise Me.… Nevertheless, I was able to proclaim the Gospel of love, to repeatedly impart the divine teaching of love

to people and to educate My apostles Myself and then send them into the world with the task of proclaiming My Gospel

and bearing witness to Me.… The ‘Word Itself’ had come to earth, and It was made flesh for the benefit of humanity....

And every time My Word is spoken, My infinite love and mercy bows down towards humanity and emits Its love into

those human hearts who willingly accept My Word, who listen to it and recognise it as their Father’s voice and who are


grateful for this great gift of grace.… For I Myself Am the eternal Word, and anyone who listens to Me enters into closest

contact with Me, and he will indeed achieve his last goal on this earth, he will find complete unification with Me, his God

and Father, to Whom he has finally returned to be eternally blessed…. Amen


B.D. 8164


‘He that shall endure unto the end….’ (Matthew 24:13; Mark 13:13)

‘But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved….’ This is My promise, which certainly makes the greatest

demand that you shall persevere until the end…. My promise will only come true with a small flock, for a great test of faith

will be demanded of you, passing it will require much strength and an intimate bond with Me, since the believers will be

harshly persecuted by the authorities and the human being can only offer resistance with My support by making use of My

strength which will flow to him through his heartfelt contact with Me. He must belong to Me with all his will, with all his

soul, and the strength of his faith in Me will give him the fortitude to resist. Then he would rather give up his life than Me,

Whom he has recognised as the most loving Father from Whom he will never want to separate again…. And I will reward

this strength of faith and love for Me, for he will become blissfully happy…. This small flock, which will remain loyal to

Me even during the harshest battle of faith, will be rescued by Me from extreme adversity, I will move them to a place of

peace in order to then give them the reshaped earth as their abode again, so that a new era will begin, a time of peace and of

innermost unity with Me, so that I Myself will be able to stay amongst My Own because their deep love for Me allows for

this…. The reward is truly magnificent but My Own will deserve it, for the last days on this earth will be incredibly

difficult for them, and yet they will remain faithful to Me. They will abide until the end....

And by using all means I will truly help them to attain this strength of faith, for I will reveal Myself to them beforehand in

many different ways…. I Myself will come to them in My Word, and My direct communication will let their love and faith

come alive; their constant contact with Me will fill them with a love that will increasingly intensify…. I will often

miraculously intervene in their life and will also visibly appear to those who wait for Me in utmost adversity and firmly

believe that I will help them…. I will leave no-one without comfort and Words of encouragement; I will give strength to all

so that they will be able to endure even the most difficult situation. And they will firmly believe in Me with indestructible

trust in Me…. And thus they will wait daily for My coming, for their deliverance…. until I Myself fetch them because the

time will have come to an end, because I will put an end to My adversary’s activity and put him into chains along with his

adherents…. And the day of Judgment will result in a complete transformation of the earth’s surface; all creations in, on

and above the earth will be dissolved and be placed into new forms, the day of the end of the old earth will have come for

all human beings and only those who belong to My Own will be lifted up from earth and escape destruction, whereas My

adversary’s followers full of terror will face their downfall and be devoured by the earth…. For the formation of the old

earth will have ceased to exist.... Yet a new earth will emerge again and a new epoch of Salvation will start, and this new

earth will be populated by those who remained loyal to Me until the end…. They will be blissfully happy, as I had

promised them, since My adversary will have no more control over people for a long time to come, for they are devoted to

Me in love, and therefore I Myself will be able to dwell amongst them and all hardship will have come to an end…. There

will be peace on earth again, a divine state of harmony and beatitude.... where only love will reign…. Amen


B.D. 8201


"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?...." (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34)

My pain and death on the cross was indescribably excruciating and every description of the suffering is just a faint

comparison with My real suffering because I foresaw every phase of My act of Salvation, I knew what My last task would

be and I did not have the reassurance to reduce the pain for Myself since I had to suffer the last hours as a mere human

being. I certainly had all the strength because God’s, My eternal Father’s, strength of love permeated Me until the end, but

by using My will I Myself made no use of the strength of love, I did not accept its effect to reduce or alleviate the pain with

its help, otherwise the act of Salvation, which called for the utmost amount of suffering in order to redeem humanity’s

original sin, would not have been completely valid.…And the Deity within Me knew My will and allowed Me to continue,

It withdrew Itself because it was My will to achieve the highest degree of love for humanity, which again was only for My

Father, for Whom I yearned during the greatest agony, during the most severe suffering and particularly during the final

minutes of My physical life.… And this yearning increased because I no longer used His effect, His strength of love.…

And in this longing for Him, for My eternal Father, I exclaimed the words ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken


I Myself had wanted to complete the act of mercy for sinful humanity as a human being, because the greatest love I could

offer My Father was to allow Myself to be nailed to the cross on His behalf, because He Himself had come to earth and

taken abode within Me after all, because He had wanted to carry out the act of Salvation for His children Himself, but

being ‘God’ He was unable to suffer.… And hence I accepted all torments and pain on His behalf and endured them to the

end.... No matter how often and intelligible I try to explain this to you.... you will never quite understand it until the

spiritual kingdom has received you, the kingdom of light and blissfulness.… And the simplest explanation is always the

words ‘The Father and I are One....’ It was already a complete unification and therefore I was able to say: ‘It is finished.…’

Jesus the ‘human being’ had sacrificed His life, He had suffered as a human being and experienced an unspeakably painful

death.…But He also had united with the Eternal Deity, because love was within the man Jesus until the end or He could not

have said: ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ And if ‘Love’ Itself stayed silent then only because it

was necessary in finalising the act of Salvation, so that death could then be ascertained by all the people in His vicinity….

so that His body could be placed into the grave from which He rose again on the third day.…

Every expression of God’s spirit in the end could still have caused people to doubt Jesus’ death on the cross, because they

would have recognised His bond with Me and faith in the act of Salvation would have been the compelling result, but it

had to be a free decision of will.…You will not be able to understand this quite yet either, but as soon as you yourselves

unite your spirit with the spirit of the eternal Father you will become enlightened, and then you will also understand My

Word, which always aims to offer you an explanation that you can understand in accordance with your soul’s degree of

maturity or love. Especially in regards to the act of Salvation you should receive the pure truth and be given complete

understanding, so that you can comprehend the magnitude of My love, Which came to earth for you humans, for your guilt

of sin, Which accomplished the act of Salvation in order to re-open the path to the Father, to redeem your immense guilt of

sin, for this had closed your path to the Father’s house forever.… Amen


B.D. 8228


‘Test the spirits....’ (1 John 4:1)

You humans should believe that I will keep sending you the truthful information about Jesus Christ and His act of

Salvation, for you have to recognise and acknowledge Him…. the divine Redeemer…. as Son of God and Redeemer of the

world Who had sheltered Me within Himself. But the mission He had to fulfil on earth cannot be proven to you, yet I

Myself will convey the correct information of Him to you through My spirit, and this in itself will be proof to you…. For

what historically cannot be demonstrated to you, shall be taught to you by My spirit…. And thus you also know that it is I

Myself Who reveals this to you…. that you can ‘test the spirits’ by all means, for as soon as you are given information

about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation you will know that it is the spirit of God, which can only impart the pure

truth. You are entitled to scrutinise the origin of all spiritual knowledge, and I Myself have shown you the criterion, for no

opposing spirit will ever proclaim that ‘Jesus Christ has come in the flesh….’ And once you have got the proof that it is the

activity of ‘God’s spirit’ then you can also accept everything proclaimed by this spirit as truth.

My working within the human being, which expresses itself so distinctly as the transmission of My Word, cannot be

interpreted or explained as personal intellectual thought, but it can be even less described as My adversary’s activity, for

then people only demonstrate that they themselves do not recognise the Father’s voice, that they do not belong to My Own

who completely hand themselves over to Me, but that they are intellectually still too active themselves or they would feel

that they are addressed by Me, their Father of eternity…. For My transmission of the Word into a human heart…. be it

directly or through My messengers…. will not fail to have the desired effect. It touches the heart as soon as it opens itself

and is willing to be addressed by Me; and that necessitates that the person listens to Me impartially and thus is also willing

to let himself be permeated by My spirit, by My light of love….

However, if a person undertakes a purely intellectual examination of the spiritual knowledge he has received from Me, then

he will hardly be able to recognise His Father’s voice, for it will not touch his heart, and only this is capable of taking the

test. You shall not blindly believe what you inwardly reject…. Yet when My revelations are conveyed to you then you will

never have a feeling of resistance, providing you desire to be addressed by Me Myself…. rather, My Words will so touch

you that you would not want to miss them anymore, and you will also be fully convinced of the truth, because you are now

able to feel Me Myself…. The content of divine revelations will always consist of God’s human manifestation in Jesus and

the act of Salvation, and this shall always be the clearest evidence of the truth, for My adversary would never inform you of

the fact that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross on your behalf, in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of

Salvation…. My adversary will never try to encourage you humans to believe in Jesus, he will never preach love to you,

which likewise is the substance of My revelations, for only love unites you with Me and he will prevent everything that

could establish this unification.

You have to know about his nature, which is pure hatred and wants to corrupt you.... And you will be able to recognise his

activity by the fact that he will do everything to demean My divine revelations and to darken your spirit so as to prevent

you from recognising Me…. However, you need only appeal to Me for illumination of your spirit, and truly, I will help you

and change every ambiguity into brightest realisation, if only you seriously desire it. My adversary only ever seeks to cause

confusion, but he will only be successful where the desire for the pure truth is not yet prevalent; but where it exists he has

lost all power, for I Myself radiate the light which agreeably touches everyone who wants to be enlightened…. Amen


B.D. 8290


False Christs and prophets.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

When I lived on earth I warned you about false Christs and false prophets, for I knew how My adversary would work

against Me and the truth from Me…. And now My warning will always apply to you, too, so that you will not fall prey to

these false Christs and prophets…. However, when false Christs and prophets are spoken of then genuine ones will also

have to exist, and therefore you humans cannot discard everything you are offered by Me when I reveal Myself through the

words of true prophets because I consider it necessary that pure truth should be conveyed to you. And you cannot reject the

said wrong spiritual information simultaneously with that which is genuine, for I will reveal Myself through people who

possess all the requirements in order to be addressed by Me Myself until the end and who then, as My true servants, will

carry out their mission by distributing the spiritual knowledge they received from Me Myself throughout the world. How

else should the truth be conveyed to earth since I Am unable to audibly address humanity from above due to their freedom

of will? You all have the right as well as the duty to scrutinise what is presented to you as truth, and you will also be

capable of doing so if you appeal to Me Myself, as the Eternal Truth, for support…. And by merely being of good will you

shall indeed also be able to distinguish the truth from error…. Besides, I Myself indicated to you that you will receive

information about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation…. And thus you can believe every spirit who provides you with

this information. People should therefore not bypass Jesus Christ, they should learn to understand the act of Salvation and

know what forms the basis of this act of Salvation and the fact that I embodied Myself in the man Jesus…. And since this

knowledge is extremely necessary are people to reach their goal, I will also provide them with truthful explanations, which

thus happens through the revelations which I Myself convey to earth by way of suitable instruments who are capable of

receiving direct revelations…. But these revelations should never be put on an equal footing with messages from the

spiritual kingdom which are psychically imparted to people…. You must learn to differentiate between ‘God’s working

within the human being’ through His spirit…. and a ‘working of spirits’…. messages, which are conveyed to you humans

and whose origin you cannot establish…. And anyone who seriously looks into this will be told by his heart who speaks to

him…. But you must carry out a serious inspection before you form a judgment…. For you cannot portray Me Myself as a

liar since during My life on earth I Myself have promised you the working of My spirit…. I Myself assured you that ‘I will

send you the comforter, the spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth….’ `Whoever has My commands and obeys

them, he is the one who will be loved by Me, and I will reveal Myself to him….’ ‘You shall all be taught by God….’ ‘He

that believeth in Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water….’

And if I consider it necessary that the truth shall be imparted to people because they walk along in spiritual darkness then

you will really not be able to stop Me…. And I will enlighten you about all correlations, about My eternal plan of Salvation

and the beginning and ultimate goal of everything in existence…. But I will also inform you about the many misguided

teachings brought into the world by My adversary in order to keep people in spiritual darkness and which I will correct

time and again.... for I have said ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My Word shall not pass away….’ And My Word

can only ever be understood to be the pure truth.... However, since all spiritual knowledge coming forth from Me will

always be distorted by imperfect human beings again, which I do not prevent due to their free will, I shall also take care

that the truth will always be conveyed to people again …. I Myself spoke the Words ‘My spirit will guide you into all

truth….’ But I had brought you the truth…. Would the ‘guidance into truth’ have been necessary had I not foreseen that the

truth would not remain pure?!.... And thus you can indeed give credence to the direct revelations from above if they come

forth from Me, which you, in turn, can recognise by the fact that My human manifestation in Jesus Christ is mentioned

time and again…. And then you will also know My Word ‘Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as

snow….’ For this is why I sacrificed My life on the cross; this is why I took the most bitter suffering and agonies upon

Myself because I wanted to redeem the guilt on your behalf, so that you will become free of it as soon as you acknowledge

My act of Salvation and appeal to Me for forgiveness of your guilt…. Yet My eternal plan of Salvation is not based on

human intellectual thought, on human logic, for I have infinite means at My disposal in order to accomplish the final goal,

the return of all once fallen beings to Me…. I will never divert from My law of eternal order on which My plan of

Salvation is based…. And had My act of Salvation in Jesus not been accomplished even a thousand lives on earth would

not suffice in order to redeem or atone for the guilt…. And this is why I Myself descended to earth in order to deliver

humanity from My adversary’s control…. And anyone who does not lay claim to the blessings of the act of Salvation,

whose earthly life will not result in deliverance from profound spiritual hardship…. anyone who does not accept the help

offered to him in the spiritual kingdom either and allows himself to be led to Jesus Christ, will have to repeat the process

through all creation, in which case you humans can rightfully speak of a re-incarnation on earth…. which will happen

again sooner or later after an infinitely long period of time when the soul will once again have to pass its test of will as a

human being on earth….


For one thing is certain, that My righteousness also demands an atonement for every offence against Me but that I also

know in which way this atonement can be rendered if the guilt of sin is not consciously carried under the cross…. Amen


B.D. 8373


‘Whose soever sins ye remit….’ (John 20:23)

Many mistakes have already resulted from the wrong interpretation of My Word and were spread, and it is difficult to

remove such mistakes and replace them with the pure truth because people rather accept an error and spread it as truth than

allow themselves to be educated and accept the pure truth. And this could always happen when My Word was interpreted

literally, because the spiritual meaning of the Word was never understood. That people are burdened by sins is the result of

their former apostasy from Me…. the result of the original sin which engulfed the once fully aware and completely

enlightened beings in darkness. Hence people are still subject to this sin if they are not delivered from it by Jesus Christ.

And for the sake of these wretched people I descended to earth Myself and as the man Jesus made the sacrifice on the cross

for the redemption of this immense guilt. However, since people are at liberty to regard Jesus as the divine Redeemer, in

Whom I Myself became a human being, they also have to be introduced to the knowledge of Him, to the reason why they

are human beings and to the act of Salvation. For this purpose I sent My disciples into the world, whom I Myself had

instructed prior to this and who therefore could also proclaim the Gospel as My representatives to all the nations. It is now

very easy to understand that people who accepted the blessings of the act of Salvation were freed from their immense guilt

of sin…. that their sins were taken from them when they confessed their sinfulness and turned to the cross, to the divine

Redeemer, for refuge.

So My disciples bore witness of Me and My act of Salvation to people and anyone accepting their teaching was also

assured by them that their sins were forgiven, because I had given them the task to explain to people why they were

wretched and burdened. Hence they could also assure them on My behalf that they would be liberated from all guilt if they

acknowledged Me and asked Me for forgiveness. For they went into the world to preach the Word of the cross on My

behalf, thus they could also forgive people’s sins on My behalf…. As long as they brought the Gospel to people as My

representatives they were enlightened by My spirit and recognised people’s sinful state. They also recognised the people’s

willingness to repent which gave them the right to absolve them from all guilt on My behalf…. They only did what I would

have done Myself when I lived on earth. Thus the Word ‘Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them….’ was

justified and also has to be understood in this context….

But the question is: who is acting as My true representative on earth?... since it depends on this alone whether it is possible

for a person to forgive sins, i.e. whether it is sanctioned by My will…. Because not everyone who calls himself My

representative is enlightened by My spirit and is able to recognise the person’s state of soul whose ‘sins’ he wants to

‘forgive’. Not everyone who calls himself My representative can preach My Gospel to his fellow human beings. Only

people enlightened by My spirit know of Jesus’ act of Salvation, of its spiritual reason and the immense original sin. Hence

the ‘working of My spirit’ must definitely be possible, but it is not noticeable in those who all profess to be My servants,

My representatives on earth…. Consequently they are neither entitled nor able to judge their fellow human beings’ state of

soul and to remit their sins. And if they do it, the person is nevertheless not delivered from his immense guilt unless he

himself takes the path to Jesus Christ and asks Him directly for forgiveness of his guilt….

For this reason people should not rely on assurances by those who themselves are incapable to forgive sins because I have

not assigned them to this office. Hence a misguided teaching like this can have a very damaging effect on souls which

believe to have been delivered from their sins through specific customs and then fail to hand themselves over to Jesus

Christ sincerely appealing to Him for forgiveness of their guilt…. For the redemption of the original sin can only be given

to people by Jesus Christ, and this requires knowledge which, in turn, can only be gained through the pure truth…. But as

long as people, who themselves were not appointed by Me, feel entitled to remit sins it will merely result in a half-hearted

attitude, since the human being then believes to have been relieved from his responsibility as soon as his fellow human

being assures him the forgiveness of his sins…. even with reference to the fact that I Myself gave this promise….

I spoke these Words to My disciples ‘Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them….’ And these Words will

always be justified with those whom I Myself choose as My true disciples... But the same Words can never be applied to

those who declared themselves, or who were declared by their fellow human beings, as My successors.... Only I know who

serves Me in the right way and who has the necessary qualifications for it.... And thus once again I choose My true

representatives on earth who shall proclaim My Gospel in all truthfulness and also clearly expose and fight against error….

For only truth can be the right light for people by which they find the path of ascent, home to Me into their Father’s

house…. Amen


B.D. 8379


‘The powers of heaven shall be shaken….’ (Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:25; Luke 21:26)

I also foretold that by the signs of the time you will recognise the end is near.... And these signs will be so obvious that you

will no longer need to doubt and know the hour you live in…. For the powers of heaven shall be shaken, you will be able

to detect cosmic changes, natural phenomena which should make you think; they will be observable and even the lawful

order of nature will seem to have been revoked…. and yet this, too, is governed by divine law, for everything that will

happen and take place is based on My will. Yet only the truth of what was proclaimed by seers and prophets and what I

foretold you Myself about the end shall be revealed to you humans. For everything will become disorderly during the last

days so as to make you humans take notice…. Since you no longer accept any faith in a God and Creator, since you think

that My works of creation are subject to your influence, since you consider yourselves powerful and extraordinarily

knowledgeable, you will also have to be given evidence to the contrary, you will have to recognise your powerlessness in

view of phenomena which cannot be stopped or changed by you at will…. Furthermore, you must recognise that such

predictions, which you cannot deny, have already existed for a long time and that the time has finally come when what is

written and what is repeatedly proclaimed to people through My Word will be fulfilled…. Yet people will even regard the

cosmic changes to be the consequences of their own activities and consider themselves as masters with the ability to cause

such cosmic changes, and thus they will deny God with absolute conviction. For My adversary’s activity in the last days

are intended to dethrone Me and therefore he will be bound again….

But there will also always be people who are aware of the time and speak on behalf of Me and My kingdom to the world,

to those who are entirely without faith…. For they know that the last hour will soon strike, they also consider the cosmic

changes as evidence because I predicted them Myself when I lived on earth. ‘The powers of heaven shall be shaken….’ this

Word, too, has a spiritual meaning which you humans are as yet unable to grasp…. Everything that comes forth from Me,

that is based on My will, is alive, and since My strength, which always generates life, will express itself every rigid form

will be brought to life…. In the last days before the end My strength will flow out abundantly, everything will become less

dense everywhere, that is, the sun of My spirit will penetrate the darkness of night which enshrouds the whole of the

earth…. The sun of My spirit will flare brightly and its radiance will give life to everything, it will awaken what is sleeping

and give life to the hitherto dead as it is struck by this beam…. Thus the powers of heaven, which you humans are

incapable of stopping, will express themselves…. But in the end My power will also express itself in a purely natural sense

which no-one will be able to explain, for I predicted unusual signs before the end, and these will happen in such a way that

humankind will be able to observe the events in nature with horror since they cannot prevent them with their own

countermeasures…. Instead they will even contribute by releasing forces whose effects have not been ascertained as yet

and which therefore result in all-destroying consequences and accelerate the final end which, admittedly, is intended in My

eternal plan of Salvation because I have always known people’s will and therefore based My plan of Salvation on it…. but

which nevertheless will be carried out by people themselves who believe themselves able to surpass Me and who are

visibly under the adversary’s influence whose devastating effect will then become apparent….

It will happen as it is proclaimed, and anyone who pays attention can already recognise the signs of the time.... anyone who

pays attention also realises that My Word is truth, which is conveyed from above to people as a greater than great gift of

grace for anyone who wants to accept this gift…. For at no time have I ever left humanity without forewarning when it was

faced by events for which I had to send over people as soon as they were at risk of utterly losing themselves to My

adversary.... My judgments have always been preceded by warnings and admonitions, for I always wanted to offer people

the opportunity to come to their senses and make use of the short time they had left so that their souls’ could emerge

unscathed from all such judgments. Yet these admonitions and warnings were never allowed to compel belief, and this is

why My present proclamations will also find little credence no matter how clearly the signs can be observed…. People try

to explain everything in a way that is more to their liking, and this is why the end will take them by surprise, for the time is

fulfilled, the end is near…. Amen


B.D. 8487


False Christs and prophets.... (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

Beware of false Christs and false prophets.... I warned you about those when I lived on earth because I knew of My

adversary’s activities, of his snares and unscrupulous machinations whereby he tries to pull you humans into ruin. He is

using all means, and this especially during the last days in order to increase the darkness in which humanity languishes.

There will be people everywhere who claim to be knowing and initiated into the secrets of creation, who demand people’s

recognition and faith in their spiritual experiences and who are but My adversary’s tools, because they support and spread

spiritual knowledge which completely contradicts the truth. False Christs and false prophets will appear in large numbers....

They will all wear the cloak of divine messengers, they will all claim to possess knowledge and to be in contact with the

highest representatives…. They will pretend to be messengers of light and yet walk in profound darkness themselves, and

therefore they will only ever spread darkness amongst their fellow human beings. They cannot emanate light because they

don’t possess light themselves, yet their mannerisms are so self-assured that people do not dare doubt the divine mission of

those who, nevertheless, in reality work for My adversary. But only people who live in truth themselves will be able to

recognise this and they, in turn, will be described by them to be false prophets…. And it will be difficult to convince

oneself of the true prophets’ divine mission, yet it is not impossible…. The fact that true prophets exist is proven by My

warning against false prophets....

However, you need only ever seriously desire not to fall prey to the latter and truly, you will also know whom to turn to.

For My messengers will bring you a message which will touch your soul in a comforting and helpful way, which will affect

you like a nourishing meal and refreshing drink, which you will continue to desire and thereby become noticeably

strengthened for your earthly life’s path. Whereas the alleged knowledge conveyed to you by wrong teachings cannot

convince you of the truth and does not result in any illumination or stimulation of your soul…. It is and remains barren

knowledge which you will find barely credible and of little use to you. It is more likely to cause you dread and fear because

you are unable to detect a loving God therein, Who behaves like a Father with His child. False prophets will never be able

to offer people pure truth, and the adversary’s only intentions are to undermine the truth, to entangle people in error. His

most eager endeavour consists of withholding from people the truth about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, about

God’s human manifestation in Jesus, or to confuse their thoughts such that they won’t take the path to the cross and thereby

their earthly path remains unsuccessful for their souls…. And no means is too evil for him to use, because Jesus defeated

him through His crucifixion, and he is trying to regain the fruits of His victory again…. Souls who turn to Jesus are lost to

him; consequently he will try to give an entirely wrong description of Jesus so that they do not see any reason why they

should take the path to the cross. The truthful portrayal of the act of Salvation also has a redeeming effect, and this means

that My adversary will lose his followers, what he tries to prevent by cunning and trickery. And you humans can truly and

easily recognise every false prophet yourselves by the fact that he withholds the knowledge of the Salvation through Jesus

Christ from you, and thus you are entitled to dismiss him as a ‘false prophet’…. And especially during the last days you

can notice increasingly more often that most diverse descriptions of spiritual subjects are given by those who present

themselves as prophets of truth. Yet in one instance they all agree, that the salvation through Jesus Christ…. the sacrifice

on the cross by the man Jesus to redeem the immense guilt of sin…. is doubtful, because the belief in this signifies a loss of

followers for My adversary and he does not want to lose them….

Jesus Christ has been argued about for centuries, because time and again false prophets arose who had already proven their

affiliation to My adversary and were influenced by him to act against Jesus.... Although they were unable to completely

dispute the earthly life of the man Jesus and thereby remove the knowledge of him entirely, the real purpose of His earthly

existence…. His redeeming mission…. was repeatedly portrayed as a misguided teaching which removed people’s hope of

ever being released from their guilt of sin unless they themselves made amends…. unless they thus believed these false

prophets. Yet no human being will ever be able to release himself from his immense guilt of sin without the help of Jesus

Christ; no human being will ever succeed in perfecting himself by his own strength without Jesus Christ, because the

original sin absolutely prevents this…. Hence ‘self-redemption’ is impossible, irrespective of how sincerely it is aspired to,

because the human being’s will is too weak and would fail time and again…. Regardless of how you are instructed.... if

Jesus Christ is not portrayed as the Son of God and Saviour of the world, in Whom I embodied Myself, you are not taught

the complete truth, and you will not become eternally free, since only truth will set you free. And I Myself transmit this

truth to you, I Myself, your God and Creator of eternity, the greatest and most perfect Spirit in infinity.... I transmit the

revelations to you directly and guide you into truth, because I want to give you the light of awareness again, which you

once gave away voluntarily and which will be returned to you providing you willingly accept it, providing you let

yourselves be taught by Me and surrender to Me with love, thus also fulfilling My will…. providing you change yourselves

to love and accept your original nature again in which you were happy beyond description. Only One can promise all this


to you, and only One can help you to achieve it, and this One is Jesus, Who is completely merged with Me, thus He and I

are one.... God from eternity to eternity…. Amen


B.D. 8521


False Christs and prophets…. Characteristic: Salvation…. (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22)

A strong light casts a deep shadow…. So especially where My pure Word is emanated to Earth, much error will also be

conveyed to it, for My adversary seeks to extinguish the light from above or to obscure its radiance. This also explains his

attempt to mislead people with seemingly similar gifts, that he deceives people with transmissions from the world of

darkness and tries to offer them in the same format but which clearly betray his counter activity, for it distracts people from

that which is most important: from the pure truth about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation…. The redemption of souls

through Jesus Christ is precisely what he wants to prevent in order to keep his followers, whom he regards as his power.

Much spiritual knowledge will be offered and everyone will claim to have ‘received it from above’…. because My

adversary does not shy away from disguising himself as an angel of light in order to confuse people’s thinking. And I

cannot stop his approach; after all, people themselves grant him this right. For it is mainly the desire for unusual

experiences which offers My adversary the opportunity to intervene and to provide them with spiritual information which

is worthless, if not perilous, for the human soul. Many people have a very strong desire for extraordinary experiences and

are therefore not critical enough with themselves…. If they turn to Me with an earnest will for protection from erroneous

thinking, if they are really interested in the pure truth, they will certainly also be protected and My adversary will be unable

to exert his influences over them, because I Myself will place the inner resistance into their heart…. But mostly they have

initiated the communication with the beyond and are themselves incapable of verifying as to whether they receive truth or

error…. And the spiritual beings in the beyond make use of this attitude by providing people with messages which they

accept unchecked as truth, and thus My adversary can constantly intervene. The fact that he is solely interested in

intensifying the darkness and in obstructing people’s path to Me…. that he will do everything in his power to prevent

people from becoming redeemed through Jesus Christ, can be easily understood in view of the approaching end. Such

connections with the spiritual world are therefore established in all places and people would rather accept this spiritual

knowledge than the pure truth conveyed to them from My side.

Nevertheless, I will not determine people’s free will but, time and again, I will provide clarification instead, and every

sincerely striving person will recognise the truth and reject the error. I will repeatedly mention the characteristics to you, I

will provide those of you who want to serve Me with the clear ability of discernment so that you can check yourselves and,

in turn, also give clear instructions to your fellow human beings so that they, too, will be able to recognise the error and

liberate themselves from it…. You can rest assured that no earnestly truth-seeking person will become entangled in the

thicket of lies and error which My adversary skilfully knows how to cast…. However, anyone who accepts something

without examination lacks a profound longing for truth and therefore cannot be protected by Me, for My adversary is

equally entitled to fight for every soul so as not to lose it, because it once followed him voluntarily and he makes full use of

this right of his during the soul’s human existence…. and only the human being’s own will can disable him…. You will

still hear much about his activity and must pay ever more attention to everything happening around yourselves…. You

should only ever ask for Me and My protection and I will truly not deny it to you…. I have constantly told you to beware

of false Christs and false prophets…. And how often will the attempt still be made to lead you astray…. how often will the

holiest of names still be used in order to give you a taste for error and untruth. But you…. if you are serious about the

truth…. must pay attention to your innermost feeling which will always discard the error. And always commend yourselves

to Me and My grace, for as soon as merely your will is inclined towards Me, My adversary will have lost all power over

you. False Christs and false prophets will time and again tempt you until the end, but you are able to recognise them, for

they will not emphasise Jesus’ act of Salvation and not try to encourage you humans to take the path to the cross in order

to liberate yourselves from your guilt of sin…. Then you will also know that you are not truthfully being instructed and can

safely reject everything you are offered by that side…. Precisely the lack of knowledge about the significance of the act of

Salvation is the spiritual darkness, and this shall be penetrated by the light of the pure truth…. The act of Salvation shall be

mentioned in all places with the reference that the salvation…. the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ…. is the most

important thing which must be attained in earthly life in order to be able to enter the kingdom of light and beatitude…. And

this knowledge is repeatedly conveyed to you through My Word from above…. But My Word will never be spoken where

no clarification of it is given or where His great act of mercy is denied or trivialised…. Therefore, beware of false Christs

and false prophets, for they only increase the darkness spread across the earth but they do not grant light…. Amen


B.D. 8535


The Revelation of John….

Everything concurring with My Word can be accepted and upheld by you as truth. And thus you will also know how to

judge the mental concepts presented to you…. For this is what you, who are directly instructed by Me, must be able to

do…. For you are required to reject everything that is wrong and advise your fellow human beings not to accept it.

Part of spreading the pure truth from Me also includes denouncing error as coming from the adversary and to protect

yourselves as well as your fellow human beings from his influence. He equally makes use of human vessels in order to

succeed, in order to undermine the pure truth, for he causes confusion amongst people who no longer know what to accept.

But as soon as you recognise that My adversary is at work it is also your duty to take action against it. And therefore I want

to provide you with an explanation which yet again can only be given to you by the One Who knows everything, to Whom

nothing is hidden and Who is able to impart this knowledge through the spirit:

Many things are hidden from you humans which only I can reveal to you. And I have always informed seers and prophets

of events which were still in the distant future. However, according to people’s state of maturity My predictions or visions

were usually veiled and always required an awakened spirit to summon the right understanding for it. And since many

prophesies related to the last days before the end they also remained incomprehensible to people, because I Myself wanted

to lift the veil when the time was right. The visions they saw were even concealed from My seers and prophets, and they

described them partly impelled and partly enlightened by My spirit, which also let them behold and report things which

were in the distant future. And thus records exist and were preserved until now which proclaim the visions of My disciple

John…. records, which will be explained in the last days before the end and which previously were meaningless to people

and consequently not understood by them. Yet they have a profound meaning, they merely depicted what My disciple who

had received the spiritual vision had seen but who was unable to interpret his visions himself because it would not have

been beneficial for him or his fellow human beings, since the whole time of development was still ahead of them, which

was meant to be utilised through Jesus Christ’s Salvation…. but knowledge of the visions’ significance would have stifled

all spiritual impetus…. thus it would have restricted free will. For I knew that My adversary’s activity would take on

immense proportions at the end of a period of salvation, and that humanity’s spiritually low level would be so widespread

at the end that the precise knowledge of it would have been damaging to people.

But I allowed My disciple to spiritually foresee all these manifestations of the end, yet in an awakened state…. when he

recorded his visions…. he only saw images he didn’t understand himself…. which thus was My will….

You cannot fail to recognise Satan’s activity in the last days, yet you humans have no idea of the immense spiritual disaster

his activity will wreak on all human beings…. My disciple saw the clearly evident state of affairs in the last days as well as

My adversary’s activity which was the cause for the terrible vision, which showed his activity figuratively and which only

remained veiled to people because they would have abandoned their spiritual endeavour in view of the failure and My

adversary’s supreme control.

But John also foresaw the fall into the abyss and My adversary’s captivity, and for that reason the disciple’s vision was

intended to be preserved, for one day they will understand everything, if only in the spiritual kingdom when their spiritual

state results in their realisation. And thus you know how to evaluate messages which are allegedly from above and yet

originate from below.... You know that everything contradicting My Word is erroneous spiritual knowledge and

particularly highlights My adversary’s activity in the last days, who wants to cause confusion wherever possible and who

avails himself of My name as a disguise in order to be believed….

Be vigilant and don’t allow yourselves to be driven into darkness.... when a bright light is shining for you which very

clearly shows the path to Me, Who still wants to save all those people before the end who have the will to let themselves be

saved. Look for Me in all sincerity and, truly, I will not let you fall into My adversary’s hands, I will enlighten your

thoughts if only you sincerely ask Me for the pure truth…. But then you will receive it through your heart, so that the

intellect need not be involved, for My adversary avails himself of the intellect as long as the heart does not reject him.

You fully consciously have to break your connection with him who wants to corrupt the world…. You have to closely

unite with Me and appeal to Me for My protection against his influence…. And truly, your prayer will be granted as soon

as it is sent up to Me in spirit and in truth…. Amen


B.D. 8643


Explanation about baptism with water… (‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy


(Matthew 28:19)

You still do not understand the spiritual meaning of My Word.... you interpret the letters intellectually and therefore cannot

get the correct results. You cannot understand what I wanted to say when I told My disciples ‘Baptise them in the name of

the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.’ By ‘baptism’ you only ever understand the immersion in water.... an external

formality performed by people to demonstrate their obedience to the commandment of baptism…. which, however, is and

always was merely an accompanying formality but it does not affect the real core of My commandment. Baptism with

water as such does not actually effect a transformation of the person, as you humans will have to admit.… Only the

contribution of what emanates from the Father, the Son and the spirit…. which proves the Father’s love, the Son’s wisdom

and the spirit’s strength…. can cause a change in the human being and is the true baptism, which every person must have

received in order to reach his goal on earth: to perfect himself in order to be eternally united with Me.

The Father.... love.... is an eternal fire which emanates the light of wisdom…. the Son, and the strength of the spirit has to

express itself as a result. The human being…. as a weak creature, has to be so permeated by love and wisdom that he in

turn attains strength and freedom himself once again. He has to be permeated by My spirit, hence love, wisdom and

spiritual strength have to characterise him as a divine living being which has returned to perfection. The human being has

to immerse himself in the sea of My love, he has to be guided into truth, which will always come about by way of My will,

My strength and My greater than great love.

Baptise them in the name of the Father.... be kind when you give them My Word which is wisdom, and thereby enable the

working of the spirit in the human being, which presumes an activity of love, because the manifestation of My spirit is the

gift of My love which expresses itself in the conveyance of wisdom…. of truthful knowledge…. Love, wisdom and

strength.... they have to be truthfully clarified to you humans, and this clarification is a true baptism of spirit which cannot

be replaced by an immersion in water.

Try to understand that you humans should not adhere to external formalities.... try to understand that I truly do not demand

outward appearances from you but only ever evaluate what is done in spirit and in truth. And if you now, as evidence of

your correct thinking, refer to My baptism by John in the river Jordan, then remember that people knew very little about

Me in those days, that outward actions meant a lot to them then, and that every person needed a certain degree of maturity

first in order to explain to him the spiritual meaning of baptism. Besides, by their willingness to be baptised by John people

proved their desire to come closer to their God and Creator, and in those days this was indeed a substantial spiritual gain.

And thus I, too, submitted Myself to this formality in order to legitimise the actions of My forerunner John. It would have

been futile to explain the unimportance of this external action to people because they would have been unable to

comprehend the pure spiritual truth. The baptism with water caused them no harm, but would only be beneficial to them

when they also accepted the Word of God, which John passed on to them....

And therefore the human being today will also receive ‘baptism’ when he accepts My Word, which is conveyed to him by

My infinite Fatherly love, and lives accordingly and thereby finds wisdom…. as a result of love…. which awakens and

activates My spirit of light and strength inside of him…. However, all this cannot be replaced by baptism with water, the

latter will always remain a symbol, an external formality from which people do not want to part because they try to

demonstrate everything outwardly and are not content with the value of purely spiritual experiences.

I can only ever repeat that all external actions and customs are of no benefit, that I will never judge a person by his outward

action but solely by his inner attitude towards Me and My Word. As soon as a human being accepts My Word,

acknowledges it and lives accordingly he will perfect himself while still on earth, because My Word is the water of life

which comes forth from the source of all being. And in this water you should immerse yourselves, this water will flow


from your body and you will experience the spiritual baptism when the spirit within you awakens to life, when you are

permeated by love, wisdom and strength and you once again become the original being you once were, when by the water

of life you achieve eternal life which you will never lose again…. Amen


B.D. 8710


John 14, 15-26

‘He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me…. and I will love him, and will manifest

Myself to him….’ This promise of Mine clearly points to the fact that I reveal Myself to those who comply with My

requirements because they love Me…. And with My promise I pointed to the working of My spirit within you during My

lifetime on earth already, for precisely this spirit wanted to express itself to you and grant you clarity about Myself, My

nature and My activity…. I wanted to reveal Myself to you…. to convey to you the pure truth about everything that

originates in Me. Yet only few people have understood the meaning of these Words, for only few people ascribe any value

to such divine revelations; as a rule everything, which essentially merely proves the heartfelt contact with Me, is rejected. I

demanded of you nothing else but the fulfilment of My commandments of love, for as soon as you lead a life of true love

you also unite with Me, Who is Love Itself, and ‘whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him….’ It should become

constantly easier for you to understand that I…. if I Am with or within you…. will also express Myself, and every

manifestation on My part is a revelation.

And this has to guarantee you the purest truth, because nothing but truth can come forth from Me. Consequently you can,

without reservation, also accept everything that is presented to you in the form of such revelations which, since they

originate from Me, can only be the purest truth. All you humans should engross yourselves more in the spiritual meaning of

the Words spoken by Me when I lived on earth. And if you do not understand them correctly or can only recognise an

earthly meaning, then you should establish a heartfelt contact with Me by praying to Me in spirit and in truth and asking

Me for the correct understanding and, truly, it will be given to you because it is My will that you shall think correctly. But

especially you, who believe yourselves to be entitled and called to preach My Word, are not promoting the understanding

of My Word, for you do not contemplate the meaning and simply ignore what you are unable to rationally explain


Nevertheless, My Word has been spoken and remains valid. I have promised to reveal Myself to you and thus you cannot

accuse Me of being a liar, you will have to believe in divine revelations yet merely seriously examine what should be

accepted as a divine revelation, but you must not reject all spiritual information received on earth in an unusual way as the

activity of adverse forces…. since I have, after all, given you the above promise Myself. And you will certainly be able to

make a serious assessment since you were also informed of the criterion ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God: Every

spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God….’

Hence, divine revelations also have to bear witness of Jesus’ act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him.... But

then you may unhesitatingly believe, especially if Jesus’ act of Salvation is the subject of a revelation which someone

claims to have received directly from Me…. You truly need not accept anything unreservedly, it is your duty to examine all

spiritual information or you would not be requested to ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God….’ Every human being

should form his own opinion about what is imparted to him, he should always conduct every examination by calling upon

Myself so that he will achieve a living faith…. which, however, is not possible if he accepts everything that is presented to

him as spiritual knowledge without objection.

For My adversary is active as well and always tries to contaminate the pure truth, and the human being himself is duty

bound to form an opinion as to be able to distinguish truth from error. And in that case he should keep as much as possible

to divine revelations, for as soon as he desires the truth I will also convey it to him in some form or other and he will accept

it without inner objection, because it will affect him as light and strength, since everything originating from Me will not

remain ineffective. Anyone who truly desires the truth from Me will definitely be correctly guided by Me in his thinking,

for then I will place the right thoughts into his heart, because he will have sincerely requested the truth from Myself and he

will then also be able to speak of divine revelations…. Then he, too, will be able to lay claim to My promise…. ‘I will

manifest Myself to him….’ He will feel the truth in his heart and his intellect will equally recognise it as right, his thinking

will be guided into the right direction and he will reject all wrong thoughts…. Only these conditions will have to be

fulfilled by him:

He has to comply with My commandments of love on which I have made My divine revelation dependent, for I Am Love

Myself, and if I Am to reveal Myself, a human being also has to be united with Me through love so that I Am present in

him and he finds himself in the sphere of the Eternal Truth and thus can no longer think wrongly either…. Living a life of

love and seriously desiring the pure truth.... is the guarantee that a human being is also moving within the truth…. But the

desire for truth is usually missing…. even if a person’s heart is full of love…. and this is so because the person believes

himself to possess the truth, and he cannot be instructed because he doesn’t ask but deems himself knowledgeable…. For

this reason it is good if the human being begins to doubt because then he will ask himself questions which I will gladly


answer him in his thoughts, because I will reveal Myself to someone who loves Me and keeps My commandments. And

even these doubts are often placed into the person’s heart by Me, for I only want the person to live in truth and I will help

everyone of good will to achieve it…. Amen


B.D. 8739


‘In the beginning was the Word....’ (John 1:1)

Time and again I want to emphasise the fact that I Am the Word of eternity.... I Am the Word…. Yet in the beginning the

Word was with God…. How can you understand this? I Myself Am the be-all and end-all, everything that exists is

emanated strength to which I gave life…. I created similarly-natured beings for Myself whose fundamental substance was

the same as I Myself: divine strength of love.... And I was in contact with these beings from the very beginning through

‘the Word’…. Thus the Word was ‘in the beginning’.... when the beings were brought into life by Me…. Prior to this

nothing existed which was able to hear My Word, although I always and forever carried the Word within Myself, for I Am

a self-aware, thinking Being Which put Its will into practise and thus was able to create whatever came to Its mind as an

idea or thought…. Although the beings which emerged from My strength were externalised by Me as independent I

nevertheless remained in constant contact with them through ‘My Word’…. I spoke to them, they understood Me and

therefore they were immeasurably happy…. I Myself was the Word, for although they were unable to behold Me My Word

nevertheless proved to them My existence, they knew that they came forth from the Being Which had created them and

Which loved them tremendously. This Word of Mine was the real life in them; it was the incessant flow of strength which

granted them supreme realisation, since through My Word everything became understandable to them, they grasped all

correlations, they knew that they had emerged from the elementary Power and were in constant contact with this

elementary Power, for It communicated with them in infinite love through the Word and they heard It…. I was the Word

Itself, but It only manifested Itself when I brought these beings into life…. And thus there was a beginning for these

beings, whereas I Myself Am forever…. However, there will be no end for My created beings…. They will continue to

exist for all eternity, and their greatest beatitude will always consist of experiencing Me Myself through My Word, of

being addressed by Me and be able to enter into a blissful dialogue. Yet a large proportion of the created beings forfeited

the grace and beatitude of hearing My Word, they declined the flow of My strength of love and became incapable of

hearing Me by distancing themselves from Me and preventing all communication through the Word, they closed

themselves and became lifeless beings since they had no more contact with Me whatsoever…. They also deprived

themselves of all happiness which only My formulated illumination of love…. My Word…. gave to them.

The heartfelt bond with Me also irrevocably resulted in the sounding of My Word, the withdrawal from Me, however, must

also always be the same as the silence of My expression of love, of My Word…. Nevertheless, the entity will never cease

to exist, but it will only be happy if it is able to hear My Word, in other words: I Myself Am the Word, and only My

presence endows the being with beatitude, and My presence will always demonstrate itself if the being can hear Me…. And

what I say to the being will make it incredibly happy, for it bestows on it brightest illumination, the realisation of its origin

and the understanding of My nature, My reign and activity throughout the whole of infinity.... Such knowledge gives

pleasure to the being, especially if it had previously been in an ignorant state for a long time, if it was separated from Me

for a prolonged time and had abandoned every connection with Me as an isolated being and was therefore also wretched.

As soon as it can hear My Word again, as it was from the start, it will also be able to be called blessed again, for to hear

My Word is also the evidence of My presence, and My presence demonstrates that the being is approaching its original

state again, as it was in the beginning…. that it has become the divine living creation again which emerged from Me in all

perfection, which was called into life by My greater than great love in order to make it forever happy. The intimate bond

with Me is only verified through the hearing of My Word, for wherever the Word can be heard that is where I Myself Am,

Who is the ‘Word’ of eternity.... And I want to transfer all My thinking, intentions and activity onto My living creations,

and this only ever takes place through the Word, through contact between the being and Me, which makes the sounding of

My Word possible. And this Word is, again, a thought from Me expressed in a form…. I want My living creations to

partake in all My thinking, intentions and activity, therefore My Word flows to them, and the beatitude of the beings rests

in the fact that they may completely subordinate themselves to My will, that they have the same thoughts and will within

themselves and that they are nevertheless totally free and independent beings, which are not subject to My compulsion and

yet do not think and want differently, because they have reached a degree of perfection again which was theirs in the very

beginning…. Only the most heartfelt bond with Me will also enable them to hear My Word, yet this will also guarantee the

being beatitude and eternal life.... Amen


B.D. 8786


‘The measure you use will be the measure you receive....’ (Luke 6:38)

And regardless of how impossible it seems to you, I will intervene (affect you extraordinarily) when the time is right, for

nothing is impossible to Me.... Just try to raise your degree of love, make an effort to live in accordance with My will, take

care of your fellow human being in his adversity and demonstrate your love for Me by seeing in your fellow human being

your brother, who has also come forth from Me in order to inherit beatitude one day. Believe that love alone is enough in

order to accomplish the greatest miracles, in order to make things happen which you would humanly find impossible. Yet I

Am a God of love, wisdom and might…. I can do anything, but at what time My might will express itself is always

determined by My love and wisdom. And truly, with your will, with your love you can determine My will and My love,

you can apply coercion on Me which I will extremely gladly put up with, because love will never be a nuisance but always

give pleasure….

And if you grant Me your love, My love will also express itself such that it will make you happy. I will give you humans

the most diverse tasks, I know how and in which way every person can help, and I also know, whether and when he is

willing to help, and I will send people his way whom he can please with his helpfulness, to whom he will give what they

urgently require, be they earthly or spiritual possessions…. By passing on earthly possessions you are always

demonstrating love to Me, for whatever you do to the least of My brothers you do unto Me.... Furthermore, you also prove

to Me that you have already overcome matter and are spiritually progressing…. But if you pass on spiritual possessions

then it is My work that I send people to you whom you should consider spiritually, whose souls are going hungry and are in

urgent need of your help to nourish them, so that their souls will strengthen and recover. This helpfulness will be

particularly rewarded by Me, for it signifies a distribution of spiritual possessions which will give life to the soul. And

whoever is thus of service to Me by passing on what he receives from Me directly.... whoever has the salvation of his

fellow human being’s soul at heart, can be absolutely certain of My support, for he is implementing a labour of love which

has to be far more highly valued, because he first has to feel sincere love for Me and for his fellow human being in order to

acquire the possession of these spiritual values which he shall share again…. And then I will also always show Myself to

him as a loving Father, I will guide him on earth and bless all his ways.... And My promises will fulfil themselves such that

I will also work in an unusual way when the time is right.

All people in spiritual and earthly adversity are your neighbours, and you shall give to them what they require…. You

should have the sincere will to help them and, truly, you will then also always have the means which you should pass on

again, be they of a spiritual or material kind. Therefore, don’t calculate anxiously but be generous, for the measure you use

will be the measure you receive, what you give with love will be rewarded to you a thousand fold, always depending on the

degree of love which impels you to help. So, don’t worry, for I will take care of you.... always just work at improving

yourselves, so that you will resist all temptations, so that you will not become heartless and put your degree of maturity at

risk, and then you will also always be allowed to feel My love to an extent that you will feel My presence and be happy….

I love you, and I Am all-powerful, thus I want to make you happy and I Am also able to do so. However, My love knows

when the time is right that I can affect you in an unusual way, that you will obviously experience My love and I can release

you from all adversities of body and soul…. For My willingness to help is far greater than yours, and My gifts of grace are

immeasurable, which I can and want to bestow on everyone who loves Me and keeps My commandments…. Amen


B.D. 8836


Acts 7, 55-56....

Why do you not keep to My simple explanation that I Am not visible to you humans in My fundamental nature, which

would consume you if I were to illuminate you with the abundance of My strength of love? Why are you not satisfied with

the explanation that I created a form for Myself in Jesus in order to be visible to you? You will, however, fight in vain

against those who want to believe that Jesus and I are separate beings, who rely on information they don’t understand due

to their unenlightened spirit. No-one can see God.... without ceasing to exist…. In Jesus I Am visible to a person. Where

people allegedly have seen Me and Jesus, the error is obvious too, since this can never ever be possible. Even the disciples

could not comprehend this enigma apart from a few, and thus reports appeared which did not correspond to truth…. which

should always be questioned whenever people speak of a Deity separately from Jesus.

Stephen certainly saw heaven opened and he also saw Jesus in radiating brightness, he saw Him as God, but the people

with him associated his vision with purely human concepts. The sentence ‘the Son of man sitting on the right hand of God’

was added by people…. since it is not possible because Jesus and God are the same…. I Am an immensely bright fire

Which cannot become visible to you, which you cannot see in your imperfection and which even in the state of perfection

would affect you to such an extent that you would want to pass away. Thus, anyone who states that he saw ‘Me and Jesus

at My right hand’ is still bound to the Scriptures, which he himself is unable to understand, which speaks to him in images,

but the words of the Scriptures do not reflect what Stephen exclaimed during his spiritual vision.

And the same applies to the basic doctrines of the church which state ‘that Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God’. These

developed due to a misguided perception.... The reason for the apostasy from God was that the beings were unable to see

Him, He did not reveal Himself as Entity…. and therefore He created a form for Himself into which He radiated


Thus I became as one with this form Jesus.... This also applies to the teachings of the Mormons who are equally unable to

understand the human manifestation of God in Jesus and therefore endorse the doctrine of three Gods. And this is what I

want to say to them: You believe that you cannot let go of this doctrine but you should know that it is no longer taught to

you as it once emerged from Me.... Because you, too, received My Word in all truthfulness, but what have you done to it?

Anything that originates from Me is purest truth, but it is no longer known to you. You have turned it into a misguided

teaching which deviates from the truth in many ways, and now you attempt to pass these misguided teachings on to those

whom I instruct Myself….

Yet time and again I will choose a suitable vessel for Myself into which I can pour My spirit, and this can carry bright light

into the darkness of spirit.... it can enlighten you about those problems which arise from controversial issues…. And you

will benefit from this, because only truth takes you to the goal. I constantly seek to transmit it to earth so that no-one who

desires the truth can say that He was not approached by Me. You only need to desire it sincerely, otherwise it cannot be

given to you, since this is My condition which I cannot revoke. Then the truth will surely be given to you and you will also

reach your goal with certainty.... you will become blessed for eternity…. Amen


B.D. 8872


‘I will guide you into truth.…’ (John 16:33)

Truth cannot stay pure for very long, as it is when it comes forth from Me, therefore I already told you during My lifetime

‘I will guide you into truth.…’ because I knew that My Word, which I brought to you Myself, would not remain pure

either.… And this will always be the case as soon as it is studied by human inadequacy, as soon as the pure Word enters

the region of imperfect human beings who look at it from an entirely intellectual point of view. Hence I kept sending My

pure Word from above to earth but it has always been spoilt. You humans have no guarantee that the Book of Books is

protected from change, because I do not interfere with people’s free will and can only ever safeguard a presenter of My

Word if he commends himself to Me and asks Me to protect him from error. However, you humans are not at risk from

misguided thoughts if you spiritually and in truth ask Me to enlighten your spirit, then you will also know where error has

crept in.…

But the claim that I Myself protect My pure Word from becoming spoilt is incorrect, because this would question the free

will of human beings, who can do whatever they want with My spiritual information. And thus you also need to consider,

with regards to the Book of Books, that changes have been made in the course of time which I could not prevent.…

precisely because of human free will.… Consequently, the necessity for a new revelation constantly arose which had to

clarify the existing misconception. Hence you humans only have to want the truth, but you should not feel certain of having

the truth because you can obtain it from the Book of Books.… otherwise I would not have needed to tell you so clearly and

precisely that ‘I will guide you into truth.…’ Furthermore, you also have to take into account that the working of My spirit

is always of a spiritual nature.... that I Am concerned with the salvation of the soul which I want to win for Myself through

My Word.… that every Word from Me merely intends to achieve your spiritual perfection.

And these spiritual instructions have often been combined with human supplements which later proved themselves to be

wrong and gave rise to doubt.… just as My divine Words of love were frequently combined with human additions, but

people hold on to these and refuse to let go of this human product. Hence concepts applicable at the time were included in

My ‘divine’ Word such as, for instance, ‘that women shall not teach’.… This is not My commandment at all, instead

allowances were made for that period of time but it had no right to be regarded as ‘divine Word’, as is apparent from My

Words ‘that I will pour out My spirit on all flesh; servants and maidens will prophesy.…’ Consequently, what I deemed

necessary to correct was repeatedly done through new revelations.... which, however, could not retain their purity either but

also had to be corrected again.…But I gave you the promise that I will guide you into truth, and therefore you may rest

assured that every person asking for truth will also receive it.... Because I will not let anyone walk in error who does not

want to fall victim to the adversary.... who desires the pure truth with all his heart.… But this is only possible by means of

a new revelation, in view of their freedom of will I cannot prevent people from distorting My initially transmitted Word,

and the fact that this has happened is due to people’s low spiritual level which does not offer the adversary any

resistance.… But I will always make sure that the light of truth will nevertheless shine for those who desire it.… Amen


B.D. 8941


1 Corinthians 15, 29.... ‘Act of baptism on a dead person’....

Let Me explain what you desire to know: You can only be taught by My spirit if you are unable to intellectually grasp the

meaning of the words because your intellect moves in the wrong direction, especially when it concerns a word which has

not originated from Me. Then it is necessary to ask for My spirit which can and will provide clarification. There has never

been an ‘act of baptism on a dead person’, however, there has been an ‘act of baptism of a dead person’ and you can only

accept this as a symbol when someone takes pity on his fellow human being and wants to bring a ‘spiritually dead person’

to life and offers him the water of life and thus ‘baptises’ him by presenting My Word to him with love…. which is the

meaning of ‘baptism’ after all….

Time and again I have spoken of ‘the dead’, and time and again those dead in spirit were what I meant by that…. When I

said to you ‘Let the dead bury their dead’ it was, after all, the most comprehensible word which had to make you all realise

that I was speaking of the dead in spirit. And this is how the words spoken by My disciple should be understood, which

more than clearly meant that every person should take pity on the spiritually dead. But that a person should let himself be

baptised over a dead person is a distortion of the word, it did not even originate from Me and could not have been adopted

by My disciples either. People have included purely worldly concepts which betrayed their low spiritual state. However,

such concepts could have been recognised as wrong by every spiritually awakened person and may not be passed on as

‘My Word’ since such words cause immense confusion.

Anyone who understands the spiritual meaning of baptism will not let himself become confused by such words, he will

recognise them as wrong and as not having originated from Me, Who will only ever give you explanations which will

never contradict each other. And if I explained the significance of baptism to you comprehensibly then the distorted word

cannot possibly be true because it would completely contradict My Word. Thus you have to believe what is conveyed to

you through revelations because I do not want to leave you in your wrong thinking when you desire the pure truth…. Amen