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377© The Author(s) 2019M. Lo, Political Islam, Justice and Governance, Political Economy of Islam,


1Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes.

AAbbasi Madani, 355Abd al-Rahman al-Barr, 339Abd al-Rahman al-Kawakibi,

56, 62, 357Abd al-Salam Yasin, 67Abdal-Hamid Kishk, 113Abdallah Dink, 265Abdallah Laroui, 54, 107Abdel Bari Atwan, 112, 197n1Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, 328, 342Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, 338Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh,

182, 354Abdel Rahman Suwar al-Dahab, 41, 253Abdel Wahab Al-Afandi, 102, 345Abdel Wahab Syri, 191Abdellah Hammoudi, 224n45Abdelwahab El-Affendi, 159Abdessatar Rejeb, 246Abdi Godane, 85Abdou Diouf, 253Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz, 300

Abdul Ghafur Aziz, 272Abdul Hamid, 107Abdul Malik, 271Abdul Rab Rasul Sayyaf, 257Abdul Rahman Khalifa, 256Abdul Salam Yassin, 283Abdullah Azzam, 101, 116Abdullah Saleh, 152Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, 48Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im,

62, 108Abdullahi Qasim al-Wasli, 99Abdullatif ‘Uraibat, 272Abdul-Malik Ibn Hisham, 205n13Abdurrahim ‘Umar A. Muhyi

al-Deen, 270Abdurrahman Yusuf al-Qaradawi, 322Abu Abdullah Al-Muhajir,

4, 49, 121Abu al Yahya al Libi, 18Abu al-Hassan al-Azdi, 203Abu al-Mundhir al-Shanqiti, 203Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, 306


Abu Fahr al-Salafi, 192Abu Faraj al-Libi, 217Abu Ghraib prison, 51, 207Abu Hafs al-Masri, 217Abu Hajir al-Hadrami, 200Abi Hamza al-Muhajir, 203Abu Humam al-Athari, 223Abu Laith al-Libi, 217Abu Mohammad al-Joulani, 234Abu Muhammad Aasim al-Maqdisi, 134Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, 48–49,

222, 230, 347Abu Musab al-Suri, 48, 59, 121Abu Mushab al-Zarqawi, 214Abu Nidal, 256Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, 203Abu Omar al-Shishani, 239Abu Othman al-Jahiz, 220–221Abu Qatada al-Filastini, 222Abu Qattada al-Falastini, 236Abu Uthman al-Jahiz, 220–221Abu Yahya al-Libi, 48, 119Abu Zubaydah, 217Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi, 100Abu-Bakr Naji, 48Abuja, 267Adam Yahiye Gadahn, 7Addis Abbas, 256Adil Hussein, 142Adly Mansour, 330Administration of Savagery, The, 122Afghanistan, 7A. H. Abdel Salam, 286Ahl al-hall wa al ‘aqd, 225Ahmad al-Dori, 242Ahmad Ali al-Imam, 275Ahmad al-Nasiri, 30Ahmad el-Tayyib, 322, 331Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 151Ah mad ibn Taymiyyah, 49Ahmad Kareemah, 320Ahmad Lutfi El-Sayyid, 56Ahmad Muhammad Daghshi, 101

Ahmad Rami, 330Ahmad Shah Massoud, 355Ahmad Yasin, 271Ahmed Doma, 333Ahmed Shafiq, 338Akol, Lam, 267n32Ala Khuta Sayyid Qutb, 206Alaa Abd el-Fattah, 333Alaa al Aswany, 327Alal al-Fasi, 57Al-Azdi, 217Al-Azhar University, 308Al Dawla al ‘Amiqa, 325, 336Al-Dawla al-Madaniyya, 27Al-Difa’ al-Sha’bi, 287Al-Farida al-Ghaeba, 112Algeria, 97Ali Abderraziq, 93, 347Ali al-Aridh, 272Ali al-Salabi, 164Ali Belhadj, 355Ali Benhadj, 116Ali Osman Muhammad Taha, 270Al-Islam wa Usul al Hukm, 347Al-Jama‘a al-Islamiyya, 308, 332All Pakistan Ulema Council, 85Al-Mahjoub Abdoussalam, 265Al-Nour, 331Al-Nusra Front, 225, 227, 230Al-Qaeda, 7Al-Qaeda Manifesto, 4Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 270Al-Samawal Khalafallah, 78Al-Shafi’h Ahmad Muhammad, 263Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory, 256Al-Tabari, 150Al-Tatarrus, 117, 119Al-Zawahiri, 309American Revolution, 147Amery, Jean, 133Amos, Deborah, 78, 214n29Anglo-Sudan War, 149Ansaruddin, 50


Anwar al-Awlaki, 121Anwar Ibrahim, 272Anwar Sadat, 106, 129April 6 Movement, 166Arab League, 130Arab Spring, 44Arendt, Hannah, 133Aristotle, 36n23Asam Sharaf, 350Asmaa Mahfouz, 190Assem Abdel Majed, 323Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, 217Ayman al-Zawahiri, 115

BBacon, Francis, 357Badie, Mohammed, 325Baernard, Chester, 353Bagram Air Base, 137Baha’i, 356Bakri Hassan Salih, 284Balkans, 148Bank Act, 288Baqir al-Sadr, 57n19Bashar al-Assad, 152Bassem Youssef, 333Bay’a, 143Becker, Carl, 147Belloc, Hillaire, 34Bentham, Jeremy, 30Bergen, Peter L., 111n44Berlin Conference, 8Berlin, Isaiah, 355n10Bin Ali, 49Bishara, Marie Louis, 337Black Book, The, 266Boko Haram, 14, 50, 126Brad, Berner, 70n66Bradley, John, 103n20Bremer, Paul, 213Bush, George, 5

CCamel Battle, 154Camp Bucca, 212Camp David Accords, 9, 129Chapel Hill, 90Cherribi, Sam, 171n38China, 42

National Petroleum Company, 261Christendom, 8Clash of Civilizations, 17, 184Clinton, Bill (President), 14Clinton-Gore government, 104Cold War, 10, 17, 104Comprehensive Peace Accord

(CPA), 267Constituent Assembly, 339Constitutional Declaration, 319Cooke, Miriam, 37Coptic, 356Coulibaly, Amedy, 219Council of American-Islamic Relations

(CAIR), 131Crow, Jim, 38Crusader-Zionist Alliance, 150Cuba, 51Customs Tariff Laws, The, 288

DDabiq, 240DAESH, 25Dahi Khalfan, 77Dalia Ziada, 190Damascus, 317Dar al-Harb, 144Dar al-Islam, 144Darfur, 251, 262, 354Dawla baqiya, 202Dawla Madaniyya, 158, 190de Waal, Alex, 286Democratic Union Party

(PYD), 359


Democratic Unionist, 252Democrat, Muslim, 246Denmark, 205Diamond, Jared, 9Din Brigades, 224Dinka, 260

EEast Africa, 232Ebrahim al Bahrawi, 161Egyptian revolution, 147–195Eickelman, Dale, 85El-Sadiq Shouro, 272Emad Abdellatif, 154Ennahdha, 153Essam Derbal, 178Essam el-Erian, 176Essam Sharaf, 168Essam Tallima, 86Ethiopia, 42European Renaissance, 357Euthyphro, 36

FFahmi Huwaidi, 77, 315Faisal bin Abdul Aziz (King), 10Farid Ismail, 176Fasl al-Kalam fi Muwajahah Zulm

al-Hukkaam, 116Fathi Shaqaqi, 141Fatimah al-Samadi, 78Felool, 160Fethullah Gulen, 355Fi Afaaq al-Ta’alim, 99Fi Zilal al-Quran, 110Finer, Herman, 336Fiqh al-darurah, 255FIS, 102France, 13, 149

Franklin, John Hope, 3, 39Free Officers, 129, 345Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), 176,

189, 330Freedom House, 75French Revolution, 147Friedman, Milton, 30, 32Friedrich, Carl, 336Friedrich-Finer debate, 336Fuad Pasa, 361Fukuyama, Francis, 10

GGamal Abdel Nasser, 73, 340Gamal al-Banna, 54, 108, 347Garang, John, 254, 292Gellner, Ernest, 109General Secretariat of the National

Congress, 262Georges-Picot, Francois, 234Germany, 39Ghazi Salah al-Din al-Atabani, 263,

272, 276Gingrich, Newt, 6Global Islamic Resistance

Call, 121Global Terrorism Database of National

Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), 359

Goldwater, Barry, 9Good-life argument, 6, 29, 31Gran, Guy, 46Great Britain, 5, 47Gregory, Brad, 33Ground Zero mosque, 6Guantanamo Bay, 51, 207Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, 254, 355Gulf War, 13, 213Gunning, Jeroen, 79


HHabib Ben Ali Bourguiba, 247Habib Luz, 272Hafeiz al-Assad, 150Haines, David Cawthorne, 239Hakimiyyah, 12Hamas, 103Hamdi Dabish, 176Hammdi al-Jibilli, 272Hani al-Said al-Siba’i Yusuf, 222Hani Nasria, 222n41Hani Raslan, 164, 349Hanieh, Adam, 11Harvey, David, 45, 213Hassan al-Banna, 97Hassan al-Huwaidi, 272Hassan al-Ruwayni, 178Hassan Mekki, 58Hassan Shehata, 318Haydar Ibrahim, 102Hayek, Friedrich, 32Hazem Beblawi, 42Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, 326Helmi Sahrawi, 93, 332Henning, Briton Alan, 239Heraclitus (Byzantine Emperor), 8, 48Hezbollah, 358Hisam Tamam, 183n65, 188Hiwar al Adyan, 254Honneth, Alex, 92, 92n119, 195n99Hourani, George, 53Hume, David, 357

IIberian Peninsula, 8Ibn Ja’far al-Yacoubi, 151Ibn Kathir, 151Ibrahim Abboud (General), 150, 252Ibrahim Ahmad Omar, 270Ibrahim Elnur, 251

Ibrahim Essa, 322Ibrahim Natil, 103n21Ibtisaam Tahlib, 176Idarat al-Tawahhush, 118Idith Zertal, 132Imam al-Ghazali, 314IMF, 44Imtiaz Ahmad, 96n1Indonesia, 250Intergovernmental Authority on

Drought and Development (IGADD), 268

International Criminal Court (ICC), 267IQRA’ International Educational

Foundation, 77Iran, 360Iranian Revolution, 147, 360Iraq, 18, 43Irhaab, 359ISIL, 14ISIS, 12, 13Islamic Action Front, in Jordan, 272Islamic Charter Front, 253Islamic Revolution of Iran, The, 250Islamic Society of North America

(ISNA), 131Islamic State in Iraq (ISI), 126Islamist National Congress Party

(NCP), 254Islamization project, 96Ismail Al-Faruqi, 83Israel, 9Israel Gershoni, 105Israeli-Palestinian, 16

JJaafar Nimeiri, 102Jaafar Niumeairi, 150Jahiliyyah, 12Jalal Amin, 163


Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, 128, 357Janjaweed, 266Jankowski, James, 105Japan, 39Jefferson, Thomas, 38Jerusalem, 10Jihad bis-Saif, 49, 351Join the Caravan, 116Jones, Terry, 6Justice and Development (PJD), 189Justice and Equality Movement

(JEM), 141

KKa’b ibn al-Ashraf, 205Kabul, 212Kagan, Robert, 15Kamal al-Helbawi, 180Kamal al-Jazuli, 284Kamal Ganzouri, 169Kandahar, 212Kant, Immanuel, 31Karbala, 209Kashmir, 259Kasozi, A.B.K., 36Kemal Ataturk, 234Kenya, 256Kepel, Gilles, 355n8Khairat al-Shater, 325Khairuddin al-Tunisi, 56, 357Khaled Abou El Fadl, 60Khalid al-Minshawi, 176Khalid El-Hassan, 109Khalid Hanafi, 320, 337Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 217Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani, 41Khalifah al-Sheikh Makawi, 277Khalil Ibrahim, 141, 266Khartoum, 141Khitab al shar’iyyah, 344Kifayah Movement, 166

Kober Prison, 276Kurdufan, 252Kurzman, Charles, 75Kuwait, 141, 255

LLagu, Joseph, 259Lahoud, Nelly, 117n58Langewiesche, William, 260Law of Nations, 360Lawrence, Bruce, 352n2Lebanon, 358Legal Proof of Using Human Shields,

The, 119Lesch, Ann, 288n63Letters from Abbottabad: Bin Laden

Sidelined, 117n58Levinas, Emmanuel, 33Lewis, Bernard, 8, 58Libya, 14Lipset, Seymour, 350Listen and obey, 341Locke, John, 357London bombings, 13

MMa-amun al-Hudaybi, 74Machar, Riek, 260Mackie, John Leslie, 31Madison, James, 198Mahdi family, 252Mahdi revolution, 149Mahjoub Abdessalam, 263Mahmood Jamal, 109Mahmood Mamdani, 36n26Mahmoud Badr, 320Mahmoud Muhammad Taha,

108, 252Majid Khadduri, 72n70Malaysia, 272


Malek Bennabi, 57n18Mali, 13, 135Management of Savagery The, 122Manifest Destiny, 33n12Maoism, 147Maqasid al-Shari’a, 58Marshall Plan, 40Marshall, Thomas Humphrey, 34Marwan Qabbani, 270Marxism, 35Maspero Massacre, 168Mauritania, 97Mawlana Omar, 221Mazhar Shaheen, 333McCants, William, 237n75Memorandum of the Ten, 263–264Middle Ages, 147Middle East, 148Mill, John Stuart, 32Mirghani, 252Mitchell, 341n52Mogamma, 155Mohamed Elhachmi Hamdi, 253n7Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, 129Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, 342Mohamed Mustafa El-Baradei, 166,

321, 331Mohsin Hamid, 89Moncef Marzouki, 151Moroccan Justice and Development

Party, 109Morocco, 10, 152Mosul, 201Mother of All Battles, 213Mouath al-Kasaesbeh, 207Mousa al-Makour, 277Mousa Ishaq, 266Moussa Kamara, 353Muammar Gaddafi, 49Muawiyah bin Abi-Sufyan, 220Mubarak, President, 309Muhammad Abdel Salam Faraj, 100

Muhammad Abdessam Faraj, 48Muhammad Abduh, 128, 357Muhammad Abdul al-Maqsud, 316Muhammad al Baltaji, 320n21Muhammad Al-’Urayfi, 315Muhammad al-Amin Khalifah, 277Muhammad al-Ghazali, 99Muhammad Ali Pasha, 287Muhammad Ammarah, 142, 193Muhammad bin Hassan, 151Muhammad Kamali, 58Muhammad Morsi, 96, 159Muhammad Naguib, 308, 345Muhammad Omar al-Zubair, 272Muhammad Qutb, 100Muhammed Abduh, 56Muhammed Abdussalam Faraj, 79Muhammad Tantawi, Marshall, 327Muhammed Yusuf, 50Mullah Mohammad Omar

Mujahidin, 235Munazzamat al-Da’wa

al-Islamiyya, 289Musab al-Zarqawi, 217Museveni, Yoweri, 267Muslim Brotherhood, 25Muslim Brotherhood International

Organization, 272Muslim Scholars Association of

Pakistan, 271Muslim Student Association, 131Muslim World League, 257Mustafa el-Nahhas Pasha, 74Muyassara al-Gharib, 215

NNahda movement, 348Naif, Prince, 80Naivasha, 268Najaf, 209Nakba, 127, 360


Napoleon, General, 58NaSir Al-Fahd, 114Nasr Abu Zayd, 344Nasr City, 180Nasr Muhammed Arif, 110, 306National Congress Party

(NCP), 264National Islamic Front (NIF), 249National Popular Congress

(NPC), 268National Salvation, 249National Security Strategy (NSS), 42National Umma Party, 253Nawal Saadawi, 161Nazism, 43Necmettin Erbakan, 256Negro Revolution, The, 150New Deal, 39Niblock, Tim, 2819/11, 5, 267North Africa, 149Nouri al-Maliki, 25Nuba Mountains, 291Nuer, 260Nuremberg, 9, 40

OObama, Barack, 6, 16October Revolution, 150OIC, 10Olesen, Thomas, 127Olivier, Roy, 352Oman, 41Omar Abdel-Rahman, 113Omar Abdurrahman, 272Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, 96Omar Makram Mosque, 333Omar Suleiman, 161Operation Desert Storm, 204Osama bin Laden, 4, 48, 251Ottoman Turks, 8, 149

PPakistan, 13, 118Palestine, 130Palestinian intifadas, 149Palestinian National Liberation

Movement, 250Palmyra, 201Paul, Richard, 341n52Pentagon, 232Philip, Bilal, 190Philippines, 271Pinochet, Augusto, 40Plato, 36n23Ponty, William, 8Popular Arab and Islamic Congress,

257Popular Congress Party (PCP), 265Post-World War I, 39Powell, Colin, 42

QQadi Hussein Ahmad, 272Qaeda-tu al-jihad, 229Qalb al Umma al-Nabid, 360Qatar, 41

RRabia al-Adawiyya, 326Rabi’ah, 180Rachid al-Ghannushi, 98Ramadi, 201Ramzi bin al-Shibh, 217Rapley, John, 45Raqqa, 219Rasaail Hassan al-Banna, 97Rawls, John, 31, 34Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President),

355Reifeld, Helmut, 96n1Reinventing Governance, 104


Republican Brotherhood, 252Revolutionary Command Council for

National Salvation, 262Rice, Condoleezza, 90Rosenthal, Erwin I. J., 61n35, 362n20Rosenthal, Franz, 59, 59n28Rousseff, Dilma Vana, 314Roy, Olivier, 17, 88n108Russian Revolution, 147

SSaddam Hussein, 212, 255Sadiq al-Mahdi, 251Sa’id al-Hawwa, 99Said, Edward, 130Salafi-Wahhabism, 106Salih Sirriya, 112Salih Zahr al-Din, 349Sam’a, 143Sami Anan, 342Satanic Verses, 205Saudi Arabia, 26Sawt al Huriyya, 189Sayyed Imam Al-Sharif, 115Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, 12, 48Sayyid al-Qimni, 361Sayyid Qutb, 9, 48, 100Sayyid Rashid Ali al-Gaylani, 149Secular Age, 7Sen, Amartya, 457/7 London, 5Shafiq, General, 159Shar’iyyah, 305–350Sharansky, Natan, 44Shari’a, 303Sharif al-Sawi, 320–321Sharif Hussein bin Ali, 149Sheikh Haji Nur, 80Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, 315Sherif Younes, 164n33Sinai, 201

Sinam Dhirwat al-Islam, 101Siraj al-Deen Abdul-Ghaffar, 292Sky, Emma, 214Smith, Lee, 155n21Socrates, 36Somalia, 1, 51South Africa, 104South Korea, 41South Sudan, 309South Sudan Liberation Movement

(SSLM), 259Soviet Union, 9, 362State Department Designated Foreign

Terrorist Organizations, 358Sudan, 2Sudan People’s Liberation Movement

(SPLM), 257Sultan Qaboos, 41Supreme Constitutional Court, 338Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

(SCAF), 156, 361Sykes-Picot Agreement, 234Sykes, Sir Mark, 234Syria, 40Syrian Free Army, 233Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection

Units (YPG), 359

TTa’a, 143Tahar al-Haddad, 56Tahrir Square, 306Tajikistan, 104Taliban, 51Taliban Islamic Emirate, 250Talodi, 291Tamarod, 319Tamkeen, 110, 354Tanzania, 42, 256Tarkhan Batirashvili, 239Tawadros II, Pope, 331


Tel Aviv, 309Tharwat al-Kherbawy, 182Thawrat al-Zinj, 150Theology of Blood, 223Theory of Justice, 34Thoreau, David, 161Tocqueville, Alexis de, 10, 10n25, 37Toth, James, 70n64Treatises in the Jurisprudence of Jihad, 121Trump, Donald (President), 5Turabi, 20Turabi-Bashir alliance, 45Turkestan, 271Turkey, 13, 95Turki al-Bin’ali, 203Turner, Bryant, 34

UUbudiyyah, 12Uganda, 36UN Charter, 9United Kingdom (UK), 149United Nations (UN), 10, 40, 311United Nations Security Council

(UNSC), 9Urabi Revolution, 149USAID, 42USS Cole, 14, 257USSR, see Soviet UnionUtilitarianism, 31

VVietnam, 211

WWael Ghonim, 177, 334Wael Hallaq, 108Wafd Party, 334

Wahhabi-Salafi doctrine, 356Wail Abdel Fattah, 244Wail Ibrishi, 186Waldo, Dwight, 327Walid al-Ibrahim, 84War on Terror, The, 43Wathiqatu al-Azhar, 194Watt, William Montgomery, 60Weinberg, Steven, 2Weisman, Itzchak, 106n28West Africa, 8West Bank, 141Wiktorowicz, Quintan, 351n1Wilson, Woodrow, 39Wizer, Michael, 33World Assembly of Muslim Youth

(WAMY), 77World Bank, 44World Islamic Front for Jihad

Against the Jews and the Crusaders, The, 12

World Islamist Movement, 267World Trade Center,

256, 262World War I, 147World War II, 9, 41

YYazidi, 356Yemen, 1Yezidis, 210Yugoslavia, 104

ZZarqawi, 210Zayn al-Abidin, 58n23Zaynab al-Ghazali, 106Ziauddin Sardar, 109n36Zoroastrians, 229