Big Data: The Final Frontier

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Big Data is bringing big benefits to data driven organizations. This presentation explains Big Data in a nutshell and provides information about SQream's Big Data technology powered by GPUs.


Data The Final Frontier

Ori NetzerVP Product @SQream

Scale is Unknown

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Big Data

Some Times People Call It

Big Data 3 V’s

Structure Data

Un Structure Data

Data in Rest & Data in Motion

Traditional Solutions

Big Iron Solutions

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New Technologies

Big Data Solution Landscape

World’s Toughest Big Data Challenges

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GPU advantages in a nutshell

• Massive parallel computing power

• Aggressive data crunching

• Extreme scalability

• Low power consumption

4.3 Billion Call records30 Million Subscribers, 4 Months

Orange (France Telecom)

$ 6,300,000

875 Seconds


1x K40 GPU

636 Seconds

1x Dell R720

x40 Cost Performance

168x CPU14x Servers

SQream – Yes, We Scale Linearly!

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My 2 Cents...

• Think Big Start Small• Always think of the

"unknown unknowns"• No one solution... but

all should be connected• KISS - Keep It Simple


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W. Edwards Deming

“In God we trust; all others must bring data.”

SQream The Fastest Analytics Ever!

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