Big ideas, small steps:

Post on 24-May-2015

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Presented by Johan Mijs and Lotte De Bruyne @ New Technologies for New Audiences in Vooruit, Gent (December 6 2011)


BIG idea(l)s SMALL steps

CHANGING environment


koen.vandendriessche = government organisation for the digital library = 300 public libraries in Flanders

public libraries are places

public libraries provide access to

for the general public

a diverse and up to date collection

what about libraries in the digital world?

existential questions: 'online ergo sum'

no digital public lending rights

start negotiating

start business modeling

specifics: small population, small language, small advertising market

Taking small steps (piecemeal engineering)


To users To libraries

To administration and politicians To content providers and creative industry

Can trigger FAIL and EVOLUTION

music is a forerunner



Libraries non-commercially stimulate, spread and give democratic and guaranteed access to culture – also on the internet? / what is

the difference? / who else? / what added value?

DigiLeen DRM protected downloads (2007)

DigiLeen streaming (upgrade, 2011) (2011)

What is

Digitized cd collection of 1 pilot library

Streaming player (30s – full track)

Library card number login

Limited use of 10 hours/month

Subjective metadata (moods, bpm, hardness, genres, ...) and recommender of Aristo Music API recommender

Integration into library search engine

extreme user testing = 14-25 year olds

10 interviews of 75 minutes

context, test, evaluation

setting in BOHO, Ghent (sewing/knitting café)

open, relax, non-conformist experience

Ladda vzw

•  centre of expertise on (youth / new) culture •  research + (artistic) projects •  grassroots, bottom up, qualitative��� ...

Frustration - radio or a musical trip?

first impression

• WOW suprise

•  I totally did not expect this from a library

•  I couldn’t imagine anything, but this is better then anything I could have imagined.

•  after first use: many questions, comments, tips, ...

•  very different and personal: some patterns!

computer says NO ���usability & efficiency���

•  All of a sudden, these strange numbers appear ...

•  This next button is making me insane, I just can’t seem to figure out what it does exactly. Grrrr

•  If you use backspace, you log out of the system, and you can not go back to your search history.

•  Could be bigger, too much scrolling

•  Page system does not work right. Page with one result is ridiculous. Maybe you could use ‘infinity scroll’ ...

•  I like to choose how many items I can see on a page. Like on webshops ...

screen lay out


•  it would be OK for my mom ...

•  It’s not complete, totally not, and it’s not possible to listen to all of the songs in the collection, strange ... frustrating ....

•  Only those typical artists, nothing underground

filters •  too many

•  not the right ones

•  very confusing

•  I prefer to click in stead of drowning in possibilities.

•  Soo much information, it takes a while till you understand ...

•  Filter is cool but too many irrelevant elements: language, tempo, atmosphere

•  so many filter - options but not the simple ones you need. Artists, albums, songs ...

• What does happy, energetic or cosy mean?

•  A bit more google in the search engine please.

time travelling���in decades please!���


•  I would use it if it has an impressive COMPLETE content. Including rare things you can not find elsewhere.

•  a good idea to combine other music applications like Last Fm

•  I would really use it if you can have a personalised account

•  I would use it to make playlists, but that is not possible now ...

•  I would like to use it on my I pod ...

•  from my home, bedroom is cool!

•  to discover music

•  perfect for musiclovers who want to be informed

•  an extra music service besides others

•  perfect for things that are not worthwile downloading, ... shameful things, memory lane

•  I would use it if it’s free

•  If my mom would pay for it ... ���

look en feel •  not horrible

•  Simple, sober. OK

•  classic

•  Not really attractive. Maybe a bit more sleek?

•  it’s more important that it works fast and easy. If it’s fast, I’m not bothered by the look

•  It has a bit of a ‘government - style’ but that’s OK for a library

•  Youtube does not look hip and fresh. But people love it and ��� use it anyway

Some conclusions, mechanisms ...

•  it’s a good idea, but there’s a long way to go ...


•  clear

•  simple

•  fast

•  logic


the simpler, the better ...

•  applies not only to young users

head check

•  leave the head of the librarian

clean search + serendipity

•  add ‘accidental’ and personalised content

filters !!!

•  endless content: filter & focus

•  consumer = selection���library = filter management

Bib fm assets

•  extended collection (new + old, mainstream + rare)

•  independent & solid

•  fine - free

•  local + international

challenge =

•  Get rid of the bad part of the classical image and keep the good authentic elements and character!������+ add innovative, high - tech & functional

the pace of innovation exceeds our


the greatest value is in the mass place

the organisation that

makes the most out of the innovations, has the

least resources

World Creativity Forum 2011 / Malcolm Gladwell

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