BIG PICTURE: BIG IDEA BIG POINT: We have healing because ...

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BIG PICTURE: Jesus – Miracles

BIG IDEA: Miracle Maker BIG POINT: We have healing because of Jesus LEARNING OUTCOMES:

· Discover that we can have healing in Jesus’ name. · Understand that Jesus still heals today. · Learn the gospel account of Jesus healing a blind man.

THE BIG WORD Below is the memory verse that we have been learning for this section. You can read this with your child and practice it throughout the week.

Jesus Looked at them and said ‘’There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.” Mark 10:27 (CEV)

Scripture References:

Isaiah 53:5 Matthew 8:17

Matthew 9:35 Matthew 15:30

Luke 9:1-2 John 21:25

James 5:13-15

Intro reading for this week’s lesson Read the following: In The Gospels we read the amazing things Jesus did, His teachings and miracles. Matthew 9:35 (NIRV) says, “Jesus went through all the towns and villages. He taught in their synagogues. He preached the good news of the kingdom. And he healed every illness and sickness.” Jesus showed God’s power as He healed people everywhere He went. He made people who were deaf able to hear, people who were blind to see and people who were lame able to walk. He healed people with skin diseases and restored them to live a healthy life. These miracles showed His love for others. Healing miracles didn’t end when Jesus ascended to Heaven, because of Jesus, we can have healing today! When we or someone we know is sick, injured, or hurt we can have faith that they can be healed and made whole. James 5:13-15 (NIV) says, “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.” People all over the world share stories of how God has miraculously healed them. This healing may not look how we expect.

When we pray for healing it might be an immediate miracle. The sickness or pain might leave instantly! God is so powerful that nothing is too hard for Him and we can believe in miracles like this.

Sometimes healing may take some time. We might find that a sickness or injury takes a few weeks, months or years to heal. God designed our bodies in an amazing way that over time the body heals or works to fight off things like infections or a virus. We can help our body to heal by taking good care of it and resting! Doctors hear of sickness or broken bones that heal in miraculous time, when we listen to God and obey the good advice of doctors we can see God’s healing miracle help our bodies to get better.

God has given incredible wisdom to people on earth to help them develop medicines and treatment to help our body work the best it can. Many many years ago people would die of common colds, nowadays we have learned and continue to learn about how the body works and how to treat sickness and disease. We may find amazing healing from God through the right medicine and treatment.

God has created each one of us and has given us this gift of life. When we

take good care of the body God has given us by resting, eating nourishing food, and exercising we can stay strong and healthy.

God promises that through Jesus, we will live forever in Heaven. In Heaven there is no sickness or disease. While we are on earth, we may face sickness and disease and healing may come through God’s miracle power, but we know that no matter what, when we have eternal life with God, we will have healed and whole bodies in Heaven. In whatever way God chooses to heal us, it’s all in His timing and His way. We have faith that God can and will heal, and even when it doesn’t happen in the way we think, we keep having faith.

THE BIG QUESTION Below are questions that you can ask your children and use the information below for further discussion. 1. What does the Bible say about healing? Read together from Isaiah 53:5. Isaiah 53:5 (NIV), “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” We are healed in the name of Jesus. God promises us healing. Jesus died on the cross and rose again, taking the punishment for our sin. Through what Jesus did on the cross we can be part of God’s family and receive the promises He has for us. One of those promises is healing. 2. How did Jesus treat those who were sick or in need? In The Gospels, we see that Jesus showed great love and compassion for people. He was never too important to talk with someone and meet them in their need. People didn’t have to be clean and perfect to approach Jesus, He came to them right where they were at. Jesus has compassion for you and I too, He meets us where we are at and brings healing and wholeness. We have healing because of Jesus. 3. What can we do when someone is sick? If we know someone is sick - we can pray! We pray to God to help us when we are sick or injured. He made our bodies to get better. Sometimes people can be very very sick and we can pray for them, lay hands on their back or shoulder and ask God to help them. Is anyone sick today? We should pray for them, take a moment to pray together.

Story Points – (beyond the story, items to discuss) 1. WE CAN HAVE HEALING IN JESUS NAME Being unwell is no fun at all. Almost everyone deals with illness at some point, either in our own lives, or in the lives of people we know. The Gospels tell us of 37 miracles that Jesus performed. Many of these are miracles of healing. There may have been many more people that Jesus healed, that were not recorded in the Bible. John 21:25 (NIV), “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” After Jesus died, and three days later rose again, He ascended to Heaven. What Jesus did while He was here on earth still has power today. Jesus’ death and resurrection means we have salvation and forgiveness from sin. That’s not all it means, it also means we can have healing in Jesus’ name. One of the most interesting things about reading the New Testament is that sometimes the writers mention a verse from the Old Testament and explain what it means, or give us new information about it. It happened in Matthew 8:17 (NIRV), “This happened so that what Isaiah the prophet had said would come true. He had said, “He suffered the things we should have suffered. He took on himself the sicknesses that should have been ours.” Matthew is talking in this verse about Isaiah 53:5 (NIV), it says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” The HE mentioned here is, of course, Jesus! Although if you were born in the time of Isaiah you wouldn’t have known that. Matthew is reminding us, here in The Gospels, that God doesn’t change and because of Jesus we can have healing. 2. JESUS STILL HEALS TODAY We read story after story in The Gospels, of Jesus’ miracles of healing. Does that mean that now Jesus isn’t physically with us here on earth, or since the Bible has been written and published, there are no more miracles? We are part of God’s story too and because of Jesus, we can still have healing miracles today! James 5 has one of the best verses in the Bible that fills us with faith that God can heal us. James 5:13-15 (NIV), “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.”

This verse doesn’t just tell us what to say when we need healing, it also tells us what to do. When someone is sick, we can pray! It’s God’s power that brings healing and wholeness to us. Prayer is powerful and when people pray, miracles can happen! This verse talks about having the elders of the church come to pray and anoint with oil. You may not know who the elders of your church are, but they’re the people God has placed in our lives to lead and shepherd and guide us here at church. Healing wasn’t just for Bible times, we can have healing today. 3. JESUS SHOWED COMPASSION FOR PEOPLE Kings and Queens are not known for hanging out with ordinary everyday people like you and me. They live in castles and have important meetings with world leaders. But our King Jesus led a very different life. All through the Gospels we see Him nowhere near a castle, He was out with the people. He walked among them, taught them, healed them and blessed them. Matthew 9:35 (NIRV), “Jesus went through all the towns and villages. He taught in their synagogues. He preached the good news of the kingdom. And he healed every illness and sickness.” Matthew 15:30 (NIRV), “Large crowds came to him. They brought blind people and those who could not walk. They also brought disabled people, those who could not speak, and many others. They laid them at his feet, and he healed them.” Jesus showed great love and compassion for people. He was never too important to talk with someone and meet them in their need. People didn’t have to be clean and perfect to approach Jesus, He came to them right where they were at. Jesus has compassion for you and I too, He meets us where we are at and brings healing and wholeness. We have healing because of Jesus. PRAYER Thank you Jesus that we can receive healing! Thank you that You still heal today and we can receive healing from You. I pray we would always remember that because of You we can pray for healing and receive it in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ACTIVITY SHEETS At the bottom of this document there are activity sheets (one is for younger elementary and the other is for older elementary), summarizing today’s lesson. Feel free to have your child complete it

Your Name:

Use these questions to kick start discussion with your children!

for parents! Big Point: Today I learnt that...

Big idea: Big Word:










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Jesus looked at them and said, “There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.” Mark 10:27 (CEV)MIRACLE MAKER

Finish the pictures to tell today’s Bible story.

1. Who did Jesus heal in today’s Bible story?2. What should we do if someone is sick?3. Is there anyone we can pray for right now?

Draw how the blind man felt before he was healed.

Draw the blind man’sface when Jesus put mudon his eyes.

Draw how the blind manfelt after he was healed.

Colour in only the sections with a dot to reveal the word.

We have healing in the name of

Who can you pray for that is sick at the moment?

Your Name:

Use these questions to kick start discussion with your children!

for parents! Big Point: Today I learnt that...

Big idea: Big Word:








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Jesus looked at them and said, “There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.” Mark 10:27 (CEV)MIRACLE MAKER

Read the verse and write it here:

1. Who did Jesus heal in today’s Bible story?2. What should we do if someone is sick?3. Is there anyone we can pray for right now?

Matthew 9:35

Read the verse and write it here: Matthew 15:30

Colour in today’s Bible story