Big Sandy Community and Technical College Course...

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  • Big Sandy Community and Technical College

    Course Syllabus

    PS Number: 88766 Semester: Spring Year: 2016

    Faculty Name: Terri E. LeBrun Title: Professor

    Course Prefix and Number: RCP 175 Course Credit Hours: 3

    Course Prerequisites: RCP 150 with a grade of C or better;

    Course Title: Clinical 2 Monday 7:30 am-7:30 pm (hours subject to change) Wednesday 7:30 am-7:30 pm (hours subject to change) Please see RCP 175 Schedule for specific details in regards to the clinical rotation.

    Catalog Course Description: Students will participate in the health care team while practicing techniques of respiratory care including airway management and bronchial hygiene in the assigned setting.

    Instructor Contact Information:

    Campus Location: Mayo Building & Room: Building-D Room- 202

    Office Hours: See attached Instructor Schedule

    Office Phone Number: 606-788-2813 Alternate Number: 606-789-5321, Ext. 82813

    Best Times to Call: Afternoons

    KCTCS Email:

    Special Instructions: Please leave a voice mail or email if unable to contact instructor.

    Supervisor Contact Information:

  • Name: Marsha McKenzie

    Campus Location: Prestonsburg Building & Room: Campbell Building F Room -120 K

    Office Phone Number: 606-886-3863

    KCTCS Email:

    Text and Supplies:

    Clinical Manual and Clinical Manual on CD-ROM

    KCTCS General Education Competencies

    Students should prepare for twenty-first century challenges by gaining: A. Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural worlds through study in the sciences and

    mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts.

    B. Intellectual and practical skills, including

    inquiry and analysis

    critical and creative thinking

    written and oral communication

    quantitative literacy

    information literacy

    teamwork and problem solving C. Personal and social responsibility, including

    civic knowledge and engagement (local and global)

    intercultural knowledge and competence

    ethical reasoning and action

    foundations and skills for lifelong learning D. Integrative and applied learning, including synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and

    specialized skills.

    Course Specific Competencies (Student Outcomes):

    Upon completion of this course, the student can: 1. administer medical gases; 2. administer humidity and aerosol therapy; 3. perform the techniques of postural drainage percussion and vibration;

  • 4. select, assemble, and use bronchial hygiene adjunct equipment e.g., intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, flutter device, high frequency chest wall oscillation, etc.;

    5. teach and monitor patient progress in incentive spirometry procedures; 6. perform intermittent positive pressure breathing treatments; 7. deliver aerosolized medication via hand held nebulizer and metered dose inhaler and adjunct equipment; 8. teach patients techniques for self-administration of aerosolized medications; 9. perform the techniques of airway management, including artificial airways and tracheobronchial

    suctioning; 10. administer positive expiratory pressure therapy, mask CPAP, nasal CPAP and BIPAP; 11. prepare and administer inhalation drugs; 12. recommend appropriate use of aerosolized medications and maintain quality control of equipment; 13. select, assemble, clean, correct malfunctions and maintain quality control of equipment used in medical

    gas administration, humidity, aerosol, bronchial hygiene and airway management; 14. evaluate appropriateness of prescribed medical gas, humidity and aerosol, and bronchial hygiene therapy

    and make modifications were indicated; 15. demonstrate professional behavior appropriate to the current education level; and 16. Formulate or modify the respirator care plan as indicated.

    Lab Competencies (Student Outcomes): (Enter N/A if this does not apply.)


    Required Experiments/Activities:

    1. Arterial puncture

    2. Arterial line sampling

    3. Blood sample analysis

    4. Pulse oximetry

    5. Capnography

    6. Spirometry

    7. FRC determination

    8. Electrocardiography & interpretation

    9. Chest and neck imaging interpretations

    Course Outline:

    I. Assume Role of Respiratory Therapist A. Professional behavior B. Member of team C. Embracing diversity D. Ethical considerations E. Medicolegal aspects F. Relationships with others

  • G. Personal attributes II. Practice Medical Asepsis A. Hand washing B. Utilization of universal/standard precautions C. Equipment cleaning D. Materials handling III. Gather Information A. Confidentiality B. General Condition C. Orders D. Physical E. Progress notes F. History G. Lab, radiology, and other tests IV. Report and Record Information A. Legal aspects B. Communication V. Patient Assessment A. Interview B. Inspection C. Palpation D. Percussion E. Auscultation F. Vital signs VI. Medical Gas Administration A. Devices B. Systems C. Techniques D. Assessments E. Quality Control VII. Humidity and Aerosol Therapy A. Devices B. Systems C. Techniques D. Assessments E. Quality control VIII. Chest Physiotherapy A. Devices B. Systems C. Techniques D. Assessment E. Quality Control IX. Bronchial Hygiene Therapies (PEP, Flutter, etc.) A. Devices B. Systems C. Techniques D. Assessment E. Quality Control

  • X. Lung Inflation Therapy A. Devices B. Systems C. Techniques D. Assessment E. Quality Control XI. Airway Management A. Emergency airways B. Intubation C. Trach care D. Care of the intubated patient E. Extubation F. Tracheobronchial aspiration G. Specialty airways XII. Non-invasive Ventilation/CPAP Techniques A. Devices B. Systems C. Techniques D. Assessment and monitoring E. Quality Control XIII. Drug Therapy A. Preparing drugs B. Administering via inhalation C. Recommending modification D. Recommending other agents E. Devices F. Systems G. Techniques H. Assessment I. Quality control

    Course Structure:

    This class shall include lecture and directed clinical practice in the hospital setting, under supervision of adjunct clinical instructors. Physician interaction is a student requirement and provides vast learning experiences for the student in the clinical setting. Credentialed hospital staff provides clinical teaching on a voluntary basis and are referred to as Clinical Preceptors. The Director of Clinical Education directs all Clinical rotations.

    Technology/Media Component:

    Power Point, lecture notes, overheads, videos, handouts, seminars by physicians and internet assignments



    Course Requirements and Evaluation:

    Explanation of Course Requirements and Evaluation:

  • 1. Attendance-20 pts. Per day 20% (Attendance points may vary with each clinical group based on the Academic Calendar). The student must sign in daily on the attendance log located in the clinical manual and your clinical instructor must sign his or her signature to verify the students attendance. 2. Daily Evaluation 25% (This form is to be filled out daily by your clinical instructor and is used to evaluate the student’s competencies in the clinical setting). 3. Clinical Proficiency Evaluation Rotation Summary 10% (This form is to be filled out by your clinical instructor at the end of each clinical rotation). 4. Behavioral Rating Scale 7% (This form is to be filled out by your clinical instructor at the end of each clinical rotation). 5. Completion of Written Objectives which are mandatory and not optional and Written Patient Assessment Final 7% (Written objectives are to include all assigned sections of the Clinical Manual on CD ROM.) Please see the assigned sections for each clinical located in the Objective section of the clinical manual. 6. Clinical Procedure Check-offs 10% (Must complete all required checkoffs in the laboratory and clinical setting for RCP 150 . Please note the checkoff list in the RCP 150 Syllabus). 7. Daily Log-5 pts. Per day 2% (The entire log sheet is to be filled with comments of what the student’s clinical experiences were for the day. If the log sheet is not complete, you will not receive points for this day). ***Library Time located on this form is no longer available as each college campus has a designated library for student use. This form will be edited in the coming months to exclude the Library Time categatory at the bottom of the page. Please draw a line through Library Time on each daily log until changes in the document are completed. 8. 1- Patient Profile 7% (Graded by the clinical instructor using a standard form with assigned points for each category of the patient profile).Timelines to submit your patient profile are located in the clinical Syllabi. Please use the form located under Patient Profile Timelines in the clinical manual. 9. 1- Clinical Simulation 2% (The clinical simulation is to be completed by the timelines set forth in the clinical Syllabi). The student is to complete the simulation in the laboratory. The simulations are located on the computers in the lab. The student is assigned specific clinical simulations for each clinical course and the assignment is located in the Clinical Simulation section of the clinical manual. 10. Physician Interaction 10% (15 points are required each semester with no carry over of extra points). (The student must have the Physician’s Original Signature , the student’s evaluation of the physician, and the physician’s evaluation of the student to receive credit for Physician Interaction Points).

  • TOTAL = 100%

    Explanation of Clinical Rules Attendance

    Each student will have an attendance sheet on which he/she will sign in and out daily. Attendance shall be

    worth 20 pts. Per day. When a student is tardy or leaves early, daily attendance points will be dropped to 10.

    A student who leaves more than 2 hours early shall have his/her points dropped to 5. A student who is absent

    will receive a “0” for attendance points on that day. Tardy is anything after 7:00 a.m. for day shift clinical and

    anything after 3:00 p.m. for evening shift. “Early” is anything before 6:45 am for day shift clinical and anything

    before 2:45 p.m. for evening shift.

    Attendance Sign In/Sign Out Form

    All students must sign in/out in his/her handwriting each day on the clinical log in the Respiratory

    Department. This log will be sent to Mrs. LeBrun on a weekly basis as another means of tracking

    attendance. If a student fails to sign in, it will be considered an unexcused absence.

    Daily Evaluation

    This form is to be filled out by your clinical instructor at the end of each clinical day.

    Clinical Proficiency Evaluation Rotation Summary

    This form is to be filled out by your clinical instructor at the end of each clinical rotation.

    Behavioral Rating Scale

    This form is to be filled out by your clinical instructor at the end of each clinical rotation.

    Completion of Written Objectives

    Written Objectives are located in your clinical manual and on the Respiratory Care Clinical Manual on CD-ROM

    by Elizabeth Kelley Buzbee. Written Objectives are mandatory, failure to complete the written objectives will

    result in a failing grade.

    Written Objectives are to include all required check-offs for RCP 175. Please see the check-off list in the RCP

    175 Syllabus.

    Clinical Procedure Check-Offs Must complete all required check-offs in the laboratory and clinical setting for

    RCP 175. Please note the check-off list in the RCP 175 Syllabus. The student will use the RCP 125 laboratory

    text, to document laboratory and clinical check-offs. The forms that the student will use are titled Clinical

    Performance Evaluation and the specific Laboratory check-off is listed on the previous page.

  • Passing Criteria / Performance Rating:

  • 5 – Independent: Near-flawless performance, minimal errors, able to perform without supervision, seeks

    out new learning , shows initiative; A = 4.7-5.0 average.

    4 – Minimally Supervised: Few errors, able to self-correct, seeks guidance when appropriate; B = 3.7-4.65

    3 – Competent: Minimal required level; no critical errors; able to correct with coaching; meets expectations;

    safe; C = 3.0-3.65

    2- Marginal: Below average; critical errors or problem areas noted; would benefit from remediation; D = 2.0-


    1-Dependent: Poor; unacceptable performance; unsafe; gross inassuracies; potentially harmful; F = < 2.0

    The student will be required to obtain a 78% or better on the procedure to pass the Clinical Performance


    Summary Performance Evaluation and Recommendations:

    Pass = Satisfactory Performance

    Minimal supervision needed; may progress to next level provided specific skills, clinical time


    Minimal supervision needed, able to progress to next level without remediation

    Fail: = Unsatisfactory Performance (check all that apply)

    Minor reevaluation only

    Needs additional clinical practice before reevaluation

    Needs additional laboratory practice before skills performed in clinical area

  • Recommend clinical probation

    Students are allowed two attempts to complete check-offs; if a third attempt is needed and done

    unsuccessfully, the student will be recommended for dismissal from the program

    Daily Log-5 pts. Per day

    The entire daily log sheet is to be filled with comments of what the student’s clinical experiences were for

    the day. If the log sheet is not complete, you will not receive points for this day. Please disregard the section

    that is labeled Library Time and mark one line through this section. Library Time during the clinical day is no

    longer permitted. Please use your Campus Libraries at a time other than assigned clinical time.

    1- Patient Profile

    Graded by your clinical instructor using a standard form with assigned points for each category of the

    patient profile).Timelines to submit your patient profile are located in the RCP 200 Syllabus.Please use the

    patient profile form located in your clinical manual. An example of the the standard form used to grade

    patient profiles is located in your clincial manual.

    1- Clinical Simulation

    The clinical simulation is to be completed by the timelines set forth in the RCP 175 Syllabus. The student is to

    complete the simulation in the laboratory. The simulations are located on the computers in the lab.

    Physician Interaction

    15 points are required each semester with no carry over of extra points.The student must have the

    Physician’s Original Signature , the student’s evaluation of the physician, and the physician’s evaluation of

    the student to receive credit for Physician Interaction Points.

    Student Responsibilities in regards to Physician Interaction

    Physician Interaction is any student interaction with a physician. The student is responsible for initiating

    contact with a physician to obtain these points. The student is also responsible for Evaluation of the Physician

    and Physicians Evaluation of the Student.

  • Explanation of Program /Clinical Rules

    Clinical Compliance and Clinical Portfolio

    ALL clinical compliance items must be uploaded to the Verified Credentials Website by the first class day of

    each semester. Please contact Verified Credentials for inquiries in regards to clinical compliance items.

    Failure to comply with uploading of clinical compliance items to the Verified Credentials web site will result

    in dismissal from the Respiratory Program.

    Items needed for the clincial folder are 6 sets of copies which include the following items: Immunization

    Record including Hepatitis B Series or a KCTCS Hepatitis B wavier Form, MMR, TB skin test annually or if

    exposed to TB, Tetanus shot every 10 years, CPR every two years, Annual Flu shot, Professional Liability

    Insurance annually, Proof of Personal Health Care Insurance, Criminal Background Check before each

    semester, Hospital Orientation/Attendance and Facility Compliance. One set of clinical compliance items are

    to be kept in the Clinical Manual, the remaining 5 sets will be needed at other facilities as the student

    progresses through the program and are to be maintained by the student until requested by Respiratory

    Care clinical faculty.

    Drug Screenings are mandatory and are conducted by Verified Credentials each semester and on a random

    basis thoughout each semester as deemed by the DCE, Clinical Instructor, and/or Clinical Facility.

    Failure of the student to maintain current and accurate mandatory clinical compliance items as listed above

    will result in dismissal of the student from the Respiratory Care Program.

    Facility Orientations are mandatory and failure to attend will result in dismissal from the program. All facility

    name tags required are to be returned to your clincial instructor each semester or dismissal from the

    program will ensue.

    Note: The RCP-175 Clinical will meet in the Laboratory of the Respiratory Program from January 4, and

    January 11, 2016. The RCP 200 Clinical will begin tentatively January 25, 2016.

    ALL objectives and check-offs must be completed unless otherwise directed by the instructor or the student

    shall receive an INCOMPLETE for the course.

  • Students are allowed two attempts to complete check-offs; if a third attempt is needed and done

    unsuccessfully, the student will be recommended for dismissal from the program

    Clinical Manual must be reviewed each day by your instructors. Attendance sheets, Daily Evaluation, Daily

    Logs, Physician Interaction sheets, and Objectives/Check-offs must be kept up DAILY! It is the students’

    responsibility to have an instructor check your clinical manual daily.

    Note: If the student fails to keep his or her notebook in order that is lacks forms, signatures, or any data that

    is used by the instructor to calculate a grade, the student will receive a Clinical Manual Insufficiency Form

    with an explanation of the clinical manual insufficiences and recommendations from the DCE and the clincial

    instructor. The student will sign a statement of understanding in regards to the Clincial Manual/Behavioral

    Insufficiencies. The student will have a section for their comments in regards to the the DCE and clincial

    instructors noted Clinical Manual/Behavioral Insufficiences.

    UNSATISFACTORY includes but is not limited to: Improper patient care, risking his/her own life, that of

    his/her peers, or that of a patient, grossly ignoring policies and procedures, inappropriate clinical behavior,

    excessive absence, failure to adhere to confidentiality, performing procedures on a patient when the

    student has not been checked-off on the particular procedure in the lab, inability to successfully complete

    check-offs, possession of a cell phone in the clincal setting, and any other critical behavior/action (use of

    alcohol, etc.) shall be grounds for unsatisfactory clinical grades and result in the student being dropped from

    the respiratory care program!!

    Attire and Behavior

    The complete clinical uniform includes the following: clean, neat, pressed scrubs in designated color,

    matching or white socks or hose (no footies), clean, white leather shoes, clean, white, pressed lab coat, watch

    with second hand, stethoscope, clinical manual, name badge, notepad, and pen. No Body piercings of any type

    allowed in the clinical facility. Tattoos are to be covered and not visible. Failure to adhere closely to these

    uniform requirements may result in loss of points and/or being sent home with an unsatisfactory grade! The

    instructor usually sends students home if the uniform requirements are not followed.

    Keep in mind that NO scents should be worn during clinical—perfumed lotions, powders, perfumes or

    aftershaves due to the Respiratory patients, such as Asthma patients who have very sensitive airways. Also,

    jewelry or nail polish should not be worn. Absolutely, No acrylic or artificial nails are allowed. In some clinical

    facilities, artificial nails are grounds for dismissal because studies have proved that artificial nails harbor

    bacteria, which could be harmful to the immunosuppressed patient. Students may wear his or her wedding

    ring only. Studies have shown that jewelry harbors bacteria which can be transmitted to the

    immunosuppressed patient.

  • The student should behave professionally at all times while in the clinical setting. He/she should avoid

    speaking loudly, horseplay, profanity, etc. Professional behavior includes appropriate grooming. The instructor

    will send students home from the clinical site for failure to adhere to grooming policies.

    Professional behavior includes courtesy and respect—two things, which should always be part of your daily

    activities in clinical. As students in these facilities, we are “guests.” All therapists, nurses, physicians, other

    healthcare personnel, and especially patients, deserve our most professional behaviors and attitudes.

    ALWAYS. Confrontation of any type will not be tolerated and may be grounds for dismissal from the program.

    Any student who has a problem with a therapist, nurse, patient, etc. should see the instructor or department

    head immediately for assistance and should not put himself/herself in any situation which may be harmful.

    While students must be assertive, they should not be aggressive!

    Clinical progress shall be evaluated at mid-term, end of the rotation, and as deemed necessary by the


    All students will be traveling to various clinical facilites. Students should be prepared to travel. Students will

    work day, evening and night shifts as deemed necessary by clinical faculty.

    Students are not allowed to leave clinical early.


    Clinical Rotation Summary and Behavioral Rating Scale/Policy and Procedure of Evaluation



    1 U= 1 hour of subject remediation in the Laboratory.

    2 U’s= 2 hours of subject remediation in the Laboratory

    3 U’s = Dismissal from the Respiratory Care Program

    Students have 24 hours from the date of receiving one or two U’s to complete their remediation or the

    student will receive a failing grade in clinical.

    Clinical Instructors will assign the students laboratory dates, times, and remediation materials to be

    completed and attached to the Behavioral Evaluation Form.

    Note: The student that receives Unsatisfactory may be referred to other college resources as needed for remediation of the identified unsatisfactory behavior.

  • Please refer to the RCP 175 Clinical Rotation Summary and Behavioral Rating Scale forms located in the

    clinical manual.

    Assignments and Timelines

    Assignment Timelines

    One patient profile should be completed on the designated form, with the first to be turned in

    March 28, 2016. Late patient profiles will not be accepted.

    One clinical simulation is due March 28, 2016. Late Clinical Simulations will not be accepted.

    A complete clinical manual is due to your clinical instructor, April 28th 2016.

    The Clinical Grade sheets are due to Mrs. LeBrun on April 29th 2016. If the clinical notebook is

    incomplete, the instructor will not allow late work to be added to the notebook. The student will

    receive a “0” for the incomplete items.

    One patient profile and one clinical simulation should be graded by your clinical instructor and to be

    placed in the front of your clinical manual. Please give your patient profile and clinical sim to your

    clinical instructor to grade. A clinical Patient Profile and Clinical Simulation Timeline/Due Date Form is

    to be used to record the date the clinical instructor received and returned the graded patient profiles

    and clinical simulations. The clinical instructor will fill this form out each semester for the student. This

    form is located on Page 387 in the clinical manual. The student is responsible in giving this form to the

    clinical instructor. After these items have been graded, your clinical instructor will return them Mrs.

    LeBrun for posting of grades .

    The last day for students to attend the RCP 175 / Clinical –2 rotation is Wednesday, Monday April

    25th 2016.

    Final Exams are May 2nd through May 7th 2016.

    Clinical Manual must be reviewed each day by your instructors. Attendance sheets, Daily Evaluation,

    Daily Logs, Physician Interaction sheets, and Objectives/Check-offs must be kept up DAILY!

    Grading Policy:

    The scale below shows the relationship between your semester percent average and the letter grade you will receive. Note: The student must have a 78% in any Respiratory Class to pass the class.

    93-100% A Excellent 85-92% B Good 78-84% C Satisfactory 70-77% D Unsatisfactory (failure of class)

  • Attendance Policy: Clinical Course Requirements and Evaluation

    Attendance – 20 pts. Per day 20% Daily Evaluation 25% Clinical Proficiency Evaluation Rotation Summary 10% Behavioral Rating Scale. 7% Completion of Written Objectives and Patient Assessment Exam 7% Clinical Procedure Check-Offs 10% Daily Log – 5 pts. Per day 2% One patient profile 7% One Clinical Sim 2% Physician interaction 15 pts. 10%

    Total 100%

    Clinical progress shall be evaluated at mid-term, end of the rotation, and as deemed necessary by the instructor.

    • Clinical Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all scheduled clinical days and rotations. There is no designation between excused and unexcused absences. All clinical time missed must be made up, regardless of the reason. Clinical Absence Policy: For any absence, the student must comply with the following policy: Step 1. Contact the clinical facility at least one hour prior to the beginning of his/her clinical shift so the clinical instructor can be informed prior to making out assignments. Document the name of the person with whom he/she spoke and the time of the call-in. Step 2. Contact the clinical instructor directly (if the student is in a facility where there are preceptors, he/she may speak with any of them) at least 30 minutes before the scheduled clinical shift. Step 3. Contact Terri LeBrun, DCE, by 7:15 a.m. It is acceptable to leave a voicemail for her at the school number (606)788-2813 or 888-641-4132, ext. 82813. Step 4. Bring the clinical absence form to school the NEXT class day and have the appropriate personnel to sign. Step 5. Make arrangements for and complete the make-up day within the SAME week as the absence on either Friday or Saturday at time and facility scheduled by the DCE.

    1 Absence No grade penalty on final grade but absence will be documented and makeup time required on either Friday or Saturday at the time/facility designated by the DCE.

    Completion of clinical absence form. Will result in loss of points for the day. • 2 Absences

  • Written reprimand that will become part of the clinical file. Completion of clinical absence form. Will result in loss of points for the day. Make-up required on either Friday/Saturday at the time/facility designated by the DCE. Final grade decreased by 10%. • 3 Absences Written reprimand that will become part of the clinical file. Completion of clinical absence form. Will result in loss of points for the day. Make-up required on either Friday/Saturday at the time/facility designated by the DCE. Final grade decreased by 20%.

    More than 3 Absences Recommend dismissal from program. Failure to comply with Absence Policies and Procedures:

    First time offense-Final Grade decreased by 10%. (applies even with first absence)

    Second time offense- Final Grade decreased by 20%.

    Third time offense- Dismissal from the program. Tardiness: 1. Students are expected to report to their assigned clinical site and be ready for the day's activities at the prescribed starting time. 2. Repeated tardiness, regardless of reason, will result in a grade reduction and may serve as grounds for dismissal from the clinical portion of the Respiratory Program and loss of good standing in the Respiratory Program. 3. A clinical instructor has the prerogative to require that students report to the clinical site up to ten minutes prior to the regular starting time in order for the students to participate in shift report. 4. The clinical instructor shall record any instances of tardiness on the student's evaluation form. Perfect Attendance: 5% added to final clinical course grade. All students must sign in/out in his/her handwriting each day on the clinical log in the respiratory department. If a student fails to sign in/sign out, it will be considered an unexcused absence.

    Missed Exam Policy:

    There shall be no opportunity for make-up on participation in clinical—lost points are lost points, even when the

    student must make-up hours. Patient profiles and other written work will be accepted on designated date. Work

    will not be accepted late. In extenuating circumstances, the individual case shall be reviewed by the Director of

    Clinical Education. Failure to turn in required clinical paperwork on timeline dates which are listed on the syllabus

    will result in a grade of ‘0’.

    Late Assignment Policy:

    Failure to turn in required clinical paperwork on timeline dates which are listed on the syllabus will result in a

    grade of ‘0’.

  • Withdrawal Policy:

    You may withdraw from this course through January 15, 2016 without a grade. March 4, 2016 is the last day for a

    student to withdraw at his/her discretion and receive a grade of W; students may withdraw through April 29, 2016

    at the discretion of the instructor and receive a grade of W. Please see the Academic Calendar for more detailed

    information on the withdrawal policy.

    Information Available at the Current Student Portal ARTICLE II - ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (Referenced in the Rules of the Community College Senate, Section VII and in the Rules of the Technical College Senate, Section VII). The following information is available on the BSCTC Homepage: go to Current Students and under Right to Know click on Student Code of Conduct. Paper copies of all the documents listed under Right to Know are also available upon request at the Admissions Office or Library on the Mayo, Pikeville and Prestonsburg Campuses. 2.1 Academic Honesty Policy 2.2 Academic Rights of Students 2.2.1 Information about course content 2.2.2 Information about course grading criteria 2.2.3 Contrary opinion 2.2.4 Academic evaluation 2.2.5 Academic records 2.2.6 Evaluation of student character and ability 2.3 Student Academic Offenses and Academic Sanctions 2.3.1 KCTCS Academic Offenses Plagiarism Cheating Student Co-Responsibility Misuse or Student Falsification of Academic Records 2.3.2 Academic Sanctions/Penalties of Students Other Academic Sanctions 2.4 Student Appeals and Responsibilities 2.4.1 Student Responsibilities Responsibility Involving Academic Rights of Students (section 2.0)

    Please refer to flowchart: Appeals in Cases of an Alleged Violation of Student Academic Rights Figure 1) Responsibility Involving Academic Offenses (section 2.3) When a student is believed to be guilty of any of the four academic offenses ( –, a student will find information concerning responsibilities of college personnel in section 2.5.2.


    3.1 General Regulations Concerning Student Behavior 3.2 Disciplinary Offenses

    3.3 Penalties and Sanctions 3.4 Enforcement

    3.5 The Procedures

    3.5.1 The Role of the Chief Executive Officer in Student Disciplinary Matters 3.5.2 The College Judicial Board Authority Composition Eligibility Requirements The Appointment Process

  • Terms of Office Absence Temporary Appointments to the Judicial Board 3.5.3 The College Appeals Board Jurisdiction on Cases of Disciplinary Offenses Disposition of cases of Disciplinary Offenses Composition of the College Appeals Board Authority of the KCTCS Board of Regents in Cases Involving Suspension or Expulsion of a Student

    3.6 Temporary Sanctions

    CAMPUS SECURITY Learn more about our safety and security initiatives: Download the BSCTC Safety Manual (PDF) Safety Notification and Alert Procedure (SNAP) Pandemic Flu Response Plan (PDF) HIV and AIDS Information Hepatitis B Information Incident Reports KCTCS SAFETY NOTIFICATION ALERT PROCESS (SNAP) Minutes Matter — Get SNAP Messages Quickly by E-mail, Text or Call SNAP is the official Safety Notification Alert Process for the Kentucky Community and Technical College

    System (KCTCS). SNAP alerts users to on-campus emergencies and college closings or delays for all 16 KCTCS colleges and the System office.

    CENTER FOR ENRICHMENT RESOURCES The BSCTC Center for Enrichment Resources (CER) offers students’ academic assistance in all subject areas. Campus Locations: Prestonsburg Campus the CER is located in the Magoffin Building, room 219. The Testing Center is located in the Magoffin Building, room 218. Pikeville Campus the CER is located in room N202. The Testing Center is located in room N216. Mayo Campus the CER is located in Building C, room 124. The Testing Center is located in Building C, room 112.

    STUDENT RIGHT TO KNOW Student Code of Conduct Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Right to Know FERPA Information Drug Free Policy Harassment Free Education Student Discrimination Grievance Procedures Student Discrimination Grievance Form Student Complaint Procedure

  • Additional Information Available at the Current Student Portal MAIN Academic Calendar Blackboard Email Help Library Student Service Center User Account Center ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AND CLASSES Class Schedules KCTCS Catalog Programs of Study STUDENT RESOURCES College Bookstore Cost & Financial Aid Cost & Financial Aid Employee Directory How To: Student Self Service Schedules, Syllabi, & Office Hours Student Life Tuition & Fees

    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Statement Students with disabilities: If you are in need of an accommodation because of a documented disability, you are required to register with Disability Support Services each semester. Contact: Janie Beverley, Coordinator for Disability Support Services; Student Center Room 103; Ph: (606) 886-7359; Toll-free 888-641-4132, ext. 67359; Email:;jsessionid=FBB982E30724A7CC2B44AFFF422131D4.node6?inst_name=kctcs_bigsandy&cid=8914