Billinge v garswood united programme

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Football Grassroots Billinge Garswood Non-League Wigan St Helens Cheshire League



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BILLINGE FC Following on from two tremendous victories

last week with the first team getting a great

result away at Crewe and the reserves with

an EQUALLY impressive win away at

Barnton this week sees another difficult task

as two local derbies are scheduled. The

reserve team takes on Pilkington FC in the

quarter-final of the Northern Cup; a

competition they have won for the last two

years. On current form Geoff Parr’s young

guns must be favourites.

The first team, however, have a huge task as

they welcome local rivals, Garswood United

to Barrows Farm. They come as League leaders and are fresh from their

success in winning the Cheshire Cup. Gaz Fletcher’s lads will really

have their work cut out today.

It will be good to see some old friends as many of us have long

associations across both clubs. As chairman I would especially like to

congratulate Chris Finnigan and his lads on winning the Cheshire Cup

and wish them the best of luck in winning the League title.

In the meantime Fletch is beginning to navigate the team away from the

lower reaches of the League and has recruited some quality young

players. The future is looking bright…

Today’s game will be an exciting affair and I expect to see possibly the

biggest crowd of the season so let’s get a win.

Don’t forget to visit the Boot Room Café to sample Jayne’s legendary

food and hot drinks that are available.


WORD FROM THE GAFFER After weeks of injuries, lads being

unavailable due to work commitments and

poor second-half displays costing us dearly,

everything came together away to second in

the league Crewe FC last Saturday.

I was able to field my strongest team for

some time now and was happy to add the

much needed experience and steel that the

availability of Godwin and Oggy would

add. Alongside these came the cunningness

of Cullen and pace from new recruit

Bowden, both playing exceptionally well

and seemingly galvanising others around them into playing to their true

potential. This was especially shown by Whyte, who got his wish of being

paired with a striker and got his deserved reward by bagging the clincher to

make the result 3-1.

It’s this potential and result I’ve been crying out from my lads for weeks now,

and Saturday saw them forget recent results and play with confidence, guile

and conviction which enabled them to put a well-organised team, who are still

pushing for the league, to bed!

The final result was a 3-1 victory but it could have been more, and even

though my lads were elated to be back to winning ways the disappointment of

not scoring more was pleasing to note.

Well done to the goal scorers Whyte, Ogden and Morris, nice to share the

goals around the team.

Thoughts for the weekend:

This week my lads will be tested once again, against surprise champions-elect

Garswood FC. They top the table, have a very well-organised team and play

football to a high standard. But as this League and Greenalls FC showed last

week, anyone can beat anyone. So if I have everyone available again and my

lads continue with their new found belief, I firmly believe we can match

Garswood across the park and take home maximum points again.


Hidden Gem:

Thanks to the help and support from Sunday team manager Dave Wood last

week. Looks like you maybe my lucky omen?! Thanks Uncle Buck.

Yours Gareth Fletcher


verything begins with an A. Or in this case a little a: The German

shoe giant whose three stripes can now be found all over the whole

wild and wide world. The history of the company has been

documented many

times over. The

different styles have

been dissected to death

while reissues have

become as throwaway

as tissues. But deep

down and even on the

surface adidas has been

an important part of it


Their place in the scheme of things is right there up at the pinnacle.

Sure at the moment it is looking a little tired and weary as everybody from

posh boys to Primark Paul’s are wearing them. Kiddies with pyros in the

pockets of their anoraks love adidas. Blimey even southerners are wearing

them now. Of course adidas is a north of England shoe. It is probably a

north-west of England shoe: Well it certainly was from the late seventies

through the eighties.

The company sneaked into the consciousness of the youth of that

corner of the country in the mid-seventies. In the soul clubs and the school

playgrounds black training shoes with three white stripes were the

footwear of choice. For all that sliding across talcum-powdered dancefloors

and slotting that second goal home between the two holdalls acting as

goalposts. Those holdalls were adidas naturally. Blue, black or brown were

the colours of choice that housed the text books and the towels for games.

Then someday and from somewhere in came crew neck tee shirts; with

three stripes down their short sleeves. adidas had arrived if not in Britain

then in our small corner of the north west of England. Oh, and that is a-

dee-dus by the way…

And since then it has been pretty much a staple of many a young

bucks wardrobe. In fact it’s been a staple of many older men. As a mate of


mine loves to say, ‘It won’t be long before all the old aged pensioners down

the bookies will be wearing adidas trainers. The old fellas in their suits and

shiny shoes will be no more. It will be arthritic old geezers in blue suede

shoes. With three stripes down the side. The times they are a changin’ as a

wiser man than me once said.

So why did adidas tick all the right boxes and how are they still

ticking the right boxes? First and foremost they look great. And when I say

‘they’ I mean certain styles look great and for the sake of this book, this

piece, I assume that people know which styles look good because if you

don’t then you might as well buy some four-stripe spesshal from the

market. It’s all in the aesthetics. You can either see that it is right or it isn’t.

You can either see that adidas Dublin are an object of beauty or you can’t.

There is no point entering into discussions about all this. It just is so. In

Liverpool they like to say it is, ‘Is right’. And that is it. Straightforward,

obvious, and you either have the eye or you haven’t. Is right!

The adidas back catalogue has something for everybody. You pays

your money and you takes your choice. Nip into Size? or Ran, buy from the

internet or from a vintage shop. Everybody has their favourite adidas

training shoe, Mine for the record is the Indoor Special; with its mix of

rubber and nylon: Its shape and style, the red and blue stripes, the unique

sole and the pure comfort of the shoe. Ah the comfort of the shoe…

Something that is not a given with adidas and my size ten feet. But hey,

when did style bow to the needs of orthopedic care? Yes the Indoor Special

was the adidas trainer for me.

Everybody has their own favourite(s) but as ever it was more than

just picking the right shoe to wear. You can wear the most aesthetically

beautiful pair of training shoes in the world but if you wear them with the

wrong clothes then they will look ridiculous. Wear them with the wrong

pair of jeans and you will be laughed out of the pub. It is quite simply

about the whole package: From the clothes on your body to the thoughts in

your head. Get it right and you’ll be okay. You’ll look okay. adidas training

shoes can look so right and so wrong. But when it’s right and you walk into

a pub and see some guys all bedecked on the deck in adidas trabs, you’ll

look down at their feet and you’ll know instantly that they get adidas. They

get it – the whole package. If you understand that you’ll understand this

thing of ours and you’ll understand this book.

From: This Thing of Ours by Andrew Vaughan – to be published in June 2014

Billinge in Sixy football showcase On Saturday 15 March Billinge reserves hit Barnton reserves for six at Barrows Farm. Fourth-placed Barnton visited Barrows Farm this weekend for a match that saw the hosts and the visitors meet for the first time this season. And it was going to be a tough afternoon for the visiting team. Manager Geoff Parr has no questions of the lads’ ability but found the first-half frustrating as he watched his side play with the high wind and over-hit and mis-control lots of passes. Although this was difficult it was Billinge that dominated. The biggest chances fell to Rob Ablewhite – who was slipped in at one point by Jamie Anderson only for the striker to hit the shot directly at the keeper and for Anderson who also raced one-on-one to lob the keeper only for the wind to take it onto the bar and over. With Billinge pressing hard and continually turning the Barnton defence it would not be long before something had to give and it did. Ablewhite was found with a through-ball putting him in on goal with Barnton defender Hough on the wrong side. Just as Ablewhite went to unleash a shot the defender clipped his heels - it what was a blatant foul to keep the score at nil-nil. With the next defender nowhere in sight and the foul being on the edge of the box, referee Graham Marsh had no option but to send the player off. And this is how the half ended... Billinge went into the second-half a man up but had the task of playing into the wind: However the boys made it look like a walk in park on a sunny afternoon. Within minutes of the restart the ball had found its way to Phil Burrows and in a packed box he smashed the home side in front from around ten yards. One–nil and Billinge never looked back. Next up was Ablewhite to score the first of his brace. The ball broke to him from a Barnton defender only for Rob to turn and run at the goal before unleashing a thunderbolt that clipped the bar on the way in. Then came a wonderful header from Joe Ratcliffe: The midfielder had started on the bench for The Storks after a knee injury but came on at half-time to replace the ever-hardworking Dan Hague on the left hand side of midfield. Ant Higgins picked the ball up deep in his own half and his first couple of touches was something a baby elephant would have been ashamed of but he steadied himself on the run and whipped a delightful ball across the goal that Ratcliffe met like a flying fish and redirected the ball back across goal into the bottom corner! 3 –0. Geoff was then able to bring on the rest of his subs for a good run out with young Luke Twist and debutant Chris Parr for the outstanding-on- the-day Elliot Twigg and Adam Dickinson. All the subs did was add more pressure on the Barnton team.

Captain Ablewhite added his second of the game from an inch- perfect free- kick to the back post from Anderson, before Anderson himself bagged a lovely goal after great play between the two players allowing him to wrap his foot around the ball and knock it past a well-beaten keeper. Then the moment of the match: A fairytale some might say. The story of Chris Parr is a long one but basically in a nutshell he suffered from a quite common disease called Spectatorism, where the person finds themselves going watching football instead of actually playing the sport. Sometimes, like in Chris’s case, the standard will be poor and has seen him following Preston North End for many years. At 28, and many tears shed he decided enough is enough and Chris has found his way back to his boyhood club Billinge FC to the delight of manager and long-time friend Geoff Parr. Chris Parr showed some wonderful touches in the last 30 minutes and really gave the lads an extra physical presence and was able to cap his debut with a 20-yard smash in to the back of the net. Martin Rennox found Chris Parr on the right-hand side of the box. He quickly moved the ball to Ablewhite who then equally as quickly returned the ball to Parr who hit a rocket from the corner of the box to the opposite corner of the goal! An absolute peach and the end of the scoring and a convincing 6-0 victory. Manager Geoff Parr said: “At half- time I was worried that the lads would take the foot off the gas and feel like the game was going to be easy to win. "All I asked was they picked it up another 10% and make that extra space and the game would be ours and they went out and did the job. Again 1- 15 were class and it was a great debut for Chris Parr and we are all glad that he is recovering well from Spectatorism." Geoff Parr also added: “In Jay Parkin, Twigg, Ratcliffe, Dickinson and Hague we have lads that are all 18 and under and the fact that four of these started the game is a testament to how good they are. They say if you're good enough you're old enough and this is true with these guys. "That mixed with the experience of Sean Latham and Burrows mixed with the skills of Rennox, Anderson and Ablewhite is a match for any team. "Also a big thank you to Mark Jones who stepped in goal today. Mark was injured back at Christmas and it's great to have him back. "He pulled of a couple of good saves in the dying minutes of the game” Meanwhile Chris Parr said: “I just want to thank Geoff Parr for today, I loved it. "I just did not realise how far off being match-fit I was. Hard work will get me there though.” And when asked about his goal he said: “It flew in didn’t it, I am well made up with it.” Geoff's MOM: Ant Higgins Opposition MOM: Jamie Anderson Wooden Spoon: Chris Parr (for not playing football for so many years on a Saturday DUHHH)



ANNIVERSARY Every match in the top five leagues in England will kick off seven minutes late on 11-14 April to mark the 25th anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster. On 15 April 1989, at the start of an FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, a crush on the terraces of Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium resulted in the death of 96 Liverpool fans and left hundreds more injured. Fixtures include the FA Cup semi-final on 12 April between Wigan and Arsenal, which will start at 17:07 BST. Hull face Sheffield United at 16:07 BST the next day in the second semi-final. The plan applies to all Premier League, Football League and Conference games, the Football Association said. There will also be a minute's silence before all matches on those dates, held six minutes after the originally scheduled kick-off time. WOMENS’ FOOTBALL ON THE UP Womens football gets a big boost after The BBC agreed a new deal with the Football Association to broadcast radio commentary of women's football in 2014. From 16 April, 5 live: Women's Super League will have news and commentary of at least 16 games in the season on both 5 live and sister station sports extra. Current WSL players will be part of the commentary team and interviews with players and coaches will ensure an exclusive insight for audiences. The first WSL show will bring live action of Notts County versus Arsenal. Other games confirmed include title holders Liverpool facing Everton on 30 April before taking on the newest recruits to WSL, Manchester City, on 14 May. The BBC will continue to bring comprehensive coverage of the sport throughout the 2014-15 season on TV, radio and online. On Monday, 31 March, The Women's Football Show returns to BBC TV ahead of the season in the first of eight programmes, presented by Jacqui Oatley. England's 2015 World Cup qualifying matches will continue to be shown live on the BBC, with Mark Sampson's side in action on Saturday, 5 April against Montenegro before facing Ukraine on Thursday 8 May. The FA Cup final is also live on BBC Two on 1 June, with that match and England's qualifiers also streamed on the BBC Sport website. The BBC Sport website will also have a twice weekly goals round-up throughout the WSL season from mid- April with regular match reports, news and features. Women's football on the BBC •TV: England's qualifiers and the FA Cup final live; Eight editions of the Women's Football Show •Radio: 16 games broadcast live on Radio 5 live and sports extra •Online: England qualifiers and FA Cup streamed live, twice weekly goals round-up, news and match reports



Next Saturday (5 April) Billinge FC are at home to Barnton FC in a Cheshire League

Division One game. This will be our first encounter v Barnton this season. A week

later on the 12 April we travel to Barnton for the return fixture! Seems a bit daft to me

but that’s the hand we have been dealt and we look forward to going there. With

Barnton applying for the NW Counties Football League next season and if you

haven’t been there before maybe this is the time to tick the ground off. As ever many

thanks in advance for your support.

Here are all the details you need to get you there:

Townfield Lane, Barnton, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 4LH

Directions: Turn off the A533 (Northwich to Runcorn) at the Beech Tree Inn (Barnton Village)

into Beech Lane. Turn right at the T-Junction with Townfield Lane – the ground is 200 yards on

the left signed Memorial Hall Noting parking restrictions well signed...


May we thank you in advance for your support this season at home and at

away matches. Your support is much appreciated by the team’s management

and players; especially away from home when the team may be up against it

with regards to support. At this level of football every penny is vital and your

financial support at home matches is essential and your moral and (very)

vocal support at home and away is invaluable to the lads on the field. Let’s

hope we can reward your loyalty with a great season.



May we thank you in advance for

your support this season at home

and at away matches. Your

support is much appreciated by the

team’s management and players;

especially away from home when

the team may be up against it with

regards to support. At this level of

football every penny is vital and

your financial support at home

matches is essential and your

moral and (very) vocal support at

home and away is invaluable to

the lads on the field. Lets hope we

can reward your loyalty with a

great season. THE


The Storks are flying!

Billinge FC tore up the form book on Saturday when they came back from second-placed

Crewe with a 3-1 victory. The Storks put in their best performance of the season coming from behind for a totally-deserved victory. Manager Gaz Fletcher went with three centre-backs in a 3-5-2 formation and the move worked out as Aaron Morris, Nathan Ogden and captain Chris Godwin excelled at the back. Crewe started the game well, keeping and passing the ball around their excellent Cumberland Arena pitch. However the first chance fell to the visitors - on six minutes - when Chad Whyte chested the ball to debutant Liam Bowden whose left foot shot went just wide of the near post. Five minutes later a long-range free-kick from Billinge keeper Tom Hull found Whyte in the box but his header went the wrong side of the post. Although Crewe were having plenty of possession and creating little they went ahead on 18 minutes. Morris was caught in possession bringing the ball out of defence and although Hull pulled off a superb save to deny Josh Rowley Matthew Pearson followed-up to make it 1-0 to Crewe. To The Storks credit they didn't let their heads drop. Bowden's deep cross was dropped by Crewe keeper Sam Williams but no claret shirt could get on the end of it. On 23 minutes Williams pulled off a marvellous save off Ogden's header from Jonny Clark's free-kick. Elliot Bradshaw's mazy run into the box came to nothing but moments later Tom Darkes was upended 30 yards out after his own individual run. This time Clark's free-kick was met by Morris. His first attempt was blocked but the ball came back to him and he drilled it across the keeper for his first Billinge goal and to level the game. On 37 minutes only a superb last-gasp Ogden tackle prevented Chris Jackson putting Crewe back in front. The second-half began with Billinge sensing victory. On 50 minutes Whyte's long-range shot went wide and three minutes later a similar effort from Bowden met the same fate. While Billinge were now dominating possession they still had to be on their guard and had John Cullen to thank for a goal-line clearance that denied Jackson and Crewe the lead. At the other end Billinge substitute Bobby Jones' header was cleared away before Billinge took the lead on 64 minutes. Jones and Whyte combined well to force a corner and from it Bowden found the head of Ogden. His effort appeared to have been cleared but both the referee and assistant agreed it had crossed the line and Billinge were 2-1 ahead. Another corner on 69 minutes resulted in another Ogden header but this time the ball was cleared. However the Crewe keeper Williams was injured in the challenge and was only able to continue after a five-minute delay. Cullen tested the dazed keeper with a left-footed screamer from 25 yards that grazed the bar. On 78 minutes Jones had an 18-yard attempted deflected away for a corner before Whyte sealed the victory in the 89th minute. Good combination work between Jones and the young striker saw Whyte in space and he hit the ball under the advancing Williams' body to make it 3-1 resulting in wild celebrations both on The Storks bench and terraces. It was no more than Whyte deserved as he had worked tirelessly from the first to the final minute and was awarded man-of-the-match by Crewe. Manager Fletcher however wouldn't single out any individuals saying, "Everybody from 1-14 was superb. "We matched and bettered a very good side and it proves that if we keep working hard we'll do very well as a football club. "Again we had six lads 20 and under starting and with the experienced players they were a credit to Billinge FC." The win puts Billinge up to 12th place in the table.

TEAM BONDING. The infamous football phrase throws up images of dentist’s chairs, young men naked bar a Budweiser label and copious amounts of alcohol – plus damage to property and reputation. When I started my semi-pro career at Arnold Town, the social side involved crates of cheap French lager on the coach home from various northern outposts, a sing-song and then off into Nottingham for a team night out. When I moved south, that trend continued at Sutton United, although we’d also sink a few beers in the Gander Green Lane bar after training on a Thursday – pay-day – not to mention pool balls as most of the team joined in games of ‘Killer’. At Bracknell, we’d have karaoke sessions inspired by my centre-half partner Neil Baker, the current Slough Town joint-manager, auditioning for reality TV show going, followed by Pantiles nightclub (now a care home, appropriately, as that’s what we needed by midnight) or a curry. We also had memorable end-of-season trips to Frankfurt and Magalluf…well, actually they weren’t really as I recall very little from them! By the time I got to Hitchin, I’d got a baby so things calmed down. It was generally a couple of Guinesses with assistant-manager Ken Gillard and current boss Mark Burke in the Canary Bar after training, though annual trips to the Cheltenham Festival were always arranged. At Ware, I was older than the rest of the boys by about ten years so my entertainment was looking and listening on as they filled me in on what they’d been up to on nights out and weekends away that I couldn’t get a pass for! I just about managed the pre-match full English breakfast assistant-manager Barry Mason would cook up for us in the Wodson Park kitchen – designed to get spirits levels almost as high as our cholesterol! Which brings me nicely to last Monday night and Burkey, who arranged a bonding session with a difference for his Southern Premier Hitchin boys. After trying (and failing) to prise some sponsorship money out of former Top Field player Carl Stock, now regional director for Pizza Express, the Town gaffer came up with the idea of a pizza-making night at the local restaurant. The boys didn’t just get beers and food placed in front of them before being left to come up with their own entertainment. They had to make it – with myself, Stevenage Comet sports reporter Damion Roberts and Spanish football TV presenter Guillem Balague judging their efforts. With two willing waitresses demonstrating how to knead the dough and stretch it into shape – playing along with the banter you’d expect from instructions such as “Let’s see who is the biggest tosser!” – the boys had a ball. Well, some were more intent on making doughballs than pizzas! Apart from a bit of flour smeared on cheeks as warpaint, there was no alcohol-fuelled food fight to force other diners to complain – just good fun with all the players having to think about design and a name for their creation. Striker Simon Martin named his ‘Pepperoni Prolific’, having displayed some OCD tendencies by laying his ingredients out in straight lines like well-manicured pitch! Inspired by Balague having presented the El Clasico coverage the previous night, I named mine ‘El Crappio’. It certainly didn’t fit the night, with some of the boys’ pizzas well worthy of being placed on the restaurant chain’s popular ‘Classic’ menu. Forget dingy pubs, racecourses or paint-balling wars. If your team need a boys’ bonding session, order them a slice of the action like Hitchin!

Town to return to St Helens?

St Helens Town are hoping to make a return to St

Helens in the not too distant future as part of the

planned Ruskin Sports Village development.

St Helens Council are currently seeking approval for

plans to develop the Ruskin Drive sports complex

which will see a radical improvement in facilities for a

numbers of the Town's sports.

Club Chairman John McKiernan said, 'We are hopeful

that we will be able to return the club to St Helens

after a number of years playing outside the borough.

'There's still some way to go on our journey back and

timescales are still unknown but the plans look great

and it will be fantastic to be involved in such a prestigious development.'

The following article appeared in last week's

St Helens Star newspaper: Ambitious plans to create a 21st century sports Village on

the site of an ageing recreational ground have been unveiled.

Designs for the new-look Ruskin Drive sports ground have been submitted to St

Helens Council planning department. The council wants to breathe new life into the

sports fields and pitches that it took control of in 2010.

In its heyday the Dentons Green site – created as part of Pilkington Glass’s social

and leisure network – was a top class sports venue. While it remains a vital hub for

community junior and amateur action there is an acceptance within the council that it

is dated, a point which registered with the former St Helens Council leader Marie

Rimmer on a visit to a sports festival there several years ago.

Key proposals include the construction of a new pavilion as a centre-piece of the site

to provide changing, training and squash courts. The local authority, which has

submitted the plans, hopes it will give a huge boost to sports such as cricket, both

codes of rugby, football, tennis and squash.

Planning documents state that the current artificial football pitch would be replaced by

a third generation surface and includes a stand, providing facilities that could

potentially see St Helens Town Football Club re-homed after spending several years

playing outside the borough.

A third generation rugby league pitch for the use of Pilkington Recs is also planned, as

the development is expected to be partly funded by a compensatory package from

private companies who aim to build on the club’s former City Road home.

Other new facilities include all-weather cricket nets and the revival of the former

tennis courts, which are presently dilapidated. The neighbouring former Queens Park

school playing fields site will also provide small-sided grass football pitches. A new

150-space car park and access road would also be created, with a further 146 spaces

available on the school land. A consultation process is now open, and the proposals

will need to secure planning consent if it is to go ahead. Ruskin Drive’s social club

and fitness centre – which is owned by private company Ruskinvest – would continue

to operate independently of the council plans.


Billinge Football Club was founded in 1988 By Phil Middlehurst. They played then in the St Helens Combination at the Eddleston Playing Fields, Billinge. 1988-1989 to 1991-1992 Geoff Maggs was the first manager to take the reins of the newly-formed club. 1992-1993 to 1996-1997 Following Geoff Maggs' departure to pastures new, Les Pilling was installed as the club manager. 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 Billinge FC form a Reserve Team, Brian Collins is appointed First Team Manager and Les Pilling takes on the Manager's Job of the newly-created Reserve Team. 1999-2000 to 2004-2005 Manager Keith Amato, replaces Brian Collins as First Team Manager. Les Pilling continues his sterling work with the Reserve Team. Amato enjoyed success with Billinge FC bringing silverware to the club and being the first manager to take a Billinge team into the prestigious Mid-Cheshire League. 2005-2006 Paul Farrell is appointed as First Team Manager to replace Keith Amato, long time club stalwart Les Pilling is appointed as Farrell’s Assistant Manager and Colin Betts is appointed as Reserve Team Manager. 2007-2008 Ex-Wigan Athletic legend Bryan Griffiths is appointed as First Team Manager, assisted by Andrew Clough. Dave Knowles is appointed as the Reserve Team Manager. Knowles is the first Billinge manager to take a team to a Mid-Cheshire Cup Final, losing narrowly to Poynton on a penalty shootout. Following the highs of the Cup Final, various on-going issues meant that Knowles was to leave the club at the end of the season. 2008-2009 Griffiths and Clough get Billinge promoted to the top division in the Cheshire League. The club move grounds from Eddleston Fields to purpose-built facilities at Barrow Farm. Steve Dickson is appointed as Reserve Team Manager. 2009-2010 Griffiths and Clough consolidate the First Team in the Cheshire League top division and Dickson looks to re-build the Reserves with strong links into the Billinge Youth system. 2010-2011 Ex St Helens Town Manager Jimmy McBride comes out of retirement to take over the job of First Team Manager, Bryan Griffiths steps down to become assistant to McBride and Andrew Clough takes on the position of club Chairman.

High points include Neil McDermot, Gary Jones, Scott Tickle and Andy Ledger being named in the Cheshire League Inter-League Squad. Steve Dickson continues as Reserve Team Manager. At the end of the season McBride resigns after being offered his old job back at St Helens Town, McBride comes back for Andrew Clough as his Assistant Manager at Town. 2011-2012 Steve Dickson is promoted from the Reserves to the First Team, he appoints a Management Team including Adam Lowry as Head Coach, Rob Dainty as Assistant Manager and Les Pilling as Match Day Secretary. Dickson is given the task of re-building the team to have a more youthful look. A new Reserve Team Management Team is appointed with Brian Mather, Chez Tideswell and Campbell Wilson coming in with a host of new players. The First Team had a really good run of results which lead to a mid-table finish considering the disastrous start this was a great achievement, they were the first Billinge Senior Team to get to the Cheshire League's prestigious League Cup Final and the average age has been reduced to 22 years. The Reserves have equalled Dave Knowles feat of getting the Reserves to the Reserve Cup Final, they also went on to a league and cup double, beating Farnworth 3-0 in the Northern Cup Final then to be crowned as Cheshire League Reserve Division Champions. Following the Reserve Team's success at Billinge the management accepted an approach from Daten F.C and left to form Daten's first team. Billinge moved quickly to appoint Paul Oakes as the Reserve team manager, Oakes had enjoyed success with St Helens Combination Premier outfit Greenfields FC. Dave Knowles returned to the club as Assistant Manager to Oakes, with Rob Dainty taking on an advisory/youth development role, this position is temporary as Dainty will return to First Team duties. 2012-2013 Steve Dickson steered the First Team to safety in the top division while the Reserve Team, under Paul Oakes, finished a very respectable 7th. The Reserve Team became the first club to retain the Northern Cup when they beat Quarry Bank 3-1 in the final. 2013-2014 Paul Oakes and Steve Dickson take up the reins of the First Team management whilst Paul Farrell and Keith Amato are appointed Reserve Team managers. New members are added to the committee with Steve Dickson installed as chairman while the club runs a Sunday Team managed by committee member Dave Wood and playing in the South Lancs League at Barrows Farm as the club celebrates it’s silver anniversary.


Jeff Walton Memorial Trophy 2nd Leg Liverpool League 1-0 Cheshire

League (Cheshire League win 2-1 on Aggregate)

Cheshire progressed to the final with a backs to the wall display at the Liverpool County FA Ground, a much improved Liverpool side put Cheshire on the back front from the first minute and only some excellent keeping from Mark Higgs kept the score level but Cheshire were giving away free kicks in dangerous areas and on twenty minutes Liverpool went in front when from a free kick the ball deflected and Peter

Donneely forced the ball home from six yards Liverpool continued to pour forward but again Higgs and some last-ditch defending saved the day Cheshire had few moments of note in the first half the best came from a superb run from PJ Hudson saw him fire wide but was clearly fouled but the referee turned down Cheshire's penalty claim HT 1-0 After a few choice words at half time and a change of system which had an immediate effect Cheshire grew into the game Liverpool still had a lot of the ball but without the same penetration and Cheshire looked more potent going forward. A Craig Hoyland free kick just cleared the bar and Cheshire were now forcing corner after corner but were unable to break through in the last ten minutes Liverpool through everyone forward but superb defending from Cheshire kept them at bay and Cheshire looked very dangerous on the break Ryan Jackson bringing a brilliant save from the home keeper in the last minute. A different performance from Cheshire where they had to dig in for a large chunk of the game which was mainly due to Liverpool playing superbly and moving the ball quickly especially in the first half but to be fair Cheshire listened to the half time instructions and the second half was a far better performance. TEAM: (GK) - MARK HIGGS (Knutsford), ADAM COLEMAN (Eagle), NATHAN WILLIAMS (Eagle), PAUL ALCOCK (Rudheath Social), STEVE JENYONS (Knutsford), MARK HUGHES (Greenalls), CHRIS QUIRK (Eagle), ROB HOPE (C) (Eagle), CRAIG HOYLAND (Greenalls), PJ HUDSON (Crewe), JOE WOOLLEY (Knutsford). SUBS: RYAN JACKSON (Rudheath Social), SAM HOUGHTON (Warrington Town res), Not Used: CRAIG MILLINGTON (Rudheath Social), (GK) - CHRIS JONES (Rudheath Social), NICK ABSON (Rudheath Social). Cheshire will play the Lancs & Cheshire League or the Manchester League in the final the second leg being played at West Chorlton & Didsbury next Wednesday 26/03/14 Lancs & Cheshire lead 3-2 from the first leg.

A brief history of today’s visitors Garswood United

Garswood United AFC was formed in 1968. After a number of years playing on a local recreational ground and then leasing a pitch at the now defunct RAF Camp at Haydock (this site is now a major housing development), they eventually found what they hoped would be a permanent home at Simms Lane. The land at Simms Lane was, at the time (1973) derelict and totally overgrown and had in fact attracted the

attention of several gypsy families who attempted to set up homes on the site. Despite warnings that the majority of the surface was pit waste, which would not support grass growth, members of the team together with a number of the residents of Garswood Village decided to take the plunge and reclaim the land. With the help of a local farmer the land was levelled and some 500 tons of topsoil spread. The initial grass growth was sparse but, each year the same procedure was followed until a good playing surface was achieved. The total cost of the procedure was in excess of £16,000, all of which was obtained by a variety of fund raising events organised by Club Members. In addition to a Sports Council Grant, an estimated £32,000 has been invested in the club’s playing area and buildings and this has been funded by the club itself. Every penny made is used for the benefit of players and members. During close season of 1990 a major improvement to the club came in the shape of an outside 'patio' which added to spectator comfort during the winter months. In addition to this, major work was also carried out on the playing field surface, with a new drain being laid on the far side and with the appointment of our own groundsman, re-seeding, spiking and weed control undertaken, the full benefit of which can now be seen. The work mentioned above, on the pitch, cost the club in the region of £2,000, with a further £1,000 being spent on upholstering the clubhouse. In 1994 the club spent over £10,000 on alterations within the building itself. These alterations include, a new modern lounge, a new modern bar, large area for beer storage, a stage and dressing room for the artists and an equipment room. This was the first part of a four-part plan set out for the club’s future. The club has always been aware of its responsibilities towards the local community and the committee has at all times made themselves available to discussion request for use of the club’s facilities, including the Senley Green Carnival Committee.

“He’s the famous Adam Clare and he’s going to


Full story next week…

All Billinge FC photos are by Mark. Check out

his website for some great images

THE BILLINGE SHOP IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS The ties - in claret and blue with the club crest and Billinge FC embroidered on them are superb quality as well as looking great. Furthermore they are priced at just £7.50. You can look long and hard to find any sporting club tie priced so competitively. We will put some proper photographs up later this week but until

then attached are some taken by phone. The ties are the first in a series of club merchandise for sale. Coming soon: Enamel badges, scarves and mugs. All purchases put much-needed funds into the club and are available at all home matches at Barrows Farm.

SPORTSMAN'S EVENING - RAZOR'S COMING TO BILLINGE Billinge are pleased to announce that Neil 'Razor' Ruddock will be our special guest speaker at our Sportsman's Evening in May. The event - that will also encompass our presentation evening - will take place on Friday 23 May 2014 at Birchley St Mary's Club in Billinge. We have 'The A Team' on board as in addition to Razor we have the best comic on the circuit - Jimmy Bright - along with the great MC for the evening Jerry Earl. With top catering and excellent raffles and other events this is going to be a tremendous evening that will undoubtedly sell out fast! TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE PRICED AT £35 AND AVAILABLE IN TABLES OF TEN. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SPONSORING THE EVENT? FOR NOT MUCH EXTRA WE CAN OFFER VIP TABLES



OPPORTUNITIES STEVE BROOKES: 07415 376794 STEVE DICKSON: 07539 452688 ANDY VAUGHAN: 07934 887713

STRAIGHT FROM THE MOUTHS OF THE STORKS For those that all computer savvy and “have no time for all that paper stuff” then pleased be advised that you can read all our programmes online. All you have to do is go to the following links and take a gander:

The e-programmes have now had over 5,000 hits as we go to press so it’s good news for all at Billinge as we continue to expand the club. Personally I’d sooner have the paper version but I’m an old fart nowadays so no surprise there. This programme will be online Monday or Tuesday next week We also have a sponsorship brochure online that you can find at:


PLAYER SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME ADVERTISING SPORTSMAN’S EVENING SPONSORSHIP NEXT SEASON: We have packages to suit all pockets. If you are interested then just see one of our committee at the game today. Meanwhile may we give a massive thanks to all our sponsors and spectators that put money behind the bar/admission/programmes etc.

THE STORKS LINK UP WITH TOP PHYSIOTHERAPIST Billinge Football Club are delighted to announce that they have agreed a

partnership with Chartered Physiotherapist Mike Stabler.

Mike qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1975.

Since then he has worked in the NHS, with rugby clubs - both league and

union - at county and national level including the Great Britain Rugby League

team and is currently in Private Practice.

Mike specialises in sports injury rehab, Ling Muscle Tape and sports massage.

He deals with musculoskeletal problems such as RTA, neck and back pain,

sport injuries and general aches and pains.

Treatment modalities that he uses are Interferential, Pulsed Electromagnatism,

Ultrasound, Laser, Exercises and advice and self-help for home.

Mike is based in Newton Le Willows but also has a clinic one day a week in


We have managed to secure excellent rates for all our players, officials and

associates while Mike will be looking to help us progress the physiotherapy

side of the club.

Anybody requiring Physiotherapy Consultation & Treatment can contact Mike

Stabler directly on:

Tel: 01925 225547

Mobile: 07885584365

Mike Stabler MCSP.

Ling Physiotherapy, 28 Crow Lane West, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire

WA12 9YG

Or speak to any managers or officials of Billinge Football Club.

Check out Mike's website:

Please note this is the first of many exciting new partnerships we are forging

as we take the club to the next level.

We will inform you when details and agreements of each are tied-up but rest

assured there are some very exciting things happening at the moment behind

the scenes.


1 Garswood United 24 16 3 5 37 51 2 Crewe 25 15 2 8 29 47 3 Barnton 22 14 3 5 43 45 4 Knutsford 25 13 6 6 24 45 5 Whaley Bridge 22 13 4 5 30 43 6 Rylands 24 12 3 9 16 39 7 Rudheath Social 20 12 3 5 16 39 8 Eagle Sports 19 11 4 4 15 37 9 Greenalls PSO 21 11 4 6 10 37 10 Gamesley 22 10 3 9 4 33 11 Linotype Cheadle HN 22 10 2 10 13 32 12 Billinge FC 23 6 3 14 -25 21 13 Styal 20 5 3 12 -22 18 14 Pilkington 28 3 5 20 -52 14 15 Denton Town FC 24 3 3 18 -68 12 16 Middlewich Town 25 3 1 21 -70 10 RESERVE DIVISION P W D L GD POINTS 1 Greenalls PSO Reserves 26 19 2 5 57 59 2 Whaley Bridge Reserves 23 16 5 2 42 53 3 Linotype Cheadle HN Res 24 13 6 5 27 45 4 Billinge Reserves 22 13 4 5 27 43 5 Barnton Reserves 20 14 1 5 27 43 6 Garswood United Reserves 24 13 2 9 5 41 7 Styal Reserves 21 13 1 7 39 40 8 Poynton Reserves 25 8 9 8 8 33 9 Grappenhall Sports Res 24 7 8 9 -7 29 10 Rylands Reserves 21 8 5 8 -7 29 11 Gamesley Reserves 26 8 4 14 -23 28 12 Daten Reserves 23 7 5 11 -12 26 13 Eagle Sports Reserves 23 7 1 15 -17 22 14 Middlewich Town Res 22 6 3 13 -31 21 15 Pilkington Reserves 23 4 6 13 -44 18 16 Denton Town Reserves 19 4 1 14 -42 13 17 Egerton Reserves 24 2 3 19 -49 9

Don’t forget to @BillingeFC

BILLINGE FOOTBALL CLUB FIRST TEAM FIXTURES 2013/14 OPPONENTS RES/KO AUGUST 2013 Sat 10/08/13 Knutsford (A) L 4-0 Tue 13/08/13 Greenalls PSO (A) L 2-1 Sat 17/08/13 GAMESLEY (H) D 1-1 Tue 20/08/13 Pilkington (A) L 3-1 Sat 24/08/13 WHALEY BRIDGE (H) D 0-0 Tue 27/08/13 Garswood United (A) L 6-1 Sat 31/08/13 Eagle Sports (A) W 1-0 SEPTEMBER 2013 Sat 07/09/13 RYLANDS L 0-4 Sat 14/09/13 Vulcan (WARRINGTON CUP) (A) W 7-3 Sat 21/09/13 HALE (LCFA CHALLENGE CUP) W 3-2 Sat 28/09/13 Linotype Cheadle HN (JB PARKER CUP ) (A) L 3-2

OCTOBER 2013 Sat 05/10/13 STYAL (H) W 2-1 Sat 12/10/13 PAGE CELTIC (H) (LCFA CHALLENGE CUP) L 8-2 Sat 19/10/13 Whaley Bridge (A) L 3-2 Sat 26/10/13 Winwick Athletic (WARRINGTON CUP) (A) W 5-1 NOVEMBER 2013 Sat 02/11/13 Middlewich Town (A) W 4-2 Sat 09/11/13 LINOTYPE CHEADLE (H) W 3-1 Sat 16/11/13 DENTON TOWN (H) L 1-0 Sat 23/11/13 Denton Town (A) L 2-0 Sat 30/11/13 Greenalls PSO (WARRINGTON CUP) (A) L 2-0 DECEMBER 2013 Sat 07/12/13 KNUTSFORD (H) L 1-3 Sat 14/12/13 Rylands (A) L 1-3 Sat 28/12/13 GREENALLS PSO (H) L 2-4 JANUARY 2014 Sat 04/01/14 PILKINGTON (H) D 1-1 Sat 18/01/14 MIDDLEWICH TOWN (H) W 4-2 MARCH 2014 Sat 01/03/14 RUDHEATH SOCIAL (H) L 3-0 Sat 08/03/14 Gamesley (A) L 2-0 Sat 15/03/14 Linotype Cheadle HN (A) L 5-1 Sat 22/03/14 Crewe (A) W 3-1 Sat 29/03/14 GARSWOOD UNITED (H) KO: 3PM APRIL 2014 Sat 05/04/14 BARNTON (H) KO: 3PM Sat 12/04/14 Barnton (A) KO: 3PM Sat 19/04/14 Styal (A) KO: 3PM Sat 26/04/14 Rudheath Social (A) KO: 3PM Tue29/04/14 EAGLE SPORTS (H) KO: 6.45PM MAY 2014 Sat 03/05/14 CREWE (H) KO: 3PM




BILLINGE FC SQUAD VERSUS GARSWOOD UNITED FC SQUAD (ALPHA) Tom Hull 1 James Cotton Elliot Bradshaw 2 Graham Darlington Tom Darkes 3 Lloyd Dean Aaron Morris 4 Chris Francis Chris Godson (CAPTAIN) 5 Matty Gregory Nathan Odgen 6 Tyler Jefferies Jonny Clark 7 Nicky Prescott Andy Goulding 8 Ross Shepherd Chad Whyte 9 Rob Smith Graham Greene 10 Charlie Dorsey John Cullen 11 Michael Furlong




First Division Barnton v Styal Billinge FC v Garswood United Crewe v Linotype Cheadle HN

Denton Town v Whaley Bridge Middlewich Town v Knutsford Rudheath Social v Gamesley Rylands v Pilkington

Warrington Guardian Cup Semi-final Greenalls Padgate ST O v Eagle Sports

Reserve Division Daten Reserves v Eagle Sports Reserves Egerton Reserves v Rylands Reserves Gamesley Reserves v Denton Town Reserves Garswood United Reserves v Middlewich Town Reserves Linotype Cheadle HN Reserves v Grappenhall Sports Reserves Poynton Reserves v Greenalls Padgate ST O Reserves

Reserve Division Challenge Cup Whaley Bridge Reserves v Styal Reserves













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