Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest - · Biogenic aerosol formation in the...

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BOREAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH 5: 281–297 ISSN 1239-6095Helsinki 20 December 2000 © 2000

Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest

Markku Kulmala1), Kaarle Hämeri1), Jyrki M. Mäkelä1), Pasi P. Aalto1),Liisa Pirjola1), Minna Väkevä1), E. Douglas Nilsson1)*, Ismo K.Koponen1), Gintautas Buzorius1), Petri Keronen1), Üllar Rannik1), LauriLaakso1), Timo Vesala1), Keith Bigg1), Winfried Seidl2), RenateForkel2), Thorsten Hoffmann3), Jörg Spanke3), Robert Janson4),Masahiko Shimmo4), Hans-Christen Hansson4), Colin O’Dowd5), EdoBecker5), Jussi Paatero6), Kimmo Teinilä6), Risto Hillamo6), YrjöViisanen6), Ari Laaksonen7), Erik Swietlicki8), Jaan Salm9), PerttiHari10), Nuria Altimir10) and Rodney Weber11)

1) Department of Physics, P.O. Box 9, Siltavuorenpenger 20 D, FIN-00014University of Helsinki, Finland

2) Fraunhofer-Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research, Kreu-zeckbahnstrasse 19, D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

3) Institute of Spectrochemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (ISAS), P.O. Box101352, D-44013 Dortmund, Germany

4) Stockholm University (ITML), Air Pollution Laboratory, Institute of AppliedEnvironmental Research, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm,Sweden

5) University of Sunderland, Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Schoolof the Environment, Benedict Building, St. George’s Way, Sunderland, SR27BW England

6) Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Air Quality Research, Sahaajankatu20 F, FIN-00810 Helsinki, Finland

7) Department of Applied Physics, University of Kuopio, P.O. Box 1627 FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland

8) Division of Nuclear Physics, Lund University, P.O. Box 118 SE-22100 Lund,Sweden

9) Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Tartu, Ülikooli Str 18, EE2400Tartu, Estonia

10)Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 24, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland

11)Georgia Institute of Technology, 221 Bobby Dodd Way Atlanta, GA 30332-0304, USA

* Present address: Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, SE-10691Stockholm, Sweden

282 Kulmala et al. • BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5

Kulmala, M., Hämeri, K., Mäkelä, J. M., Aalto, P. P., Pirjola, L., Väkevä, M.,Nilsson, E. D., Koponen, I. K., Buzorius, G., Keronen, P., Rannik, U., Laakso,L., Vesala, T., Bigg, K., Seidl, W., Forkel, R., Hoffmann, T., Spanke, J., Janson,R., Shimmo, M., Hansson, H.-C., O’Dowd, C., Becker, E., Paatero, J., Teinilä,K., Hillamo, R., Viisanen, Y., Laaksonen, A., Swietlicki, E., Salm, J., Hari, P.,Altimir, N. & Weber, R. 2000. Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest.Boreal Env. Res. 5: 281–297. ISSN 1239-6095

Aerosol formation and subsequent particle growth in the ambient air have been fre-quently observed at the boreal forest site (SMEAR II station), southern Finland. TheEU funded project BIOFOR (Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest) has fo-cused on a) the determination of formation mechanisms of aerosol particles in the borealforest site, and b) the verification of emissions of secondary organic aerosols from theboreal forest site, including the quantification of the amount of condensable vapoursproduced in photochemical reactions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC)leading to aerosol formation. Although the exact formation route for 3 nm particles isstill unclear, the project results can be summarised as follows: (i) The most probableformation mechanism is ternary nucleation (water-sulphuric acid-ammonia) and thegrowth to observable sizes is mainly due to condensation of organic vapours. However,we do not have a direct proof of these phenomena, since it is impossible to determinethe composition of 1 to 5-nm-size particles using the present state-of-art instrumenta-tion; (ii) If nucleation takes place, it always occurs in cold-air advection in polar andArctic air masses at low cloudiness, and the nucleation is closely connected to the onsetof strong turbulence, convection, and entrainment in the morning-noon transition froma stable to an unstable stratified boundary layer; (iii) The emissions rates for severalgaseous compounds have been verified. The model calculations showed that the amountof the condensable vapour needed for observed growth of aerosol particles is in therange 1–5 × 107 cm–3. The estimations for the vapour source rate are in the range 3–8 ×104 cm–3s–1.


It is widely recognised that the increasing atmos-pheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, suchas carbon dioxide and methane, can potentiallydrive a significant warming process of the Earth’sclimate. However, a topic of more recent atten-tion is the possibility that increased atmosphericconcentrations of aerosol particles might drive asignificant radiative forcing process of the planet(see for example, Charlson et al. 1992, Charlsonand Wigley 1994). The increased aerosol concen-trations in remote areas are largely due to second-ary particle production, i.e. homogeneous nuclea-tion from vapour precursors. Aerosol particlesinfluence the climate by two distinct mechanisms:the direct reflection of solar radiation by aerosol

particles, and the indirect increase in cloudreflectivity caused by the enhanced number ofcloud condensation nuclei. IPCC (1996) has re-ported that uncertainties in the estimation of di-rect and indirect aerosol effects on the global cli-mate are big. These uncertainties arise largely fromthe limited information on the spatial and tempo-ral distribution of aerosols and clouds.

For the reasons mentioned above, particle for-mation and growth in the atmosphere have re-cently received growing experimental and theo-retical interest. Therefore, instrumental techniquesfor measuring concentrations of freshly-formedparticles have been developed, such that particleswith a diameter of about 3 nm can be detected.These small particles have been observed in thefree troposphere (Clarke 1992, Schröder and

283BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5 • Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest

Ström 1997, Raes et al. 1997), in the marineboundary layer (Covert et al. 1992, Hoppel et al.1994, O’Dowd et al. 1998), in the vicinity ofevaporating clouds (Hegg et al. 1991), in Arcticareas (Wiedensohler et al. 1996, Pirjola et al.1998), in urban areas and in stack plumes(Kerminen and Wexler 1994, Kerminen andWexler 1996, Väkevä et al. 2000), and recentlyalso in a boreal forest (Mäkelä et al. 1997, 2000a,2000b, Kulmala et al. 1998b).

The importance of atmospheric chemistry(Pirjola and Kulmala 1998) and meteorologicalconditions (Nilsson and Kulmala 1998, Nilssonet al. 2000, Väkevä et al. 2000) on particle for-mation has been demonstrated. Although the ter-nary nucleation between water, sulphuric acid andammonia vapours is able to explain atmosphericnucleation in many cases (Korhonen et al. 1999,Kulmala et al. 2000), the exact routes for the for-mation of 3 nm particles are still unclear.

Compounds participating in the formation andgrowth of aerosol particles and cloud dropletsoriginate from anthropogenic and natural sources.The coupling between the biosphere and the at-mosphere forms a complex interactive and non-linear system, in which the biosphere affectsbiogeochemical cycles in several ways.

In this paper, we give an overview of theBIOFOR project (Biogenic aerosol formation inthe boreal forest) by summarising the methodsused and the main results obtained during theproject.

The BIOFOR project

In order to estimate the biogenic aerosol forma-tion and growth, continuous measurements of at-mospheric aerosols started in Hyytiälä, southernFinland, in January 1996 (Mäkelä et al 1997).Since then, a number of formation and growthevents have been observed. The EU-fundedBIOFOR (Biogenic aerosol formation in theboreal forest) project started in October 1997, andcontinued until the end of October 1999. The strat-egy of the BIOFOR project was to perform inten-sive measurement campaigns and do intensivemodelling together with continuous measurementsin order to understand the basic processes leadingto the aerosol formation, and to quantify this proc-

ess.The general objectives of the BIOFOR project


— to determine the formation mechanisms ofaerosol particles in the boreal forest site;

— to verify the emissions of secondary organicaerosols from the boreal forest site, and toquantify the amount of condensable vapoursproduced in photochemical reactions of bio-genic volatile organic compounds (BVOC)leading to aerosol formation.

In this paper, we summarise the used methods andthe main results obtained during the BIOFORproject.

Description of the experiment

The SMEAR II station

The SMEAR II field measurement station (Sta-tion for Measuring Forest Ecosystem-AtmosphereRelations), which is located in Hyytiälä, south-ern Finland (61°51´N, 24°17´E, 181 m a.s.l.) (seeFig. 1) and is a representative of the boreal conif-erous forest, was chosen as the experiment sitefor the BIOFOR project. Boreal forests cover 8%of the Earth’s surface and store about 10% of thetotal carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. The 34-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) dominatedstand is homogeneous for about 200 m in all di-rections from the measurement site, extending tothe north for about 1.2 km (60° sector). Underunstable atmospheric conditions the fetch is ad-equate in all directions (the upwind distance con-tributing 80% to the flux in the very unstable caseis about 100 m, the Monin-Obukhov length being–10 m). The terrain is subject to a modest heightvariation. The height of the dominant trees in thestand is 13 m, its zero plane displacement is about9 m, and the roughness length is equal to 1.2 m.The mean diameter of the trees at the breast heightis 13 cm, and the total (all-sided) needle area in-dex is 9. The wood biomass is equal to 47 t ha–1

and the tree density is 2500 per ha. The nitrogencontent per the total needle area varies from 0.67to 1.2 g m–2 increasing with the height, and thenitrogen (mass) concentration is between 1.0 and1.4%. The dominant stand contains only 1% of

284 Kulmala et al. • BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5

species other than Scots pine, including downybirch (Betula pubescens), grey alder (Alnusincana) and aspen (Populus tremula). The groundvegetation consists of heather (Calluna vulgaris),lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), and blue-berry (V. myrtillus). The dominating moss spe-cies is Dicranum undulatum. The annual meantemperature is 3 °C and precipitation is 700 mm.The parent material of the soil is coarse, silty, gla-cial till and the soil is a haplic podzol.

The SMEAR II facility is planned and imple-mented to determine the material and energy flowsin the atmosphere-vegetation-soil continuum atdifferent temporal and spatial scales (Fig. 2). Itcan be divided into four operational blocks: (I)atmospheric measurements accomplished usinga 72-m-high mast, (II) tree measurements per-

formed using a 15-m-high tower, (III) soil meas-urements carried out on two catchment (water-shed with weir) areas, and (IV) aerosol measure-ments from 2 m above the ground. The stationincludes set-ups (Vesala et al. 1998) for the meas-urements of aerosol particle size distribution inthe size range of 3–500 nm, vertical flux of aero-sol particles of diameters down to 10 nm, exchangeof trace gases on a shoot-scale and on a soil sur-face in intervals of 1 minute, spatial distributionof irradiance in the vicinity of a shoot by 800 sen-sors, spatial distribution of irradiance within thecanopy with 200 sensors and two soil catchmentareas (890 and 300 m2) for soil water, dissolvedions, and organic carbon balances. The SMEARII station is nowadays a platform for a number ofinternational measurement campaigns.

Fig. 1. Map showing the lo-cation of the SMEAR IImeasurement station.Some of the major citiesare also indicated.

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The tasks of the BIOFOR project

The BIOFOR project included the followingscientific tasks:

Task 1: Continuous measurements of ultrafineaerosol particle concentrations, their netvertical flux, and the relevant backgrounddata (local meteorology, micrometeor-ology, vertical profiles of inorganicgases) at the SMEAR II station. Task 1produced the basic long-term data onaerosol size distributions and their verti-cal fluxes, accompanied by required me-teorological data like temperature, rela-tive humidity, solar radiation, and thestrength of turbulence. In addition, thestate of vegetation (level of photosynthe-sis) and soil (temperature, water contentand bacterial and mycorrhizal activity)was determined. In the SMEAR II sta-tion, the formation and growth of natu-ral, biogenic aerosols can be measuredand linked to the function of trees andsoil. The local formation rate of parti-cles and the fate of nascent particles wereidentified. Task 1 included also dataevaluation and data delivery.

Task 2: Three campaigns on aerosol character-istics (aerosol chemistry and hygroscopicproperties) and concentrations of organicgases were performed. The vertical

profiles were determined and the mete-orological conditions were investigatedusing radiosoundings, sound detectionand ranging (SODAR), surface weatherobservations, and back trajectories(Pöllänen et al. 1997). Also the verticalprofiles of aerosol size distributions andnucleation mode concentrations weremeasured. Task 2 included also thepreparation of measurements, calibrationof instruments, data evaluation, and datadelivery.

Task 3: The data evaluation, model development,and comparison of evaluated data andmodels were performed. The modelingwork was divided into four work pack-ages: (a) atmospheric chemistry models,(b) nucleation models (ternary nuclea-tion, ion-induced nucleation), (c) aLagrangian model along trajectories withaerosol dynamics and gas phase chemis-try, and (d) a boundary layer dynamicsmodel with aerosol dynamics and gasphase chemistry. Also the linkage to thebiological activity as a level of organicemissions was formed.

Field campaigns

All data measured during the BIOFOR campaigns

Fig. 2. Overview of theSMEAR II station and themeasurements carried outthere.

61¡51«N, 24¡17«E



ATMOSPHEREÑ aerosolsÑ atmospheric chemistryÑ cloud microphysicsÑ micrometeorology

Ñ water & nutrientsÑ gas concentrationÑ temperature

Ñ gas exchangeÑ water flows

Ñ growth & structureÑ irradiance


Station for Measuring Forest EcosystemÐAtmosphere RelationsUniversity of Helsinki, Forestry Field Station Hyyti�l�

286 Kulmala et al. • BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5

(14 Apr.–22 May 1998, 27 Jul.–21 Aug. 1998 and15 Mar.–30 Apr. 1999) are available on theBIOFOR web pages at (ask for usercode and passwordfrom the corresponding author). In addition to thenumerical data, there are also a number of plotsproduced as a result of the analysis of the data.

The data are classified into 8 subgroups: (1)aerosol total number concentration and size dis-tribution measurements in the size range 3–800nm, (2) sampling of aerosols, (3) aerosol and gasfluxes by eddy covariance and gradient methods,(4) measurements of meteorological parametersand gas concentrations at six different levels fromthe mast, (5) meteorology of boundary layer andtrajectories, (6) concentrations and emissions ofBVOC (biological volatile organic compounds)such as terpenes, (7) measurements of the sizedistribution of wet aerosol from 0.5–32 µm at 18m height, and (8) solar radiation measurements.The detailed description of the instruments usedare given on the web pages.

The intensive field studies consisted of anumber of sites where the instruments were in-stalled. The map of each measurement during theBIOFOR campaigns is shown in Fig. 3.

Results and discussion

Long-term measurements

At the SMEAR II Station continuous measure-ments of the submicron aerosol number size dis-tribution has been performed since January 1996(every 10 min). The measurements showed ap-proximately 50 days per year with clearly detect-able aerosol particle formation events (see Mäkeläet al. 2000a). The most typical time for theseevents was March–April. Subsequent to the newparticle formation, a significant particle growthwas usually observed. Almost 20% of the eventscontinued sufficiently long to produce particleslarger than 80 nm in diameter. Particles of thissize can be effective cloud condensation nuclei(CCN).

When a particle formation event occurred, a

mode of fresh particles appeared into the meas-urement range. In Fig. 4, a typical spectrum forthe aerosol number size distribution during a nu-cleation event is shown. Here, three log-normalmodes were used to explain the structure of thespectrum. The nucleation mode, peaking at about10 nm, practically dominated the spectrum withits high number concentration The fitting proce-dure by which the modes have been obtained fromthe measurement data, has been presented inMäkelä et al. (2000b). As the fitting procedure isfully automatic, it is obvious that some of the fitsdid not succeed well. However, the general trendwas clearly visible, and for this event the particlegrowth from the nucleation mode up to Aitkenmode was clearly observable (Fig. 5). The growthwas frequently observed to continue during thefollowing days up to the accumulation mode.

The meteorological data, including radiation,is available for the interpretation of weather con-ditions typically encountered during particle pro-duction events (see BIOFOR webpage at Also the ver-tical distributions (4–67 m) of inorganic gaseousimpurities (SO2, NOx and O3) are available.

Intensive field studies

During the BIOFOR project, three intensive fieldcampaigns were performed. During the cam-paigns, the hygroscopicity, composition, and ver-tical profiles of particles were measured. Atmos-pheric concentrations of organic and inorganicgases were also measured.

Studies on particle composition

The measurements carried out so far have dem-onstrated the advantages of combining detailedcampaign measurements with more continuousmeasurements. For example, a detailed chemicalanalysis will provide insight into the compositionof newly-formed particles. Nevertheless, the taskto analyse the chemical composition of nuclea-tion mode particles is very difficult. Indirect in-

287BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5 • Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest

formation of the particle composition was obtainedby determining the hygroscopic properties of in-dividual particles. The hygroscopicity of nuclea-tion mode particles indicates their soluble frac-tion. Changes in the soluble fraction are indica-tive of changes in the particle composition in situ(Väkevä and Hämeri 1999). The result obtainedshowed clear changes in the particle compositionduring the growth process.

In order to obtain more fundamental informa-tion on the chemical compounds involved, size-segregated aerosol sampling was performed us-ing multi-stage low-pressure and micro-orificeimpactors. The chemical analysis of the impactorstages was carried out afterwards using ion chro-matography. The impactor samples were takenselectively using two identical impactors. Oneimpactor sampled during the particle formationperiod, and the other one sampled during the times

when no particle formation was observed. Thedivision into event and non-event cases was donein situ in the field, based on the on-line DMPS-data.

The results on the chemical ionic composi-tion of the particles showed only small differencesbetween the event and non-event sample sets formost of the compounds such as sulphate and am-monia. Furthermore, no systematic differencebetween the particulate carboxylic acid concen-trations could be found between the two samplesets. In the event samples some ultra-fine par-ticulate methanesulphonic acid (MSA) was foundto be present. This is a consequence of the factthat the events showed preference for polar andArctic marine air masses. The most significantdifference between the two sample sets was foundfor dimethylamine (DMA) which seemed to bepresent in the particle phase during the particle

Fig. 3. The map showing the location of various instruments during the BIOFOR campaign.

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Fig. 4. An aerosol number size distribution measured using a DMPS (Differential Mobility Particle Sizer) systemduring a nucleation event. The measured data (*) are shown together with three log-normal functions that havebeen used to explain the structure of the spectrum. The log-normal size distributions have been numericallyfitted into the measured spectrum. Also shown is the sum of the three log-normal functions.

Fig. 5. The evolution of themodal mean diameters ofnucleation (*), Aitken (+)and accumulation (o) modeparticles during a nucle-ation day (6 April 1999,same as Fig. 4).
















Particle Diameter [m]



p [#


3 ]

Date 990406 Time 14:10

96 96.25 96.5 96.75 9710





Day of year



er [m


DMPS 2 m 990406

289BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5 • Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest

formation periods and/or during the subsequentparticle growth. An example of the particle chemi-cal spectrum is shown in Fig. 6. The particles weresampled during a number of event periods in or-der to gain sufficient mass for the chemical analy-sis of the ultrafine fraction of the particle spectra.

During the particle formation periods, an av-erage total concentration of 20–40 ng m–3 ofparticulate DMA was found, whereas during thenon-formation periods particlulate DMA concen-trations did not exceed 2–3 ng m–3.

Dimethylamine is a volatile organic basewhich behaves quite like atmospheric ammonia.Ambient DMA has been observed in several lo-cations (e.g. Mosier et al. 1973, Tuazon et al.1978), but its gas/particle partitioning has beeninvestigated mostly in marine air (Gibb et al.1999). Regarding to the various sources, DMAmay be assumed to be abundant during most ofthe time in Hyytiälä, since the amines, as well asNH3, are known to be end products of the micro-bial turnover of labile organic matter. Also an-thropogenic sources such as industrial activities,feedlot operations, waste incineration, and sew-age treatment are known to exist.

The relevant question is, why DMA was sosystematically transformed into the particulatephase only during particle formation periods.

Vertical flux and vertical profile of the parti-cles

Using the eddy covariance method (Buzorius etal. 1998), usually a small overall downward fluxof particles was observed. The downward fluxclearly increased during the nucleation events,with the exception being the cases when the sur-face wind was from the direction of 220–250° (thedirection of the Tampere city and the Hyytiäläinstitute buildings). In these cases a strong up-ward particle flux was observed.

The vertical profiles of particle size spectrawere obtained by sampling the air from two el-evated levels: 18 m and 67 m above ground. Thesampling was done using a high flow rate to mini-mise particle losses. The particle size spectra (cor-rected for the diffusion losses) from the 67-m levelfor one nucleation event are shown in Fig. 7 (see

also Fig. 5). In this plot, the contour plots of themeasured size distributions are shown. The com-parison with spectra measured at a 2-m heightshowed practically no differences. The event couldbe seen at different levels almost simultaneously,and it was hard to determine any significant gra-dient from the particle spectra. This is what isexpected in this type of well-mixed boundarylayer. The convective time scale was usuallyaround 10 minutes, so any compound with a life-time larger than 10 minutes would be homogene-ously mixed through the mixed layer.

The difficulties in the absolute calibration ofthe DMPS set ups and the loss of particles in thesampling lines suggested that the gradient of par-ticles could be determined best by placing twoidentical CPC pairs on the mast (18 m and 67 mheight). The CPC pairs consisted of an ultrafineCPC (TSI inc. 3025) for the determination of par-ticles larger than 3 nm in diameter, and a CPC(TSI Inc. 3010) for the determination of particleslarger than 10 nm in diameter. The differencebetween the readings of the two CPC’s gives anapproximate value for the nucleation mode parti-cle concentration in the beginning of the burst.The data from the CPC pairs is shown for oneevent day (Fig. 8). The difference between theCPC readings from the two levels showed thatthe ultrafine particles had higher concentrationsat the higher level during the nucleation burst(midday). This result supports the particle fluxdata, indicating that the particle source was lo-cated at higher altitudes.

Concentrations and vertical profiles of gase-ous species

The diurnal variation of the concentration of sev-eral BVOCs was measured on selected days dur-ing the BIOFOR campaigns at three differentheights (17.8, 38.4, and 64.6 m; the canopy heightwas about 14 m). Based on these data, the fluxesof terpenes, the main BVOCs in this region, wereestimated using the gradient approach.

An example of the measured vertical concen-tration gradients is shown in Fig. 9. Since the tur-bulent diffusivities K(z) were known from the si-multaneous momentum and heat flux measure-

290 Kulmala et al. • BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5

ments, the flux of long-living natural VOCs fromthe forest could be estimated.

Based on the measured vertical VOC concen-tration gradients, fluxes were calculated using theassumption that the chemical degradation takesplace on a longer timescale than the turbulentvertical mixing i.e., the chemical reaction termwas neglected in the flux calculations. The fluxeswith uncertainty interval were estimated from theconcentration measurements at three levels bymaking a least square fitting to the profiles pre-dicted by the atmospheric surface layer similaritytheory (Rannik 1998).

The non-reactive volatile hydrocarbons, suchas tricyclene, had almost the same concentrationat all levels, and no clear gradient could be deter-mined. The flux of α-pinene depends on the tem-perature and radiation during daytime. The con-centration ratio of reactive and non-reactive VOCswas then used as a measure of the significance ofchemical degradation reactions in determining the

mixing ratios of the biogenics above the forest.Thereby, the concentration ratio provided an in-direct approach to predict the formation of non-volatile oxidation products that finally can undergogas-to-particle conversion.

In contrast, the flux of very reactive biogenics,such as polyunsaturated VOCs which have tropo-spheric lifetimes of the same order of magnitudeas the turbulent transfer times in the consideredlayer, cannot be quantified using the traditionalgradient approach for conservative quantities. Inorder to identify a link between biogenic VOCsand particle formation it is more interesting toestimate the importance of chemical reactions ofthe biogenics in or above the forest canopy.

The atmospheric concentration of nopinone,the main oxidation product of β-pinene, wasmostly below the detection limit during the thirdmeasurement campaign, enhanced during BIO-FOR 1, and showed the highest values duringBIOFOR 2. Most probably, this is due to the higher

Fig. 6. An example of theparticle chemical composi-tion as function of particlesize. Here the particleswere collected during sev-eral particle events usinga low pressure impactor.The days when the sam-ples were taken are 2, 4,5, 6, 8 and 10 April.

291BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5 • Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest

temperature during summertime, accompaniedwith higher natural emissions and higher photoly-sis rates that yield higher OH-radical concentra-tions. Therefore, a rapid degradation of the morereactive BVOCs could be observed during thesummertime campaign, which explains the highvalues of the biogenic oxidation product. Thedominant influence of chemistry on educt andproduct concentrations during the August cam-paign can be demonstrated plotting the concen-tration ratios of oxidation product and the parent

hydrocarbon (Fig. 10). As can be seen from thefigure, the maximum values were observed aroundnoon, strongly indicating the influence of the OH-chemistry.

Occurrence of the nucleation events

The main focus of the BIOFOR activities may beformulated in the following way: Why the parti-cle formation events are observed on certain days

Fig. 7. The particle num-ber size distributions fromthe 67-m level during 6April 1999.

96 96.25 96.5 96.75 9710









n [1


3 ]

Day of year

100 1000 10000 100000

96 96.25 96.5 96.75 9710







er [m


DMPS 67 m, Hyytiälä 990406

dN/dlogDp [1/cm3]

292 Kulmala et al. • BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5

and not on other days with rather similar condi-tions? As a summary two different cases — onewith nucleation and another when conditions werelargely similar but nucleation was not observed— can be compared (for more details see BIOFORwebpages at

Nucleation day in spring, when 5 000–10 000new particles cm–3 were usually formed coincid-ing with moderate hydrocarbon emissions fromthe forest. General meteorological conditionscomprised polar or Arctic marine air masses intransition, clear skies, no precipitation, and largediurnal amplitudes in the boundary layer struc-

ture, turbulence and convection.Typical clear sunny summer day, with no nu-

cleation observed, however, high hydrocarbonemissions from the forest were encountered.Ambient temperatures were typically high, thetemperature difference between the day and nightbeing relatively low.


Aerosol dynamics

The modeling activities in BIOFOR (e.g. Pirjola1999) are concurrently being carried out in close

Fig. 8. Total aerosol parti-cle number concentrationduring 5 April 1999. Theconcentration of particleslarger than 3 nm and largerthan 10 nm are shown forthe 67-m (top) and the 18-m (middle) sampling lev-els. The data is plotted as1-min averages. The dif-ference in the concentra-tion of particles larger than3 nm between the two lev-els is shown in the bottomsubplot.

293BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5 • Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest

Fig. 9. α-Pinene concen-tration gradient measuredon 11 August 1998. Thelines connecting the datapoints are for guiding theeye.

Fig. 10. Nopinone/β-pi-nene ratio measured on 15August 1998. The linesconnecting the data pointsare for guiding the eye.

294 Kulmala et al. • BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5

conjunction with the interpretation of the fielddata. The investigation of aerosol formation, at-mospheric chemistry, aerosol processes, and me-teorology has been combined in the presentproject. Preliminary modeling of nucleation andgrowth events has shown a good agreement withthe experimental data (see e.g. Kulmala et al.2000). Although the exact particle productionmechanism remains still unclear, the best guessso far is that the ternary nucleation between wa-ter, ammonia and sulphuric acid is responsible fornucleation, and that the particles grow to detect-able sizes mainly by the condensation of organicvapours. However, the results are still preliminaryand more detailed data analysis and modelingactivities are needed in order to elucidate the pri-mary formation and growth processes.

BVOC concentrations and fluxes

Another modeling activity has been the investi-gation of BVOC fluxes and emissions using a one-dimensional multilayer canopy-chemistry modelCACHE (Canopy Atmospheric CHemistry Emis-sion Model, Forkel et al. 1999). CACHE predictsthe diurnal courses of temperature and the con-centrations of water vapor and chemical constitu-ents by solving the prognostic equations for heatand mass within and above the forest canopy. Themodel accounts for vertical turbulent transport ofheat, water vapor, and chemical compounds, theheat and water transport within the soil, the radia-tion transfer, the heat and water vapor exchangebetween leaves/needles and the ambient air, theemission of monoterpenes and isoprene by treesand of NO from the soil, the deposition of tracespecies, and the chemical transformations whichare described with the RACM mechanism(Stockwell et al. 1997).

Summary of the main results

The experimental results, observations, and modelcalculations are summarised below (for more de-tails see BIOFOR webpages at, Kulmala andHämeri 2000, Mäkelä et al. 1997, Kulmala et al.1998a, Kulmala et al. 1998b, Becker et al. 1999,

Korhonen et al. 1999, Vesala et al. 1998, Kulmalaet al. 2000, Mäkelä et al. 2000, Nilsson et al.2001).

— Particle production occurred in arctic, and tosome extent, in polar air masses, with a prefer-ence for air in transition from marine to conti-nental air masses, but never in sub-tropical air.These air masses had an origin north of themeasurement site and reached the site throughflows from the south-west to the north-east.

— Nucleation was always associated with cold-air advection, cold-air outbreaks behind coldfronts, but never with warm-air advection.Nucleation was related typically to a lowcloudiness and large diurnal amplitudes in thecontinental boundary layer associated withclear skies. However, Arctic and Polar air to-gether with cold-air advection did not alwayslead to nucleation. The limiting factors werefound to be a high cloudiness and precipita-tion due to cold front passages, a large pre-existing aerosol condensational sink, or lim-ited sources of precursor gases.

— As a result of the weather conditions, nuclea-tion was always associated with the boundarylayer evolution during the late morning, whenthe boundary layer transitioned from stable,nocturnal conditions to a deep and convectivewell-mixed boundary layer. The onset of nu-cleation coincided with the onset of strongturbulence so well that it strongly suggests thatnucleation was associated with turbulence,convection, or entrainment.

— During the events, aerosol fluxes determinedusing eddy covariance technique were ob-served to be downwards. Also the measure-ments made by CPC-pairs and DMPS at dif-ferent heights support this finding.

— The formation rate of 3-nm particles was ob-served to vary in the range 0.01–5 cm–3 s–1.

— The growth rate (in particle diameter) can beobtained from the DMPS data, after which themean source rate for the condensable vapourcan be obtained using the condensational sinkdata. The growth rate of the nucleation modeduring the spring campaigns was observed tobe in the range 2–5 nm h–1, which correspondsto a vapour concentration of 2–5 × 107 cm–3 .The source rate for this vapour was calculated

295BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5 • Biogenic aerosol formation in the boreal forest

to be approximately 5 × 104 cm–3 s–1.— A diurnal pattern for the hygroscopic growth

factors of nucleation mode particles between10 and 20 nm were observed during the nu-cleation days. The lowest values were detectedduring the late evening and early morning,whereas the highest growth factors were ob-served during the midday. The large growthfactors during the nucleation events indicatesthat the condensing compounds during theearly growth were water soluble. Neverthe-less, the ultrafine particles transformed to be-come relatively insoluble later in the evening.

— As a general result, we can see that the massflux of insoluble vapours to the particle phasewas of similar magnitude as the respective fluxof soluble vapours. The model studies per-formed during the project by aerosol dynami-cal model AEROFOR2 (Pirjola and Kulmala2000) show that the sulphuric acid concentra-tion was much less than what is needed toexplain the particle growth. This indicates thata significant fraction of soluble mass can notbe explained by sulphuric acid, but a solubleorganic compound is more likely.

— There was a clear gradient in emitted BVOCsduring all the days. Not only the emission rate,but also the chemical reactions and the turbu-lent mixing played significant roles in the de-velopment of the gradients. During the nightthe concentrations of emitted BVOCs weresignificantly higher than during the daytime.

— Ternary (water-sulphuric acid-ammonia) nu-cleation mechanism was seen to be able topredict the aerosol nucleation process. Atmeasured temperatures (typically below 5 °C)and ammonia concentrations (always over 10ppt, often over 50 ppt), and at estimated day-time sulphuric acid concentrations (106–107

cm–3), the nucleation rates calculated using therecently developed ternary nucleation codewere high enough (more than 100 cm–3 s–1).The other possible nucleation mechanism isrelated to the biological activity. The ion-in-duced nucleation mechanism was not strongenough to explain the observed aerosol for-mation.

— There are several possible ways to explain thelinkage between the boundary layer dynam-ics and the aerosol formation: (a) A particle

source aloft, such that small aerosol particlesor clusters may have been entrained from alofti.e. the ternary nucleation may have producedsmall clusters aloft which were entrained intothe free troposphere such that condensablegases in the mixed layer could contribute tothe aerosol growth; (b) two or more precursorgases may have been mixed with each otherby the entrainment, one having a high con-centration in the mixed layer and the other athigher altitudes; (c) the adiabatic cooling inconvective plumes and the turbulent fluctu-ation in temperature and vapours generated bythe entrainment fluxes may have enhanced theaerosol formation as much as 10 orders ofmagnitude.


The IPCC (1996) report highlights the fact thatthe current estimates of the global mean radiativeforcing due to anthropogenic aerosols is highlyvariable (from –0.3 to 3.5 W m–2) and of compa-rable magnitude but opposite in sign to theradiative forcing due to anthropogenic greenhousegases. To estimate the radiative forcing due toanthropogenic aerosols, the formation and growthmechanisms of natural aerosols and their impor-tance in climate processes needs to be known. Asa result, predictions of climate change due to an-thropogenic influences are inaccurate and it ap-pears difficult for the EU to make decisions aboutstrategic policy changes related to the climatechange. A better understanding of natural biogenicaerosols, which is obtained from BIOFOR meas-urements and process model studies, will enablemore reliable climate model predictions. This inturn will help the decision making.

The data collected during three intensiveBIOFOR campaigns and during continuous meas-urements are available in the BIOFOR data ar-chive, and the access to this archive is freely avail-able to all BIOFOR investigators and other scien-tists who are interested. Further processing andinterpretation of the data are in progress.

During the project, new measurement tech-niques were developed and tested. These includee.g. a continuous eddy covariance technique foraerosol particles. These techniques are now avail-

296 Kulmala et al. • BOREAL ENV. RES. Vol. 5

able for scientists and can be used in future stud-ies. A new code and parameterisation for binarynucleation between water and sulphuric acid wasdeveloped and tested (Kulmala et al. 1998a), aswell as a new code for ternary nucleation betweenwater, sulphuric acid and ammonia (Korhonen etal. 1999). Also, a new multicomponent aerosoldynamical code AEROFOR2 was developed andtested (Pirjola and Kulmala 2000).

The major scientific impact of the project is toprovide quantitative estimation of aerosol andcloud condensation nuclei (CCN) formation at aboreal forest site. The results will also be appliedin aerosol packages in regional and global-scalenumerical models.

As scientific conclusions, we are able to givepreliminary answers to our objectives

The most probable particle formation mecha-nism was ternary nucleation (water-sulphuric acid-ammonia), and the growth of particles to observ-able sizes took place mainly due to condensationof organic vapours. Nevertheless, we do not havea direct proof of this phenomenon, since it is im-possible to determine the composition of 1–5 nmsize particles using the present state-of-art instru-mentation.

If the nucleation took place, it always occurredin very specific weather conditions: cold-airadvection in polar and Arctic air masses at a lowcloudiness and no precipitation. Furthermore, thenucleation was closely connected to the onset ofstrong turbulence in the morning-none transitionfrom stable to unstable stratification, which shouldalso correspond to the onset of convection andentrainment from aloft.

The emissions rates of several gaseous com-pounds were investigated. The amount of the con-densable vapour needed for the observed particlegrowth was 1–5 × 107 cm–3. Estimations for therespective source rate gave values in the range 3–8 × 104 cm–3 s–1.

The close connection of the physics and chem-istry of the particle formation with meteorologyand partly also with biological activity was shown.Although the nucleation burst were observed si-multaneously around Finland (e.g. Mäkelä et al.1998, Väkevä et al. 2000) more experiments areneeded to verify the actual geographical scale ofthis phenomena. In addition, more accurate meas-urements of condensable organic compounds are

necessary in order to identify the condensablevapours needed for the aerosol growth.

Acknowledgements: The BIOFOR team likes to acknowl-edge the financial support by R&D PROGRAMME ENVI-RONMENT AND CLIMATE (Contract No: ENV4-CT97-0405) and several national funds. We would also like tothank the personnel of SMEAR II station and Hyytiälä For-estry Field Station for continuous support during the project.Particularly, we would like to thank Toivo Pohja for hishelp in practical details.


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Received 16 March 2000, accepted 28 August 2000