Biological inventory ofKoolan Island, Western Australia 1...

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Records of the Western Australian Museum 17: 237-248 (1995).

Biological inventory of Koolan Island, Western Australia1. Flora and vegetation

G.J. Keigheryl, Neil Gibson1, K.F. Kenneally2 and A.A. MitchelP

1 Wildlife Research Centre, Department of Conservation and Land Management, PO Box 51, Wanneroo,Western Australia 6065

2 Science Publication Unit, Department of Conservation and Land Management, PO Box 104, Como,Western Australia 6152

J Department of Agriculture, Baron-Hay Court, South Perth, Western Australia 6151

Abstract - A total of 282 plant taxa have been recorded from five majorvegetation units on Koolan Island at the head of the Yampi Peninsula. Thisrepresents over a quarter of the flora recorded for the Fitzgerald BotanicalDistrict. A total of 12 new naturalised weeds were recorded from the island.The closure of the iron ore mine on Koolan Island and the removal of thetown will provide opportunities to study both weed invasion and persistenceand the establishment of a large permanent wetland in a sub-humid tropicalenvironment.


A biological survey of Koolan Island wasundertaken over a week during the wet season ofFebruary 1993. This survey was supplemented byherbarium records and previous collections byKFK and AAM. This paper describes the flora andvegetation of the island, while a subsequent paperwill describe the island's fauna. This work willprovide a benchmark against which to measure therehabilitation of the island following closure of themajor iron ore mine in October 1993 after 29 yearsof operation. Despite a long history of explorationand mining on the island its flora and vegetationhave been little studied, with the earliestcollections in the Western Australian Herbarium(PERTH) dating from the mid 1960s (also see Beard1979).


Koolan Island is located 130 km north of Derbyat the northern end of the Yampi Peninsula. It isseparated from the mainland by a channel 1 kmwide. The island is 13 km long and 5.5 km wide atits widest point, with the long axis of the islandorientated NW - SE (Figure 1). Koolan is one of themany islands of the Buccaneer Archipelago. Thisarea experiences a monsoonal climate with anannual rainfall of about 960 mm with most fallingbetween December and March. Mean summertemperatures for Derby (some 130 km to the south)range from 35 to 37 degrees with high relativehumidities (Bureau of Meteorology 1975).

The island is essentially a series of parallel flat-

topped ridges formed from steeply dipping bedsof the resistant Warton and Pentecost Sandstonesand a series of deeply incised creeks through softerElgee Silts tone (Tyler and Griffin 1993). Theadjacent mainland has essentially similar geologyand geomorphology. The basal part of thePentecost Sandstone on Koolan Island is composedof high grade haematite (iron ore) and was minedfrom 1965 until 1993.

This ore proved to be of very high grade(average 65% iron) with over 50 million tonneshaving been extracted. A smaller mine operated onnearby Cockatoo Island between 1957 and 1986.The main pit on Koolan Island is 1.5 km long, 45 mwide and was mined at the eastern end to a depthof 80 m below sea level. This pit will fill with freshwater from a natural aquifer once miningoperations cease.

The town associated with this mine was locatedat the eastern end of the island and had apopulation of 850 people. Most of the towns peopleleft in October 1992 with complete closure plannedby October 1993. It is planned that all buildingswill be removed and all road surfaces removedand ripped. Only the airstrip will be left intact.


During the wet season survey most of the fieldwork was concentrated on the eastern two thirdsof the island along roads and down creek lines.The area of Warton Sandstone along the southernedge of the island, supporting very open eucalyptwoodland (Figure 1), was not visited due to time



G.}. Keighery, N. Gibson, K.F. Kenneally, A.A. Mitchell



West Point

:~=~Mangroves - fringing I

IBeach B ~~~



\o 1.0



2.0 km

Sanders Point

South EastPoint

Figure 1 Map of Koolan Island, showing major vegetation types and location of town, airstrip and mine.

and access limitations. Voucher collections weremade of all fertile plants found and notes made ontheir distribution and abundance. While detailedsearches were undertaken for naturalised weedtaxa, due to time limitations no attempt was madeto record all exotic taxa found in the townsite.Vouchers were lodged in PERTH. Nomenclaturelargely follows Wheeler et al. (1992). Additionalrecords were available from previous visits by KFKand AAM as well as other collections lodged inPERTH.

A structural vegetation map was compiled fromfield notes and a 1: 30 000 colour mosaic based onAugust 1992 photography (Figure 1).


FloraTwo hundred and eighty-two taxa (species,

subspecies and varieties) were recorded from 79families. Forty-three of these were exotic taxa from19 different families; three of these families(Moringaceae, Solanaceae and Turneraceae) wereonly represented by introduced taxa. The mostwell represented families were the Poaceae (22native, 11 naturalised taxa), Papilionaceae (15native, 5 naturalised taxa), Euphorbiaceae (15native, 3 naturalised taxa), and Myrtaceae (11native taxa) (Appendix 1). Species compositionclearly shows the tropical nature of the flora withhigh proportions of grasses and Euphorbiaceae. It

is, however, a sub-humid tropical flora sharingonly 12% of the evergreen tropical flora ofChristmas Island (Gentilli 1972, Du Puy 1993).Approximately half of the species co-occurringbetween the two islands are pan-tropical weeds.

Koolan Island falls on the western margin of theFitzgerald Botanical District which covers some83,330 km2 (Beard 1979). The flora of this area isstill poorly known. Hnatiuk (1990) recorded 842taxa from this region while the recently completedKimberley Flora (Wheeler et al. 1992) record 1030taxa. The present survey has added a further 24taxa. Thus, 27 % of the flora of the entire FitzgeraldBotanical District has been recorded on KoolanIsland although the island represents less than 0.1%of the land area of this District.

WeedsSeveral weed taxa were largely restricted to the

six steep gullies north and south of the townsitedown which the treated sewage was discharged(Figure 2). In particular Euphorbia cyathophora andClitoria ternatea were common and locallydominant in the bottoms of these gullies. In Creeks1 and 2 on the north side of the settlement Sennaalata, a garden escape, has become wide spread,reaching heights of 4 m. This is the first record ofthis species naturalised in Western Australia. It isalso naturalised in the Darwin area. Anothergarden escape which has become Widespread alongthe road verges and in the creeks is Turnera

Koolan Island Flora and vegetation 239

ulmifolia, a small yellow flowering herb. This taxahas also not previously been recorded elsewhere inWestern Australia.

In a vegetated valley near the southern boundaryof the town site, a small but vigorous population ofrubber vine (Cryptostegia madagascariensis) wasfound. The creek line running south from thisvalley (Creek 4) was dominated by Leucaenaleucocephala. The Poinciana (Delonix regia) was alsofound in this area and is the first time this taxonhas been recorded as naturalised in WesternAustralia. The Leucaena leucocephala and Delonixregia were also found in the two smaller creek lines(Creeks 5 and 6) at the south west end of town.

Eleven species of grass have become naturalisedincluding buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris). Thisspecies has become a very serious weed at CapeRange (near Exmouth) where it was planted alongthe coastal flats as improved pasture and hassubsequently spread through most of the plantcommunities of the area (Keighery and Gibson1993).

Currently all the weeds are restricted to thesettlement area (including creek lines and sewerageoutfalls) and road verges. With closure of the townsupplementary irrigation and sewerage output willcease. This is likely to lead to long term loss ofweed taxa given the extended dry season in thisarea. Weedy tree species may persist but success of

further recruitment is uncertain. Experience inareas such as Cape Range suggests some of theexotic grasses will persist. The current distributionof Cryptostegia madagascariensis elsewhere inAustralia suggests that this species will also persistand spread unless efforts are made to eradicate it.It should be noted that of the several hundred taxapresent in the town gardens, only 44 have becomenaturalised (Appendix 1).

VegetationFive major vegetation units were found on the

island. There were also several minor units butthese occupied areas too small to map (Figure 1).

The most widespread community was theEucalyptus miniata - Eucalyptus confertiflora openwoodlands generally over Triodia hummockgrassland. The understorey was composed of adiverse herb layer with species such as Taccaleontopetaloides and T. maculata being common. Thedensity of shrubs in this community is variable butseveral species of Terminalia and Acacia arecommon (Appendix 1). This vegetation type coversabout 80% of the non-disturbed area of the islandand is the common vegetation type on the adjacentmainland (Beard 1979). The floristics of thiscommunity are fairly consistent, however there isconsiderable local change in dominance across theisland. This floristic variation did not appear to be

To Front Beach

, 20,OmApprox. Scale°,

Sewerage Outlet

Creekline / No.

Major Road


To Mine

Minor Road

Figure 2 Map of the townsite showing location of creek lines and sewerage outfalls.


correlated to slope or aspect and occurred on boththe Pentecost Sandstone and the Elgee Siltstone. Inplaces it gave way to small groves of Callitrisintratropica with understoreys dominated byCalytrix exstipulata. This community type haspreviously been recorded on the nearby Cockatoo,Irvine, Bathurst and Kingfisher Islands (previouslyknown as the Wood Islands) some 30 km to theeast on the same lithologies (Burbidge et al. 1978;K.F. Kenneally, unpub).

Aerial photographs show a very open eucalyptwoodland along the southern edge of the islandcoincident with the Warton Sandstone (Tyler andGriffin 1993). This area was not surveyed due toboth time and access limitations. Woodlands onthis substrate type have been described forAugustus, Heywood, Champagny, Unwins andSaint Andrew Islands of the Bonaparte Archipelagolying some 130 km to the north east (Burbidge et al.1978) and for an area in the proposed PrinceRegent National Park (Miles et al. 1975). Thecomposition of the woodlands on the WartonSandstone is similar to the Eucalyptus miniata ­Eucalyptus confertiflora open woodlands describedabove, but commonly also including Eucalyptusperfoliata, Plectrachne pungens, and less commonlyEucalyptus ferruginea and Acacia stipulosa.

Large mangrove communities occur in twosheltered bays south of the settlement. In addition,much of the coastline of the island supports anarrow mangrove fringe (Figure 1). Four species ofmangrove were recorded from the large standimmediately south of the settlement: Avicenniamarina, Camptostemon schultzii, Excoecaria agallochaand Rhizophora stylosa. The mangrove communitiesare small and species poor compared to the muchmore extensive mangrove stands on the nearbymainland (Kenneally 1982).

Small patches of vine forest dominated byCanarium australianum were found in the steepcreek lines on the eastern end of the island (Figure1). Patch size ranges from just a few trees to severalhectares in extent. The patches shown in Figure 1are those that were visited on the ground and / orwere discernible on the photo-mosaic. There areundoubtedly more smaller patches than could bemapped at this scale. Koolan Island is at the southwestern edge of the main area of occurrence ofrainforest in the Kimberley. The only patchesfurther to the south west are those on the northernshore of King Sound and the coastal areas of theDampier Peninsula (McKenzie 1991).

More than 1500 patches of rainforest arescattered across the Kimberley. These range in sizefrom a few tree crowns to more than 100 ha(McKenzie 1991). Kenneally et al. (1991) in a studyof 99 Kimberley rainforests (largely vine forest)recorded 575 species. Only one of these species wasendemic to the rainforest, with most species

G.}. Keighery, N. Gibson, K.F. Kenneally, A.A. Mitchell

occurring widely in a number of habitats acrossnorthern Australia. The reason for the widespreadnature of most of these species appears to be boththeir ability to cope with nutrient-poor substratesand propagule dispersal by birds and bats(McKenzie 1991). Our data are consistent with thishypothesis. One hundred and one of the 575species recorded from Kimberley rainforest patchesare found on Koolan Island.

Koolan Island shares 45.5 and 52.1% of the taxarecorded from the two closest rainforest patchesstudied by Kenneally et al. (1991) (02/3 and 25/3on Yampi Peninsula, some 50 km to the east southeast, with 33 and 46 species respectively). Thesedata further indicate the widespread nature of theKimberley rainforest flora.

Twelve small beaches occurred in protected baysaround Koolan Island. Most of the beaches areadjacent to mangrove community but, in addition,a distinct community develops on the mobilesands. Common components of these beachcommunities include Spinifex longifolius, Commelinaensifolia, Ipomoea pes-caprae and Abrus precatorius.Two beaches to the south east of the settlementand another north of the airfield were frequentlyused by the residents for recreation and wereserviced by gravel roads.

Minor vegetation units include the narrowfringing vegetation of Melaleuca viridiflora alongsome of the larger creek lines, and the Callitrisintratropica stands. Species-poor haematite screecommunities, seen at several locations. These weredominated by combinations of trees and / orshrubs. Common species included Callitrisintratropica, Canarium australianum, Pouteria sericea,Vitex acuminata and Pavetta kimberleyana. All ofthese units are restricted to a few hectares inextent.


The flora and vegetation of Koolan Island is verysimilar to both the adjacent mainland and nearbyCockatoo Island. It is a sub-humid tropicalsandstone flora which is widespread acrossnorthern Australia. Twelve new naturalised weedsfor Western Australia were recorded from theisland (Allamanda cathartica, Antigon leptopus,Cascabela thevetia, Cassia fistula, Delonix regia,Gliricidia sepium, Moringa oleifera, Peltophorumpterocarpa, Ruellia tuberosa, Senna alata, Tecoma stans,Turnera ulmifolia). Antigon leptopus, Delonix regia,Tecoma stans, and Turnera ulmifolia are alsocommon weeds on Christmas Island.

One native species was found to be restricted toKoolan Island. This was an apparently undescribedspecies of smooth, white barked eucalypt (E. aff.cadophora Keighery and Gibson 15 and 95). Thistaxon was found occasionally across the island.

Koolan Island Flora and vegetation

None of the native taxa reached their range endson Koolan Island.

Koolan Island presents a excellent opportunityfor long term monitoring of weed invasion andpersistence following major disturbance in anisolated sub-humid tropical environment. Thetownsite will also allow an opportunity to studythe fate of the introduced garden species followingthe removal of town infrastructure andsupplementary watering.

One major new habitat created by the mine willbe an extensive, deep permanent freshwaterwetland in the bottom of the major pit (next to theloading jetty, Figure 1) which has intersected ashallow aquifer. We are unaware of any similarhabitat on the sandstone areas of the adjacentmainland. The colonisation of this wetland will addsignificant numbers of new taxa to the flora of theisland. At the date of the present survey the pitwas bare of all vegetation and water levels werebeing kept artificially low by continuous pumping.


We would like to thank Norm McKenzie(CALM) who organised the 1993 field trip andassisted with data collection, and Patrick Warrand(BHP) who assisted in arranging accommodationand transportation on the island. Mike Lyonsprepared the figures, Daphne Edinger assisted incompiling the flora list and processing specimens,and the database personnel of the WA Herbariumhelped with data extraction. The Department ofEnvironment, Science and Technology partiallyfunded this work under the National RainforestProgram. A.A. Mitchell's work was undertakenduring surveys for exotic species as part of theNorthern Australian Quarantine Strategy.

REFERENCESBeard, J.S. (1979). Vegetation Survey of Western Australia.

Kimberley 1: 1 000 000 vegetation Series. University ofWestern Australia Press, Nedlands.

Burbidge, AA, Marchant, N.G., McKenzie, N.L. andWilson, P.G. (1978). Environment. In AA Burbidge


and N.L. McKenzie (eds), The islands of the north-westKimberley, Western Australia. Wildlife Research Bulletin7: 12-21.

Bureau of Meteorology (1975). Climate Averages ofAustralia. AGPS, Canberra.

Du Puy, D.J. (1993). Christmas Island. In Flora ofAustralia Volume 50 Oceanic Islands 2: 1-30. AGPS,

. Canberra.Gentilli, J. (1972). Australian Climatic Patterns. Nelson,

Melbourne.Hnatiuk, R.J. (1990). Census of Australian Vascular

Plants. Australian Flora and Fauna Series No. 11.AGPS, Canberra.

Keighery, G. and Gibson, N. (1993). Biogeography andcomposition of the flora of the Cape Rangepeninsula, Western Australia. Records of the WesternAustralian Museum 45: 51-85.

Kenneally, KF. (1982). Mangroves of Western Australia.In B.F. Clough (ed.), Mangrove Ecosystems inAustralia. Structure, Function and Management: 79-94.Australian Institute of Marine Science and ANUPress, Canberra.

Kenneally, KF., Keighery, G.J., and Hyland, B.P.M.(1991). Floristics and phytogeography of Kimberleyrainforests, Western Australia. In N.L. McKenzie,R.B. Johnson and P.G. Kendrick (eds), KimberleyRainforests, Australia: 93-131. Surrey Beatty and Sons,Chipping Norton, N.S.W.

McKenzie, N.L. (1991). An ecological survey of tropicalrainforests in Western Australia: background andmethods. In N.L. McKenzie, R.B. Johnson and P.G.Kendrick (eds), Kimberley Rainforests, Australia: 93­131. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton,NSW.

Miles, J.M., Kenneally, KF. and George, AS. (1975).Environment. In J.M. Miles and, A.A Burbidge (eds),A Biological Survey of the Prince Regent River ReserveNorth-West Kimberley, Western Australia. WildlifeResearch Bulletin 3: 17-30.

Tyler, LM. and Griffin, T.J. (1993). Yampi WesternAustralia (2nd edition) Sheet SE51-3 International Index.1: 250 000 Geological Series - Explanatory notes.Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth.

Wheeler, J.R., Rye, B.L., Koch, B.L. and Wilson, A.J.G.(1992). Flora of the Kimberley Region. Department ofConservation and Land Management, Perth.

Manuscript received 3 January 1995; accepted 30 March1995.


Flora list of 282 taxa recorded from Koolan Island, Western Australia. Collection numbers refer to specimens lodged inPERTH. * indicates a naturalised weed and "sr" indicates a sight record.

Family AcanthaceaeDicliptera armata F.Muell.Hypoestes sp.

* Ruellia tuberosa

Vernon40Vernon51L. Mitche1l3118


Family AdiantaceaeCheilanthes brownii (Kuhn)DominCheilanthes caudata RBr.Cheilanthes sieberi KunzeCheilanthes tenuifolia (BurmJ.)Sw.

Family AizoaceaeSesuvium portulacastrum (L.)L.Zaleya galericulata (Melville)H.Eichler

Family AmaranthaceaeAchyranthes aspera L.Amaranthus pallidiflorus F.Muell.

* Amaranthus viridis L.Gomphrena sp.Ptilotus exaltatus Nees in Lehm.Ptilotus fusiformis (RBr.)Steud. var. gracilis (RBr.) Benl

Family AnacardiaceaeBuchanania obovata Engl.

Family ApiaceaeTrachymene didiscoides (F.Muell.)B.L.Burtt

Family Apocynaceae* Allamanda cathartica L.* Cascabela thevetia L.* Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don

Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Lam.Wrightia saligna (RBr.)Benth.

G.J. Keighery, N. Gibson, K.F. Kenneally, A.A. Mitchell

Keighery/Gibson 249Keighery/ Gibson 250Keighery srKeighery sr

Keighery srKeighery sr

Keighery srKeighery srKeighery/Gibson 131Keighery/ Gibson 128Keighery/Gibson 210


Kenneally sr

Fryxell3915, Vernon 06

Keighery/Gibson 91Mitchell3116, Keighery/Gibson 28Keighery/ Gibson 30Keighery/ Gibson 47Vernon 23, Keighery/Gibson 02, 211

Family AsclepiadaceaeCynanchum carnosum (RBr.)Schltr.Cynanchum puberulum F.Muell.ex Benth.Gymnema stenophyllum A.GrayMarsdenia viridiflora RBr.Sarcostemma viminale subsp. australe

(RBr.) P.!. Forst.Secamone timoriense Decne.Tylophora flexuosa RBr.

* Cryptostegia madagascariensis Bojer ex Decne.

Family AsparagaceaeProtasparagus racemosus (Willd.)Oberm.

Family Asteraceae* Bidens bipinnata L.

Chrysogonum ecliptoides (F.Muell.)F.Muell.Pterocaulon sphacelatum (Labill.)F.Muell.

* Tridax procumbens L.Vernonia cinerea (L.)Less.

Family AvicenniaceaeAvicennia marina (Forssk.)Vierh.

Family BignoniaceaeDolichandrone heterophylla (RBr.)F.Muell.

* Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth

Family BombacaceaeCamptostemon schultzii Mast.

Family BoraginaceaeHeliotropium glabellum "yellow variant"Heliotropium glabellum RBr.Trichodesma zeylanicum (BurmJ.)RBr.

Keighery/ Gibson 46Vernon62Keighery/ Gibson 134Keighery/ Gibson 62

VernonsnKeighery/ Gibson 40Keighery/ Gibson 88Mitchell2276, 3117, Keighery/Gibson 26

Keighery sr

Kenneally sr, Keighery srKenneally srVernon72Marchant 72/1, Keighery/Gibson 129Vernon 20, k127

Keighery/Gibson 212

Keighery/Gibson 105Keighery/ Gibson 32

Keighery sr

Keighery srSands 4984, 4976, Keighery/Gibson 145Keighery sr

Koolan Island Flora and vegetation

Family BurseraceaeCanarium australianum F.Muell.

Family ByblidaceaeByblis liniflora Salisb.

Family Caesalpiniaceae* Cassia fistula 1.

Chamaecrista mimosoides (L.)Greene* Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) Rafin.

Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F.Muell.)Baill.Lysiphyllum cunninghamii (Benth.)de Wit

* Peltophorum pterocarpa (DC)Backer ex K. Heyner* Senna alata (L.)Roxb.

Senna goniodes (A.Cunn.ex Benth.)Randell

Family CapparaceaeCapparis lasiantha RBr.ex DC.Capparis sepiaria 1.Capparis spinosa 1. var. nummularia (DC.)BaileyCleome viscosa 1.

Family CaryophyllaceaePolycarpaea spirostylis F.Muell.

Family CelastraceaeDenhamia obscura (A.Rich.)Meisn.

Family ChenopodiaceaeSalsala kali 1.Suaeda arbusculoides L.S.Sm.

Family CombretaceaeTerminalia canescens (DC.)Radlk.Terminalia latipes Benth. subsp. psilocarpa PedleyTerminalia platyphylla F.Muell.

Family CommelinaceaeCartonema spicatum RBr.Commelina ensifolia RBr.Murdannia graminea (RBr.)G.Brueckn.

Family ConvolvulaceaeEvolvulus alsinoides (1.)1.Ipomoea sp.Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.)RBr.

* IpomoeCJ quamoclit 1.Jacquemontia paniculata (BurmJ.)Hallier

* Merremia dissecta Gacq.)HallierOperculina brownii Ooststr.Polymeria ambigua RBr.Xenostegia tridentata (1.) D.Austin et Staples

subsp. hastata (Desr.) Ooststr.

Family Cucurbitaceae* Cucumis melo 1. subsp. agrestis (Naudin)Grebensc.

Mukia maderaspatana (L.)M.Roem.Trichosanthes cucumerina 1. var. cucumerina

Family CupressaceaeCallitris intratropica (F.Muell.)RT.Baker and H.G.Sm.

Family CyperaceaeCyperus bulbosus M.VahlFimbristylis cymosa RBr.

Keighery/Gibson 48, 68, 136

Vernon 31

Mitchell srKeighery/Gibson 213Keighery/Gibson 59Vernon 12Vernon04Keighery srKeighery/Gibson 77, Mitchell3111Vernon 42, Keighery/ Gibson 109

Keighery/Gibson 214,248Keighery srVernon64Keighery sr

Keighery sr

Keighery/Gibson 215A, 215B

Kenneally srKeighery sr

Vernon 27, Keighery/Gibson 41Vernon 10, Keighery/Gibson 87Keighery sr

Vernon 30, Keighery/Gibson 247Vernon 29, Keighery/Gibson 37Vernon38

Vernon33Vernon48Keighery srMitchell2272, Keighery/Gibson 05,Vernon 47, Fryxell4598,Keighery/Gibson 119Keighery/ Gibson 50Fryxell 4607Keighery/ Gibson 113

Keighery/Gibson 216

Keighery/ Gibson 57Keighery srKeighery/ Gibson 135

Keighery/Gibson 67

Keighery/Gibson 217Keighery/ Gibson 94, 150



Family DilleniaceaeHibbertia oblongata RBr.ex DC.

Family DioscoreaceaeDioscorea bulbifera L.

Family DroseraceaeDrosera lanata KondoDrosera petiolaris RBr.ex DC.

Family EbenaceaeDiospyros maritima Blume

Family ElatinaceaeBergia pusilla Benth.

G.}. Keighery, N. Gibson, K.F. Kenneally, A.A. Mitchell

Vemon 57, Fryxe1l4592,Keighery/Gibson 112

Keighery/Gibson 17

Keighery srVemon"a"

Keighery/Gibson 31,152

Keighery/ Gibson 289

Family EuphorbiaceaeCroton sp.Breynia cernua (Poir.)Muell.Arg.Bridelia tomentosa BlumeEuphorbia australis Boiss.Euphorbia coghlanii Bailey

* Euphorbia cyathophora MurrayEuphorbia drummondii Boiss.

* Euphorbia hirta L.Euphorbia kimberleyensis B.G.ThomsonExcoecaria agallocha L.Flueggea virosa (Willd.)F.Voigt subsp. melanthesoides

(F.M;uell.)G.L.Webster* Jatropha gossypifolia L.

Petalostigma pubescens DominPetalostigma quadriloculare F.Muell.Phyllanthus amarus Schumach.Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L.Phyllanthus virgatus G.Forst.Sebastiania chamelaea (L.)Muell.Arg.

Family GoodeniaceaeGoodenia sepalosa F.Muell.ex Benth.

Scaevola macrostachya (de Vriese)Benth.

Family GyrocarpaceaeGyrocarpus americanus Jacq.

Family HaloragaceaeGonocarpus leptothecus (F.Muell.)Orchard

Family LamiaceaeAnisomeles malabaricum (L.)R.Br.ex Sims

* Hyptis suaveolens (L.)Poit.

Family LauraceaeCassytha aurea J.Z.WeberCassytha capillaris Meisn.Cassytha filiformis L.

Family LoganiaceaeMitrasacme connata R.Br.Strychnos lucida RBr.

Family LoranthaceaeAmyema bifurcata (Benth.)Tiegh.Amyema miquelii (Lehm.ex Miq.)Tiegh.Amyema thalassium BarlowDecaisnina sp.

Keighery srKeighery/Gibson 110Vemon02Keighery srKeighery srKeighery/ Gibson 04, Handasyde 01Keighery srKeighery/ Gibson 06Fryxell 4582Keighery/ Gibson 55Keighery/Gibson 156

Keighery/Gibson 100Vemon 22, Keighery/ Gibson 66, 218Mitche1l2280, 3114Keighery/ Gibson 44Keighery/Gibson 19Keighery/ Gibson 54Vemon 21, Keighery/Gibson 121

Vemon 19, Fryxe1l4599,Mitchell 2265, Keighery/ Gibson 20Vemon 07, Keighery/Gibson 157

Keighery sr

Keighery/Gibson 219A


Keighery/Gibson 153Keighery/Gibson 149Keighery sr

Vemon36Keighery sr

Keighery/Gibson 291Keighery srKeighery/ Gibson 147Keighery sr

Koolan Island Flora and vegetation

Dendrophthoe acacioides (Benth.)Tiegh.Diplatia grandibractea (F.Muell.)Tiegh.Lysiana spathulata (Blakely)Barlow subsp. spathulata

Family LythraceaeLagerstroemia archeriana Bailey

Family MalvaceaeAbutilon aff. oxycarpum (F. Muell) F. Muell. ex Benth.Abutilon andrewsianum W.FitzgAbutilon indicum (L.)SweetGossypium costulatum Tod.

* Gossypium hirsutum L.Hibiscus aff. fryxellii Mabb.Hibiscus leptocladus Benth.Thespesia thespesioides (Benth.)Fryxell

Family MeliaceaeOwenia vernicosa F.Muell.

Family MenispermaceaeTinospora smilacina Benth.

Family MimosaceaeAcacia ampliceps MaslinAcacia hippuroides Heward ex Benth.Acacia holosericea A.Cunn.ex G.DonAcacia multisiliqua (Benth.)Maconochie

Acacia sp. (sec. juliflorae)Acacia stigmatophylla A.Cunn.ex Benth.

..., Acacia tumida F.Muell.ex Benth.* Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)de Wit

Neptunia gracilis Benth.

Family MoraceaeFicus opposita Miq.Ficus virens Aiton

Family Moringaceae* Moringa oleifera Lam.

Family MyrtaceaeCalytrix brownii (Schauer)CravenCalytrix exstipulata DC.Eucalyptus aff. cadophoraEucalyptus confertiflora F.Muell.Eucalyptus dampieri D.J.Carr and S.G.M.CarrEucalyptus miniata A.Cunn.ex SchauerEucalyptus perfoliata R. Br ex Benth.Eucalyptus rupestris Brooker and DoneEucalyptus sp. B (Kimb flora)Eucalyptus tectifica F.Muell.Melaleuca viridiflora Sol.ex Gaertn.

Family NyctaginaceaeBoerhavia sp.Boerhavia dominii Meikle and Hewson

Family OleaceaeJasminum didymum G.Forst.

Family PapilionaceaeAbrus precatorius L.Alysicarpus vaginalis(l.) DC.


Keighery/Gibson 65, 106AKeighery/ Gibson 25Keighery/Gibson 155

Keighery sr

Keighery/ Gibson 158Vernon54Keighery/Gibson 33 ,Vernon 28, Fryxe1l3861, 4619,Mitche1l2278, Lullfitz snMitchell srMitche1l3115Vernon 55, Keighery/Gibson 53,159Keighery sr

Keighery/ Gibson 111

Keighery sr

Keighery/Gibson 108Vernon 04, Vernon 55, Sands 4973Kenneally srVernon 01, Fryxe1l4605, Sands 4975,Lakeman 2, Keighery/Gibson 45Done 730, Keighery/Gibson 106,219Vernon 09, White 09, Keighery/Gibson142, Sands 4946Vernon 70, Kenneally 8531, Sands 4950Keighery/Gibson 18Keighery/Gibson 12

Keighery/ Gibson 49Kenneally sr

Keighery/Gibson 230

Vernon 69, Fryxe1l4601Keighery/ Gibson 09Keighery/Gibson 15, 95Vernon 14, Keighery/ Gibson 148White 11Kenneally srKenneally srDone 737Keighery/Gibson 10Vernon 18Keighery/ Gibson 11

Keighery srKeighery/Gibson 83,146

Fryxell 4585

Keighery srKeighery/ Gibson 52

246 G.}. Keighery, N. Gibson, K.F. Kenneally, A.A. MitchelI

Cajanus viscidus MaesenCanavalia rosea (Sw.)DC.Christia australasica (Schindler)

Bakh. f. et van Meeuwen* Clitoria ternatea L.

Crotalaria montana RothDesmodium filiforme Zoll.and Moritzi

* Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.)DC.Galactia tenuiflora (Klein ex Willd.)Wight and Arn.

* Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.)Kunth ex Walp.Gompholobium subulatum Benth.Indigofera ? polygaloides M.ScottIndigofera sp. A (Kimb Flora)

* Macroptilium lathyroides (L.)Urb.* Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.)Sw.

Templetonia hookeri (F.Muell.)Benth.Tephrosia leptoc1ada Benth.Tephrosia sp.Vigna lanceolata Benth.

Family PassifloraceaeAdenia heterophylla (Blume)Koord.

* Passiflora foetida (L.)var. hispida (DC. ex Triana and Planchon) Killip

Family PhilydraceaePhilydrum lanuginOSUin Gaertn.

Family PoaceaeAlloteropsis semialata (RBr.)Hitchc.Bothriochloa pertusa (L.)A.Camus

* Cenchrus ciliaris L.* Cenchrus echinatus L.

Cenchrus elymoides F.Muell.* Cenchrus setiger* Chloris barbata (L.)Sw.* Chloris gayana Kunth

Chloris sp.Chrysopogon latifolius S.T.BlakeChrysopogon sp.Cynodon dactylon (L.)Pers.

* Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.)Willd.Digitaria bicornis (Lam.)Roem.and Schult.

* Echinochloa colona (L.)Link* Eleusine indica (L.)Gaertn.

Eragrostis tenella (L.)Roem.and Schult.Eriachne avenacea RBr.Eriachne sulcata HartleyHeteropogon contortus (L.)P.Beauv.ex

Roem.and Schult.Panicum decompositum R:Br.Paspalum scrobiculatum L.Plectrachne bynoei C.E.Hubb.

* Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.)C.E.Hubb.* Setaria pumila (Poir.)Roem. and Schult'

Sorghum ecarinatum LazaridesSorghum plumosum (RBr.)P.Beauv.Spinifex longifolius RBr.Sporobolus virginicus (L.)KunthTriodia sp.

* Urochloa mosambicensis (Hack.)DandyUrochloa subquadripara (Trin.)RD.WebsterWhiteochloa cymbiformis (Hughes)B.K.Simon

Family PolygalaceaeComesperma secundum Banks ex DC.

Fryxe1l4586, Vernon 56, Mitchell3109Fryxe1l4587, Keighery/Gibson 84,122

Keighery/ Gibson 220Keighery/ Gibson 130Vernon 50, Keighery/Gibson 120Fryxell 4596Keighery/Gibson 114, Mitchell2267, 2275Fryxell4614Mitchell 2277, Handysyde 02Vernon 58, Keighery/Gibson 24AKeighery/ Gibson 229Keighery/ Gibson 70Mitchell 2271Keighery/ Gibson 27Vernon 05, Keighery/ Gibson 123Vernon 15Vernon 49, Vernon 52Vernon61

Keighery/Gibson 137

Keighery sr

Keighery sr

Keighery/Gibson 290Mitchell 2269Keighery srGrey sn, Keighery/ Gibs"on 133Keighery/Gibson 107Keighery/Gibson 132Keighery/Gibson 116Mitchell 2266Keighery/ Gibson 51Keighery/Gibson 102Keighery/ Gibson 228Keighery srKeighery srKeighery srMitchell srKeighery/Gibson 56,58Keighery/ Gibson 126Vernon 35, Fryxell3918Vernon71

Vernon73Keighery/Gibson 35,154Keighery/ Gibson 34Vernon66Vernon 65, Keighery/Gibson 115Mitchell 2268Fryxell3913Keighery/ Gibson 151Keighery srKeighery srKeighery/Gibson 141, 144Keighery/Gibson 74Keighery/ Gibson 138Mitchell 2273

Vernon 60, Fryxell4609

Koolan Island Flora and vegetation

Family Polygonaceae* Antigon leptopus Hook. and Arnd.

Family PortulacaceaeCalandrinia uniflora F.Muell.Portulaca oleracea L.Portulaca pilosa L.

Family ProteaceaeGrevillea agrifolia Cunn. ex R. Br.Grevillea cunninghamii R.Br.

Grevillea pyramidalis A.Cunn.ex RBr.Grevillea refracta R.Br.Persoonia falcata R.Br.Stenocarpus sp. A (Kimb Flora)

Family RhizophoraceaeCeriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.Rhizophora stylosa Griff.

Family RubiaceaeAidia racemosa (Cav.)D.D.Tirveng.Canthium sp. A (Kimb Flora)Oldenlandia corymbosa L. var. corymbosaPavetta kimberleyana ST ReynoldsSpermacoce leptoloba Benth.

Family Rutaceae'Boronia lanuginosa Endl.

Family SantalaceaeExocarpos latifolius R.Br.Santalum lanceolatum R.Br.

Family SapindaceaeAtalaya hemiglauca (F.Muell.)F.Muell.ex Benth.Distichostemon hispidulus (Endl.)S.T.Reynolds

var. phyllopterus (F.Muell.)S.T.ReynoldsDodonaea lanceolata F.Muell. var. lanceolata

Family SapotaceaeMimusops elengi L.Pouteria sericea (Aiton)Baehni

Family ScrophulariaceaeLindernia aff. clausa (F. Muell.)F. Muell.Stemodia lythrifolia F.Muell.ex Benth.Striga curviflora (R.Br.)Benth.

Family Solanaceae* Physalis minima L.

Family SonneratiaceaeSonneratia alba Sm.

Family StackhousiaceaeStackhousia intermedia Bailey

Family SterculiaceaeBrachychiton diversifolius R.Br,Brachychiton viridiflorus (W.Fitzg.)GuymerBrachychiton viscidulus (W.Fitzg.)GuymerMelhania oblongifolia F.Muell.Melochia umbellata (Houtt.)StapfWaltheria indica L.


Keighery srKeighery srKeighery1Gibson 39

Vernon 01, KeigheryIGibson 143Vernon 02, Marchant 72/12,

White 08, Fryxe1l4590Vernon03AVernon03BKeighery1Gibson 14Keighery1Gibson 221

Keighery1Gibson 223Keighery1Gibson 222

KeigheryIGibson 101KeigheryIGibson 16KeigheryIGibson 125AKeigheryIGibson 92Vernon41

Fryxell 4600

Fryxell 4608Keighery sr

Keighery srVernon 25, White 10


KeigheryIGibson 104Keighery1Gibson 23a

Vernon34Marchant 72/6Vernon37

Fryxe1l3920, KeigheryIGibson 103

Keighery sr


KeigheryIGibson 07KeigheryIGibson 08Fryxe1l4591, KeigheryIGibson 63Vernon53Fryxell 3922, Keighery1Gibson 140Vernon 17



Family Stylidiaeeae5tylidium aff. leptorrhizum F. Muell.

Family TaeeaeeaeTacca leontopetaloides (L.)KuntzeTacca maculata Seem.

Family TiliaeeaeCorchorus leptocarpus (A.Cunn.)Benth.Grewia breviflora Benth.Grewia retusifolia KurzTriumfetta plumigera F.Muell.Triumfetta sp.Triumfetta sp.Triumfetta sp. 0 (Kimb Flora)Triumfetta sp. S (Kimb Flora)

Family Turneraeeae* Turnera ulmifolia L.

Family TyphaeeaeTypha domingensis Pers.

Family UlmaeeaeCeltis philippensis Blaneo

G.]. Keighery, N. Gibson, K.F. Kenneally, A.A. Mitchell

Fryxe1l4583, Vernon 59, Vernon sn

Keighery/Gibson 117Vernon26

Fryxe1l4595, Keighery/Gibson 22Keighery/Gibson 139, 224Vernon 11, 25a, Keighery/Gibson 43Vernon 39, Fryxe1l3919, 4616Keighery/Gibson 21Keighery/ Gibson 86Fryxell 3921Vernon 63, Fryxe1l4581

Keighery/Gibson 01,118, Mitche1l2274

Keighery sr

Keighery/ Gibson 225

Family VerbenaeeaeCallicarpa candicans (BurmJ.)Hoehr.Clerodendrum floribundum R.Br. var. coriaceum

(R Br.) Mold.Clerodendrum tomentosum (Vent.) RBr.

var. lanceolatum (F.Muell) MunirPremna acuminata RBr.5tachytarpheta cayennensis (Rieh.)VahlVitex acuminata RBr.Vitex glabrata R.Br.

Family ViolaeeaeHybanthus aurantiacus (F.Muell.ex Benth.)F.Muell.Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.)F.Muell.

Family VitaeeaeAmpelocissus acetosa (F.Muell.)Planeh.Cayratia trifolia (L.)DominCissus adnata Roxb.

Family ZygophyllaeeaeTribulopis angustifolia RBr.

Keighery/Gibson 03Vernon 45, Keighery/Gibson 124


Keighery/Gibson 90, 226, 227Mitehe1l3110Vernon 08, Keighery/Gibson 23,29,81Vernon 13

Keighery/Gibson 13Vernon46

Keighery srKeighery/ Gibson 80Keighery sr

Keighery/Gibson 125