Biology. Coombes.naufal.tioman Field Report

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A Year 11 report on the rocky shores of Tioman Island


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Naufal Shukri | Biology | May 6, 2013

Biology Fieldwork Report MELINA BEACH, TIOMAN ISLAND

Survey area: Intertidal zone

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Tioman Island

Situated 32 km off Mersing on the east coast of the

peninsula, Tioman Island is a volcanic island with a total are of 133.6

km². Tioman Island’s beaches consists of both rocky and sandy 

shores (Abdul 1999). Similar to the Malaysian peninsula, Tioman

Island has a tropical climate.

Habitat Type: Rocky Shore, Melina beach

Located between Kampung Paya and Kampung Genting, the

rocky shore section of the beach was the location of the survey 

performed by the group. The survey area performed on the shore

covers the Littoral zone, also known as the intertidal zone, which is

between the high tide and the low tide mark. This area’s constant

exposure to the tide and sunlight affect several other abiotic factors

such as acidity, salinity, and temperature; this means that organism in the littoral zone must havespecial adaptations to cope with the pressures of its habitat. The gradient and different levels of the

abiotic factors within the area dictate where organisms can live in the littoral zone, along with their

adaptations (Ecofieldtrips 2013). This makes the area an ideal place to observe and analyze the

distribution and abundance of the plans and animals living in this harsh environment. The survey types

performed were:

  Interrupted belt transect: recording the abundance of two species of algae and sea cucumber,

and also the level of three abiotic factors (dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature) within the

quadrat. This was performed every 5m in a 50m line.

  Uninterrupted belt transect: The substrate directly underneath every meter in the 50mtransect was recorded in a table

  Beach profiling: Two poles were placed in intervals and the angle was measured to find the

change in height in every 5m.







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

   H   E   I   G   H   T    (   M    )


Beach Profile

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Interrupted Belt Transect Data 

Survey Data Analysis












50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Black Sea Cucumber (Group 1)












50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Padina (Group 1)

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 Abiotic Factors 








50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Group 1 Temperature











50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Group 1 pH









50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Group 2 pH










50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Group 2 Dissolved Oxygen


Coral Rubble28%


Macro Algae2%









50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Group 2 Temperature

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Survey Technique Evaluation

Three multiple survey techniques were used on the intertidal area to reflect the overall

environmental factors present within the ecosystem and how they affect the organisms living in the

habitat, but there are severable notable flaws to the survey technique as well as human errors that can

influence the accuracy of the data’s reflection of the surveyed area. The interrupted belt transect

utilized poses several problems in terms of accuracy. While the interrupted belt transect is far less time

consuming in comparison to the uninterrupted belt transect, only surveying quadrats are placed in 5meter intervals reduces the accuracy of the survey, thus, turf and macro algae found outside of the

quadrat would not be counted. The method of calculation of the turf algae and macro algae are another

flaw of the survey method. With turf algae, if a square of the quadrat contains over 50% turf algae, it

 will be counted as 4% of the quadrat. This means that any square of the quadrat that falls below 50%

 will not be counted, which will make the data show that there is less turf algae then there actually is

present. The opposite is true when calculating macro algae. With macro algae, any squares containing

any trace of macro algae will be counted as 4%; this creates the opposite effect, creating an

misunderstanding that there were much more padina than there actually is.

Besides the flaws of the survey method, human errors could also have an impact on the datacollected. Walking along the transect line where the survey would be conducted could potentially affect

the area that is often times not realized when performing the survey. Stepping on rocks and macro

algae could reduce the actual percentage of these plants in the quadrats. Another part of these human

errors would be not executing the method properly, such as not placing the quadrats consistently on

the designated intervals. In our survey group, we were unable to record the dissolved oxygen present in

the waters due to a simple miscommunication where the transect line was pulled in before we could

record our final data. The missing data could potentially be important in understanding the

distribution and abundance of the organisms being studied.

Plant and Animal Species


Turf algae are a community of red, brown, and

green algae. Algal species within this community only 

grow as tall as 2 to 5 cm. These small plants help anchor,

provide structure, and also can retain water (University of 

Hawaii 2002). Turf algae are also able to trap sediment

and detritus, which then undergo nitrogen fixation withthe assistance of cyanobacteria present in the algae

community. Ecologically, turf algae play a role in relieving

some of the environmental stresses of the intertidal zone

by providing shade and also retaining some of the

moisture (Wysor 2009).

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Padina Pavonica, also known as the peacock’s tail, is

a species of macro algae typically found in in the intertida

areas of warmer, tropical climates. The body of the padina

are cluster of fan-shaped blades that curl inward, with the

higher end of the blade calcified. These blades are then

attached to a network of roots called the holdfast, which

helps them keep them grounded to its substrate. Macro

algae are provide food for sea urchins, fishes, sea turtles

and various other species (SMSFP 2002)


Red-eyed reef crabs are aggressive crustaceans

named after its distinct bright red eyes. Red-eyed reef 

crabs are found in the indo-west pacific region, andnormally make their homes in coral rubbles and rocks.

The red-eyed reef crab is easily provoked and can

utilize its strong pincers, with one of them being

enlarged to defend itself. These pincers are also used

to prey on slow-moving mollusks and crush their

shells. Males also use their pincers to fight for territory 

(Ng et. al. 2011, p. 429).


Sea cucumbers are long, worm-like echinodermsfound in the in the sands of the intertidal zone. Sea

cucumbers are detritivores and feed organic wastes

found in the sand. They feed by sucking in sand

filtering the organic matters from the sediment and

sand before expelling it back from its anus; this makes

them a filter feeder. Sea cucumbers have distinct front

and rear ends, with their front end having rings o

tentacles while the anus has five teeth that point

inward (Hawaiian Marine Life 2012)

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Mantis Shrimps are species of crustacean found in

the littoral zone. Mantis Shrimps prefer warmer waters

in tropical climates, and can vary in size from two to

thirty centimeters. Using their specialized appendages,

mantis shrimps are able to hunt soft-bodied animals

such as fishes and shrimps, and also hard-shelled

mollusks. Depending on the species, mantis shrimps are

either “spearers” or “smashers.” Species possessing club-

like appendages are able to use it to smash through clam

shells with the fastest speed seen in any organism and a

force equal to a .22 caliber bullet. Mantis shrimps possess

the most complex eyes seen in any organism, with 8

different types of cells that help with the vision. With

this, mantis shrimps can see ultraviolet lights (BBC 2010).

 Abiotic Factors Affecting Distribution and Abundance 

Using the data collected from the survey of the rocky shore, the distribution and the abundance

of turf algae can be linked to the type of substrate that is present within the surveyed quadrat. Group 1’s

data shows that quadrats under coral rubble and rock substrates have a higher percentage cover

compared to quadrats under sand substrates. Unlike turf algae, macro algae observed thrive well under

sand substrates, reaching over 80 percent in quadrat placed at the 45 meter interval where the substrate

is sand. This conclusion is further backed by data collected by group 2, who also observed similar

patterns in the connection between the substrate type and the distribution and abundance of the

macro algae and turf algae. No strong connection can be made between the algae and the recordedabiotic factors, which remained constant throughout every intervals where water is present, although

according to a research paper written by Bergstorm et al. (n.d. p.1-2) on the effects of acidity on algal

abundance, a decrease in the pH level from 6.6 to 5.0 saw an increase in the abundance of the algae

studied; the opposite effect was also observed when the pH level was brought up over 9.5. It was also

noted that different species of algae have different levels of tolerance of pH levels. Temperatures are

also a factor which can limit the growth of macro algae, along with being exposes during the low tides

(Dawes 1998).

Sea cucumbers were rarely found in any of the quadrats except two in group 1’s. From the data

collected, no apparent relationship can be seen between the acidity and temperature which could affectthe distribution as well as the abundance of sea cucumbers. Since sea cucumbers consume oxygen for

respiration, it could be implied that water with a higher level of dissolved oxygen would dictate where

and how abundant sea cucumbers are. Sea cucumbers are also ectotherms (‘Holothuroidea’ n.d.), which

means that it relies on the outside temperature to regulate the internal body temperatures. This

characteristic of the sea cucumber would mean that it would be found in waters where temperatures

are ideal for their metabolism and other bodily functions to operate; in the case of our data, the

optimum temperature for black sea cucumbers would be around 28 degrees Celsius.

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Food Web & Chain


Phytoplankton, Turf algae,

Macro algae

Herbivorous fishes

Damsel fish, Parrot fish, Angel

fish, Rabbit fish

MollusksSea snails, Periwinkle



Goby fish

Mantis shrimp

Reef octopusPredatory fish


Sea Cucumber



Red-eyed reef crab, Ghost crab

 Algae (Producer)

Zooplankton (Primary)

Goby Fish (Secondary)

Mantis Shrimp


 Algae (Producer)

Sea Snails (Primary)

Crabs (Secondary)

Reef Octopus (Tertiary)

 Algae (Producer)

Parrot Fish (Primary)

Sharks (Tertiary)

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Trophic Interactions between Intertidal Organisms

The relationships that exist between organisms that live in the intertidal zone and also ones that

come to feed on the organisms in the area are vital in keeping the food web and ecosystem in balance.

Each level of the consumers, whether primary or secondary, are responsible for keeping the population

of the species they feed on in control. Mantis shrimps are important predators in this ecosystem that

feed on small fishes, such as goby, and hard-shelled mollusks such as clams. The relationship that existsbetween mantis shrimps and its preys are vital in population control. For algae, Herbivore fishes such

as damsel fish are important as they graze on them and prevent the algal population from growing out

of control. Macro algae also become food for herbivore fishes, sea urchins, and certain species of crabs

(SMSFP 2002). Algae and sea cucumbers are example of two examples of species that are vital to the

food web. Algae are producers and are able to produce energy on their own, which is how energy goes

through the food web, while sea cucumbers and other types of detritivores help take organic matter

and break down before bacteria decompose them and put them back into the system.

 Animal and Plant Adaptations

Being able to adapt is a crucial part to how organisms are able to flourish under extreme

circumstances inside the littoral zone. Organisms living in this harsh habitat face environmental

challenges such as:

-Variations in salinity level

-Tidal waves can pull organisms out into the ocean

-Exposure to sunlight can increase the temperature of the water

-Changes in the water due to organisms respiring

Due to nature of the environment and the changing levels of the abiotic factors, organisms living in theintertidal zone have specialized adaptations to deal with the environmental stress.

Macro algae are examples of a species of vegetation able to thrive under these conditions. One

important factor to its survivability is its structural adaptation. The thallus, or the body, is anchored to

the substrate through a root-like structure called the holdfast (SMSFP 2010). The holdfast enables the

macro algae to stay anchored during the tides, preventing them from being washed away. Macro algae’s

ability to tolerate water loss in circumstances where it is out of water and the ability to start

photosynthesizing quickly upon submerging underwater are crucial adaptations in response to the high

and low tides; this is especially important for macro algae living higher up the littoral zone (Einav et. al.


Besides plants, animals such as the Mantis shrimps have also been successful in this habitat.Mantis shrimps possess numerous adaptations that allow it to become the fast-predator it is, especially 

 within the intertidal zone. The mantis shrimp has adapted structurally in response to the types of food

available in the intertidal zone. In some species, the mantis shrimp has developed club-like appendages

that is able to hit its prey with a powerful force, and speed. This adaptation is used to feed on the

 various hard-shelled mollusks abundant in the intertidal zone (BBC 2010). Mantis shrimps also have

developed structural adaptations to its eye, which are the most complex in an organism; this enables

them to see a wider range of color spectrum than the human eye. Although it is unclear as to what the

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advantages are, it is speculated that it enables them to steer clear from predators, identify different

types of corals, and see preys that are more transparent Mantis shrimps make their homes from dug out

burrows or in rock crevices (BBC 2010). This is a behavioral adaptation which helps provide them

shelter from the tidal waves and shade from the heat of the day. Mantis shrimp

Human Impact on Ecosystem

Due to the secluded nature of the

surveyed area from massive tourist locations,

little to no human impact was evident during

our observation. Although there could be

potentially have been some smaller human

impacts which might not be exactly obvious.

One human impact that can be noted are

people treading on the intertidal habitats.

People unaware of the organisms and plants

that live in this region may start walking andstepping on algae and rocks, which provide

food and also shelter for various species such

as mantis shrimp and crabs. A crab sheltering

under a rock could be a victim of an oblivious person stepping on the rock, crushing it. This can be

avoided if locals and tourists are made aware of the ecosystem that exists in the intertidal zones, and

advice to be cautious when walking around these area or to simply make an effort to stay clear from

these areas. Shell collecting is another human impact on the intertidal ecosystem. With the presence of

 various species of hard-shelled mollusks, it may attract some to pick some and collect them. Although

it may not be a serious human impact, removal of an organism from its ecosystem will still have aneffect. Although there are no significant pollutions in the form of trash or harmful chemicals evident in

the ecosystem observed, it is still a human impact that should be considered. Due to Tioman Island’s

attraction as a tourist spot and the resorts being built on shore, an influx of tourists uneducated about

the protection of these vital ecosystems could potentially lead to problems with pollution, especially 

trash left behind by people, which will most definitely have a negative effect on the environment.

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 Abdul, Jasmi, 1999 , An Introduction to Pulau Tioman, National University of Singapore, Singapore,

 viewed 24 April, 2013, 

Bergstrom, C, McKeel, C, Suketu P n.d., Effects of pH on Algal Abundance: A Model of Bay Harbor,

 Michigan, University of Michigan, viewed 28 April, 2013,


British Broadcasting Corporation 2010, Mantis Shrimp, BBC Science and Nature, viewed 23 April, 2013 

Dawes, J, C 1998, Marine Botany, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons, NY 

Ecofieldtrips Pte Ltd, 2013, Rainforest to Reef, Tioman Survey Book, EPT, 195 Pearl Hill Terrace,


Einav, R, Siegmar B, Sven, B 1995, Ecophysiological Adaptation Strategies of Some Intertidal Marine

 Macroalgae of the Israeli Mediterranean coast, Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University, Tel

 Aviv, Israel, viewed 25 April, 2013,  

Hawaiian Marine Life 2012, Hawaiian Marine Life Profiles: Invertebrates, Maui Ocean Center, viewed

 April 24, 2013,


‘Holothuroidea Sea Cucumbers’ n.d., Encyclopedia of Life, wiki article, viewed 28 April, 2013, 

‘Mantis Shrimp Vision’ n.d., University of Maryland , wiki article, viewed 30 April, 2013, 

Ng, P, Corlett, R, Tan, H 2011, Singapore Biodiversity: An Encyclopedia of the Natural Environment,

Editions Didier Millet, Singapore

University of Hawaii, Botany Department 2002, An Intertidal Algal Turf Community, viewed April 23,


Smithsonian Marina Station at Fort Piece 2010, Peacock’s Tail Alga, Smithsonian Institution, viewed 23

 April, 2013, 

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 Wysor, B 2009, Introduction to Turf Algae, Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute, Roger Williams

University, viewed 24 April, 2013,
