Biomaterial strategies for alleviation of myocardial...

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J. R. Soc. Interface (2012) 9, 1–19

on August 4, 2018 from

doi:10.1098/rsif.2011.0301Published online 13 April 2011


*Authors for c

Received 16 MAccepted 18 A

Biomaterial strategies for alleviation ofmyocardial infarction

Jayarama Reddy Venugopal*, Molamma P. Prabhakaran,Shayanti Mukherjee, Rajeswari Ravichandran,

Kai Dan and Seeram Ramakrishna*

Healthcare and Energy Materials Laboratory, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative,Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

World Health Organization estimated that heart failure initiated by coronary artery diseaseand myocardial infarction (MI) leads to 29 per cent of deaths worldwide. Heart failure is oneof the leading causes of death in industrialized countries and is expected to become a globalepidemic within the twenty-first century. MI, the main cause of heart failure, leads to a loss ofcardiac tissue impairment of left ventricular function. The damaged left ventricle undergoesprogressive ‘remodelling’ and chamber dilation, with myocyte slippage and fibroblast prolifer-ation. Repair of diseased myocardium with in vitro-engineered cardiac muscle patch/injectable biopolymers with cells may become a viable option for heart failure patients.These events reflect an apparent lack of effective intrinsic mechanism for myocardial repairand regeneration. Motivated by the desire to develop minimally invasive procedures, thelast 10 years observed growing efforts to develop injectable biomaterials with and withoutcells to treat cardiac failure. Biomaterials evaluated include alginate, fibrin, collagen,chitosan, self-assembling peptides, biopolymers and a range of synthetic hydrogels. Theultimate goal in therapeutic cardiac tissue engineering is to generate biocompatible, non-immunogenic heart muscle with morphological and functional properties similar to naturalmyocardium to repair MI. This review summarizes the properties of biomaterial substrateshaving sufficient mechanical stability, which stimulates the native collagen fibril structurefor differentiating pluripotent stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells into cardiomyocytesfor cardiac tissue engineering.

Keywords: biomaterials; hydrogels; injectables; cardiomyocytes;mesenchymal stem cells; myocardial infarction


Cardiac tissue engineering promises to revolutionize thetreatment of patients with end-stage heart failure andprovides new solutions to the serious problems ofheart donor shortage. Heart disease is one of the mostcommon causes of death in the world [1]. Coronaryheart disease (CHD) and heart failure continue to besignificant burdens to healthcare systems in the westernworld. In the United States alone, there are 7.9 millionsurvivors of myocardial infarction (MI) and 16.8 millionpeople living with CHD ( The single most common cause of left-sided car-diac failure is ischaemic heart disease (also calledcoronary artery disease) with an episode of acute MI.Left ventricular dilatation is a well-recognized precursorof ventricular dysfunction and congestive heart failureafter MI. The damaged left ventricle undergoes pro-gressive ‘remodelling’ and chamber dilation, with

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myocyte slippage and fibroblast proliferation. Theimpairment of heart wall muscle is permanent because,after a massive cell loss owing to infarction, the myocar-dial tissue lacks significant intrinsic regenerativecapability to replace the lost cells. The enlargement inventricular volume leads to progressive structural andfunctional changes in ventricles (called ventricularremodelling). Ventricular remodelling is compensatoryat the initial stages, but adds further inefficiency tothe mechanical pumping of ventricular muscle, predis-posing towards the final stage of congestive heartfailure (CHF) [2], a condition in which the heartcannot pump sufficient amount of blood to meet themetabolic requirements of the body.

Current therapeutic strategies to treat CHF are lim-ited to surgical transplantation, coronary artery bypassgrafting (CABG), ventricular remodelling (resection),dynamic latissimus dorsi (LD) cardiomyoplasty, cardiacbioassist mechanical support and pharmacological inter-vention. These treatment options have significantly

This journal is q 2011 The Royal Society

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improved the quality of patient care, there are limitationsto each approach. Heart transplantation is traditionallyperformed to treat intractable severe heart failure sec-ondary to dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,but its use is restricted by the shortage of donors. Theuse of pluripotent stem cells to regenerate damagedheart tissue is being advocated as the new treatmentfor heart failure secondary to heart disease or severe MI.Myocardial dysfunction resulting from atherosclerosis-related MI is a widespread and important cause ofmorbidity and mortality among adults. The adult mam-malian heart has limited regenerative capacity andtherefore any significant myocardial cell loss is mostly irre-versible and may lead to progressive loss of ventricularfunction and heart failure development. Despite theimprovements in several pharmacological and surgicaltherapeutic measures, the prognosis for heart failurepatients remains poor. Cellular cardiomyoplasty seemsto reduce the size and fibrosis of infarct scars, to limitadverse post-ischaemic remodelling and to improve dias-tolic function.

Restoration of cardiac function by replacing diseasedmyocardium with functional cardiomyocytes (CMs) is anintriguing strategy because it offers a potential cure.There is an increasing evidence of experimental approachesto restore/regenerate failing myocardium. Two of thepromising pathways are direct implantation of primordialtype of cells into the injured heart and the replacement ofportions of heart muscle with tissue-engineered bio-artificial grafts. Both the techniques display advantagesand limitations. The development of a bioartificial myocar-dium is a new challenge; in this approach, tissue-engineeredprocedures are associated with cell therapy. Organ decellu-larization for bioscaffold fabrication is a new investigatedconcept. Nanomaterials are emerging as the main candi-dates in ensuring the achievement of a proper instructivecellular niche with good drug release/administration prop-erties [3]. Angiogenic cytokines can be used to inducevascularization within a cardiac patch [4]. Steffens et al.[5] physically immobilized vascular endothelial growthfactor (VEGF) onto heparinized collagen matrices.The VEGF released from the matrices led to improvedendothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis in thechorioallantoic membrane. Alginate and alginate sulphatescaffolds enhance cardiac patch vascularization and viabi-lity by incorporating a mixture of prosurvival andangiogenic factors (SDF, IGF-1 and VEGF) by affinitybinding to the scaffold [6]. Collagen scaffolds with cova-lently immobilized VEGF improved tissue formation bypromoting cell proliferation within the graft of both invitro and in vivo, thus leading to increased blood vessel den-sity and reduced construct thinning in a rat model of rightventricle (RV)-free wall repair [7]. The direct transfer ofpluripotent stem cells into heart has been reported toimprove cardiac function of the recipient animals aftermyocardial injury [8,9]. Limitations are arrhythmogeni-city, immunogenicity and tumorigenicity of the injectedcells, as well as their insufficient potential to survive,engraft and differentiate into the cardiac cell phenotype.The majority of previously developed bioartificial matriceslack a heart-like microstructure. They are devoid of a vas-cular tree or microvasculature and are destined to dieafter implantation into the ischaemic heart. The functional

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improvement of the heart after cell or tissue transfer isusually attributed to secondary angiogenesis because ofthe lack of a convincing explanation of the mechanism ofengraftment and participation in contractile activity [10].In the last few years, other strategies have been evolved,aiming at restoring diseased areas of the heart. Theseapproaches include cellular transplantation, as well as invitro engineering of bioartificial myocardial tissues foralleviation of MI.


MI results in the obstruction of blood supply to the heartmuscle that leads to substantial death of CMs in theinfarct zone followed by a rigorous inflammatory responseand removal of dead cells by marrow-derived macrophagesormesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Standard treatment ofthis debilitating disease comprises pharmacological pro-tection of the heart, either from a primary injury or fromsecondary damage, as well as cardiovascular interven-tions, including percutaneous transluminal coronaryangioplasty (PTCA) or heart transplantation. CMs arethe most physically energetic cells in the body, contractingmore than three billion times in an average human life-span and pumping over 7000 l of blood per day along160 000 km of blood vessels [11]. The control of heartcontractions is almost entirely self-contained and can beattributed to the group of specialized CMs (pacemakers),the fastest of which are located in the muscle driven by thewaves of electrical excitation generated by pacing cells thatspread rapidly along the membranes of adjoining CMs andtrigger release of calcium, which in turn stimulate contrac-tion of myofibrils. Electromechanical coupling ofmyocytes is crucial for their synchronous response to elec-trical pacing signals [12]. According to theoreticalsimulations, addition of a heart patch border zone coulddecrease heart wall stress. In these simulations, addedmaterials are non-contractile and have stiffness up to 200per cent of the average stiffness of passive myocardium.The reduction in wall stress was calculated to be pro-portional to the fractional volume added, with stiffermaterials improving this attenuation better [13]. On theother hand, the stiffness of heart muscle is 10 kPa at thebeginning of diastole and 200–500 kPa at the end of dia-stole [14,15]. Most studies support the conclusion thatcell implantation can improve contractile function of theheart. Clinical studies are underway to investigate thesafety and feasibility of cell implantation in patients [16].An alternative approach to deliver isolated cells into theheart is to use a tissue engineering strategy, in which a syn-thetic biodegradable patch is populated in vitro withMSCs and implanted onto the infarcted regions of MIfor cardiac tissue regeneration [17–20].


3.1. Properties of biomaterials

Tissue engineering approaches are designed to repairlost or damaged tissue through the use of growth fac-tors, cellular transplantation, injectable biopolymers

(a) (b)


Figure 1. Nanofibrous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering. (a) Electrospun collagen nanofibres and (b) rat cardiomyocytes (CMs).

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and biomaterial scaffolds. There are currently three bio-material approaches for the treatment of MI. The firstinvolves polymeric left ventricular restraints in the pre-vention of heart failure. The second uses in vitro-engineered cardiac tissue, which is subsequentlyimplanted in vivo. The final approach entails injectingcells and/or a scaffold into the myocardium to createin situ-engineered cardiac tissue. Tissue engineeringprovides a solution to the problem of congenitalor acquired heart defects that can be used to replace orreconstruct defective heart parts such as valves orvessels. A fabricated tissue engineering scaffold shouldbe (i) highly porous with large interconnected pores (tofacilitate mass transport), (ii) hydrophilic (to enhancecell attachment), (iii) structurally stable (to withstandthe shearing forces during bioreactor cultivation), (iv)degradable (to provide ultimate biocompatibility of thetissue graft), and (v) elastic (to enable transmission ofcontractile forces) [21]. The biomaterial is used tocreate an engineered myocardial patch that should beeasy to harvest, proliferate, non-immunogenic, and hasthe ability to differentiate into mature, functional CMs.Scaffold structure determines the transport of nutrients,metabolites and regulatory molecules to and from thecells, whereas the scaffold chemistry has an importantrole in cell attachment and differentiation. Mechanicalproperties of the scaffold should ideally match those ofthe native tissue, providing mechanical integrity of theforming tissue and supporting an in vivo-like mechano-transduction between cells and their environment [11].

The ideal scaffold for implantation must meet severalstringent criteria for tissue engineering. It must be bio-compatible, reactive to non-foreign body, resistant tostress and strain, be sterilizable and match biomechani-cal characteristics of tissue it is replacing. Materialdegradation and resorption are other desirable proper-ties, and the degradation products must be non-toxicand readily eliminate from the body. From a macro-scopic perspective, the scaffold should be porous, withinterconnecting pore structure to enable the accom-modation of a large number of cells (CMs) and theirorganization into a functioning tissue (figure 1). Poresize of at least 50 mm is needed to allow the vasculariza-tion of scaffold after transplantation, to supply theseeded cells with nutrients and to remove secretions[22]. At the same time, the polymer scaffold should

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comprise good mechanical features to enable handlingin cell culture during transplantation. Finally, thescaffold should be able to release growth factors, gene sig-nals and other proteins, in a time-dependent manner. Ingeneral, biomaterial scaffolds for tissue engineering andregeneration can be divided into two categories: syntheticor biologically derived natural materials. Syntheticmaterials allow for precise control over properties suchas molecular weight of the polymer, degradation time,mechanical properties and hydrophobic/hydrophilicproperties. However, they may not interact favourablywith cells as biologically derived materials do. The mostpopular synthetic materials are the degradable polyesterscomposed of lactide (PLA) and glycolide (PLG) and theircopolymers (PLGA). Mukherjee et al. [23] studied thehydrophilic, biocompatible nanofibrous scaffolds madeof poly(L-lactic acid)-co-poly(e-caprolactone) (PLACL)/collagen that provides superior attachment and growthof adult cardiac cells favouring native myocardium-likealignment of newly seeded cardiac cells comparedwith purely synthetic PLACL scaffolds. Moreover,PLACL/collagen allows for cell–cell interaction withoutattenuating the functional activity of cells and cardiac-specific protein expression. These nanofibrous scaffoldshave an elastic modulus of a magnitude nearing to thatof native heart tissue in cardiac tissue engineering.

3.2. Extracellular matrix in myocardium

The myocardial collagen matrix mainly consists of typeI and III collagens, which form a structural continuum.Collagen type I fibres mainly provide structural supportand give the heart properties that include stiffness andresistance to deformation. The collagen type III fibresseem to play an important role as a link between con-tractile elements of adjacent myocytes, carrying someinformation useful for cell function. The lattice sur-rounding the myocytes comprises a complex networkof structural proteins (collagen and elastic fibres) andadhesive proteins (fibronectin and laminin) within ahydrated proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycan-richmilieu [24,25]. Collagens such as types I, III, IV, V, VIand VIII have been identified in myocardium [26–28].Cardiac fibroblast-synthesized type I and III collagenshave different physical properties: type I collagenmainly provides rigidity, whereas type III collagen

Table 1. Potential biomaterials for cardiac tissue engineering. PGA, (glycolic acid); PLLA, poly(L-lactic acid); PHB, poly-(beta-hydroxybutyrate-co-betahydroxyvalerate); PPD, poly(para-dioxanone); TMC, 1,3-trimethylene carbonate; PDLLA,poly(D,L-lactide); POC, poly(1,8-octanediol- co-citric acid); PGS, poly(glycerol sebacate). n.a. not applicable.

polymerelastomer (E)/thermoplastic(T)

Y modulus(stiffness)


degradation(month) references

PGA T 7–10 GPa 70 MPa 2–12 [35,36]PLLA T 1–4 GPa 30–80 MPa 2–12 [35]PHB E 2–3 GPa 36 MPa degradable [37]PPD or PDS E 0.6 GPa 12 MPa 6 [36,38]TMC E 6 MPa 12 MPa degradable [38]TMC-PDLLA (50 : 50) E 16 MPa 10 MPa degradable [38]POC T 1–16 MPa 6.7 MPa degradable [36,39]PGS E 0.04–1.2 MPa 0.2–0.5 MPa degradable [36,40,41]collagen fibre (tendon–

bone)E 2–46 MPa 1–7 MPa degradable [42,43]

collagen gel (calf skin) E 0.002–0.022 MPa 1–9 kPa degradable [44]rat myocardium E 0.001–0.14 MPa 30–70 kPa n.a. [45–47]human myocardium E 0.02–0.5 MPa 3–15 kPa n.a. [14,48,49]

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contributes elasticity [29]. The two type of collagensjointly support and tether myocytes in maintainingtheir alignment, tensile strength, shape and thicknessin order to prevent rupture and contribute to the pas-sive and active stiffness of the myocardium [30].Changes in collagen type I : III ratio within the heartmuscle may alter the tensile strength of the myocar-dium. Experimental observations have shown that, inthe process of ischaemic heart disease, the myocardialextracellular matrix (ECM) is deeply altered, and thereserve of collagen type I, which is responsible for thestructural support, can decrease from 80 to 40 percent after MI [31]. A simultaneous increase in bothmyocardial collagen and diastolic chamber stiffnesswas attributed to increase the content of totalcollagen [32].

Natural polymers include both ECM proteins andderivatives (e.g. collagen) and materials derived fromplants and seaweed (alginate). Natural polymersderived from ECM, such as Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD), col-lagen, gelatin on their surfaces can facilitate celladhesion and maintain cell differentiation and advan-tageous for tissue engineering applications. However,these materials do not possess sufficient mechanicalstrength, unless they are chemically cross-linked todegrade rather rapidly in the body. In addition,batch-to-batch variations in material properties, aswell as potential contamination when the materialsare extracted from animal tissue, raise many concerns.Recombinant forms of human collagen and othermaterials are being produced, in order to avoid theuse of animal products, by expressing them in celllines including yeast [33]. Engineered heart constructsmust develop systolic (contractive) force with appropri-ate compliance, and at the same time they mustwithstand diastolic (expansive) loads. Chachques et al.[22,34] performed clinical study in ischaemic patients,showed that bone marrow cell therapy associated withsurgical implantation onto the epicardium of a cell-seeded collagen matrix type I (MAGNUM) preventedmyocardial wall thinning, limited post-ischaemic remo-delling and improved diastolic function. The use of

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MAGNUM seems to create a microatmosphere whereexogenous and endogenous cells find the optimal micro-environment to repair with low scar formation. Cardiactissue engineering (collagen matrix seeded with stemcells) emerges as a new therapeutic tool and extendseven more amazing possibilities of cell therapies in car-diology, becoming a promising way for the creation of a‘bioartifical myocardium’. Table 1 lists the mechanicalproperties (stiffness and tensile strength) of heartwall muscles and of the biomaterials investigated formyocardial tissue engineering [35–49].

3.3. Strategies of biomaterials

Poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) scaffolds were tailored tomatch the stiffness of heart muscle at the beginning ofdiastole (stiffness is 10–20 kPa) or the stiffness at theend of diastole (200–500 kPa) [50–52]. Once theengineered tissue construct is placed in the body, vascu-larization becomes a key issue for further remodelling inthe in vivo environment. The pore size in the range of50–100 mm was sufficient to allow vascularization ofthe scaffold following transplantation [53]. Radisic &Vunjak-Novakovic [54] suggested that larger(100–300 mm) pore size is necessary for vascularizationand long-term survival of cardiac tissue constructs. Thelarge pores could impair vascularization because endo-thelial cells are unable to bridge pores greater than acell diameter [55,56]. A potential approach to addressthis problem is filling a highly porous scaffold with acell-seeded and/or gene-containing collagen gels forvascularization [57,58]. Ott et al. [59] recently demon-strated that decellularized adult rat hearts retaininganisotropic structural and mechanical properties couldprovide a scaffold for cultured neonatal rat heart cellsto regenerate nascent pump function of the engineeredbioartificial heart. Engelmayr et al. [60] fabricatedaccordion-like honeycomb microstructure scaffold(PGS) to demonstrate the novel ability to yield tissue-engineered grafts with closely matched anisotropicmechanical properties compared with right ventricularmyocardium of adult rats, while simultaneously

Table 2. Potential biomaterials and/or cell combinations used for cardiac tissue engineering. GAG, glycosoaminoglycan;PLLA, poly(L-lactic acid); PCL, polycaprolactone; PGA, poly(glycolic acid); POC, poly(1,8-octanediol-co-citric acid).

polymer cells approach references

natural materialscollagen embryonic chick heart cells epicardial heart patch [64]gelatin cardiomyocytes three-dimensional porous mesh [65]collagen-GAG BM-MSCs three-dimensional porous mesh [66]fibrin glue no cells ventricular heart patch [67]

synthetic (degradable) materialsPLLA human ESC three-dimensional porous mesh [68]PCL cardiomyocytes three-dimensional porous mesh [69]PGA chondrocytes three-dimensional porous mesh [70]polyurethane mouse ESC three-dimensional porous sponge [71]PGS three-dimensional porous foam [72]

non-biodegradable materialsPOC HL-1 (cardiac cells) scaffold application [73]PTFE hUV ECs cardiovascular graft [74]polypropylene no cells left ventricular constrain [75]

Table 3. Approaches for using myocardial tissue engineering.

approach advantages disadvantages reference

cellular cardiomyoplasty (injectionof cells only, direct/indirect)

minimal invasive lack of knowledge of cell function, cell loss,effect to only endocardium


in situ engineering (injection ofcells and biomaterial)

biomaterial act as supportingmatrix while cells willregenerate infarction

infancy stage [78,79]

injection of biomaterials alone matrix for homing autologousprogenitor cells

immunogenicity, as only natural polymershave been suggested


left ventricular restraints(wrapping up the ventricle withbiopolymer)

does not involve cell injection prevents remodelling but does not repairdamaged area


tissue engineering ensures cells are delivered todesired area with minimal loss

involves open heart surgery, more work isrequired to determine suitable cell typeand material


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promoting the preferential orientation of cultured neo-natal rat heart cells in the absence of external stimuli.

Currently, the conduits or patches are made ofDacron polyester fabric, polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE), glutaraldehyde-treated bovine pericardium orantibiotic preserved or cryopreserved homografts.Ozawa et al. [61] studied non-biodegradable PTFE andbiodegradable non-woven PGA mesh, and biodegradablepoly-L-lactide knitted or woven fabric with 50 per cente-caprolactone and 50 per cent L-lactide spongy polymer(PCLA) and transplanted the right ventricular outflowtract. The unique structure of PCLA patch with aspongy matrix favours in vivo cell colonization relativeto other patches and also offers advantages relative toother biodegradable materials. Jin et al. [62] studiedpoly(lactide-co-e-caprolactone) served as a mechanicalECM, where seeded bone marrow MSCs survived anddifferentiated into CMs, ultimately regenerating themyocardium and improving the cardiac function.Zmora et al. [63] developed three-dimensional porousscaffolds from alginate, using a simple, all-aqueous pro-cess based on freeze-drying techniques. The scaffolds

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were characterized by 90 per cent porosity and a poresize of 50–150 mm, depending on the freezing regimen.A more recent study shows the feasibility of bio-engineering cardiac tissue within alginate scaffolds.After implantation onto rat-infarcted myocardium, thecardiac biografts stimulated intense neovascularizationfrom the neighbouring coronaries and attenuated left ven-tricular dilatation and failure in an experimental model[50–52]. Several type of approaches for the transplan-tation of cell/biomaterials for MI and advantages/disadvantages are presented in tables 2 and 3 [64–82].


4.1. Cell function in myocardium

Cell therapy is a novel treatment to prevent ventriculardilation and cardiac dysfunction inpatients sufferedfrom MI. Cell-based regenerative therapy is undergoingexperimental and clinical trials in cardiology, in orderto limit the consequences of decreased contractile

Table 4. Potential cells sources for myocardial tissueengineering.

source reference

skeletal myoblasts [84]crude bone marrow [85]endothelial progenitor cells [86]haematopoietic stem cells [87,88]mesenchymal stem cells [89]smooth muscle cells [90]umbilical cord cells [91]fibroblasts [92]human embryonic stem cells [93]foetal cardiomyocytes [65,83]myocardial progenitors [94–96]cloned cells [97]

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function and compliance of damaged ventriclesfollowing MI [3]. In cell-based therapy, isolated cellsuspensions are directly injected into injured heart viapericardium, coronary arteries or endocardium. Directinjection of isolated cells avoids open heart surgery.However, it is difficult to control the location of graftedcells after transplantation. Cardiac myocytes are term-inally differentiated cells with limited proliferativecapacity and cannot compensate cell loss that occursduring MI or chronic heart failure. MI and heart failureresemble the most prevalent pathologies. In either case,the loss of CMs accounts for a decrease in myocardialfunction which can lead to total organ failure or triggercompensatory mechanisms such as hypertrophy of theremaining myocardium. Adult stem cells are rare andare technically difficult to isolate because of a lack ofspecific and accepted cell markers. Moreover, the pro-cess of differentiating some cell types, such as humanembryonic stem cells, is difficult to control and carrythe risk of teratoma. One exciting concept of a potentialendogenous cell source in the cardiovascular system is ofparticular interest: the potential for ‘self-repair’ byinduction of hyperplastic growth [83].

A crucial aspect of cardiac tissue engineering is itschoice and the composition of cells in engineeredheart constructs. Proposed cell sources for cardiactissue engineering are provided in table 4 [84–97].Clearly, cardiac myocytes have been the main cellularcomponent for the heart. However, can the heart func-tion without non-cardiac myocytes? Endothelial cells,fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, neural cells and leuco-cytes comprise about 70 per cent of the total cellnumber in working myocardium [98] and undoubtedlyplay an important role in cardiac development andfunction [99]. Endothelial cells (ECs) and smoothmuscle cells (SMCs), the main components of the vas-culature, are not only necessary for transportingnutrition and oxygen, but also secrete growth factorsand cytokines that are important for function of theheart. Cardiac myocytes stimulate endothelial cell pro-duction of platelet-derived growth factor-b (PDGF-b),which combines with PDGF-a to induce endothelialcell secretion of VEGF receptor Flk-1, which are criticalcomponents of angiogenesis. Troponin-T is important

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for effective CMs which contain contractile proteins asit regulates the force and velocity of myocardial contrac-tion, and actinin is an important constituent of thecontractile apparatus. Troponin-T is one of the essentialproteins for contractile function and an indicator ofdifferentiation in CMs. Nitric oxide secreted by endo-thelial cells causes vasodilatation of coronary vessels,exerts direct effects on myocardium and decreases iso-tonic twitch shortening isolated myocytes andenhances myocardial relaxation [100].

4.2. Mesenchymal stem cells

Stem cells seem to be the only meaningful cell source toallocate enough myocytes for clinically relevant cardiactissue engineering in the future. One gram of adult myo-cardium contains an estimated number of 20–40 millionmyocytes [101] and a typical MI that induces heart failureleads to a loss of approximately 50 g of the heart muscle[102]. In order to compensate such a loss, it seems likelythat those engineered myocardium not only have a simi-lar size but also contain equal amount of myocytes (50 gapprox. 1–2 billion). CMs have the native contractile andelectrophysiological properties of the heart muscle; they aredifficult to obtain, expand and are allogenic cells. Disad-vantages of embryonic stem cells include their potentialfor transformation into teratocarcinoma and other malig-nancies. In contrast, MSCs can easily be isolated frombone marrow, cultured, non-immunogenic and can readilybe expanded in the laboratory, making them an attractivecell source for cardiac tissue engineering. MSCs have thegreatest potential for use in cell-based therapy of humanheart diseases, especially in MIs. The therapeutic potentialof MSCs in myocardial repair is based on their ability todirectly differentiate into cardiac tissues and on paracrineactions of factors released from them. However, the majorobstacle in the clinical applications of MSC-based therapyis the poor viability of transplanted cells owing to harshmicroenvironment-like ischaemia, inflammation and/oranoikis in the infarcted myocardium. Katritsis et al. [103]proved that intracoronary-treated MSCs reduced infarctsize in human patients compared with controls. Theseresults demonstrate the safety and feasibility of intra-coronary MSC infusion in post-MI patients. Moreover, itseems that intra-myocardial delivery of MSCs during cor-onary bypass grafting and via catheter-based deliverysystem also is safe and feasible [104]. Therefore, MSCsmay be used as a novel agent to induce regeneration andprotection of infarcted myocardium.

Hare et al. [105] observed specific safety monitoring indi-cated that cell-treated patients have improved outcomeswith regard to cardiac arrhythmias, pulmonary function,left ventricular function and symptomatic global assess-ment. These findings support the conduct of moreextensive studies assessing the value of allogenic hMSCsfor the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Chen et al.[106] conducted a randomized study to investigate theeffectiveness of intracoronary injection of MSCs in patientswith acute MI. After occlusion of the infarct-related coron-ary artery, a suspension of autologous MSCs was directlyinjected into the target coronary artery through aninflated, over-the-wire balloon catheter. Cardiographicevaluation demonstrated significant variation in the

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2. Preparation of monolayered mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). (a) MSCs 2 days after seeding on a temperature-respon-sive dish, (b) cultured MSCs expanded to confluence within the square area of the dish by day 3, (c) the monolayered MSCsdetached easily from the culture dish at 208C and (d) the completely detached monolayered MSCs were identified as a 12 �12 mm square sheet [107].

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group of patients who received MSCs in comparison withcontrols. The percentage of hypokinetic, akinetic and dys-kinetic segments decreased in treated patients, while wallmovement velocity over the infarcted region and left-ven-tricular ejection increased significantly in the MSC-treated group. Engrafted cells expressed the CM markerproteins, such as b-myosin heavy chain, a-actinin, cardiactroponin-T and phospholamban. Furthermore, engraftedcells develop into myofibres containing striated sarcomericmyosin heavy chain and cell-to-cell junctions. Cellular car-diomyoplasty using needle injections is emerging as atreatment option for individuals with chronic heart failure,but it may be limited by failure to regenerate cardiac massin cardiac tissue engineering (CTE).

Miyahara et al. [107] developed cell sheets usingtemperature-responsive culture dishes to reverse car-diac wall thinning and prolong survival after MI,primarily owing to growth factor-mediated paracrineeffects and by decreasing left ventricle wall stressafter transplantation of cell sheets. These cell sheetsallow cell–cell connections and maintain the presenceof adhesion proteins because enzymatic digestion isnot needed (figure 2). Placement of the adipose-derived MSC (ADMSC) sheets onto a scarred myocar-dium in rats resulted in diminished scarring andenhanced cardiac structure and function. Therefore,cell sheet transplantation may be a promising strategyfor partial cardiac tissue reconstruction. In addition,owing to the increased secretion of angiogenic growthfactors, VEGF, PDGF, basic Fibroblast growthfactor (bFGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF),the cardiac cell sheets containing ECs appeared to

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possess a significant innate potential for neovasculari-zation even before transplantation for MI. Chachqueset al. [108] suggested that cell transplantation offerspromises induce angiogenesis, and to restore myocar-dial viability and regional ventricular function,therefore limiting remodelling for patients who havehad a non-massive MI and probably for patientspresenting with non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy.

4.3. Bone marrow-derived cells

Experimental studies have shown that bone marrow-derived cells are capable of regenerating infarcted myo-cardium and inducing myogenesis and angiogenesis,which leads in turn to amelioration of cardiac functionin mice and pigs [109,110]. Capsi & Gepstein [111] havegiven an excellently tabulated overview on the clinicaltrial results of using bone marrow stem cells in thetreatment of acute and chronic heart diseases. Studiesin animal models of ischaemia and phase I and II clini-cal trials suggested that delivery of haematopoietic stemcells (HSCs) and circulating endothelial progenitorcells, both originating from bone marrow stem cells,may result in the improvement of the ventricular func-tion in ischaemic heart disease patients. Kocher et al.[109] demonstrated that an intravenous injection ofhuman bone marrow donor cells into infarcted myo-cardium of rats resulted in a significant increase inneovascularization of post-infarction myocardialtissue, attenuation of CMs apoptosis and left ventricu-lar remodelling. Strauer et al. [77] transplanted bonemarrow cells (BMCs) directly into the infarcted zone


syringe containingadult stem cells

border zone

balloon catheterLAD

cell flow into theinfarcted area

migration into thecentral necrosis

Figure 3. Transplantation of bone marrow cells into infarcted myocardium in humans. The balloon catheter enters theinfarct-related artery and is placed above the border zone of the infarction. The catheter is then inflated and the cell suspension(including the patient’s own cytokines) is infused at high pressure under stop-flow conditions. In this way, cells are transplantedinto the infarcted zone through the infarct-related vessel system. Cells and cytokines infiltrate the infarcted zone. The arrowsshow the possible route of cell migration and cytokine infiltration. LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; LCX, leftcircumflex artery; RCA, right coronary artery [112].

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of the myocardium. This was accomplished with the useof a balloon catheter, which was placed within theinfarct-related artery. At this time, intracoronary celltransplantation via balloon catheter was performed,using six to seven fractional high-pressure infusionsof 2–3 ml cell suspension, each of which contained1.5–4 � 106 mononuclear cells (figure 3). The resultsof the cell therapy group showed considerableimprovement in left ventricular function. Thetransplantation of autologous BMCs as well as intracor-onary approach represents a novel and effectiveprocedure for the repair of infarcted myocardium [112].

4.4. Cardiomyocytes

CMs have contractile and electrophysiological pro-perties of the heart muscle, and they are difficult toobtain and expand for transplantation. CM sheetstransplanted into ischaemic hearts were able to improvecardiac function and also bridged to form morphologi-cal communication through functional gap junctionswithin intact areas of the damaged myocardium [113].Itabashi et al. [114] produced temperature-sensitive,resin-coated culture dishes to improve the clinical appli-cability of CM transplantation. The surface of thesedishes became hydrophilic, when the temperature islowered, and cultured CMs can be peeled off in sheets.Using this approach, a thin fibrin polymer membraneon the surface of culture dish is generated by reactingfixed concentrations of fibrinogen and thrombin.When CMs are cultured on these dishes, they secretea variety of endogenous proteases that break downfibrin polymer membrane in approximately 3 days,making it possible to obtain CM sheets which arecharacterized by good cell viability and residencerates. Most studies report that less than 10 per centCMs transplanted using a syringe resides stably in theheart, whereas few cells are lost after transplantationin which the CM sheets are transplanted subcu-taneously. A further advantage of using CM sheets isthat they can be layered to varying tissue thicknesses.These findings support that myocardial sheet formationis an important tool in future cell transplantation

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technology [115]. Zimmermann and co-workers[116,117] have developed a three-dimensional hearttissue model using a collagen matrix that alloweddirect measurement of isometric contractile forces.Zimmermann et al. [57,58] developed a methodology tocreate engineered heart tissue (EHT) from neonatal ratheart cells. EHTs differ from classical scaffold-basedtissue-engineered cardiac constructs in that they are orig-inally made from heart cells, liquid collagen type I andMatrigel as well as growth supplements, reconstitutedin circular moulds and subjected to mechanical strain(figure 4). Under these conditions, cardiac organoidsdevelop spontaneously and show contractile as well aselectrophysiological properties of working myocardium.The first EHT graft implantation experiments in healthyrats showed survival, strong vascularization and a sign ofterminal differentiation to support contractile function ofthe infarcted heart.

4.5. Skeletal myoblasts

Cell transplantation for cardiac support and regener-ation may repair the injured heart but is limited bypoor effect in systolic function. This can be due to thelack of gap junctions between the native myocardiumand the grafted cells. Myocardial injection of autolo-gous myoblasts has been clinically performed andshown to produce some limited recovery from heart dys-function. In these therapies using direct delivery ofisolated cells, each cell differentiates and remodels inresponse to its surrounding environment, leading totissue regeneration and functional repair. Today, themost widely used cell types for cardiac cell therapy inhuman patients are skeletal muscle-derived progenitorsor myoblasts, and crude bone marrow mononuclear cells[118]. These cell types share advantages over other cellsproposed for cardiac repair in that they are readilyavailable, autologous and could be expanded in vitro.Layered skeletal myoblast sheets also provide improvedleft ventricular contraction, reduced fibrosis and pre-vented remodelling through recruitment of HSCs andthe release of various growth factors [119]. Skeletalmyoblasts do not fully differentiate into CMs in vivo

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4. Construction of optimized engineered heart tissue (EHT). Stacking five single EHTs, (a) resulting in synchronouslycontracting multi-loop EHTs, (b) ready for in vivo engraftment, (c,d) six single-knot sutures served to fix multi-loop EHTs onthe recipient’s heart [57,58].

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after intramyocardial transplantation, and contractingmyotubules do not operate in synchrony with the sur-rounding myocardium [120]. This is due, to the leastpart, to a lack of connexin activity and electrical coup-ling with the surrounding myocardial cells. Animalexperiments also showed that the electrical couplingof skeletal myoblasts to resident CMs is increasedwhen the skeletal cells are induced to overexpress con-nexin 43, indicating that there might be ways toovercome the arrhythmogenic obstacles [121]. Theassociation of electrostimulation with cellular cardio-myoplasty could be a way to transform passive celltherapy into ‘dynamic cellular support’. The principleof electrophysiologic conditioning of skeletal musclefibres (developed for dynamic cardiomyoplasty pro-cedure) can be applied in cellular cardiomyoplasty[122]. Electrostimulation of both ventricles followingskeletal myoblast implantation seems to induce thecontraction of the transplanted cells and a higherexpression of slow myosin, which is better adapted forchronic ventricular assistance. Patients with heart fail-ure presenting myocardial infarct scars and indicationof cardiac resynchronization therapy might benefitfrom simultaneous cardiac pacing and cell therapy[123]. The occurrences of ventricular perforationduring intramyocardial transcatheter injection ofmyoblasts into thinned myocardium can be 5–7 mm;therefore, experience with intracardiac injection is criti-cal for reducing complications. Autologous myoblasttransplantation has the capacity to replace lost myocar-dial contractile cells and reverse the ventricular dilation[124,125]. Dib et al. [126] investigated the feasibility andsafety of injecting myoblasts into a chronic myocardialinfarct that can be thin, difficult to penetrate and

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potentially easy to perforate. Myoblasts can be safelyand feasibly administered in patients by transcathetertechnique in the hands of a trained investigator.Larger, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlledand multi-centre clinical trials are warranted to furthertest this therapeutic approach for myocardial tissueengineering (MTE).

4.6. Umbilical cord blood stem cells

Human umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells(HUCBCs) might solve the problem of impaired stemcell function and number of sick and aged population.A specific advantage of HUCBCs is the immatureimmunogenicity of the mononuclear fraction, which sig-nificantly reduces the risk of rejection by host [83].HUCBCs contain relatively high numbers of CD133þ

and CD34þ progenitor cells. These cells have homing,myogenic and angiogenic potential that are relevantfor myocardial repair [127]. The therapeutic effect ofHUCBCs has been demonstrated in animal models ofhind limb ischaemia and stroke [128,129]. The use ofHUCB stem cells to repair the infarcted myocardiummight be of importance for elderly people in whomthe availability of autologous stem cells is limited forcell therapy. Intramyocardial injection of HUCBCspreserves LV function following infarction. The use ofa cell-seeded collagen matrix combined with cell injec-tion prevents ventricular wall thinning and limitspost-ischaemic remodelling. This tissue engineeringapproach seems to improve the efficiency of cellular cardio-myoplasty and could emerge as a new therapeutic tool forthe prevention of adverse remodelling and progressiveheart failure [130]. Improved methods for stem cell

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expansion, storage and induction of immune tolerancewould increase the prospect of using HUCB cells to treatMI patients, especially those who need it urgently.

4.7. Adipose-derived stem cells

Fat is abundant in most individuals, allowing a simplerand more efficient harvesting, as adipose tissue has ahigher stem cell yield than bone marrow [131], anddiminishing the need of in vitro expansion. Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) can easily be isolated andcultured ex vivo and express markers associated withmesenchymal and perivascular cells including STRO-1,CD146 and 3G5, maintaining their characteristic multi-potency to differentiate into chondrocytes, osteoblasts,endothelial cells and CMs. The differentiation capacityand paracrine activity of these cells made them an opti-mal candidate for the treatment of a diverse range ofdiseases from immunological disorders as graft versushost disease to cardiovascular pathologies peripheralischaemia [132]. Four different possible fates of ADSCsare described by Choi et al. [133] such as: (i) differentiat-ing into cardiac muscles by direct contact with adjacentrCM; (ii) differentiating into SMCs that have migratedto and surrounded immature vessels; (iii) adipogenicdifferentiation; and (iv) secreting proangiogenic factorsto recruit endogenous endothelial cells. In general, trans-planted cells can act upon the damaged heart in severalways, such as increasing myocardial perfusion, enhancingendogenous cell survival, attracting progenitors and reg-ulating tissue fibrosis. Rigol et al. [134], studied a pigmodel of ischaemia reperfusion, injected passage threeADSC either via a transendocardial catheter or throughintracoronary infusion one week after infusion of MI.Transplanted cells engrafted, differentiated to smoothmuscle cells and increased the density of arterioles to asimilar degree by either approach, although they werenot able to demonstrate significant cardiac function.Okura et al. [135] showed that the phenotype ofhADMSCs could be changed to cardiac-like cells(CLCs) by the induction of dimethylsulphoxide. ThesehADMSCs-derived CLCs engrafted into a scarred myo-cardium and differentiated into CMs for cardiac tissueregeneration. Hypoxia-treated ADSC co-culture withearly postnatal CMs (2–5 days) have been shown toenhance blood vessel growth not only by the productionof paracrine factors, but also by promoting the differen-tiation of existing cardiac progenitor cells to endothelialcells [136,137]. The different cell sources, principally skel-etal myoblasts, ADSCs and BMCs, should provide theangiogenic and ventricular remodelling in myocardialregeneration.


Several groups have reported encouraging results withvarious techniques to construct beating cardiac patchesfor transplantation. However, assembling vascularizedthree-dimensional myocardial tissues remains an enor-mous challenge. Most studies support the notion thatcell implantation in models of MI can improve contractile

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and mostly diastolic function. Presently, clinical studiesare underway to investigate the feasibility of cell implan-tation in patients for MI. An alternative approach for theinjection or infusion of isolated cells into heart is thedesign of artificial cardiac muscle constructs in vitro forlater implantation in vivo. Several principally differentcardiac tissue engineering approaches have been devel-oped. These are: (i) seeding of CMs on preformedpolymeric scaffolds, which may function as organ blue-prints, (ii) stacking of CMs monolayers to form cardiacmuscle-like tissue without additional matrix material,and (iii) entrapping of CMs in a cardiogenic environmentto support self-assembly into functional myocardium.These tissue engineering concepts have been tested inanimal models showing survival and growth of engraftedheart muscle surrogates [120].

Restoration of heart function by replacement ofdiseased myocardium with functional CMs is an intri-guing strategy because it offers a potential cure [138].Shimizu et al. [139] cultured CMs on temperature-responsive polymer poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)(PIPPAm) by electron beam exposure, producingsurfaces that are slightly hydrophobic and cell-adhesive under culture condition at 378C and changereversibly to hydrophilic and non-cell-adhesive below328C owing to rapid hydration and swelling of graftedPIPPAm. This unique surface change allows for cul-tured cells to detach spontaneously from thesegrafted surfaces simply by reducing culture tempera-ture. The CM sheets, which readily detach fromPIPPAm-grafted surfaces and transfer onto rigid cul-ture surfaces or other CM sheets, stop their intrinsicbeating temporarily but spontaneously recoverwithin a few days. The cell sheet manipulation technol-ogy (cell sheet engineering) using temperature-responsive cell culture surfaces has been shown to bevery useful for fabricating electrically communicative,pulsatile cardiac grafts both in vitro and in vivo. Thistechnology should have enormous potential for con-structing in vitro three-dimensional heart tissuemodels and for improving viable functional graftmaterials for clinical tissue repair. Synthetic polymersare essential materials for tissue engineering not onlyowing to their excellent processing characteristics,which can ensure off-the-shelf availability, but alsoadvantages of biocompatible and biodegradable prop-erties. These polymers have predictable andreproducible mechanical and physical properties (e.g.tensile strength, elastic modulus and degradationrate), and can be manufactured with great precision.Degradability is generally a desired characteristic intissue engineering substrates because the second sur-gery to remove them (such as a heart patch) wouldbe averted if the substrate could be removed by physio-logical system of the host body. The elastomer PGS,recently developed for soft tissue engineering, rep-resents a feasible candidate that fulfils all of theabove criteria for cardiac tissue engineering [140].Elastomer-based grafts may facilitate compliance ofmatching, thereby ameliorating the lifespan of thepatients. Scaffolds composed of PGS are elastic andreversibly deformable and are thereby conducive tocontracting CMs and engineered myocardium [41].

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) ( f)

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 5. Core/shell (PGS/gelatin) fibrous structure for regeneration of myocardial infarction (MI). Dual immunocytochemicalanalysis for (a,d,g) the expression of MSC marker protein CD 105 and (b,e,h) cardiac marker protein actinin in the co-culturesamples and (c, f, i) the merged image showing the dual expression of both CD 105 and actinin; on (a,b,c) the TCP, (d,e,f) gelatinnanofibres and (g,h,i) PGS/gelatin core/shell fibres at 60� magnification. Nucleus stained with DAPI [141].

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Other desirable properties of PGS include control of itsmechanical properties, the capacity to form a varietyof geometries on the macro- and micro-scales, andlow inflammatory response and fibrotic encapsulation,coupled with retention of mechanical strength duringdegradation in vivo. NUSNNI Laboratory fabricatedPGS/gelatin core/shell fibres by coaxial electrospin-ning for cardiac tissue engineering. In PGS/gelatincore/shell fibres, PGS is used as a core polymer toimpart the mechanical properties and gelatin as ashell material to achieve favourable cell adhesion andproliferation [141]. The expression of MSC-specificmarker protein CD 105 by the MSCs cultured in theco-culture (MSC/CM) environment on TCP, gelatinand poly(glycerol sebacate)/gelatin core/shell fibres(figure 5a,d,g). Figure 5b,e,h shows the expression ofcardiac marker protein actinin. MSCs differentiateinto cardiogenic lineage to express both CD 105 andcardiac-specific marker protein actinin. Dualexpression of CD 105 and actinin by MSCs after cardio-genic differentiation is observed in figure 5c,f,i. InPGS/gelatin core/shell fibres (figure 5i), more cellsexpress actinin markers indicating that the differen-tiation is higher in these scaffolds than in gelatinnanofibres (figure 5f ). The observed results provedthat the PGS/gelatin core/shell fibres have potentialbiocompatibility and mechanical properties for

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fabricating nanofibrous cardiac patch and would be aprognosticating device for the restoration ofmyocardium.

Many studies have been published using differentsynthetic or naturally occurring biomaterials for theapplication in MTE. Among the natural polymers, col-lagen, alginate and gelatin have been under intensiveinvestigation for MTE by research groups in Germany[107,110], and Israel [63,83,142], respectively. Amongthe synthetic polymers, PGA, and copolymers withpoly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(e-caprolactone)(PCL) have been studied systematically using bioreactorsfor MTE at MIT [143,144] and Harvard [145,146]. Thethermo-responsive polymer PIPAAm was applied to car-diac tissue engineering by researchers in Japan [147].Cardiac devices made from non-degradable polymershave been under intensive animal and human trials bysurgeons mainly from the USA [148,149]. Seikiya et al.[150] attempted to control the vascularization processesin vitro to create thicker functional tissues. When ECswere co-cultured within cardiac cell sheets, angiogen-esis-related gene expression and the formation of ECnetworks were observed in vitro. The EC networkswere maintained within the cell sheets after harvestfrom temperature-responsive culture dishes and maturedto form tubularized vascular networks after in vivo trans-plantation. The formation of myocardial tubes with

growth factors active cellularconstruct

catheter baseddelivery


infarcted myocardiumrestored functional

activity of heart



left coronaryartery




in vitro culturesystem

in vivo system

Figure 6. Schematic of the regeneration of MI.

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potential circulatory support could be created with cellsheet engineering. These new myocardial structures pre-sent a possible core technology for the creation ofengineered tissues capable of acting as independentcardiac-assisting devices for CTE. Narmoneva et al.[151] observed that the presence of EC networks pro-foundly improves CM survival and organization bymaintaining a minimum intercapillary distance to pro-vide oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, the presence ofECs may be directly correlated with CM function.

Chen et al. [50–52] demonstrated that the poroustissue scaffold sandwiched with multi-layered sheets ofMSCs serve as an effective cardiac patch to restorethe dilated LV and improve heart functions in a syn-geneic rat model with an experimentally chronic MI.Cells derived from rat ventricular muscle seeded into abiodegradable gelatin mesh (Gelfoam) can grow inthree dimensions, proliferating to form cardiac-liketissue. Gelatin grafts persisted over a five week courseafter implantation either into the subcutaneous tissueor onto the myocardial scar of adult rats. These graftsmaintained spontaneous and rhythmic contractility,but the effect of this graft on ventricular functionafter myocardial scarring remains uncertain. Matrigelconstructs seeded in perfusion had physiologicallyhigh and spatially uniform cell density throughout theperfused construct volume, whereas constructs seededin dishes had most cells located approximately100 mm thick layers at the top surface. Cultured cellsexpressing cardiac-specific differentiation markers (sar-comeric a-actin, sarcomeric tropomyosin and cardiac

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troponin) were present throughout the perfused con-structs and only within a approximately 100 mm thicksurface layer in dish-grown construct [152]. Kofidiset al. [153] engineered a novel and promising type ofmyocardium-like tissue that resembles native cardiacmuscle in many aspects. In addition, artificial myocar-dial tissues (AMTs) might serve as a basis for thedevelopment of tissue, which is capable of replacinghuman myocardium in many disease states of the failingheart. The figure 6 shows schematic diagram of thefuture progress in stem cell technology, as well as dis-covery of factors responsible for proliferation of MSCsand adult CMs, and when combined with suitable tech-niques of gene transfer might allow for the production ofautologous artificial myocardium-like tissue/injectablescapable of correcting infarcted myocardium andrestoring impaired heart function. Finally, vasculariza-tion of in vitro-engineered tissues might result in thegeneration of a complete bioartificial heart.

5.1. Bioreactor system

A bioreactor provides a controllable biochemical andbiophysical environment during the culture of engineer-ing tissues. Compared with static culture, bioreactorsenable control and monitoring of mass transport ofoxygen, growth factors and nutrients, and biophysicalstimuli such as cyclic stretch, hydrodynamic forcesand electrical stimulations. These stimuli have shownto improve homogeneity of the construct, enhance theproduction of ECM components and to improve the

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functional properties of the construct [154]. A perfusionbioreactor provided pulsatile flow physiologically rel-evant shear stresses and the flow rate was constructedby the incorporation of a normally closed solenoidvalve that was driven to open at a frequency of 1 Hzat the output from the perfusion chamber. Cultivationunder pulsatile flow enhanced contractile properties ofthe cardiac constructs in bioreactor system [155].Akins et al. [156] have shown three-dimensionalcontractile CM aggregates on polystyrene beads in arotating bioreactor system. Papadaki et al. [157] engin-eered three-dimensional cardiac constructs for in vitroimpulse propagation studies using biodegradable poly-mer (PGA) scaffolds in rotating bioreactor systems. Liet al. [158] have demonstrated that tissue-engineeredcardiac graft transplantation using biodegradable gela-tin mesh replaced both myocardial scar and rightventricular outflow track defects.

5.2. Injectable biomaterials

Recently, injectable tissue engineering scaffolds havebeen constantly pursued, aiming at minimally invasivesurgery. Alginate, a negatively charged polysaccharidefrom seaweed that forms hydrogels in the presence ofcalcium ions, is being developed for tissue engineeringin native and modified forms for cardiac tissue engineer-ing. Compared with other materials, a major advantageof the injectable alginate biomaterial solution is itsnon-thrombogenicity. Tsur-Gang et al. [159] recentlyshowed that a solution of calcium cross-linked alginatebiomaterial with cell adhesion peptides, containingthe sequences RGD and YIGSR, or a non-specific pep-tide (RGD), can be injected via a needle into theinfarct, where it undergoes phase transition intohydrogel for left ventricular remodelling and functionof post-MI. This alginate hydrogel implant providestemporary physical support to the damaged cardiactissue by replacing some of the functions of damagedECM while preventing adverse cardiac remodellingand dysfunction after recent and old MI in rat. Withtime, the dissolvable hydrogel gradually disappears,and water-soluble alginate chains are evacuated andexcreted by the kidneys. The injectable biomaterial isdelivered into the infarct zone. Christman et al. [78]first demonstrated improved cell survival when trans-planted cells delivered in an injectable scaffold werecompared with the typical cellular cardiomyoplastytechnique. The injectable polymer fibrin glue was alsoshown to induce neovascularization within the ischae-mic myocardium and to reduce infarct expansion.More interesting is the observation that injection offibrin glue with or without skeletal myoblast preservedLV geometry and cardiac function in an acute MI model[79]. Anatomically, injectable gels have been applied asan endoventricular heart patch. It has been shown thatinjection of fibrin glue preserves left ventricular geome-try and prevents a deterioration of cardiac functionfollowing MI [153]. The injectable gels lack sufficientstiffness for the application in human tissues. Thestiffness of a variety of possible materials is in therange of 10 Pa to 20 kPa, such as fibrin (approx.50 Pa), Matrigel (30–120 Pa), type I collagen gels

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(100 Pa to 6 kPa for 1–3 mg ml21) [152,153], polyethy-lene glycol (1–3 kPa) [160] and alginate (100 Pa to6 kPa) [159]. Injectable biomaterials can reduce wallstress by increasing the scar thickness and stabilizingthe chamber size [161]. The injectable alginate increasesscar thickness and provides physical support forimproved healing and repair. The ability to deliver bio-material into the infarct by intracoronary injection canrevolutionize patient treatment after MI and couldprevent mechanical complications, heart failure anddeath [162]. These materials are softer than humanheart muscles at the end of diastole, the stiffness ofwhich is approximately 50 kPa in normal hearts or200–300 kPa in CHF hearts. Hence, it is unlikely thatthey could provide sufficient mechanical support tothe diseased heart. In future, modifying the hydrogelwith biopolymers and growth factors to increase themechanical properties and having potential elasticproperties suitable for cardiac tissue engineering couldbe possible.

5.3. Cardiac supporting devices

MI is caused by a significant reduction in coronaryblood supply to an area of the heart over a sustainedperiod, eventually forming non-contractile ability com-pared with the healthy heart. Representative cardiacrestraint devices include Marlex mesh (polypropylene)[163], Merselene mesh (knitted polyester) [164],BioVAD [165] and MAGNUM [34]. A commerciallyavailable cardiac support device from Acorn Cardiovas-cular Inc. (knitted polyester) manufactured from a verycommon polymer PTFE has been used as a wraparound the cardiac ventricle. Several issues still needto be addressed for the success of MTE. First, electricalcoupling between the cells is required, in order to ensurethat cells on the graft or patch beat in synchrony.Second, electrical coupling between the construct andnative myocardium for simultaneous beating is still ofconcern. It has been reported that cell sheet engineeringhas overcome this problem, where graft integration andno arrhythmias were reported [166–168]. MTE willhopefully lead to improvement in function of the dis-eased myocardium as it integrates with the heart,reducing the morbidity and mortality of patients withheart failure [169].


Cardiovascular tissue being a hierarchically organizedtissue, the delivery of cytokines and bioactive proteinsin a controlled and timely manner through nanostruc-tured materials with suitable mechanical propertiescould be the ideal approach for improving the cardiacfunction. The three established mechanisms involvedin myocardial repair are the CM regeneration, vasculo-genesis and paracrine actions. Cardiac functionalimprovement can be accomplished using growth factorssuch as VEGF, which can mediate the angiogenic effect,and IGF-1, which can mediate the apoptotic effect.Even embryonic stem cells could be differentiated intoCMs by cardiac paracrine pathways mediated throughTGF-b and BMP-2, and patients benefit after its

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transplantation to the diseased heart. Nanoengineeredplatforms that combine both ‘smart’ biomaterials andstem cells can provide the necessary stimulatory effectsfor differentiation of stem cells into CMs. At the sametime, the encouraging preliminary results of cardiactissue engineering experiments in small animal modelshelped in widening new theories of myocardial tissueregeneration. Material development involving injectablepolymeric hydrogels and matrices compatible for cath-eter delivery allows for the establishment of cellularenvironments more suitable for cardiac regeneration.For tissue engineering technology to be more effectivein human patients, it is critical that we can create1 cm2 muscular patch/device to repair infarct myocar-dium. CMs are very sensitive to prolonged ischaemiaand may respond in necrosis and apoptosis of the engin-eered myocardial graft. In coming years, scientists andengineers will bring about new insights into this fasci-nating field and hopefully answer questions regardingthe optimal scaffold, a cell source that is autologousand unlimited, optimized methods to generate largetissue constructs with relevant contractile propertiesand eventually surgical techniques to replace or substi-tute diseased myocardium with engineered cardiacmuscle constructs. The rapid innovations in tissueengineering research and stem cell biology will acceler-ate and optimize engineered tissue assembly; theymay bring us to the point of being able to create analternative tissue/injectables to repair or replacedamaged heart muscle for the alleviation of MI.

This study was supported by NRF-Technion grant (R-398-001-065-592), and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative,Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore,Singapore.


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