Biomechanically Efficient Shooting Techniques. Biomechanics “The science that examines the...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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“The science that examines the internal and external forces acting on the human body and the effect produced by

these forces.”Hay 1985

Using biomechanics lays a strong, stable foundation for the archery shot.


Using Biomechanics• Improves Performance

– Archers have more endurance– Archers are less susceptible to injury

• Refines Technique– Archers are able to repeat the shot sequence more

easily– Archers are able to repeat the shot sequence more


Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

• Maximizes Equipment Potential– Better shot execution maximizes the equipment’s

potential– This makes the bow seem to shoot better

• Enhances Training Methods– The BEST Method makes it easier to run training

sessions– The shot sequence is broken into separate, definable

steps– These steps can be practiced separately or as a


Using Biomechanics

• Improves Coaching Techniques– Coaching techniques aren’t nearly as varied using the BEST

Method– The BEST Method is a standardized, scientifically based

technique– It isn’t open to interpretation as are other archery shooting


• Reduces Injury– If performed properly the BEST Method reduces injury– The BEST Method uses the muscles and skeleton more

efficiently and effectively– There is less fatigue and the correct actions can be repeated


Using Biomechanics

Foundation of the ShotTaken from “Total Archery” by Coach Kisik Lee

The following slides show key elements of the

BEST Method

Stance• Slightly open stance• Allow feet to “Spread Roots”• Knees relaxed but not bent• Leg and core strength are the foundation of stability• 60% to 70% of weight on balls of feet

Open StanceCoach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

Square Stance

Body Position

• Upper and lower body in alignment

• Relax shoulders, chest and ribs straight down – No “Slouching”

• Flat back (pelvis rotated vertical)

• Head natural and turned toward target

• Neck relaxed

Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

Which Foundation Is More Stable?

Incorrect Correct

Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

Center of Gravity and Stability

• Body core is located 3” below navel and 2” inside belly

• Point of all power, force and control

• Center of Gravity (CG) must be low for stability

• Keep ribs and shoulders DOWN

Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

The Grip• Bow hand should be snug in the throat

of the grip• Knuckles of bow hand should be at 45o

angle• Thumb of bow hand should point at the

target• Moderately low wrist in grip is stronger

and more forgiving • Direction, distribution and amount of

pressure must be natural

Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

Bow Arm & Shoulder

• Hinge bow arm up at the shoulder• Extend bow arm as if reaching for

the target by raising from underneath (latisimus dorsi)

• Look for acromial notch as sign of correct position

• Rotate bow elbow for proper alignment and strength

acromial notch

Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

• A good bow arm is strong and steady and does not move upon execution of the shot until after the arrow has cleared

• The head of the humerus must be rotated into position by rotating the bow elbow for proper alignment, stability and strength

Bow Arm & Shoulder

• Keep as low as possible throughout shot

• Drawing hand and forearm should follow a line slightly below the line of the anchor point and come to anchor as one unit

• Tip of drawing elbow should be in line with arrow when viewed from the side and behind

Drawing Shoulder

Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

Summary• The foundation of the shot focuses on arranging the body into the

strongest and most stable configuration possible prior to the application of internal and external forces

• Proper “load bearing” alignment reduces fatigue and the potential for injury

• Establishing stability reduces movement during the shot and increases the archer’s sense of confidence

• The foundation must, in every instance, be established precisely the same way to create consistency

• The foundation sets the tone for the shot and supports the shot, making it easier to execute and thus easier to duplicate.

• The foundation, as described, is supported by biomechanical and physical principles, making it the most efficient and effective way to perform an archery shot.

Coach Kisik Lee, “Total Archery”

Does all of this work in real life?

6 – 8 Year Olds Practicing BEST

MethodAfter 6 hrs Training

Only 1 Arm Guard Needed For 9 Archers