Bionic 880

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Bionic 880Comprehensive-body-photon-therapy

As per the research and examinationsConducted by Prof. Dr. F. A. Popp


Bionic 880_____________________________________________________________

Dear Sirs,

With this information-booklet we present to you Bionic 880, with the latest developments from the previous ACU-LIGHT-BEAM-4000 which makes it the most innovative and powerful photon-therapy instrument in the world.This development brings you the best facets of the three known ways of acupuncture (needle, electro and laser acupuncture) and gives you wide benefits and supplements the possible therapies.

Advantages and Benefits:

° Without side effects and treatment without pain

° Therapeutic use on large spectrum of ailments

° Possibility of use without extensive training

° Possibility of rapid recovery of costs

Please take a short time to inform yourself about this innovative therapy, which is considered in the opinion of experts and users as the coming change of Paradigm in the field of medicine.

Use the natural power of the Photon, also known as Quantum therapy.

H. Buschkühl GmbH(Director)


Bionic 880_____________________________________________________________

Changing time of Paradigm in the field of medicine

Scientific research has found that besides the molecular interaction on bio-chemical basis for organism, information and energy are extremely important. A lot of phenomena, which are observed empirical, are not explained by bio-chemical action but has its origin in the factors of information and energy.

Not only biochemical but also physical vision is indispensable to practice optimal therapy.


The classic needle method is a biophysical action for the body with bio-chemical effect. It has been generally accepted in the West. The scientific basis for it improves constantly.

With the beginning of electro-acupuncture it was demonstrated that stimulation is possible as well as without pain. The laser-acupuncture expanded this idea and shows that light, in this particular case, coherent light, can have analogue results just like needle acupuncture.

From this development of using “soft light” to get results like in acupuncture, it has been a progressive trend. The wide-beam application of not coherent,irregular and pulsed infrared rays (about 880 nm) was established in the therapy and it was demonstrated that under this condition of using the correct parameter, the effect of acupuncture exceeded all expectation. Only one treatment can treat several ailments.

The treatment with soft light instead of needles, is better as patients are not anxious and concerned about pain involved with needle acupuncture. It eliminates the risks of microbe transfer, organ puncture and rooted needles.


Professor Dr. med. A. Popp gave us a very important bio-physical contribution with his photon-therapy (compare, “biology of light, and “biopothons”after Popp, Fish and Chang).


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Light is made of light-bundles, also named quantum or photons. The photons are absorbed by the skin and distributed in the body. The contribution of Prof. Popp was to find out that each cell communicates with others by the way of the bio-photons.

There is no theory today explaining the multiple interactive effects in the organism than the theory of Prof. Popp.

How does Bionic 880 work?

Bionic 880 benefits from the curative power of the bio-photons for regulation of hormones and stimulation of cells. The transmitted bio-photons absorbed through the skin multiply in the body and are distributed anarchical. They effect the nervous system all the way to the cerebral through the spinal cord to harmonize and balance the production of different hormones like Endorphin and Serotonin.

The photons create a link by signals to the suprarenal gland. Here they cause the moderate production of DHEA and Cortical. It is possible that the explanations and hypotheses are not completely convincing. It is a provenfact that photon-therapy changes the level of the blood and the above-mentioned hormones.

It can be said that at the end of the body’s black box there is undoubtedly, a positive effect, after the influence of photon-therapy (Hormones and cells).

The effect of hormones

Endorphins, also called endogen morphine, because it is similar to morphine, they are to be found at different places in the body and in the central nervous system, they are responsible for bringing relief and well-being.

Further, they regulate the influence to the reaction of body in cases of stress and have a positive function of control to the homoeostatic mechanism like heart, circulation, respiration, digestion and thermo-regulation.

Patients with cronical pain have a low level of endorphins in the cerebrospinal water. This level can be increased with the therapy using Bionic 880 by bringing about relaxation.


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The behavioral patterns in case of mania, shows reduction of its own production of endorphins in the body.

Cortical is important part as well as adrenalin and nova adrenalin in case of stress-situation. In situation of shock and stress there is an intensified cortical-production. Through stimulation with Bionic 880 the cortical-level islowered. The patient experiences continuous relaxation.

Serotonin belongs to the group of dopamine. It’s a natural amphetamine, which reduces appetite and is so a natural break compensator. The stimulation of cartooning in connection with a fat-reduced diet is a natural way to loss of weight.

Cellular effect

Without light, life would not be possible. Popp’s Bio-Physic research confirmed that there exists light in the cells of our body. If cells became injured or weak, the intensity of light goes down. If you take light in form of photons to these undermined cells, they get stimulated to regeneration. The skin absorbs the Bio-Photons. If the bio-photons meet bad cells, they stimulate these cells for regeneration. This means that the photons don’t have a stimulating effect on good cells. (Battery effect)

The photon-therapy in the infra-red wave-length can start a lot of metabolic processes, included cell-division, zycl AMP metabolism, oxidative phoshorylation, Hemoglobin, Collagen and other syntheses of proteins, activity of Lencozyth, – retarding growth of cancer. It is helpful for production of macrophage and for successful healing of wounds.

If macrophages are set out to infra-red light in the range 880 nm, they will release substances that are able to separate bad cells and assist to produce connective tissue. At the same time, it should be noted that over-abundant production of connective tissue is stopped. It is of importance, thatuncontrolled production of connective tissues is not desirable in case of growth of Colloids, for example burning.

Some cells like connective tissue, lymmozyts etc. have reactionscorresponding to their sensitive wave-lengths. Different examinations have demonstrated that, infrared light has positive reaction to leukocytes, different lymphocytes, enzymes and the production of prostaglandin and cells of connective tissue.

It is proven that infrared photon rays augment the concentration of ATP and also augment the tissue-perfusion of the ATPase in living tissue.


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For what kind of indication Bionic 880 is usable?

Initially Bionic 880 was used in France and England to stop the habit of smoking with a success rate of about 90 % which is attested by a notary. It was also used for regulation of weight and in relaxation-therapy. Bionic 880 is now more frequently used by medical fraternity.

We can state that the whole spectrum of this apparatus in its full potential has not yet been reached. Reports of success in the treatment of bio-stimulating photon-therapy on basis of infra-red rays sphere are available for the following indications:

° Achillodynia° Acne° Arthritis, Arthrosis° Borreliosis° Depression° Eczema° Inflammation° Heel bone° Hyper mobility° Ischialgia° Scar formation° Neuralgia (Trigeminus, postzoster Neuralgia)° Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis° Ostetoarthritis° Disorder of sleep° Pain (burning and chronic)° Mania *° Tinnitus° Traumatism (successful fracture treatment, Distortion)° Ulcerous° Burning° Successful wound-treatment (Ulcer)

*in connection with psychological advice


Bionic 880_______________________________________________________________

How is treatment carried out?

As per the principle of photon-dispersion in the body the applicator is only to be touched on different parts of the body.

In the fundamental therapy (for example, break of smoking) the applicator of Bionic 880 is generally attached to the following points:

° on both wrists on the inner part° both ears and lobes° on the nape of the neck

Time of treatment per point, 5 minutes.

In case of treatment of pain, wound etc. 10 – 15 minutes locally.

One therapy should contain in minimum 3 treatments, even if the patient changes for the better and is free of pain. The maximum frequency of treatments depends on the patient and the indications. As proved standard 3 – 10 treatments have to be calculated.

The apparatus can be handled without extensive training. It is easy to further delegate the use of this apparatus.


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Since 4 years I work with Bionic 880. The priority of my treatments in my practice, was on Borreliosis. Until now I have treated with success about 108 Borreliosispatients. With bio-photon therapy the patients responded faster as opposed to the long span of treatment with antibiotics.

With this therapy we could end the complaint in about 90% of the cases. Hereby a short report of my patient Mrs. M.D.: After different tests, I started the biophoton-therapy and completely relieved of metastasis-bone-pain. Also in the X-ray diagnosis only a minor growth of metastasis was identificated.

From 07. – 18.05.2000 inpatient treatment because of mama-ablatation. More impatient treatment till 23.07.2003. Since no member 2003 insufferable pain in the breastbone after fall. 27.01.2004 result of a metastasis in the upper section of sternal, one more minor metastasis found under the left AC joint. 03.02.2004 inpatient treatment in Bergzabern without success. 17.02.2004 start of pain-therapy with biophoton by Dr. Med. Woitzel. Since April 2004 free of pain, through biophoton-therapy, without pills. M.D.Dr. Med. Ingo Woitzel, Pforzheim

A patient, 23 years old, environmentally deprives, comes to my praxis, escorted by his mother, because he had lost his bearings. I was informed by his mother of his excessive alcohol abusus, sometimes he had taken also so-called soft drugs.

10.12.2002 patient M.L. predelirious, colourless pale, with perspiration, extreme typical trembling, you couldn’t talk to him.

As result of laboratory increase of gamma-GT and Trans-Arminasone. Every day patient was therapied with Bionic 880, except Sunday, till Christmas (Frequency 1 + 4) The therapy was assisted by hepatic protection and general roborant therapy. Also between Christmas and the New Year Bionic 880 therapy goes on. At the end of the year the patient was looking great, didn’t drink alcohol, no more drugs.

After New Year I treated the patient till the of January 2002. The patient was not to be recognized. After, I didn’t see the patient any more... but his parents left the “red light” milieu, so for the son temptation was not so great any more.Dr. Med. C. Strenge, Aurich

Female patient, 47 years old, arrived on June 2002 to my practice. She reported pain in the knee, which had she experienced since 1998. Various therapies, amongst others injections with hyaluronic acid preparations, magnetic field therapy, muscle build-up training and neural therapy, accomplished only temporary, insignificant improvement. Mrs. P. had to give up her job in gastronomy. In December 1998, she was submitted to a surgical intervention with the diagnosis: softening of the cartilaginous tissue. Mrs. P left the clinic on crutches with strong pain after a 7-hour treatment program during 6 weeks. With a homeopathic treatment, her condition improved to the point that she could walk again without crutches. In June 2002, we started the photon-therapy. The patient received the basic treatment with F1/100% followed by F3/100%, L5/S1 at the lateral side of


both knees and at the popliteal region. Additionally, BN 53 from Müller-Göppingen s.c was injected above the articular space and at acupuncture points. After the first treatment, Mrs. P. felt improvement. The second treatment took place a week later. Subsequent treatments were performed in two-week intervals. Each treatment showed a clear improvement. After 8 treatments, Mrs. P. had no discomfort. Since fall 2002, she is back to her previous job. Depending on the strain, Mrs. P. comes every 6 to 8 weeks for photon-therapy in order to remain without discomfort. Hanne Heintz, Healer Practitioner, Munich

... Pain is one of the main focuses of my practice. Many of my patients, who responded only to acupuncture, were successfully treated with the Acu-Light-Beam-4000. I achieved successful results in cases of chronic, recurrent lumbar column pain and achillodynia with 6 treatments (so far resistant to therapy). A patient with acute lumbago was free of discomfort after 2 applications Skin changes caused by burns after cryogenic application, with strong pigmentation in the area of both breasts of a 31 year old patient, improved significantly after 12 treatments, and is being continued. The skin areas are improving with each treatment. A superficial ulcer resistant to therapy on the right foot of a 67 years old female patient was healed after 12 treatments. The equipment is uncomplicated, with excellent results in many indications. During the short time of use in my practice, I could test only part of its potential. Martina Hentschel, Doctor for General Medicine

A 62 years old patent is suffering since several years from ambilateral tinnitus. I submitted the patient to a combination of therapy, treatments with Acu-Light-Beam and extensive ozone auto-hemotherapy. 10 treatments with the Acu-Light-Beam, as well as 20 ozone auto-hemotherapies, were performed. The patient reports 65% of success.Dr. Spermezan, Bad Zwischenahn.

Patient 86 years old, diagnosed with symptoms of acute herpes zoster, basic disorders: polymyalgia rheumatica with strong gonarthrosis. After OP due to dispersed in segments, for the time being with strongly itching reddish pustules, some of them filled. After the first treatment with the Acu-Light-Beam 4000 (applied 2 x 300 sec. over the area), the herpes zoster faded and the vesicles dried slightly. The patient has no pain, and the itching has improved. After the second treatment, the zoster was dry and faded, with no more itching, nor pain, and no more inflammation symptoms were observed. The progress after two subsequent local therapies was surprising: a rapid healing of the very painful skin changes could be observed. After one week, the zoster was completely healed and exhibited no irritation.

A female patient, 72 years old, with chronic venous insufficiency with varicose ulcer, presented symptoms after streptococcus G sepsis with entry gate at the open ulcerous area and subsequent abscess removal. The result was a 1-cm deep, 2-cm wide wound in the lower right leg. Therapy with photon-therapy equipment, 2 times a week over 8 weeks, with intensity of 2 x 300 sec. Adjuvant therapy: Varihesive bandage (granulation assisting), initial rinsing with Ringer’s solution to clean the wound. After 3 months of inpatient treatment, Mrs. E.K. was checked out with anopen ulcer. The success of the granulation adjuvant and wound closure can be clearly attributed to the additional therapy with the photon-therapy.

Bionic 880



Patient 17 years old, symptoms after open fracture on the right tibia (after ski accident in January 1999), with the insertion of two nails (crosswise to stabilize for home transport) through the tibia. In those two spots there was development of abscesses, which had to be submitted to incision and systemically covered with antibiotic therapy. At the end of July, the patient came to my practice, since both places were still open and, once more, purulent. In addition to that, a brown-colored induration similar to a varicose ulcer had developed. One spot was lifted, similar to a blister and had a great amount of lymphatic liquid. Therapy: 2 units of photon-therapy at 300 sec. 1x/day locally over the wound. Adjuvant therapy: locally, Braunovidon salve dressing, systemic Wobenzym 3 x 4 tab… Result: After 6 treatments with the photon-therapy equipment, both open wounds are closed and healed, without any irritation. For the first time since 1999, the lesions are completely closed and without irritation. Dr. Beate Gümbel, Rödermark

A 4 year old girl has been suffering for 6 months with a weeping, itching, therapy-resistant eczema on the inner side of her left lower arm and on her neck. Medical therapy was cortisone salve. My treatment began with an intestinal rehabilitation, followed by a 14-day therapy with the ACU-LIGHT-BEAM every other day. During the first three sessions, not only the affected skin areas, but also both external ears, as well as the inner sides of both wrists and the area below the occipital bone, were treated. Already the first three sessions, a noticeable fading of the inflamed skin areas was recognized. After 14 days, the little patient presented no discomfort, and the eczematous skin areas were cleanly healed.

…I am very satisfied with your ACU-LIGHT-BEAM-4000. In my practice, we are experiencing great success in acute cases. Here is one example: Female patient, 62 years old, with allergic skin rash triggered due to intense family conflicts. The rash spread over the whole body, was pustulous and itched intensely. As immediate measure, the patient was treated with the ACU-LIGHT-BEAM- 4000 in the 5 usual points. We did not prescribe medications. On the following day, we could verify that the rash was disappearing from upside down. The upper part of the face was already clear, but the itching was still intolerable. A new treatment on the following day showed considerable improvement. After a total of 5 treatments, the rash had totally disappeared, with only a slight itching still present. After another week, the itching had also disappeared and the patient was happy and content again. Similar success was achieved in other skin problems, such as neurodermatitis, in particular when vegetative components were involved. Lothar Ursinus, Healer Practitioner, Hamburg

I am using the ACU-LIGHT-BEAM-4000 for the treatment of a variety of indications since October 1997. This therapy replaces my applications of acupuncture, stimulating-current therapy, as well as bio-resonance therapy during the treatment of acute as well as chronic clinical pictures. I am achieving excellent results at depression, migraines and neurodermatitis, as well as acute allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis and asthma, as initial treatment, in order to continue with other therapies. Hyperactive children get calmer after only one treatment. For example, a 4 year old patient with allergic asthma, hyperactive and aggressive, fell asleep during the initial treatment and became more quiet and cooperative from one treatment to the next. At the present, the boy is much gentler and quieter. In


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smoking-weaning treatments, I have achieved a success rate of 85% with 4 to 6 treatments. For the treatment of depression, adjuvant therapy of thymus and liver with the photon equipment proved to be beneficial. According to my present experience, I can state that the ACU- LIGHT-BEAM 4000 is my most universal and most efficient therapy equipment. Jörg Hentschel, Healer Practitioner, Hilden

Female patient, 56 years old, came 8 weeks after OP CA left mamma and 7 chemotherapy sessions to my practice. The breast was saved, but the patient was suffering with intolerable pain in the thorax / spine region, the scars were inflamed and reddened. Intense swelling at the left breast side extended to the spine. The transecting of lymphatic and nerve tracts caused a lymphedema. The wound and scar pains were nearly intolerable. She was taking Voltaren on a daily basis. I initiated the therapy with the ACU-LIGHT-4000. Following the basic program, I treated about 8 to 10 different wound and scar areas for 10 minutes. Altogether, the patient received 12 successive treatments. After the third treatment, the patient was able to dispense Voltaren, since she clearly had less pain. Her general conditions were more stable and she was in a positive mood. The lymphedema disappeared completely during the treatment. After the eight treatment, the scars faded, the reddening and the swelling were gone… I discharged the patient on the twelfth day, since she was feeling very well and felt no pain. I gathered additional experiences with patients suffering from epicondylitis humeri radialis and ulnaris. To wait and see if the absence of pain would be maintained, treatment was ended after 5 days. The treatment took about 1 to 1,5 hours.Patricia Beatrice Behrends, Healer Practitioner, Haan

Female patient, 32 years old, wanting to have children for 5 years. The patient is very nervous and suffers from serious sleep disorders. Her gynecologist diagnosed an endometriosis and performed 6 inseminations, all of them unsuccessful. As adjuvant treatment, hormone stimulation with FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). A classical acupuncture therapy (during several months) was unsuccessful.

In March of that year, we started the cluster medicine and, on June 28, 1999, we began the bio-photon-therapy. Five basic areas were treated: thyroid (scar), skullcap, both ovaries and uterus. From June 26 on, the thymus was also treated. During the first weeks, 3 treatments were performed. After that, 2 treatments per week for several weeks, followed by 1 treatment per week. On August 19, 1999, the patient learned that she was pregnant since July. After the therapy, the patient feels fine, relaxed and sleeps very well. The bio-photon-therapy was for us the triggering event, which made this pregnancy possible.

Patient of 50 years old, with chronic intervertebral disk pain as the result of a 9-point pelvic fracture in his childhood. After the first treatment with the Bionic 880, the pain level was clearly reduced. After the second treatment, he was able to leave his bed without help. After 3 treatments, the patient took part in a bicycle trip, against my recommendationI am using the bio-photon equipment before each allergy elimination, with pyramid energy as block. age remover. Through the basic therapy, blockages are removed and I am able to eliminate allergies.


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A young girl with excruciating menstruation pain (she often had to stay in bed for a few days suffering in great pain). Specific organic reasons were excluded by her gynecologist. After 5 treatments, the menstruation pain lasted for only two hours. 5 basic areas were treated: both ovaries, uterus, liver and thymus. Ovaries and uterus treatment for 10 minutes, and the other areas for 5 minutes. Martha Thiermann, Healer Practitioner, Vienna


1. Short-report in some extent.2. Copies of complete reports on request.3. ACU-LIGHT-BEAM-4000 was predecessor model of Bionic 880. Bionic 880

is smaller and lighter. Bionic 880 has one frequency more. The effect of both models is 100 % identical.

Erkrath, January 2005

Fieldtests at doctor?s site by: Int`l. Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany


Bionic-880-Therapy (after Buschkuehl) was chequed by the IIB with help of regulation-diagnosis after Professor F.A. Popp. Before and after the treatment with this therapy , measurement was taken from 9 patients (proband). The second measurement was taken directly after the first therapy. The effect for 3 patients was documented after some days of treatment.

A variation was shown to 8 from 9 patients after treatment. This means, that patients have been influenced positive by the Bionic-880-Therapy. For one of the patient without worth mentioning variation, only one therapy-treatment was not enough to demonstrate an effect.

The regulation still became better after the first treatment for 3 patients. (Direction Log-Normal-Distribution) For 2 patients the state of regulation became rather more chaotic. This type of first aggravation is numerous, if thetherapy gives to the body a strong kick to a changed regulation. In this case a measure of development would be reasonable, which was not possible for reasons of time.

4 patients were exhausted after the first therapy, 1 patient shows an improved potential of energy, no relevant variation of the electrical conductivity was to find out of on other patient.

After some days of treatment with Bionic-880-Beam the real positive effect is to establish.


Bionic 880_______________________________________________________________Resumed, the treatment with Bionic-880 carries to a clear and demonstrable positive influence for the regulation-condition of the inspected patient/proband.

Delf Schwerda (IIB , Neuss)Bionic 880

Technical facts of the apparatus:

Bionic 888 with Cluster Probe (applicator)

Frequenzy, currency and time is managed by a computerAdjustment of parameter with user functionDimension: b 27 cm x d 17 cm x h 8 cmWeight: 5,4 kg

Source of rays: 84 (LED) Diodes 880 NMLength of weaves: irregular, not coherent, pulsedForm of weaves: curve to straight lineIMF: 2,47 Hz, 4.94, 7.83, 9,88 Hz, 28Hz, 80 HzEnergy-density: about 1.680 mW of the surface of the treated tissue resp.

We offer you the possibility to your interested patients to inform themselves about you, on our web site www.biophoton.e

For further information please contact:

H. Buschkuehl GmbHGeorg-Büchner-Straße 62, D-40699 Erkrath / GermanyPhone: +49-211-253186, Fax: +49-211-208022e-mail: web: