Biotope Research - Cenotes Freshwater Cave Stream

Post on 21-Feb-2015

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Biotope Research ProjectCenotes Freshwater Cave StreamYou will be conducting research as a group, and presenting your information using a poster. We will be researching biotopes, a type of aquarium design where a particular ecosystem is

recreated. We will vote on

the best biotope design and create that

biotope in our class

aquarium by going to Chatuchak and buying the appropriate plants, fish, and substrate.

Research will be done in the library. We will first start by using books and encyclopedia to gather information. Then will use the Internet to add details that are still missing. In all of our research we must record our references.

After we have gathered our research you will be choosing 3-5 fish species, 3-5 plant species, and the appropriate substrate for your biotope. We will do this by playing Biotope Poker, with your Biotope Cards trying to come up with the best design. Then you will be presenting your design as a poster with information following the design model above.

RESEARCH:GROUPSample Biotope Poster 1) You may type or hand write the information.

2) Make sure to try and make the pictures to scale as best you can. A shark and a goldfish should not look the same size!

3) Make sure to connect the information to the pictures so we know what’s what!


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ATL’s-Collaboration- Information Technology

Fish CardsPlaty FishMolly FishGuppy FishSwordtail FishRedheaded CichlidCorydoras CatfishPlecoCardinal TetraRummy Nose TetraNeon Tetra

Plant CardsVallisneriaSword PlantsJava Fern

Biotope Research Fact Sheet Name:_____________

General Facts----------------------------------------------------------------Where can your ecosystem be found? Find a map to print or copy.Where does the water in your ecosystem come from?Where does the water in your ecosystem go?Altitude?Amount of sunlight?Precipitation?Temperature range?

-----------------------------General Facts References-----------------------------


Water Quality------------------------------------------------------------------- Describe the quality of the water and what's in it. Clear? Muddy? Polluted?pH?Dissolved O2?Visibility / Clarity? Salt? Fresh? Brackish?

-----------------------------Water Quality References-----------------------------


Substrate & Flow Rate-------------------------------------------------------- What type of substrate does your ecosystem have? What kind of habitats does the substrate provide for organisms?What is the flow rate like? Fast/slow? Smooth/Rapids? Waves? Etc?

------------------------Substrate & Flow Rate References-------------------------


Fish---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What kinds of fish live in your ecosystem?What is their Scientific Name?How big do they get?What do they eat?Where do they live (habitat)?What eats them?How long do they live?Do they get along with other fish?

----------------------------------- Fish References-----------------------------------


Plants---------------------------------------------------------------------------What plants live in your ecosystem?What are their Scientific Names?How much sunlight do they need?Where do they grow? Do they need a specific substrate?Are they food or shelter for any animals?

--------------------------------- Plants References----------------------------------


Other Animals------------------------------------------------------------------What other animals live in your ecosystem? (shrimp? snails? turtles? otters?)What are their Scientific Names?What do they eat?Where do they live (habitat)?

-----------------------------Other Animals References-----------------------------
