BI&I's top 3 tips for password security.

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Make sure your password is at least 8 characters long and includes a mix of capital letters, numbers and symbols .

Example, you could intentionally misspell a word - MapelLeafs81 or trade certain letters for numbers of symbols - M@pleLeaf$81.

You could even use the first letters of a phrase - “I love the Toronto Maple Leafs, go number 81” would become “iltTMLgn81”.

Tip #1 for password security

Use a (seemingly) complicated password

Tip # 2 for password security

Don’t use names of spouses, children or pets. Don’t use phone numbers or birth dates. Don’t

use the same word as your login (often your name or email).

Don’t use consecutive, duplicate numbers or any other simple keyboard pattern. “Password” – it is consistently one of the most common passwords used and therefore, one of the easiest to crack.

Know what makes a bad password or what NOT to do

Tip # 3 for password security

Change your passwords regularly.

Change your password every 90 days…that is only four times a year.