Black Pot Beach Park Master Plan - Focus Group Meetings

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Date: August 14, 2015 Project Name: Black Pot Beach Park Master Plan

Subject: Focus Group Meetings Meeting Location: Waipā Foundation

Meeting Dates and Times: 1. Friday August 7, 2015, 2:30-4:30 pm 2. Friday August 7, 2015, 5:00-7:00 pm 3. Saturday August 8, 2015, 8:30-10:30 am

Recorded by: Corlyn Orr Reviewed by DPR: 9-8-2015 Reviewed by focus group participants: 9-8-2015

Attendees: Scott Ezer, Corlyn Orr, Johanna Ventura see attendance record for focus group participants

Three focus group meetings were held at Waipā Foundation, Keanolani Hale on the afternoon of August 7 and the morning of August 8, 2015. Meeting participants were invited and identified based on suggestions from CAC members and other community contacts, as well as County recommendations. The meeting purpose was to introduce the project and gather input about the priority issues and concerns that should be addressed in the planning process.

The same format and content were used for each meeting. Johanna Ventura, meeting facilitator, called the meetings to order, and following group introductions, Scott Ezer, principal with HHF Planners, provided an overview of the project, reviewed the project schedule and explained the objectives for the focus group meetings. The majority of the meetings were spent in group activities, including a walk-around session during which participants were asked to participate in (1) a dot exercise and (2) comment wall exercise, followed by (3) a small-group tabletop planning discussion.

The following presents a summary of the comments and questions from each focus group meeting, as well as the responses from the various group activities.

INTRODUCTIONS. Individuals were asked to share their interest in participating in the focus groups. Common themes that emerged from the introductory statements include concerns about overcrowding, preserving Hanalei and Black Pot for future generations, and improving park management.

Focus Group 1 Love Hanalei, want to see it flourish for future generations. Goal is to keep Hanalei Hanalei as

long as possible Want kids to be able to enjoy what we had Want to see the best use of the space for everybody to enjoy Was involved in the fight to save Black Pot from proposed condo development. Black Pot and

adjacent beachfront property extending to the Wilcox house was offered to the county at a very low price. Park needs to be for people who live here; it is been degraded to where it is too embarrassing to bring visitors

Care about Hanalei, want to perpetuate it for the next generation Remember when kupuna could be found at Black Pot, now don’t recognize the people there.

Parking is the biggest issue Want to be involved because I use the park daily. It is too big nowadays Want to see what’s going to happen, overcrowded, too much regulation, is pilau now Want to see where this is going


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Lived here for 15 years, don’t want to assume park will expand, want to clean up problems first. Curious to know what planners are doing about expansion

Area is being abused, too many changes in the 15 years living here 12 years in Hanalei. Park is jampacked. It’s the most beautiful place in world, want to keep

access for kayak Concern about commercial impact on residents

Focus Group 2 Has lived on the river 40+ years and been a part of Black Pot Friday sunset BBQs 20 years n Hanalei, lives here with 2 sons and wants park that they can enjoy 13 years in Hanalei. Values the park 46 years in Hanalei. Has seen changes; want to keep it as best as we can for as long as we can Cares about the community Lived in Hanalei since 1956; wants to see good planning that makes park more functional for all.

How come the property next to the pier is not being used? Works at Princeville fire station; comes from couple generations in Hanalei Tradition for Hawaiian families to fish. Also important place for recreation (kids paddling);

needs to continue. Generations of rice farmers, not pleased with changes. Fishermen are in the back behind the tourists and surfers

Came to Kaua‘i in ’58, remembers when it wasn’t a park. Conflict between fishermen and commercial uses. Want to make the best use of the place, recognize traditional and cultural practices, uses are more important than recreation

In Hanalei since ’73. Has 2 surf businesses, spouse has lived here since 2 years old and is also a fisherman. Tells customers that fishermen have priority. If river mouth were dredged, boats could have access. Possible to have both fishing and commercial; want to see space for all uses

Focus Group 3 Belongs to Ham Young ohana; is raising family in Hanalei Lived in Hanalei for 40+ years, been going to the park for as long. Continues to BBQ and invite

the community to pā‘ina just like in the old days; trying to keep tradition alive. Sad to see park deteriorating, young people are different and don’t take care or respect anymore

Been in community for 11 years, many changes in short time. Driving to Black Pot is a different experience than riding a bike or walking there

Moved to Hanalei in 1986, used to paddle out from Black Pot to surf. Enjoys beautiful sunsets. Site is ideal for a canoe club. Extreme changes in the past 3-4 years; the place calls for planning

Family owns commercial property in Hanalei. Loves to fish off the pier, appreciates beautiful views; serves as a reminder of childhood days. Need to keep area clean (trash on pier, lifesaving tubes constantly ripped off). Shift some activities away from the park to be kind to the area

Lifelong resident of Kaua‘i. Childhood memories of camping at Pavilions and staying in plantation homes t Pine Trees. Too much change and overuse—park calls for management. Fishing and crabbing are not the same anymore

COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS. Comments and questions from each meeting are summarized as follows.

Focus Group 1 Park needs more parking and a drop-off area. People park on the beach because there is no

place convenient to unload beach gear.

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Number of cars parking on the beach has increased from one row to two/three rows. Parking on the beach is attracting more people because this is the only place where parking on the beach is allowed. Plan should include enough parking to accommodate the current demand.

Beach should be regulated so only fishermen can access the beach. Camping is important; do not eliminate camping. Master plan should include Sheehan boatyard property. Move showers off the beach. Make sure park is maintained. Commercial users saturate the park with visitors. Would like to see the plan address congestion

and conflicts between commercial and recreational users. For example, commercial use could be restricted to weekdays; holidays and weekends could be strictly for recreational users to minimize conflicts with families.

Do not want to see asphalt parking or paved areas. Preference is for pervious surfaces. Black Pot will continue to be a county park; County has not indicated that they would want to

turn the park function over to the State. If there is a new pavilion, it should be an open-air design like at ‘Anini for safety. Scope of the master plan is looking at Black Pot in isolation. Traffic/cars from the park back up

onto Weke Road. Suggest counting cars parked on Weke Road and in the park, preferably during the peak summer season.

Traffic counts on Weke Road were taken when speed bumps were put in (nearly 10 years ago). Rory Enright has a counting device that can be available for use.

Focus Group 2 The State has considered purchasing the Sheehan boatyard property in the past. The status of

any transactions or negotiations involving the Sheehan property is unknown. Separating park uses would make it safer (for example, designated areas for fishermen,

swimmers, beach users and parking). Safety needs to be the priority, not convenience. Fishermen could access the point to launch boats if parking were prohibited on the beach. A

temporary solution is needed until a new boat ramp is built. Opening up the river mouth is a priority. If the river is not opened, access for boaters is a non-

starter. Only one boat at a time can pass at the river mouth. Waterflow in the river is less than before because water is being diverted and rainfall is half of what it was in the late-1980s. Since waterflow is less, the river mouth is not being naturally cleared like it used to.

Consider widening the access road to Weke Ramp. A second boat cannot pass when a boat is using the wash rack.

Adding a new boat ramp with floating legs next to the pier is unlikely because of access concerns during high surf and the historic status of the pier.

When compared to Wai‘oli and Pavilions, Black Pot is the only park that attracts all the different uses. Do not see a need to add a large special events pavilion at Black Pot because Pavilions already has one. Do not add more uses or attract more people to Black Pot.

Small picnic pavilions would provide shelter from the rain and sun. More parking is needed for cars that park on the beach. When the surf/tide is high and waves

cover the beach, people will park on Weke Road. County needs to know that there is a need to look holistically at all county parks in Hanalei, and

prepare a regional comprehensive plan for county parks (e.g., Courthouse, Pavilions, Wai‘oli and Black Pot). Multiple events scheduled for the same weekend overwhelm the community. Actions at one site will have spill-over effects on other sites as park users re-locate to different locations.

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Focus Group 3 Proposed planning process was prepared by the consultant team, followed by input and

approval by DPR. Input from the community will be used to prepare several alternatives. The alternatives will be vetted with the community before the preferred/final plan is prepared.

Would like to see Sheehan boatyard property included in the plan, when possible. Better enforcement is needed to regulate commercial activity. People are operating without

permits and not following existing rules. Illegal activities have tapered in the past few weeks since DLNR has been at the park on a daily basis.

DOT EXERCISE. Each participant was given 8 colored dots (3 green, 2 orange and 3 blue). Instructions were to place the corresponding colored dots on the aerial map to show:

1. Green: Where do you spend most of your time or observe others spending their time? 2. Orange: Where do you typically park when you go to Black Pot? Where do you see others

park? 3. Blue: What areas and facilities are in most need of improvements?

Posters from the focus groups are attached (SEE ATTACHMENT 1). Based on the placement of the dots: (1) individuals typically spend time at the beach, on the pier, or participating in ocean activities

(green dots were dispersed across shoreline, water and picnic areas); (2) parking is split equally between the beach and designated parking areas (52%, or 33 of the 64

orange dots, were placed on the beach); and (3) improving the bathroom facility is the first priority, followed closely by the boat ramp facility

(33%, or 29 of the 87 blue dots, were clustered around the bathroom, and 30%, or 26 of the 87 blue dots, were clustered around the boat ramp).

COMMENT WALL EXERCISE. Each participant was asked to write responses to three questions on post-it notes and place the responses on the corresponding poster. Questions were:

1. What are the features or activities most important to the park? 2. What do you like least about the park now? 3. What is your hope for Black Pot 10 years from now? What is your concern for the park 10

years from now?

Responses were transcribed verbatim (SEE ATTACHMENT 2). Responses indicate that access for various forms of recreation (picnics, camping, surfing, fishing, ‘ohana gatherings) and the traditional/cultural associations of the park are valued by focus group participants. Crowds, the poor condition of park facilities, and the lack of organized parking are generally the features liked least about the park. Hopes for the future of Black Pot consist primarily of a clean and safe park for local families to enjoy, where future generations will be able to use and experience the resource in the same way known to previous generations.

SMALL GROUP PLANNING DISCUSSION. Groups of 5-6 individuals were given an aerial map of the planning area, colored markers and graphic labels reflecting the different uses and activities common to the park (parking, comfort station, showers, boat ramp, trailer parking, camping area, picnic table, picnic pavilion, food vendor, SUP/kayak launch area). The groups were asked to prioritize the issues, activities and facilities, and then mark up the map to record the group’s ideal location for the priority activities and facilities.

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Posters from each of the small groups are attached (SEE ATTACHMENT 3). A total of 6 small groups completed the exercise (Focus Group 1—3 groups, Focus Group 2—2 groups, Focus Group 3—1 group). Similarities observed across the small groups are as follows:

Move the boat ramp and trailer parking mauka further up the river (indicated by all 6 groups) Use portions of the proposed expansion area for parking (indicated by all 6 groups) Move the existing bathroom mauka away from the shoreline, or add a second bathroom

(indicated by all 6 groups) Provide areas for loading/unloading, picnics and camping, and kayak/SUP launch Keep the beach and makai section of the park for picnics and camping


Focus Group 1 Fri. Aug. 7, 2015, 2:30-4:30 Pm

Focus Group 2 Fri. Aug. 7, 2015, 5:00-7:00 Pm

Focus Group 3 Sat. Aug. 8, 2015, 8:30-10:30 Am

1. Nick Beck 1. Lynn Alapa 1. Mike Ching 2. Rory Enright 2. Roger DeCamp 2. Alpha Goto 3. Corki Ferry 3. Steve Fountain 3. Hayley Ham Young-Giorgio 4. John Ferry 4. Mark Frazier 4. Albert Kaui 5. Chandler “Atta” Forrest 5. Amy Frazier 5. Peter Miller 6. Joanna Fu 6. Wesley Haraguchi 6. Barbara Poor 7. Wendall Fu 7. Ann Hermosura 8. Ann Hettinger 8. Carl Imparato 9. Julie Kanealii 9. David Sproat 10. Glenn Kobayashi 10. Ralph Young 11. Ron MacDonald 12. Christian Marston 13. Art Mersberg 14. Chad Rausch 15. Barbara Robeson 16. Barbara Say 17. Tom Thompson

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Focus Group 1

Focus Group 2

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Focus Group 3

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1. What are the features or activities most important to the park?

Focus Group 1 1. Access to ocean, restrooms, surfing, fishing 2. Maintain open recreational space. No commercial 3. Fishing, padding, ohana gathering, surfing 4. Preserving and perpetuating the history and tradition of Hanalei 5. Access to the sea, family on the sand space (not cars) 6. Access to the river and beach for everyone 7. Access, boats surf stuff. Camping, some room 8. Local culture 9. Able to unload canoes, kayaks, stand up board near the water 10. Family activities, canoe paddling, surfing 11. Family 12. Keep area for canoe clubs, we are only area without designated canoe hale 13. Very limited commercial use 14. Most important is recreational and non-commercial use 15. Family, swimming, gathering

Focus Group 2 16. Making sure people feel free to do their thing with a healthy way 17. Making sure commercial activity, especially non-evasive—example: SUP lesson—is

accommodated 18. Parking. Bathrooms. Take care fishermen. Less commercial activity 19. Informal, passive recreational activities. Traditional uses=highest priority. Recreational

uses=next priority. Commercial uses=lowest priority 20. Parking, bathrooms, safety 21. Parking (designated). Good signage. Boating 22. Access to ocean. Daytime use. 23. Camping, boating, sport (water) 24. Sports and sporting events 25. A beautiful beach with hard packed sand 26. Needs to better accommodate fishermen, boats and trailers 27. Shade trees-more needed 28. Need shade 29. Beach time, camping, boating, surfing, fishing.

Focus Group 3 30. Access to the bay and river. Places to relax without too much crowding, traffic. Launching and

storing of canoes 31. Beautiful area, location, ideal setting for picnics, camping, swimming, fishing, family time 32. TRADTIONAL PRACTICES. Outrigger. Fishing-would like to see less people so that old rooted

families will again lay net. Surfing. Ohana gathering comes hand-in-hand 33. Shoreline and pier fishing. Swimming. Non-group structured activities. Picnics 34. Showers and few pavilion tables 35. Fishing, surfing, family gatherings, ocean activities, camping on weekends only!! 36. Non-developed. Access to beach, river, surf 37. Pier use 38. Easy access to beach. Comfortable facility to relax. Shelter from rain

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2. What do you like least about the park now?

Focus Group 1 1. Too much commercial activity 2. Oil and car fluids going into water through porous sand. Toilet water going into water 3. Too much commercial use!! 4. Dirty-trash. Overcrowded. Disgusting bathrooms 5. Overcrowding. Lack of parking. Poor restroom facilities. Poor access and parking for fishermen.

Blocking (by buoys) of swimming areas by commercial boating 6. Increase in park official power, guns, etc. 7. Parking 8. Crowded. Bathrooms need to function 9. Too many people in park, not enjoyable anymore 10. No cars on beach 11. Tourists going on boats 12. Parking, restrooms, boat ramp channel 13. Overcrowded 14. Overcrowded 15. Overcrowded and commercial exploitation 16. Overcrowded, failing restrooms 17. State of maintenance 18. Boat ramp, restrooms, parking 19. Too many people for space. Trucks and tailgating makes it difficult getting boat to trailer

Focus Group 2 20. Drinking. Cigarette butts. 21. Too much cars on beach 22. Poor and inadequate bathroom facilities 23. Too crowded. No parking 24. No signage for designated activities 25. Bathrooms are bad 26. Drinking alcohol. Loud (music) from cars, trucks. Bathrooms. Parking on beach 27. Trimming of trees. Hazard of high falling branches 28. Bathrooms and parking 29. No parking. No boat ramp 30. Crowds 31. Crowded. No parking 32. Parking on the beach, too crowded, boats using swimming zone 33. Too crowded. Cars on beach. Speeding. Traffic 34. Parking. Bathroom. Commercial activities. People that have just moved here and try to change

what used to be

Focus Group 3 35. Parking is limited. Bathroom facilities not meeting needs. Boat ramp and trailer parking. Safety

for park users at night is sometimes an issue. 36. Too many people. Amount of cars parking on beach. Oblivious population of tourists + some

non-residents + new residents. 37. Bathrooms, boat ramp, dangerous trees, parking 3 deep 1 line on beach near park and no more

respect for area.

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38. Condition of restrooms 39. Underage drinking. No public BBQ facilities. 40. Too many vehicles parked on beach. Better to have drop-off place on the beach, parking

elsewhere. Bathrooms, shower inadequate. 41. Dirty bathrooms. Unpermitted boaters taking customers out. Boats land/pick up people at pier 42. Overcrowding day hours. Rude and unruly behavior of kids. People trashing the place. 43. Aggressive outside (non-North Shore) local groups 44. Unsafe activity on pier (ie. Jumping and diving off)

3. What is your hope for Black Pot 10 years from now? What is your concern for the park 10 years

from now?

Focus Group 1 1. Safe reef. Turtles, no nasty bacteria 2. Clean restrooms 3. Drive by drop off area for tents, etc. 4. Clean and safe, non-existent 5. More clean bathrooms. My children and grandchildren may use the park and be safe 6. Open-recreational and new commercial use for our kids. Concern: this will not happen or be

enforced or regulated if it does happen 7. No commercial boats 8. Keep Kaua‘i Kaua‘i! 9. Not much growth. Good bathrooms, not too much authority. 10. Number of users appropriate for limited space. Public facilities well maintained. Water quality

protected. 11. Little change 12. The park cannot sustain the growth and use. Need a place for future generations 13. Hope that the county manages the park environment and maintenance 14. Preserving and respecting the wai and kai resources 15. Hope: does not get worse (ie, more people, more commercial). Concern: gets worse or nothing

done to make things better 16. Concern: control the commercial use 17. That facilities will be adequate for amount of people using the park. Not taken over by

commercial ventures. That it will be a safe, clean place for families to enjoy. 18. Better parking.

Focus Group 2 19. Hope: that people feel free and comfortable. Fear: overprotection freaks. 20. It will be so crowded that no one goes there. 21. That it doesn’t become too overcrowded. 22. More specific signs for different activities or uses. 23. Good planning to be determined by locals. 24. Concern: the natural beauty is preserved. 25. Fishermen will still be able to launch and use the park to fish. 26. Access. Being able to camp. 27. A place my family can enjoy and my children want to be. 28. That it is usable. Clean and maintained. 29. Would like to be able to enjoy park like I used to growing up. 30. Clean and well-maintained. 31. Protect park areas for enjoyment and use

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32. Total change of what used to be! Too many people, less LOCALS! 33. Hope: no more crowded than now. No cars on the beach. Less drinking alcohol. Concern:

county should not allow MORE big events, MORE commercial uses, MORE vendors.

Focus Group 3 34. Concern: increased noise, music, personal electronics, alcohol, drug use, crime 35. Vision: would like to see more space for locals and cultural practitioners. Less people=cleaner

eco-system in general. Hope to see cleaner water and less people. 36. Concern: the amount of outsiders and commercial activities outweighing the voice of old

Hawaiian families and long-time residents. 37. All crafts coming too close to pier and swimmers. Organized activity (commercial/non-

commercial) dominating use of area that is concentrated near park/pier. 38. Having a plan that will meet the needs of the users and prevent the over use of facilities and

resources 39. No working bathrooms and maintained access for fishing boats, working boat ramp.

Overcrowding, parking. 40. Be a “sanctuary.” Less external ordinances and enforcement; more internal respect and

responsibility. 41. Need a well-integrated plan, putting parking in least desirable areas hoping for hale for

Namolokama Canoe Club. Storage of canoes located for easy access to water.

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Focus Group 1, Small Group #1

Focus Group 1, Small Group #2

Parking on tree line only

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Focus Group 1, Small Group #3

Focus Group 2, Small Group #1

Ask DLNR-Boating how many registered boaters now, compared to 5 years ago with zip codes Hā‘ena to Anahola?

Special events area, by reservation

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Focus Group 2, Small Group #2

Focus Group 3, Small Group #1

Hodge property for ocean/beach uses. Push temporary parking to mauka property, do not use prime ocean front land for parking.

Add a locked gate at night for security; keep parties off beach

Eliminate current parking, shift to river side.

Move current bathroom site