Black Skin Care Tips: How to Treat Ingrown Hairs

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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We're giving you 3 different ways to get rid of those annoying razor bumps associated with black skin care.


How to Treat Ingrown Hairs Skin Care for Black Men & Women

While ingrown hairs are not detrimental to the overall bodily health, they are aesthetically displeasing and can cause a great deal of discomfort. There are plenty of steps that can be taken to prevent ingrown hairs, but these bumps are sometimes inevitable in African American skin care, so we are providing you with a few ways to treat them.

Oil & Sugar Scrub

D.I.Y. exfoliation treatments are great for treating and preventing ingrown hairs. Exfoliation helps to slough off any skin that may be blocking the hair in and removing any build up that may cause the bump to become infected. Oil and sugar scrubs are great because you will most likely be able to find all of the ingredients in your home already.

Oil & Sugar Scrub

Mix coconut oil and brown sugar in your hands, and use circular motions to apply it to the needed area. Coconut is a known moisturizer and helps to eliminate dryness. Brown sugar particles are softer and smaller than other sugars and salt. So it can be used on sensitive areas like the bikini line—a common area for ingrown hairs in skin care for Black women.


Using tweezers has been very popular when trying to get rid of ingrown hairs. However, if done improperly, the tweeze-and-pull method can actually worsen the razor bump. Before you even pick up the tweezers, make sure you use some sort of warm compress to open up the pores. This is going to make it easier to grip the hair without pain. Then use your tweezers to grab any hair you can see above the skin’s surface.


Be careful not to grab or puncture your skin, to avoid further inflammation and scarring. Try not to completely remove the strand, as it will have trouble growing in completely. Instead, simply use your tweezers to pull the coiled hair from under the skin.


There are a good amount of products on the market that can help to reduce razor bumps. Try to look for a skin care product that caters to Black skin care for best results. Men, use a product that combats dryness and reduces inflammation like Clear Essence’s Chimere Bump Control After Shave Gel. This is going to reduce irritation after shaving while fight uncomfortable razor bumps.


Ladies, try using a product gentle enough for daily use, but strong enough to show results. The Clear Essence Anti Aging Toner Astringent with Alpha Hydroxy Acid is an exfoliating cleanser that can help treat ingrown hairs. This product helps to improve the skin surface, making it easier for the hair to grow through the skin.