Blogging and positive use of social media yaqoob

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A lecture on Blogging and Positive use of Social Media delivered at University of Gujrat on 17 January 2013 to the students of Mass Communications.


Blogging and Positive use of Social MediaJan 17 | 10:00 am | S-07 Hall

Arranged by XNEWS-UOG and Center for Media and Communication Studies


I, Muhammad Yaqoob, am the author of

• Gray and Old• NY-MAFIA• Fine of Art of Blogging• Countless Corporate Blogs

living in a blogging community representing a life much less restricted. I'm passionate about inspiring, motivating, and supporting others to do the work they want to do in order to live the life they want to live. I am blogger, brand-expert, writer, speaker, thinker, creator, and a doer.

I blog to coordinate the Inconvenience of Change to illustrate two primary things:

(1) The power of community and (2) The impact one person can have on many.

I seek to inspire you just as much as you all, day in and day out, continue to inspire me. Whether we’re talking about Social Media & entrepreneurship or religion and philosophy, there is something that each of us can learn from one another.

Remember, as small as your role in all of this may seem – it only takes one person, one idea, to spark a revolution.

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Everyone is now armed with a keyboard (laptops), connected with many more and can reach millions of audiences and viewers in a real time.

Now, your online video can travel around the world as long as you want, that can also be tagged, liked, rated, commented, and shared, by numerous people (not computer).

Now you can bypass the established main stream media and can blog about anything you want to, and can expose your very idea to enough people and can gain maximum attention.

Now you can broadcast your very routine life activities with one another on Twitter, which may increase more chances to interact and make some real connections that might have some benefits for you.

Now if you are unable to speak, you still can tweet even form Timbuktu.

Now you can organize things like never before.

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What is social media?

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LinkedIn is for people you know. Facebook is for people you used to know. Twitter is for people you want to know.

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It helps you visualise those firends who are

hidden in real life.

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There is no single agreed definition of the terms Social Media also known as Web 2.0, but there is widespread agreement they apply to a set of characteristics in the context of the internet and applications served over it.

At its simplest, Social Media is the combination of channels, platforms, communities, content and tools that power the phenomenon of peer to peer communication or ‘word of mouth’.

it’s a set of friendly, tool, that help us to humanize the web. Its not a destination.

Humans are social beings, they like to share things, talk together and technology lets them do it on an unprecedented level. (Ken Mandel, Regional Managing Director, Yahoo! South East Asia).

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SOCIAL MEDIA CHARACTERISTICSParticipationEncourages contributions and feedback from everyone. OpennessEncourage voting, comments and the sharing of information. ConversationTwo-way conversation.CommunityIt allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively. Communities share common interests, such as a love of photography, a political issue or a favorites TV show.ConnectednessMost kinds of social media thrive on their connectedness, making use of links to other sites, resources and people.Social Media ComponentsEvery single social media component is designed to help your news spread. Social media is not something you jump into when you need a quick boost. It is just like traditional offline media. Occasionally you make a profitable connection quickly, but lasting value is gained by a long-term commitment and multiple intersecting relationships.

Strangers-friends-loyal friends-sales people-

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Current Mass media and broadcast models are losing (oh my God) their hold as prime communication modes. The broadcast notion of ‘filter then publish’; is being replaced by ‘publish, and then filter’. Trust in online information is growing, while it is declining for television and other media. The rise in availability of do-it-yourself publishing tools enabled everyone to publish text, audio, video and photographs…..whatever…freely

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One key respect: they stretch. TV and Radio confront the reality that there are only 24 hours in a day. They can’t put on more content, because there’s no down time.

Magazines and Newspapers have to pay for more paper, that means more ads, more sales runners, more budgets, and there are only a finite number of people willing to pay. So the length finds a natural limit.

Billboards confront zoning realities. Junk mail is gated by response rates. By spam controller.

But at blogs, you can easily post 100 times a day. With a team, it might be a thousand.

TV, Newspaper, Radio, Magazine, billboards, offers you a very limited space and time to publish. More people read the article online than in the newspaper due to the online version being global, free and around forever. The dead tree version has a limited shelf life (Stephen Davies).

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It makes your world bigger.

It makes you concerned about almost everything that happens around you.

It makes you concern about the wildfires in Australia or failing banks in the UK or marching monks in Tibet.

Now, Every morning, the journalist, check YouTube, twitter, and Facebook in his /her region.

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Websites are outFanpages are in

Humanize the webFish where the fish

areThe role of

employees in making companies more


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SOCIAL MEDIA (AN OVERVIEW)Its primarily ‘many to many’ communications, where people assemble and disseminate information over the web.

In past few years, variety of communication tools such as mobile Cell Phone, PDA’s (Person Digital Assistants), Digital Audio Players-iPOD, iPhones, have been evolved as commodity items in general public lives.

Parallel to this, there has been rapid development of the dynamic, interactive capacity of the web. Social media enabled us to share, tweet, assemble, disseminate, rate, comment, tag, and favorite information in all mediums., such as text, image, sound, video, and create contents.

Wikipedia (online encyclopedia) January 2001, LinkedIn (professional networking) May 2003, MySpace (social networking) August 2003, (social bookmarking) September 2003, Facebook (social networking) January 2004, Flickr (Image and Video Hosting) February 2004, YouTube (video sharing) February 2005, Twitter (micro-blogging) July 2006, Xing (business social networking) November 2006.

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DIGITALLY SOCIALThese participatory media sites and tools are designed very friendly, no currency of skills requires, but essential knowledge, indeed.

The youth tending to be in the front line, for integrating new devices, are shaping their lives, behaviors, attitudes, learning and approaches in line with the features of these advanced technologies. They are feeling overwhelmed and ‘digitally-social’.

Social media may be a reasonable proxy for all those students whom are unable to take part of a classroom community.

Due to its wider influence in our lives it’s hard to ignore Web 2.0 as an integral part of curriculum in the area of computing and media.

Make noise of whatever you do in your life and Turn your society to an elegant organization

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People connectwith people they know!

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BLOGSAt its simplest, a blog is an online journal where the entries are published with the most recent first.

1. A frequently updated online journal, written in a conversational style, with entries displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent stuff on top).

2. Links to other news and information found on the Web complemented with analysis from the blogger (or bloggers).

3. A “comments” link that allows readers to post their own thoughts on what the blogger is writing about. Not all blogs allow comments, but most do.

4. The totality of blogs is called the blogosphere.

5. Blogs are easy to set up, and there are a number of free tools available over the web.

8. These include Pinterest, WordPress, Blogger, Movable Type, LiveJournal and Xanga.

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Be Generous:The greatest generosity is non-attachment.Shepard Fairey made a poster of Barack Obama. The Internet helped it spread. The poster connected one supporter to another and became an icon, a freely shared ID badge. It doesn’t matter that Fairey didn’t make a penny selling the image. What matters is that he connected, and that connection gave his art leverage. He’ll never need to look for work or revenue again. It will hunt him back.

We grew up isolated. Now we are connected. We grew up in a small circle of family and co-workers. Now, we earn the right to interact with just about anyone in the world we want to.I think this changes everything… if we let it.[Seth Godin]

Shepard Fairey

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Amazon had a cataloguing glitch on a Friday. Thousands adult homosexual books/content were banned from their index. Over the weekend, Tens of thousands of people blogged and tweeted about "censorship" on Amazon's part. It wasn't until the end of Sunday that the company responded. On the Internet, thirty-six hours is like a month.

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Jeff Jarvis

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A hundred people read your blog, or fifty subscribe to your podcast. There's no economy here, but there is an audience, a chance to share your gift.

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LEVERAGE THE GODFORSAKEN INTERNET! It's just as much a workplace as any big corporation. If you do it right.” [ASHLEY AMBIRGE]

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Facebook is full of Strangers,

All you need to do is:Turn stranger into

friends, and a friend into your loyal friend, and loyal friend into

your customer.

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[Info graphic] How to Get More Likes, Comments and Shares

on Facebook

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Posts TYPES:Analyzing post types, seems Likes,

Comments, and Shares photos perform best.


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The user-generated content is now playing a pivotal role for companies to

quickly learn about the feedback of their consumers in response to their products

and services.

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Various universities are now leveraging blogs and participating in Social media to facilitate alternate education models based on

informal learning.

They believe that social media can be a great tool for its students as it give access to resources, experts and personalities. They found social media very much interactive for association with professional communities, sharing enthusiasm of common

interests and for peer based social learning as well.

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Predictions:• The World According to Google (or Eric

Schmidt anyway...) Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese language content.

• Real time information in search results on Google.

• Automated social agents• Insight tools• I hear YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are

merging to form a super Social Media site

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Facebook Timeline Covers

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What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what

happens on Twitter gone

global forever

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“Our Head of Social Media is the customer.” –


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Twitter Templates

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Reddit's "Ask Me Anything" Becomes Promotional Tool

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Comments 11

Likes 5

Share 7

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You re Young Too, Act Now:Start a blog - Run a little store on eBay - Let the world know about the artist inside you.Don’t leave them to respond, try getting them to respond to your work.Connect with people that you think may be your prospective client.Produce small films and publish them onlineListen to the one thousand most important operasInfluence your friends -Turn your friends to your customers.Humanize the web - Respond to your emailsEvery single interaction is an opportunity to connect and leverage your skill/business. I want that artists (scared inside you) to react on a large scale

I know, none of them are perfect. Each of them are better than TV.

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Remember! who you really are.

Sail away from your comfort zone.

Live online. Be unapologetic. Be unexpected.


You’ve got the resources online to make it happen.

Life offers a thousand chances. All we have to do?


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Thank You for your time