Blood sugar

Post on 07-May-2015

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Prepared By: Florante RigorPresented To: Ma. Carmela L. Domocmat, RN, MAN



Blood sugar


It is a test that measures the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood. This is the amount of hemoglobin bound to glucose. The test is used to determine if the blood sugar level has been high for a long time. There would be very little glycosylated hemoglobin if it hasn't.Read more:


the same machine that diabetics used can be used in this case. it is a hand held meter that pricks you then reads the blood sugar amount. it is called a d stick reader or a glucometer.

Interfering findings

Healthy blood sugar level rangesBlood sugar levels over 200 mg/dL (mg/dL =

milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood)or under 60 mg/dL are considered unhealthy. High blood sugar levels (above 200 mg/dL)may be a sign of inadequate levels of insulin, caused by diabetes medication,overeating, lack of exercise, or other factors. Low blood sugar levels (below 60 mg/dL)may be a caused by taking too much insulin, skipping or postponing a meal, over-exercising, excessive alcohol consumption, or other factors.


A fasting blood sugar (FBS) level is one of the tests used to diagnose diabetes mellitus (another being the oral glucose tolerance test). In a person with symptoms of osmotic diuresis and an elevated fasting blood sugar level, the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is usually made.


The fasting blood sugar is determined by taking a sample of venous blood after an overnight fasting. The sugar level is then evaluated in the blood sample.


Interpreting your Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)

According to the 2005 Recommendation of the ADA, you may interpret your fasting blood sugar as follows:

FBS < 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/l) = normal fasting blood sugar;

FBS 100–125 mg/dl (5.6–6.9 mmol/l) = IFG (impaired fasting glucose);

FBS ≥ 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l) = provisional diagnosis of diabetes

Nursing care

It has been seven years since I last had to teach someone how to do self FBS test on a home monitor. While giving the instructions a family member stated that they no longer recommend cleansing the finger with alcohol. Is this true? I work float pool in Newborn Nursery and we still do alcohol swabs before the heel stick. What do most Diabetic Accu Check monitors recommend?Thanks


Overnight Fasting Blood Glucose Testing - 83.mp4